Chest muscle day exercises. How to pump up your breasts? Complete rocking guide. Correct "bodybuilding" technique

Extremely difficult. This is due to their enormous diversity. An incorrectly composed complex will not give the desired results. Let's look at the best exercises for the pectoral muscles. They are very effective because they cover all the necessary areas. The complex is also universal: suitable for both men and women.

Where to begin?

It is recommended to conduct the first training at home. At the initial stage, you will only need light weight dumbbells. For greater efficiency, you can connect an expander. Don't forget to warm up your muscles before doing the main exercises. This will protect them from sprains and prepare them for intense work. Choose the best exercises for the pectoral muscles from the proposed set (a few will be enough) and perform only them. Gradually increase the load with sets and repetitions.

When you feel that you are ready for more intense work, you can connect to the exercise equipment. You don't have to go to a fitness club for this. To avoid standing in lines, you can buy exercise equipment and exercise at home. But be patient, even they will not give quick results.

In any workout, intensity and regularity of exercise are important. But they don't come first. The main thing is to perform all movements correctly and give your muscles a rest. That is, training should not be daily, but high-quality. If you neglect this, then even the best exercises for the pectoral muscles will not be effective. What other nuances should be taken into account?

  • For untrained people, it is better to stick to a two-day complex per week. This will create an optimal balance of load and recovery for the pectoral muscles.

  • The exercises will produce results by increasing muscle mass. Therefore, give preference to classic push-ups. Trained people can include isolation exercises in their program. For beginners, they will be too traumatic.
  • To train the pectoral muscles, 5-6 different exercises of 5 approaches are optimal. If your goal is to increase strength, then 6 repetitions of the movements is enough. If you want to make your chest muscles more voluminous, then do them 10 times. For beginners, this amount should be reduced by 2 times.
  • Even the best exercises for you need to be divided into weeks. This is necessary to evenly distribute the load. At the same time, it is not recommended to touch the chest muscles and triceps. It is better to perform them on different days. This way your body will rest and adapt to the load. Otherwise, energy will be wasted.

for the chest

This set of exercises, when performed correctly, gives very good results. What are the reasons for its effectiveness?

1. The exercises are varied, so they work the pectoral muscles in different directions.

2. The complex is designed in such a way that it covers several problem areas. This is achieved through a natural range of motion.

3. It is necessary to perform the proposed exercises with strict adherence to the technique. This engages the stabilizing muscles, which are responsible for maintaining balance and controlling movement.

It is for these reasons that you can be sure that only the best chest exercises are offered to you. For women and men, the effectiveness is absolutely the same.

Classic push-up

Perhaps the push-up is the most important anatomical exercise for the pectoral muscles. When performing it, you need to spread your arms wide and not lift your buttocks up. It is important to feel the muscles working. If you feel tension in your chest, it means you are doing everything right. Additional weights in the form of barbell plates on the back will help enhance the effect. This exercise works almost all areas of the body.

Bench press

This exercise is usually performed on a bench lying on your back with dumbbells or a barbell in your hands. They need to be kept parallel to the body. Do not touch your chest with the weights or straighten your elbows. The chest muscles should always be tense at the bottom and top points of the movement. On the count of 1-2, lift the weight up, on 3-4 - hold, and on 5-6 - lower it down.

On a special simulator, you can change the position a little, modifying the best exercises for yourself. There will be a load on the top of the pectoral muscles if the bench in the head area is raised higher than the legs. If you lower it, then the lower section will be pumped up. It is extremely difficult to carry out such training at home due to the lack of suitable equipment. But a simple incline bench can be found on almost any sports field.


This is another classic exercise for a beautiful bust. It works well on the entire upper part of the body. But mainly the lower chest, triceps and shoulder girdle are pumped up. You need to grab the bars with your hands and raise and lower your body. When lifting, the movements should be jerky and sharp, as if you were suddenly throwing something up. Lowering the body should be done smoothly and slowly. It is also important that the distance between the bars is about 70 centimeters. Otherwise, it will not be the chest that will be pumped up, but the triceps muscles.

This workout is simple, easy to understand and very effective. For these reasons, it is classified as the “best exercise for the pectoral muscles.” For men and even young boys, dips are very familiar, so they won’t cause any difficulties. And you can perform the exercise on any sports ground.

Exercises with dumbbells

Here you can even create a separate complex from a variety of exercise options. This could include chest presses and flyes. Moreover, in both versions, the exercises can be performed in different directions. All movements with weights should be done smoothly and without jerking. Otherwise, the effect will not be one hundred percent. Also watch your breathing. When exercising, exhale, and when relaxing, inhale.

Keep in mind that dumbbell presses give volume, and extension movements make the chest broad. The workout can be done at home on the floor (mat) or in the gym on a bench. Just don't overdo it with the weights. Choose a weight that is comfortable for you.

The following are not very popular in gyms. And in vain, because these are also the best exercises for the pectoral muscles.


These exercises involve bringing your arms together with the help of. The muscles are worked through stretching and weighting. If you vary the directions, you can pump up different areas of the chest muscles. If you are interested in the center, pull the handles of the machine straight in front of you. To work the upper chest, do a crossover from the bottom up. To increase the lower area, perform the exercise in reverse - from top to bottom.

Do not forget to set the appropriate weight, at which all movements will be performed without jerking. It should be the same for both handles. The body is usually tilted slightly forward, and the feet are left shoulder-width apart. For greater stability, you can put your foot forward. But in the next approach it needs to be changed to another. If you do everything correctly, you will be convinced that these are the best exercises for the mass of the pectoral muscles.


Ideally, this exercise is performed in the gym on a special simulator. But it can be replaced. The idea is that you need to lean on your elbows or lie down on a bench and pick up a weight. Then lift it in front of you, and then take it behind your head almost to the floor. For the chest and triceps muscles, it is better to train with your arms bent at the elbow. With straight lines, the back will be additionally involved.

You can use a barbell, dumbbells or a weight plate as a weight. But with the first option it is impossible to achieve a clear technique. And it is very important for getting a beautiful, pumped up body. It will be a pity to waste energy and time, because with the help of a pullover almost all of the pectoral muscles are involved.

In addition to training

Even a well-designed complex will not be enough if the training is not supported by anything. What else is required for beautiful breasts?

1. Proper nutrition. Food should be consumed often, but in small portions. Make your diet so that protein foods, fiber, vegetable fats and complex carbohydrates predominate. These are fresh vegetables, legumes, lean fish, poultry, various cereals and dairy products.

2. Good rest. Even the best chest exercises, like any workout, take a lot of energy. Therefore, long and sound sleep is important to restore energy.

By following these tips and observing the exercise technique, you can increase the relief on your chest and tighten your body.

The more an athlete engages in strength sports, the more time he needs to spend working on each muscle group, since over time the muscles adapt to the loads, and in order for them to grow, they need to be constantly shocked with large training volumes and new types of loads. In this article we will look at a chest training program in bodybuilding. This training program is perfect for those who train using split programs and work out different muscle masses in each workout.

Our chest training program is not suitable for beginners, since beginner athletes need to train several muscle groups at once in one workout, but this article will also describe the principles of building chest workouts that every self-respecting gym goer should know.

The main principles of successful split program training

When training with split programs, athletes should prioritize compound exercises, as they engage the most muscles and better stimulate their growth. But we also shouldn’t forget about isolating movements - since we train only one muscle group per workout, then we have time and energy to work on muscle areas in more detail. When we talk about sections of a muscle group, we mean different muscle bundles, for example, the pectoral muscles are divided into upper, middle and lower, and the deltoids are divided into anterior, posterior and middle.

In one workout, we must thoroughly work out all the muscle bundles, using various exercises and changing the position of the body or the angle of the bench or exercise machine.

Basic exercises should be performed at the beginning of the workout, and isolation exercises at the end to finish off the muscles or at the very beginning for a light warm-up. For maximum muscle growth, experts recommend performing 4-6 exercises per workout, 3-4 sets of each exercise, and 8-12 repetitions of each approach. You should not train your chest more than twice a week, that is, after the first workout, 2-3 days should pass before the next session. This is necessary so that the muscles have time to recover and grow (this also applies to all other muscle groups, not just the chest, but for the legs it is recommended to give more time to recover, since they are the largest muscle group).

It is important not to forget to do a warm-up at the beginning of the lesson and warm-up approaches during training, this will save you from various injuries and damages.

Bodybuilding chest training program

Taking into account all the principles described above, we have compiled the following chest training program for bodybuilders:

Pullover for chest lying on a bench (2-3 X 8-10)– this exercise is performed at will, it helps to expand the chest bone and is suitable only for young athletes (under 25 years old) whose bone growth zones have not yet closed.

So we looked at the training program for the pectoral muscles in bodybuilding. Do not forget that the working weights during training should be increased gradually, and at the beginning of each exercise it is necessary to perform at least one warm-up set to prepare the muscles for work and reduce the likelihood of injury.

Chest training from Konstantin Bublikov

Pectoral muscle training from Andrey Skoromny

Any beginner who comes to the gym sets the main goal of pumping up the biceps and pectoral muscles. And if with the biceps everything is more or less clear, then with the pectoral muscles there is a complete misunderstanding of how they need to be pumped. And the main mistake here is the abuse of the bench press.

Is the bench press effective for gaining muscle mass in the pectoral muscles?

The bench press itself is a good compound exercise that targets the pecs, triceps, and anterior deltoids. However, you won’t be able to pump up your chest with bench presses alone. Many people do not understand this, continuing to bench press the barbell every day, mistakenly believing that an increase in bench strength will certainly affect the gain of muscle mass. But this doesn't happen. Before pumping up the mass of the pectoral muscles, you need to remember once and for all that the bench press is just one of the exercises for the chest, and not the only sure way to gain mass. No matter what anyone says.

How to properly pump up your chest?

To effectively train the pectoral muscles for mass, it is necessary to provide a load regime in which the main factors of muscle growth will be fulfilled. Thus, the training will be based on the following principles:

  • Using 2 basic exercises performed in high-intensity mode - 6-8 repetitions;
  • The use of 2 isolated exercises, performed as efficiently as possible, with a small working weight, in a large number of repetitions - 12-15.
  • Use of post-workout exercises.

By following these training principles, we create the necessary load and conditions for the growth of chest muscle mass. You can read more about this process in the article -.

Training program for chest muscle mass

Knowing the basic principles of our future training, we need to select basic and isolated exercises for the chest. The following articles will help us with this:

After choosing basic and isolated exercises, you need to combine them into a training complex:

  • Perform this program once a week - either on a separate day, or on a back training day, or on a biceps training day;
  • The total duration of the complex is 6 weeks, after which it is necessary to move on to another training complex;
  • Competently

The pectoral muscles are conventionally divided into three zones: top, middle and bottom. In bodybuilding, various exercises are used to train the chest muscles, which are divided into basic and isolated.

If you have recently started bodybuilding (less than a year), then it is best to use basic exercises, since thanks to them you will progress faster and your chest. And when your pecs are more or less developed, then you can add isolated exercises (no more than two).

What grip should you use when training your pectoral muscles?

For safety, it is best to use a “closed” grip, where the thumb wraps around the bar (under the letter B in the figure). This way you will insure yourself against the fact that the barbell may simply slip out of your hands (your palms will sweat and the barbell will “move”). In addition, do not grab the bar with too wide a grip, as this will create additional stress on the shoulder joints, which is not good. The best option is a grip slightly wider than shoulder width. When you lie down under the bar, make sure the bar is at eye level. This is the correct position.

Correct technique

If you are doing pressing movements, make sure that your elbows do not diverge to the sides and are not pressed to the body. The correct position of the elbows is approximately 45 degrees relative to the body. At the bottom, your forearms should be perpendicular to the floor.

If you do flyes, make sure that your arms are slightly bent at the elbow joint throughout the exercise.

Do not lift your lower back off the bench and rest your feet on the floor.


In all pressing exercises, it is better to use the help of a partner or ask someone from the gym to back you up. This way you can better concentrate on the exercise and not think that if you can’t squeeze the barbell again now, it will crush you.

Also, be sure to put locks on the barbell so that if the barbell becomes skewed, all the weights won’t fall off.

How often should you train your pectoral muscles?

Through many studies, it was concluded that the optimal amount of training for the chest is once a week. But there are exceptions, since each person reacts to training differently.

How many repetitions and approaches should I do?

For all basic exercises, do 6-10 repetitions, 2-3 working sets and 2-3 warm-up sets. In isolated exercises, do 10-12 repetitions and 2 working approaches (you don’t have to do warm-up sets).

What exercises to use to train the pectoral muscles?

First of all, as mentioned above, you need to use basic exercises. First of all, this is the bench press from the chest and its various variations (on an inclined bench, head down, dumbbell press). Another great exercise for working your lower chest is dips.

Try using it in combination to achieve maximum results in breast development.

The best exercises for chest training: video

You should also remember that no matter what you train, you need to eat right to gain muscle mass and eat well. Then your results will be much higher.

A set of exercises with dumbbells to increase pectoral muscles

If you want your pecs to stick out like Roman armor, you'll want to try this two-dumbbell routine at the gym or at home if you have a bench press bench. What makes this workout so good is that you first do chest stretches, then add weights to increase strength, then finish with chest pump exercises to pump as much blood through the pecs as possible.

  • 4 sets, 12-15 reps
  1. Dumbbell bench press with positive incline
  • 4 sets of 12-15 repetitions

  1. Incline Dumbbell Raises
  • 4 times 12-15 repetitions

  1. Dumbbell bench press
  • 4 sets of 12-15 reps

  1. Reduction of arms on a bench with a negative incline
  • 4 sets 12-15 reps

The exercise can also be performed on a cable machine without the use of dumbbells to give the muscles a constant load and stimulate their growth.

Pullover with dumbbells

Although the pullover also loads the latissimus dorsi muscles, this variation also pumps up the pectoral muscles. As you pull the dumbbell forward, imagine that you are squeezing it and pushing it away from you. This may take a little practice, but this tactic will keep the load on the pectoral muscles. You will feel your chest working.

Feel the characteristic tension in your upper body. Hold it for as long as possible as you reach your arms back. Just don't let your hands go past your ears.

It is advisable to contract the chest muscles as much as possible; if you go too far, then the latissimus dorsi muscles will become tense, and we don’t need that here.

If necessary, reduce the weight or perform the exercise more slowly until you feel a full chest contraction during the pullover.

Incline Dumbbell Press

Use the first set as a warm-up or stretch to prepare your muscles. Save the heavy weights for the next three sets. The dumbbell has its advantages over the barbell - it will allow you to go a little further at the bottom of the amplitude, stretching the muscles after each contraction.

You'll have to lighten the weight a little, but this will only benefit your chest as you'll get a slight stretch after each rep. Resist the temptation to immediately increase the weight after completing a rep. You can increase the weight only when you can perform 15-20 repetitions without problems.

Incline flyes target the upper chest as well as the anterior deltoid. If you feel like your biceps are doing most of the work, rotate your palms inward or outward, whichever works your chest better.

Dumbbell Isolation Press

Another benefit of dumbbells is that you can work each side of your body separately. In this exercise, you will lift both dumbbells, then hold one hand down while lowering the other, rotating your palms as you lower the dumbbell. Make sure the dumbbell is directly at chest level before you lift it back up.

You can use heavier dumbbells as long as you can do 15-20 reps. Select a weight with which you can perform the specified number of repetitions.

Performing the exercise with one arm also engages the stabilizing muscles. But the exercise must be carried out carefully. Follow the technique strictly.

Reduction of arms on a cable exercise machine with a downward incline

In bodybuilding, to effectively train the chest muscles for mass, heavy bench press exercises are most often used - incline press, dips. Many people think that the pecs are a large muscle group. But, compared to other muscles, the pectoral muscles are a medium-sized muscle group. You don’t need too many approaches to work it out. Aim for 9 sets per workout. Some will need more, some will need less.

Chest training is possible from three angles:

  • upper part - on an inclined bench (at an angle);
  • middle – on horizontal;
  • lower - with the help of push-ups on the uneven bars.

Effective chest training for mass necessarily includes working with free weights - barbells and dumbbells - in basic exercises. When using exercise machines (the Smith machine press, for example), stabilizer muscles are not included in the work. On the one hand, this allows you to better concentrate on training the target muscles. But on the other hand, beginners must first of all strengthen the entire muscular corset with the help of basic exercises and only then proceed to isolating exercises.

Number of repetitions and approaches

Depends on your training goals.

for muscle growth

To increase muscle mass, do 8-12 reps in 3 sets with working weight (plus warm-up with light weights).

to increase strength

If you strive, then you need to work in the range of 3-6 repetitions for 5 approaches.

Barbell chest press on a bench

bench press technique - video

Incline bench press

When performing incline bench presses at an angle greater than 10-30, part of the load from the chest will be transferred to the chest, reducing the effectiveness of the exercise for working the chest.

Incline bench press technique - video


dip technique - video


  • rest your straight arms on the bars, tilt your back forward, move your pelvis back;
  • lower yourself down, bending your arms - your shoulder is perpendicular to the floor, and your elbows are looking at the ceiling;
  • Don’t lift your shoulders up to your ears, arch your back, and don’t let your belly hang out.

Additional exercises

Dumbbell Bench Press

dumbbell bench press - video

The dumbbell bench press is often used to replace the barbell press. There is an opinion that the dumbbell press is much more effective for pumping up the chest, as it allows you to perform the exercise with greater amplitude.


  • lying on a bench, bend your arms with dumbbells at an angle of 90%, your shoulder parallel to the floor or slightly lower;
  • as you exhale, press the dumbbells up; when squeezing the dumbbells, squeeze the chest muscles, lowering them down - stretch;
  • at the lowest point, try to further squeeze your shoulder blades.

Important! After finishing the set, do not throw heavy dumbbells on the floor - this can damage the shoulder rotators. After lowering the dumbbells down at the end of the approach, turn your arms with your palms facing you and lower the dumbbells to your knees, while raising your upper body. From a sitting position, lower the dumbbells to the floor.

Dumbbell fly

dumbbell fly - video


  • lying on a bench, raise your arms with dumbbells in front of you, palms facing you;
  • Bend your elbows slightly;
  • lower your arms down through your sides, stretching your chest and squeezing your shoulder blades;
  • Raise your arms to the starting position, squeezing your chest muscles.

Bringing hands together in crossover

bringing hands together in a crossover - video


  • grab the handles of the blocks, elbows slightly bent forward;
  • put one leg forward slightly, body slightly tilted forward, back straight;
  • bring your arms together so that your hands are at the level of your lower abdomen;
  • spread your arms, keeping your muscles tense and not inertia;
  • do not swing your body back and forth; this reduces the load on the pectoral muscles.