Dorothea Wierer: personal life. “The decisions of Kuzmina and Mäkäräinen did not surprise me.” Dorothea Wierer - about biathlon, personal life and sister Doro, and you understood where you were

The leader of the Italian women's team, bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Sochi, Dorothea Wierer, at the tournament in Forni-Avoltri announced the continuation of her career after the Games in Korea, spoke about her longest vacation and assessed the possible inclusion of Tyumen in the World Cup calendar next season.

“I don’t remember the last time I was at the Kartia Arena,” Wierer thought. “They widened everything here and, I see, they laid new asphalt.” Yes, it may not be as easy to get to as Anterselva, but the places are beautiful.

– This is not the first time you have taken part in this summer biathlon event. Tell us a little about Frassinoro Summer Biathlon Festival.

– This small summer biathlon festival has been taking place for several years, although it was previously held in a different place. The organizers themselves are from Casalgrande, not far from Modena, and in previous years we performed there, but then the composition of the participants was almost entirely Italian. Now the Swiss national team, athletes from Slovenia and Slovakia, as well as Kaisa Mäkäräinen have arrived in Forni-Avoltri - a good lineup for the former local competitions. In addition, it is interesting that the current competition format has brought together World Cup and junior athletes in one starting group.

– Is it interesting to watch young people at contact competitions?

– Yes, this is an interesting experience. Our juniors are improving every year and are already showing quite good results. However, they still have to grow up to the World Cup. I think that in a couple of years you will see new names on the Italian national team, but for now we are watching the guys at the IBU Cup. I know almost all the young biathletes and will be glad to see them one day as part of our team.

– In what capacity do you plan to oversee the renewal of the national team?

– As a teammate.

– I remember ours, and it seems that you have changed your sports plans. This is true?

– Yes, I decided that I will continue my career until 2020. I think that the home world championship in Anterselva will be the best moment to say goodbye to professional sports. It all started for me there, and some of my favorite sports memories are associated with this place.

– I’m glad to hear such news. How did you come to this decision?

– I think that I just wanted to perform in Anterselva, which is hosting not just a World Cup, but a World Championship. I’m sure you know very well how much I love performing at home stages, when literally all my friends and my extended family come to Anterselva, when I give out dozens of interviews and experience the pleasant stress associated with interest in our sport. I understand that young guys are looking at me, and thus I can contribute to the development of biathlon in our country.

- Yes, in Anterselva they simply won’t let you go to sports rest!

- I can imagine! But for me, perhaps, it will be enough to “run” until I’m 30 years old. Italian fans will understand me.

– Do family plans interfere?

– It’s not that we are talking about something specific like children or moving: no, on the contrary, my life has now acquired a very pleasant outline of harmony and confidence for me, which I want to enjoy a little more.

- Yes you are right. Balance is important to me, and now both of these aspects of my life are almost equally important to me. Last season was extremely difficult: I was often stressed, I didn’t always sleep well, and in general there was a lot of pressure around. Therefore, the first thing after the end of the “biathlon winter” was that I took a long vacation. This was my longest vacation in years! I was able to truly relax and release all the accumulated stress. I must admit, my husband was also very pleased to see again the laughing Doro, which I had not been all last winter.

– And where did you spend your longest vacation?

– First we flew to Mauritius – it was fabulous! And then we had some fun in Dubai. By the way, after the competition in Forni-Avoltri, which coincided with the end of the training camp, I will go to Croatia to relax. And in September I’m going to go to Slovenia for a few days, but I don’t have clear plans for this trip yet.

– You are not wasting your time!

- In no case! It's summer, we should enjoy life. After a good job, you always need to have a good rest, otherwise you won’t find any motivation to spend the summer hours in the gym.

– I saw your husband in Forni-Avoltri. Are you together all summer?

– We spend our holidays together, but I go to training camps alone. Moreover, he also has a busy summer schedule with the national cross-country skiing team from the Trentino region, which he coaches. In Forni-Avoltri he is training with juniors while I am at the biathlon festival. Such a schedule works for us: we know each other very well, and the time we spend apart only increases the joy of meeting. I'm really very happy.

- Let's get back to training. Do you have anything planned after your holiday in Croatia?

- Good joke! Yes, I will continue training as usual. In the summer, you need to do intense physical training so that you have strength for the whole season. As for pre-season training, we have a serious training camp planned in Ramsau in October, and in November we will hold two training camps in Norway. But it’s only July, and it’s too early for us to think about the first snow.

– But you’ve probably already looked at the preliminary season calendar?

- Yes. He is, in principle, almost the same as always. Only in December the stage in Annecy is planned, like three years ago. And then an important two weeks at the Olympic Games. I hope that at the Olympics itself everything will be better than at the pre-Olympic stage last year.

– Familiar words: I heard feedback from athletes about the pre-Olympic week. What were you unhappy with?

- Oh, everything was somehow strange. From the very beginning it was clear that they completely lacked a winter sports culture, which is why everything was so unnatural. Not that the organization was bad, but rather on the part of the people who were simply “out of the loop.” I really hope that they will somehow prepare better for the Olympics.

– And you say that in Italy people are little familiar with biathlon.

– Yes, there is such a thing, but South Korea definitely cannot be compared. But in Russia everything is more than fine with winter sports. I am very glad that the last stage is planned in Tyumen. I hope nothing changes here. Last season we had enough of this gossip; it’s time to return to sports affairs and not interfere with politics.

– You’ve been to Tyumen, haven’t you?

- Yes, twice at the Race of Champions. I have great memories of the city and the local fans, so I would love to go there again.

– It’s nice to see you again full of strength and motivation. Will you lose your spirit before the start of the season?

- In no case! I have already done a very good training job, which I am completely satisfied with, but the preparatory season is long, and even more training awaits me ahead. Yes, there is still a lot of time until December, but now I am completely relaxed and completely enjoying training. I expect that the situation will change somewhat closer to October, when another stage of preparation begins with more serious and focused work. I think that by that time the pressure before the start of an important season will remind itself. However, I will try to be as prepared as possible for this.

– No, usually at this time, on the contrary, there is no need to change anything. I myself began to monitor my fitness more closely, listen more to my body so as not to overload it. The same applies to shooting training: we work more on quality rather than quantity. In any case, you can understand your objective level only at competitions.

– In this regard, summer races should contribute to training work.

– Of course, such small competitions cannot be considered a “control point” of the off-season, but they will definitely allow coaches to see a more complete picture. Although, I note that we arrived in Forni-Avoltri after a three-week intensive training camp, where we left a lot of energy. Normally I would take a “shooting break” for the weekend, but I think a light competitive warm-up with the Swiss athletes, Kaisa and our talented youth is beneficial for everyone.

– Are you also participating in events dedicated to the new image of the Carnia Arena stadium?

– No, I came to Forni-Avoltri exclusively as an athlete. This off-season, other than training and two trips, I did not participate in any other activities such as sponsorship meetings or marketing events. Now I will be more careful when choosing to attend such meetings. However, a number of official events of the Italian Ski Federation will soon take place, photography and so on, where I will certainly have to be present. In any case, compared to previous years, I try to choose only really important meetings for myself, and devote the rest of the time to myself and my husband.

– I think that for the development of biathlon in Italy, it is still advisable for you to attend sponsorship events.

– At the end of the season, I devoted enough time to this moment, and the next meetings are planned in October-November. It’s a pleasure to work with my sponsors because they understand what the life of a professional athlete is like, and all our meetings are planned as correctly as possible in relation to both parties.

– Your expectations from the new Olympic season.

– I will say this: I hope that I will be able to show better results than last season. Last winter was not unlucky for me, but nevertheless, I was overall dissatisfied with my last season. I really didn’t sleep well, I was often nervous, and all this directly affected both my results and my motivation. Now I feel much more relaxed and confident. I talked a lot with my coaches, and I think that we managed to build a preparation for the season that will allow me to focus on the most important things and avoid as much as possible stressful situations, pressure and all these accompanying factors that will certainly arise during the Olympic season.

– Do you communicate with your teammates? I think sharing experiences among athletes is also important in order to isolate themselves from stress.

– At the training camp – of course! In general, in the summer I don’t really communicate with any of the other athletes. But I follow everyone we have contact with during the season on Instagram. It’s not like we exchange SMS, but I’m always interested in seeing cool photos of guys and girls, and I also like to share my photos. So no one forgets about each other in the off-season.

Ivanna Nikolskaya,


Two-time Olympic medalist Italian biathlete Dorothea Wierer assured that she continues to maintain a balance in training and personal life, and also spoke about the career of her 17-year-old sister.

– For me, everything is the same: every year there is serious preparation in the off-season and a little time for oneself - after all, summer is just around the corner. I approached the Italian Championship in good condition, but it’s too early to talk about good shape. Yes, this did not stop me from winning the mass start, but mistakes still happen.

– Are we talking about errors during racing or is something still not working out in training?

- I'm talking in general. But the presence of shortcomings in the current work does not bother me, because this is the time of preparation, and I clearly know what I need to do so that I am fully prepared for winter.

– What changes have occurred in your team after the completion of the Olympic cycle?

– We have undergone a small update of the coaching staff. Now we are training as a team of four. Working in a small group, in my opinion, promotes a more detailed approach to technical elements.

– Your sister also took part in the Italian Championship. How is Magdalena Wierer doing?

– My sister won the sprint race with a good time. But it’s too early to talk about any good results, because she is still very young. Magdalena is only 17 years old, and she has everything ahead of her.

– Were you surprised that you decided to continue your career?

- Are you surprised? It is quite obvious to me that these girls live for biathlon, so I was not at all surprised that they decided to delay ending their careers. We are all so different: they have their own lives, but for myself I choose a different scenario.

– How do you manage to combine training work and personal life so successfully?

“I think it’s just given to me.” Plus, I do everything according to my priorities. Let's say that now I have to refuse to participate in commercial events more often than before, because it is very important to follow the training schedule and maintain focus. But when I attend some of the organized meetings, I enjoy interacting with the fans and simple non-sporting conversations. It is very important for me to live a full life, not just sports.

– What interesting events did you attend this summer?

– After the end of the season, I had several official meetings on my calendar, which I attended as part of the Italian ski federation. One of these events took place in Rome. The visit was of a purely business nature: the end of the Olympic season, meetings with officials, but in the evening we walked around the city. It was very beautiful: I enjoyed the beautiful Roman architecture, historical monuments and walks along the streets of the city.

- Didn’t you fly anymore?

- Not this year. But this summer I also had some extreme sports: I took part in sports car tests. Two years ago I was invited for the first time, and this summer I again did not refuse to receive unforgettable emotions and my dose of adrenaline. True, I got very seasick while driving: we were really racing around the track! It was an amazing experience. I like to sometimes break away from my routine and spend my time in something different.

– What are your plans for the remaining time before the start of the season?

– Mainly training. Agree, we still have more than two months before the start of winter: I enjoy training, but I don’t forget about rest.

– Does work-life balance help you get motivated?

- I think yes. My motivation does not diminish: I would like to continue to show good results and get on the podium.

– What goals do you set for yourself for the new season?

– The main emphasis in preparation will be on the World Championships in Östersund, I hope to win a medal in Sweden. But first, I will try to convincingly open the season so that by mid-winter I can feel confident and observe positive dynamics in the results.

– Italian journalists talked a lot about your future confrontation with. Do you feel the struggle for leadership in the team?

- Yes, come on! Everything is the same with us: the same girls on the team, the same atmosphere. Over the past few years, Lisa has come closer to me - and it's great! Previously, I was always the only one on the team fighting for medals, but now there are two of us fighting for awards. Of course, increasing the level of competition within the team is only good for me, especially when we have almost no international starts in the off-season. Previously, I had to focus only on my own indicators from previous years, but now I can partially compare my results with the dynamics of my teammate. In the men's team, where they share the leadership, the situation is now approximately the same. I think all this will contribute to the success of the entire Italian team in the coming season.

Italian biathlete Dorothea Wierer is the favorite in most competitions. And the point here, of course, is not only about sports professionalism, but also about the girl’s external attractiveness and friendly sociability. Oddly enough, in our country the career and biography of Dorothea Wierer is watched even more closely and more attentively than in her homeland in Italy. The athlete herself laments this, saying that her favorite sport in her homeland is football. If in our country the names and faces of skiers are familiar to very many, then at home Dorothea Wierer does not feel much interest and excitement around her person. Perhaps this situation will change over time. Literally last year, the Italian press finally turned their attention to the girl after her successful performance at the Olympics in Sochi. Personal life of Dorothea Wierer is of interest to many of our compatriots - sports fans. The beautiful Italian woman attracts the admiring glances of men and receives many compliments and offers, as evidenced by the athlete’s pages on social networks.

In everyday life, Dorothea Wierer is just as friendly and sociable as in the interview after the competition. The girl openly answers questions from journalists. The athlete is from Brunico, Italy. The sports biography of Dorothea Wierer develops quite quickly and smoothly. She already has a lot of ascensions to the winning podium, but there have been no particularly bitter and offensive defeats yet. However, Dorothea Wierer honestly admits that she does not plan to engage in professional sports until she is 30, so she will probably end her career soon and take up coaching, which she is now actively studying.

Dorothea Wierer's sociability finds outlet in communicating with numerous friends, acquaintances, colleagues and fans, as well as in get-togethers and parties. The athlete prefers to relax passively, lying on the beach. The biathlete honestly admits that she doesn’t like to read, preferring listening to a variety of music, dancing and watching movies.

In the photo - Dorothea Wierer and her husband Stefano Corradini

More recently, in May of this year, the famous Italian skier changed her marital status and became a married woman. Dorothea Wierer's chosen one is the coach of children's ski teams Stefano Corradini, with whom the girl had a long-term relationship. Now she bears her husband’s last name, although she will continue to compete under her maiden name. The wedding ceremony took place in Qualeze and was fun and memorable, just as the bride wanted. The couple, of course, is thinking about children, but they don’t think too far ahead in this matter yet. Although Dorothea Wierer admits that she likes family relationships like her parents. The family lives in Castello di Fiemme.

Dorothea Wierer(German: Dorothea Wierer; born April 3, 1990, Brunico) - Italian biathlete, bronze medalist of the 2014 Olympic Games in the mixed relay, three-time medalist of the world championships, absolute world champion among juniors in 2011. Winner of the 2016 Small World Cup in the individual races.

Sports career

Dorothea has been involved in biathlon since 2000. He is a representative of the sports club of the Italian border service "Gruppi Sportivi Fiamme Gialle" (literally: "yellow buttonholes"). The Italian's first serious success came in 2006, when she won sprint silver in the national youth championship.

The following year, Wierer’s debut junior world championship took place in her homeland, Italy (in the town of Val Martello). However, it did not bring much success to Dorothea - the best result was only tenth place in the individual race, but the Italian performed it quite smoothly.

In 2008, at the Junior World Championships in Ruhpolding, Germany, she won her first victory in the individual race (with only one mistake on the shooting range) and made a significant contribution to the bronze medal won in the relay. In the same year, Dorothea took part in the European Biathlon Championships, held in Nove Mesto na Morave (Czech Republic), where she failed to repeat the success of the World Championships - 17th place in the individual race, 26th in the sprint, 5 -e - in the relay (carried out her stage without failures: only two failures at the shooting range). And in the national championship, the athlete took gold in the individual race and silver in the mass start.

A year later, in Canadian Kenmore, she took fourth place in the sprint, but in the pursuit she won her second gold medal at the junior championships and her second bronze medal in the relay. That same year, she made her debut at the IBU Cup, where at the second stage in Obertilliach she finished 34th and 21st, respectively, in the individual and sprint. In the Biathlon World Cup, Wierer's debut race was the sprint, which took place in Oberhof, Germany in January 2009. In this race, the Italian became 69th with two penalties (Dorothea lost about three and a half minutes to the leader). In the 2008/2009 season, she took part in another World Cup race - the pre-Olympic sprint in Whistler, but there she became only 72nd (also two penalty loops, but the loss to the leader was only 3:06.8, that is, almost three minutes).

In 2010, the championship was unsuccessful for Dorothea. Her best result was sixth place in the individual race. This season she also competed at two stages of the IBU Cup, managing to take 11th place at her home stage in Martello. During the Olympic season, Dorothea did not take part in the World Cup races. Instead, Wierer competed at the IBU Cup stages (in Val Martello - sprint - 14th, pursuit - 11th place; in Obertillach - sprint - 18th place, pursuit - 19th). But at the second stage of the 2010/11 season in Hochfilzen, she was for the first time included in the Italian relay team, which finished ninth, and Wierer ran the final stage. In the sprint, Dorothea suffered a setback - 82nd position. After an inexpressive stage in Oberhof and a good performance in Obertillach (IBU Cup), at the fifth stage of the World Cup in Ruhpolding, the Italian won the first World Cup points in her career - in the sprint race she became 24th, and in the pursuit she fell back to 37th position. scoring a total of 21 points in the overall standings.

The following season, the Italian biathlete won a whole bunch of medals: at the World Championships in Nove Mesto she was ahead of all her rivals, winning gold medals in all three individual stages; at the home European Championships, Wierer took bronze in the relay, silver in the sprint and gold in the pursuit, and in the Italian Biathlon Championship, Dorothea achieved bronze in the sprint race. In addition, she competed at the IBU Cup in Obertilliach, where she took 4th and 5th places. At the end of 2011, Dorothea was awarded the prestigious Biathlon-Award in the Rookie of the Year category.

“Clubs, parties, alcohol.” The sexiest biathlete in the world, Dorothea Wierer, talks about how she almost skipped her career

On June 1, Dorothea Wierer got married. It's time for us all to realize what kind of woman we have lost.

On June 1, Dorothea Wierer got married. It's time for us all to understand what kind of woman we have lost.

“In Khanty-Mansiysk a man with rings came up and said: “Get married”

- “It was in Khanty-Mansiysk,” Dorothea jabbers. Her facial expressions and gestures are open and playful, like those of a child. The words choke: of course - after all, the girl is talking about the last time she was proposed to. – We flew in on a charter from the World Championships in Kontiolahti and had just passed through passport control. We were met by children and girls with berries. I ate one and closed my eyes (it was a cranberry). She opened it and there he stood, wearing a wedding ring.

-Who is he?

Russian man. He offered me to become a wife.

- And you?

Refused. But the next day we met at the biathlon stadium. He took me aside and asked: “Well, what did you think?” I was silent, he demanded: “Do I have a chance?” Oh, so persistent.

-Again: what about you?

Groom Wierer is the technical director of the Italian Winter Sports Federation. Stefano Corradini is 12 years older than Dora, but he looks just as young and fit as his peer Andrea Pirlo. In general, this is just that rare type of bellyless official.

“Basically, I refused the Russian,” Wierer blushes.

-You should have at least taken the ring.

What for? It's a fake copy. This man was dressed strangely: an incomprehensible, huge jacket made of strange leather, a large hat. I don’t think he could have had money for a ring.

-Doro, did you understand where you were?

In Khanty-Mansiysk.

-This is oil. Here, a person who looks like a forester may have a billion.

Oh. So the ring is real?

-Close to 100 percent. I had to agree.

- I understand...Well, okay, I love Stefano. Money has nothing to do with it at all.

“Parties without alcohol?! What are you doing?!”

Wierer gets married at 25. Over a quarter of a century, she won three biathlon bronzes. All - in relay races: two - at the world championships, one - in the Olympic Sochi. It’s meager for an athlete who won all the gold at the junior level.

-The 2014/15 season is the best for you. Podiums, red jersey in the sprint during the season, 7th place in the overall World Cup standings.

I trained well, and with the men's team. Well, I wasn’t sick.

Illness is generally the main topic. I was told that the downtime from 2011 to 2013 was due to health. After all, you gained a lot of weight then, judging by the photo.

Health? That’s how they told you: “Health”?

Are parties a disease?

-No. Probably... Parties?!

- Yes, yes, parties, clubs. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - from evening to morning. - Wierer pronounces this “Monday.Party.Tuesday.Party” as if he is voicing SakNoel’s track “Paso”, which sounded in the Moscow region markets more often than “Black Eyes” (that’s the only reason we know it, of course).

- Parties - with alcohol?

Are there really parties in non-alcoholic clubs? What are you doing?! It was a very cool time. My friends and I could leave Anterselva (South Tyrol) for Milan on Friday. Go to one club, another, dance until the morning, wake up in a hotel, walk somewhere else in the evening - and so on for several days.

-In another place - is this a Milanese opera, a concert?

I wasn't interested.

-Movie? Fellini? Rossellini?

No. I tell you, I like club music, new funny people. I’ll tell you again, it was a very cool time, I don’t regret anything.

-What about training?

Yes, I never really trained and didn’t think that sports were my whole life. You see, I’m talented, that’s why I won everything I could when I was young.

-And then?

Then people continued to work, and I “had a party.” At one point, my physical form became so terrible that I said to myself: “That’s enough, get down to business.”

-And you stopped?

Stopped. Now I live humbly, I train. Probably only this year I became a real pro.

- Did your husband help you change your life?

No, the decision is mine. Somehow I understand what I need and what I want. Why force yourself?

“Volkov’s Porsche? In Khanty-Mansiysk? Hahahaha"

-In Russia they know: sport is exactly the environment where you need to push yourself.

-To live normally. If you are not on the national team, you have nothing, but if you are on the team...

Yes Yes. I heard that if a Russian athlete wins a medal at the Olympics, then he may not work for the rest of his life.

-It’s hard to say: but a car, an apartment, and an amount equal to another apartment will be given to you.

In Italy I received 0 euros for Olympic bronze. Generally 0. But wait, they pay me for fees and so on.

-They pay in Russia too.

What kind of cars were given to biathletes?

Good ones. Alexey Volkov sold his and bought this for half the amount! – the Internet in the lobby was of such quality that the mother-of-pearl Porsche Panamera opened up with modem intrigue, frame by frame.

OH! Wow! – Wierer hit the back of her head on the back of the chair. - And where does he go?

-As where? In Khanty.

- “Porsche”? Hahah...In Khanty? Haha. Not in Milan? Here! Hahaha.

-0 euros for bronze at the Olympics? That's where the "hahaha" is.

That's it, okay, I'm moving to Russia, I want to be Russian.

-Should I call RBU President Alexander Kravtsov right now? Be careful with your wishes: Russia can do anything.

Then let's forget what I said. I have other goals for the future.


Family, normal job.

- “Normal work”?

Well, yes: at customs. Now I am registered there so that they can pay me some money and help me with fees. But when I finish my career and fully concentrate on my work, there will be more money. Although now there is a bonus with bonuses.

“Yes, I was offered to star inPlayboyAnd…"

- And if you go back: would I be popular in Russia?

-Still would. You already.

- You are certainly more popular in biathlon than in Italy. In our newspapers we only have football, football, football. Although when I win something, they mention me more often and offer me participation in projects.

“You’re Italian, after all.”Playboy“I made an offer. This is true?

Yes its true. Many girls dream about this.

-And you?

I'm not that confident in my body. It’s one thing to take a photo in a bikini, but completely naked...

-Are you shy?

Yes. Moreover, this will remain for the rest of your life. At 25 years old I will show everything - is this the best PR?

-Miriam Gessner, by the way, turned out great.

No, no, no, this is not my way. I like Lena Neuner better. Smiling, simple, cheerful - she has never posed naked, but the whole world knows her and considers her sexy.

-Then football will remain in Italian newspapers.

By the way, as a child I played with the guys and was stronger than each of them.

-Favorite team, player?

Some young Russian plays very well.

-Kokorin?! Dzagoev?!- frantically selecting players, Capello understands: they really don’t exist.

I don't remember. Here in Italy it is... - and then it all went away.

-There are no Russians in Serie A. Maybe Totti?

-It's clear.

Well, okay. I don’t watch sports, I don’t get obsessed, I do it.

“Baby is cute, Yurlova is a friend”

And so it was clear that you didn’t watch a lot of things when in one interview you said that the most popular athlete in Russia is Kournikova.

Is not it so?

-We haven’t seen her for ten years and have already forgotten about her for 5 years.

Who then?


Exactly! I know her well. It’s popular since it’s shown on TV in Italy.

After finishing bronze at the World Championships in Kontiolahtivi, they said that they were afraid of “that Russian who came fourth.” And they couldn’t remember Shumilova’s last name. Why?

Probably because we hardly communicate with Russians. It’s not that we don’t want to, it’s just that they don’t know a foreign language. The same Shumilova drove up after the finish line and started shouting something in Russian. What should I answer? I only know: “hello”, “okay”. She said so, but the dialogue did not work out.

-Don’t you think that Russians are a little uptight?

Maybe. Shipulina and Malyshko almost never come to our parties. Johannes Be is dancing in a Spiderman costume, the Arussians are probably sleeping. Although both your guys are fine. The little guy is actually cute. Well, okay, I know they have girls.

-You yourself often rock up at parties with Simon Fourcade.

I find it aesthetically pleasing to be with him. Simon is probably the most handsome guy in biathlon. Dark, looks like a real Italian, just the way I like it.

-So, there are no friends among Russians?

Yurlova! She and I went on holiday to Malta last year. We hung out there. She will be at my wedding. Katya is friends with many Italian skiers, and in general she is a great girl. I'm very glad that she won the world championship.

"Doping - in jail"

-What confuses you most about Russia?

They say that you have a very gentle attitude towards any actions of athletes.

-Are you talking about doping? How are illegal drugs punished in Italy?

This is a prison. Straightaway. It's like you killed a person. What about in Russia?

-The person receives support and often becomes almost a hero.

I will probably never understand this.

And at that moment, the simple flirt and party girl Wierer looked much smarter than many of us serious ones.