Warm up in physical education class. “The value of warm-up for physical education. Torso muscle warm-up

In connection with the intensification of classes, the value of the warm-up has also changed, which not only creates favorable conditions for the main part of the training, but also is part of the whole complex training influences. Therefore, the selection of exercises performed in the warm-up and the methods of their implementation solves the problem of not only workability, but also the associated education of motor abilities and the ability to control various movements.

Physical warm-up

The transition of the body from a state of motor rest to increased muscular activity causes a significant increase in metabolism and energy, a change in the activity of the central nervous system and circulatory and respiratory organs. Due to the fact that human organs and systems have a certain inertia, they cannot quickly reach high level activities. Complex mechanisms of nervous and hormonal regulation do not provide these changes immediately. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually include the body in work with the help of specially selected exercise.

Warming up has a physiological and psychological effect on the body. At physiological impact the activity of all body systems, including the cardiovascular and respiratory, is activated, the heart rate, stroke and minute volumes of the heart increase, breathing quickens, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen supply to working muscles increase. The psychological impact of the warm-up improves the emotional state of those involved, sets them up for the upcoming training load.

In the scientific literature, several mandatory sections are distinguished in the internal structure of the warm-up: introductory, general and specially preparatory. In addition to these sections, we suggest using a specially-additional warm-up section.

This is justified by the fact that the main methodological method of using the means of physical and technical training in the training process for physical education is a comprehensive training, which provides for the simultaneous solution of a number of teaching, training and educational tasks. For example, the inclusion in one lesson of the development of one to three components of motor abilities and their various combinations. Such a construction of classes requires additional training when changing one type of activity to another.

The general preparatory subsection of the warm-up is aimed at increasing functionality and performance.

The task of the special preparatory subsection is to restore the coordinating capabilities of the trainees and their disposition to perform the exercises of the main part of the classes.

A special additional subsection of the warm-up solves the problem of switching from one type of activity to another, for example, from sprinting to throwing a grenade.

Practice analysis shows that physical warm-up in most classes it consists of the first two subsections, the third is rarely used, and the fourth, as a rule, is not carried out. The warm-up scheme used in practice does not take into account the functions of its fourth subsection, but is carried out as an independent part of the lesson without interconnection with the previous material, the tasks of the main part of the lesson, the conditions for its conduct, the contingent of students, etc.

Conducting a warm-up according to a template scheme without solving specific problems, educational and training loads, the instructor takes a formal position, wastes time unproductively.

Best practice proves that warming up is not independent part classes, but serves as an integral part of a single pedagogical process, acting in conjunction with both other parts of a one-time lesson, and in the chain of multiple lessons.

The departure from the generally accepted warm-up scheme opens up a wide road for its creative implementation, makes it possible to use the time allotted for it expediently and overcome methodological clichés.

The goals and objectives of the warm-up, its significance

The main task of the introductory section is the organization of those involved.

General tasks of the general preparatory section: increase in body temperature; change in emotional state; education of the aerobic capacity of the body; education of coordination abilities; increase in overall performance; general functional preparation of the body.

Particular tasks of the general preparatory section: education of individual components of motor abilities: speed of reaction, speed of movements, strength endurance, explosive strength.

Tasks of the special preparatory subsection: preparation of those involved in the implementation of the first task of the main part of the lesson; technical improvement of individual phases and elements of sports cultivated in a particular educational institution.

The successful solution of the problems facing the warm-up is facilitated by taking into account the abilities of athletes and the conditions for conducting the training.

Conducting a workout. Methodological features of the use of exercises included in its composition.

When selecting exercises for a warm-up, it is necessary to take into account their sequence, volume and intensity, as well as the rest intervals between them.

The sequence of exercises included in the warm-up is determined by physiological factors and logical connections between them. This is of key importance and is mandatory, since exercises of a different nature have an unequal effect on the body. Due to the laws of the consequences functional manifestations body and psyche, caused by any activity, the effectiveness of each exercise is to some extent predetermined by the functional consequences of previous exercises. This influence can be positive - to contribute to the implementation of the next task - or negative - to impede the implementation of the next task of the training session.

Exercise volume used in the warm-up should be optimal and not cause overwork of those involved. At the same time, the warm-up should not be too long, since even when using exercises of moderate intensity, prohibitive inhibition can occur.

The amount of funds used is determined by the time allocated for the warm-up and its individual subsections. In general, about 35-40% of the total time is allocated for the introductory and general preparatory sections. So, 3-4 minutes are allotted for the introductory section of the warm-up, 18-20 minutes - for general preparation (includes running 10-12 minutes for athletes and 12-15 minutes for athletes, a complex of general developmental exercises or outdoor games 6-8 minutes) and 8- 10 minutes for a special preparatory.

When determining load intensity in the warm-up, it is recommended to adhere to the following ratio:

  • 1st zone (recovery, 114-132 bpm) - 30%,
  • 2nd (supporting, 138-150 bpm) - 45%
  • 3rd (developing, 156-168 beats / min) - 25% of the total time allotted for the warm-up.

As a result of the physical exercises used in the warm-up energy consumption should be 200-250 kcal.

Rest intervals between exercises are the same means as motor actions. Irrational time intervals between repeated performance of the given exercises will not correspond to the tasks being solved, cause other energy costs and

the processes associated with this in the body of those involved. Rest intervals can be: large - when the excitability of organs and tissues decreases (pulse rate up to 70-80 beats / min); medium - when recovery occurs (pulse rate - 90-100 beats / min); small - the pulse rate decreases to 110-120 beats / min; very small, during which the heart rate drops to 130-140 beats / min. In the warm-up, mainly active, passive and mixed types of recreation are used.

At the same time, when building a warm-up, it is also important rational selection and combination of exercises. Thus, warming up the body during the warm-up process is successfully carried out with the help of walking and running of various intensities, complexes of general developmental exercises (without objects, with objects and weights, on the gymnastic wall and bench), outdoor and sports games, exercise complexes. rhythmic gymnastics.

The most common types of exercises for warming up the body are: running + a set of general developmental exercises; running + outdoor games; sport games+ a set of general developmental exercises; running + a set of rhythmic gymnastics exercises; a set of rhythmic gymnastics exercises + outdoor and sports games.

The first two combinations are the most effective. Due to the fact that running for 10-15 minutes affects the warming up of the body, the manifestation of volitional efforts (at an appropriate pace), the improvement of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, he is best remedy for a workout. A complex of 10-12 general developmental exercises performed at different rates for 6-10 minutes has a comprehensive and at the same time selective effect.

Games allow you to perform a variety of movements in a fun way, make it possible to repeat certain learned techniques in new combinations, help you move on to learning new, more complex movements, contribute to common development involved. Each game, consisting of various elements, acquires exceptional value for the development of coordination, speed of action, the development of the necessary motor abilities, for the strengthening and development of the musculoskeletal system. The use of the game method in the warm-up allows you to increase the interest of athletes in classes, makes them emotional and quite saturated.

Within each combination there is a row various options exercises, for example, long running can really be replaced by 4-5 runs of 400-500 m, and in between running segments, perform general developmental exercises, alternate exercises in motion with exercises in place, combine exercises with the ball and general developmental exercises, etc. .

When compiling complexes of general developmental exercises, one should take into account the following requirements:

  1. plan complexes and options for warm-up exercises for both short-term and longer periods;
  2. take into account the optimal change of combinations of exercises and their complexes in the warm-up;
  3. do not repeat the same warm-up twice or more times in a row;
  4. do not include in the warm-up more than two exercises associated with a complex-coordinating structure;
  5. select several exercises for each joint, allowing you to work it out at various angles and in various starting positions(lying, sitting, standing); follow the sequence of exercises in the direction from top to bottom (first for the arms and shoulder girdle, then for the trunk, pelvic region, and finally the lower limbs). In this case, you should go from working out smaller muscle groups to larger ones.

Warm-up, types, value, warm-up exercises, hitch

To get the maximum benefit from sports, you must follow all the rules for training. Only then, adhering to the recommendations of experts, you can get the desired result without harm to your body. One of these rules of particular importance is the warm-up before starting a workout. No matter what sport you play, warming up should always be an integral part of your workout. By performing a special set of exercises, you can protect yourself from injuries and reach your goal in the shortest possible time, whether it is losing weight, developing sports skills or increasing muscle mass.

What is a warm-up

The warm-up is a set of simple exercises that includes basic sports elements. It is performed before the main workout and serves to warm up the muscles and prepare them for the upcoming loads. Often, cardio loads are used for warm-up, the intensity of which gradually increases, but it will not be superfluous to include stretching and joint development in the warm-up. The duration of the warm-up can be from 5 to 40 minutes, depending on the specifics of the intended workout. The effect of the warm-up will last about the same time as it took, so you can not start the main workout immediately after the warm-up. To perform a warm-up, you do not need special skills and training, all the exercises that it consists of should be as simple and understandable as possible.

Types of warm-up

The most common workout is main. It is unchanged, regardless of the upcoming load and the sport that you do. The essence of the main warm-up is to prepare the muscles, joints and nervous system for the start of the session. Under the influence of the main warm-up, the intensity of the work of the cardiovascular, nervous, respiratory and motor systems increases, and thermoregulation improves.

The next type of workout is special. It differs from the main set of exercises. Its peculiarity is to prepare as much as possible for work and warm up precisely those muscles and parts of the body that will be intensively involved. Special warm-up may include some exercises that characterize the sport you play. If this power training, involving work with weights, then the warm-up should include lifting a small weight.

Another type of workout is articular. Already by the name it is clear what role this warm-up plays. In order to carry it out correctly, it is necessary to think over in advance a set of exercises that involve the maximum number of joints and help develop them. Unlike previous types of warm-up, the articular one is performed slowly and smoothly and does not involve significant stress on the body. Do not forget also that during the joint warm-up you need to monitor your breathing and not perform exercises that will knock down or speed it up. Optimal time for joint warm-up is considered summer period when the influence of high temperatures and intense training take a lot of strength and energy.

Warm up meditational- This is one of the least common types of warm-ups. It is performed mainly before martial arts. Such a warm-up helps to tune in the right way and mentally prepare yourself for the fight. The warm-up is carried out in a quiet, calm environment in a comfortable and comfortable position, in a word, nothing should interfere and distract you during the meditation warm-up. Sit down, close your eyes, relax and do a full workout. If you do not have special skills to carry out a meditation warm-up, then seek the help of an experienced trainer who will tell you all its secrets.

Warm-up value

So why, in fact, do we need a warm-up, and what effect does it have on our body. In the process of warming up, the work of the circulatory organs improves, which begin to intensively supply the body with oxygen, which provides the necessary energy and strength. It also increases the intensity of metabolism, which leads to the breakdown of more useful elements that are intensively processed by the body during physical activity. This contributes to an increase in body temperature, which allows the muscles to warm up to the desired state. In addition, after a warm-up, the elasticity of the ligaments and muscles improves, so that they are able to withstand a greater load and are less susceptible to sprains and other injuries. After a warm-up, the excitability of the nervous system increases, which improves the speed of reaction, coordination of movements, endurance and perception. In addition, contrary to popular belief, an intense warm-up can increase the body's endurance and increase the effectiveness of the upcoming workout. Properly performing a warm-up, you will not only not get tired and will not use up all your strength, but you will also gain new ones that will help improve the result of your workouts.

Warm-up exercises

It is best to start any warm-up with a series of exercises that provide a moderate cardio load. The best option for this would be running. You should not immediately start an intense, fast run, as this can become stressful for the body. Running speed should smoothly transition from regular walking to light jogging, whether you're on the treadmill or just running. If you don’t have the opportunity to run, then jump rope or run in place, since only these exercises ensure an even distribution of the load across all muscles. In no case should you replace running with an exercise bike or other simulators that involve only one muscle group, arms or legs. Being engaged in them, you will not be able to properly warm up all the necessary muscles.

After running, you need to move on to the development of the joints. Start with slow rotations and turns that must be performed from the top down, gradually moving from the head to the legs, as well as moving from the limbs to the torso. First, perform a few smooth rotations of the head clockwise, and then against it. Then turn your head left and right and tilt back and forth. Warm up shoulder joints, rotating the shoulders first in one direction, then in the other direction. After that, go to the hands and elbows, doing 10 rotations in each direction. To stretch the shoulder girdle, swing your arms in different directions. Then it is necessary to tilt the torso to the sides, forward and backward. Next exercise- this is a rotation of the pelvis, which will help develop the hip joint. Then go to the knees, doing 10 rotations with each leg, and only after that stretch the ankle with all the same rotational movements. Please note that there are no strength exercises in the main warm-up.


In the process of training, no less important than a warm-up is a hitch. This is a set of exercises that helps to normalize cardiovascular system after intense exercise, reduce upcoming muscle pain, if the load was excessive, it will calm the body and return it to its normal state. As a hitch, you can use the exercises characteristic of the articular warm-up. In addition, you can take a few minutes of slow walking, as well as stretching, since after maximum tension, the muscles are the most pliable. The duration of the hitch, like the warm-up, should be at least 5 minutes. By paying enough attention to the warm-up and following all the recommendations listed above, you can get the most out of sports and protect your body from unwanted injuries.

LLC Training Center


Abstract by discipline:

"Theory and methods of teaching basic types of physical culture and sports activities"

On this topic:

"Role of warm-up"


Minaeva Tatyana Nikolaevna

Moscow 2017



1. Warm-up value.

2. Functional changes that occur during the warm-up.

3. Methodical features of the warm-up.




In connection with the intensification of classes, the value of the warm-up has also changed, which not only creates favorable conditions for the main part of the training, but alsois part of the whole complextraining influences. Therefore, the selection of exercises performed in the warm-up and the methods of their implementation solves the problem of not only workability, but also the associated development of motor abilities, such as endurance, strength, flexibility and the ability to control various movements.

Theoretically, everyone knows that a warm-up is necessary before the main part of the workout. However, in practice, warm-up is often done negligently, not thoughtfully, considering it not important element workout, boring and bureaucratic. How correct is this, and is a warm-up really necessary? Maybe a light run is enough and you can already start the main work? Despite the obvious proven benefits of a warm-up, there are still athletes (and coaches) who save time on a warm-up. However, research on warm-up exercises collected from around the world shows otherwise. For example, studies on experimental groups of football players say that with a systematic warm-up, the number of injuries received by athletes during the season is reduced by 4 times, the inclusion of stretching exercises increases the range of motion of the limbs, and oxygen consumption increases.

The transition of the body from a state of motor rest to increased muscular activity causes a significant increase in metabolism and energy, a change in the activity of the central nervous system and the circulatory and respiratory organs. Due to the fact that human organs and systems have a certain inertia, they cannot quickly reach a high level of activity. Complex mechanisms of nervous and hormonal regulation do not provide these changes immediately. Therefore, it is necessary to gradually include the body in work with the help of specially selected physical exercises.

Warming up has a physiological and psychological effect on the body. With a physiological effect, the activity of all body systems, including the cardiovascular and respiratory, is activated, the heart rate, stroke and minute volumes increase.

heart, breathing quickens, pulmonary ventilation and oxygen supply to working muscles increase. The psychological impact of the warm-up improves the emotional state of those involved, sets them up for the upcoming training load.

An adequate, properly conducted warm-up contributes to a more effective main part, reduces the risk of injuring muscles, and increases the benefits and effectiveness of the entire session as a whole. The purpose of this work is to give general characteristics warm-up and show its importance for the training or competitive process.

1. The value of the warm-up.

Studies have found that a rational warm-up leads to an increase in performance.

The main purpose of the warm-up is to achieve optimal excitability of the central nervous system (CNS), mobilize the physiological functions of the body to perform relatively more intense muscle activity and “work out” the muscular-ligamentous apparatus before a training session or competition.

The warm-up also contributes to the faster workability of the athlete's body, the reduction or elimination of pre-launch fever, apathy.

To explain the importance of a warm-up using an example, consider the main characteristics of the body, which are calculated during exercise:

HR (heart rate). At rest, the heart rate is usually 60-80 beats / min. During physical work, the pulse rises to 120-180 beats / min, i.e. may be 3 times different. What the body is capable of with a pulse of 180 beats, the same body cannot do at rest. The pulse can be increased to the required level in 4-5 minutes. A minimum warm-up is necessary to increase the heart rate to a working level.

MOS (minute volume of the heart). The amount of blood that the heart pumps in one minute is called the cardiac output (MV). At rest, our heart is capable of pumping about 5 liters of blood in 80 beats. But during operation for 180 strokes up to 25 liters. During work, the heart begins to beat not only more often, but also stronger, and in one beat it ejects more blood than at rest. The abrupt introduction of the body into the working mode will lead to the fact that the heart simply cannot cope with the task, and 5-7 minutes of warm-up is enough to successfully increase the MOS.

SV (stroke volume of the heart). The amount of blood ejected by the heart in one beat is called the stroke volume (SV). In trained people, this indicator during work can increase by 6 times, compared with the state of rest. UOS reaches its optimal value only after 5-10 minutes of intense exercise.

Muscle temperature. At rest, the muscles have a temperature of 34 degrees, and in a state of intense physical work 38. After reaching this temperature, thermoregulation processes are launched in the body. This is expressed in sweating. Therefore, the main sign of a warm-up is the appearance of sweat on the body. This usually happens at the tenth minute of the warm-up with a heart rate of 130-160 bpm.

Thus, it is extremely necessary to warm up, and its time should be at least 10 minutes.

Usually, the warm-up was considered in isolation from the entire pre-start state, and its beneficial effect was explained rather by local changes in the muscles or the mechanisms of unconditioned reflexes. Actually it is not. Under the influence of the warm-up, there are certainly positive changes in the muscles in the form of improved blood circulation, warming, increased excitability, etc., which further affect their subsequent work during a competition or game (in game types sports such as football, basketball, volleyball, etc.) and prevents possible injury. The main effect of the warm-up is to maintain the cerebral cortex in a state of optimal excitability.

The nature of the physiological changes caused by the warm-up and the physiological changes in the pre-start state has similarities. To a large extent, the effect of adaptation to the work ahead is also similar.

However, there is a significant difference in the mechanism of occurrence of physiological changes. In the prelaunch state, it is only a conditioned reflex, and the second signal system plays an important role. In the warm-up, the occurrence of physiological changes is associated with the direct execution of real movements, real muscle work.

The work of large muscle groups leads to a restructuring of the regulatory functions of the nervous system and to a change in the activity of the whole organism, adapting it to work and shortening the period of entry into work. Special exercises stretching muscles during a warm-up increase joint mobility, remove toxins.

The warm-up also has a preventive value. How better athlete prepares his musculoskeletal apparatus, the more perfectly he will perform movements and the less risk he will have of various sprains, ruptures of muscles, tendons, etc.

The best preparation It is achieved by alternating "stretching" exercises with "relaxation" exercises and exercises for the arms with exercises for the legs. The latter significantly increases the efficiency of both the upper and lower extremities.

As for the form of the warm-up, there is a wide variety of application of exercises.

2. Functional changes that occur during the warm-up .

The physiological essence of the warm-up is that it helps to increase the excitability and mobility of nervous processes, enhances respiration and blood circulation, and accelerates the physicochemical metabolic processes in the skeletal muscles. The latter is associated with an increase in body temperature, the opening of reserve capillaries. In particular, with an increase in temperature in working muscles and organs, the ability of hemoglobin to retain oxygen decreases, the release of oxygen to tissue cells increases, the elasticity and contractility of muscles improves, which protects them from damage, etc.

Properly carried out warm-up allows you to prepare the body for the next load. Mechanisms of a positive effect of the warm-up on the subsequent competitive or training activity are diverse. So, warm up:

increases the excitability of the sensory and motor nerve centers of the cerebral cortex, autonomic nerve centers, enhances the activity of the endocrine glands, thereby creating conditions for accelerating the processes of optimal regulation of functions during subsequent exercises. Warm-up affects the state of the central nervous system and autonomic processes. With the help of a warm-up, that optimal increased excitability of the central nervous system is achieved, which is necessary to complete the work. The lability of tissues, in particular nerves and muscles, and its changes are regulated by the central nervous system. The variability of tissue lability in the course of the reaction is of great importance for the activity of the whole organism. Due to the variability of tissue lability, as A. A. Ukhtomsky established, the phenomenon of rhythm assimilation occurs. The lability of lagging links increases under the influence of current impulses; in this regard, they learn the rhythm of excitations sent by more labile formations. At the same time, movements become more harmonious. Thus, the phenomena of rhythm assimilation, along with other processes, underlie the so-called "entry into work" (workability) during muscular activity. During the warm-up, muscle movements cause the flow of impulses from the receptors of the motor and other analyzers of the flow of impulses into the central nervous system, reflexively change the nature of the regulation by the latter not only of the activity of the motor apparatus, but also of all other organs and tissues.

enhances the activity of all links of the oxygen - transport system (respiration and blood circulation): pulmonary ventilation increases, diffusion rate O 2 from the alveoli to the blood, heart rate and cardiac output, arterial pressure, venous return, expanding capillary networks in the lungs, heart, skeletal muscles. All this leads to an increase in the supply of tissues with oxygen and, accordingly, to a decrease in oxygen deficiency during the period of ingestion, prevents the onset of the state of " dead center"or accelerates the onset of a" second wind ".

It increases skin blood flow and lowers the threshold for sweating, so it has a positive effect on thermoregulation, facilitating heat transfer and preventing excessive overheating of the body during subsequent exercises.

Helps reduce muscle viscosity, increase the speed of their contraction and relaxation. According to A. Hill, as a result of a warm-up, the rate of contraction of the muscles of mammals increases by about 20% with an increase in body temperature by 2 °. At the same time, the speed of impulse conduction along the nerve fibers increases, and the viscosity of the blood decreases. In addition, the rate of metabolic processes increases (primarily in muscles) due to an increase in the activity of enzymes that determine the rate of biochemical reactions (with an increase in temperature by 1 °C, the rate of cell metabolism increases by about 13%). An increase in blood temperature causes a shift in the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve to the right (Bohr effect), which facilitates the supply of oxygen to the muscles.

At the same time, the warm-up effects cannot be explained only by an increase in body temperature, since passive warming up (with the help of massage, infrared radiation, ultrasound, diathermy, sauna, hot compresses) does not give the same increase in performance as an active warm-up.

The most important result active warm-up - regulation and coordination of the functions of respiration, blood circulation and the motor apparatus in conditions of maximum muscle activity.

In the body of an athlete under the influence of a warm-up, changes occur that are characteristic and optimal for each type of sports activity. First of all, optimal excitability and mobility of nervous processes must be created.

The optimality and specificity of changes, the very possibility of their creation is determined to a large extent by the content of the warm-up itself, since it is known that changes in the functional state of the central nervous system in the course of any activity depend on its nature.

Properly organized warm-up increases the excitability and lability of the nerve centers, which creates optimal conditions for the emergence of new temporary connections in the learning process, and for the implementation of already acquired motor skills. Due to this, after a warm-up, the time between the start signal and the start of movement is shortened, orientation in space and the environment improves, and the number of incorrect reactions when it changes decreases.

Under the influence of the warm-up, the activity of enzymes and the rate of biochemical reactions in the muscles, the excitability and lability of the muscles increase. An increase in body temperature contributes to a more intense dissociation of oxyhemoglobin in tissues, as well as a decrease in muscle viscosity, which protects the practitioner from injury.

The physiological changes caused by the warm-up do not disappear immediately after its termination. They leave traces that provide improved performance in subsequent activities, that is, the main part of the lesson. For example, when a work is repeated, pulmonary ventilation, despite its restoration in the rest interval, will be greater than during the previous work. This is due to trace phenomena in the nerve centers, which contribute to faster and more complete mobilization of breathing during repeated work. Special requirements are imposed on the musculoskeletal system, the primary activation of the receptors of the central nervous system in which reduces the risk of injury and damage. Trace phenomena after work depend on the duration and on the interval of rest between the preliminary work and the subsequent one.

Thus, the beneficial effect of the warm-up consists not only in the occurrence of short-term physiological changes, but also in the preservation of relatively long-term trace phenomena that provide an increase in working capacity.

3. Methodological features of the warm-up.

When selecting exercises for a warm-up, it is necessary to take into account their sequence, volume and intensity, as well as the rest intervals between them.

The sequence of exercises included in the warm-up is determined by physiological factors and logical connections between them. This is of key importance and is mandatory, since exercises of a different nature have an unequal effect on the body. Due to the regularities of the consequences of the functional manifestations of the body and psyche caused by any activity, the effectiveness of each exercise is to some extent predetermined by the functional consequences of previous exercises. This influence can be positive - to contribute to the implementation of the next task - or negative - to impede the implementation of the next task of the training session.

The volume of exercises used in the warm-up should be optimal and not cause overwork of the trainees. At the same time, the warm-up should not be too long, since even when using exercises of moderate intensity, prohibitive inhibition can occur.

The amount of funds used is determined by the time allocated for the warm-up and its individual subsections. In general, about 35-40% of the total time is allocated for the introductory and general preparatory sections. So, 3-4 minutes are allotted for the introductory section of the warm-up, 18-20 minutes - for general preparatory (includes running 10-12 minutes for athletes and 12-15 minutes for athletes, a complex of general developmental exercises or outdoor games 6-8 minutes) and 8-10 minutes for a special preparatory.

When determiningload intensityin the warm-up, it is recommended to adhere to the following ratio:

1st zone (recovery, 114-132 bpm) - 30%,

2nd (supporting, 138-150 bpm) - 45%

3rd (developing, 156-168 beats / min) - 25% of the total time allotted for the warm-up.

Rest intervalsbetween exercises the necessary means, as well as the exercises themselves. Irrational time intervals between repeated performance of the given exercises will not correspond to the tasks being solved, cause other energy costs and related processes in the body of those involved. Rest intervals can be: large - when the excitability of organs and tissues decreases (pulse rate up to 70-80 beats / min); medium - when recovery occurs (pulse rate - 90-100 beats / min); small - the pulse rate decreases to 110-120 beats / min; very small, during which the heart rate drops to 130-140 beats / min. In the warm-up, mainly active, passive and mixed types of recreation are used.

At the same time, when building a warm-up, it is necessary to carefully consider and select the exercises themselves. Thus, warming up the body during the warm-up process is successfully carried out with the help of walking and running of varying intensity, complexes of general developmental exercises (without objects, with objects and weights, on the gymnastic wall and bench), outdoor and sports games, rhythmic gymnastics exercise complexes, aerobics elements, dance ligaments.

The most common types of exercises for warming up the body are: running + a set of general developmental exercises; running + outdoor games; sports games + a set of general developmental exercises; running + a set of rhythmic gymnastics exercises; a set of aerobic exercises + outdoor and sports games.

The first two combinations are the most effective. Due to the fact that running for 10-15 minutes affects the warming up of the body, the manifestation of strong-willed efforts (at an appropriate pace), the improvement of the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it is the best way to warm up. Sometimes running can be replaced by jumping rope, or fitness aerobics. A complex of 10-12 general developmental exercises performed at different rates for 6-10 minutes has a comprehensive and at the same time selective effect. They can be performed with balls. For example, before playing volleyball with volleyball players, before basketball with basketball players, before doing gymnastics, use gymnastic sticks or skipping ropes.

Games allow you to perform a variety of movements in a fun way, make it possible to repeat certain learned techniques in new combinations, help you move on to learning new, more complex movements, and contribute to the overall development of those involved. Each game, consisting of various elements, acquires exceptional value for the development of coordination, speed of action, the development of the necessary motor abilities, for the strengthening and development of the musculoskeletal system. The use of the game method in the warm-up allows you to increase the interest of athletes in classes, makes them emotional and quite saturated.

Within each combination, there are a number of different exercise options, for example, a long run can really be replaced by jogging 4-5 times 200-300 m, and in between running segments, perform general developmental exercises, alternate exercises in motion with exercises in place, combine exercises with a ball and general developmental exercises, etc.

When compiling complexes of general developmental exercises, the following requirements should be taken into account:

Plan complexes and options for warm-up exercises for both short-term and longer periods;

Consider the optimal change of combinations of exercises and their complexes in the warm-up;

Do not repeat the same warm-up twice or more times in a row;

Do not include in the warm-up more than two exercises associated with a complex-coordinating structure;

Select several exercises for each joint, allowing you to work it out at various angles and in various starting positions (lying, sitting, standing); follow the sequence of exercises in the direction from top to bottom (first for the arms and shoulder girdle, then for the trunk, pelvic region and, finally, the lower extremities). In this case, you should go from working out smaller muscle groups to larger ones.


Warm-up is an important part of the training and competitive process. Classes without her physical culture and sports at any level become traumatic; on the cardiovascular, respiratory and central nervous system without preparation, there are heavy loads, stressful.

A competent, thoughtful warm-up prepares not only for physical exertion, but also for psychological ones. The main purpose of the warm-up is to achieve optimal excitability of the central nervous system (CNS), mobilize the physiological functions of the body to perform relatively more intense muscle activity and “work out” the musculo-ligamentous apparatus.

Underestimation of the value of the warm-up is often the cause of various kinds of injuries of the musculoskeletal system, which not only reduce the functionality of the body, but also put the athlete out of action, sometimes for a long time.

The warm-up should not be monotonous, too intense or complex in coordination. It should be gradual, interesting,

covering all muscle groups. There should be a connection between the warm-up and the subsequent main part.


1. Vasilyeva, V. V. Changes in the functional state of the body during warm-up / V. V. Vasilyeva. M.: Fizkultura i sport, 2005. 496 p.

2. Shitikova, G. F. Forms of construction of physical exercises / G. F. Shitikova. SPb.

2009. 324 p.

3. Sports physiology / ed. Ya. M. Kotsa. M.: Fizkultura i sport, 2006. 240 p.

Article: "Warm-up at physical education lessons."

One of important conditions ensuring the effectiveness of physical exercises (educational, competitive, training) is to take into account the dynamics of the functional state of the body of students in the process of training. It is important for the teacher and trainer to have a good idea of ​​what changes occur in this case in various organs and systems of the body of children, what is needed to increase their performance and efficiency of classes.

Structural and educational and training sessions divided into three parts: introductory (preparatory), main and final. The correct organization and methodically competent conduct of the introductory part are especially important, since the main tasks solved there are the gradual bringing of the body to a muscular load, mental and physical training to it, accelerating the process of working into the main work, in many respects predetermine the effectiveness of the entire subsequent lesson. High demands suddenly placed on the body (difficult physical exercises, large exercise stress), can lead to a deterioration in the functional state and even to mental and physical injuries.

What tasks are solved in the water part of the lesson? This is, first of all, pedagogical training - the creation of a favorable situation for solving pedagogical problems. The next task is psychological adjustment, ensuring mental readiness for classes. No less important is the functional adjustment - strengthening the activity of the respiratory and circulatory systems, increasing body temperature, etc. Motor tuning is of great importance - entering the pace and mode of motor acts, achieving the optimum of motor reactions.

The whole complex of physical exercises carried out in the introductory (preparatory) part of the classes in order to comprehensively mobilize the functions of the body, prepare them for the upcoming exercises, is commonly called a warm-up.

Warm-up should not be confused with working out - functional changes that occur in the body in the initial period of work (for example, when performing a set of physical exercises to develop basic physical qualities). The less prepared the body, the longer and more intense the period of working out. A properly organized warm-up facilitates the process of working out and ensures a higher readiness to perform the main group of physical exercises.

Distinguish between normal and sports warm-up. A regular warm-up consists of a general and a special part. General warm-up exercises should have a multifaceted effect, including the creation of a positive emotional mood. The purpose of these exercises is to increase the function of the central nervous system, increase metabolism, activate the respiratory and circulatory systems. The program of such a warm-up usually includes exercises of moderate intensity with gradually increasing power: general developmental and running, combined with gymnastic games.

The introductory part of physical education lessons at school can be limited to a general warm-up using exercises that are close to the upcoming main activity.

What are the features of a sports warm-up? Its main difference from the general warm-up is that it consists of three parts.

In the first part of the sports warm-up, preparation for the upcoming work of the joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles is given. To this end, the complex includes exercises of moderate intensity. Initially, dynamic exercises with increasing amplitude are used, and each exercise is repeated 8-12 times. Then perform several exercises of a static nature, lasting 5-8 seconds. In general, the first part of the warm-up takes about 5 minutes.

In the second part of the sports warm-up for 5-10 minutes, it is good to use moderate-intensity running.

The third, special, part includes exercises that are similar in their biomechanical structure to the exercises performed in the main section of sports training. This warm-up lasts 15-20 minutes.

As already noted, the warm-up has a significant impact on the state of the student's central nervous system. The mobility of nervous processes increases, the perception and processing of information improves.

Under the influence of the warm-up, preparation for the upcoming work of the joints, ligaments, tendons and muscles takes place. As a result, the elasticity of ligaments, tendons and muscles increases, and the flexibility of the joints improves. All this prevents injuries, ruptures, cracks.

One of the important effects of a warm-up is to increase the work of the heart. To improve the efficiency of the heart, it is necessary to increase not only the heart rate, but also its stroke volume, which leads to an increase in the minute volume of blood. However, this is not achieved immediately. The functions of blood circulation also have a certain intensity: the body can achieve large blood circulation values ​​compared to the state of rest only after 3-5 minutes of warm-up.

When warming up, as a rule, the body temperature rises, especially the working muscles, and therefore the warm-up is called warming up. An increase in temperature helps to reduce the viscosity of the muscles, which makes it easier to perform movements with a greater amplitude and a faster rate of contraction and relaxation.

Warm-up mobilizes all parts of the respiratory and circulatory systems. The capillaries of the muscles open, their lumen increases, the blood supply to the muscle increases tenfold.

When warming up, the vessels of the “blood depot” of the spleen, liver, and subcutaneous tissue are compressed. As a result, the total volume of circulating blood increases, which also improves the blood supply to the working organs, and especially the muscles.

Respiratory function is also significantly intensified during warm-up: the frequency and volume of respiration increases, the network of working and light capillaries increases, thereby ensuring greater oxygen consumption and improved excretion of metabolic products from the body.

It should be emphasized that the role of the warm-up is not only to increase readiness physiological systems to work, but also in enhancing their interconnection. This is necessary for more efficient implementation motor actions varying complexity and intensity.

In conclusion, we emphasize once again that the importance of the physiological patterns of warm-up is necessary for the teacher to build the educational process more effectively, increasing the effectiveness of classes, strengthening the health of schoolchildren, and increasing their efficiency. An improperly organized warm-up can give the opposite result.


1. Dubrovsky, V. I. Sports physiology: textbook. for avg. and higher textbook manager in physical culture / V. I. Dubrovsky. – M.: Guman. ITs VLADOS, 2005. 462 p.

2. Nishi K. Improvement of blood vessels and blood. St. Petersburg: Nevsky Prospekt, 2004.-124p. (Ser.: Classics of natural medicine) 3. Solodkov, AS Human physiology: general, sports, age: textbook. / A. S. Solodkov, E. B. Sologub. - M. : Terra-Sport, Olympia Press, 2001. 520 p.


The standard beginning of the preparatory part of a physical education lesson involves walking and running in a column one at a time, followed by rebuilding to perform general developmental exercises. But for greater density, variety and emotionality of the lesson, it is also useful to use a warm-up in motion. This form of training requires considerable stamina for schoolchildren, but the teacher can always adjust the duration and pace of the exercises.

A warm-up in motion, which does not exclude further exercises on the spot, was tested by us during classes with children of different ages: in kindergarten, at school, at sports sections and training camps. Control over the condition of those involved is carried out visually, as well as measurements of pulse and pressure.

Each teacher can easily determine the level of allowable workload for students different ages, after warming up several times in motion. According to our observations, the pulse rate of students:

1-2 classes should not exceed 114-120 bpm

3-4 grades should not exceed 120-126 bpm

5-6 grades should not exceed 132 bpm

7-8 grades should not exceed 138 bpm

For students in grades 9-11, it is advisable to keep the pulse rate within the limits of 138-156 beats / min.

In the classroom in sports sections with trained senior students, it should be borne in mind that their pulse rate can rise to 164 beats / min. It is more convenient to take measurements in just 10 seconds, then multiplying the result by 6.

All the proposed exercises are well known, we just divided them into groups, from which each teacher can make a complex for a particular lesson.

A warm-up in motion begins with marching in a column one or two, with walking on toes, on heels, on outside feet. Whether to use all these exercises in one lesson or choose some of them, the teacher decides. The complex is composed in such a way that running exercises alternated with calm walking, and after resting for 10-15 seconds, perform exercises for the development of arm muscles, as simpler and allowing you to restore breathing.


BUT. For the development of the muscles of the shoulder girdle

1. Claps overhead, arms down.

2. Three springy jerks with arms up and back, arms down.

3. One hand up. A jerk with the hands back, followed by a change in the position of the hands.

4. the same. Four jerks with the hands back, followed by a change in the position of the hands.

5. Three springy jerks with straight arms to the sides (hands just above the shoulders), arms down.

6. Hands to the sides. With a cross movement of the arms in front of the chest, hug yourself by the shoulders (elbows slightly higher than the shoulders), arms to the sides.

7. Hands to the shoulders. Four hand rotations forward, four back.

8. Four forward and backward rotations with straight arms.

9. Hands forward. Four rotations with the forearms forward, four back.

10. Hands to the sides. Four rotations with clenched fists forward, four back.

11. hands in front of the chest. The fingers of the same name of the right and left hands rest against each other ("SHALASHIK"). Three springy approximations of the palms to each other. On the count of "4" - shake the brushes.

B. For the muscles of the body

1. Two steps, two spring forward bends.

2. Hands in front of the chest, gripping the fingers. Turns to the side in front of the placed leg (elbows slightly above the shoulders).

3. The same, but hands behind the head.

4 The same, but hands above the head, gripping the fingers.

5. One hand up. Tilt to the front standing foot(the hand helps to perform a deeper bend).

B. For leg muscles

1. two steps, two squats, hands on knees.

2. Walking "goose step".

3. Jumping on both legs moving forward.

4. Jumping on one leg moving forward.

5. Jumping in a squat with moving forward.

6. Jumping in a squat left-right moving forward.

7. Jumping left-right, two forward.

8. Squat jumps: three forward, one back.

9. Walking lunges.

10. Multi-jumping with the movement of the hands from the bottom up and moving forward.

11. Jumping with dance movements "Polka".

12. Jumping with dance movements "Letki-enki".

13. Jumping legs to the side along with moving forward.

G. For mixed muscle groups

1. Walking on all fours.

2. Emphasis sitting behind. Moving feet forward ("cuttlefish").

3. From the stop, crouching, put your hands forward and push both legs to come to point-blank crouching (“frog”).

4. Walking on hands (partner holds legs, then role reversal).

5. Step, second step with a turn to the left (right) - emphasis crouching, emphasis lying - emphasis crouching, stand with a turn in the direction of movement (the number of repetitions is determined by the teacher).

6. The same, but after the emphasis lying down, push out the number of times specified for boys and girls.

7. The same, but after lying down - legs to the sides together, a given number of times (performed at the expense of the teacher).


1. Running with side steps left, right side in the direction of movement.

2. The same. Two steps on the left side, two steps on the right side in the direction of travel.

3. The same. One step on the left side, one step on the right side in the direction of travel.

4. Running with a cross step left and right side.

5. Running backwards.

6. Run with 360-degree turns on signal, continue running in the same direction.

7. Run with 180-degree turns on signal and continue running in the opposite direction.

8. Running, arms to the sides, clenching and unclenching fingers in fists.

9. Run, arms to the sides. Crossing straight arms in front of the chest.

10. Hands in the "castle". Run, straightening your arms, palms out, and bending your arms, palms to your chest.

11. Running, raising straight legs forward.

12. Running, raising the thigh high.

13. Running, throwing the lower leg back.

14. Running. With palm strikes on the heel thrown back. Leg bent at the knee.

15. Rhythmic running with claps. Count: “step, step, two claps!”.

16. figured running diagonally, counter-moving, "snake".

17. The game "Become a guide!" Students run in a column one at a time with a distance of 1.5 meters between each. At the signal of the teacher, the trailer begins acceleration, running in a “snake” between those running ahead; and becomes a leader. A new trainee starts acceleration at the signal of the teacher after 5 seconds. To save time, you can run in two columns.

REPEAT: how many and what exercises should be included in each complex, the teacher decides. For example, complexes for grades 1 and 9 may look like this (we give indexes and numbers of exercises).

1 class. 1 - A - 1, uniform run, 2 - 1, 1 - A - 2, 1 - B - 2, uniform run, 2 - 5, uniform run, 2 - 6, 1 - D - 1, 1 - D - 2 , uniform run, 2 - 16, 2 - 8, 2 - 17, uniform run, 1 -A - 7, 1 - A - 8, 1 - B - 1, 1 - B - 5, uniform run, 2 - A - 6, even running, 2 - 9, even running. 2-A - 6, uniform running with the transition to walking.

Grade 9 1 - A - 4, 1 - B - 1,2,3; 1 - B - 1.2; uniform run, 1 - B - 4, uniform run, 1 - B - 6, uniform run, 2 - 1, uniform run, 2 - 4, uniform run, 1 - A - 7,8,9; 1 - B - 8, even running. 1 - A - 10, 2 - 14, 2 - 5.6; uniform running with the transition to walking.

The time allotted for a set of exercises is also determined by the teacher. Depending on the objectives of the lesson, preparedness and age of students, it can vary within 5-15 minutes.

Of course, the teacher can add his own exercises to the proposed complex. It is only necessary to make sure that it is convenient to carry them out to the count or the teacher's commands in the rhythm of the count.

For older students, the complex can be complicated by including overcoming obstacles. For example, it can be jumping on one or both legs across the sports hall gymnastic benches, running on benches, running between gymnastic benches placed across the hall.

Obstacles should not disturb the uniformity of movement involved. Developing a set of warm-up exercises in motion, we tried to include crawling along the gymnastic benches on the chest, pulling ourselves up with our hands. And the rhythm of the movement was immediately disrupted due to the uneven speeds of the students crawling along the benches. A similar picture arose during the movement of students along the slats gymnastic wall: a queue began to gather at the obstacle, and those waiting, who received additional rest, had nothing to do. And instead of a frontal warm-up in motion, it turned out to be in-line - a group method of working at stations. The meaning of the proposed set of exercises is in a continuous and gradual increase in load, the development of endurance and the study of the main muscle groups, which is necessary for more effective further training.

Warm-up on the move is very convenient when conducting lessons on school grounds, in parks and stadiums, as it does not require time for various rebuildings. It takes at least 5 minutes for students to go outside and return to school, and this must be taken into account. A warm-up in motion can be started when approaching the place of employment (if this place is outside the school), thereby leaving more time for the main part of the lesson.