How to keep your back always straight. How to get rid of stoop and learn to keep an even posture? Causes of poor posture

Modern comfort and busy work schedules have led us to slouch too much. Slouching can cause many health problems in the future, such as headaches and muscle pain, back pain. The habit of stooping for a long time also leads to an inadequate load on the vertebrae and intervertebral discs. To avoid such problems, you can follow a few simple steps that will help get rid of the habit of slouching.


Understand what good posture is

    Maintain good posture even when you are sitting. Our spine is not straight, it has a natural curvature, and correct posture helps to maintain this curvature. To sit with the correct posture, you need to lean your shoulders back, open your chest; the back should be straight, aim up. It is necessary not only to throw back the shoulders, but also to push the chest forward a little. You need to feel that your head is also tilted back a little. Thus, you will "open" the chest and "pull" the stomach into you.

    Stand up straight. Now that you have rolled your shoulders back and opened your chest, you need to learn how to stand and walk, maintaining the correct posture. Pull in the stomach, position the head so that it is in line with the spine. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart and try to balance the weight while standing on your feet. Relax your knees, also relax your arms and lower them to your sides.

    Check your posture. To find out what your posture is, stand against a wall. The head, shoulder blades and buttocks should touch the wall, and the heels should be 5–10 cm from the wall. Run your hand along the wall along the space in your lower back. If you have the right posture, your arm should just fit right into that space.

Stretch and exercise

    Strengthen the core muscles that shape our posture. These muscles start around the chest and extend to the middle of the thigh. The work of these muscles helps us to stand up and hold the position. To improve your posture and overall health, you need to strengthen these muscles.

    Work on the flexibility of the neck muscles. Lack of flexibility is the cause of unbalanced muscle work and poor posture. Stretching should be done to increase the flexibility of the muscles of the back, arms and abdomen. These exercises can be included in your daily routine, you can perform them at work (when you take breaks) - this will increase the flexibility of the muscles, even if they are still “wooden”.

    Try the superman exercise. To maintain proper posture, you need to strengthen your back muscles. To perform the superman exercise, you need to lie face down on the floor and stretch both arms above your head. thumbs must look at the ceiling. Tighten your buttocks, abdominal and back muscles, raise your arms, head and legs 10 cm from the floor. Try to hold this position for 2 seconds, then lower your arms, legs and head to the floor.

    Try the "T" and "W" exercises. One of effective ways improve posture - strengthen back muscles. To perform the “T” exercise, you need to lie face down on the floor and extend your arms to the sides so that your body looks like the letter T. Point your thumbs towards the ceiling, tighten your buttocks and abdominal muscles. Squeeze your shoulder blades together and raise your arms toward the ceiling (as far as you can). Hold them in this position for 2 seconds, then lower your arms. Repeat this exercise 15 times.

    Do an angled stretch. The pectoral muscles can help you achieve good posture. To stretch them, find the right angle. Bend your arms, raise them up, put your forearms against the wall, and place your palms slightly below shoulder height. Slowly bring your shoulder blades together, leaning on this angle.

    Do the doorway stretch. Weakness and Strength pectoral muscles play a big role in how much you slouch. To strengthen these muscles and make them more flexible, stand in a doorway with your arm at your side at a 90-degree angle. Raise your elbow and place your hand on the door frame. Slowly lean forward, pushing your hand out of the doorway and pulling it towards the jamb. Hold this position for 30 seconds.

Women in different times and eras, who claimed the title of the standard of beauty, had one feature - a beautiful and proud posture. At the same time, the others thought about how to stop slouching.

How did you manage not to slouch at home? To achieve this, one had to resort to various tricks, for example, in the countries of the East, girls learned to dance with a saber on their heads.

In the days of the tsarist empire, cadets of the cadet school who stooped were tied a board to their back for 2 hours, so that from their youth they learned to follow their posture. It was not easy to pass the test, it was not for nothing that the event was called “heroic”.

Today, you can do without radical measures, since many simple and effective ways have been developed to correct the posture of a girl and a man. However, some effort will have to be made.

First of all, you have to realize that slouching is a serious problem that compresses chest and does not allow the lungs to fully expand, which reduces the supply of oxygen. Due to the lack of oxygen in the body, a person quickly gets tired, becomes irritable, and efficiency decreases.

Stooping can lead to a herniated disc or pinched nerves. If you spend whole days driving a car or sitting at a computer, the condition of the muscles and tendons worsens, and the pressure on the spinal discs increases.

Incorrect posture leads to hypodynamia and causes:

  1. muscle weakness;
  2. flat feet;
  3. decrease in immunity.

Curvature of the spine disrupts the work:

  1. intestines;
  2. liver;
  3. nervous system;
  4. vision.

With a beautiful posture, the gait is elegant and proud. As already noted, slouching is not only ugly, but also very unhealthy. No wonder parents from childhood insisted that you need to sit straight.

How to force yourself to stop slouching?

  1. self control . Remind yourself as often as possible to keep your posture. At first it is difficult, but then it will become a habit.
  2. Place to sleep . Choose a pillow that is hard, but not high (some use special rollers), and the mattress is flat and firm. A quality sofa will not hurt either. Orthopedic mattresses for sale, you can use them.
  3. Mental and psychological state . Experts have proven that a person who stoops is more likely to experience emotional distress or emotional upheaval. Try to understand yourself or consult a psychologist.
  4. Proper distribution of weight . If you have to go shopping, try to carry packages (bags) in both hands to evenly distribute the load.

Ways to correct posture

The main way to correct your posture at home is sports. Sport strengthens the muscles of the back, helps to lose weight, get rid of scoliosis and lordosis in the initial stages of diseases. Can do martial arts or choose dancing and gymnastics, good posture correction swimming and fitness.

Selected for each individual complex exercises, the implementation of which requires considerable willpower and perseverance. You need to do at least 30 minutes a day, for several months in a row.

There is a faster way to correct posture - wearing a corset. Only 6-8 months, according to doctors, and the result will be achieved. The corset is easy to put on under loose clothing, but it greatly restricts movement, as the fabric tightly fits the body and fixes the spine. Corsets are the most effective and popular means to stop slouching. A corset is bought after consulting a doctor, because the degree of stoop is different for everyone.

Many do not pay attention to correcting posture and put it off until later. Such a carefree attitude towards the body leads to sad consequences. Therefore, control your actions, make sure that your back remains straight, do not allow yourself to slouch.

If a person is sitting on a chair, the legs should be planted with a full foot on the floor, they should not dangle or hang from the chair, knees and hips should be at an angle of 90 degrees.

If the legs do not reach the floor, use a special stand. There should be no space between the back and the back of the chair. Place a pillow under your lower back, keep your shoulders straight and relaxed.

Experts say that a person who has corrected his posture becomes taller, his height increases to 5 cm. This is a good argument to think about correcting your posture and work hard on yourself.

Anti-stoop exercises for women and men

Many argue that the most effective exercise is pull-ups on the crossbar. Muscles are well strengthened both with standard pull-ups to the chest and pull-ups behind the head. True, such an exercise is more suitable for men, but women can easily move to the Swedish wall (ladder), with which you can correct your posture by hanging on your hands.

If it is not possible to use a horizontal bar or a Swedish wall, a set of exercises has been developed that will help keep your back straight, acquire an easy and graceful gait, and avoid serious health consequences.

Over time, you will see the result, strengthen your back muscles and develop the habit of monitoring your posture. A diary will help with this. Consider effective exercises to improve posture at home. Exercises are performed only after a mandatory consultation with a doctor. Self-medication is dangerous and can be harmful to health.

  1. Stand up straight, put your hands back and squeeze into the lock. Try to raise your arms up as high as possible (to the shoulder blades). Then take your elbows and shoulders back, put pressure on your back, tilting your head back.
  2. Lie on your back, spread your arms to the sides. Support is the head and buttocks. Raise your back so that the fulcrum remains motionless. Perform the exercise 15 times in 3 sets.
  3. Kneeling, take your heels in your hands, bend your torso back, and throw your head back. Hold the position for as long as you can. Do 5 repetitions.
  4. Lie on your stomach, join your hands in a lock and put on the back of your head, as if you are going to pump the press. It is better to hook your legs on a wardrobe or bed, lift your head and torso up as much as possible. With each lift, spread your elbows to the sides. Perform the exercise 15 times in 3 sets.
  5. Lie on your back, put a book or a pillow under your shoulder blades so that a forward bend appears in your back. Pick up a load, for women - 500 grams, for men a load of 2 kilograms is allowed. With straight arms, lift and lower the load up to 150 times a day in several approaches. Exercise will help get rid of stoop and improve the shape of the chest.
  6. The exercise is performed while sitting on a chair. Put your hands on the back of your head, bend your torso back. Initially, make no more than 5 such deflections, later slightly increase the load.
  7. Sitting on a chair, join your hands in front of you in a “lock”, twist and straighten. Lower your head down, breathe calmly and evenly. Tighten your back muscles as much as possible, relax your neck. Exercise helps with headaches.
  8. "Bridge". Try to make a bridge. Don't despair if you don't succeed the first time, be patient and persevere. After all, it was not in vain that the sages said “and the one who walks will master the road ...”. Whoever got the “bridge”, the question of how to stop slouching will disappear by itself.
  9. The easiest exercise. Lean back against the wall so that the heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and head touch the surface of the wall. It strengthens the abdominal and back muscles. Standing against the wall until you get bored, but at first no more than 3-4 minutes. After doing, stretch and walk around the room with a straight back. Use the exercise every opportunity, it does not hurt.
  10. Exercise helps relieve stress. Pull your head into your shoulders as deeply as possible, try to reach your shoulders with your earlobes. Look straight ahead, it is better to choose a certain point and fix your attention on it. Breathing is even and deep. Stay in this position for no more than 40 seconds, then slowly exhale and relax. Exercise is good for those who have sedentary work. Perform before or 2 hours after a meal.
  11. Pass behind the back from hand to hand (one hand from below, the other from above) a pencil or pen. This exercise can be done both standing and sitting. Good workout for long work at computer.
  12. Walking around the room with a small pillow or book on the head. Helps to correct posture and develop a good gait.
  13. The “cat” pose develops the muscles of the back, in which the back bends and arches. Initially, do the exercise at least 5 times, then increase the load.

Remember to keep your back straight and your head up. When walking, do not lower your head down, do not look under your feet, because this is where the stoop begins.

Videos exercises

Alternative medicine helps stop slouching. Osteopaths, using manual therapy, help the body to include additional reserves and self-heal.

How to learn to keep your posture

5 secrets to a beautiful walk

The beauty of a woman is not only the right style of dress and professional makeup. Of course, they are, too, but all this is far from the main thing. What can attract in a woman passing by, if you did not really have time to make out either her face or outfit? Of course, a gait that makes you follow a random oncoming one with your eyes for a long time.

Perhaps you are satisfied with your gait, it is convenient for you to move in this way and you see no particular reason for improvement.

However, a beautiful gait is, first of all, the correct position of the spine, which is responsible for the work of all organs and systems of the body.

In addition, a graceful gait involves the correct setting of the feet, which does not allow the development of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

And one more important argument in favor of keeping your back straight: the correct gait keeps all muscle groups in good shape and presents our figure in the most favorable light. Therefore, it is worth every woman to develop the correct posture and gait.

1. First steps

Learn to observe the correct posture always and everywhere - this is the main "sign" of the correct gait. Having trouble remembering what she looks like?

Raise your shoulders as high as you can, in this position, take them back, then lower them. This is correct posture.

It is important to place the foot correctly in the process of walking. The heel (heel) and toe should be almost on the same line in the direction of movement, the toe can only be slightly turned outward.

It’s ugly to pace with the “eight”, the seed, but you don’t need to put your legs wide when walking - this is how men walk.

An important point: the foot moves forward first, and then the body, but not vice versa, otherwise your gait will not be smooth.

The stride length should be equal to the length of your bare foot. In this case, the gait will not mince.

Try it, and you will understand that it is convenient to walk this way, especially since with a wide step there will be body jolts, head-up jumps.

Hand movements should match the size and rhythm of the step, but they should not be in the pockets! This not only deprives the gait of naturalness, makes it constrained, but also impairs blood circulation.

The first steps with a graceful gait are not easy. Help in mastering correct technique come special exercises.

2. Strengthen your spine

Get into the habit of not jumping out of bed instantly at the first sound of the alarm clock in the morning. Our spine is not designed for such sudden movements, it can react to this by displacing the intervertebral discs, which is fraught with serious consequences for internal organs.

Wake up calmly: first stretch your arms well, then your legs, and not with your toes forward, but with your heels. Roll over on your stomach, kneel and stretch like a cat, stretching your spine along its entire length. And only after these body movements, stand up, leaning your hands on the bed.

Exercises for the spine

To strengthen the "pillar of life", as the ancient sages called the spine, there are special exercises.

Lie on the floor, spread your arms to the sides. Raising your head, tighten your neck muscles, at the same time pull your socks towards you. In this position, freeze for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5 times.

Sit on your feet. Take your hands back and clasp your ankles with your hands. Slowly lean forward so that your forehead touches the floor. Try to transfer the weight of the body to the head and stay in this position for 20-30 seconds, gradually increasing the load.

Sit on a chair, put your hands behind your head, bend over and stay in this tense position, counting to 5. Repeat 5 times.

Stand up and put your hands behind your back. Make a “lock” by straining your arms as much as you can. Relax and tighten up again. Repeat 5-10 times.

Lie on your stomach, stretch your arms along the body with your palms up. Bend over, simultaneously raising your head, arms and legs 10-15 cm from the floor. Hold this position for 10 seconds, repeat 7 times.

Roll onto your back, take a slow breath. Raise yourself with your back muscles without lifting your legs from the floor and without bending them. Use your hands to lightly support your torso. Arch your back and hold your breath. Repeat 3-5 times.

Get on your knees, grab a chair with your hands and bend at the waist. Hold this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.

Lie on your stomach again, grab your ankles with your hands and arch your back strongly. Try to get your head as close to your feet as possible. The body should be tense, like a bow stretched for shooting. Freeze in this position for a few seconds, repeat 5-10 times.

Roll over onto your back again, bend your knees and stretch your stomach up, arching your torso in the lower back. In emphasis on the head and hands, hover above the floor for 5-10 seconds. Repeat 5-10 times.

If you perform this complex at least 3 times a week, your intervertebral discs, ligaments and back muscles will become much more resilient and elastic. And it will be easier for you to keep your back straight.

3. Learn proper posture

Doing simple and effective exercises to develop a beautiful gait will not take much time and will not require special conditions.

The main thing is to observe the regularity of classes. One-time workouts are also useful, but they will not bring the desired result.

Exercises must be performed in front of a mirror in order to monitor whether you are standing straight, whether you are making movements correctly. Each of the proposed exercises must be performed at least 10 times.

First, raise one shoulder as high as possible, fix it in this position. Do the same with the other shoulder.

Then lower the shoulder that was raised first, after - the other. Only the shoulders work.

Immediately move both shoulders forward, then back. Don't lift your shoulders. The back is straight.

Combine shoulder movements with tilts. Shoulders forward - lean forward. Shoulders back - lean back. So along with the muscles shoulder girdle back muscles are also developed.

Shoulders back - lean forward. Shoulders forward - tilt back. Gently bend your whole body, tilting your head back.

Place your palms together in front of you. The edges of the palms are pressed to the body. Without opening your palms, gently raise your arms up as far as you can, bending at the elbows and sliding over the body.

In this case, the palms, as it were, draw a line in the center of the body. Try not to roll your shoulders. Then slowly lower your arms, keeping your palms together and away from your body.

Take your straight arms back. From this position, slowly raise them as high as you can, trying to bring them into a position perpendicular to the body. Do not bend your arms or body.

4. With a book on his head

Audrey Hepburn's legendary walk is also the result long workouts movie actresses.

In her appearance, she in many ways resembled a fairy-tale fairy, and such an image was formed thanks to amazing grace and a light, graceful gait. In her youth, Audrey attended ballet school.

Classical methods were used there to teach gait and form posture. For example, walking with an object on your head.

Pupils had to put a book or a matchbox on their heads and walk with them as if nothing had happened, as well as do squats and turn their heads so that the object did not fall.

Repeat the “feat” of patient ballerinas and you may be able to keep a volume of love prose or your favorite detective on your head.

5. On the move

After training, move on to exercises in motion. Imagine a vertical thread that stretches from the top of your head up. Try to walk with this feeling, and you will see that the shoulders will straighten, and the center of gravity of the body will shift to the front of the feet.

Try to walk more by changing the rhythm of your step. Practice in different shoes. Pay attention to your walk and the walk of other people, celebrate your successes and difficult moments.

Make it a rule not to walk quickly until you have mastered the correct gait, and learn to keep your back straight. If you are running, it is simply impossible to analyze your movements.

And with a leisurely gait, there is time to focus on what and how you are doing. When you travel somewhere, make sure you have plenty of time to travel.

The textbook gait of Sophia Loren, demonstrated by the famous actress in the film "Italian Marriage", was a successful creative find of her husband and director Carlo Ponti. During the filming of the picture, it was he who taught the then-unknown actress how to walk in a very original way.

Sophie walked for hours between the two rows of bedside tables and closed their open doors with her hips.

The actress honed her skills until the sound of closing doors became barely audible. But not only exercises made Sophia Loren's walk an example for millions of women to follow.

The actress believed that the very feeling of oneself plays an important role in this: “Often an ugly gait, stoop develops from self-doubt.

And beauty, in my opinion, is courage, it attracts people to us.

If you are self-confident, open to both happiness and adversity, a smile will appear on your face by itself, your gait will become more graceful, and your gestures will become smooth and beautiful.

The gaits of famous beauties, of course, were not given from birth. Although, watching these women on the TV screen, you think so. However, legendary gaits are the result of long training.

Since childhood, we hear: "Keep your back straight!". Easy to say! Someone forgets about this rule, and for someone it is more difficult to keep their back straight with every passing year. In any case, without special exercises strengthening the spine is indispensable.

… Remember that walking is not just a way to get around. This is a reflection of character, our business card. Despite fatigue, bad weather and other obstacles, try to keep your back straight, shoulders straightened, head raised and stepping from the hip.

beautiful posture, straight back, confident gait - the best decoration of every person. After all, no matter how richly or fashionably he is dressed, stoop and drooping shoulders will spoil the whole impression. And besides, slouching negatively affects the spine itself, internal organs. Over time, this threatens with back pain and disease. That is why the formation of correct posture is the key to health for each of us. The foundations of this process are laid in childhood. However, often the habit of slouching passes into adulthood or appears already in adulthood. If you notice that you often stoop or someone made a remark to you about this - it's time to change the situation!

The site will talk about seven steps to a healthy posture.

Step One: Correct Spine Position

Our spine best tolerates static and dynamic loads in a neutral position for it. What does it mean? You should not only slouch, but also arch your back too much. In this case, there will be an uneven distribution of the load on the vertebral discs and its departments, which threatens, at least, with pain.

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Practice a neutral position by standing against a wall. At the same time, the heels, buttocks, shoulder blades and the back of the head should touch it. And you can relax your spine by lying on the floor - stretch your arms and legs, keep your head straight. It is so useful to lie down after work - both sedentary and associated with physical exertion.

Step two: sit properly at the computer

For many of us, work is connected with a computer - and we spend at least 8 hours in a sitting position. And if this is not so, then we are sitting at a home laptop or PC. But you need to work for them correctly, observing some rules.
First of all, the laptop or PC screen should be slightly below eye level - but not too low. That is, in order to comfortably perceive information on the screen, you do not need to lower your neck, pull it into your shoulders, hunch over. The computer chair should have a natural deflection in the lumbar region - it will support the spine. Feet should be on the floor, knees bent at 90 degrees. This position will avoid slouching and pain from a long sitting position.

Step Three: Move More

Posture problems also arise due to a sedentary lifestyle. In this case, the back muscles do not receive the necessary load, as a result of which they weaken and cease to properly support the skeleton.
Therefore, every 20 minutes of work, take a break for 5 minutes, which you spend on a little warm-up. Also try to walk more - both on weekdays and on weekends.
The human body is designed to move - and if it is deprived of this activity, all body systems suffer. No wonder hypodynamia is called one of the main hidden deadly threats.

Step Four: Strengthen Your Core Muscles

We have already mentioned above that a sedentary lifestyle negatively affects the state of the muscles. Bad posture is the result weak muscles backs that are simply unable to maintain a level position. Therefore, they need to be strengthened, and this is possible only with the help of sports.

What is better to choose for strengthening muscle corset back? Ideal for this purpose ballroom dancing. Surely you remember how regal the posture of professional dancers looks. But in order to improve posture, get rid of stoop, it is not necessary to dance for many years. Sign up for the section - and the dance will help you not only gain health, but also give you a lot of positive emotions.

You can also strengthen the corset of the back by doing gym. Exercises for the muscles of the back and lower back will help align your posture, strengthen the correct position of the body.

Step Five: No to Too High Heels

Women often sin by wearing high heels every day - to work, walking, dating or shopping. Of course, heels make the walk more feminine, visually lengthen the legs. However, they literally cripple the body if they are abused.

remember, that high heels and stilettos - shoes for a solemn, one-time exit. You don't have to wear them every day. And if you don’t like flat shoes, then for an everyday trip to work it’s better to choose a heel no more than 5 cm. A small heel will be good for the legs.

In today's world, a large number of people suffer from various diseases associated with the spine. The reason for the development of such diseases almost always lies in the wrong posture. Many are looking for ways to learn how to keep their posture. It is much easier than treating osteochondrosis or hernia in the future.

What is meant by good posture

Correct posture

Many people understand the methods of how to develop the correct posture as the position in which a person does not stoop, while the person should feel at ease and keep his head and torso straight.

A large number of schoolchildren develop scoliosis as a result of the fact that they stoop very often. Teaching yourself to keep your back straight is not as easy as it seems at first glance. If a person knows how to keep his posture correctly, he is less likely to have problems with the gastrointestinal tract and breathing.

How to develop correct posture

There are a number of exercises that in the future will allow you to constantly keep your back straight. For men and women, all exercises are available at home, they do not need to use the services of fitness centers.

  • It is necessary to lower the head and press the chin to the body as close as possible, then it is necessary to bring the shoulder blades together, so you can maintain your posture.
  • The next rule on how to keep the correct posture is as follows. It is necessary to stretch the arms forward, the back should become straight, then it is necessary to move the body in a circle.
  • With the chin lowered to the body, the top of the head must be pulled up.
  • Before and after sleep, it is recommended to clasp your ankles with your palms. This will help get rid of the wrong posture for the whole day and for the whole night.

There are a few more tips that will help you quickly form and fix the correct posture.

A large number of girls and women are concerned about the problem of poor posture. The stoop of a person significantly spoils appearance. To eliminate it at the initial stage, you should use a corset. It will help fix the position of the spinal column, over time, a person will get used to walking with the correct posture.

The corset should be used for at least 6 months, only then it will be possible to say about positive results. To correct your posture, you can sign up for swimming, gymnastics or dancing.

An excellent effect is achieved with the help of yoga. Some exercises effectively correct posture, make muscle tissue more flexible. One of the most common and effective ways is to walk with a stack of books on your head.

Men are significantly more likely to experience posture problems than women. An excellent method for correcting posture is pull-ups on the horizontal bar. Push-ups also play a significant role in adjusting the back.

If a man visits a fitness center, he should focus on such an exercise as the dumbbell side row. However, you should correctly calculate the mass of dumbbells, when performing the exercise, the spinal column should be straight.

To improve your posture while sleeping, you should use a firm mattress with an orthopedic pillow.

Rules for maintaining posture

In order for the process of adjusting the spinal column to take as little time as possible, some rules should be followed.

In custody

Which exercises to use, and which are better to neglect, is up to each individual to decide. Not everyone has the financial ability to purchase a hard mattress or orthopedic pillow. However, the exercises do not require financial investments. Correct posture is key good health in the future, and this is the most valuable thing we have.

If the pain started spinal column or a person experiences pain when trying to correct the position of the spine - a medical specialist should be consulted. It is better to start treatment of the disease late than not to start it at all. If you do not monitor the health of your spine, only surgery can help in the future. Watch your posture and be happy.