Scheme of juggling 3 balls circle. What you need. Follow simple instructions from scratch

In this article, you will learn how, without leaving your home, you can learn how to juggle two and three balls. Juggling is an activity that not only develops both hemispheres of the brain, but also a very interesting entertainment for both you and your family members. It is considered developing, because both the left and right hemispheres of the brain have to work at the same time.

Thus, manual dexterity is trained, even posture, attention, coordination and improves blood circulation. Probably everyone has seen funny clowns in the circus who throw different things into the air, from balls to heavy weights. It is not easy to look away when five, and sometimes ten different fruits are flying in the air, under which a person stands on the ground and easily controls them. A wonderful spectacle. But this does not happen right away.

For those who do not know how to do this, but really want to learn, you can consider one way, for which you will need two light round objects that fit in your hand. For each person, these items are peculiar, for some they are: rolled up socks, boxing bandages, grandmother's balls of thread; others: fruits, vegetables, etc. If there are houses tennis balls, then this is wonderful, now it is not difficult to acquire such.

So, if you have already found the very two objects that suit you, took them in your hand and are ready to do the exercises, then you can proceed.

Exercise 1: you need to stand up straight, take one ball in any hand, bend it at the elbow and throw it up several times and ensure that the height of each throw is the same. Preferably at the level of your forehead.

Exercise 2: if you have achieved that the height of the throws is more or less the same from each other, then you need to do the following. You need to take one ball in your hand, but imagine that there are two of them, and when throwing up an existing ball, try to have time to throw up a fictitious one. Not as easy as it seems, but doable. Continue until you can do it without haste.

Exercise 3: continuation of the second exercise, only with two balls in hand.

Exercise 4: This exercise is for those who have learned to juggle two balls, each hand, at least ten times. It is necessary to take one ball in each hand and toss them from one hand to the other so that while the ball is 1 tossed right hand turned out to be at the level of the forehead, the left one carried out a throw with the right hand, receiving the ball 1, and vice versa. The throw from each hand must be carried out at the level of the abdomen, and the reception of the ball to the right or left of the body, depending on the hand. Once this has begun to work out at least ten continuous times, you can safely take the third ball and continue the exercise in the same way.

If desired, you can achieve success in two days, then only maintain and develop skills. It's not as difficult as it seems. I wish good luck to everyone who reads! I'm sure you will succeed! Learn, practice, please your loved ones.


Learn to juggle 3 balls

I always liked to juggle, or rather deftly manage objects. I never set a specific goal and the classes were limited to the desire to just play with balls. Several times I came across information that juggling develops the brain.

REHORULI is an original juggling training method developed by Stefan Ehlers. The word REHORULI is formed from the German words REchts, HOch, RUnter, LInks, which means: Right, up, down, left, which corresponds to the flight of the ball in juggling.

Goal Accomplishment Criteria

Master the REHORULI method step by step

personal resources

dexterity, good coordination, some points in time to unload from intellectual activity

Goal ecological compatibility

juggling, I will develop the brain and at the same time change the type of activity I pause between reflections

  1. Exercise 1. From left to right

    The first exercise is extremely simple - throw the ball from one hand to the other. The basic rule is to throw at eye level. In any case, not above the head.

  2. Exercise 2. Draw a figure eight

    Imagine a blackboard in front of you and with the finger of one of your hands draw a figure eight lying on your side - a sign of infinity. Repeat the same with the other hand. Then fold your hands as follows: index finger to index finger, thumb- to a big one. Look during the exercise into the resulting hole. Draw the largest possible "lying eight", with each turn make it smaller and smaller.

    Despite the fact that this exercise is performed without balls, it is very important for learning to juggle, since when it is performed, Corpus callosum is activated - the corpus callosum - a wide bundle of commissural nerve fibers that connects the two hemispheres of the brain.

  3. Exercise 3. Eight. Catch at the head

    Throw the ball along the trajectory of the "lying eight". Catch the ball as wide and high as possible.

  4. Exercise 4. Eight. Catch at the bottom

  5. Exercise 5. Up and down. L.

    Starting position: the leading hand is at the level of the forehead, the second - at the level of the belt. Throw the ball vertically upwards, catch it from above, then release it. Throw again.

  6. Exercise 6. Up and down. P.

    Same as exercise 5, but swap hands.

  7. Exercise 7

    We begin to do the exercise with a weaker hand. For right-handers, this will be the left. Throw the ball vertically upwards - to the height of the eyes, then sharply raise your hand to the height of the ball, then catch the ball. Then practice the same exercise with the other hand.

  8. Exercise 8. From left to right

    Similar to exercise 1. But now it will turn out more confidently and meaningfully.

  9. Exercise 9. Double shift

    Starting position: in each hand on the ball, hands in the position of pulse to pulse. Keeping the position of the pulse to the pulse, change the position of the hands to the opposite.

  10. Drill 10

    The exercise is the same as the previous one, but a throw is also added.

  11. Exercise 11. Double throw

    Both hands are at waist level. In each hand - a ball. Throw both balls at the same time. The height of the throw is not higher than eye level.

  12. Exercise 12

    With one hand, throw the ball up while the ball is in the air, you should touch the ball in the other hand to the palm of the freed hand. At that moment, when the first ball reaches its climax and starts to fall, the second hand returns to its original position.

  13. Exercise 14

    This exercise is similar to exercises 12 and 13, you also throw one ball up while the other remains in the moving hand. But this exercise is more difficult.

    The exercise is performed as follows: the left hand throws the ball vertically upwards. While the ball is up, move your right hand between the ball and your left hand, crossing the middle of your body. Catch the ball. Then throw it again and return your right hand to its original position.

  14. Drill 15

    The same as exercise 14, changing hands.

  15. Drill 16

    The exercise is similar to exercise 11. At the same time, throw both balls vertically upwards, but catch them with your arms already crossed.

    Then you throw with crossed arms, and while the balls are in the air, return your hands to their normal position.

  16. Exercise 13

    The same as exercise 12, only the hands change roles.

  17. Exercise 17

    Raise your right hand with the ball to about eye level and release the ball. Catch it with the same hand. While the ball is falling, raise your other hand up.

    Do the same with changing hands.

  18. Exercise 18

    Throw one ball up and lift the other over it. The distance between the balls must be as equal as possible. It should give the impression that one ball is tied to another with an invisible thread.

  19. Exercise 19

    The same as exercise 18, changing hands.

  20. Exercise 20

    Similar to the previous two exercises, but one ball moves parallel to the other, at the same height.

  21. Exercise 21

    The same, but with a change of hands.



    Sequential execution of exercises 20 and 21 one after the other.

  22. Exercise 22

    The left arm is bent, the elbow almost touches the body. The right hand is under the left. Throw the ball vertically upwards to her while it is in flight, move your right hand to a position above the left. Catch the ball. You repeat.

  23. Exercise 23

    The same as exercise 22, but changing hands.

  24. Exercise 24

    A combination of exercises 22 and 23.

  25. Exercise 25

    Almost the same as exercise 24, but first you need to sit down. Then gradually rise. Each hand, having caught the ball, does not fall, but remains at the same level. It looks like you're walking up stairs.

  26. Exercise 26

    Exercise 25 in the opposite direction. Cross your arms upper arm throws the ball low, and then catches it under the other hand.

    Start doing standing, gradually crouching.

Instructions in pictures: how to learn to juggle balls

Can you juggle objects? You can see my progress in the video at the end of the post :)

You too can learn to juggle with three objects (balls, tomatoes, apples, pencils, girls). With the help of animated pictures and explanations for them in this post, the learning process will be extremely simple and understandable.

If you think that this is already juggling, then you are almost not mistaken.

Do not move on to the next step until you have learned to toss one object and, at that time, transfer another from hand to hand. Very soon you will be able to get simple basic tricks. But first things first...

One ball exercise

You need to start with one ball (it can also be an orange, an apple or any other round object). Stand straight, feet shoulder width apart. Bend your elbows, palms up. Your arms should be parallel to the floor. Take the object in one hand, and then begin to transfer from hand to hand at about eye level.

Exercise with two balls

Take a ball in each hand. Throw the ball with your right hand and when it reaches the highest point in the flight, toss the ball from your left hand to your free right hand. The ball thrown up, respectively, catch with the freed left hand. After a pause, repeat the exercise in a different order: first we toss the ball with our left hand.

After some practice, try doing this without pauses.

Three ball exercise

Take two balls in your right hand and one in your left. Throw one ball from your right hand to your left, at the same time toss the ball up from your left bow (as in the previous exercise). When the ball reaches its highest point, toss the ball from your right hand to your left. You will now have two balls in your left hand and one in your right hand. Repeat the exercise, starting with the left hand.

Juggling began many thousands of years ago, and the first record of it comes down to us from the time of Egypt. It's always interesting to watch others juggle, and we think it's so easy. But, for a beginner, this process is more like picking up swords than juggling. However, if you are taught how to do it and put in a lot of hours of practice, you can become a good three-ball juggler. Just follow the steps in this article.

Method 1 of 3: Convenience

Method 2 of 3: Three Balls

Method 3 of 3: Juggling Tricks

  • If you notice yourself moving forward, stand in front of a wall or bed so you have nowhere to go. Standing in front of the bed will make it easier for you to pick up dropped balls.
  • Focus on throwing balls no higher than eye level.
  • The secret to juggling is knowing when to stop. As soon as you feel that the balls are starting to fly away from you, catch them all, smile and bow.
  • For help, you can count.
    • Practice throwing the balls in an arched path, from your right hand to your left. Catch the ball with your left hand, then your right hand and stop. One, two, caught, caught, stop. One, two, stop. One, two, stop.
    • Continue the exercise, only this time start with the left hand. Keep going until you get good at it. Then, add the third ball. The third ball replaces the word "stop" with two balls. One two Three. One two Three.
  • Don't give up and be patient. If you think it's hard, think of Enrico Castelli who juggled ten balls at once! (He did practice up to 12 hours a day!)

Take one ball in your hand and throw it from one hand to the other. The height of the throw is slightly above eye level. Throws and catches are made at different points. Throws - closer to the middle of the body, captures - from outside. After being caught, the hand makes a semi Roundabout Circulation and makes a throw.

  • Two items

    Take a ball in each hand. Throw with your right hand, taking into account the recommendations of the previous paragraph, and when the ball reaches its maximum height, throw with your left hand. Catch the first ball with your left hand, then your right hand with the second. Stop. Now repeat starting with the left arm.

  • Two subjects (no pauses)

    When you begin to exchange balls confidently with each hand, you can do this exercise without pauses.

  • Three items

    Take two balls in your right hand and one in your left. Throw one of the balls with your right hand, then exchange as described in the previous lesson. When the ball reaches its highest point, make another exchange. As a result, you will have two balls in your left hand and one in your right. Repeat starting with the left hand.

  • Three items (10 times in a row)

    Once you've learned how to double-swap, reinforce the skill by practicing until you can double-swap ten times in a row without dropping the ball.

  • Juggling with three objects

    Now you are ready to juggle. Do everything exactly the same as in the previous lesson, but add one more throw. Practice doing a triple swap until you can do it ten times in a row. After that, add another throw. Then another, then another, and so on. Concentrate on the accuracy of the throws all the time. A correctly thrown ball will fall into your hand. At one point, you will feel confident and be able to juggle three balls as much as you like.