Training exercises transformation. Corrective work of a psychologist at school. Options for Parents

Anxiety is a child of evolution

Anxiety is a feeling familiar to absolutely everyone. Anxiety is based on the instinct of self-preservation, which we inherited from distant ancestors and which manifests itself in the form of a defensive reaction “Flight or fight”. In other words, anxiety does not arise from scratch, but has evolutionary grounds. If at a time when a person was constantly in danger in the form of an attack by a saber-toothed tiger or an invasion of a hostile tribe, anxiety really helped to survive, then today we live in the safest time in the history of mankind. But our instincts continue to operate at a prehistoric level, creating many problems. Therefore, it is important to understand that anxiety is not your personal flaw, but an evolutionary mechanism that is no longer relevant in modern conditions. Anxious impulses, once necessary for survival, have now lost their purpose, turning into neurotic manifestations that significantly limit the life of anxious people.

These exercises can be included in the practical content of the training for the development and formation of pedagogical abilities.

  1. Acquaintance.

Formulation and adoption of group rules.

Sample rules.

    "Here and now." All participants say only what excites them right now, and discuss what is happening to them in the group. The subject of their analysis is the thoughts that appear in this moment, feelings, experiences. Emphasizing the present contributes to the deep reflection of the participants, focusing on themselves, their thoughts and feelings, and the development of introspection.

    Dosed sincerity. Dosed sincerity and openness contribute to the receipt and provision of honest feedback to others, i.e. the information that is so important for each participant of the training and which launches not only the mechanism of self-awareness, but also the mechanisms of interpersonal interaction of group members.

    Confidentiality. Everything that happens and is said in the group during classes should remain within the group and under no pretext be disclosed.

    Productivity and activity:

Actively solve their problems and problems;

Help the work of the group, take into account the interests of other members of the group;

Participation in all exercises;

Take an active position;

Build communication productively.

    Correct and respectful attitude towards all members of the group.

    The last word remains with the coach.

The exercises are traditionally used every time before the start of the training group.

Exercise "Snowball"

Participants of the training introduce themselves one by one in a circle, naming the names of the previous ones.

Exercise "Introducing yourself"

Name the most striking characteristics of your personality.

Everyone names their own characteristics, while briefly repeating the characteristics of others.

Exercise "Signs of attention". Find the positive in the other and sincerely emphasize it.

  1. Warm up.

Exercise "Dance". Everyone moves with their eyes closed. At the signal of the leader, they open their eyes and find a mate. Dance in pairs - one makes movements, the other repeats.

They dance again with their eyes closed and again choose a couple and sit next to each other.

Meeting eyes

Option I. All participants stand in a circle with their heads down. At the command of the leader, they simultaneously raise their heads. Their task is to meet someone's gaze. That pair of players who succeeded leaves the circle. Option II. It differs by the opposite statement of the problem - not to meet anyone's gaze. In addition to the purpose of the warm-up, this game develops social perception skills.



learn and remember the names of all participants;

to remove possible difficulties in contacting each other.

Each participant in a circle calls sequentially the names of all those who have already introduced themselves before him, the last to call his name. If everyone in the group is familiar, then the names of the parents (father or mother) are called.

1st participant says his name (or the name of one of the parents); The 2nd participant calls the heard name and his own (or one of the parents); The 3rd participant calls all the names he heard, then his own. And so on, until everyone says their name (or the name of one of their parents).



forming a first impression of each other;

determination of the characteristics of communication of each participant,

creating a climate of psychological safety;

formation of an attitude towards mutual understanding.


Each member of the group is interviewed in turn. They ask questions of this nature: “Do you like poetry?”, “What is your favorite color?”, “Your favorite saying?”, “Do you like to dream?”, “If you were offered a role in a film (“Gadfly”, “ Three Musketeers, etc.), who would you like to play? (artistic data does not matter) “Do you have a hobby? Favorite name?”, “What are you most afraid of?”, “What do you value most in people?”.

Each should be asked no more than 5-7 questions.

You can conduct a complicated version of the interview. The participants of the game ask questions “in roles”: on behalf of the school director, the parents of the interviewee, the head of the class, the Martians. Little Red Riding Hood, etc.

projective drawing

Each member of the group on a sheet of paper symbolically depicts himself real and ideal (what he would like to be). For drawing, you can provide a set of colored pencils or felt-tip pens (in this case, you need to pay attention to the prevailing colors). When discussing the drawing, first give the floor to other members of the group in order to find out how they see this person, what mood he conveys with his drawing, how the image of the “real self” differs from the “ideal self”, what, according to the group, this participant wants change in yourself what to achieve. Then the floor is given to the author of the drawing. He talks about himself (through a drawing) in a free form. At the end of the story, the group asks questions for understanding, clarification.

opinion game- after the introduction of one of the participants, all the rest in turn name one attractive, in his opinion, quality of this person;

game "Metaphors"- describing one of the participants. The remaining members of the group try to pick up a metaphor (for example, "prickly hedgehogs", "perpetual motion machine", "puzzle", etc.); invite participants to name those qualities of one of the group members that can contribute to, and vice versa, interfere with communication in the group.



relieve stress, fatigue;

group cohesion;

creating a friendly atmosphere.

Molecules game. All players are “atoms” that move randomly, and at the signal of the leader they are combined into “molecules” of a certain leader size (2,3,4,5 atoms each). "Molecules" greater or lesser than the given value must be rebuilt within 10 seconds. "Atoms" that are not included in the composition of "molecules" are eliminated from the game.

Game "Thickets". One of the members of the group is trying to penetrate into the center of the circle formed by the rest of the participants closely pressed against each other - "dense thickets".

Game "Self-criticism". Each person has his own idea of ​​what makes him unique, inimitable, distinguishes him from others. At the same time, the question involuntarily arises whether those around him share an opinion about himself, whether others see him the way he sees himself. This exercise addresses this issue. Participants take sheets of paper, sign them, divide them into three vertical stripes.

1st column. "Who am I?". 10 epithet words. Answers are written down quickly, exactly in the wording in which they come to mind.

2nd column. “How would your parents, acquaintances, answer this question?” (you can choose one of them).

3rd column. The same question is answered by someone from the group. Who exactly, the participant determines for himself.

Then everyone takes their sheet, compares the answers. Highlights the similarity of characteristics. It is possible to single out the dominant line of behavior - it is repeated in all three characteristics. The number of matches is counted. By the number of matches, one can assume the degree of openness of a person.

When discussing, one should pay attention to the fact that a person's openness in communication does not always speak of his personal traits. It is not necessary to talk only about positive character traits. It is important to note what is or can be a fulcrum at various points in life. Do not belittle your merits, speak directly, without blunt words, without any “buts”, “ifs”, etc. The exercise is performed by everyone in turn.

Exercises aimed at developing communication skills.

game "Empty place"", is used as an "icebreaker".

The most difficult thing in a familiar and unfamiliar team is to freely look into the eyes and touch each other. The rules of the game allow you to relieve this tension. By the end of the game, the most indecisive ones are mastered. Care must be taken to ensure that group members do not rush each other.

Rules of the game. One half of the participants sits in a circle on chairs, the other half stands behind them and puts their hands on the back of the chair (if there is no back, then the hands are wound behind the back). In front of one participant (or in front of the teacher), no one sits on a chair - an "empty seat". His task is to lure someone from those sitting to an "empty seat". This must be done without words, carefully looking at the one you are calling to yourself.

If one of the participants saw an attentive, inviting look, he should run across and take an empty place. The one who stands behind his back must stop the escaping by grabbing him by the shoulders. If the partner detained the evader, then the participant with the "empty seat" entices the other, if not, then now his task is to lure some participant to him (also with his eyes), i.e., to acquire a partner again, etc. After a while, the partners change places: the one who was sitting stands behind the back of the chair, and the one who was standing sits down.

The game continues as long as necessary to create a free, relaxed mood in the group. This usually takes 10 minutes.

Participants are offered an exercise that will help identify personal and general problems in communication.

Brownian motion".

All participants stand in a circle. Closing their eyes, everyone begins to move arbitrarily in different directions; you can't talk; at the clap of the leader of the group, everyone stops and opens their eyes.

They close their eyes again and do the same procedure, but at the same time they still emit a buzz; on cotton, they stop and open their eyes.

Analysis of the exercise - answers to a series of questions. What feelings arise in the first and second case? What hindered the movement? What helped not to collide?

What channels of perception are the most familiar, which turned out to be “new”? The most frequent answers are: a) “the feeling of anxiety and fear prevails”; b) "there is a feeling of awkwardness."

The teacher-psychologist should be asked to compare the feelings during the exercise with the feelings when participants get into new companies, unusual situations and situations when it is necessary to take the initiative in communication. Such a comparison helps children understand and formulate the cause of anxiety and fear in communication. This formulation sounds like this: “Often communication is like moving with your eyes closed.” Further discussion of the questions, “what hindered and helped,” makes it possible to understand that very often we do not use our perception channels enough - hearing, touch, feeling a partner.

Purpose: to focus on the perception of the interlocutor; jointly formulate the rules of "good listening".

Exercise 1.

The leader pronounces any phrase (about the weather, school, politics, well-being, etc.) and each participant is invited to tell what he heard and what he perceived. As a result of the statements, some discrepancies in the understanding of this phrase become apparent.

It is proposed to analyze this phenomenon through simple exercises.

Exercise 2."Broken phone".

Everyone (or a few people) leaves the room. The first participant enters, the host tells him a short phrase (you can read any sentence from a book, newspaper, textbook). The second participant enters, the first participant tells him the same phrase. And so everyone, entering, listens to the phrase that the previous participant tells him, and passes it on to the next. The last participant tells everyone the phrase they heard. Those who are in the room should not help or express their emotions about what they heard.

Exercise 3

The same procedure, but instead of a phrase, the first person to enter is shown a picture, having examined it, he verbally describes it to the next participant. And so everyone who enters passes (without seeing the picture) to the next heard description.


Why is the meaning distorted? How did it happen?

Purpose: To derive patterns that increase the likelihood that you will be heard and understood correctly.

In order to update the knowledge of the group members, the facilitator invites everyone in turn to make assumptions - “what exactly is required from the speaker.” Then a “contract” is concluded to conduct training exercises.

Exercise 1.

Each participant is invited to pronounce one common phrase for all: the first - like a turtle; the second - as a small child; the third - like a robot; the fourth - like a machine-gun burst; etc.


What is the most beneficial conversation pace in communication? How does this relate to the specific situation? What feelings arise when the tempo of speech changes?

Exercise 2.

a) Say your name with different intonations. See how intonation affects perception.

b) Say the phrase: “People turn out to be lonely because they themselves do not show interest in others” - with different intonations (edification, complaints, fawning, neglect and anger).

Purpose: Practice ways to improve mutual understanding.

Exercise 1. "Meeting point".

The facilitator invites the participants to arrange a meeting.

a) One participant describes a place in the room where they need to go. The second participant's eyes are closed. Then the second participant must find the place where the meeting is scheduled.

b) One participant describes a place in the city, and the second must guess where it is.


What hindered and what helped to understand the interlocutor?

What helped to “stand” on the position of the speaker?

Many do not know or do not understand the very meaning of the word training. So what is training? Translated from English, it means education, teaching, and in the classroom, training takes place as a training of knowledge and skills. Training is a kind of active learning, during which certain knowledge and skills are developed not only in theory, but also reinforced practical exercises and games.

There are a lot of exercises, and each simulates a real life situation. They can be divided into types: communicative - for teamwork; correctional - aimed at correcting behavior, envy, greed, fears; psychotechnical - the direction of psychology; pedagogical - for teachers; developing - for the development of memory, imagination, attention, and other personal qualities; games and entertainment - for primary school age and teenagers.

Trainings are individual, group and corporate, their end result is aimed at solving a problem and achieving a goal. The very first founder of training was Dale Carnegie. Now they are becoming part of modern society, they are especially actively carried out for their employees by different companies.

Not a single training session is complete without training exercises, and especially psychological exercises stand out which help to understand oneself, to reveal one's strengths and weak spots and also teach to understand others, to become more successful, happier. These exercises are varied and aimed at developing different qualities, so the specialists of the training portal have developed the main psychological exercises:

These are the main and well-known psychological exercises for training, but there are also some fun exercises:

training games

In addition to psychological and interesting exercises, there are also training games. Games are mainly intended for children of primary school age to make it easier for the child to survive the transition from kindergarten to school. Training games will teach communication skills, sociability, how to behave in various situations, prepare for a more adult life. There are also warm-up games that should be held at the beginning of the training, so that it would be easier for the participants to tune in to the main lesson. There are quite a few warm-up games, but the main ones can be singled out: “acquaintance” - a game for getting to know the group with each other; team building games; role-playing games; psychological games; business games.

The choice of exercises, or games, training methods depends on the goal set before the lesson. For example, if this group gathered in order to learn how to work as a team, then both exercises and games will develop for team building. Correct selection teaching method contributes to the rapid memorization of the material, and its use in a life situation. In general, everyone who wants to achieve personal growth, develop different qualities, achieve certain goals in life, should engage in training.

Self-presentation. Getting the participants to know each other. Development of group cohesion. Removal of emotional tension, tightness. Formation of installation on mutual understanding. Improvement of communicative culture. Development of cohesive action skills. Several options for a competent completion of the training. Several options for starting a training session. Group procedure psychological training. Participants come up with stupid cause-and-effect relationships. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants compete among themselves - who will come up with the longest hiatus (a series of vowels in a meaningful sentence). Reflection on the training situation. Getting to know the group. Getting the participants to know each other. Welcome and light warm-up. Formation of a trusting style of communication in the process of establishing contacts. Creation of positive emotional installations for confidential communication. Acquaintance of participants, discharge of the situation. Allows participants to get to know each other better and creates a more trusting atmosphere. Emotional discharge at the end of the training session. Diagnosis of the status of group members. The procedure is designed to liberate the training group, awaken reflection, develop the ability to find certain common patterns in everyday life. The task is to write a short essay, the end of which is already known (determined by the presenter with the help of lots). Emotional discharge at the end of the training session. Acquaintance, stimulating participants to quickly memorize each other. Warm up. Discharge. Formation of trusting relationships in the group, awakening of interest in the topic of professional self-determination. Helps participants learn about the first impression they make on others. Warm-up, relaxation, manipulation analysis. Cohesion of the group, formal opening of the training, self-presentation of participants, participants receiving feedback . Emancipation of participants, training the ability to attract attention. Warm up. Set the participants to a transitional, trance state. Emancipation of participants. Group performance diagnostics. Acquaintance of participants with each other, increasing trust in each other. Development of predictive capabilities and intuition. Formation among group members of the installation for mutual understanding. Improving the skills of coordination and interaction at the psychomotor level. Development of imagination and empathy. Help participants get to know each other better. Demonstration to the participants of the importance of such qualities as energy, physical health. Warm-up, development of cohesive action skills. Improving non-verbal communication skills. Improvement of communicative culture. Emancipation. Greetings. Reflection on greetings. Warm-up, greeting the participants to each other. Mood reflection. Stimulation of group cohesion, removal of emotional stress. Warm up. Discharge. Acquaintance, creation of a trusting atmosphere. Warm up. Improving the atmosphere in the group. Mutual reflection. Discharge. intonation. The development of observation. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants get to know each other by throwing a ball to each other. Sometimes, to defuse the atmosphere of psychological training, it is enough just to tell everyone in turn some short anecdote from life. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants recall aphorisms and sayings, come up with counterphorisms and counter-sayings for them. The exercise will allow you to "stir up" tired, relaxed participants in a group psychological training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants depict their daily activities. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants compete among themselves, who will more accurately detect a minute of time. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants construct a "fun composition" to show how much fun they have. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants write wishes to each other on sheets, and then make paper airplanes. If in the process of group psychological training, participants begin to show absent-mindedness, inattentive to the words of the leader and other participants, you can conduct an exercise to increase concentration. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants "exchange" their personal qualities. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants throw balls, trying to have as many of them as possible. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants compete to see who can best portray themselves as a sad clown. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants fantasize about what kind of sofa and in general what kind of atmosphere of relaxation they dream of. The exercise will allow the participants of the training to warm up physically, as well as remove negative emotional experiences, if any. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants set each other up in a positive way. A small physical warm-up in the process of group psychological training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to guess each other by the sounds they make. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants in their imagination put things in their pockets. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants depict pitching on a ship. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to designate as many squares as possible with their bodies. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants come up with three personal qualities that together would form a kind of "composite". The exercise is for physical warm-up in the process of group psychological training, the mood for further fruitful work. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants write their three favorite films on cards. Others have to guess who wrote it. The exercise is intended for a small physical warm-up of the training participants. It is recommended to include in training programs of various kinds (both intellectual, communicative, and personal growth, and others), if they have a small physical activity participants. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants remember each other's hands by touch. The procedure of group psychological training. It is held at the beginning of the next training day - the participants somehow unusually, fashionably greet each other. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants join hands and try to send each other a "musical signal". The procedure of group psychological training. Participants "get rid" of negative emotions. A warm-up exercise in the process of group psychological training, designed to relieve the tension of the participants, to develop their observation of each other. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants pronounce unexpected associations. The warm-up exercise will allow participants in a group psychological training to walk around the room a little and show wit. If in the process of group psychological training the participants were engaged in reflection and discussion of complex issues for too long, it may be necessary to defuse the atmosphere a little, to knock down excess seriousness from the participants (especially when switching to a new subject of training). Warm-up of group training participants. It is also useful for talking "silent" and developing listening skills. In the process of group training, sometimes there are cases when participants stay too long in one place. In order to cheer them up a little, as well as for a little warm-up of the brain, this exercise is intended. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants walk around the hall and look for the most comfortable point for themselves. The exercise is intended to create a kind, benevolent atmosphere in the group at the beginning of the training day. Can be used on the second and subsequent days of training. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants are divided into arbitrary subgroups, other participants must guess the basis of the division. The procedure of group psychological training. Participants try to look through walls.

Sections: School psychological service


  1. Getting the participants to know each other.
  2. Self-disclosure of the participants of the lesson, creation of conditions for the manifestation of creative, professional and personal individuality.


  1. Help participants get to know each other better.
  2. Reduce the distance in communication.
  3. Remove anxiety.
  4. Uniting the group through joint activities.

Lesson plan:

  1. Greetings. "Name in a circle"
  2. Warm-up "Swap places"
  3. Accept group rules.
  4. Creative task - making business cards - badges.
  5. Emancipation game "Name in motion".
  6. Division into groups (by assembling puzzles).
  7. Creative task "The motto of the group."
  8. Exercise - dramatization "Film"
  9. Exercise - liberation "Chorus"
  10. Relaxation "Flower in the palms"
  11. Creative task "Beautiful garden" (collage making)
  12. Exercise-emancipation "Touch to".
  13. Reflection. Feedback Bags.
  14. Parting "Happiness, joy, kindness ... we wish you friends"

Course progress

Presenter introduction:

training is the foundation of what we really want, so that wonderful things happen in life, so that we are not afraid to express ourselves, so that we can find ways to cooperate with others and solve problems that arise.

1. Greeting "Name in a circle"

The participants of the training stand in a circle and passing the ball to each other they say their name and the place of work or the type of activity they are engaged in.

2. Warm-up "Swap places"

This game will allow you to move a little, cheer up, and also learn additional information about each other.

One chair is removed, and the driver, trying to take the vacant seat, offers to change places for those who: wear trousers, love apples, know how to play the guitar, wear a watch, etc.

When the rules of the game become clear, the conditions for changing places become more complicated. Now the questions should be about features professional activity participants, education, the specifics of working with children, the motives for participating in the training and much more.

For example, those who will change places are:

  • works all his life in one institution;
  • is currently working on a new program;
  • loves his job;
  • has been a teacher for over 10 years;
  • dreamed of being a teacher since childhood, etc.
  • first time participating in the competition

After the mobile exercise, you can ask those who wish, firstly, who remembered what about whom, and secondly, who would like others to tell what they remember about him. Thus, the participants change places.

3. Accepting group rules:

The host, after meeting, proposes to accept the rules of the group, if the participants agree, they clap their hands loudly, if they do not agree, they stomp their feet.

  • open communication
  • activity and humor
  • nonjudgmental judgment
  • voluntary participation
  • Here and now

4. Creative task "Making business cards-badges"

All participants are invited to make business cards with their training name, using paper, felt-tip pens, pencils.

5. Game-emancipation "Name in motion"

Participants stand in a circle, each in turn pronounces his training name and shows any simple movement that best suits his character. All participants loudly repeat the name and movement of the participant. And so everyone takes turns getting to know each other again.

6. Division into groups to assemble puzzles.(3 groups)

The host distributes puzzles to the participants, they must unite and collect a picture from them, so they are divided into 3 teams.

7. Creative task "The motto of the group."

Groups are offered rhymes, using them they come up with a motto

  • Cat. The spoon. Window. A little.
  • Cup. Banana. Pocket. Deception.
  • Run. Age. Snow. Man.

8. Exercise-dramatization "Film"

Groups are invited to stage the fairy tale "Turnip" at the film studio:

  1. American - a horror film with humor.
  2. French - romantic comedy.
  3. Italian - an action movie with shooting and the mafia.

15 minutes preparation and 5 minutes demonstration.

Discussion: Effectiveness of interaction. Have they all come true? Who was the leader? Who felt wanted? Who wanted to be away?

9. Exercise - emancipation "Chorus"

The song "A Christmas tree was born in the forest" is sung on assignment (groups pull out the 2nd task), preparation 5 minutes

  • african natives,
  • indian yoga,
  • caucasian mountaineers,
  • reindeer herders of Chukotka,
  • Apache Indians,
  • English gentlemen

The exercise is fun, the clamps are removed, the participants are liberated.

10. Relaxation "Flower in the palms"

All participants are invited to sit comfortably, close their eyes and imagine that they are in a green meadow. (Relaxation music with sounds of nature sounds).

Presenter: “Imagine a green meadow, a gentle sun, birds sing, a stream murmurs. A small, cute, naive and very happy child appears, he does not know sadness, insecurity, bad mood. Did you recognize yourself in childhood? The kid pulls his hands to you, he is so trusting and friendly, and you answer him the same. I want to rejoice and smile, forget all the difficulties of life, feel confident and happy. You take the baby in your arms, and he turns into a flower in your palms, he is a beautiful flower of childhood, and you carry him with you through life. Someone has it very deep in their souls, and someone often sees it in a dream, for someone it is a modest, inconspicuous flower, and for someone it is bright, stormy, memorable. They are all good, the flowers of our childhood. And if it’s difficult for you, you won’t be able to find an answer to some question, remember the baby who gave you the flower of childhood in his hands, and I hope that this will help you feel like a small naive, happy child, and he will definitely tell you, how to feel happy. Open your eyes. It's time to return."

The facilitator asks about the feelings experienced by the participants.

11. Creative task "Beautiful garden"

Description of the exercise: Participants sit in a circle. The facilitator offers to remember which flower of childhood in the palms they represented in the previous exercise. What was he like? What kind of leaves, stem, and maybe thorns? High or low? Bright or not so bright? And now, after everyone has presented this - draw your flower, write something important on the petals that will help you be happy. Everyone is given paper, felt-tip pens, crayons, glue, beads.

Next, the participants are invited to cut their own flower. Then everyone sits in a circle. The facilitator spreads a canvas of any fabric inside the circle (you can use whatman paper and glue), preferably one-colored, distributes a pin to each participant. The fabric is declared a garden clearing to be planted with flowers. All participants take turns coming out and attaching their flower.

Discussion: It is proposed to admire the "beautiful garden", to capture this picture in memory so that it shares its positive energy. It should be noted that although there are many flowers, there was enough space for everyone, everyone occupied only his own, the one he chose. To see, surrounded by what different, unlike others, yours grows. But there is something in common - someone has a color, someone has the size or shape of the leaves. And without exception, flowers need sun and attention. This clearing symbolizes that the soul of every teacher is always full of beautiful flowers.

The psychological meaning of the exercise: it is used to psychologically release internal tension, serves to explore feelings, to develop interpersonal skills and relationships, strengthen self-esteem and self-confidence. The exercise allows you to understand and feel yourself, to be yourself, to freely express your thoughts and feelings, as well as to understand the uniqueness of everyone, to see the place that you occupy in the diversity of this world and to feel like a part of this beautiful world.

12. Exercise-emancipation "Touch to ..."

Facilitator: “Touch the yellow!”, the participants should quickly find something yellow in the room or clothes and touch it. You can give tasks to touch high, low, rough, soft, round, paper, etc. The game is fast and fun.

13. Reflection "Feedback bags".

The psychologist invites everyone to speak out by writing their wishes on cardboard bags with the name "Positive" and "Negative": write all your anxieties, discontent, doubts in the "negative bag", and write your dreams, wishes, compliments, feelings and moods in the "bag positive." Then the “Negative” bag is solemnly destroyed to applause, and the “Positive” bag is placed in a prominent place for emotional nourishment of the participants in the future. The psychologist invites those who wish to speak about what they wrote.

14. Parting "Happiness, good luck, ..."

The psychologist invites everyone to stand in a circle for the ritual of completing the lesson. Each of the participants wishes in one word to all the participants something good in the likeness of the game for children "Compliments". After the last participant has spoken, everyone says loudly: “We wish you friends!”. The psychologist wishes everyone good luck and good mood.


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