And what a kingfisher he is. Bird kingfisher photo and description. Individual and group tasks before the lesson

Reader's Conference

Topic : Yu. Yakovlev "Kingfisher"

Target: analyze Yu. Yakovlev's story "Kingfisher" (its themes, problems, artistic originality).


1. To acquaint with the life and work of the writer Y. Yakovlev.

2. To teach to represent the image of the hero of the work, based on the text (actions, appearance, attitude towards people).

3. Learn to identify main idea works.

4. Raising respect for war veterans,to the courage of the defenders of the Fatherland,the ability to empathize and empathize.; education of historical memory among students on the basis of a respectful attitude to the history of the state and the memory of the defenders of the motherland;

Equipment: projector, interactive whiteboard, cards.

Forms and methods: the lesson is built on the technology of critical thinking (fishbone, cinquain) group, frontal;

Expected result from the lesson:

Cognitive UUD:

2) we form the ability to present information in the form of a diagram;

3 ) we form the ability to identify the essence, features of objects;

4) we form the ability to draw conclusions based on the analysis of objects;

7) we form the ability to find answers to questions in the text.

Communicative UUD:

1) develop the ability to listen and understand others;

2) we form the ability to build a speech statement in accordance with the tasks;

3 ) we form the ability to formulate our thoughts orally;

4) developing the ability to work in groups.

Regulatory UUD:

1) we form the ability to express our assumption on the basis of work on the content of the story;

2) we form the ability to evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task;

4) we form the ability to carry out cognitive and personal reflection.

Personal UUD:

1 ) we form the ability to show our attitude to the characters, to express our emotions;

2 ) we form motivation for learning and purposeful cognitive


3) we form the ability to evaluate actions in accordance with a certain situation.

During the classes.

  1. Call.


To update and generalize the student's knowledge on this topic;

Arouse a steady interest in the topic under study, motivate the student to learning activities;

Encourage students to be active in class.

We have read the story of Yuri Yakovlev "Kingfisher". Name the theme of the work, i.e. what does the book say?

Read the title of our reader's conference. Is it familiar to you?

Forgetfulness is the rust of memory.

Who said these words? (Dr. Stroilo)

How do you understand the meaning of this statement? (basket of ideas). Write the children's ideas on the board.

What is oblivion? At the end of the lesson, we will return to this word and to the statement.

After working on the content of the work, we will try to reveal the meaning of this statement and understand the meaning of the story, which Yuri Yakovlev wanted to tell us.

  1. Making sense.

Look for the person in you; if you find a good, fair person in yourself, you will live interestingly, with benefit.

(Dr. Stroilo)

What does it mean to be a good and just person? Who from the story can you call a good and fair person who lived a useful life. (Kingfisher)

What does it mean to live life to the fullest?

This story was written by a wonderful writer Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev. He wrote poetry, short stories, and fairy tales.

(student narrates biography)

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev was born in June 1922 in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) in the family of an employee. In 1941, after graduating from school, Yuri Yakovlev went to the front. At first he was a gunner of an anti-aircraft battery, and then an employee of the front-line newspaper "Alarm". Lost mother in besieged Leningrad.

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1985). Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev died in Leningrad in 1996.

Today, turning over the pages of the story “Kingfisher”, we will once again learn to understand the work by reading it.

Let's try to hear the moral sound of the story, which is based on such concepts as:

  • connection of generations
  • human memory,
  • person's name,
  • oblivion,
  • hope.

We will find out what worldly wisdom the guys understood during the search for the name of the unknown soldier.

A hunter following the trail of an animal

One who has experience in trace recognition

person (usually student collective), which collects materials on
past historical events, about historical persons.

The story is not built in the usual way. What is this unusual?

It has 15 chapters. Inside almost every chapter, we read about the life of modern boys and girls and at the same time learn about the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Why is the story called "Kingfisher"? What does this word mean?

(This is the nickname of a person. This is the name of a fearless bird.)

- Now let's work in groups. The first task is calledFind out by the description of the hero»

You need to match the description from the text with the hero of the work.

He was short in stature. With a massive head. Tousled hair, dark, with frequent white threads, passed from the head to the cheeks and merged with the mustache and beard. In this lush vegetation, which covered almost the entire face, large spectacles with smoky glasses gleamed. His voice was muffled, as if coming from deep within. (Sergei Ivanovich Seregin)

Mocking brown eyes looked straight at the teacher, and wide cheekbones - each with a pinch of freckles became even wider from a smile. The boy wore a military belt, wide, with a copper buckle, and cowboy jeans on the back pocket. They say these trousers are eternal. Looking for someone! Two patches testified that the time is coming for the eternal. (Marat)

Even though summer was just approaching, this adult was already sunburnt. His forehead, cheekbones, sunken cheeks were covered with a coarse, windblown tan that made him look like a red Indian, and white hair set off the tan even more. (Grey)

Her face was yellowish, the color of sunflower oil, and her hair was sparsely parted. A handkerchief with faded flowers slipped from the head to the back and lay around the neck, like a pioneer tie (the mistress of the gatehouse from the Reka station)

There was not a single hair on the head. He was bald as a globe. Tanned, weathered globe. (Pavlov)

As huge and overweight as her niece from the shooting range (Aunt Alevtina)

Lives in Odessa, retired. Sick. His wife, a partisan teacher, is also with him (Pyotr Ilyich Luchin)

He was long and thin and stooped slightly, as if he was always afraid to hit his head on the lintel. He had half gray hair and bulging eyes. And the arms hung down like lowered wings. (Dr. Stroilo)

Glass, wood, tin, stone! (grandmother from a shooting range)

Next task for the groups: prepare to answer questions about the content of the story. To do this, you can use the work itself.

The author describes step by step the path that Marat and his friends followed to learn about the life of the Kingfisher, to find out the name of the hero, to prolong his life. And we will try to remember the path passed by the Kingfisher.

Group #1

  1. What event served as an impetus for Marat and his friends to start searching for an unknown person? (chapter 3) (in dash, the bird did not work - kingfisher)
  2. Why did Marat turn to the museum? (chapter 4) (to learn about the new bridge)
  3. Why did Marat go to the Reka station and what did he manage to learn there (Chapter 6)? (Kingfisher might have been known there, he blew up the bridge)
  4. What words end chapter 6, and how do you understand them? (she gave the boy a ray of hope)
  5. “He (Marat) was impatient to win another piece of Kingfisher’s life from oblivion.” What “piece of life” of Kingfisher did Marat learn from investigator Pavlov (Chapter 7)? (they wanted to shoot people)
  6. What decision does Marat come to after talking with investigator Pavlov? (I must find out his name. The person who did this cannot remain without a name)

Group #2

  1. Why did the guys go to the village of Zhukovka and what interesting things did they learn there? (Chapter 9) (they found the graves of 9 partisans there) who is not there?
  2. Who is Pyotr Ilyich Luchin? (partisan commander) What is the main idea of ​​his speech at the mass grave? (“We will punish our children to remember you. You will teach our children how to love the Motherland.”)
  3. What did the guys learn about Kingfisher from the widow of Pyotr Ilyich Luchin? (Chapter 11) (he wanted to study, and he is not in the grave)
  4. “When a person stops learning, he stops living. And in the war you want to live so much!” To whom do these words belong?
  5. What did Dr. Stoylo say about Kingfisher? (13 chapter)
  6. What instructive words about life, oblivion, human memory did Dr. Stroylo say to the children? Find and read.

The last task is final for groups: trace the route (paths) of the pathfinders. Fill in the fish skeleton. From above, glue the name of the area in order, at the bottom of the heroes who helped at that time in this area. But the main thing in the skeleton is the head and tail. The head is the problem of the work. You must write down this issue. The tail is the conclusion, i.e. solution.

How did the search for the guys end up? Did they manage to find Kingfisher's name? How did it happen?

(Yes. At the meeting of veterans at the obelisk, chapter 14.)

How does the story end?(Student response.)

This is how Yu. Yakovlev's story about inquisitive and inquisitive pathfinders ends.

3. Reflection. At the stage - reflection, the main ones are:

Holistic understanding, generalization of the information received;

Assignment of new knowledge, new information by the student;

The formation of each student's own attitude to the material being studied.

What did we learn by reading the story "Kingfisher"? What worldly wisdoms have you understood?

(About the work of the Pathfinders. They are a tireless people. They return names to nameless heroes. The Pathfinders fight oblivion, as they fight evil.)

Children carry on the work of their fathers.

“...When a person stops learning, he stops living.”

"Everything that people have done in the war can be overgrown." Everything depends on us. We have to fight oblivion. In order to live interestingly, one must look for a good, fair, interesting person in oneself).

To whom do these words belong?

Dialogue reading (to the sounds of the oriole)

"A man is a very tenacious creature," said Kingfisher. "They shoot at him - he rises again, and if he cannot rise on his own, then the same as him, only younger and stronger, stand up instead of him."

"How is it younger and stronger?" asked Marat.

"And it's very simple: I will fall, you will take my place. And again a person lives, works, fights. It is important that you be like me. Do you actually believe in miracles?"

"Don't know".

"I don't believe in miracles. I believe in hope. Hope is a great power. Do you think a person ever goes to certain death? No! Not even a hero. A person goes into battle with the hope that a bullet will fly past. Even when they shoot at emphasis, a person hopes. And the more hope a person has, the more fearlessness. Hope has always helped me. It was easy for me to live and fight with it. Do you understand?"

"Understood," whispered Marat.

And now, human beings, let's do a repetition ...

FORGETTING is the loss of memory of something.

Forgetfulness is the neglect of what cannot be neglected.

Writing syncwine.


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Station River

Village Zhukovka



Grandmother from a shooting gallery


Dark-haired man with glasses

The hostess of the gatehouse


Aunt Alevtina

Petr Ilyich Luchin

Doctor Stroilo


Yakovlev Yury Yakovlevich

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev was born in June 1922 in Petrograd (now St. Petersburg) in the family of an employee. His personal and creative fate is characteristic of many Soviet people who were born after the revolution and entered into an independent life on the eve of the Great Patriotic War. In 1941, after graduating from school, Yuri Yakovlev went to the front. At first he was a gunner of an anti-aircraft battery, and then an employee of the front-line newspaper "Alarm". Lost his mother in besieged Leningrad.

After the war, he graduated from the Leningrad Gorky Institute.

In prose since 1960 (the story "Station Boys"), in cinema since 1961. Member of the editorial board of the film magazine "Wick", member of the artistic council of the studio "Soyuzmultfilm".

Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1985).

Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev died in Leningrad in 1996.

Yuri Yakovlev wrote poetry, short stories and fairy tales.

In his stories, Yuri Yakovlev reveals to children the whole truth of life as it is, not hiding from solving problems behind the external fascination of the plot. His heroes are simple guys, boys and girls. They know how to forgive, empathize with someone else's misfortune as their own, perform good, noble deeds, almost real feats, not for the sake of fame and honor, not for the sake of praise, but out of a sense of compassion for their neighbor.

The main themes of Yuri Yakovlev's works are school life, the Great Patriotic War, honoring the memory of heroes, search parties, aviation and the "storm of heaven", theatrics, friendship between man and animal, a sense of gratitude to the teacher and guilt before the mother.

I suggest you read the story"Girls from Vasilyevsky Island" , which will introduce you to little Tanya Savicheva, who died of starvation in besieged Leningrad. The story is written on the basis of real events according to the surviving notes of Tanya Savicheva

Writer Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev went through the whole war. Frontal echoes became the subject of many of his books. Yury Yakovlev's stories, films shot according to the scripts of the writer, are still loved by both adults and children to this day. But, perhaps, the most lasting success rightly fell on the story "Kingfisher", according to which in 1972 Belarusian filmmakers shot the film of the same name "Kingfisher", which received the "Scarlet Carnation" prize in 1973 as the best film for children. The children who played the roles of pioneers in the film, next to the actors Vladimir Samoilov, Gleb Strizhenov, Alexander Khvyley, played out a story in which lyricism was combined with almost detective intrigue, and citizenship - with humor and the spirit of freedom, which was radiated by a biology teacher who knew how to keep a secret in himself Kingfisher


Having learned from the former military pilot Sedoy about the feat of the subversive partisan known as Kingfisher, the pioneers go to the places of military exploits of their fellow countryman and do not yet suspect that the right path of search leads to their beloved teacher ...
Former underground worker Mikhalina tells how Kingfisher blew up the bridge. Police captain Sokolchik, who was taken hostage after the explosion, saw how Kingfisher was seized and shot, but no one saw him dead. From the widow of the commander of the partisan detachment, the guys learn that Kingfisher was awarded posthumously, but he was not buried in a mass grave. The guys are sure that the war hero is alive ...

The memory of the war led them from door to door, in order to unexpectedly lead them to their beloved teacher in the finale. And schoolchildren, after a long search, find their hero in this good-natured, cheerful person ...

Careful selection

“When looking for a script, my choice fell on the work of Yuri Yakovlev,” the director of the film, Vyacheslav Nikiforov, later recalled. – This is one of the few authors who knew how to write for children. The most difficult thing for a children's writer is not to describe events, but to preserve romance, a sense of the miraculousness of being, which is so characteristic of this age. And Yuri Yakovlev succeeded.

Any film crew, no matter how diverse it may be, is united by one goal - to make a good movie. The director of the film "Kingfisher" understood this well. Therefore, having decided to shoot a picture, he carefully selected the film crew and actors. The difficulty is that children should play in the film. There is a popular belief that it is impossible to outplay children and animals in movies. And the film was a confirmation of this truth.

Other role

Together with the boys, who were recruited almost from the street, famous, venerable actors were filmed: Vladimir Samoilov, Gleb Strizhenov, Avgustin Milovanov, Anatoly Obukhov and many others.

At first, there were doubts that Vladimir Samoilov, who brilliantly played the main role in Wedding in Malinovka, would agree to the role of a biology teacher. But he agreed. Then he said that one episode influenced his decision - when the teacher slides down the railing from the third floor, colliding with the director of the school ...

Father and son

It was much more difficult to find an actor who would play the main character in his youth. Quite by accident, the choice fell on the son of Samoilov - Alexander. At that time, Alexander Samoilov did not want to hear about the acting profession, which actually took away his parents. He generally belonged to the so-called hippie youth, wore flared trousers, long hair and listened to the Beatles. But it was he who was offered to star in this film. To do this, he was dressed and cut off luxurious curls. Alexander later said: “My soul was crying when they cut my hair. I couldn't look in the mirror..."

And Augustin Milovanov, the director of the school, will later tell that in this film he settled scores with all his school directors. Memories of which were not the most flattering.

"Motor, Shura!"

Another feature of the film is that animals were also involved in it. The action takes place in the biology classroom. They say that working with animals was difficult. For example, according to the script, a lot of episodes should have been shot with the participation of a raven. But he flatly refused to act. He was not removed.

Everyone was surprised by the parrot - he was silent for a long time, watching the actions of the film crew. And suddenly, one fine day, he yelled: “Motor, Shura! Stop ... Motor, Shura! Stop! ”, And he did not want to be silent anymore.

Monkey Yashka once managed to remove the chain and fled to the top of the film set. The yash was caught all day long.

And the best actor turned out to be a boa constrictor, who was allowed to crawl anywhere, which he took advantage of.

The boy's heart soared up

The composer of the film, who wrote the song "Kingfisher", was Oscar Feltsman. He will later say that he wrote the music in two hours. The melody is played twice in the film. Once main character plays it on the guitar. And the second - it sounds behind the scenes performed by Yuri Vizbor.

By the way, the song "Kingfisher" is still sung at bard festivals.

The kingfisher is not a bird at all,
This is the heart of a boy, soaring up!
And the winged heart is not afraid of anything,
Can crash into the sun - hold on!

To the 50th anniversary of the USSR

The picture was released in 1972 - for the 50th anniversary of the USSR. And despite the fact that the film was declared as a children's film, there were opponents of recommending it for viewing. The secretary of the Komsomol Central Committee, who was invited to the artistic council, interceded for the picture.

And now, about 40 years have passed since the premiere of the film "Kingfisher". Not only the little actors involved in the film have become adults, but also the audience - their peers. The film is still enjoyed to this day.

A compact head, a long, four-sided beak, a short tail, and most importantly bright plumage make the kingfisher recognizable from many birds. It can be mistaken for a bird, although it does not live in the tropics.

It is slightly smaller in size than, and when the kingfisher flies over the river, the green-blue color makes it look like a small flying spark. Despite the exotic color, it is very rare to see it in the wild.

There are many legends about the name of the bird, why is it called that, kingfisher. One of them says that people could not find its nest for a long time and decided that the chicks hatch in winter, so they called the pichuga that way.

Features and habitat of the kingfisher

In the world of birds, there are not many who need three elements at once. Kingfisher one of them. The water element is necessary for subsistence, since it feeds mainly on fish. Air, a natural and essential habitat for birds. But in the ground, he makes holes in which he lays eggs, raises chicks and hides from enemies.

Kingfishers make deep burrows in the ground

The most common species of this bird, common kingfisher. Belongs to the kingfisher family, order Coraciiformes. It has a spectacular and original coloration, the male and female are almost the same color.

Settles exclusively near reservoirs with running and clean water. And since there is less and less clean water, the kingfisher chooses deaf habitats, away from the neighborhood with humans. Due to environmental pollution, the extinction of this bird is observed.

The kingfisher is an excellent angler. That's what they call him in England, the fish king. It has the amazing ability to fly very low over water without touching its wings. And he is also able to sit motionless for hours on a branch above the water and wait for prey.

And as soon as the small fish shows its silvery back, kingfisher does not yawn. Looking at birdie you never cease to be amazed at her agility and dexterity in catching fish.

The nature and lifestyle of the kingfisher

The kingfisher burrow is easy to distinguish from other burrows. It is always dirty and stinks from it. And all from the fact that in the hole the bird eats the caught fish and feeds its brood with it. All bones, scales, wings of insects remain in the nest, mixed with the excrement of the chicks. It all starts to smell bad, and fly larvae just swarm in the litter.

The bird prefers to settle away from its relatives. The distance between the burrows reaches 1 km, and the closest one is 300 m. kingfisher bird who prefers solitude.

The kingfisher is called a nornik for the location of nests in the ground.

Before the mating season, the female and male live apart, only during mating they unite. The male brings a fish to the female, she accepts it as a sign of consent. If not, he is looking for another girlfriend.

The nest has been used for several years. But young couples are forced to dig new holes for their offspring. The breeding season is extended. You can find holes with eggs, chicks, and some chicks already fly and feed on their own.

Pictured is a giant kingfisher

The forest kingfisher is also distinguished by its bright plumage.

Kingfisher nutrition

The bird is very greedy. On the day she eats food up to 20% of her body weight. And there are chicks and cubs on the side. And everyone needs to be fed. So he sits, motionless above the water, patiently waiting for prey.

Having caught a fish, the kingfisher rushes into its hole with an arrow until predators larger than it take it away. Sweeping through the bushes and roots that hide the hole from prying eyes, he manages not to drop the fish. But it can be heavier than the kingfisher itself.

Now you need to turn it over so that it enters the mouth only with its head. After these manipulations, the kingfisher, after sitting in the hole for some time and having a rest, is taken up again for fishing. This continues until sunset.

But he does not always manage to catch a fish, he often misses and the prey goes to the depth, and the hunter takes his former place.

Well, if fishing is difficult, the kingfisher starts hunting for small river bugs and does not disdain tadpoles and dragonflies. And even small frogs fall into the field of view of the bird.

The piebald kingfisher also catches fish with ease.

Reproduction and lifespan

One of the few birds that dig holes to incubate masonry and raise chicks there. The place is chosen above the river, in a steep bank, inaccessible to predators and people. The burrow is dug by both the female and the male, in turn.

They dig with their beaks, they rake the earth out of the hole with their paws. At the end of the tunnel, a small circular egg chamber is made. The depth of the tunnel varies from 50 cm to 1 measure.

The hole is not lined with anything, but if it has been used for more than one year, a litter of fish bones and is formed in it. Egg shells also partially go to bedding. In this gloomy and damp nest, the kingfisher will incubate eggs and raise helpless chicks.

The clutch consists of 5-8 eggs, which are incubated in turn by the male and female. Chicks appear after 3 weeks, naked and blind. They are very voracious and feed exclusively on one fish.

Parents have to spend all the time on the pond, patiently waiting for prey. A month later, the chicks get out of the hole, learn to fly and catch small fish.

Feeding occurs in order of priority. The parent knows exactly which chick he fed before. A small fish goes into the mouth of the offspring head first. Sometimes the fish is larger than the chick itself and one tail peeps out of the mouth. As the fish digests, it sinks lower and the tail disappears.

In addition to its chicks, a kingfisher can have a couple of three more broods. And he feeds everyone like a decent dad. The females are unaware of the polygamy of the male.

But if, for some reason, the hole is disturbed while incubating or feeding the chicks, he will not return there. The female with the brood will be left to her fate.

Under favorable conditions, a pair of kingfishers can make one or even two clutches. While the father is feeding the chicks, the female incubates a new clutch of eggs. All chicks grow up by mid-August and are able to fly.

blue kingfisher bird

Kingfishers live 12-15 years. But many do not live to such a venerable age. Some of them die as fledglings, if the male abandons the nest, some become the prey of large predators.

A large number of kingfishers die during long-distance flights, unable to withstand the difficulties of long distances.

Ishim, Tyumen region

Everything starts from childhood

Lesson of extracurricular reading based on the story by Yuri Yakovlev "Kingfisher" in the 6th grade


  1. in the course of a conversation on the content of the story, show students the courage, will, courage, determination of the protagonist;
  2. a feat in the name of our happiness is alive in the memory of the heroes of the story and our memory;
  3. to help students hear the moral sound of the story, its worldly wisdom.


  1. portrait of the writer Yuri Yakovlevich Yakovlev;
  2. exhibition of the writer's books;
  3. drawings of students for various episodes of the story "Kingfisher".

Epigraphs for the lesson:

When soldiers went to war, they had a first and last name. Why, when they died for their Motherland, did they become unknown? It's not fair!
Y. Yakovlev. "Kingfisher".)

I try to see tomorrow's adult in children. But also an adult for me starts from childhood.
(Yu. Yakovlev. “A little about myself.”)

Individual and group tasks before the lesson:

  1. drawings for the story “Kingfisher”;
  2. Read the story to find answers to questions.

Group #1

  1. What event served as an impetus for Marat and his friends to start searching for an unknown person?
  2. Why did Marat turn to the museum?

Group #2

  1. Why did Marat go to the Reka station and what did he manage to learn there (Chapter 6)?
  2. What words end chapter 6, and how do you understand them?

Group #3

  1. “He (Marat) was impatient to win another piece of Kingfisher’s life from oblivion.” What “piece of life” of Kingfisher did Marat learn from investigator Pavlov (Chapter 7)?
  2. Prepare a reading on the roles of the dialogue between Marat and Kingfisher. What did Kingfisher believe in?
  3. What decision does Marat come to after talking with investigator Pavlov? (“I must know his name. The man who did this cannot remain without a name.”)

Group No. 4

  1. Why did the guys go to the village of Zhukovka and what interesting things did they learn there?
  2. Who is Pyotr Ilyich Luchin? What is the main idea of ​​his speech at the mass grave? (“We will punish our children to remember you. You will teach our children how to love the Motherland.”)

Group No. 5

  1. What did the guys learn about Kingfisher from the widow of Pyotr Ilyich Luchin?
  2. “When a person stops learning, he stops living. And in the war you want to live so much!” To whom do these words belong?
  3. Words: “A person gets used to everything. But he will never be able to get used to the loss of friends,” the guys seemed familiar. Why?

Group No. 6

  1. How did Kingfisher get to Dr. Stroilo?
  2. What instructive words about life, oblivion, human memory did Dr. Stroylo say to the children?
  3. How do you understand the words that Dr. Stroilo addresses to young explorers: “Look for a person in yourself”? In connection with what and why does their doctor say?

On the board is a poster depicting the artistic space of the story (against the background of a question mark, drawings depicting the main points of the story, and quotes to them).

As the lesson progresses, the teacher refers to the students' drawings and this poster.

  1. I give group tasks and individual tasks in order to:
  2. the reading of the story by the students was more purposeful;
  3. in the lesson it was possible to work with the largest number of children, asking already familiar questions.

During the classes

Last year, our country and all the people celebrated a great date. What? (55 years since the Victory over Nazi Germany.)

Our lesson extracurricular reading dedicated to this glorious date.

In the story of Yu.Ya. Yakovlev "Kingfisher" there are such words. Listen to them and tell me if you agree with them? (I read the 1st epigraph, the students speak out.)

The writer Yu.Ya. Yakovlev has many stories for children: “Boy with skates”, “Relic”, “Son of a pilot”, “Knight Vasya”, “Ledum” and others.

The main characters of these works are children. (I read the 2nd epigraph.) How do you understand these words?

Today, turning over the pages of the story “Kingfisher”, we will once again learn to understand the work by reading it.

Let's try to hear the moral sound of the story, which is based on such concepts as:

  • connection of generations
  • human memory,
  • person's name,
  • oblivion,
  • hope.

We will find out what worldly wisdom the guys understood during the search for the name of the unknown soldier.

Let's start the conversation with this question.

(Student answers.)

The story is not built in the usual way. It has 15 chapters. Inside almost every chapter, we read about the life of modern boys and girls and at the same time learn about the events of the Great Patriotic War.

Why is the story called "Kingfisher"? What does this word mean?

(This is the nickname of a person. This is the name of a fearless bird.)

- How are the heroes of the story similar to ordinary boys and girls of our time?

(Study at school, dress fashionably, make noise in the classroom, do the tasks of the teacher, etc.)

What makes them stand out among their peers?

(They tell their classmates what they learned about their zoology teacher (chapter 15).

He fought in a partisan detachment. Blew up the bridge. He himself told the Germans about this so that they would not shoot the inhabitants of the station.)

“How many soldiers' lives were saved by the New Bridge, delaying death. Many are still alive...” (chapter 7).

How did the search for the guys end up? Did they manage to find Kingfisher's name? How did it happen?

(Yes. At the meeting of veterans at the obelisk, chapter 14.)

How does the story end? (Student response.)

This is how Yu. Yakovlev's story about inquisitive and inquisitive pathfinders ends.

Lesson Conclusions

What did we learn by reading the story "Kingfisher"? What worldly wisdoms have you understood?

(About the work of the Pathfinders. They are a tireless people. They return names to nameless heroes. The Pathfinders fight oblivion, as they fight evil.)

Children carry on the work of their fathers.

“...When a person stops learning, he stops living.”

"Everything that people have done in the war can be overgrown." Everything depends on us. We have to fight oblivion. In order to live interestingly, one must look for a good, fair, interesting person in oneself).

The student reads a poem by V. Orlov “Boys of the 45th year”:

The soldiers fell asleep
In the midst of silence
But the boys dream
Father's dreams.

On the mass graves
The grass rises
And in children paternal
Memory is alive.

The soldiers fell asleep
In the midst of silence
But the boys dream
Father's dreams.

They dream of attacks
Regimental colors.
Father's wounds
Sons are sick.

The soldiers fell asleep
In the midst of silence
But the boys dream
Father's dreams.

victory trumpets
Trumpeting over them
Father's glory
Looks at the guys.

The kingfisher is a beautiful bird with its appearance more similar to the inhabitants of the tropics, parrots, in fact, it is more related to ours, although it is considered a great success to see both. The Germans, for example, consider the kingfisher a symbol of wealth and prosperity and keep their stuffed animals in the house, the British gave him a name as a description, the fisher king, and the Italians and the French call and always hang a photo of the kingfisher in the house as a talisman.

Kingfisher bird photo, why is it called that

This is what a kingfisher bird looks like

I'm intrigued, now let's look at the photo and try to give description of the kingfisher, this most mysterious bird for humans, it was not for nothing that he was given an equally mysterious name - the kingfisher. Why is it called that? The main legend of the origin of the kingfisher's name says that this is a distorted name for a bird that lives and gives birth (hatching) its chicks in the ground, holes - a shrew!

But in our places there is another legend, take any bird in your hands, it is warm, and the kingfisher is always cold, the winter kind is cold. Apparently the bird is so adapted to the burrow life and cold water reservoirs where she finds her livelihood. Try it, sit for hours, above the surface of the water on a twig or reed, looking out for prey, you will inevitably become cold, and the kingfisher does just that, getting his own food.

The kingfisher settles exclusively near rivers with clean and running water. If conditions permit, the river has non-freezing sections or channels, it remains for the winter in the same place where it was born. Recently, the kingfisher in Russia can often be seen in the North Caucasus.

In Russia, the kingfisher is found in the forest-steppe and steppe parts of Siberia, near the cities of Krasnoyarsk and Novosibirsk, in the upper reaches of the Yenisei. It occurs in Kazakhstan, Belarus, Ukraine along the Desna River, Zaporozhye and in the Rivne region. Recently, kingfishers have been met in the South-West of Crimea, I myself saw him in Balaklava, while serving in the Navy.

In fact, representatives of the kingfisher genus live in Africa, in southern Asia and Europe, Australia and New Guinea. We have in Russia there is a common kingfisher or blue.

What does a kingfisher bird look like - photo.

But back to the description of the kingfisher, in the photo, of course, it seems to be a giant, in fact, the kingfisher is a little larger than a starling. A compact head with small light speckles, a long, thin tetrahedral beak gradually tapering towards the end, an unusually short tail for a bird, a bright plumage with a bluish-green overflow, a reddish plumage below, a strip through the eye to the back of the head, all this together makes the kingfisher the most recognizable of the bird class . The female kingfisher is colored the same as the male, only smaller in size.

Kingfishers skillfully hide their dwelling, a person rarely manages to see it. Kingfisher gives out only a voice, a sharp intermittent "teep-teep-teep." The life expectancy of a kingfisher reaches 15 years.

Where does the kingfisher live.

The kingfisher lives on the steep banks of water bodies, in burrows that the male and female build in turn, prefers to settle away not only from people, but also from their relatives, while choosing the cleanest places, but at the same time he himself is not very clean.

The burrow of the kingfisher is easy to distinguish from other birds living in holes, such as swallows, by the stench emanating from it, but this is not surprising. The kingfisher feeds her chicks, her bones remain right there in the nest and, naturally, the remnants of food rot on them.

The female and male take turns incubating the chicks. A month after birth, kingfisher chicks can already fly and catch small fish. And in just the summer season, a pair of kingfishers can have up to three broods.

The kingfisher is a migratory bird or not.

Kingfisher. For wintering, it flies to Southern Europe and North Africa, from the European part of Russia to South Asia. Kingfishers living in our North Caucasus do not fly away for the winter. One more interesting feature of kingfishers is that, flying away for the winter separately, the returning home pair of kingfishers reunites.

Enemies of the kingfisher bird, why its numbers are constantly declining.

The kingfisher has no enemies. True, sometimes young immature kingfishers are caught by falcons and hawks. Man also rarely hunts this bird, at least in our country, it is known that in some countries stuffed animals are made of them.

But, despite this, in recent years, the number of kingfishers has greatly decreased, the reason for this is irresponsible human economic activity, which destroys the natural habitat of this beautiful bird.

The closest relative of the kingfisher is the hoopoe.

2. Read the text.

Where there is water, there is life. You can live on land and feed in the water. The long-legged heron does just that. Every day he flies to the river to catch frogs. Quite legless, but an excellent swimmer. Green frogs are afraid of him like fire. The kingfisher is an avid angler. He cannot live without water. The brown dipper is a real diver. It does not swim, does not dive, but walks along the river bottom, as if along the bank, and collects small living creatures. Doesn't freeze even in cold water. Boils life on land and in water.

(77 words)
(A. Tikhonov)

3. Choose the most suitable heading for the text.

How good it is to live in the water!
V Life in water and on land.
About the olya and others.

4. Write down what animals are discussed in the text.

About the heron, already, green frogs, kingfisher, brown dipper.

6. Write down what the author calls the kingfisher.

The kingfisher is an avid angler.

7. Who is shown in the illustrations? Write captions for illustrations.

8. Based on the content of the text, insert the missing letters into the cells so that the sentences make sense.

a) flies to the river



B) walks along the river bottom


c) Green frogs are afraid