Running rules for beginners - let's start training! Running Training Programs 30 Minute Running Program

Runthe most widespread type of fitness: millions of people, regardless of gender, physique, age and social status, maintain their physical shape every day with the help of this seemingly simple activity. How to create a running training program and avoid mistakes?

In order for your introduction to running to be enjoyable and the fear of failure to recede, you need careful preparation and a competent running training program. Also, follow basic safety rules.

The most common mistakes that often lead to injuries when running:

  • The distance is too long at the beginning of training;
  • High pace and running speed;
  • No warm-up, stretching or cool-down.

Training program: when is the best time to run?

Doctors say that it is best to run 2-3 hours after lunch - around 16:00-17:00, but in modern conditions few people can afford this. Training most often occurs in the morning or evening. Experts advise running in the morning, and there are several good reasons for this:

  • In the morning you will always find time for training, if, of course, you wake up an hour earlier than usual;
  • By running in the morning on an almost empty stomach, you will “accelerate” your metabolism;
  • A morning run will give you a boost of energy for the whole day;
  • In the morning hours there is the lowest concentration of harmful gases and vapors in the air.

But morning running has one condition: you need to get enough sleep before such a workout!

The most important thing is to listen to your body. If you have difficulty getting up in the morning, then jogging can be an additional stressor. So try to find time convenient for you.

There are a few more differences:

  • If you run in the morning, then 20 minutes before going out, drink a glass of water and eat yogurt or half an apple.
  • If you run in the evening, then 2 hours before training you should have a light dinner: a vegetable salad with a drop of olive oil and a piece of lean meat or fish. In the evening, you should also pay more attention to cooling down and stretching after exercise.

Choosing a place to run

On the street.

If you choose this option, then think through several routes in advance. Dirt paths are best suited for running in the city, preferably away from busy roads, for example, in parks. Excellent running surfaces can be found in stadiums and sports fields, providing traction and an anti-slip effect. But concrete and asphalt roads for running are not the best choice.

In gym. A running fitness center has its undeniable advantages. First of all, this is to minimize the risk of injury, because it is difficult to trip on a flat surface of a bike path. At the same time, you yourself will be able to control the size of the distance, training time, the angle of the track, which determines the intensity of the training, calories burned and your heart rate.

Running Equipment

Running equipment is one of the most important components of success; it depends on season.

Shoes. For running, it is very important to choose shoes with good shock absorption, which is necessary to reduce the load on the joints of the spine. Sneakers should be light and fix the foot in the correct position, when the leg is quite mobile, but does not “slide” to the side. Modern athletic shoes have labels that indicate what they are designed for, and if you're looking for running shoes, look for the word "running." There are separate models designed for jogging on the street and on the bike path.

Cloth. Must allow the body to breathe. Natural fabrics cope well with this, the most popular of which is cotton. However, such clothes have a significant disadvantage - they absorb sweat and quickly become heavy, so it is easy to freeze in them. So it’s worth taking a closer look at trousers, shorts and T-shirts made of synthetic fibers that do not get wet and remove sweat to the surface of the fabric, allowing moisture to pass through. At the same time, such clothing retains the function of ventilation and thermoregulation.

Training rules

1. Be sure to include a warm-up, stretching and cool-down in your running training program.

  • Warm-up before running should include:
    • warming up your neck, back, arms and legs. This is necessary for the general preparation of the body for work, muscles, ligaments, joints and blood vessels, in particular,
    • classic squats (2 sets of 15-20 times),
    • bends and lunges: 2-3 sets of 10-15 times on each leg.
  • Main part:
    • 2-3 minutes of walking at a fast pace,
  • Hitch:
    • 2-5 minutes walk at a fast pace
    • stretching: pay special attention to the lower part of the body - legs, hips, buttocks, but in addition to this, it is worth stretching the arms, back and neck.

2. Watch the position of your feet while running: The step should start from the heel and “roll” to the toe. Under no circumstances should you land on the entire plane of your foot. Your legs should be slightly bent at the knees throughout the entire workout, and keep your arms in a free, comfortable position, with your elbows bent and your back straight.

3. Keep your breathing even: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth (4 steps). Do not force your breathing - if you feel that it is out of whack, it is better to slow down the pace a little or take a step, and only then return to running again. Listen to yourself: your body will tell you when you should slow down, or, conversely, you can increase it.

4. Pulse . In order for your workout to be as effective as possible, your heart rate should be 60-80% of max. If you are committed to serious and regular training, we recommend purchasing a heart rate monitor.

5. Food and drink. Whatever time you choose to run, keep in mind that it is better to run 2-3 hours after eating. You can drink during and after training if necessary. After running, you should not eat for half an hour.

6. Musical assistant. Upload your favorite tracks to the player that match the rhythm of your workouts, or special “running” compositions. You will see that music can inspire you and help you go the distance.

7. After running, takecold and hot shower— such water procedures perfectly harden blood vessels. In addition, it will give you vigor and freshness.

Contraindications for running:

  • heart defects, heart rhythm disturbances,
  • pulmonary failure,
  • chronic kidney diseases,
  • thyrotoxicosis,
  • diabetes mellitus (uncontrolled by insulin),
  • glaucoma, progressive myopia,
  • exacerbation of any chronic diseases,
  • colds.

Running training programs for beginners

Target Duration (not counting warm-up, stretching and cool-down) Type of training Distance Periodicity
Fat Burning From 15-25 minutes, gradually increasing to 40-50 minutes Interval: alternating high-speed running and restorative light jogging. You can start by alternating 2 minutes through 2, then 3/3 and back: 3/3, 2/2, 1/1. You need to gradually work your way up to 5-minute intervals. 1.5-2 km 2-3 times a week, gradually moving to a “five-day week”
Tone support 25-35 minutes Jog 7-9 km/h: calm breathing, low pace. You can alternate with brisk walking. 2-3 km 3-4 times a week
Recovery after a break in training (pregnancy, injury, long vacation, other reasons) 10-20 minutes Trost 7-9 km/h. Start at a low speed, gradually increasing it to a high tempo, depending on how you feel. 1-1.5 km starting with 2 lessons per week, gradually increasing to 4-5

Over time, you will be able to adjust your running training program in accordance with your wishes, goals, and daily routine. Practice regularly and don’t despair if something doesn’t work out right away. The main thing is to believe in yourself!

Hello. I think you already understand what will be discussed in this article. The program can help not only beginners, but also trained runners achieve results. Many people run according to a program, but also many people run without using any programs or schemes. A running program for beginners, a running scheme for beginners can be written by you yourself, if you more or less know what your body is capable of. When training according to the program, each workout is psychologically easier to perceive, and this is for the reason that there are boundaries. In principle, even if you don’t have any specific program, but you have boundaries, it will be psychologically easier for you. But this applies only to beginners. People who have been running for a long time can run for many kilometers, without psychological stress, because they either don’t think about anything or think about something completely different.

In I posted a running table for beginners. I think this table will help you, and I suggest you follow the link. I also want to offer you a few more tables and running programs for beginners that will help you in a short time. By the way, about running, you might also be interested.

Of course, a person lights up when starting a new business, but the most important thing here is not to go out at the most important moment. If you decide to run, then you should be prepared for the fact that your legs and possibly your whole body will hurt. This is quite normal, but after a certain amount of training there will be no pain. This can be either two workouts or five - it all depends on your lifestyle, your body, and, of course, on the training itself. This pain should not be an obstacle between you and your goal.

If we talk about goals, then the goals can be very different, but often, people want to lose weight by running, some want to run to improve endurance, others simply for the purpose of general health improvement of the body. And indeed, it is not necessary to pursue any serious goal - you can simply run for pleasure and for the purpose of general health improvement. And here is the running program for beginners, or rather programs that will help you develop.

As I already wrote in one of the previous articles, with each workout the body allows you to run twice as much. That is, if today you ran 1 km, then in the next workout you can run 2 km, and you will be no more tired than in the previous workout. There is no need to try to run fast - run at a moderate or slow pace, and everything will be fine. Therefore, if you run 2 km, then next time you can run 4 km. This may be a little hard to believe, but it is true, and it has been verified. In any case, you can check it out for yourself.

A running pattern for beginners should not be complicated, nor should the route. The route should be smooth, without ascents or descents. Ascents and descents are good, but for more prepared athletes. If you are a beginner, then you need to try to find the smoothest and most unobstructed route. Perhaps it will be some kind of “health path”, a circle around the stadium or a forest path. Of course, it is advisable to choose a route away from the roadway, for obvious reasons, I think.

After about a month, you can slightly adjust the route and make it more difficult. You can run across a field where the road is uneven, or you can simply add ups and downs. There are many more options for complicating the route using techniques rather than terrain, but more on that in one of the following articles. That's all for now.

It would seem, why do we need a training program for such a simple task - running for beginners? I pulled on my sneakers, turned on the player, and went along the path, improving my physical fitness and self-esteem. You are not preparing for Olympic records! However, it’s hard not to be surprised by aching joints, stretched muscles and the fact that your enthusiasm inexorably begins to slide to the baseboard area. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is impossible to achieve decent results without clear planning in any activity, and running is no exception.
It’s not for nothing that running is so popular these days.

The benefits of running

It is not so important for what purpose you set out to search for a running program for beginners - to lose weight, increase endurance, or because you decided to lead an active lifestyle and are used to doing everything conscientiously. The main thing is that you will do the body a considerable service.

Running, if you approach the process wisely, brings immeasurable health benefits:

  • increases immunity;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • causes the metabolism to gain momentum, and the body to intensively burn calories;
  • forces the lungs to work at full strength, actively saturating the body with oxygen;
  • along with sweat, expels toxins through the pores;
  • accelerates blood circulation through the vessels;
  • provokes the synthesis of testosterone in the male body, which indirectly affects the brightness of the runner’s intimate life;
  • promotes the production of “happiness hormones” endorphins, increases a person’s self-confidence and clarifies thoughts.

And you don’t need a gym, expensive equipment, or impressive equipment to run. So the excuse “I can’t afford it” won’t work!

On a treadmill you can speed away from a whole bunch of health problems

Risk area

However, before moving on to a running training program for beginners, it is worth soberly weighing your options - namely, health and fitness. Alas, the pleasure of jogging in the park in the morning or, having abandoned problems, racking up kilometers on the treadmill in the gym, is not available to everyone.

So, Overweight people should avoid jogging– your bones and joints are not ready to withstand such a load.

A clear contraindication will be injuries to the spine, diseases of the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, kidneys and reproductive organs. In this case, permission to jog can only be issued by the attending physician.

Temporary “exemption from physical education” gives a person a cold (viral) disease or an aggravated chronic illness. Get your health in order and only then take your sneakers out of the locker.

If, before your epoch-making decision to start running, you spent years moving from a soft office chair to your home sofa in front of the TV, you are also at risk. It makes sense to hold off on jogging, preferring regular walks, first at a moderate pace, and then at a brisk pace. When your breathing stops faltering and your heart stops jumping out of your chest at the slightest exertion, you can move on.

The changes will not happen immediately, but they will be dramatic.

How to start running? Step by step plan

Where to start creating a program for regular running? From searching for motivation, buying sports equipment and determining a training regime.

Looking for motivation

First of all, you should decide for what purpose are you ready to leave a cozy apartment with a warm bed and a computer 3-4 times a week and go pound a hard path with your soles? We’ll warn you right away that it’s better not to consider the options “to lose weight” and “I’m not weak.” At first, they may be effective, but over time, vague goals lose their attractiveness and are no longer able to maintain your determination at the required level.

  • you will feel more confident;
  • get rid of shortness of breath;
  • fulfill your old dream of riding down the mountain on a Zorb, which your excess weight has prevented you from doing so until now;
  • pay attention to the charming Marinochka from the accounting department, who now clearly views you as a friend
    - as they say, emphasize what is necessary.

In this case, you will not run after vague weight loss, but after clearly defined “buns” looming seductively ahead.

Another method that experienced runners advise is to sign up for a mass cross-country race, which is practiced today in large (and not so large) cities. The desire not to lose face in front of other participants is a great incentive to continue training.

It's definitely more fun to run with company.

Let's get equipped

The second point of the running program for beginners includes the purchase of quality shoes and tracksuits. Alas, you can’t run much in slippers, even if a master of sports draws up a training plan for you. The right equipment means comfort, success and safety, so don't skimp. You will need:

1. Running shoes with shock-absorbing inserts and shin protection, precisely matched to the leg, not pinching anywhere, but not dangling on the foot.

2. Costume– does not restrict movement, made from natural materials that allow the body to breathe, and selected in accordance with weather conditions.

3. Headband so that sweat does not flow into the eyes.

A heart rate monitor will be a good purchase, allowing you to monitor your condition and coordinate your exercise.

Determining the time and place

Point three: we determine when and where we will run. Experts advise starting to develop a running program for beginners in spring and summer, when nature itself provokes a person to be more active, and we are full of strength, plans and inspiration.

The sun and blooming greenery will become additional incentives to action.

In addition, it is considered desirable schedule training times in the morning, although here it is better to focus on your own internal rhythms. If you are a terry owl, who in the morning only feels the desire to bury your nose deeper in the pillow, but by the evening is capable of moving mountains, you can try running in the afternoon, while for a lark it will not be difficult to go for a run at the first rays of the sun.

As for the location of the future sporting feat, you will have to choose based on personal preferences and capabilities. The gym is good for having:

  • treadmills;
  • other visitors who will tell an inexperienced beginner where to stand and which button to press;
  • a trainer whose consultation will make things much easier for you.

Well, a park or forest means clean air, rough terrain and the absence of people fussing around. Moreover, note that you get all this for free.

Try not to run on asphalt and concrete, this will have a bad effect on the condition of your feet.

Running technique

Not everyone knows how to run properly

A little more, and we move on to the most interesting thing - the actual running program for beginners with weekly data in tables, how much and how to run. But first, let's take a moment to run technique.

1. Look straight ahead. By tilting your head down, you prevent your throat and lungs from properly supplying your body with oxygen.

2. Keep your shoulders back, but not tense, and your body straight and slightly tilted forward.

3. Work rhythmically with your arms bent at the elbows, alternately lifting each one to the opposite shoulder obliquely across the chest.

4. Make sure that your legs remain half-bent, and that the foot, at the moment of hitting the ground, falls to the middle of the foot, but not to the heel.

5. Try to synchronize your steps and arm swings.

Breathe through your nose while jogging. This will ensure that the air entering the lungs is filtered, and in cold weather it will warm it to the desired temperature for the body. True, it is worth recognizing that some runners prefer to breathe through their mouths, and do a good job.

Training program

The worst thing a beginner can do in their first training sessions is to start running around headlong, squeezing their stunned body for all it is capable of. Big mistake! You need to move towards your goal, be it a citywide race or the desire to cover 3 km in 10 minutes, slowly and gradually. For example, it is convenient to master running for beginners in accordance with a 10-week program that can “put the most avid couch potato on his feet.”

10 week running program for beginners
A week Walking in minutes Running in minutes Total workout duration
1 2 1 20 minutes, which consist of alternating 7 episodes of brisk walking and 6 episodes of running
2 2 2 22 minutes
3 2 3 22 minutes
4 2 5 23 minutes
5 2 6 26 minutes
6 1,5 8 20-21 minutes
7 1,5 10 24-25 minutes
8 1 12-8 23 minutes: walking - 12 minutes running - walking - 8 minutes running - walking
9 2 15-5 26 minutes: walking - 15 minutes running - walking - 5 minutes running - walking
10 0 20 20 minutes of pure running

Do not take it right off the bat, increase the load gradually!

This alternation of walking and full-fledged running is called “interval running” and is regularly found in programs designed for weight loss or increasing endurance, including for beginners.

Video: How to run correctly

Important tips for beginner athletes from Irina Turchinskaya

In any business, the first step is difficult. If you have done it, you are already on the path to success; If you didn’t give up after the first weeks, consider yourself almost a winner. The human body and mind are designed in such a happy way that they quickly form habits, both bad and healthy. You'll see, very little time will pass, and you will be drawn to go for a run, and the need to put on your sneakers and set off to conquer the next trail will turn from a boring duty into a pleasure.

Many people sooner or later come to the decision to start running. Some people want to lose weight, others want to get rid of shortness of breath. And some people just want to keep themselves in good shape. Running for beginners is a whole science. You can't just run here. Any task, even something seemingly so simple, must be approached wisely. So where to start? Let's study the process in order.

Training clothes and shoes

Before you start running, you need to decide what to wear for your running training. It's time to buy sports equipment.


For the warm season, you will need sneakers with medium-hard soles. Such a sole is needed so that you can run both on asphalt and along forest paths.

It is known that a hard surface and lack of shock absorption have a bad effect on the knee joints and ankles. Therefore, you need to solve this problem with the help of a sole. Too soft springy soles are not suitable in our case, as they will quickly wear out when running on the street. Sneakers should not be slippery. The main tasks of shoes are: shock absorption of the feet on the road and good grip.

Sneakers are definitely not suitable for running, as their soles are too thin. You can hit your feet on the asphalt.

If your shoes have laces, pay attention to what kind they are. We will only be interested in flat laces. In no case are they round - they come undone quickly, and every 500 meters you will have to stop to lace them up.

In winter, sneakers should be insulated. Many sports brands have such models in their assortment. You should pay attention to the comfort of your shoes so that nothing rubs you anywhere.

Starting running without the right shoes, wearing “what you have” is an illiterate approach that will quickly discourage you from training.

Tracksuit and jacket

When you run, no matter what your goal is, you will sweat. Accordingly, you need clothing that can wick moisture away from the body well. The greenhouse effect created in low-quality suits is undesirable, since the body will overheat, and you will have to forget about comfort.

You can take sweatpants and a sweater separately, and a jacket if necessary. You should wear a comfortable T-shirt underneath. Clothing should not restrict movement.

The jacket should be light so that you don't get too hot. It is advisable that the collar covers the throat. At low temperatures outside, this will save you from sore throats and colds.

In hot weather, you can wear shorts and a T-shirt while jogging. Today, sports stores are full of clothes for active pastime, so buying clothes for running is not a problem at all.


In winter and in the cold off-season, you should have a hat on your head. The fabric of the hat needs to be light and moisture wicking. Running in winter without a hat is a thankless task, as you can easily catch a cold and get more harm from training than good.

Special caps for skiing and running can be found in sports stores.

In winter, you will also need gloves; they must meet the same criteria as a hat.

There is a lot that can be said about running for beginners. Now we will give some tips on where to run, when, and how, in general, to run in different situations.

Place for jogging

It is better to start learning to run at a sports stadium, where special circular paths are allocated for this.

It is very convenient to run there, counting the laps you complete. At first, you can not focus on time, but simply analyze your results based on the number of laps completed. If you want to vary the distances, keep in mind that the inner circle is smaller than the outer one. If the stadium is not enough for you, run around the outer circle.

You can set yourself a goal, for example, to run 10 laps during a workout. And you can start with 1-2 laps at an average pace.

A running program for beginners at a stadium should take into account the time of year, the characteristics of the body and the climatic conditions of the region.

Jogging can be practiced in forests, park areas, quiet and peaceful places. If you are going to run around your area, this is acceptable, as long as there are not many cars on the roads in the morning. The air in the morning is not as dirty as in the afternoon or evening.

Some countries have special places for runners. Comfortable non-slip paths lead through green forests. There is fresh air and the sound of birds. This is all very impressive.

When to run and how many times a week

The most important thing in running is to listen to your body. Try running in the morning, afternoon, evening. Decide when you feel most comfortable. Naturally, the experiment must be accompanied by a serious desire to start running in principle. Things won't work through force.

It’s clear that running in the morning helps you wake up and gives you energy for the whole day. And in the evenings, oddly enough, on the contrary, it helps to fall asleep.

When choosing a time to run, follow these tips:

  • You cannot run completely hungry and too full, that is, on a completely empty and on a full stomach.
  • You should not drink a lot of water before running. It’s better to either take small sips as needed throughout the workout or drink after, but not in one gulp.
  • Try not to run in rain or ice.
  • It is also undesirable to run in severe frost. But if this is typical weather for your region, you have no choice - you have to run. Or you should prefer exercising on a treadmill in the gym.
  • Postpone your workout if you are sick. Colds, malaise, fever. Any condition different from the norm is a contraindication.
  • If you are hypertensive, measure your blood pressure before running. Do this after training as well. Then compare the results. This way you can determine the optimal jogging intensity for yourself. Large pressure surges should not be allowed.

You can run 3-6 times a week. Morning runs lasting 15–20 minutes can be done 6 times a week. If you exercise 3 times a week, extend your run to 30-40 minutes. Focus on these numbers if you want to run 4 or 5 times a week.

Five rules of running

For beginners, it is important to do everything correctly, then jogging will become not only a useful activity for you, but also a pleasure.

Proper running is systematic and measured. You can’t run a sprint or marathon for the first time. You need to approach everything gradually, thoughtfully. Next, we will give the basic rules on the basis of which you can create a competent running program for beginners.

Rule 1: The first workout is the shortest

When you first go out for a run, limit yourself to 10 minutes of jogging. First, walk briskly for 3-5 minutes, then start running. Your heart rate will increase significantly and your breathing will become faster. Perhaps shortness of breath will appear - you will gradually get rid of it.

If you find it difficult to run, reduce your speed to a minimum, but run. As long as you feel the strength, don’t start walking. Even if you run slower than you would walk, you still need to run. If you feel that your heart is jumping out and you are suffocating, it’s time to take a step. After you catch your breath, try to start running again.

Running for beginners should always be dosed.

After a critical load of “I don’t want to”, your body may fail. And if the muscles definitely hurt, even if the approach is correct, then there should be no other unpleasant sensations (pain, temperature, etc.).

Rule 2: breathing technique

For beginners, running can seem like a very grueling process. Most often this occurs due to improper breathing.

To start running, you need to learn breathing techniques. This will keep you from getting out of breath for longer and will also help you get into your workout routine more easily.

In short, you need to inhale and exhale equally in time and distribute them over 3-4 steps if we are talking about jogging. That is, we stretch the inhalation and exhalation into an equal number of steps. It’s too early for you to know about sprinting – the breathing technique there is a little different.

The main thing is to keep the rhythm. If you don't have enough oxygen, take 3-4 deep breaths. It should help.

You need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth - remember this golden rule. If you breathe through your mouth, you will quickly realize that your throat is dry and you are short of air.

Rule 3: if you're tired, don't move.

If you are simply tired (feeling muscle fatigue, but breathing and heart rate are within normal limits) and take a step, consider that your results that day are no better than last time. You won't make progress that way. You need to work through fatigue, at least a little.

If you decide to take up running, be prepared for self-overcome. Especially if your goal is to lose weight. Since this will require long, regular runs.

Running classes for beginners should take place in comfortable conditions. But already during the first training sessions, force yourself to sweat for at least 30 seconds, that is, to run some distance through “I don’t want to.” When it comes to jogging, it won't hurt you. But, under no circumstances, do not speed up your first few runs if you have not run for a long time.

Rule 4: regular training

Fitness and running require stability, it is not recommended to skip classes. If you're committed to training, you need a running plan. It is necessary to compose. For example, you will run three times a week, every other day. Sunday will be a day off. Decide on the duration of your runs and indicate this in your plan. And follow your plan if your health allows. If you have a cold, stop jogging until your recovery date.

The goal of running for beginners is to achieve their desired goals. And it doesn’t matter what it is – weight loss, endurance or something else. But these goals will not be achieved quickly; it will take time and perseverance. So be patient.

Running is essentially the same exercise, only longer in duration. Therefore, starting running without first studying the technique means exposing your body to unjustified risk.

Here's a quick reminder:

  1. The length of your step should be comfortable; you should not take huge steps. They should be slightly larger than when walking. If you are very tired, you can reduce your step length to a minimum, barely mince, but make movements similar to running.
  2. Gently place the foot on the heel, transfer the weight to the toes and push off from the surface with the toe.
  3. We don’t raise our knees high, we don’t overwhelm our heels.

Rule 5: No need to endure pain

If something hurts you (leg, stomach, heart - it doesn’t matter), the action plan is as follows - take a step, slow down gradually and stop. If the pain goes away, try continuing the workout. If not, you will have to complete the training for today and deal with the cause of the pain.

Running training should be fun. If you are experiencing too much discomfort, find a way to make it less.

Running for beginners does not require special training. Just start studying, be systematic and stable, and everything will work out for you!

Based on the work of the same name “Running for Life”, G. Gilmore.

Physical inactivity is a problem of the twenty-first century. A passive lifestyle has a negative impact on human health. The number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases has tripled since 1900.

“For every 2.5 cm increase in waist size in relation to the chest, a person costs two years of his life. If people's weight exceeds the norm by 35%, then their mortality rate is one and a half times higher than the average.

If the volume of the abdomen during a full inhalation exceeds the volume of the chest by 5 cm or more, then the mortality rate increases by 50% with a plus sign.” These are the reports of one of the London life insurance companies.

The way out of this situation is regular jogging. Long runs at a calm pace promote active heart activity and weight loss.

Have you ever thought that it's time to start running? Maybe yes. Why? Because you are overweight and this is a great option to lose weight. Perhaps because running normalizes blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart disease, you are thinking about your health.

During a long run, the body's oxygen consumption increases significantly compared to the resting state.

To meet the body's oxygen needs, the heart has to pump blood in volumes exceeding the body's resting state. What makes the cardiovascular system work and stay in good shape.

“If you run regularly, you are less likely to have a heart attack.” Albert Wollenberger, cardiologist. Expanding this expression, we can safely say that "running for life"- this is a fair statement.

A novice athlete should understand that the main idea of ​​running is to do this exercise regularly.

A systematic approach to business, giving up unhealthy, high-calorie and fatty foods, giving up bad habits will allow you to improve your physical condition, thanks to which you will be healthy for many years.

A healthy heart is like a healthy car engine, which is ready to take its owner any distance at any time. But the engine, like the heart, needs periodic rest and periodic exercise. By monitoring the “good” condition of the heart, you will ensure its reliable operation for years to come.

And if your heart is your reliable friend, which is worth protecting, then excess weight and inactivity are two enemies that are worth fighting.

What does “prevention of heart disease” mean?? Proper nutrition and active exercise. These two aspects are worth considering carefully, paying attention to heart problems.

Coronary heart disease is more common in people prone to obesity. Undoubtedly, if you adhere to proper nutrition, this is an important factor in the functioning of a healthy heart.

However, to a greater extent, it is not about how much we eat, but what we eat. A calorie deficit in food is not a solution to the situation.

To lose weight, the number of calories consumed from food must be less than the energy consumed by a person during the day. Please note that nutrition for a physically active person is proper nutrition. Food should be rich in micro- and macroelements.

A passive lifestyle is largely associated with the success of modern society. More movements take place by car, work and household activities are increasingly becoming automated.

The advent of computer games began to crowd out games on the street and in the gym from life.

Where will our lifestyle lead us if we add bad habits such as drinking alcohol and smoking to inactivity and poor nutrition! As Gilmort writes, this path will deprive us of our most valuable quality - physical readiness.

Diet and slow running

Diet is proper nutrition, a source of energy for physical and mental activity of a person.

It's never too late to address aspects of healthy eating.

Eat a little, but more often, once every 3-4 hours. Such a meal will reduce the load on the digestive tract and will promote better absorption of food.

It is important to understand the point that food intake must be controlled. This will allow you to achieve success in the long term, and not in the short term.

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, as well as vitamins so necessary for the functioning of the body are the main components of food. When limiting your food intake, pay attention to ensuring that your body receives a sufficient amount of nutrients.

The last meal should be at least two hours before bedtime. During sleep, food is not digested, which means your body does not receive any nutrients.

According to Lydiard, a great way to regain a healthy body and a healthy mind is to take up slow running. These physical exercises can be started at any age and regardless of a person’s health.

He started jogging because he loved to move and felt that it kept him healthy and young as his years wore on.

Slow running - jogging

Lydiard had extensive personal experience and experience of students who achieved serious results in running training. He had a solid understanding of what the body of a person who exercises regularly and a person who does not engage in physical activity is capable of.

He trained groups of students from young to old. Elderly people came to train with him and after three or four months they competed in competitions where they overtook younger athletes.

And if the first runs were carried out at a distance of one and a half kilometers to three, then after a while their length increased to 16 kilometers or more.

A common observation among all training runners was that running slowly doesn't require much effort!

One of his students told his story. He started running when he weighed 95 kilograms. The first run was 1 kilometer long. Three months later, his weight was 88 kilograms, and he could easily run 15 kilometers. A year later, he ran a marathon.

Once, while participating in a marathon, he unintentionally shortened the distance by 7 kilometers. When he learned about this from the judges, he went out into the circle and ran to 42 kilometers of the race.

He did this not to win the race, but to prove to himself that at his age he could complete the marathon, despite the fact that he thought it was impossible.

Where to begin

The first thing you should do is see a doctor.

Tell him that you are going to go running and get your heart and respiratory system checked. It’s better to know all the features of your body now than to stop training years later.

Having received good advice from the doctor, hurry up and go for a run, exchanging your free time for fat burning!

The second thing you need to do is purchase running clothes and shoes.

Shoes should not be tight, but not loose either. During long-distance running, the size of the foot increases by half a size - the feet “swell”. If your shoes fit tightly on your feet, this will inevitably lead to chafing and the formation of calluses on your feet.

Please note that good shoes should provide good cushioning. Choose sneakers with wide soles that will reduce the shock wave load on the spine and knee joints.

If it's winter outside, then your sneakers should have an aggressive tread that will provide you with reliable grip on the surface.

Socks should fit the foot well, have no holes and have a “minimal” seam that will not chafe. Synthetic socks are very good, they wick moisture away from your feet and keep you warm well.

Clothes are worn according to the time of year. Clothing must meet several important requirements for a runner:

  • do not restrict movement while running, be loose and moderately tight;

  • must wick away moisture, be breathable and retain heat;

  • practical and wear-resistant in operation;

  • bright, whenever possible with reflective inserts.

In summer it's running shorts and a T-shirt made of synthetic material. In autumn, wear thin tights on your legs, thermal underwear and fleece on top. In winter and at sub-zero temperatures, it is recommended to wear thick tights on your legs, and thermal underwear, a fleece jacket and a windbreaker on top.

Attention! If before this your physical activity was limited to going to the store or pressing the gas pedal, then the first workouts will not be easy; weak leg muscles will not be able to support the functioning of the ligaments and joints.

Now is the time to be patient and show fortitude. When running, the load on the musculoskeletal system increases 10-12 times. Unpleasant pain will appear in the knee joints and ankles.

The first workouts are accompanied by muscle pain, which is the reason that many people quit jogging after the first workouts. But it is this pain that “tells” you that changes for the better have begun to occur in your body.

Over time, as you develop strength, endurance and technique, your running will become “soft” and easy, and pain will give way to feelings of muscle tone.

Run at your own pace. If you go out for a run alone, then this is not a problem. We turned on the player with our favorite music and ran. However, when you run in a group, there is almost always a tendency to stick together. If you feel like you are running out of rhythm, slow down.

There is no shame in running at the back of the group or falling behind. Remember that your great goal is not to run fast with everyone else, but to run for pleasure and health.

The main principle of Lydiard's training is to train without overexertion.

Running program for beginners

Beginning overweight athletes are recommended to start training with walking. Walk a lot! It is absolutely harmless to your body. Walking in the fresh air, in nature or in the park, sometimes brings more pleasure and benefit than running.

The fact that you are “on your feet” rather than running at speed brings more benefits. The best workout is the one at the end of which you feel exhausted and tired.

The first walks can be 15-20 minutes. Gradually increase them to 30-40 minutes, gradually increasing the time for walking.

Strive to keep your running and walking at an even pace - work within the limits of your body's capabilities. And then you will see that your distance will increase from time to time.

The movement “Nordic walking” or walking with sticks has become popular. In this case, you not only work with your legs, but your body also actively engages, making active swings with your arms. Moreover, the energy consumption of the body during this walking is equivalent to running at a slow pace.

Start small, gradually increasing the distance.

Alternate between running and walking. Jog for 5 minutes, take a break and walk for 5 minutes. Then finish the workout with another 5-minute run.

Next time, take your time and increase the running portion of your workout by 1 minute. Start “smoothly”, don’t forget to increase the distance. Give ligaments, muscles, and joints time to adapt to physical activity.

Gradually, you will notice that the accumulated endurance will allow you to do exercises exclusively by running.

It is worth understanding for yourself that running is not an easy hobby, it is not for someone, but for yourself, and if you decide to run, it will change your life, but without work there will be no result.

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