Three exercises for beautiful legs. It works: the best exercises for beautiful legs. Training program for beautiful legs

Slender beautiful legs cannot leave anyone indifferent. That is why many girls dream that they lose weight. Working with this area is not so easy, and in order to change it for the better, you need an integrated approach that includes regular training and proper nutrition. How to achieve slender legs? This will be discussed below.

Exercises for slender legs at home will help to achieve the desired volume. It is important to start the complex with a light warm-up, no matter where you work out in the gym or at home. Can be used as a workout treadmill, exercise bike, dancing, jumping rope. Take 5-6 minutes to warm up. Now consider what exercises training for slender legs can include.

1. Lunges

Lunges are unique in that they work all the muscles of the legs, helping to achieve their harmony. Starting position- standing straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms along the body. Perform a lunge first with your right foot. It is important to pay attention to the position of the legs - the angle between the thigh and lower leg should be 90 degrees. The same goes for the left leg. After lunging, return to the starting position and lunge with the second leg. For each leg, repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

2. Squat on one leg

A great exercise for slender legs and buttocks. The fact that we perform it on one leg will help increase the leg muscles. power load. Starting position - standing with an emphasis on the left leg, the right one needs to be slightly lifted up, arms extended in front of you. Now squat down by bending your left leg at the knee. The right leg should remain straight. In this exercise, maintaining balance is very important, so it is important to squat smoothly. If you still find it difficult to squat in balance, put something nearby that can serve as your support. Having done a squat, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 8 times for each leg. Total Complete two approaches Shake your legs between them to help relieve tension.

3. Swing

Athletes love to perform this exercise before competitions. It helps to warm up all the muscles at the same time and bring them into tone. Starting position - put your legs as wide as possible, bend your arms and wrinkle your hands, place them in front of you. First, lean to the right so that the left leg is bent at the knee at a right angle. Keep the left straight, take the pelvis as far as possible. Hold this position for a few seconds, then return to the starting position. Do the same for the left leg. Repeat for each side 15 times.

4. Squats

Classic squats are great exercises for slender legs. They help to work out the main frame of their muscles, which is responsible for harmony. Starting position - standing straight, legs slightly wider than shoulders, feet turned toes to the sides, bend your arms in front of you. Squat down slowly, while trying to keep the body as straight as possible. Try not to sit too deep, but until the moment when the top and bottom of the legs make a right angle. Hold for a few seconds at the bottom point, then rise. Repeat the exercise at least 12 times.

5. Reverse plank

The exercise involves the main muscles of the legs, which explains its effectiveness. Starting position - lying on the floor, place your legs on the fitball (you can on a chair or on a sofa). The arms are straight out to the sides. Raise the body so that it forms an elongated bar. Now start alternately bending one or the other leg at the knee. At the same time, rest as much as possible with your supporting foot on the surface used. Repeat the exercise 15 times on each side.

6. Exercise for the legs and buttocks

This exercise qualitatively works out the hips, buttocks, as well as calves. Starting position - lying on your back, spread your straight arms to the sides. The right leg must be bent at the knee so that it is stubborn, keep the left leg straight and lift it up, tear the pelvis off the floor. Push it up as hard as you can so that your chest, stomach, and your raised left leg form a straight line. Hold in this position, tensing the muscles of the buttocks to the maximum. Then return to the starting position. Do 15 reps for each leg.

It is recommended to repeat this complex 3-4 times a week, and soon you will be able to make your legs slim and toned. Also very useful for weight loss legs dancing, running, skipping rope. Try to walk up the stairs more often instead of the elevator - this will also contribute to the weight loss of the legs and gaining their elasticity.

Diet for slim legs

Effective weight loss is impossible without dietary modification. There is no special diet for slim legs and hips, you just need to follow a proper and healthy diet, from which harmful high-calorie foods are excluded.

To lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit, that is, consume less than you spend, so it is recommended to keep track of the calorie content of the diet.

For weight loss, it is important to minimize the amount in the diet simple carbohydrates and unhealthy fat sources. It is important to drink plenty of fluids, at least two liters a day - it helps break down fat, improves metabolic processes and controls appetite.

Useful products for weight loss - cereals without oil, lean meat and fish, dairy products, fruits and vegetables, dark chocolate (in minimal quantities). But sugar and products containing it, all kinds of sausages, fatty meat, fast food and other hazards are recommended to be limited.

Eat often and in small portions- it is this diet plan that will help you lose weight effectively, without experiencing a constant feeling of hunger.

Consider sample menu for slimming legs. For breakfast, use a plate of oatmeal and a glass of natural juice, for a second breakfast a few hours later - a boiled egg and a couple of plums. For lunch, you can eat 200 grams of boiled chicken, vegetable salad and one apple, for dinner - 50 grams of hard cheese and one citrus. And a few hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt.

This is just an example diet. You can build it however you like. The main thing is that it should include healthy and low-calorie foods, saturate the body with all the necessary elements and promote fat burning.

Cosmetic procedures

In how to make legs slim and thin, various cosmetic procedures can also be useful. While strength exercises tighten and strengthen muscles, make them embossed, procedures, both salon and home, help to effectively tighten and smooth the skin, get rid of cellulite, accelerate fat burning processes.

The first tool that will help achieve harmony in the legs is massage. It helps to activate blood circulation, fights cellulite, gives the skin firmness and firmness. It can be done both by a specialist and independently. You can use silicone jars sold in a pharmacy, massage or vegetable oil, as well as 10 drops of orange or other citrus ether. On one foot, mix the essential oil with two tablespoons of the preheated base oil. Carefully distribute the composition over the leg, capturing the buttocks and the entire surface of the thigh, and begin to wield banks. Massage one leg for 10 minutes. Then move on to the second.

After the massage, to consolidate the results, you can do a wrap with cling film. To prepare the mixture, you can use 3-4 tablespoons of any clay, warm water, a tablespoon of vegetable oil and citrus ether. Dilute the clay with warm water to the consistency of thick sour cream, add oil and 10 drops of ether to it, mix everything and evenly distribute it over the buttocks, thighs and knees. Wrap with cling film and hold the composition for about an hour. Then wash it off with warm water and use an anti-cellulite cream. It is recommended to repeat the procedure every other day for a month (15 sessions). There are many other effective wrap recipes: with honey, with coffee, with seaweed, and so on.

All these recommendations in combination will help you cope with how to make your legs slim at home. What is important is an integrated approach. Also remember that even if you manage to achieve the desired forms, it is important to keep them. To do this, continue to lead a correct and active lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, play sports. Cosmetic procedures will help to consolidate all the results of other measures.

Exercises for slim legs on video

In case you missed it, strong legs are a super-important workout benefit, besides the fact that they look great. Legs are literally what keeps you moving all day, so getting your lower body (yes, butt included) toned is crucial. To pump up the buttocks, the girl does not need any gymnastics! perfect, beautiful, slender legs will only give you power training(even at home, not to mention the gym).

Unfortunately, too many people neglect leg day: a) because they think they have already trained their legs all day and b) because the leg muscles are very large, and to see any results of training, you need to spend many times. You should train your leg muscles at least once a week.

Include 3 or 4 exercises from this list in your workout and change them every 2 weeks. You may not see the difference right away, but you will definitely feel it.

1. Squats with dumbbells

Technique fulfillment: put your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the dumbbell in front of your chest, point your elbows to the floor. Push your hips back and bend your knees to squat down. Return to starting position.

What this is gives“This variation of the squat helps tone the legs and hips by strengthening the quads, hip flexors, hips, glutes and hamstrings, plus the lats,” says Samuel.

2. Steps with an elastic band

Technique fulfillment: Place a rubber band under your feet and stand shoulder-width apart with your knees slightly bent. Tighten your core muscles, step your left foot to the side, and then repeat the same with the right. Then step back to the left.

What this is gives: "This is an effective exercise for girls to activate the buttocks and create sculpted sides of the buttocks."

3. Deadlift on one leg

Technique fulfillment: take the kettlebell in your right hand, stand on your left leg, keeping it slightly bent. Bend forward, stretching your right leg back until your torso is parallel to the floor and the kettlebell almost touches the floor. Return to starting position. (For an added complication, at the end of the set, lift your right leg until it forms a 90-degree angle.)

What this is gives: "You will work the hamstrings and buttocks and also train the sense of balance, which is poorly developed in women."

4. Romanian traction

Technique fulfillment: Take a kettlebell or two dumbbells in your hands, stand shoulder-width apart, keep your knees slightly bent. Position the kettlebells in front of your hips, push your buttocks back, and with a straight back, lower yourself to the floor. Squeeze your buttocks as you return to the starting position.

What this is gives: « Romanian draft, a great strength and endurance exercise that will work your hips, lower back, glutes and hamstrings.”

5. Dumbbell Toe Row

Technique fulfillment: hold kettlebells in front of your hips, both palms facing your body. Step back with your right foot and lift your heel off the ground. Take your hips back, bend over, lowering the weights down your legs. Once your hips reach a 90 degree angle, return to the starting position.

What this is gives: "Another deadlift variation where you'll target your back, glutes, and hamstrings to get them toned and toned."

6. Side lunges

Technique fulfillment: Stand shoulder-width apart with your arms folded in front of your chest. Do it with your right foot big step to the side, bend your right knee and lower yourself until your right knee forms a 90 degree angle.

What this is gives: Side lunges are great exercise to develop the strength of the quadriceps, hamstrings and buttocks. Also, this exercise will help your legs look visually slimmer and add even more beauty to them.

7. Thraster

Technique fulfillment: Take 2 dumbbells in your hands and place them above your shoulders, stand shoulder-width apart. Keep your torso as vertical as possible throughout the exercise. Lower yourself until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Rise up and with a sharp movement "throw" the dumbbells up. Lower them back to their original position.

What this is gives: “Your quads, hamstrings, and glutes are basically all the major leg muscles that need to work when you squat. And then this force will be transferred to the upper body through the muscles of the abdomen and lower back.

8. Jumping on a hill

Execution technique: Stand 15-20cm from a 15cm step (beginners can start at a lower elevation). Get into a position with a slight knees bent and quickly jump to the center of the step and back.

What does it give: "Plyometric movements like this build muscle fibers in your buttocks."

9. Bulgarian split squats

Execution technique: hold a dumbbell in each hand, stand 60 cm from the bench; take your right leg back and place it on the bench. Bend your knees to lower yourself as far as you can (or until your knee touches the ground). Keep your back straight the whole time. Pause, then press on the left heel, return to the starting position.

What does it give: “Bulgarian split squats target the quads, glutes, and hamstrings, while doing the exercise with dumbbells also trains muscle balance. By doing this exercise, you will realize that your legs can become thin and beautiful even from training at home.

10. Sumo Squats

Execution technique: stand a little wider than your shoulders, and turn your toes to the sides. Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in front of your hips. Bend your knees and lower your hips back into a deep squat. Pause at the bottom for two seconds, then return to the starting position.

What does it give: "Sumo squats focus more on the internal adductors of the thigh, which allows you to train the buttocks and upper legs without stressing the knees."

11. "Skater"

Execution technique: stand shoulder width apart. Place your left foot behind your right foot and bend your right knee to 90 degrees. Stretch your right arm out to the side and touch the opposite foot with the palm of your hand. Repeat the same with the other leg.

What does it give: "Not only does this exercise challenge your sense of balance by engaging your core muscles, it also trains all the muscles in your legs, buttocks and back."

12. Toe Raises

Execution technique: Stand on one leg and bend the other at a 90 degree angle. Stand with a straight back and a drawn in stomach. Rise up on toes with straight knees. Pause at the top and squeeze your thigh muscles. Lower yourself down to the starting position.

What does it give: "This exercise specifically strengthens and tones your calf muscles, which in the future will visually make your legs slimmer.

13. Reverse lunges

Execution technique: Stand shoulder-width apart and hold the kettlebell in front of your chest. Step back with your right foot and bend your knees as you lower - your left knee should be bent at 90 degrees. Repeat the same on the other side.

What does it give: « Reverse lunges are safer for the knees because they put less pressure on them than regular lunges.”

14. Exercise "Good morning"

Execution technique: Stand shoulder-width apart with a rubber band wrapped under your feet and around the back of your neck. Keeping your knees slightly bent and your torso straight, slowly bend your knees and abduct your hips until top part body will not be parallel to the floor. Hold this position for 5 seconds and return to the starting position.

What does it give: “The exercise is primarily aimed at strengthening the back of the thigh. Your glutes and hamstrings just drive the movement."

15. Raises from the hips

Execution technique: wrap one end rubber band around one anchor and the other around the hips. Place your hips shoulder-width apart, and connect your knees - you should end up with a triangle. Start by sitting on your calves and then lift your body up and down by spreading your hips. Squeeze your glutes at the end of your range of motion while avoiding overstretching your lower back.

What does it give: « This exercise focuses on thigh muscles and buttock activation without pressure on lower part back."

16. Cross lunges

Execution technique: Stand up straight, hold the kettlebell in front of you. Take a big step back with your right foot, crossing it with your left. Bend your knees and lower your hips until your left thigh almost touches the floor. Keep your torso upright. Return to starting position.

What does it give: "This is another lunge variation that targets the inner thigh muscles as well as the middle gluteal muscle, a smaller buttock muscle that helps stabilize your hips to improve your posture."

17. Stepping onto the platform

Execution technique: Place your left foot on the bench and your right foot on the floor. Leaning on your left leg, lift your body until you are fully on the bench. Raise and bend your right knee until it forms a 90 degree angle. Pause and then return to the starting position.

What does it give: "Steps primarily work your quads and hip joints. But your glutes, thighs, and hamstrings also help with movement, making this a fully engaging lower body exercise.”

18. Pistol Squats

Execution technique: Sit on a cube or chair. Raise your right leg and fold your arms across your chest, or extend to the sides for balance. Leaning on your left heel, get up from the chair. Pause, then return to the starting position. Repeat the same on the other side. This is one repetition.

What is it gives: "Pistol squats work the same primary muscle groups used in running, including hips, hamstrings, quads."

19. Jump Squats

Execution technique: Stand up straight, place your hands in front of your chest. Bend your knees, then jump as high as you can. Land softly on your toes and immediately lower yourself into a squat.

20. Split squats

Execution technique: stand with your feet in a checkerboard pattern: the left foot is in front, and the right foot is at a distance of 60-90 cm. Lower yourself in this position, as if in a squat. Quickly jump up and switch legs while jumping. As soon as your feet land, you lower yourself into a squat. This is one repetition.

What does it give: "Exercises like this engage type 2 muscle fibers in the buttocks, resulting in more power and firmness."

21. Leg abduction with elastic band

Execution technique: get on your knees. Wrap one end of the rubber band around your right leg and hold the other end in front of you. Tighten your abs and glutes and slowly move your right leg back until it straightens out. At the extreme point, squeeze your buttocks even tighter for a second.

What does it give: "This exercise effectively targets your glutes by isolating the gluteus maximus, gluteus medius, gluteus minimus, and hamstring muscles."

22. Lateral leg raise

Execution technique: lie on your left side, put your head on left hand and place your right hand on the floor in front of your chest. Your bottom leg should be bent and your top leg should be straight. Without moving any other part of your body, slowly raise your right leg as high as you can. Pause, then return to the starting position.

What does it give: "This exercise helps to strengthen the sides of the buttocks and remove the "ears" on the hips."

23. "Rainbow" leg swings

Execution technique: Get on all fours, place your hands directly under your shoulders. Keeping your back straight, straighten one leg out to the side or at a 45-degree angle so that the tips of your toes touch the ground. Raise your straight leg up and "draw a rainbow" behind you. Touch your fingers to the floor on the other side, and then return to the starting position.

What does it give: "This exercise will primarily aim at elastic buttocks, but you will also feel tension in your abs, hamstrings, and lower back. After this leg exercise, you will not find such beauty as yours again.

24. Glute bridge

Technique: Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet on the floor quite far from your buttocks. Tighten your core, then lean on your heels and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips up. Hold the position for two seconds before lowering.

What does it give: "The glute bridge is another great step for activating the glute muscles as well as strengthening them."

25. Glute bridge on one leg

Technique: Lie on your back with your arms outstretched, knees bent and feet wide apart on the floor. Raising your hips, straighten one leg up. Squeeze your buttocks to lift your hips evenly off the floor, then lower back to the starting position.

What does it give: "This variation will work your back and hamstrings a lot more than a standard bridge."

Let's swing our legs! Let's become beautiful!

Regardless of the season, girls always want to have beautiful and attractive legs. These ten exercises will transform your hips and legs, and you'll look stunning in short shorts.

1. Leg swing

To tone your leg muscles, try this exercise at home. Place a chair in front of you, if you are just starting, then with the seat towards you, and the advanced level with the back. Stand up straight and swing your leg, describing an arc above the seat of the chair, return to the starting position. Perform 30 repetitions on each leg, you can further bring up to 60 repetitions. High-rep exercises will work to burn fat in the thigh area.

2. Exercise climbers

This exercise involves many muscles when performing at once, but the quadriceps work especially well. Take an emphasis lying on your hands and on straight legs, pull one knee to your chest, and then, in a jump, begins to alternately pull your legs to your chest. Start this exercise for 20-30 seconds and finish it up to 1 minute.

3. Plie exercise

The plie exercise will help you tighten your inner thighs. Stand straight, legs wider than shoulders, toes turned outward, keeping your back straight, start squatting, do not take your legs off, do the exercise slowly. Return to starting position. Repeat this exercise for 15 to 20 reps, three to four sets, if you find it easy to do, use dumbbells or a water bottle as a weight.

4. Lunges

lunges are good exercise for the muscles of the buttocks, quadriceps. There are a lot of options for doing this exercise, but this is the simplest. Stand up straight with your hands on your waist, step forward and squat until your thigh is parallel to the floor, now jump and switch legs and squat. Do this exercise for 20-30 seconds and bring it up to one minute.

5. Plank

Most people don't think of the plank as a hip exercise, but it's great for working the hip flexor and internal muscles hips. Do this exercise first in the beginner's position, and then you can move on to the advanced poses.

6. Squats

Squats are a fantastic exercise for the hips and glutes! Stand straight, feet hip-width apart, toes pointing straight ahead. Squat as deep as possible, knees towards chest, back straight, linger at the bottom point and slowly rise.

7. Leg raises

Lie on the floor, put your hands under your buttocks and lift straight legs off the floor at an angle of 45 degrees, then lower down a little and hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute.

These exercises can be done at home and for this you do not need much time, just 20 minutes a day, and you will get the desired result.

What kind female legs considered beautiful? First of all, attention is paid to such parameters as the length and harmony of the legs. If the legs are proportional to growth and are not burdened with a large amount of fat, then in the absence of pathological deformations (curvature), these legs can already be called beautiful.

However, you can make them even more beautiful. Today, “sporty legs” are in fashion. Even top models now prefer not to sit on strict diets, but spend a lot of time in the gym. Indeed, by today's standards, embossed legs with developed muscles(in moderation, of course).

At beautiful legs there should be volume in the shin area. The calves should be filled, the front side of the thigh should be strong and rounded, and the inner side should be taut and elastic. Relief, roundness, elasticity and tone help to achieve exercises for the legs.

Exercises for beautiful legs should be performed regularly - at least 2-3 times a week. It is advisable to purchase dumbbells of at least 1.5-3 kg each. For some exercises, leg weights can be used. You will also need a fitness mat.

The proposed complex includes exercises to work out areas that form the beauty of the legs: calves and lower legs, quadriceps, internal and outer surface hips. If the legs are thin, then thanks to the exercises they will acquire the desired roundness. Full legs will become clearer and more elastic. Bonus: By doing some of the above leg exercises, you will simultaneously engage, which will strengthen and round them.

A set of exercises for beautiful legs

Standing leg exercises

Leg exercise 1. Let's start with the calves and drumsticks.

Starting position: stand up straight, leaving a distance of 10-15 cm between the feet. In the hands of a dumbbell.

Performance: at the expense of times, slowly rise on your toes, keeping your back straight. The arms do not move, but continue to hang freely along the body. On the count of two, lower your feet to the floor. Rise again and fall again. Repeat about 30 times. It is important to do the exercise slowly, concentrating on the sensations in the calf muscles.

To increase the load on the calf muscles, the heels are not lowered to the floor, but left a couple of centimeters above it.

Leg exercise 2. Another exercise to work out the calves. It is similar to the previous one, but is performed while sitting.

Starting position: sit on a low chair, bench or fitball (with a fitball, efficiency will increase, because you have to maintain balance). The distance between the feet is 10-15 cm. The knees are bent at a right angle, the hips are parallel to the floor. Put your hands with dumbbells on your knees.

Performance: at the expense of times, tear off the heels from the floor, raising the legs on the toes. The knees should rise as high as possible. On the count of two, lower your heels to the floor. Perform slowly and smoothly. Repeat 40-60 times, dividing this amount into 2 sets.

Leg exercise 3. This exercise is effective for calves, thighs, and buttocks.

Starting position: stand up straight, spread your legs as wide as possible, spread your socks to the sides and do a deep squat. Ideally, the thighs should be parallel to the floor, with the knees bent at a right angle. Put your hands on your belt.

Performance: at the expense of times, tear off the heels from the floor, transferring the legs to the socks. In this case, the squat position is maintained. On the count of two, lower your heels to the floor. Repeat calf raises without leaving the squat position. Do 30-40 calf raises, dividing this number into two sets.

The exercise should be performed slowly, but rhythmically, with strength and concentration on the sensations in the muscles of the legs.

Leg exercise 4. it side lunges, useful for the muscles of the lower leg, anterior and inner surface thighs, buttocks.

Starting position: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt.

Performance: at the expense of times, lunge to the right side, bending the right leg at the knee and transferring body weight to it. Make sure that the leg is bent at a right angle - in no case should the knee go beyond the toe of the leg. Left leg when lunged to the right side, it is fully extended.

The lower you squat in a lunge, the more benefit. If you are doing the exercise with dumbbells, then when lunging, bend down and touch the floor with dumbbells held in your hands.

Having made a lunge to the right side and transferring the weight to the right leg, you need to withstand a short pause of 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the same lunge for the left leg.

Alternate lunges to the right and left. Do a total of 15-20 lunges in each direction.

Leg exercises on the mat

Leg exercise 5. Let's move on to the inner thigh.

Starting position: lie on your side. Put your head on an outstretched hand or lean on and support your head with your hand. Bend the leg located on top and bring it forward, placing it in front of you. In this case, the body is a straight line. Point the toe of the lower leg towards you.

Performance: on the count of times, slowly raise the lower leg, on the count of two, lower it. Raise as high as possible. This should be done slowly, smoothly, tensing the muscles of the working leg. To increase the load, do not put your foot on the floor when lowering.

The number of repetitions depends on your body. The exercise should be done until a burning sensation appears in the muscles of the inner thigh of the working leg. After that, you need to lie on the other side and repeat the exercise for the second leg.

Leg exercise 6. Another exercise for the inner thigh.

Starting position: put a chair and lie on your side so that your feet are under the chair. Place your top leg on the seat. Pull the toes towards you.

Performance: lift the leg located under the chair. The body is exactly on its side - in order to maintain balance, it is necessary to strain the press. Lifts should be done slowly, with tension. Perform until burning in the muscles of the inner thigh of the working leg. Then change position and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Leg exercise 7. This exercise is called "Scissors", it strengthens the muscles of the legs and lower press. Particular emphasis is placed on the muscles of the inner thigh.

Starting position: lie on the mat with your back down, put your hands under your buttocks with your palms down, tear your shoulders off the floor and raise your legs to a height of about 30 cm, stretching your socks.

Performance: while holding the starting position, cross the tense legs. First one leg is higher, then the other, that is, the legs cross alternately.

The crossings are done vigorously and rather quickly, but with tension and strength, and not easily and gently. Legs and abs are tense all the time. Make about 60 crosses, dividing this number into two approaches.

Leg exercise 8. Now work on the outer surface of the thigh.

Starting position: lie on your side, lean on.

Performance: lift the top leg. The main attention is concentrated on the muscles of the outer surface of the thigh of the working leg: lifts must be done slowly, with tension, feeling a burning sensation in these muscles. Do 30-40 lifts and repeat the exercise for the other leg.

Leg exercise 9. And one more "Scissors".

Starting position: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raise straightened legs so that they make almost a right angle with the body. Pull out the toes.

Performance: slowly reduce and spread tense legs, slightly cross when reducing. Spread your legs as wide as possible. First, approximately 30 dilutions are made with the toes extended. Then you need to pull the socks towards you and make another 30 crossings. You should concentrate on the muscles of the inner and outer thighs (when reducing - on the inside, when breeding - on the outside).

Leg exercise 10. This exercise is to complete the complex for the legs.

Starting position: lie on your back, raise your straight legs to a comfortable height.

Performance: just shake your raised legs as if you want to shake off drops of water from them or relieve tension after a heavy load.

Shake for so long until you get bored. Alternate small and large shaking, fast and smooth.

How useful is this exercise? This is a rhythmic massage that improves microcirculation and lymph flow. When shaking, lymph outflow occurs - this relieves the legs of edema and. Muscles receive more nutrition, which means they quickly come to the desired shape.

Additional leg exercises

During the day, whenever possible, walk on your toes. When walking on toes, you create a load on all the muscles of the legs - this is especially effective for the calves and buttocks.

Jumping is very useful for the legs. Do you want beautiful legs? Buy a jump rope and jump anytime you feel like it.

If you spend a lot of time sitting at school or work, arrange physical education for your legs. Do light "invisible" exercises about once an hour. Starting position: sitting on a chair, legs bent at the knees, feet on the floor. Execution: tear off and lower your socks 30-40 times. Then tear off and lower your heels - also 30-40 times. Raise and lower your knees 30-40 times. Do these "imperceptible" exercises easily and freely. Try to remember them every hour while you sit at work or study.

Romanova Vera, fitness club instructor Fitness Territory, certified trainer FPA (Association of Fitness Professionals) will share with us the basic, but effective exercises. Performing only 5 exercises, you will achieve a guaranteed result. All you need is 20 minutes a day and weights.

Exercises for the muscles of the legs and buttocks

1. Squats

Starting position: feet hip-width apart. On inspiration, we squat to the parallel of the thigh with the floor, the knees do not go beyond the edge of the foot, we transfer the weight to the heels.

Final position: Exhale as you return to the starting position. As weights, we take a dumbbell or bodybar.


2. Lunges

Starting position: feet hip-width apart.

Final position: step foot back and lower the pelvis while inhaling. At the bottom point, both knees form a right angle. On exhalation, we return to the starting position. After the desired number of repetitions, change the leg.

3. Lying pelvic lifts (shoulder bridge)

Starting position: legs bent, arms along the body or holding weights (disc, body bar, dumbbell).

Final position: while inhaling, we raise the pelvis up, contracting the gluteal muscles, while inhaling, we return to the starting position.

4. Leading the leg to the side

Starting position: lying on your side.

Final position: put the weight closer to the knee joint, shorten the foot and on the exhale move the leg to the side. On inspiration, we return to the starting position.

5. Back leg swings

Starting position: kneeling with support on the palms or forearms.