What is physical exercise motor action. The concept of "physical exercise". Basic physical exercises for women and men at home

Physical exercise- a means of physical education of preschoolers.

Characteristics of physical exercises:

physical exercise- these are motor actions (including their combinations) that are aimed at the implementation of tasks physical education, formed and organized according to its patterns.

    The word "physical" reflects the nature of the work performed (as opposed to mental), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

    The word "exercise" denotes a directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the way this action is performed.

Thus, physical exercise is considered, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, on the other hand, as a process of multiple repetition.

    Physical exercises are the main means of physical education, because: Physical exercise expresses thoughts, emotions, needs of a person, his attitude to the surrounding reality.

    Physical exercise is one of the ways to transfer social and historical experience in the field of physical education.

    Physical exercise affects not only the functional state of a person, but also his personality.

    Among all types of pedagogical activity, only in physical education the subject of training is physical exercise.

Physical exercise satisfies the natural human need for movement.

    When choosing exercises, consider the following factors:

    Pedagogically correct lesson guidance.

    Take into account the individual characteristics of those involved (gender, age, health status, etc.).

    Take into account the peculiarities of the exercises themselves (novelty, complexity, load, emotionality).

    Features of external conditions (weather, condition of places of employment, quality of inventory).

    Wellness value

    Educational role

    Impact on personality

Form of exercise- this is a certain orderliness and consistency of both processes and content elements this exercise.

In the form of physical exercise, internal and external structure are distinguished.

The internal structure of physical exercise is due to the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise.

The external structure of physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements. Spatial characteristics:

Starting position (I.p.)- this is a relatively stationary position from which the exercise begins. I.p. creates the most favorable conditions for the correct performance of the exercise. Changing the i.p. You can change the difficulty of the exercise.

Body position in space- the exercise itself is made up of it.

Trajectory- curvilinear, rectilinear, most often it is curvilinear.

Direction of travel- There are six directions: forward, backward, up, down, right, left. And many in between.

Range of motion- this is a scope, it is carried out in various joints, which means it depends on the anatomical features of their structure. Amplitude is measured in degrees with a goniometer.

Timing- the time to complete the entire exercise, or parts of it.

Spatio-temporal characteristics:

Speed- The result depends on the speed of execution. The speed can be uniform and variable. Plus/minus 3% is considered a uniform speed, which is also more efficient.

Acceleration- this is the change in speed per unit of time, the acceleration is measured in meters / seconds. Acceleration can be positive and negative, that is, an increase in speed or a deceleration.

Power characteristics Power characteristics include the forces that act on the athlete, promote or inhibit the exercise.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interconnected. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. To improve motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content. As the content changes, the form of the exercise also changes. For its part, the form also affects the content. The imperfect form does not allow to fully reveal the content of the exercise.

Classification of physical exercises

To classify physical exercises means to logically represent them as some ordered set with division into groups and subgroups according to certain characteristics.

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of historically established systems of physical education

Classification of physical exercises according to their anatomical features;

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of their primary focus on the education of individual physical qualities;

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of the biomechanical structure of movement;

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of physiological power zones;

Classification of physical exercises on the basis of sports specialization.

PHYSICAL EXERCISE - motor activity of a person, organized in accordance with the laws of physical education (L.P. Matveev, 1976).

Since physical exercises arose on the basis of labor actions, they have much in common with labor. This commonality is expressed in the similarity of their biomechanical, physiological and biochemical mechanisms. However, this cannot serve as a basis for identifying the following:

Firstly, pedagogical tasks are solved by physical exercises (physical exercise is aimed at “oneself”, at personal physical perfection), and production tasks are solved by labor actions (improvement of labor productivity).

Secondly, physical exercises are performed in accordance with the laws physical education, and labor - production.

Thirdly, only a system of physical exercises allows you to harmoniously develop organs and systems, the physical qualities of a person. Labor actions, on the other hand, have a character specialized in production and do not have a comprehensive impact.

Of the entire list of the means of physical culture presented above, the most specific and most widely used means is physical exercise. This is due the following reasons:

1. Physical exercise most fully satisfy the human need for motor activity.

2. Physical exercises affect not only the morphofunctional state, but also the personality of the student.

3. Physical exercises as a system of movements express the thoughts and emotions of a person, his attitude to the surrounding reality.

4. Physical exercises are one of the ways to transfer social and historical experience in the field of physical culture, its scientific and practical achievements.

Factors that determine the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises. When performing a single exercise, it is almost impossible to achieve pedagogical goals and a developmental effect. It is necessary to repeat the exercise many times in order to improve movement and develop physical qualities. At the same time, when performing physical exercises, physiological, mental, biochemical and other processes occur in the body of the student, which cause corresponding changes in both the motor and vegetative spheres. But it must be remembered that the implementation of physical exercises can contribute both to positive changes in the work of the body, and to cause harm, if they are used without taking into account the laws of physical culture. Therefore, knowledge of the factors that determine the effectiveness of the impact of physical exercises will increase the productivity of their use.

All the variety of factors can be grouped as follows:

1)Individual characteristics of those involved (age, gender, level of mental, moral, physical and moral preparedness, level of interest in motor activity, formation of motives, etc.). The same physical exercise, depending on individual characteristics, produces a different effect on those involved.

2)Scientific factors . The more scientific research and putting them into practice, the more effectively you can use physical exercises.

3)Methodological factors . Among them, the following deserve special attention: optimal dosage and taking into account the effects of the phenomena. The optimal dosage implies a strict selectivity of the characteristics of the load, such as: duration, intensity, number and frequency of repetitions, the nature of rest, etc., depending on the specific tasks and conditions of training, as well as the individual characteristics of those involved. Taking into account the phenomena of the consequences implies the ability to fix, correctly understand and evaluate those functional changes that have occurred under the influence of the previous exercise or lesson. The effect of exercise can be immediate, occurring after one or a series of exercises in the same session; delayed, appearing after several classes; cumulative (total), which manifests itself after a series of classes.

4)hygiene factors are decisive in the implementation of the principle of health orientation. Violation of the daily routine, nutrition does not lead to a positive result from the use of physical exercises.

5)Meteorological factors . Depending on the environmental conditions (temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, etc.), the composition of the exercises used and the parameters of the use of loads should change.

6)material factors . The use of better equipment, inventory, special clothing, shoes helps to increase the effectiveness of physical exercises.

Physical exercises have their content and form.

The result of these processes is the ability of a person to motor activity, expressed in physical and mental qualities. The effect of physical exercises is determined primarily by its content.

FORM OF PHYSICAL EXERCISES - represents their external and internal organization, coherence, ordering.

TO inner form refers to the relationship and consistency of those processes that provide the main functions when performing this exercise. For example, the relationship of processes (neuromuscular coordination, biological, mental, etc.) will be different when running than when swimming.

External form exercises is represented by the visible side of the movement, motor action, the totality of its parts, the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic characteristics (technique).

Content and form are in unity, they influence each other, but the content plays a leading role. So, at different distances, with different manifestations of the quality of speed, the components of the technique (tempo, step length, etc.) will also be different. The manifestation of physical quality is influenced by the technique of motor action, therefore, for example, endurance in different types sport is specific. Inexpedient technique leads to irrational expenditure of energy and worsens the manifestation of physical qualities.

The pedagogical content of physical exercises is the pedagogical task being solved and the pedagogical influence that they have on those involved. Interrelation, coordination of motor skills and abilities included in this motor action acts as an internal form. The external form is the result of solving the set task (“development”, “non-development”, etc.). The “representative” of the content is the physical qualities, and the forms are the technique of exercises. But since the content always develops faster than the form, the constantly accumulating "old" technique of physical exercises restrains the manifestation of physical qualities. Accounting for this circumstance is of great pedagogical importance. Finding the optimal ratio of the content and form of physical exercises at each particular moment is one of the important problems of the theory and practice of physical education.

strength, cardio and flexibility exercises (stretching).

Strength exercises

aimed at developing and increasing muscle mass body and increase muscle strength. Strength exercises are anaerobic, i.e. to exercises performed without access to oxygen. During such exercises, the body experiences a lack of oxygen. Strength exercises are short but very intense. During strength exercises, lactic acid accumulates in the muscles - a breakdown product of glucose in the body. When enough lactic acid accumulates in the blood, it begins to cause muscle fatigue. Professional athletes in such cases use the definition of "sour".

Strength training should be part of your fitness program. Studies have shown that people over 40 regularly power training help maintain the amount of muscle mass that we lose with age.

Cardio exercises

Aimed at increasing stamina, the first remedy for weight loss. Examples of cardio workouts - running on long distances average pace, cycling, cross country skiing, swimming. Cardio exercises are aerobic, i.e. to exercises of sufficiently low intensity, long in time. Oxygen in such exercises is the main source of energy for maintaining muscle function and internal organs. The load is considered aerobic if it lasts more than 20 minutes. Unlike anaerobic exercises, aerobic exercises do not increase physical strength. Aerobic exercise is very beneficial for of cardio-vascular system, well develop endurance, burn fat.

Flexibility exercises

or in other words, stretching exercises. Such exercises are aimed at developing a person's ability to perform any action with a large amplitude. It is believed that flexibility prolongs youth. The muscles of a flexible person contract and relax better, therefore, oxygen is better supplied to them. flexible person controls his body better, distributes it more correctly external load on joints and muscles. Flexibility exercises are important to do as often as possible, at any time of the day. If you are doing static exercises for flexibility, try to perform each exercise for at least 20 seconds. - it is this duration of execution that is effective for the development of flexibility, muscle stretching.

Physical exercise

1. Physical exercise (concept)

The term "exercise" in the theory and practice of physical education has a double meaning. They designate, firstly, certain types of motor actions that have developed as a means of physical education; secondly, the process of repeated reproduction of these actions, in accordance with the methodological principles of physical education

These two meanings of the term "exercise" are not only interrelated, but overlap.

However, in the first case, we are talking about what (through which) they affect the physical condition of a person in the process of physical education; in the second - about how (by what method) this influence is carried out.

In order not to confuse these meanings, a terminological clarification is introduced: in the first case, the term “physical exercise” is used, in the second, the term “exercise method”.

Thus, physical exercise is a motor action created and applied for the physical improvement of a person.

Not every motor action can be called physical exercise. Only those actions that are aimed at solving the problems of physical education and are subject to its laws constitute physical exercises.

Physical exercises have characteristic features.

1. Physical exercise solves a pedagogical task (in other words, physical exercise is aimed “at oneself”, at one’s personal physical improvement), by labor action - a production task is solved (i.e. the action is aimed at the subject of production activity).

2. Physical exercise is performed in accordance with the laws of physical education, which, on the one hand, most effectively affect the human body, on the other hand, allow you to show the highest performance. The labor action is performed in accordance with the laws of production.

3. Only systems of physical exercises create opportunities for the development of all human organs and systems in the optimal ratio. Labor actions, due to their specialization, are not able to exert a versatile influence on the physical improvement of a person.

2. Content and form of physical exercises

In the psychological and physiological aspect, physical exercises are considered as voluntary (i.e., controlled by the mind and will) movements, in contrast to "involuntary", unconditioned reflex movements that proceed in a machine-like manner.

When performing a physical exercise, a conscious mindset is always assumed to achieve a specific result (effect), corresponding to one or another task of physical education. The implementation of this attitude is associated with active mental work (foreseeing the result and assessing the conditions for achieving it, developing action programs and choosing the method for its implementation, controlling movements, volitional efforts).

Functional shifts that occur during exercise stimulate subsequent processes of recovery and adaptation, due to which physical exercises, under certain conditions, serve as a powerful factor in increasing functionality and improving its structural properties (musculature, physiological parameters, etc.) (as an example, the phenomenon of supercompensation )

When considering the content of physical exercises from a pedagogical point of view, it is especially important that they purposefully develop a person's abilities in unity with the formation of certain skills and abilities.

The form of physical exercise is its internal and external structure (construction, organization).

The internal structure of physical exercise is characterized by how various processes of the body's functioning are interconnected during its implementation, how they correlate, interact and are consistent with each other. (For example, the ratio of various energy [aerobic and anaerobic] processes differ significantly in running for short and long distances).

The external structure of physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements, i.e. that relates to the concept of technique of physical exercises.

Physical exercises are certain motor actions intended for physical development person, strengthening his health and improving the shape of the body. The main types of exercises include: strength, cardio and muscle stretching exercises. Strength training helps to increase lean body mass and give more strength to the muscles. Cardio training (running, swimming, etc.) is good for the heart, improves endurance, burns fat and reduces body weight. Muscle stretching exercises are aimed at improving the flexibility of the body. This section contains exercises for various muscle groups. Each exercise has detailed description, the technique of its implementation, as well as recommendations, advice and other useful information associated with this exercise and the group of muscles involved in it. I wish you success!

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The deadlift engages the muscles adjacent to the spine, thighs, and buttocks. This basic exercise for the back and legs serves to give them strength and volume. In bodybuilding deadlift It is used for shock building up the mass, strength and power of both the back muscles and the muscles of the legs. In addition, the deadlift is an excellent means of strengthening all the muscles that hold the spine: the stronger they are, the more weight you can handle in other exercises without fear of injury.

Oblique twists

Oblique crunches engage the oblique abdominal muscles. This basic exercise defines the waist and strengthens the abs. Oblique twists are important for the balanced development of all abdominal muscles in general, as well as for strengthening lumbar region and prevention of spinal injuries.

Bench press from the chest lying

In the bench press, the middle, bottom, and also the top of the chest are involved. The bench press is the best basic exercise for building chest mass and strength.

Barbell pull to chin

The pull of the bar to the chin works out the middle deltas, top and middle of the trapezium. This shaping exercise separates the traps from the delts. The chin pull draws and refines the shape of the trapezium, delineates a clear dividing line between the trapezium and the middle delts, and improves the detail and “banding” of the trapezoid.

Sumo deadlift

In the sumo style deadlift, unlike the usual classic lifting of the barbell from the floor, they work more intensively. quadriceps thigh and adductor thigh muscle and, to a lesser extent, the back muscle, which does not bend enough at the beginning of the exercise. The sumo barbell lift is one of the three lifts in powerlifting competition.

Standing calf raises

Standing calf raises activate calf muscle. This is a basic exercise for building voluminous calves. In bodybuilding, standing up on toes is used to build up the mass of the calves, to give them a convex, distinct shape of an inverted heart.

Lying leg curl

Lying leg curls engage the lower back of the thigh, as well as the calf muscle. This is an isolation exercise for developing the shape and relief of the back of the thigh. Lying leg curls thicken the bottom of the back of the thigh, affecting both the inner and the inner thighs equally. outside this area of ​​​​muscles, which visually lengthens and expands the thigh, when viewed from behind. Also, this exercise allows you to achieve a clear separation between the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles (definition) and show their relief (separation).

leg extension

Leg extensions engage the rectus (frontal) as well as the lateral (lateral) thigh muscles. This is an isolation exercise to improve the detail and definition of the quadriceps. Leg extensions draw the rectus femoris muscle (the frontal part of the quadriceps), give it a distinct, convex shape along its entire length, especially conspicuous when viewed from the side of the thigh. In addition, leg extensions allow you to achieve a clear separation between the straight line and lateral muscles hips.