Hand superset with dumbbells. Superset for biceps and triceps. How to tailor a workout to your fitness level

Not all training programs are equally effective. These five bicep workouts are guaranteed to help you grow your biceps, no matter your fitness level or fitness goals!

This may sound over the top, but most of the guys who visit the gym want to have powerful arms. Despite being a relatively small muscle group, big and beautiful biceps are a big deal for most men.

The main movement to increase the biceps is the arm curl, but there are many variations that engage the three main parts of the biceps: the long head, short head, and brachialis. The proposed workouts contain relevant and effective methods for biceps growth that make them unique! By varying the speed and reps using failure training, you can take a beginner workout and make it a staple for bulking.

Things to remember: When your elbows are out of the plane of your body (as in the Scott Bench Curl), the long head of the biceps is not able to fully stretch, so these types of exercises will better engage the short head. However, when the elbows are in the plane of the body (as in seated dumbbell curls), the long head is fully extended, allowing more weight to be lifted. By changing the position of the arms along the body when bending the arms with a barbell, you get the opportunity to shift the emphasis of the load and use various options doing the same exercise.

You can also try exercises that change the position of your palms (grip) - be it supination (palms up), pronation (palms down), or neutral (palms facing each other). These seemingly small differences have a big impact on which part of the forearm will be loaded harder.

One more point: You don't have to be a guy to get the most out of these workouts. For many, they can be tiring, regardless of fitness level and training experience, but we still encourage girls to give them a try!

1. Mass training

Side-shift pull-ups are not the best basic movement for biceps. If you want to start with an exercise that allows you to work with maximum weights, then, of course, it should be lifting the barbell for biceps while standing. Use a shoulder-width grip to engage both heads of the biceps. In subsequent exercises, you should change the position of your arms and elbows: when bending your arms while sitting on incline bench the long head stretches better, while the Scott bench (platform) exercises are well suited for the short head. Neutral grip(the grip that is used when performing the “hammers” exercise) perfectly loads the brachialis lying under the biceps, and the reverse (direct) grip emphasizes the load on the brachiodialis (brachioradialis muscle).


These training schemes contain only working sets! Get the right amount of reps, but never take your warm-up to failure!

Select the weight needed to reach muscle failure for the given reps. This training program uses a reverse "pyramid" method in which you reduce the weight in each subsequent set, while increasing the number of repetitions. It is very important to bring each set to complete muscle fatigue.

If you are training with a partner, do a few forced reps on the hardest set of each exercise (you should choose the first or second set). If you don't have a partner, do a drop set on the last set of each exercise: when muscle failure is reached, reduce the weight by 25 percent and do a few more reps.

Mass training

2. Training using supersets

This workout involves all parts of your biceps, and even your forearms. Supersets increase the intensity of your workout by increasing the number of repetitions, which leads to a pumping effect (a sharp rush of blood to the muscle). Seated curls have a shorter range of motion, and therefore should be performed after full standing curls.


Choose a weight with which you can reach muscle failure by completing a given number of repetitions. Use the same weight for all sets in the exercises (the weight for each exercise should be adjusted individually). Bring each set to muscle failure.

Exercises "hammers" perform with both hands at the same time, bending the arms with dumbbells - alternately.

Exercises in supersets are divided into pairs, rest only after you complete both.

  • Superset training
  • 1 superset

    2 superset

    3 superset

3. Workout for beginners

This training program consists of three exercises: in the first one you have the opportunity to use heavier weights. In the last exercise in one set, bend your arms at the same time, in the next - alternately to find out which method suits you best.


Choose a weight with which you can achieve maximum muscle fatigue, but not achieve muscle failure during the first month of training. The first two exercises are performed according to the “pyramid” principle: weight increases from the first set with a decrease in the number of repetitions in subsequent ones.

Beginner training

4. Training with an emphasis on the peak of the biceps (long head)

When you bend your arm at the elbow, the biceps contract, and its height is called the “peak”. The longer the head of the biceps, the higher its peak. This workout is aimed at developing a long head and increasing the peak of the biceps.


Choose a weight with which you will reach muscle failure for the number of repetitions indicated in the program. Workouts are built according to the "pyramid" method: you add weight with each set, while reducing the number of repetitions. To achieve complete muscle failure should only be in the last set of each exercise.

Biceps Peak Workout (Long Head)

5. Workout with an emphasis on the short (inner) head of the biceps

To achieve perfectly developed biceps, you should not rely only on exercises aimed at increasing the long head. In order to shift the focus to the short head of the biceps, you should use different angles when bending relative to the torso.


Choose a weight with which you will achieve muscle failure from the number of given repetitions in this block.

The training program involves using the same working weight for all three sets. Try to complete all the planned repetitions in each of them (but do not stop if you can do more). You should use more a light weight in each subsequent exercise (to increase the number of repetitions).

Training with an emphasis on the short (inner) head

Training advice

Keep your arms close to your body as you do the curls. If you push them forward in an attempt to lift more weight, the front delts will take some of the load off!

Translation and adaptation:

Superset - performing two different exercises in a row, one approach each, followed by a long pause.

Hand exercises are often performed at the end of a workout, and at this time, as a rule, there is not so much energy and strength left to fully work out the muscles as at the beginning. Therefore, in order to effectively train the arms after numerous exercises, it is necessary to use high-intensity methods, such as supersets, which, by the way, are most suitable for the arm muscles. Although some champions of the past used more complex approaches in their complexes, for example, performing three different exercises in a row (triset) on a device invented by him for training hands.

Even if the training of biceps and triceps is taken out on a separate day, supersets still remain great option, because they powerfully stimulate the pumping of the hands and their subsequent growth. Such an effect is difficult to achieve from the usual exercise approach by approach. Not to mention saving time, when for the maximum short term muscles get tired to the limit, which is required for a high result.

Supersets are great for the arms, as they are small muscle groups that do not require heavy weights and are worked out very quickly. As for other muscle groups, such as the chest, back or legs, they are generally best trained by the usual execution of exercises in sequential order. This big muscles, for the study of which a fairly heavy working weight is needed, and after such an approach, it takes time to recover. The exceptions are those periods when stagnation sets in and variety in training is required to refresh the response of the muscles. That's when you can resort to various methods of increasing intensity, including supersets or. Naturally, the working weights in this case are significantly reduced.

2010 study published in a sports magazine Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research demonstrated another effective side of this type of training. Athletes who performed exercises using the superset method “burned” 35% more calories per hour than those who used the standard version of sets and rest between them. coming out
the dual exercise scheme also has a good effect on “burning” subcutaneous fat. Although, in principle, this has been known for so long. Many competitive bodybuilders train in an ultra-intense style before a competition to not only add volume to the muscles, but also to show their definition. By the way, the technique of combined approaches works great at home, in exercises that do not require additional equipment at all. It would seem that ordinary push-ups from the floor can be made an incredibly effective movement, not only stimulating the development pectoral muscles and shoulders, but also affecting the promotion of metabolism, if done using the triset method. About it .

As for supersets, here is an option for training biceps and triceps:

1) Lifting the barbell for standing biceps (1 set) + bench press on the block (1 set), in total 3 supersets of 8-10 reps are performed in each set. Between supersets, rest 2-3 minutes (or as you feel)

2) Bending the arms with dumbbells sitting on an incline bench + french press barbells, 2-3 supersets, 8-10 reps each set

3) Bending the arms with a barbell on the Scott bench (or in a similar simulator) + sitting dumbbell press from behind the head, 2-3 supersets, 8-10 repetitions in each approach.

The combination of these exercises will significantly reduce the training time and achieve excellent pumping and muscle fatigue.

The question may arise why the exercises are arranged in this order? Everything is simple. The first two movements open the complex. The classic standing barbell curl works best at the very beginning, when the biceps still full of energy. The bench press on the block not only works out the triceps, but also qualitatively kneads the elbows. The second two exercises are usually best done with number two. Incline dumbbell curls continue to provide intense stimulation to the biceps, as does the French press relative to the triceps. The exercises of the third stage serve as a powerful completion. Scott bench curls work most effectively when the biceps are already pre-exhausted. Here you need a moderate working weight and "clean" repetitions that cause muscle burning. This is best achieved at the end of the complex. Dumbbell press from behind the head - enough hard exercise, which must be performed only after a full warm-up of the elbows. The two previous movements, in addition to everything else, served this role as well.

With an increase in training experience, it becomes increasingly difficult for athletes to progress. Muscles refuse to grow, they have adapted to constant training. In this case, you need to look for a way to shock them with a new unusual load. One of the best options is the use of supersets and in this article we will consider this technique using the example of training hands.

A superset is 2 sets following each other without rest. The greatest efficiency of this technique can be obtained if you use supersets for the antagonist muscles. What does it look like in practice? We do one set for biceps, and then another without rest for triceps. When one muscle group is trained, the other is actively restored due to a powerful blood flow.

Let's take a look at our shocking arm workout program. We will try to use as much as possible basic exercises, and at the end of the training we will add an isolated work:

We specifically do not use hand supersets on basic exercises, since then we would simply not have enough strength to continue training. Now let's move on to a more targeted study:

We do not recommend using our biceps and triceps superset training for beginners. Such workouts are too exhausting and can lead to overtraining. Moreover, in the first year of training, your muscles should already grow well from the usual classical training methods.

It is even desirable for experienced athletes to use supersets, but this should not be done too often. The best option is 2 times a month. That is, if you train your arms once a week, 4 times a month, then 2 workouts can be done with supersets and the other two are regular. Thus, your muscles will have time to recover better.

During training with supersets, it is desirable to maintain energy balance and nourish the muscles with amino acids - this is best suited for sports supplements. They can be taken as during recruitment muscle mass as well as during drying.

Hand training with supersets from Stanislav Lindover

It is extremely difficult for novice athletes to get used to the gym, since there is so much surrounding information now that not everyone can get used to such voluminous data streams. And all because the Internet is downright replete with false information regarding certain issues. As a result, at first every athlete is “afraid” to do intense training, worrying that the muscles will collapse, neglects the correct and balanced diet, performs few basic exercises and the like. In this article, we will tell you about the hand superset. What it is? What is it for? Read about this and much more later in the article.

What are supersets?

Briefly describing this term, we can say the following: this is the execution of 2-3 exercises one after another, between which there should be no rest (maximum 10-15 seconds). Professional bodybuilders recommend doing supersets to achieve maximum muscle definition (increased relief and venousness with a very small percentage of subcutaneous fat) in preparation for competitions or in the "drying".

Many scientists argue that such an exercise, and even with a high number of repetitions, does not allow you to build muscle mass, but rather reduces it. However, this is just a myth. While people in bathrobes talk about the futility of supersets, bodybuilders prove the exact opposite. From the above, one more conclusion can be drawn on this term. A superset is a specific technique performed in the gym that allows you to exhaust your muscles much more by quickly changing the load or using several movements, which theoretically turns them into a single exercise. A superset can be done on any muscle groups, and work on antagonistic ligaments will be very effective, but more on that a little later.

Theory and practice

In theory, supersets are really not needed by athletes, because the growth of muscle mass is quite normally stimulated by conventional schemes. It would be nice if in practice everything would be exactly like this, because the implementation of such techniques (supersets) is very painful, which is explained by the insane rush of blood in the tissue. The last process among bodybuilders is called a pump. However, an experienced trainer or bodybuilder will say that when doing heavy ones, a bunch of reasons immediately arise that make you stop long before the maximum stimulation of growth. For example, if you do bench presses, the triceps can get tired much faster than the pecs or shoulders. Carrying large weights, the athlete may breathe incorrectly, or a poorly developed muscle group will give up before the main one. However, the most important thing in any exercise is the dead center. What does it mean? Below is a short example.

Universal superset on hand

Bulky hands are the dream of many beginners. So, first we give a superset for triceps:

  1. Bench press narrow grip- 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
  2. Immediately after completing the first exercise, go to block simulator, where we perform down presses (3 sets of 12-15 reps).

As a result, you perform 3 supersets for the triceps, which will fill it with blood and stimulate maximum growth. Similarly, you can combine push-ups on the uneven bars, which will give a similar effect.

Now let's talk about the superset for biceps:

  1. Biceps curls - 3 sets of 6-8 reps.
  2. Spider curls - 3 sets of 10-12 reps.

By analogy with triceps, other movements can also be combined here. For example, lifting dumbbells while standing and bending the arms on the biceps muscle.

Finally, supersets of antagonistic muscle groups should sometimes be performed, as mentioned earlier. For example, do the first exercise for biceps, then for triceps. Moreover, the first exercise must be basic. But what if a girl chose bodybuilding for her hobby? Women should do less intense workouts (at least in the fitness bikini category) than men. From this we can draw a logical conclusion that in one workout the best superset for the weaker sex will be work on antagonistic groups.


Supersets are very important for athletes, because they significantly stimulate the growth of muscle mass. In the article, we brought a superset to our hands, which can be called universal for athletes different levels preparation. Work out, eat right, keep the regime and enjoy your favorite activity!

Experienced athletes train in a completely different way than beginners who come to gym relatively recently. difference in training process due to the natural adaptation of muscle tissue to stress. There comes a point when the usual activities simply cease to be effective, and in order to continue progress in muscle building, it is necessary to shock the muscles. Unusual training methods, including both drop and supersets, help to do this.

A superset is a pair of exercises for antagonists. They are done in turn without any interruption. Antagonists are muscles that perform opposite functions relative to each other. For the chest - this is the back, quadriceps - biceps, triceps - extension and so on. Each of these muscle groups is involved when doing the opposite action, for example, bend and unbend the arms. It is these antagonists that the superset session is aimed at.

The main advantage of supersets is the shocking effect that they have on muscles that have managed to adapt to the usual loads. This quality is manifested only when the athlete does not abuse the exercises for antagonists, that is, does not resort to supersets every workout.

This training method has other advantages:

  1. Muscles recover much faster. If, after the bench press for triceps, performed with a narrow grip, you immediately go to lifting the biceps with a barbell, then the triceps receive a slight degree of stimulation and actively recover.
  2. Accelerated growth of muscle tissue. Active loads on the working muscle group lead to an intensive blood flow, along with which nutrients also come. This process stimulates the renewal of muscle tissue, which causes an increase in muscle volume.

The benefits that supersets demonstrate have led to the active use of this type of training.

To take full advantage of supersets, you need to consider the following nuances:

  • exercises should be selected similar to each other, that is, isolating "plus" isolating, basic "plus" basic;
  • it is not recommended to use two antagonists within the same superset, which are located far from each other;
  • breaks after approaches are not done at all or very short if the rhythm has not yet become habitual;
  • rest between separate blocks of supersets, on the contrary, is increased compared to the pauses that are made between regular approaches.

If an athlete sets a goal for himself - to train his hands, or rather, to achieve further progress in increasing volume, then they make a superset of:

  • lifting the bar to work out the biceps;
  • bench press with a narrow grip to engage the triceps.

First do two warm-up approaches. In total, you need to perform three approaches for each muscle group.

When the first block is completed, supersets give way regular exercises performed in three sets with 8-12 repetitions in each:

  • hammers (biceps);
  • extension in the simulator (triceps).

The end of the workout is a return to supersets, which allows you to literally “awaken” the muscles to growth in volume:

  • barbell lifts performed with an overhand grip (biceps);
  • french press (triceps).

Each muscle is worked out three times. First comes the biceps, then the triceps, then the biceps again, and so on.

Supersets, as you can see, are quite simple to do. They allow you to avoid a plateau, which is why professionals use them during training.

The program consists of:

  • Pull-ups on the bar wide grip(3-4X8-10);
  • Army bench press (3-4X8-12);
  • thrust upper block wide grip (3-4X8-12);
  • Seated dumbbell press (3-4X8-12);
  • Bent rod pull (3-4X8-12);
  • Mahi dumbbells in front of you (3-4X8-12).

AND army press, and pull-ups are done at a normal pace. They serve to warm up. Working approaches begin with warm-ups. The next pair of exercises (upright pull and dumbbell press) are done in 1 set, alternating until there are 3-4 full cycles for each muscle group.

You can also pull the barbell and do swings with a superset, but only when you have the strength to do so. If you have to overcome yourself, it is better to work as usual. Thus, you can do either two supersets or one. The main thing is to correctly calculate your own capabilities.