Why do football teams get stars? Insignia: where do clubs get the stars above the emblem . Stars on the emblem of the national team

“Why do we only consider Russian championships in the regulations and do not take into account 12 championship titles of Spartak in the USSR? - such a question was asked legendary goalkeeper Moscow "Spartak" Rinat Dasaev in an interview with Soviet Sport a few days ago. – Why is it that records of achievements have been kept only since 1992, and the victories of previous years have been deleted from it? We didn't win anything for Spartak? Or was the club founded only in Russian times? Is it right? Where is the logic here?! At Spartak and others Russian clubs should be the same story. Therefore, there should be four stars on the Spartak emblem in terms of the number of titles won, and not one, as it is now. Once again I want to emphasize: we must not forget about the championships of past generations and delete them from history. This mistake in the championship regulations, I am convinced, must be corrected.

On this occasion, Championship.com decided to look into some other football championships and find out how often and for what merits clubs decorate their emblems with stars.

In Russia, as you know, golden stripes are issued for five championship titles. The same system operates in Ukraine. Here, the most "star" team after the collapse of the USSR is Dynamo - their uniforms are decorated with two stars, and in total, the people of Kiev have 13 victories in the championship. The most titled club in our country (nine-time winner of gold medals) is Spartak. For several years in a row, the red-whites have not overcome the bar of 10 league titles. Therefore, the second golden star above the rhombus is the main dream of Spartak fans. However, not all clubs suffer from "star" disease. Juventus, for example, last year, on the contrary, abandoned such accessories on the form. Head of the Turintians Andrea Agnelli explained the decision by the fact that the systems for counting titles won by Juventus and the Italian football federation are slightly different.

Four stars have flaunted above the Bayern logo since 2008

Mathematical disagreements arose after Calciopoli - in 2005/2006, the Bianconeri were stripped of two titles. “We believe we have 30 league titles. However, the federation believes that there are 28 of them. Since we do not agree with such arithmetic, we have removed the stars from our form. All the true fans of the team already know very well that we have 30 titles and, accordingly, three stars. As you guessed, in Italy, stars are sewn onto the uniform for every tenth championship. For example, following the bianconeri in this indicator are Inter and Milan - they have 18 titles each and, accordingly, one star on the form.

In general, the Italian system is the most common and adopted in many countries. Slightly different rules apply in Germany. So, four stars have been flaunting over the Bayern logo since 2008, although the Munich team then won the championship not for the 40th, but for the 20th time. We’ll warn you right away: the logical conclusion that stars are issued in Germany following the Russian example is incorrect. The fact is that the German club can sew the first star on the uniform after the third victory in the national championship, the second after the fifth, the third after the 10th, and the fourth after the 20th victory.

Thus, the fifth anniversary patch over the emblem will appear at Bayern only after the 30th victory in the championship. Here, by the way, one should not forget about one important detail: the counting of champion titles begins in 1963 - it was then that the Bundesliga was formed. Moreover, the “star regulation” in Germany appeared at all in 2005, when the football federation allowed the honored teams of the past to sew on silver stars. Until that moment, some clubs were openly engaged in arbitrariness. Take Dynamo Berlin, for example, which now plays in the German Regional League. The team continued to paint three stars on their uniforms over the years to commemorate their many league victories in East Germany. As a result, the Berliners had to remove two stripes. Greuther Furth did the same.

An even more complicated system is in Israel. For example, the modest "Maccabi" from Haifa has only one star, although the team has won more than 10 titles. Hapoel from Tel Aviv won the championship the same number of times - 10 times - but for some reason they sewed two stars above the emblem. The most immodest turned out to be "Maccabi" from Netanya - they decided to mark each of their championships on the form. Thus, they already have one more stars than Bayern.

The distribution of valuable stripes was also approached differently in Scotland. The Glasgow Rangers were not too lazy to mark every 10th championship on their uniform (they have 54 wins in the Scottish League in total). And the main enemies of the "Rangers" - "Celtic" - still only one star flaunts. But what! It symbolizes the victory of the club in the Champions Cup. The history of the Rangers, of course, does not know such successes. Such an example turned out to be contagious for the leadership of Boca Juniors. Managers of the Argentine club did not pay attention to 54 league titles in the national championship, having sewn only three stars on the form - in honor of victories in the Intercontinental Cup (club world championship).

Stars are also not alien to the national teams. True, the criteria here are the same for everyone. The "star" record holder is the Egyptian team - on their uniform eight gold stars flaunt at once, sewn in honor of victories in the Cup African nations. Brazil is three less. The magicians of the ball, as you know, raised the World Cup five times over their heads. The Azzurra Squadra won the world championships one time less than the Brazilians, which means there are four stars above their emblem. Finally, the German team has three stars sewn on its uniform.

For an ordinary football fan, the familiar star above the emblem of the Moscow "Spartak" is nothing more than an insignificant attribute. Many even consider this golden five-pointed part of the emblem. But for loyal fans of the red and white, honoring the history of the club, the star is sacred. Fans rush about with it like with a written bag, and until recently their main aspirations were related to the fact that instead of one star above the diamond with the letter “C”, two began to show off.

The fact is that according to the regulations of the Russian Football Premier League (RFPL), a club can sew a coveted star over its emblem, having won five championship titles in the Russian championship - not earlier. Five championships - one star, ten victories - two, fifteen - three, etc. At Spartak this moment nine titles of the champion of Russia - only one trophy was missing to the second star. Therefore, all that the fans dreamed of was the championship and the second star - a sign of superiority over other clubs, which did not even have one star of victories.

"Spartacus" can not? RFU will help

It should be noted that in the described system of values, only victories in the Russian championship were taken into account and the regalia won by the same clubs in the Soviet era were not taken into account. And Spartak, by the way, from 1936 to 1991 has accumulated as many as 12 cups of the winners of the Union championship.

After much discussion, at the meeting RFPL clubs it was decided to count the Soviet victories. Now, instead of the two stars that the fans dreamed about, four will flaunt over the “rhombus” at once: twelve Soviet victories plus nine Russian ones - 21 champion titles. And a star for every five titles. The emblems of the other two flagships of Soviet football will also grow. For 11 USSR championships won, Moscow "Dynamo" will receive the right to sew two golden five-pointed shoes, and the capital CSKA, who won the title of champion of the Union only seven times, will add four more Russian titles to these victories and will also receive the right to two stars.

A similar system has long been adopted in neighboring Ukraine, whose clubs have also become champions of the USSR more than once or twice. True, there are stars only above the emblem of the Kiev "Dynamo", but just two. The most titled Ukrainian team won the championship of the USSR and Ukraine 13 times. According to the new Russian rules, five stars would have flaunted above the letter "D". But the neighbors have their own laws, closer to European standards - a star for every ten titles. So we got 26 trophies embodied in just two stars.

And how are they?

Neither in the world, nor even in Europe, there is a single standard for assigning stars to football clubs.

One of the strictest and most transparent systems is in Italy, where a star is awarded to a team for every ten titles won in Serie A. But even with this order, misunderstandings are obtained. After the most titled club in the country, Turin Juventus in connection with the scandal fixed matches and bribed judges, stripped of two titles, the team stopped placing two stars above its emblem. According to the president of the club, they are confident that they have 31 league titles to their credit. The League believes that this number is equal to 29. In protest, the club dropped the stars altogether.

Approximately the same system adheres to the 54-time champion of Scotland, Rangers from Glasgow, ruined and exiled to the lower Scottish league. Their emblem has five stars. At the same time, the main rivals "Glasgow", Celtic, despite 44 league titles, only one star is put on display - for winning the Champions Cup.

In Germany, the most "star" team is the Munich Bayern. It would seem that there are only 23 trophies in the team's piggy bank, and as many as four stars flaunt above the emblem. A star for every five titles? No. Germany is more difficult. The first star is given for three wins in the Bundesliga. The second one is five. The third is ten. Fourth - for twenty. Bayern will sew the fifth star only by winning the championship seven more times.

In France, clubs also like to brag about their stars, but there is no rigid system - the number of stars is up to each club - at least draw a star for each individual goal. So Marseille "Olympic" has one star above its logo, but which one is for winning the Champions League. And humble "Nantes", which once beat Spartak Moscow in the Champions League, with its eight stars reminds us of eight championship titles. The most titled club in France, if you count the league titles, is now modest "Saint Etienne". Above his logo is one huge star, apparently for ten victories in Ligue 1.

In Spain and England, "star fever" is not sick. From the point of view that interests us, only the coat of arms of last year's champion of England draws attention to itself. "Manchester city" with three stars on the emblem. But, in fact, these stars carry only a decorative meaning, meaning nothing more.

In South America, too, there are no strict rules for applying stars to club emblems. So, some can draw stars for each championship, bringing their number to one and a half dozen, while others, such as the Argentine "Boca Juniors", native club Diego Maradona, generally for some time does not pay attention to internal trophies. Until 2008, stars were applied to the emblem itself for any significant trophy won by the club. Since 2008, their number has not changed. Sometimes three big stars appear above the emblem, as a sign that the team has won three Intercontinental Cups - three titles of the strongest club in the world.


Sin love for the stars and national teams. Though international associations and tried to introduce strict rules - one star for each world title, Egypt somehow managed to place seven five-pointed arrows on its emblem - the number of African Cups of Nations won by the team. But FIFA quickly stopped this practice.

Now have national teams stars represent only Mundials won. The record holder - pentacampions - Brazil, which has five stars on the logo. The Italians are second with their four titles with the same number of stars, organically woven into the shield-like emblem of the team. Three stars flaunt above the logo of the German national team. Uruguay and Argentina have two titles each. And only one star can boast of the British, French and latest champions world - Spaniards.

For a simple football layman, a familiar star above the emblem of the Moscow "Spartak" or "Dynamo" or any other club with great story- nothing more than a minor image attribute. Many, out of inexperience, even consider the sharp five-pointed arrow an integral part of the emblem. But for loyal fans who honor the history of the club, the star on the emblem is something more than just a tradition. It's almost a sacred relic, a shrine, best years and the club's greatest victories. For example, Spartak fans rushed with them all the off-season before last, as if with a written bag, and until recently their main concerns and office chores were related to the fact that instead of one star above the rhombus with the letter “C”, they began to show off the well-deserved past victories two. About them, about these stars, as well as about the features of their application and calculations, we will talk in our story.

In the case of Spartak, the whole point was that, according to the RFPL regulations, any club can put the coveted star over its emblem, having won five championship titles in the Russian championship. The message is clear - five championships are equivalent to one star, ten - two five-pointed beauties, fifteen - three, etc. It should be noted that in the described system of values, only victories in the Russian championship were taken into account and the regalia won by the same clubs in the Soviet era were not taken into account. And Spartak, by the way, from 1936 to 1991 has accumulated as many as 12 cups of the winners of the championship of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.

After long discussions, at a meeting of RFPL clubs, it was decided to count the "red-white" and their numerous Soviet victories. Now, instead of the two stars that the fans dreamed about so much, four have been flaunting over the coveted “rhombus” for the second year already: twelve Soviet victories plus nine Russian ones - a total of 21 champion titles. A star for every five titles, as officials promised. They became more pompous and majestic after applying the stars and emblems of two other flagships of Soviet and Russian football. So, for the 11 USSR championships won, Dynamo Moscow received the right to sew two golden five-pointers on the uniform and emblem, and the capital's CSKA, which won the champion title Soviet Union seven times, added four more Russian titles to these victories and also received the right to two stars.

A similar system was already being practiced with might and main in neighboring Ukraine, whose clubs also became champions of the USSR more than once or twice. The most titled Ukrainian team, Dynamo Kiev, won the championship of the USSR and Ukraine 13 times each. According to the new internal Russian rules, five stars would have flaunted above the letter "D". But the neighbors are trying to take examples from European standards in everything - a star for every ten titles. So we got 26 trophies, the embodiment of only two stars. Or maybe happiness is not in the stars?

And how are the stars doing abroad?

Neither in the world nor in Europe there is a single standard for assigning stars to football clubs on club emblems. For example, Italy has acquired one of the most rigorous and transparent systems, where a team is entitled to a star for every ten titles won in Serie A. But even with this order, misunderstandings are obtained. After the most titled club in the country, Turin's Juventus, was deprived of two well-deserved titles and exiled to Serie B due to Mojigate, the team stopped placing two stars above its emblem, vehemently insisting on three. According to the new president of the club, they are confident that they have 31 league titles to their credit. The Italian League Federation has its own strong opinion on this matter - do not remove the toughest sanctions from Juventus, rot in the lower division for at least a year, do not accept any appeals and recognize only 29 league titles. In protest against such a tyrannical decision, the club completely abandoned the stars.

The 54-time Scottish champions Glasgow Rangers, who fell into debt and were exiled to the lower Scottish league a few seasons ago, adhere to a similar system to the Italian one. On their emblem, like on a good cognac, five stars flaunt. At the same time, the main rivals of Glasgow, Celtic, despite 44 league titles, put up only one star for the victory in the Champions Cup, which, in their opinion, does not kill the image of the emblem with its asymmetry and is worth its five stars. sworn friends."

In Germany, the most "star" team in all respects is Bayern Munich. It would seem that there are only 24 trophies in the piggy bank of the local FC Hollywood, and as many as four stars flaunt above the emblem. A star for every five titles? No, in Germany everything is much more complicated. The first star is given for three wins in the Bundesliga, the second - for five, the third - for ten, and the fourth, respectively ... that's right, for twenty. Thus, the fifth star, like that of the Glazwegians, will be put into circulation by the Munich team only after winning the championship six more times (consider after 6 years).

In France, clubs also like to sparkle all over Europe with their stars, but there is no unambiguous system - the number of stars is an exclusively personal and intra-club matter. You can at least draw a star for every “star” you raise in your own school. So, the Marseille "Olympic" has one star above its logo, but which one - for the victory in the Champions League, of which it is very proud. And the modest Nantes, which once beat the aforementioned Moscow Spartak in the Champions League, with its immodest eight stars, reminds fans of eight championship titles, the last of which fell on the year of the last triumph of Moscow Spartak - in 2001. The most titled club in France, if you count the championship titles, is the now lacking star Saint-Étienne. Above its logo there is one huge star, apparently so big size five-pointed image-makers of the club wanted to show pride in a dozen victories in the championship of France.

In Spain and England, it is customary not to get carried away with “star fever”. With a very close search in these regions, only the emblem of the champion of England "Manchester City" with three pronounced stars applied on top of it makes you pay attention. But in fact, these stars carry only a decorative meaning, without meaning anything conceited, and symmetrically complement the uniqueness of the Manchester club insignia.

In South America, which is far away for us, there are also no strict regulated rules for applying stars to club emblems. There everyone is free to live and develop as he sees fit. So, some can draw stars for each championship, bringing their number to one and a half dozen, while others, such as, for example, the Argentine Boca Juniors, native to Diego Maradona, have generally not liked to brag about victories in the domestic arena for some time. Until 2008, stars were applied to the emblem itself for any significant trophy won by the club. Since 2008, their number has sharply ceased to change. Before important club games, three large stars appear above the emblem as a sign that the team has won three Intercontinental Cups - three titles of the strongest club in the world. Most likely, the reluctance to change is due to the extra costs of rebranding and regular change of club merchandise, and after all, the extra couple of hundred thousand - a couple of millions is better to spend on finding a few talents from the provinces and developing the club infrastructure, isn’t it, gentlemen bosses of RFPL clubs?

Sometimes they play stargazers and national teams. Although international associations tried to introduce strict vowel rules - one star for each world title, the Egyptian Football Federation somehow managed to place and popularize as many as seven five-pointed arrows on their emblem - supposedly according to the number of African Cups of Nations won by the team. But FIFA quickly stopped this practice and even punished the conceited Africans with a fine, warning of possible sanctions for the first and last time.

While the Premier League wants to know the opinion of the public about the registration of victories in the championships of Russia and the USSR on the T-shirts of clubs, fans of Spartak are waiting for three new stars instead of the second star, SE has gathered teams from all over the world that have a very solid collection of awards and titles , and hence the stars on the emblems.

1 star = 1 title (for national teams)

At first glance, the most simple and understandable system for counting titles: win the World Cup - get a well-deserved star. So five badges of honor flaunt on the T-shirts of the national team Brazil, four - in Italy, three - in Germany, two - in Argentina. Further more complicated: the Uruguayan officials not only did not forget about the two championships at the dawn of the development of football (1930 and 1950), but also added the gold of the Olympics here, attention, 1924 and 1928!

own system and African continent: they only dream of big victories, but for now they are dismantling local values, handing out stars according to the number of victories in the Continental Cup. The most titled of them were the seven-time winners of the main African tournament - the Egyptians. They are followed by the Ghanaians, who have four victories to their credit. Another four-time champion of the Black Continent - Cameroon - has only one star, probably from the modesty characteristic of Africans.

1 star = 1 championship

A simple star distribution system exists in France. She, however, often brings the situation to the point of absurdity. Few in the 21st century, outside the country of high fashion and culinary delights, remember the glorious times. "Nantes". Meanwhile, its yellow-green emblem is decorated with proud eight golden stars (an absolute European record!). For example, in the championships of Spain and England, there is no such system at all: three dozen championship titles in the Iberian Peninsula and nine victories in the Champions League, Real Madrid did not display on the emblem in any way.

Clubs no less greedy for titles and stars are located onAsian continent : The Chinese "Dalian Shide", disbanded in 2012, had as many as eight stars, but it also happens that one of the most titled clubs in the country can easily sink into oblivion. They boast a rich collection and Korean clubs: Seongnam carries seven stars on the wings of its Pegasus symbol, and two more clubs (Pohang and Suwon) display four each.

On the the American continent Salvadoran "Luis Angel Firpo" records all the victories in the national championship, which recently became 10; his competitor from "Isidro Metapana" has so far settled on a smaller number - six. In Mexican football, the most titles and local starsLiga MXpossesses "Guadalajara" - 11, followed by "America" ​​and "Taluka" - 10 each, "Cruz Azul" - 8, "Santos Laguna" - 4. There are "star" teams inMLS:D.C. United play in jerseys with four insignia.Europe : In Israel, "Maccabi" from the city of Netanya places a star for every victory in the championship - at the moment there are 5 of them, the Gorica club from Slovenia - 4, the Azerbaijani "Kyapaz" - 3.

1 star = 10 championships

54-time Scottish champion and concurrently the most titled team of the Old World on this basis, the club of the Protestant community of the largest city in Scotland and the worst enemy of the stronghold of Catholicism in the British Isles "Celtic" (derby of two teams, which is one of the oldest and most revered in Europe, is called "Old Firm"), finally, the owner of the honorary five gold stars"Glasgow Rangers" going through hard times. In the winter of 2012, the team was declared bankrupt: tax debts rose to a ridiculous, in general, by European standards, nine million pounds. One of the top two Scottish clubs was forced to start the 2012/13 season in the third division, the fourth and lowest professional league in the country.

The system with one star for 10 titles is also common in continental Europe: 40-time Greek champion Olympiacos has received the right to add a fourth in a row this year; 32-time Dutch champion "Ajax" - plays with three (the same number of stars has Sofia CSKA from Bulgaria, Prague "Sparta" from the Czech Republic, Brussels "Anderlecht" from Belgium, Vienna's "Rapid" from Austria and Lisbon "Benfica" from Portugal ). Turin Juventus has disagreements with the football authorities regarding the number of his titles ("The Old Lady" became the winner of Serie A 31 times, but two titles were taken away from her as a result of the famous corruption scandal"Calciopoli"). Last season, two stars flaunted above the Juve logo (each for ten championships - 27 legally and 29 in fact), this season, under the badge, the inscription "30 on the field" was embroidered in gold letters. Next season, the stars and the inscription will be completely absent.

1 star = 5 titles

Another option for the distribution of stars - it was he who was adopted in our country. Next season, the Spartak jersey will probably have not one star, but four, while Dynamo and CSKA will have two each. Currently, the RFPL is actively working on the draft regulations for the 2013/14 Russian Championship. In it, among other things, there is a clause that for every five titles won, taking into account the championships of the USSR, the club has the right to place a gold star above the emblem. Now only championships after 1991 are taken into account, which is why the red-whites perform with one star.

In Ukraine, by the way, two stars Kiev "Dynamo" symbolize more than 10 victories both in the championship of the Independent and in the days of the USSR. In the meantime, there is a similar system with five victories in Iceland: Valur - four stars, Reykjavik - five; in Israel: "Maccabi" from Tel Aviv - four (some of the championships were won even before the formation of the state), as well as in Turkey - "Galatasaray" and "Ferenbahce" played three stars each.

1 star = 3 championships

23-time German champion and winner of the 2012/13 Champions League Bayern fell in love with the football community with a well-functioning game in all parts of the field (it is usually referred to as the "German machine") and a hail of goals scored. This allowed the team of Jupp Heynckes to aim at all the trophies of the season (the final of the German Cup is still ahead) and open up what seems to be unlimited scope for the new mentor Josep Guardiola. True, fans should not expect the appearance of the fifth star in the near future (in addition to the collection of four already available): the German club can sew the first star on the form after the third victory in the national championship, the second - after the fifth, the third - after the 10th and the fourth - after the 20th Victoria. Thus, the honorable fifth stripe above the emblem will appear at Bayern only after the 30th victory in the championship.

1 star = 1 win in an international club tournament

Opponents of the already mentioned Glasgow Rangers from "Celtic" decided not to follow the lead of a more titled opponent and be more modest and ... caustic: the club is content with one star instead of four, but this star marks a victory in the 1966/67 Champions Cup. Wins of this magnitude with an opponent in " old firm"No, a reason for envy always flaunts in front of them.

Algeria's Kabylia wear a six-star patch for victories in the African Champions League, the local Cup Winners' Cup and the Confederations Cup. Diego Maradona's club approached the process of adding stars outside the box - " Boca Juniors. Until 2007, all (!) victories in the local championship were displayed on the emblem, of which there were more than 30 at that time. But then they decided to abandon this business, and three were placed above the emblem - in honor of victories in the Intercontinental Cup and the club world championship.

1 star = chaos

The most complex system involves a "star" combination of various Cups and championships won by clubs both domestically and on the world stage (the system has taken root mainly in the countries of North and South America): four stars of the Moroccan "Raja Casablanca" testify to 11 victories in the local championship (1 star = 10 championships) plus three for victories in the Champions League;Mexico : six stars "Puebla" - two in the championship (1 star = 1 title) and four - in the Cup; Pachuca has as many as 10 stars - five for championship victories (1 star = 1 title) and five for continental trophies; Monterrey - seven stars: four league titles (1 star = 1 title) and three local Champions League victoriesCONCACAF.

Similar mixed systems exist inBrazil : "Vasco da Gama" - eight, "Palmeiras" - eight (here, however, mainly championships are taken into account), "Internacional" - six; andArgentina : "Veles Sarsfield" and "Estudiantes" - 11, "Rosario Central" - 5. Multiple champion of the country - "River Plate" - abstained from the stars.

Football fans are very attentive not only to their favorite teams and players, but also to what they wear on their uniforms. Stars on emblems football clubs hard to miss, and many wonder what they mean.

Each country has its own peculiarities in this regard, but often the stars are added above the emblem of the football club in order to remind the fans and not only about the significant titles that the team has won. However, there are some clubs where the star on the emblem is a common decoration of the official logo.

The Italian championship has its own atmosphere, and the stars do not just get football teams. According to the strict system of Series A, stars on football emblems appear only after the team wins 10 titles.

To date, the most stellar club in Serie A is Turin's Juventus. However, after the “Old Signora” was convicted of corruption, she lost two well-deserved championships, and besides, she was sent to play in Serie B.

After such an unpleasant incident, only two stars were depicted on the football uniforms of the players, and the fans had a misunderstanding, because they were sure that their favorites should have three stars.

But, as you know, the views of the football federation and the fans do not always coincide. The Black and Whites, in protest, decided to completely abandon the privileges in the form of stars and removed them from the football uniform.

After the scandal subsided, and everyone forgot about it, the privileges on the logo returned. The 2018 Juventus kit features the club's three well-deserved stars.

The Ukrainian championship has exactly the same system for obtaining stars as in the Italian one. Two stars are assigned to the Dynamo Kiev club, and Shakhtar Donetsk formally has one star, but it is not on the football uniform.

The stars on the emblem of Dynamo Kyiv testify to 13 victories in the championships of the USSR and 15 victories in the championships of Ukraine.

In the Russian Football Premier League stars on the emblems of football clubs appear after five championships.

So for 11 titles won in the USSR, Dynamo Moscow depicted two stars on its emblem. CSKA was the champion of the Soviet Union 7 times, besides they have 4 league titles in the Premier League, so the army team has 2 stars. St. Petersburg "Zenith" has one star on the emblem - they once became champions of the USSR, and 4 times were champions of the Premier League.

However, most of the stars in Russian football at the Moscow "Spartak". As many as 4 stars on the Spartak emblem speak of the title of the club. From 1936 to 1991, the Red-Whites won the championship trophy 12 times. In the RFPL, Spartak has 10 victories, and as a reward - 4 stars that adorn the club's football uniform.

In the German Bundesliga, everything is much simpler, so it is not surprising where the stars come from clubs above the emblem in such a quantity. There, the system for accruing them is much simpler - it is enough for a team to win 3 titles for one star to be awarded, well, at least it may seem so.

Bayern Munich is considered to be the most titled German club. The team from Munich has 27 trophies, but only 4 stars are depicted on the uniform of the players. Something doesn't add up, does it?

And here some nuances of accruing stars in the German Bundesliga emerge - one star is awarded for the first three championship titles, 2 stars are awarded for five victories, 3 stars for ten victories, and 4 stars for twenty championship titles.

In France, the stars on the logos of football clubs are very much appreciated, but at the same time, the football federation has not yet come to a common system for awarding stars. Moreover, the stars decided to “hang up” on the teams, and not on the football federation.

So Marseille has one star on their uniform, which they awarded themselves for one victory in the Champions League in 1993. And they are still proud of this achievement.

The obvious “average” Ligue 1 “Nantes” has as many as 8 stars on the emblem of the logo. So they try to remind their fans of the eight victories in local championships, the last of which was recorded in 2001.

The titled club in Ligue 1 is Saint-Etienne, whose logo shows one, but a very large star. Apparently, the club's management wanted to show the fans success in the French league with such decoration of the form, or to be more precise, 10 victories.