Topic in English on the topic of sports. Name of sports in English Description of any sport in English

Topics on English language on the topic "Sports" are intended for students in grade 5/6 and will help them replenish vocabulary. Our sports topic is good because it has not only the English version of the text, but also its translation, which allows you to quickly translate unknown words and phrases from the text. And by slightly expanding the text below, you can easily write an essay in English on the topic of sports, which is useful for doing your homework in English.

Topic "Sport"

There is no place in the world where you will not find people who are not engaged in sport activities. Practicing physical activity, people become healthy, keep fit, make themselves more organized and become more disciplined. Many people take exercises to improve their health, and some people do it to become professionals.

The cause of many diseases is a passive way of living of people. There even exists an English proverb: ”A sound mind in a sound body”. And it is a reason, why it is never too late to start doing sport, as such people are really strong and happy. And many people are really fond of active lifestyle, so you can see them in the morning and in the evening, in the parks, in stadiums and streets.

People who are engaged in physical activity are not only strong and healthy but in addition, everyone can get a lot of fun and emotions for themselves from it. There are various types of sports: tennis, table tennis, ski jumping, skiing, athletics, football, swimming, hockey, basketball, volleyball and many others.

Football, volleyball and basketball are the most popular and there are many stadiums and gyms for these kinds of games. Children are especially fond of sport. They have so much energy and it is especially interesting for them to play some games. That’s why they visit different sections and take part in competitions, trying to become professionals.

Many people, who want to be healthy do gymnastics every morning, wash themselves with cold water and finish their day with a walk. These exercises help them to be full of energy and feel lively the whole day.

Topic "Sport" (translation)

There is not a single place in the world where you would not find people who are not involved in sports activities. Going in for sports, people become healthy, maintain their physical form make themselves more organized and disciplined. Many people do physical exercises in order to improve their health, and some do it in order to become professionals.

The cause of many diseases is a passive lifestyle of people. There is even a proverb in English: “A healthy mind in a healthy body”. That's why it's never too late to take up sports, and besides, such sports people very strong and happy. Indeed, many people like to spend time actively. You can see them in the morning and in the evening when they walk in parks, stadiums and streets.

People who go in for sports are not only strong and healthy, but also get a lot of pleasure and emotions from this. There are many sports such as: tennis, table tennis, ski jumping, skiing, athletics, football, swimming, hockey, basketball, volleyball, and many other sports.

Football, volleyball and basketball are the most popular and there are many stadiums and gyms for these types of sports. Children especially like sports. They are so energetic that it is interesting for them to play games. Therefore, they visit various sport sections and take part in competitions, trying to become professionals.

Many people who want to be healthy do exercises every day, pour themselves cold water and end their day with a walk. These exercises help them to be full of energy and cheerful all day long.

Level B. My world.

Sports in my life

Sport is very important in our life. When people go in for sport, they become healthy and feel good. And I think that everyone needs sport.

For me sport is very important too. Sometimes, after sitting the whole day at the desk at school, I feel that I want to do some activities: to dance, to play basketball, or just to run. That's why I am always happy when we have PT classes in the swimming pool.

I like swimming very much, and swimming is my hobby. I have been swimming since I was four years old. At first I swam in the lake in our village, but then, when we moved to the city, I started going to the swimming pool. Now I can swim very well. I like to dive and swim under the water. I try to go to the swimming pool every week because swimming improves my health. And if you have back pains, swimming can help you with it too.

My another hobby is skiing, and it is very interesting for me. I often go skiing in winter. My family and I go skiing to the forest taking some sandwiches and a thermos. After long skiing we make a fire to keep warm, and I feel very happy.

But you can ski not only in the forest or at the stadium. If you like speed and extreme, the mountain skiing is just for you! I love speed, but especially I love mountains. For me, it is so wonderful to see snow-capped mountains, and it is so good to ski and watch this beauty. And when you are in the mountains, you can breathe easily because the mountains air is very fresh and pleasant.

I have told you about sport, which I like. But that is not all. This is just the most important for me. But I also like to play different sports games, especially with my friends.

For many people the world “sport” is associated with heavy training and loads, but it is not true. Yes, to do sports exercises is not easy, but if you really love this kind of sport, then these exercises will be easier for you. And it is very important to have a good company too. Now you can see that sport makes you healthy and unites people.

Sport is very important for us in life. When people go in for sports, they become healthy and feel good. And I think that everyone needs sports.

For me sport is very important too. Sometimes, after spending a lot of time at a desk at school, I feel like I really want to do something active: dance, play basketball, or just go for a run. Therefore, I am always happy when physical education lessons take place in the pool.

I love swimming and it's my hobby. I have been swimming since the age of four. At first I swam in the lake in our village, but then, when we moved to the city, I began to visit the pool. Now I can swim very well. I love diving and swimming underwater. I try to go to the pool every week because swimming improves health. And if you have back problems, then swimming can help with that too.
Another hobby of mine is skiing and this is very interesting for me. I often ski in winter. My family and I go skiing in the forest and take sandwiches and a thermos with us. After a long drive, we light a fire to keep warm, and I feel happy.

But you can ski not only in the forest and at the stadium. And if you like speed and extreme, then riding on skiing For you! I love speed, but I especially love mountains. I think it's so wonderful to see snow-capped mountains, and it's so good to ski while watching this beauty. And when you are in the mountains, you breathe very easily, because the mountain air is very fresh and pleasant.

So I talked about the sport that I love. But that's not all. This is just the most important thing for me. But I also like to play different sports games, especially with my friends.

For many people, the word "sport" is associated with hard training and loads. But it's not. Yes, fulfill sport exercises not easy, but if you really like this sport, then these exercises will seem much easier. And it's very important to have a good team too. And finally, you can see that sport makes us healthy and unites us with other people.

Sports are the most easy and convenient ways for the very good physical and mental exercise. It is very useful for growth and development of the individual as well as the country. We can never unseen the benefits and importance of playing the sports on a regular basis. Sports provide a person the feeling of well being and encourage living a healthy life. It keeps us always fit and healthy as well as away from problems of drug addiction, crime and disorders. Sports are organized at national and international level by the government of the country for motivating the students to take part and get popularity through sports. Any of the sports is very simple however need full devotion and hard work to get practised on a daily basis. Nowadays, sports has become the most efficient way to establish a better career for whole life as it provides equal and good job opportunities to all. It is the medium which enhances the economy of host country organizing the sports activities. It makes a country to feel proud if its citizens win the match. It brings encouragement and develops the feeling of patriotism. It is the way to reduce international level tension among many countries. It helps in improving the physical and mental strength of the person as well as the economic and social strength of the country.


Sport is the easiest and most convenient way to get a very good physical and mental workout. Sport is very useful for the growth and development of the individual as well as the country. We cannot fail to note the benefits and importance of exercising on a regular basis. Sport provides a person with a sense of well-being and teaches a healthy lifestyle. Sport helps to stay healthy and keeps in good shape, and also warns against the problems of drug addiction, crime and delinquency. Sports events organized at the national and international levels by the government of the country motivate students to take an active part and become popular through sports. Any of the sports are very simple, however, it takes total dedication and diligence to practice regularly. Nowadays, sport has become a great opportunity to create better career for life as it provides equal and good employment opportunities. It is an environment that strengthens the economy of the host country of sporting events. This causes pride in the country whose citizens won the match, which develops a sense of patriotism. This helps reduce international tensions among many countries. Moreover, sport helps to improve the physical and mental strength of a person, as well as the economic and social strength of a country.

Sports (Kinds of sports)

Diving - diving, jumping into the water

Ice-skating- figure skating

To skate

Skiing - skiing

To go skiing - skiing


Play chess - play chess


To sail - sail in the sea on a ship, yacht, etc.

Motor racing

Horse- racing- equestrian sport

To ride a horse- ride a horse

Shot put - throwing a shot



To ride a bike- ride a bike

High jump - high jump


Badminton - badminton

Boxing - boxing



Fencing - fencing

Discus throwing - discus throwing


rugby rugby

table table tennis tennis



Swimming - swimming

Sports equipment (Sport equipment)



Hockey stick

Weights- barbell

Club - golf club

Bat-racquet for table tennis; baseball bat



Words and expressions


To do sports - to do sports

To win

Training session




Score - score

To play in a draw

First- place finisher



- Do you like sports?

Yes. I am fond of sports

How often do you do sports?

Twice a week

What's your favorite kind of sports?

I like skating

- Do you like sport?

Yes, I love sports

How often do you do sports?

Two times a week

What is your favorite sport?

I love to skate

- How long will you continue playing chess?

Tomorrow will be the last time

Thanks God, I'm fed up with it.

Why don't you like playing chess?

I don`t know. I can't explain

How long will you keep playing chess?

Tomorrow will be the last time.

Thanks God. I'm so sick of it

Why don't you like to play chess?

I dont know. I can not explain

- I need to buy hockey sticks. How much does it cost?

I think it's not very expensive. We should go to sport shop.

OK. Tomorrow I will drop by there.

I need to buy hockey sticks. How much do they cost?

I think not very expensive. We need to go to the sports store.

Good. Tomorrow I will run there.

Useful English words and phrases about sports

Sport plays a big role in our life. Even without going in for sports professionally, almost every person tries to do exercises to keep himself in good shape. Today we will look at how to talk about sports in English. These words and phrases are useful both for discussing your own passion for sports, and for ordering tickets to a sports game or discussing sports in English.

Questions about sports:

  1. Who`s playing today? - Who is playing today?
  2. Who`s winning? - Who is winning?
  3. What's the score? - What is the score?
  4. How much time is left in the game? How much time is left until the end of the game?
  5. Do you think this game will be a draw? Do you think the game will end in a draw?
  6. Do you think this team will go to the finals? Do you think this team will make it to the final?
  7. Do you think this team will be delegated this year? (Ref: Football) - Do you think this team will be suspended from the competition? (about football)

Phrases for buying tickets

  1. How much are the tickets? - How much are the tickets?
  2. I'd like four tickets please. — I have four tickets, please.
  3. Would you like front row seats? Would you like a front row seat?
  4. That sounds great, but how much do they cost? Sounds great, but how much do they cost?
  5. They're £30 each. - £30 each.
  6. Oh that's fine. I`d like to reserve four front-row seats for this Saturday`s match. - Good. I would like to take 4 seats in the front row for the match this Sunday.
  7. Ok, that'll be £120. — Okay, it will cost 120 pounds.
  8. Here you go. - Here, take it.
  9. thank you. Here are your tickets. - Thanks to. Here are your tickets.

Sports in English

  1. Archery |ˈɑːtʃəri| - archery;
  2. Badminton |ˈbadmɪnt(ə)n| - badminton;
  3. Cricket - cricket;
  4. Cycling |ˈsʌɪklɪŋ| - a ride on the bicycle;
  5. Football |ˈfʊtbɔːl| - football;
  6. Golf |ɡɒlf|- golf;
  7. Horse Racing |hɔːs ˈreɪsɪŋ| – horse racing / equestrian sports;
  8. Snooker |ˈsnuːkə| - billiards;
  9. Squash |skwɒʃ| - squash;
  10. Table Tennis |ˈteɪb(ə)l ˈtɛnɪs| - table tennis;
  11. Tennis |ˈtɛnɪs| - tennis;
  12. Boxing |ˈbɒksɪŋ| - boxing;
  13. Judo |ˈdʒuːdəʊ| - judo;
  14. Rugby |ˈrʌɡbi| - rugby;
  15. Wrestling |ˈrɛslɪŋ| - struggle;
  16. Angling |ˈaŋɡlɪŋ| / Fishing |ˈfɪʃɪŋ| - fishing;
  17. Canoeing |kəˈnuːɪŋ| - rowing, canoeing;
  18. Kayaking |ˈkaɪ.æk.ɪŋ| - kayaking;
  19. Rowing |ˈrəʊɪŋ|- swing rowing;
  20. Sailing |ˈseɪlɪŋ| - sailing;
  21. Water Skiing |ˈwɔːtə ˈskiːɪŋ| - water skiing;
  22. Curling |ˈkəːlɪŋ| - curling (sports game on ice);
  23. Ice Skating |aɪs ˈskeɪtɪŋ| — skating; skating;
  24. Figure-skating - figure skating;
  25. Skiing |ˈskiːɪŋ|- skiing, skiing;
  26. Fencing |ˈfɛnsɪŋ| - fencing;
  27. Hockey |ˈhɒki| - hockey;
  28. Lacrosse |ləˈkrɒs| -lacrosse;
  29. Polo |ˈpəʊləʊ| - polo;
  30. Hunting |ˈhʌntɪŋ| / Skeet |skiːt| / - hunting;
  31. Rock climbing |ˈklʌɪmɪŋ| / alpinism - rock climbing;
  32. Shooting |ˈʃuːtɪŋ| - shooting;
  33. Swimming |ˈswɪmɪŋ| - swimming;
  34. Weightlifting |ˈweɪtlɪftɪŋ| - Weightlifting;
  35. Athletics |aθˈlɛtɪks| / track-and-field athletics - athletics.

General vocabulary on the topic of sports

  1. An athletics meeting |aθˈlɛtɪks ˈmiːtɪŋ| - mass sports competition various types sports;
    engage in athletics |ɪnˈɡeɪdʒ ɪn lɛtɪks| - study athletics/ do sport;
  2. Get into shape |ʃeɪp| - get in shape / get in shape;
  3. Keep fit |kiːp| - keep yourself in shape;
  4. A personal trainer |ˈpəːs(ə)n(ə)l ˈtreɪnə| - personal coach;
  5. Train hard |treɪn hɑːd| - train hard;
  6. A season ticket |ˈsiːz(ə)n ˈtɪkɪt| — season pass;
  7. Home games |həʊm ɡeɪmz| - home matches
  8. Away games |əˈweɪ ɡeɪmz| - away games
  9. Do judo - practice judo;
  10. Sports facilities |fəˈsɪlɪtɪz| - athletic facilities;
  11. Sports equipment |ɪˈkwɪpm(ə)nt| - sports equipment;
  12. To run the marathon |ˈmarəθ(ə)n| - run a marathon
  13. Go jogging |ˈdʒɒɡɪŋ| - go for a run;
  14. Scoreboard |ˈskɔːbɔːd| - scoreboard, scoreboard;
  15. Competition |kɒmpɪˈtɪʃ(ə)n| - competition;
  16. To set records - set records;
  17. Personal bests - personal record;
  18. Brisk walk |brɪsk wɔːk| - brisk walking, race walking;
  19. Strenuous exercise |ˈstrɛnjʊəs ˈɛksəsʌɪz| - increased physical exercise/ difficult exercises.

These are basic sports words in English. Thanks to them, you can keep up the conversation about sports and favorite games. For practice, try speaking or writing about the sport that interests you.