What is better protein or amino acids for weight loss. Amino acids or protein: what is better to choose? Benefits of protein as sports nutrition


Why and how to properly take amino acids and protein supplements. How to correctly combine their reception.

Today, there are many supplements on sale that (according to the manufacturers) are able to provide the human body with everything it needs. For example, amino acids and protein are very popular. But many athletes have a question, is it possible to take them together. To deal with this issue, you need to know the subtleties and purpose of each of the additives.


So, let's start with the most popular nutrition for bodybuilders - protein. This supplement is good for its natural origin. For example, the same whey protein is made from milk that is well known to us and, accordingly, has all the necessary positive qualities. It contains at least 70% pure protein.

This supplement is especially popular with athletes and allows you to gain muscle mass much faster and replenish the body with the necessary volumes of amino acids. The latter, by the way, are the basis for building cells of all organs and muscles of our body. In addition, the protein activates the production of hemoglobin and accelerates the recovery process of the body after training.

The protein itself can be of two main types - "fast" and "slow". Their main difference is the rate of assimilation by the body. "Fast" proteins are able to break down into amino acids within one hour and enter the muscle fibers. In turn, the “slow” protein is digested in the stomach for several hours and becomes a source of useful substances for a long time.

The category of fast-digesting proteins includes whey protein in all its forms (isolate, hydrolyzate and concentrate), and slowly digestible - soy protein and casein. Of course, there are many more types of protein, but these are the most popular. By the way, due to the unique properties, both "slow" and "fast" protein can be used to combat fat layers (in simple terms - for weight loss).

It is necessary to take protein at the rate of 2-3 grams per kilo of weight. In this case, one serving should not exceed 30 grams. Daily rate divided into 4-5 doses - morning, between main meals, before and after sports, at night. As for the "night" reception, casein shows great efficiency here.

Amino acid complex

Amino acids are good because they do not contain any impurities - they enter the body exclusively in their pure form. That is why this "building material" for muscle cells does not linger in the stomach and enters the muscle fibers within 15-20 minutes after ingestion.

Amino acids should be taken to reduce pain in muscle fibers after an active workout. This is very important for athletes who attend gym. In addition, the intake of such complexes can effectively suppress appetite and speed up the process of burning excess body fat. And most importantly, with the help of an amino acid supplement, you can improve athletic performance - increase net volume. muscle mass and increase strength.

These complexes are good because they have a minimum calorie content, that is, they will not give the body a drop excess fat- only pure amino acids. In addition, these supplements can be safely replenished with an existing protein diet to speed up the process of burning excess body fat and effectively work out the relief.

It may seem that amino acids are good in everything, but they also have a number of disadvantages. Firstly, not everyone can accept such complexes. The reason is simple - the high price. Secondly, too little dosage is required, which does not suit everyone. In all other criteria, the additive occupies a leading position.

In the field sports nutrition these complexes are of two types - free amino acids and hydrolysates. The first are, in fact, a protein split into amino acids. The second - have a pure form - isolated substances (glutamine, arginine, glycine and others). It is also worth noting that these chemical compounds differ in groups and are interchangeable and irreplaceable.

Take amino acid supplements better in the morning before and after going to the gym. It is at this time that the body needs amino acids the most. The optimal dosage depends on weight and can range from 15 to 30 grams. At the same time, at least five grams of amino acids must be taken at a time.

Is combination possible?

Most professionals agree that the supplements we have reviewed can be, and moreover, should be taken together. It is believed that this approach is justified and allows you to quickly achieve the desired results in sports and weight loss.

Despite their similarities, the essence of the supplements are somewhat different. Amino acids have a very wide range of chemical compounds (both interchangeable and irreplaceable) and there are no unnecessary impurities in them. Thus, they are absorbed much faster by the body. Proteins, in turn, after entering the body must be broken down into amino acids (which takes time). In this case, in the composition of the protein, in addition to the protein itself, there may be fats, carbohydrates or lactose.

The combination of amino acids with protein allows you to maximize the properties of supplements. So, due to the high rate of digestibility, the amino acid complex is good to take before and after receiving loads, and the rest of the time - protein.


Taking sports nutrition is an opportunity to fill the body with all the necessary elements that are difficult to obtain from food. Moreover, with the right combination, you can increase the effectiveness of supplements at times, making your body truly perfect. Good luck.

People who regularly play sports and watch their figure want the time and effort spent to bear fruit. Therefore, the choice of sports nutrition always remains relevant. But what is better to take for muscle growth: amino acid or protein supplements? After all, it is known that the protein after entering the body is split into amino acids.

That is, in essence, if you take a protein, then the time for amino acids to enter the blood increases due to the fact that initially this dietary supplement enters the stomach, and only then it breaks down and begins to be absorbed, and only then enters the blood. It turns out that it is better to take amino acids in finished form, but is it really so?

How are amino acids different from protein?

If we talk about the structural difference, then amino acids are simpler substances. In fact, amines are proteins, only in a split form. Each protein in our body consists of 20 amino acids, which are separated from it during the process of protein synthesis and enter the general blood stream.

From this it turns out that the difference between amino acids and proteins is that the latter are absorbed longer. And that is all? Not quite, there are a couple more points. Once in the stomach, the protein mixture, whether it be a cocktail or a dry powder, ends up in the gastric juice, where it begins to break down into simpler substances. But since the gastric juice is a set of enzymes and hydrochloric acid, staying in it does not go unnoticed. As a result, such processing some of the beneficial substances dissolve and do not enter the intestines as an active substance.

Another difference between amino acid complexes and protein powder is the presence of additional impurities. If you take a portion of high-quality supplements of both types and compare them, you can see that there is nothing but amines in the amino acid complex. In protein powder you can find: dyes, flavors and flavor enhancers. All this is added to the powder mixture in order to give a pleasant taste.

In many ways, therefore, the average price of amino acids can exceed the cost of protein mixtures.

Pros and cons of amino acids

The first plus, which was noted earlier, is that amino acid supplements do not need to be digested. This means that, once in the body, such dietary supplements begin to be absorbed almost immediately and enter the blood faster. The rate of assimilation of amines depends on individual characteristics, but on average it takes 5-10 minutes.

Proteins, on the other hand, require additional cleavage and only then enter the small intestine, where they begin to be absorbed. The total time is about 1 hour.

If we talk about what time of assimilation is preferable for the body, then there is almost no difference.

The second plus is the moment that there are no fats and carbohydrates in pure amino acids. That is, sports nutrition in the form of amines is a pure protein. In protein supplements, on average, there are 5-7% fat and 10-15% carbohydrates. Therefore, taking amino acids will be more useful for those who want to lose weight. This is a definite plus for losing weight and an unpleasant minus for those who want to build muscle mass.

The third plus is that amino acid supplements are more convenient to take. They do not need to be mixed in a shaker, which, in addition to everything, needs to be carried and washed. They do not require additional liquids in the form of milk or other perishable foods. All you have to do is take a few tablets with whatever water or liquid you have on hand (excluding alcohol). If the amines are in the form of a powder, then they can also be stirred into any liquid.

Pros and cons of protein

As counterarguments, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with 3 advantages of protein mixtures, which are in no way inferior to the advantages of your opponent.

The first plus of protein is that the presence of fats and carbohydrates in mixtures saturates the body better. This means that no matter what the goal is: to lose weight or gain muscle mass, protein intake will be useful. In case of weight loss, this dietary supplement can act as a snack. But amino acids cannot do this, because it is quite difficult to saturate the body with pills.

The second plus is that some types of protein break down for a long time. Among them are casein which is recommended to be taken during sleep. The fact is that the sleeping organism continues to expend the energy necessary for recovery. If “at hand” there are no simple sources of energy, then the body will take up the splitting of muscle fibers, which is not good.

Casein is good because it refers to long proteins, that is, it is able to provide the body with energy for the whole night and save muscles. If you use only amino acids, they will be quickly digested and the body will begin to starve after 1-2 hours.

The third and most important plus is the cost of protein supplements, which are cheaper than amino acid complexes. If we compare the price range of these products, and take 1 kilogram for the total weight, it turns out that a can of protein will cost an average of 500-1000 rubles cheaper than amines.

The cost difference arises because additional processing is required to obtain the amino acids. That is, the manufacturer needs artificial stomach in order to break down proteins and retain useful acids. After that comes the process of pressing into tablets or capsules. As a result, the production of amino acids becomes more expensive, which leads to an increase in market value.

How to take supplements together?

It happens that you can’t do without taking protein mixtures and amino acids, and this is a fairly common practice in bodybuilding. Despite the similarity of the products, BCAA complexes contain important for muscle growth amino acids that belong to the group of essential. In protein mixtures, their content is low. That is why there is a need for the use of two types of supplements. But how, in this case, to take supplements to get the maximum benefit?

Simultaneous reception These supplements are possible and not hazardous to health, but still not recommended. The fact is that, using two dietary supplements at the same time, the overall effectiveness is lost. Amines do not need to be absorbed, but when they enter the body along with the protein mixture, they form a common food lump, which begins to be digested in the gastric juice. There is nothing bad about this for protein, but some of the ready-made amino acids will dissolve in the juice and lose their activity.

Separate reception bioadditives is a priority, since in this case both products are absorbed without a trace. In this case, first of all, you need to consume amino acids that will enter the bloodstream within 10 minutes. Within 20 minutes after taking the acids, you can drink a protein shake.

As a result, amines will not lose their activity due to digestion in gastric juice, and proteins can be easily broken down into simpler substances.

In this case, there is a scheme that will bring the greatest effect from the use of both mixtures:

  • Amino acids are best taken before and after training to add more energy to the muscles. It will also help you recover faster after a hard workout.
  • Protein intake is recommended during hours separate from training or 30 minutes after it ends. Also, it will not be superfluous to use casein protein before bed.


In conclusion, it will be useful to draw a line in which to indicate the main conclusions about which of the additives is better and what is their fundamental difference.

  1. If you dwell on a specific choice - amines or proteins, then it all depends on personal preferences. For the most part, there are no significant differences between them.
  2. Amino acids are recommended for those who want to lose weight, and proteins will be useful for those who want to gain muscle mass.
  3. Required for muscle growth essential amino acids found in small amounts in protein supplements.

It turns out an interconnected cycle, which does not allow to give an unambiguous answer to all possible cases. Personal recommendation: if present excess weight, then it is better to take amines. They will help you lose weight and give your muscles relief. If there is a lack of weight, then proteins are in priority.


Why you need to take amino acids and protein. What are their features. Schemes of receptions and dosage.

Against the backdrop of the popularity of sports nutrition among professional athletes and beginners, there are more and more questions about the choice of a particular supplement. At the same time, it is especially difficult to give preference if the complexes have approximately the same effect on the body. So, the question is increasingly being asked about what is better - amino acids or protein. At first glance, it may seem that these supplements are similar in composition and function. But it is not so. To understand this issue, consider each type of sports nutrition separately.

Amino acids

So, amino acids are the chemical compounds that form the basis of proteins. They are directly involved in the growth of muscle fibers, the normalization of a number of body functions, its strengthening and restoration. A person needs 20 amino acids. Nine of them are essential (that is, they can only enter the body with food), and eleven are nonessential (synthesized from food or from other amino acids).

Reception of amino acid complexes allows you to solve a number of basic tasks - to increase the efficiency training process, accelerate the process of muscle growth, suppress appetite (which is very important when “drying” or losing weight), enrich your diet (in case of an acute lack of protein), reduce muscle pain after heavy loads and recover faster.

The advantages of such nutrition include low calorie content (the body receives only pure amino acids, without various impurities), prevention of catabolic processes (destruction of one's own muscle tissue), and full assistance in burning excess body fat.

Such additives also have a number of disadvantages - high cost and small dosage. For weight gain, it is recommended to take 10 grams 3-4 times a day. In the case of protein (with the same number of doses), the dosage should be twice as much. However, the protein version is still cheaper.

As we have already mentioned, amino acids are non-essential and non-essential. In addition, these supplements (from the point of view of sports nutrition) are of two types - free amino acids and hydrolysates. The first option is more preferable, because such amino acids are absorbed faster by the body and have a richer composition. As for hydrolysates, this is, in fact, a split protein. The only difference is just faster digestion (unlike standard whey protein). As a result, the muscles will receive all the necessary amino acids within 10-15 minutes after ingestion.

Amino acids are available in the form of powders, tablets, solutions, capsules and injections. Optimal time acceptance depends on the task at hand. If you need to gain muscle mass, it is advisable to drink the supplement before and after exercise. For weight loss, amino acids are best taken 4-5 times a day (replacing some meals). The optimal dosage is 10-20 grams per dose.


Proteins are also quite popular today. This is a sports nutrition made on the basis of conventional products, for example, the same milk, whey, soy, and so on. The main goal of taking proteins is a quick set of muscle mass, an increase in strength, weight loss, and “drying”.

According to the speed of assimilation, two types of proteins are distinguished - fast and slow.

  • The first group includes all types of whey protein - hydrolyzate, isolate and concentrate. Features of these additives high level protein in the composition - from 70% and above. At the same time, whey protein isolate is considered the most "clean" sports nutrition - it contains more than 90% protein. The most budget option is concentrate. It contains only 70-80% protein, the rest is fats, lactose and carbohydrates. Distinctive feature"fast" proteins - relatively fast digestion in the stomach and breakdown into amino acids. The time of receipt of nutrients to the muscles is 40-60 minutes.
  • The second (“slow”) group includes casein and soy protein. These types of protein are broken down in the stomach for a long time and are able to nourish muscle fibers within 4-6 hours. This feature of "slow" proteins is actively used for weight loss.

Most often, protein is sold in powder form. The optimal dosage for an athlete is 2-3 grams per kilogram of body weight. But at one time you can’t eat more than 30 grams of protein (it still won’t be absorbed). The reception time depends on the goal. To gain muscle mass, you need to drink "fast" proteins in the morning, before and after going to the gym (sometimes between meals). Before going to bed, it is best to drink "slow" proteins - they feed the muscles with everything they need throughout the night. For weight loss, a serving of protein can also be taken instead of one or two meals.


So what to choose - amino acids or protein? Both additives are designed to solve the same problems. The only difference is that amino acids are a purer product, without various unnecessary impurities. In the case of "drying" and shaping the relief, this is a big plus. On the other hand, whey protein isolate, if inferior in this regard, is quite a bit.

The second important difference is in the speed of assimilation. Amino acid complexes nourish muscle fibers in 15-20 minutes. In turn, "fast" proteins cannot boast of such activity.

The third important factor is the price. Amino acid complexes cost more than regular proteins.

Thus, each type of supplement is effective in its own way. It all depends on your requests and wallet capabilities. Moreover, if there are funds, then ideal option- combination of additives. During the day, you can drink protein, and immediately before and after training - amino acids. In this case, you can get a much greater effect from training. Good luck.

Many novice athletes are wondering: what is better to take - amino acids or protein?

Let's take a look at this issue briefly. Protein is commonly referred to as a high-protein powder mixture, which may also contain some fat and carbohydrates. Amino acids in the common people are called that protein, but in tablets (less often - in the form of a liquid). Protein (often referred to as the same protein) - consists of amino acids.

There is an opinion that amino acids (i.e. protein in the form of tablets / liquid) are more effective than protein, but in 99% of cases this is not the case. Let's briefly explain why. The mythical "brutal" effectiveness of amino acids has developed from the belief that they are more quickly and completely absorbed, and therefore it is especially important to take them after training. But! If you look at the composition of the most popular amino acid complexes, you will realize that they are all made from the same ingredients as protein powder. After analyzing the amino acid composition of both products (as you know, a protein consists of a complex of individual amino acids), in general, we can also conclude that it is identical. So, both types of products contain a full range of amino acids necessary for an athlete.

Let's summarize. So what is the real difference between protein and amino acids?

Because the composition of both types of products in 99% of cases is the same, it turns out that they differ only in the form of release - either powder or tablets. And nothing more. But let's look at this difference. Powder - it comes out cheaper, but it must be stirred in a shaker with liquid. It's less convenient than taking pills. It is known that after visiting the gym in a short period of time, you need to consume protein. Often this is done immediately after training, in the locker room (because by the time you get home, this important gap for protein intake will pass). And some athletes will find the consumption of a powder form of protein inconvenient, and here amino acids come to the rescue - those same tablets containing protein. Throwing a few pieces in your mouth and drinking water is more convenient than stirring a cocktail in a shaker. But the pills also have a big minus. In terms of the amount of protein, they come out more expensive, in most cases - many times more expensive. And if a scoop of protein usually contains 20-30 grams of protein, then in order to gain such an amount of protein from amino acids, in most cases you will have to swallow more than 10 pieces at a time (how much specifically - calculate for your specific product by studying the label).

In our example, when considering the differences, we cited the example of protein intake immediately after training, but this applies to any other time of day. Both protein and amino acids serve to replenish the protein deficiency at any time of the day when you did not get enough protein with regular food, no matter if it is morning, afternoon or evening.

We will also answer the popular question: is it possible to take protein and amino acids together? You can, but what's the point? Use only the powder, if it does not make it difficult for you to dilute it, and forget about the tablets. Powder is much cheaper.


1) By amino acids, we meant exactly products with full range amino acids in the composition. There are also protein tablets containing only BCAA, some individual amino acids, but this is a completely different story and these products differ in their purpose from complex amino acids and serve other purposes.

2) We have now spoken in general, based on the composition of 99% of the products on the sports nutrition market. Yes, in the rarest cases there are amino acids with such a degree of protein processing (complete or almost complete hydrolysis) that they are really absorbed faster and more completely, and also do not contain carbohydrates and fats at all, which is especially important for competing athletes. For most sports fans, whose bicep diameter is far from 50 cm and who are not preparing for competitions, we recommend not to bother with the use of such products. You will not feel the difference anyway, but you will throw out many times more money.

Anyone who is physically active and wants to become stronger and prettier body, are interested in different options for sports nutrition. Therefore, a serious question arises: which is better - protein or amino acids? Before you answer it, you need to decide and clarify what these supplements are and what are their differences. This is the only way to create the right sports menu.

Protein - effectively gain muscle mass

The name of such a tool is "speaking". It contains only proteins. But carbohydrates and fats are not included. The main task of using this substance is to build muscle, as well as maintaining them in good shape during serious exertion.

Today there are several groups of proteins:

  • concentrates;
  • isolates that are digested very quickly and undergo serious purification;
  • isolate hydrolysates.

Amino acids - for longer exercise

Amino acids, on the other hand, are the particles that make up a protein. Due to this structure, this drug is very quickly absorbed by the body and instantly nourishes the muscles during very strong loads. Some of them are produced by themselves. These are proline, taurine, glycine, alanine and some others. They are called replaceable.

There are also essential amino acids. If they suddenly begin to be lacking in the body, they begin to be synthesized from the so-called irreplaceable substances. This:

  • lysine;
  • threonine;
  • valine;
  • leucine;
  • isoleucine.

They can enter the athlete's body only with food or with special additives. Therefore, they are very necessary. When buying a complex for oral administration, it is important to select such a drug, in which there will be exactly irreplaceable substances. What will they give? This is an excellent source of energy for more active muscle work.

What will be better? Amino acids or proteins?

Both substances are an opportunity to develop your muscle tissue, as well as replenish the missing energy level. Therefore, it is impossible to say exactly which is better - protein or amino acids. Everything is completely individual. However, trainers recommend taking both of these supplements. In this case, the effect will be the best. Only the regimen for receiving these funds must be made rationally:

  1. Amino acids should preferably be consumed with food. Otherwise, they can irritate your stomach lining. Therefore, it is more effective to drink them in the morning, as well as after a serious and strenuous workout.
  2. Protein is best taken before bed.

Each trainer develops for his wards an individual option for taking these supplements. Just contact your professional trainer, who will give you reasoned instructions and explain how and amino acids.

All the world's athletes have been taking protein supplements for more than a decade. But the use of amino acid complexes is still being studied by scientists. What do you think - is it worth using these substances?

Athletes' opinions

Arseniy, 24 years old:
“My trainer advised me to take 2 supplements at once. I've been doing this for 3 months now. I want to say that the forces to do more. Well, the muscles have grown noticeably. A few kilograms are added per month. ”

Konstantin Sergeevich, 36 years old:
“I only take protein supplements. I trust what has stood the test of time. I like. I've been using it for over 2 years now. The result is just great. It's a very good training aid."

Sergey, 31 years old:
“I was advised to buy both amino acid products and a protein supplement at once. The first drink before and after class. The second - before going to bed. For a year the body became more embossed. Very happy with the effect."