Muscle Building Products. The secret to proper and rapid muscle growth. Where to get energy for muscle growth

Everyone wants to have a beautiful toned body. However, not everyone can go through the difficult path to perfection. In order for the body to have a beautiful toned look, you need to make a lot of effort. You need to start with proper nutrition. The daily diet should be rich in proteins, healthy fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Fried, fatty foods should be excluded from your diet. They will not help to have a beautiful body. If you regularly consume unhealthy fats, this will lead to obesity. Therefore, you must adhere proper diet, study exercise and, if necessary, take vitamin preparations. Only compliance with a set of measures will help to get a beautiful and toned body.

Compiling a diet for a set of muscle tissue

The daily diet should provide the body with carbohydrates and proteins. Carbohydrates provide the body with energy, and proteins are the building material for muscles.(You can read about the importance of proteins for muscle growth). Without enough of them, it is impossible to build muscle tissue. If there is no time for cooking, you can use ready-made protein and mineral complexes, which can be purchased at sports stores.

Rules for compiling a diet:

  1. To gain muscle mass, you need to consume more energy than you use. Therefore, it is necessary to calculate the average amount of energy spent and consumed. This event will help control the diet.
  2. You need to include protein-rich foods in your diet. Chicken, beef, veal, milk, cheese foods that contain high amounts of protein. Experts have determined that two grams of protein is required per kilogram of body. However, you do not need to overdo it with protein foods. After all At one meal, the human body can absorb only 30 g of protein. Be sure to read the very interesting article "bodybuilder nutrition"
  3. To provide the body with energy, daily you need to consume foods rich in carbohydrates. All types of cereals, pasta, potatoes, vegetables, fruits and black bread are rich in carbohydrates. It is advisable to use them after physical activities to restore lost energy. There is no need to allow a lack of carbohydrates, this can lead to the burning of muscle tissue.
  4. You need to include healthy fats in your diet. Many people think that fats are bad for the body, so they exclude them from their menu. However, there different types fats. The fats contained in fatty fried foods are harmful. Healthy fats those that are part of olive oil, nuts, fish. These foods are rich in fatty acids (omega 3), which improve the absorption of glucose by the muscles, which leads to an increase in muscle tissue.
  5. The diet should include a variety of foods. In order not to get bored with the same dishes, you need to look for interesting recipes, and each time try to cook something new. Once a week, you can pamper yourself and eat something tasty in only a small amount. Be sure to read the very interesting article "bananas for gaining muscle mass".
  6. The daily diet should consist of five meals. Some experts recommend dividing your food intake into eight meals. This will help provide the body with a constant supply of energy and nutrients. The classic daily diet consists of three main meals and three snacks. This mode has the most beneficial effect on the body and promotes muscle growth.

Diet before and after training

To stimulate muscle growth while exercising in the gym, you need to eat right. Days during classes in the gym are very important. They need to develop special mode nutrition. It is necessary to include enough nutrients to provide the body with nutrients and energy. In no case should you eat fatty foods and sweets, they do not add energy, but only harm.

Diet before workout

You need to eat an hour before training. If time is short, you can get by with a protein shake or oatmeal. If there is enough time, then it is better to cook a full-fledged chicken and rice dish. You can also drink a glass of kefir or yogurt.

Diet after workout

After training, the human body needs to replenish the lost strength. Fast option to replace the lost calories there will be a liquid protein that will provide the body with the necessary substances for recuperation. After class, experts recommend consuming foods rich in carbohydrates. They quickly restore muscles. Therefore, you can eat buckwheat porridge with vegetable salad or baked potatoes. Read more about post-workout nutrition here.

Friends, hello everyone. Today we will talk about nutrition for muscle growth (in other words, anabolic nutrition). Those. such nutrition is most suitable for a set muscle mass and strength. By themselves, nutrition issues are very important in bodybuilding, because 60% of success in your training depends on them. Unfortunately, most people forget about this when they first start studying in gym. I think everyone has already heard about the importance of proper nutrition not only for muscle growth, but also for health, but in practice people do not change anything, how they ate before and eat. This is the trouble!

In order to achieve muscle growth, we need:

  • ENERGY (carbohydrates)
  • Building material (PROTEIN)

In order to build big muscles we need a surplus of calories (energy). Those. By this I mean that we should get more calories than before. Nothing else will work.

  • Want to build muscle = have a calorie (food) surplus
  • You want to lose weight (burn fat) = there must be a lack of calories (food)

These are the most elementary things, but not everyone understands. At the stage of gaining muscle mass, you need to get more calories than before. For example, before the gym, you ate 3 times a day. So add 2-3 more meals to these 3 meals (so that it becomes 5-6) and before going to bed add cottage cheese or casein protein (this is a long protein that is required at night). IT'S MINIMUM! If you have the opportunity to add a few more meals, act, on the mass it will only benefit! Remember, the more often you eat, the faster your metabolism, and therefore muscle growth.

The proportion of B + F + U in the DIET

The proportion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is a very important thing in any correct (healthy) diet. And it should be especially correct at the stage of gaining muscle mass (anabolic nutrition). Health problems that arise from malnutrition, namely, due to violations of bad and good cholesterol, and this is 100% due to the wrong proportion of B + F + U - atherosclerosis and various diseases hearts.

Modern people have too much FAT in their diet, too little PROTEIN. This changes the level of cholesterol and leads to heart disease, atherosclerosis.

In order for you to understand what problem you are facing, I will give an example: According to statistics, three out of four people die from these diseases (due to malnutrition, the wrong proportion of B + F + U) - in the form of cholesterol - atherosclerosis - heart disease - heart failure). All.

In order to prevent this from happening, you need to change the proportion of B + W + Y for the better. Fat should be 2-3 times less than proteins, and proteins should be two times less than carbohydrates.

  • PROTEIN (25-30%)
  • CARBOHYDRATES (50-60%)
  • FATS (10-15%)

In addition to the health benefits, this ratio of B + F + V is optimal for your muscle growth, because. it has enough protein (building material) for your muscles, plenty of energy (complex carbohydrates) and the right amount of the right fats to synthesize new anabolic hormones from good cholesterol.


As you already understood, in our arsenal there are three different at the same time the main nutritional nutrients:

  • FATS

Each of the nutrients is different both in terms of usefulness and the rate of assimilation by the body.

For example:

Proteins can be FAST and SLOW. Whey protein or amino acids or eggs = fast protein, but casein (cottage cheese or casein protein) or a piece of meat (any) = long protein. Why is that? It's simple the main difference is the degree of splitting! Those. into fast protein (eggs, protein, amino acids) are already very qualitatively split into smaller fragments and they no longer need a long time for digestion, which cannot be said about a long protein.

When needed FAST, and when SLOW PROTEINS?

  1. Fast are required by the body after prolonged fasting (upon waking up in the morning, immediately after training).
  2. And slow ones are required when the body will starve for a long time (before bed, or during the day (if you consciously know that there is no opportunity to eat).

The same is true with CARBOHYDRATES. Those. There are FAST and SLOW CARBOHYDRATES.

  1. fast carbohydrates required by the body (IN THE MORNING after waking up, and IMMEDIATELY AFTER WORKOUT).
  2. Slow carbohydrates are required by the body (throughout the day from breakfast to dinner, at the same time, slow carbohydrates are not required at all in the evening after 18.00).

The same situation is with FAT. Those. There is BAD fat (SATURATED) and GOOD (unsaturated).

  1. BAD FAT: It's all very tasty (fried chicken, mayonnaise, butter, etc.) = we don't need this fat, i.e. we don't use it!
  2. GOOD FAT: Everything that is not so tasty (vegetable oils, fish oil, omega-3, omega-6) = all these healthy (unsaturated fats) are what we need!


This is a very important question that can limit any attempt to gain muscle mass! Homo sapiens, in principle, like any mammal, gives out waste (goes to the toilet). The more effectively we do it, the better we feel. Because we get more energy. Those. now we are talking about people who are at the stage of gaining muscle mass, due to the fact that they start eating more food, “sitting on the toilet too often”. From a medical point of view, problems with the absorption of food lie in the gastrointestinal tract. And the problems themselves can be a whole lot. Someone may develop hydrochloric acid poorly (and it is required for the breakdown of food in the walls of the stomach), as a result, HEARTBURN or INDISEMINATION appears. For some, food may not be digested and enter the small intestine, and then terrible sounds are made in the abdomen.

Of course, all these problems, if they exist, must be treated! So feet in hand and to the doctors. I am not a doctor, I cannot advise anything in this matter, the only true recommendation that I can give you is: eat the food (simple) natural for your body - which is best absorbed by you.

ACCENTS on meals

I have already done this many times, but still, I will try again to give you specific recommendations for taking nutrients during the day.

In the morning (well, let's say 9.00)need fast carbohydrates and fast proteins, in order to make up for expenses during sleep. It can be sweet juice (orange or whatever) and free form amino acids. Well, if you are not a major (you don’t have amino acids), you can just drink sweet juice and go about your morning business (to the toilet, shower, etc.) and after a shower (i.e. after 20-30 minutes you need to tightly have breakfast).

9.30 - and throughout the dayslow (complex) carbohydrates and slow proteins are required, for example I use RIS ( complex carbohydrates) and MEAT (chicken breasts, for example, or steamed cutlets, long proteins).

Before training

2 hours before training, you need to eat complex carbohydrates + easily digestible protein. For example, rice or buckwheat + 3-4 eggs with protein and yolk).

20 minutes before training, you need to drink whey protein (fast proteins) or drink 5-10 grams of amino acids. And all so that muscle protein is not wasted as a source of energy.

During a workout

Drink plain water (non-carbonated) from 1 liter or more (as you feel). You can dilute water with amino acids .. BUT you can’t eat something or harder during the workout, because fermentation will begin in the abdomen due to the outflow of blood into the muscles.

After workout

Immediately after training, you need to eat: fast carbohydrates + fast proteins. There is very important point: Nutrient transport is insulin, so FAST PROTEIN + FAST CARBOHYDRATE = AMINO ACIDS get into the blood faster! And as you know, after a workout, a “protein-carbohydrate” window opens and, as you know, nutrients are absorbed many times better and faster.
Therefore, from carbohydrates, it can be something sweet (sweet juice, or water diluted with sugar) or snickers, banana, cake, cookies, any sweet + fast proteins (amino acids or boiled eggs). Or a ready-made version of a mixture of coals + proteins \u003d gainer.

You can’t eat complex carbohydrates immediately after a workout! Only after 30-60 minutes you can fully eat (cereals, meat, etc.)

For evening

Carbohydrates - no. Focus only on protein (for example, chicken breasts, steamed cutlets, eggs with some vegetables).

Before bedtime necessarily eat casein (it is found in cottage cheese, i.e. eat a pack of cottage cheese before going to bed) or as a replacement for cottage cheese = casein protein (12-hour, night) ego is called differently (for majors with money).


I'm already tired of making releases about the same thing, use any information wisely. Anabolic nutrition plays a very important role in bodybuilding, the rate of growth of your muscles depends on it!

Sincerely, administrator.

Every person dreams of having a beautiful and inflated body. Everyone is attracted to the bumps of muscles that stick out from under the T-shirt. To have a beautiful body, people start dieting or exercising. But starvation and the rise of "iron" will not lead to anything. Nutrition for a set of muscle mass menu is as important as, for example, exercises with a barbell. Sometimes athletes do not attach much importance to this moment, after which they are disappointed in their results. Only by choosing the right menu for gaining muscle mass, you can achieve success in bodybuilding.

50% success - proper nutrition

It is worth choosing a menu for building muscle mass only when the plan is to pump up. If a person goes to the gym just to keep himself in good shape and feel muscle tone, he does not need special food. The main key to actively gaining muscle mass is following a special diet.

Why you can't live without food

You don’t need to look for the answer for a long time: when there is a big load on the muscles, a huge amount of energy is spent. Therefore, the same amount must be supplied to the body for its restoration. The following question follows: "If you eat poorly, where is that energy?". Nowhere! Nutrition for gaining muscle mass (menu) is primarily aimed at restoring the same energy spent during training and providing the body with new "bricks" - proteins.

Proteins are the building blocks of our body.

A person cannot grow and develop normally without a sufficient amount of proteins. These substances enter the muscles, organs and many other things in the body. Also, all the enzymes that regulate the activity of the body are composed of protein. That is why it is so important to get enough protein food. Its use provides building materials for muscles, which are so important when gaining mass.

Another point: in order to build something, you need to spend some amount of energy. That is why you should not ignore foods high in carbohydrates. These substances are a fast source of energy, which is needed for the formation of muscles. As a result, it turns out that proteins serve as "bricks" for building beautiful and embossed bumps, and carbohydrates collect them together.

The secret to proper and fast muscle growth

The secret of the menu is simple: you need to eat more kilocalories than you manage to spend. Only in this way, and not otherwise, is it possible, saying in simple words, pump up. Nutrition needs to be given great attention. So, with nutritional errors, all excess calories will instantly go into fat, and not where athletes need to go. If you eat everything in a row, it will come out, as described above. Proper nutrition for muscle mass should not contain a large amount of fat.

Sports nutrition is best for building muscle. Reviews say that its main plus is the absence of harmful fats and sugars, which is a good start in the process of gaining muscle mass.

Daily routine is the key to success

Nutrition for muscle gain (see menu below) requires a daily routine so that the body can get used to eating at certain hours. Below is the most balanced meal plan for beginner bodybuilders.

08:00 - Rise. Can do gymnastic exercises or go to morning run. This procedure will help the body and muscles wake up and tone them.

08:30 - Breakfast. The first meal of the day is very important. It should by no means be ignored. A future bodybuilder definitely needs a hearty breakfast.

11:00 - Lunch. Snacks are just as important as the main meals. It is at this stage that a person stores energy for the whole day, which is then quickly consumed.

14:00 - Lunch. It is also an important item in the meal plan. It is after dinner that all the most important elements to build muscle mass.

16:00 - Snack before training. This meal should not be dense, as exercising on a heavy stomach is not very beneficial.

18:30 - Light snack.

19:00 - Dinner. For dinner, do not eat a lot of heavy food.

21:00 - Snack before bed.

Such an easy diet will allow you to gain muscle mass in a short time.

How many times a day should you eat

Let's start with the fact that a real athlete will not fit the usual three meals a day of ordinary people. Too much time passes between breakfast, lunch and dinner. For a large pile of muscles, you will need regular replenishment. This is why snacking is so important. It is better to eat a little, but more often.

When an athlete feels hungry, this is the first sign of energy starvation, which will not lead to good. When energy levels drop, the hormone cortisol is released. Its purpose is to convert the accumulated reserves into energy. And she first of all gets into the muscles. That is, during hunger, due to the action of the hormone, muscle mass is burned. All that was given with such labor in gyms, will disappear. Therefore, it is so important for an athlete gaining muscle mass to remember the meal schedule and the role of nutrition for further body pumping.

Breakfast of a real bodybuilder

Breakfast is perhaps the most important of all meals. It is at this stage that the body needs fresh strength for the further working day. The first meal of the pitching should consist of as well as proteins. For an effective set of muscle mass, the body will need more complex carbohydrates (a ratio of approximately 30% to 70%).

Ideally, breakfast should look something like this:

1. After getting up, immediately eat some fast carbohydrates. The best and healthiest option would be a glass of fresh juice. Is he not? A cup of tea and bread and butter will also do.

2. If too lazy to do morning exercises, then you can start preparing the main breakfast. At the second stage, proteins are taken - fried eggs with bread.

3. Not much left - take complex carbohydrates. It is better to eat a little, as there will be a snack ahead.

fast carbohydrates

Fast carbohydrates must be present in breakfast. These substances are rapidly absorbed into the blood (the process begins in the mouth) and dramatically increase the level of sugar. Such food will help to quickly move away from sleep and awaken the body. Fast carbohydrates are found in baked goods, chocolate, ice cream, juice, fruit, marmalade and honey.

Complex carbohydrates

Complex carbohydrates must be present in a bodybuilder's breakfast for long-term maintenance of the same blood sugar level. In order not to feel hungry for several hours, you should eat porridge for breakfast. Oatmeal is best suited, which is very useful for the stomach and intestines.



How many rumors were there: "Protein is a panacea for bodybuilders, muscles grow by leaps and bounds." All these headlines just became a good publicity stunt. But what is a protein? It's just protein. Protein is only included in the complex for building muscle mass, which involves exhausting workouts, healthy sleep and food. Proteins for mass are useless without the above factors.

How to take protein

This protein should also be taken according to the method. If you eat a daily dose of protein in one sitting, then no good will come of it. It should be taken throughout the day in moderate portions. Protein is included in sports nutrition. Reviews advise taking up to 2 grams of this substance per 1 kg of weight.

In the morning, to quickly get rid of the muscle-destroying hormone, you need to take a dose of fast whey protein, which will deliver the right amount of protein to the body.

If work or study does not allow you to eat 5-6 times a day, then taking the same fast protein will be mandatory for gaining muscle mass.

Do not forget about taking it before and after training, since it is at this time that the body needs additional strength.

Complex intake of protein different levels assimilation will constantly maintain the content of all necessary substances in the blood, which will certainly lead to a set of muscle mass.

A word about water

Often when talking about training and sports nutrition, protein, meat and so on pop up in my thoughts. In fact, no organism can function properly without water. Reception of protein, carbohydrates will not pump up muscles if there is not enough water. Latent dehydration is one of the main reasons for long muscle growth. A bodybuilder is required to take about 3.5 liters of water per day, since a large amount of fluid is lost during training, and sometimes it is not enough for the normal functioning of the body.

How to know if there is hidden dehydration in the body

The method is very simple: you need to drink three cups of water in a row, if after such an amount of water a person does not go to the toilet for an hour and a half, then this is a clear sign of latent dehydration.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass (the menu should be based on the above recommendations) is very important. Only with proper nutrition, a bodybuilder will be able to achieve success in his business.

To increase strength and muscle mass, it is not necessary to exhaust yourself in the gym for hours, doing a large number of approaches. If you want to make progress and increase your muscles, follow the basic advice of experts.

Muscles grow from stress

Your muscles will grow from the loads. When you do 15 reps, it's more like aerobics. Muscles do not grow from the fact that you do a hundred exercises a thousand times each - muscles grow from increasing load from workout to workout.

Therefore, to increase muscle mass, you need to do only 6-8 repetitions, but with a lot of weight, so that you perform the last set at the limit. To increase muscle mass, you need loads!


The processes leading to an increase in muscle volume and strength do not occur during the period of work on simulators, but during the recovery period. After the cessation of exercise, the body replenishes energy reserves, builds muscles. Doing every day and doing 25 exercises is a bad option.

It is optimal to exercise three times a week and alternate loads on the upper and lower parts of the body, and not on the chest, back and legs, since in this case the muscles do not receive sufficient load.

Food is the key to success

Muscle growth requires training with a load, sufficient time for muscle recovery and proper nutrition, which is approximately 50% success in the process of muscle growth.

Under heavy load, muscle fibers are torn. Building material is needed to mend torn muscles. At the same time, they will begin to grow only when the total calorie content of the diet exceeds the norm by 15-20%, and there is a sufficient amount of protein in the food. Without the right amount of it, the muscles simply will not have building material. Therefore, all your efforts in the gym will be in vain if you do not start eating right.

Scroll through the gallery with the most protein foods:

Use the base

Basic exercises are considered the most effective for muscle growth and increase in strength. Beginners are encouraged to build their own training program exclusively from basic exercises. Professionals must include at least 70% of such exercises in the program.

As a rule, this heavy exercise that are performed with free weights. Examples of basic exercises:

  • Pull-ups
  • Bench press
  • Bent over row
  • Military bench press (bench press overhead while standing)
  • Push-ups on the uneven bars
  • Deadlift
  • Squats
  • Lunges

One of the most important components of gaining muscle mass for an athlete is not only training, but also what he eats.

Proper nutrition for muscle growth is the key to your athletic success.

Those who are engaged power types loads, know firsthand about the importance of protein as a building element beautiful body. However, in addition to it, the body also needs other elements to create muscle mass and burn fat. In the process of training, even at home, we experience stress and overload, which lead to damage to muscle fibers.

Due to this, special recovery processes are activated that lead to growth muscle cells. All this requires a large amount of building material, which are proteins and basic amino acids. But besides them, the body of men and girls requires a sufficient amount of carbohydrates, which will allow replenishing insulin and glycogen stores.

Products #1

So, let's start with the most important foods for gaining muscle mass instead of fat:

Where to get energy for muscle growth?

In addition to proteins, the body for its growth and physical development it takes a lot of energy. It is given by carbohydrates found in cereals, especially buckwheat, as well as oatmeal, rice. Vitamins and minerals are required for a full life. For this reason, consume as many fruits, herbs, vegetables, and various berries as possible. To ensure a consistent increase in muscle mass, experts insist on consuming 2 grams of protein for every kilogram of an athlete's body weight.

Arguing on the topic of what is proper nutrition for the growth of the muscle corset, one cannot help but dwell on the regimen and features of food intake. The most important and golden rule says - you need to eat in small and medium portions, but often. This is much more useful than stuffing your own stomach to capacity 2-3 times a day. Gaining muscle mass and fat is absolutely different programs. If the stomach grows instead of muscles, then you consume fatty and sweet foods and do not move enough.

Thick and thin note

For thin people, also called ectomorphs, the following recommendations will be useful:

  • consume more carbohydrates and proteins throughout the day;
  • try to eat at home as often as possible, snack on fruits, milk, low-fat cottage cheese in between;
  • the main products should be buckwheat, rice and oatmeal porridge, vegetables, lean meat, fish, eggs, dairy products.

If you are inclined to be overweight, then you should slightly change your menu in the direction of losing weight. The greatest energy consumption in girls and men occurs during the hours of greatest activity, that is, in the morning and afternoon.

Take carbohydrate and protein foods at this time to build muscle mass, but exclude sweets and fats from the diet. Since activity declines towards evening, then switch to diet food - chicken breast, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs, vegetables with fruits to lose weight.

When to eat before and after training?

Now about how to eat to gain muscle mass and burn fat at the same time directly on training days. Power load accompanied by a large release of energy that the body needs to provide. Try to load up on carbohydrates at this point.

The last time you should eat no later than 1-2 hours before training. The digestion break is also related to what you eat. A full heavy meal should be digested for a couple of hours. A light porridge with fruit will be enough for one hour. The most important thing is to ensure your muscle corset a good supply of energy.

As for the post-workout hours, many people mistakenly believe that the body is engaged in muscle growth. In fact, first of all, it is the restoration of lost energy reserves. Therefore, right after a grueling workout, you will need a lot of carbohydrates.

Eating can be started 15-20 minutes after the end of the workout - there will just be time to change clothes and shower. As soon as the energy level is restored, it will be time for muscle growth. By this time, you need to set yourself up for the consumption of protein-rich foods, since this is the main component for building muscles.

Time relax

If your workouts take place in the evening hours, then there may simply not be time for a 2-time meal. In this case, you will need to combine them into one full dinner, saturated with proteins and carbohydrates for muscle growth. A good example of such a dinner would be a portion of buckwheat porridge with a piece of meat or fish, as well as an omelet, a cup of milk and any fresh fruit. Or it could be a serving of oatmeal, 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, a couple of bananas, drinks.

As for rest days, during this time the body performs various programs to increase strength and energy reserves, muscle growth and rest. On such days, again, we need protein, carbohydrates and vitamins. Good progress in burning fat and gaining muscle mass is impossible without thoughtful frequent meals. Therefore, it is necessary to determine 3 main meals, as well as at least 1-2 snacks. In total, you need to eat at least 4-5 times a day.

Interesting variations of meals for the muscle corset

Let's see what examples daily menu for a set of muscle mass, experienced athletes recommend us. So, before you immediately 3 options for each meal, which can be combined with each other.


  • buckwheat porridge, a mug of milk, pear;
  • scrambled eggs from several proteins, a couple of pieces of black bread, banana, tea with honey;
  • oatmeal, a glass of cocoa, an apple.

Snack #1:

  • sandwich with cheese, a glass of kefir;
  • a serving of any nuts or dried fruits, a cup of tea;
  • portion of fat-free cottage cheese with honey and tea.
  • a plate of any soup, a portion of rice with a piece of fish, fruit, tea;
  • a bowl of soup, buckwheat with chicken, fresh vegetable salad, compote;
  • Potatoes stewed, baked, boiled with meat and scrambled eggs, fruits, juice.

Snack #2:

  • a plate of cottage cheese with honey or jam, a glass of tea, a banana;
  • oatmeal and a glass of warm milk;
  • a couple of bananas, a cup of tea, chocolate
  • buckwheat porridge with a piece of fish, an apple with an orange, tea;
  • vegetable salad, egg omelet chicken proteins, berry juice;
  • a serving of cottage cheese with jam or honey, 1-2 bananas, a glass of kefir.

Do not forget that these are only approximate options for the sports menu. They can be supplemented with other meals rich in proteins and carbohydrates and a certain amount of calories. In addition, we recommend that each athlete acquire food calorie tables that will allow you to effectively monitor own weight and correct, if necessary.