How to pump up your biceps: learning the exercises. How to pump up your biceps: from skinny to athlete Exercises for building up large biceps

Biceps come first if you want to show off your muscles to someone. But how can you build larger biceps and is it possible to do it at home?

In one word - possible. Of course, it sounds too good to be true, but it is a fact. In order to pump up big biceps, you don’t need to go to the gym every day and you don’t even need to have special exercise equipment at home.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't go to the gym or buy special exercise equipment for home. I mean that the above conditions are not mandatory if you want to pump up, but there is no opportunity to train in the gym

The arms themselves should first of all be strong, especially for guys, and this is a good reason to start training. In addition to increasing strength in your arms, you will get a visual effect that no other muscle in the body will give you. The fact is that except for the biceps, no muscles change shape as much when they contract.

They attract girls and give you confidence at a party. Big biceps attract the attention of even men as it makes them jealous.

The biceps is the biceps brachii muscle. The main function of the biceps is to flex the arm at the elbow joint.

The muscle that sits below your biceps and runs along your shoulder is called the triceps. Understand that the biceps are on top of the arm and the triceps are on the bottom.

It is clear that both muscles are very important and both muscles need to be worked. But when you stand in front of people, the first thing they will notice is your biceps. But if you want to increase the volume of your arms, then be sure to pay attention to training your triceps. They make up 2/3 of the total volume of the hand.

I'm going to tell you about two main types of biceps exercises to train at home that will help you tone your biceps muscles without using huge weights.

Method 1: Lifting weights

Lift heavy things that you never even considered before.

Method 2: Using your own body weight

Use your body to apply tension to your muscles. Stuck somewhere with no way to get something? Use your weight.

But first, let's try to find a few things to pick up.

What to lift?

Lifting weights is possible thanks to the heavy things you have in your home. For example:

  • Piles of heavy books,
  • plastic water bottles,
  • bags of rice,
  • all sorts of canned goods in your pantry.

One of the best weights is several 3-liter bags of washing powder.

Some people use plastic milk or juice bottles as weights. But the caps of such bottles tend to pop off or leak. Washing tubs have special caps that are screwed on tightly. The handles give you a firm grip as you lift it, making it a better choice than those dusty old encyclopedias from your grandma's attic.

Do you have any empty eggplants? Then this is the best reason to start washing. Once you have two empty eggplants, start filling both with water until you reach the weight you want to lift.

To give the eggplants even more weight, you can run to the beach and pick up sand there to use instead of water. This will make the eggplant much heavier.

How much weight should you lift?

The weight you should lift depends on how many reps you can perform with it.

According to the standard, you should perform a maximum of 8-12 repetitions. It's not too little to cause injury and not too much to make the exercise more about endurance. Of course, you can do 6-10 reps, but I suggest you first hone some technique before you start.

To determine how much a particular object you will use in your lifting exercises should weigh, do 12 repetitions in one go.

Too easy - If you completed the set without much effort and feel that you could do more repetitions, then the weight is too light. Thanks to it, you will not build up big biceps.

Too hard - if after four reps you can't lift the weight, then it's too much weight for you. You need to lower it.

Ideal weight – If the first few reps are somewhat easy, but each subsequent rep gets progressively heavier, then this weight is just right.

At first, soreness will appear, that is, the muscles will ache very much, and you will not be able to lift weights. But don't worry, you are on your way to your goal. This feeling doesn't necessarily mean hypertrophy (an interesting word that means your muscles are growing). This is exactly the moment when you feel that your muscles have been subjected to strain and stress - this does not necessarily mean that they are growing, but you are definitely on the right track.

If you feel that you can handle a certain weight too easily, then the working weights need to be increased, otherwise the muscles simply will not grow or become stronger. They can certainly grow, but it will happen slowly and not as efficiently as if you feel like your muscles are saying: “Damn, this weight is too heavy, we need to get much stronger to lift it.” In this case, real biceps growth will occur.

Biceps exercises at home

You need to always monitor and be aware of whether the weight you are lifting is heavy enough. Once you can easily lift the eggplants for more than 10-12 repetitions, this is a clear indicator that you need to increase their weight - add water or sand.

Bicep curls without additional weights

The most important and effective lifting exercise for working your arms is called the biceps curl. Stand up straight with your arms at your sides and hold an eggplant in each hand. Your shoulders should remain in place and not move during the entire movement of your arms.

As you exhale, lift the eggplant with your right hand up in front of you and bring your hand to your right shoulder. You should flex your right biceps by rotating your wrist clockwise as you lift.

The moment your right hand comes close to your right shoulder, hold it in this position and squeeze it tightly for a few seconds, then exhale as you lower your hand with the eggplant all the way to the starting position.

Do 3 sets of 8-12 repetitions. Rest one and a half minutes between sets.

Tips and varieties

Lift one eggplant once, and then alternate hands each time you lift. Right hand, left hand and so on. If you count, then in total do 8-12 repetitions for each of the hands, in total you should get from 16 to 24 repetitions for both hands.
You can lift both eggplants at the same time and do 8-12 repetitions.

You can sit on a chair, sofa or bench instead of doing this exercise while sitting. The main thing is that nothing interferes with the movement of the arms in order to flex the biceps.

Biceps curl with a towel

This is a very effective exercise and very simple. You can do it almost anywhere.

If you are traveling and don't have heavy eggplants on hand, just use any bag or bag and a towel. Increasing your resistance weight is easy, just fill your bag with whatever you find around. Give it some weight.

How to do it?

Place a towel over the top strap of your backpack or bag. Grab the towel by the two edges with your hands and slowly twist the bag. Move up and rotate your arms so that at the top point (position) your palms are facing your shoulders.

Advice: When you reach the top point (position), try to turn your palms as far away from your body as possible and hold them in this position for a second or two. In this case, you should strain your hands very hard.

Concentrated curls with eggplants

For this variation of the biceps curl, which is also known as the biceps curl over the knee, you only need one bottle, bench, chair or sofa. Sit down in your chair and spread your legs wide, placing them on the floor.

Take the eggplant in your right hand and lean forward slightly so that your right elbow is pressed to the inside of your right thigh and lower your arm completely down.

The eggplant should be near your right ankle. For convenience, you can rest your left hand on your left knee. As you exhale, flex your right bicep and lift your torso until your arm touches your chest. Hold your hand in this position for about a second, and then, as you inhale, lower the eggplant, returning to the starting position.

Perform 8 to 12 repetitions, and then switch to your left hand and continue working your left biceps in the same way.
As with the basic biceps curl, only the forearm should move. There is no need to swing your whole body to help yourself lift the eggplant.

Perform three sets of 8-12 repetitions on each arm.

Bodyweight biceps exercises

Not every workout involves using extraneous weights. You can pump up your biceps simply by using your own body weight as a weight.

Biceps curl with leg

To begin this exercise, all you need is a chair, stool or sofa. Sit down on a chair. Place your right hand under your left leg, keeping your thigh slightly higher than your knee.

Pull your leg up as high as you can with your hand. You should not help your leg muscles when lifting, so that it does not become too easy. Make sure you only use your arm muscles.

Over time, this exercise becomes easy, so to make it harder, raise your leg on a step. This will force your leg muscles to pull your arm down when you try to lift your leg up.

Perform a set of 8-12 repetitions, then switch to the other arm and leg. Do the same exercise.

Reverse grip pull-ups to the chin

Now let’s talk about how to pump up your biceps on the horizontal bar using a special reverse grip pull-up technique; by the way, this is the most effective basic movement for the biceps brachii muscle. You can install a horizontal bar for training right at home. If you have children, then the task becomes even easier. You can simply use their swing while the kids are busy with homework or going for a walk.

With your palms facing you, grab the bar with your hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.

In order to create an emphasis on the biceps, make sure that your palms are turned towards you. If your palms are facing away from you, then the emphasis will be more on the back muscles and less on the biceps muscles.

Pull yourself up so that your chin is on top of the bar. To do this, lift your own body weight by bending your arms until your chin is level with your hands.

There is no need to help yourself with pull-ups by rocking, resorting to so-called cheating. Be sure to keep your body as straight as possible as you perform the pull-up and keep your legs together. Correct technique: rise up with a strong movement and slowly lower down under control, almost fully extending your arms.

There is no need to strive to ensure that your arms are completely straight, and you hang like a monkey. You need to stop until your arms are fully extended at the elbow joint, so that the muscles are constantly under tension.

To keep your feet from touching the ground, between each pull-up, keep your knees bent so that they are behind you. From the outside, your body should resemble an inverted letter “L”.

How many repetitions should you do?

- This is a good basic exercise that pumps up not only the biceps, but also the back muscles. So do as many pull-ups as you can. Keep your body straight and not swaying.

Don't be lazy. Climb as high as possible. The more you train, the more reps you can do and your biceps will get bigger.

Rubber bands instead of weights

One inexpensive purchase you'll want to buy is a rubber band. You can do a ton of different exercises with them, all of which will be very effective for your biceps.

We will do biceps curls with a resistance band. At the same time, hold each end of the tourniquet with your hands so that its middle hangs down and touches the ground. Stand with your foot in the middle of the tourniquet and place your feet shoulder-width apart on the tourniquet.

Place your elbows on your sides and begin to bend your forearm toward your shoulders. Make sure you flex your biceps and pull your hands on the band all the way until your hands touch your shoulders.

Hold them in this position for several seconds, squeezing your hands tightly. Then you can lower your arms down, returning to the starting position.

Try using posing as a form of exercise as well. Keep your arms bent for 10 seconds, then relax them and wait a few seconds. Then repeat the exercise again. This is called isometric exercise, that is, constant tension on the muscle while the muscle is held in one position.

Advice: The main thing is to flex your muscles as much as possible. Try to concentrate at this time and imagine that you are trying to press your fists as close to your head as possible, as if you want them to touch your head.

Try to keep your biceps tense for more than a few seconds. You should feel exhausted. If your face shows agony, it means you are doing everything absolutely right. This is the moment when you realize that your biceps will grow.

Doing this posture exercise is a great way to strengthen your biceps immediately after a workout.

When you swing, you create microtraumas in the muscle fibers. This partial breakdown of muscle tissue is a normal result after exercise.

Muscles respond to microtrauma and create larger muscles.

You must eat right during recovery. During recovery, muscles require amino acids.

Amino acids are found in proteins. When you eat protein, your body breaks it down into usable amino acids. Your goal: Eat 2 to 2.6 grams of protein per 1 kg of your weight. For example, if a person weighs 72 kg, then this is about 142-187 grams of protein per day.

Try to divide your daily meals into 4-6 meals to fuel your body throughout the day.

Here is a list of several foods rich in protein:

  • Poultry, such as chicken or turkey
  • Fish meat, such as tuna or salmon
  • Lean meat

Another good source of protein is whey protein isolate. You can consume this protein by mixing it with milk, water or making yourself a smoothie. You can also find other types of cocktails. But in terms of price-quality ratio, whey protein has the best indicator and its additional advantage is that it is suitable for use before and after training, since its absorption rate is faster than that of regular food and other types of protein.

If we talk about water, it is important to monitor the water balance in the body. Water maintains normal metabolic function, including muscle growth, which is 70% water. In fact, in the absence of normal fluid intake, catabolism can be caused. Catabolism, in turn, will contribute to muscle reduction.

Drink plenty of water to help your body absorb nutrients and stay hydrated during your workouts and throughout the day.

Enjoy the pain

When you do the exercise, you may feel pain in your muscles. This is called sore throat.

The pain may appear a couple of hours after training and reach its peak after 48 hours. It all depends on the intensity of the workout. It may take up to 7 days for the pain to go away.

Krepatura is a good pain. It can happen not only to beginners, but also to experienced athletes.

Increasing the intensity and changing exercises can cause soreness.

I've been working out for twenty years and I always get muscle pain after chest workouts. But rarely do my biceps or triceps hurt.

Krepatura is a good pain, but pain from injuries is bad. Don't lift heavy weights too early. Train gradually. From small to large.

If you experience sharp pain in your biceps during exercise, consult your doctor.

It is advisable to consult a physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program.

How often to train biceps

If you train too often, it is not good.

As a rule, two workouts per week will be enough to increase the size of your biceps. You can also get a good effect from one workout if you work correctly.

Never work one muscle for several days in a row. This risks injury.

If the biceps have not fully recovered after training, and you start the next workout, then this threatens to reduce them.

My advice: split up your workouts. One day you work on the biceps and muscles of the upper belt, on the other - on the legs and the entire bottom. You can do cardio workouts instead of legs. There are plenty of options.

This activity won't take long to build the outer (long) head of your biceps. Do it with a quick and effective biceps workout!

When you first start training your arms, basic exercises are all you really need to grow them. But while barbell and dumbbell work is fine for beginners, you'll eventually need to do more specific, detailed work to see your arms grow, get bigger, stronger and better.

If you've spent enough time training with iron, you know and understand what I mean. Advanced arm training requires breaking the biceps apart. It should be aimed at working out the short and long heads.

If you're not familiar with arm anatomy, the biceps has two heads. (Hence, “bi” two, biceps). The long head is the outer part of the biceps, so when the athlete poses in the photo - a double biceps from behind, the part of the biceps that you see is the outer (long) head.

Focusing on the long head will not only improve the overall appearance of your biceps, but will also help you add size and improve strength for other pulling movements. You can add this simple workout to your current biceps routine or include it as a finale to your back workout.

The workout below is a quick, focused superset. You can either make it as directed or make a slight change. You'll want to do each exercise individually as standard sets, that's fine too, but keep in mind that it will take a little longer to complete.



1A. Lifting the barbell for biceps with a narrow grip – 3 sets of 8-10 repetitions.

1B. Lifting dumbbells for biceps with a hammer grip while lying on an incline bench - 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions.

Rest 45-60 seconds between sets. We do not rest between exercises in a superset.

Lifting the barbell for biceps with a narrow grip.

This may seem strange, but to target the outer head of the biceps, you really need to use a close grip on the bar on barbell curls. Place your hands close to each other on the bar, but not until your fingers touch. The grip should be narrower than shoulder width. For a more convenient execution of this movement, you can use the EZ bar.

When lifting the barbell, try to transfer the load to your little fingers. This will give more emphasis to the long head. Move your elbows back a little and squeeze the bar at the top of the amplitude, as if you were trying to crush it.

Hold this contraction for two counts before you begin to lower the weight. You shouldn't try to break records with the weight you choose, but make sure it's heavy enough to work your biceps.

Hammers with dumbbells lying on an incline bench.

Use a high incline on an adjustable bench (45 degrees). Arch your chest and roll your shoulders back. To target the biceps, your arms should hang and your elbows should be stationary as you curl your arms. Control the weight, not the other way around, so focus on lifting the weight and working your biceps, and try not to swing your arms.

At the top of the dumbbell lift, contract your biceps again for two counts as you did with the first exercise. Then lower the weight to the starting position, slowly and under control. Don't let impulse make you throw the dumbbells when your arms get tired!

Place the short head of the biceps in the center of the target and pump up muscular arms.

It’s not difficult to tighten up a muscle group; all you need to do is devote a few additional exercises to it. If your upper pecs are lagging, just do a little more incline presses. Not impressed by the middle deltas? Add lateral raises and overhead presses. Are your quadriceps lame? Front squats and leg extensions in the machine will help you.

But what to do if you need to tighten the short head of the biceps? In this case, the task becomes somewhat more complicated.

The short head is located under the long one, and therefore is sometimes called the inner one. But just because you don't see it doesn't mean you can ignore it. By pumping up the short and long heads of the biceps, and at the same time the brachialis muscle, you will take a giant step towards your goal - large and muscular arms.

So how do you focus on a short head? In their book Strong Arms and Core, Joe Webben and Jim Stoppani write: “Because the long head of the biceps lies outside the short head, using a narrow grip (narrower than shoulder width) during barbell curls places emphasis on the long head. Conversely, a wide grip will target the short head.”

This is your first clue.

During biceps curls, not only the grip, but also the position of the hands affects which head of the biceps - or both, because biceps means "two-headed" - is involved in the work to a greater extent. As a rule, if the long head in an exercise is not fully stretched, the emphasis shifts to the short head, and vice versa.

The difference is most obvious when comparing an incline dumbbell raise (arms hanging down behind the plane of the torso) with an isolated curl on a Scott bench. In the first exercise, the long head is fully stretched at the lowest point; in the second case, it is practically not stretched.

Choosing the right exercises with an emphasis on the short head is one of the points in the global strategy for its development. Here are 6 great ways to target the short head of your biceps in your quest for muscular arms.

1. Two workouts in one split

Small muscle groups, which include the biceps, recover faster after intense exercise than large muscle groups in the legs or back. You can train them more often, especially if your split is five days or more.

In this case, structuring the split becomes of paramount importance. You shouldn't train biceps on Monday, back on Tuesday, and biceps again on Wednesday, that's the worst possible scenario. Arm flexors simply do not have enough time to recover and grow.

You should not train your biceps the day before or after your back workout.

It’s also not a good idea to train your biceps the day before or after your back workout. To optimize your pulling schedule, it's wise to use other upper body workouts, leg days, or rest days between biceps workouts.

Just because you train your biceps twice in one split doesn't mean you have to repeat the same exercises. Consider the first workout to focus on mass development and include exercises for the long and short heads. The second block focuses on the short head and consists of slightly different movements with different grips and rep ranges.

You can even try alternative techniques - instead of forced reps, partial reps instead of drop sets - to work your biceps in every possible way.

2. Train your biceps after your back.

By using a slightly wider grip on your standing biceps curls, you can better target the short head of your biceps and increase your overall arm size.

A simple solution to the problem of timing your biceps workout is to start it immediately after your back workout. (Never train your biceps all the way to your back; this will impair your strength in many pulling exercises and weaken your grip on the barbell or machine handle.) Most back exercises are multi-joint exercises, so the biceps are already heavily stressed. All that remains is to bring the matter to its logical conclusion, because the biceps have already suffered a lot.

Training small muscle groups immediately after large muscles is a strategy familiar to many bodybuilders, but typically you won't be able to generate the same force after a series of exhaustive lifts.

This explains why the second biceps workout should be done on a day devoted only to the muscles of the arms. There will be no pre-fatigue of the biceps, and you will be able to train them with higher intensity and heavier weight - a great combination for generating maximum training stimulus.

3. Start with mass-building exercises for a short head

Biceps curls are almost always, and therefore the standard recommendation to start with a multi-joint movement is not appropriate here. Instead, choose an exercise in which you can lift the most weight. For most people, this will be a standing curl. Standing curls generate a little momentum from the lower body and are great for starting an arm workout.

Standing curls generate a little momentum from the lower body and are great for starting an arm workout.

As mentioned, a slightly wider grip on the bar (or EZ bar, if you prefer) will help shift the focus to the short head. The strategy I use is 2 sets with a narrow grip and 2 more with a slightly wider grip (or 3 and 1) instead of 4 sets with a shoulder-width grip. This will allow you to put more stress on both the short and long heads in different sets early in your arm training.

Let's not forget that at the beginning of the workout you are full of strength, and therefore you can hang a few extra weights on the bar and test your muscles for strength. Work at the lower end of the rep range for mass: after warming up, use a weight that will allow you to reach failure in 6-8 reps. If you can lift the barbell more than eight times, add a couple of plates.

4. Focus on the short head

Should know
You will never be able to completely isolate a muscle within a muscle group (such as the short head of the biceps), but you can force it to work harder by changing your position, angle, or grip.

At the beginning of the article we talked about how to work a lagging muscle group, so by all means add 1-2 exercises specifically for the short head. Bet on starting your workout when the tanks are full of fuel. Let's say the first thing you do is do a few wide-grip curls. Now it's time to add another movement for the short head. Good options are isolated curls on a Scott bench, concentrated curls on a lying block, and curls on an overhead pulley.

By changing the intensity of the load, you can give the short head new training stimuli. For example, instead of using a weight that allows you to reach failure in 6-8 reps, use a weight that allows you to repeat the exercise 10-12 times.

Adding a second exercise at a slightly different angle and intensity is the best way to target the short head and achieve impressive results.

5. Try “new” short head exercises

Because isolated biceps curls focus more on the short head rather than the long head, they are an obvious choice for your workout. But they can be performed in different ways: lifting a dumbbell with one hand, a variant with an EZ bar, or curls on a Scott bench with a barbell, dumbbells and an EZ bar. Doing this exercise standing rather than sitting will even allow you to build up a little momentum and finish off some cheat reps.

Bicep curls

Standing lat pulldowns are another exercise for the short head. Try doing it with one hand, or change the angle of the pull slightly by placing the handles a little higher (or a little lower) than your usual level.

You can find more exercises for the short head in the Exercise Catalog website. When you find an exercise you like, use it for 6-8 weeks. After this, it is advisable to change the program to generate new incentives, otherwise progress will slow down and you will begin to mark time.

6. Train for failure.

Choosing the right exercises at the right intensity is a good start, but you still have a lot of work to do. When it comes to stimulating growth at the cellular level, don't stop at muscle failure. Moreover, for maximum growth in 1-2 approaches you need to go beyond the limits of muscle failure. It follows that high-intensity training techniques can be an excellent growth stimulus.

For arm training, some high-intensity training techniques are best suited:

  • . With the help of a partner, it is not so difficult to finish 1-2 exhausting sets of isolated biceps curls after muscle failure. The belayer simply helps you pass the blind spot. If you're performing isolated curls with one arm, use your free arm to complete a few extra reps.
  • Partial repetitions. This technique works great for the biceps, but it's best to use it towards the end of your workout so you don't lose your strength right from the start. Make a full contraction, then lower the projectile a few centimeters and bend your arm again, without allowing it to fully straighten. This technique focuses on peak contractions.
  • . Drop sets are easy to perform on cable machines because you can quickly change the working weight. Instead of ending the set at failure, drop 25% of the load and reach the second point of muscle failure.
  • Achieve pumping. At the end of your workout, when fatigue has set in, do a few high-rep sets of the short head (and cut your rest in half) to pump blood into the muscles, fill them with fluid, stretch the fascia that binds muscle fibers, and stimulate the secretion of growth hormone. hard to miss - good luck taking off your sweat-soaked t-shirt!

A small digression at the beginning of the article. Big hands look indecently poor with skinny legs. Stick two matches into the potato, this is how it looks from the outside. Remember, only a harmoniously developed body will inspire admiration.

Now let's get down to business. No matter how sad it may sound, in the main volume of the arm, the main role is played by the triceps (read in a separate article on how to pump up the triceps). Despite this, it would be a crime not to pump up your biceps.

The biceps has two heads or bundles (“bi” means “two”). The long head is located in the front, outer part of the arm, starting from the upper edge of the shoulder blade, called the glenoid fossa. The short head is located closer to the inside of the arm and also starts from the shoulder blade, but slightly lower. Next, both heads merge and enter the tuberosity of the radius. The main function of the biceps is to flex the arm at the elbow joint, so almost all exercises consist of this movement.

The picture shows the biceps brachii muscle (1), below is the brachialis muscle or brachialis (2).

Features of biceps training

  • biceps workouts can be combined with chest and triceps workouts, or done on a separate day with just triceps
  • to avoid stagnation (lack of progress), you should periodically, once every 3-6 weeks, change exercises, the sequence of exercises, vary the weight of the weights and training schemes (read about how to do this correctly)
  • The basis for big biceps are basic exercises (with a load on the biceps, of course). These are standing barbell curls, reverse close grip pull-ups, standing dumbbell curls. Isolation exercises are intended only for additional drawing and refinement
  • Frequent training will not bring the desired result - one biceps workout per week is enough

The best exercises for biceps

Barbell Curl

Grasp the barbell with an underhand grip, hands approximately shoulder-width apart. The bar should hang freely with your arms extended down in front of you. Bend your elbows, upward in a wide arc, lift it as high as possible, while your elbows should remain motionless and pressed to your body. You should not simply lift the bar vertically upward and thereby make the exercise too easy. At the top point, fully contract and tense your biceps. Lower the barbell down in the same arc, continuing to overcome the resistance, until your arms are fully straightened. In this exercise, slight movement of the body is allowed. But it should be minimal, unless you are doing so-called “cheating”.

Cheating is a way of performing a strength exercise that uses additional muscle groups if the target ones can no longer cope.

Dumbbell Curl

From a biomechanical point of view, it is no different from performing with a barbell, provided that you do not turn the dumbbells during the lift. The only thing is that each hand bears an equal load, while when performing with a barbell, the stronger hand will take on a slightly larger load.


In its work, the exercise involves the biceps, brachialis, as well as the short and long extensors of the wrist. It is the best exercise for developing the brachioradialis muscles.

In a sitting or standing position, hold dumbbells in your hands, palms facing each other. Bend your arms in a wide arc, without moving your elbows back, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders. Then lower to the starting position.

Scott Bench Rise

An auxiliary isolation exercise for developing biceps, the exercise is considered one of the most effective for working out. The name was given in honor of the inventor of the bench, Larry Scott.

Larry Scott(October 12, 1938, Blackfoot - March 8, 2014, Idaho) - American bodybuilder, the first holder of the Mr. Olympia title (1965, 1966). After completing his sports career, he lived in Utah.

Sit on a bench, place your hands on its surface, so that in the upper position your elbows do not come off the stand, and in the lower position there is no discomfort in the shoulder area. You can perform the exercise both with dumbbells and with a barbell.

Take the starting position, then bend your arms, lifting the projectile to your chin. After you have fully bent your arms and lifted the barbell, slowly begin to straighten your arms. When lowering the apparatus, try not to “relieve” the load by fully straightening your arms; they must be kept in constant tension.

Concentrated biceps curl

It is also an isolation exercise. In my humble opinion, the concentrated biceps curl is the least effective exercise for most people. Still, to build big biceps, give preference to basic exercises. However, this exercise has its place. And it is often used by athletes because the performer looks quite brutal.

Sit on a bench, take a dumbbell in your hand. With your elbow resting on the inside of your knee, leaving your shoulder motionless, bend your elbow toward your shoulder. The leg on which you rested your elbow should not bow; with your free hand you can rest on the bench or on your free leg, and also, if you are tired on the last climbs, you can assist in lifting.

Seated biceps curl with dumbbells

The exercise is to say directly, at first glance, “don’t hit someone who’s lying down,” but that’s just what you think. There are two options for body position when performing this exercise: vertical and inclined. The second option is performed using an adjustable bench - we set the inclination on it to 60-45 degrees. We lie down on our backs and do the exercise. In the first case, you can perform the exercise with your elbows on the back of the bench in an upright position, or you can do it without a backrest, which is much more difficult.

I will describe the classic version, for the rest everything is quite logical and similar in implementation.

Sit on a bench, press against the back, tighten your abs. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower them down onto your outstretched arms, palms facing each other. Bend your arms, without moving your elbows back, lift the dumbbells to shoulder level. As soon as the dumbbells reach hip level, rotate the dumbbells at such a speed that your palms are facing up at the end point, stay in this position, straining your biceps as much as possible. Lower the dumbbells down under control, but not until your arms are fully straightened.

Now let’s group the listed exercises:

Priority Exercises for newbies:

  • - barbell curl
  • - hammer
  • - biceps curl while sitting with dumbbells

Exercises for experienced:

Experienced athletes should not limit themselves to only basic or isolation exercises. The entire range of exercises is at your disposal, but do not rush to classify yourself as an “experienced athlete.”

If you have just recently started going to the gym, then it is better for you to shift your focus to basic exercises for all muscle groups, and especially for the arms. When creating a workout plan, be careful when including biceps exercises. Since when you frequently train the same muscle groups, regression occurs or the results do not budge, and you will quickly lose your passion for training. And even worse, overtraining may occur. Remember: cyclicality, systematicity, consistency and periodization of the load are the key to success, go for it!

The result of everything I’ve read suggests itself. And yet I will summarize. Despite all men’s love for this muscle group, you shouldn’t stop at just one biceps. Remember that the bulk of the arm is made up of the triceps. And most importantly, the harmonious development of the whole body is important, and don’t forget about the brain!!!

Only competent alternation of load will lead you to the desired result!

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Biceps exercises are characterized by various bending movements, the purpose of which is a comprehensive, high-quality study of this muscle group from different angles. The arm muscles are one of the hallmarks of an athletic physique, giving the athletic figure volume and proportions both when viewed from the front, as when viewed from the back or from the side. Without their development, it is simply impossible to imagine a proportionally developed torso.

Biceps are a part of the body that many unreasonably consider to be the main one and often spend too much time training them, forgetting about other muscle groups. You can often see guys in the gym who pump their biceps two or even three times a week, stroking their pride with the misconception that “the more often you pump, the faster it will grow.” But we are not talking about them now. Here we will describe the most effective exercises for the biceps, as well as for the forearms.

In this article we will look at the muscles that are somehow involved in flexing the elbow joint. These are primarily the biceps brachii muscle (biceps), brachialis muscle (brachialis) and forearm muscles. As we already understood, biceps are needed to bend the arms at the elbows. The muscles of the forearms help with the work of the wrists. Accordingly, training the biceps and brachialis consists of all kinds of arm curls. The forearms are trained by flexing and extending the wrists.

Standing biceps curl

This barbell biceps exercise targets the middle, top, and bottom of the biceps, as well as the upper part of the forearm. Basic exercise, best for building mass and strength. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete at the very beginning of biceps training.

Exercise technique

1. Place the desired weight on the barbell. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes slightly to the sides. Take the barbell shoulder-width apart with an underhand grip. 2. In the starting position, the back maintains a natural curve, the head looks forward. The arms are straightened, but not locked at the elbows. The barbell in your hands is at hip level. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, bend your elbows. At the top point, the bar should be at the level of your upper chest. 4. You can exhale after overcoming the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then immediately, without delay, lower the barbell to its original position. 5. You shouldn’t linger at the bottom point either. As soon as the bar reaches the lowest point, immediately change the direction of its movement.

Technique tips

  • Using a standard shoulder-width underhand grip is the most effective way to effectively work both the biceps and brachialis.
  • Using a non-standard overhand grip, shoulder-width apart, is the most effective way to effectively work the brachioradialis muscle.
  • Throughout the entire approach, keep your back straight and do not sway. By pushing your body forward or backward to help lift the weight, you take the stress off your biceps.
  • During the positive phase (rising), the elbows are strictly fixed at the sides. There is no need to bring them forward, otherwise the load from the biceps goes to the front deltoids.
  • There is no point in using too much weight in the exercise. It will provoke you to swing and throw the barbell by inertia, which will reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Too much weight will also significantly reduce the range of motion of the barbell, which will prevent you from lifting it high enough at the top.
  • A variation with an angled grip is possible. For this, an EZ-bar or W-bar is used (see). The more the hand is turned with the thumb up, the more the brachialis is activated.
  • A variation with a parallel grip is possible. For this, an oval bar is used (see ibid.). In the position where the palms are facing each other, the brachialis is pumped efficiently.
  • A variation is possible with an underhand grip wider than shoulder width. In the case of a straight bar, this grip allows you to effectively work the inner head of the biceps.
  • A variation is possible with a grip from below, narrower than the shoulders. In the case of a straight bar, this grip allows you to effectively work the outer head of the biceps.

Standing dumbbell curls

This biceps exercise with dumbbells targets the middle, top, bottom, brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. This is a basic exercise used to build mass and strength. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete at the beginning of biceps training.

Exercise technique

1. Select dumbbells of the desired weight and hold them in both hands with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Feet hip-width apart, back straight. The head looks ahead. 2. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders. The upward movement of the dumbbells is accompanied by a turn of the hands. At the top point, the palms face the shoulders. 3. You can exhale after passing the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then immediately, without delay, return the dumbbells to their original position by turning the hands back. 4. At the bottom point of the palm, look at the side of the thigh. As soon as they reach this position, immediately change their direction of movement.

Technique tips

  • Make sure to keep your elbows on the sides of your body at all times. By pushing them forward, you transfer the load to the front deltoids, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • There is no point in keeping your palms turned back in the original position. In this position, the biceps tendons become twisted and the strength of the biceps is significantly reduced.
  • To maximize your biceps contraction, at the top of the exercise, try to supinate (rotate away from you) your wrist as much as possible.
  • Do not use excessive weight in the exercise. Firstly, it will not allow you to work in full amplitude, and secondly, at the moment of turning your hand, you can injure your wrist.
  • Throughout the entire approach, the hands remain motionless. Secure them at the very beginning, do not bend or straighten them.
  • A variation of alternate lifting of dumbbells with the left and right hands is possible. However, with this variation, you will bend over and swing your body, which will reduce the load on the biceps.
  • A variation of performing the exercise with both hands at the same time is more preferable. This way the load and center of gravity are distributed evenly, which eliminates unnecessary body movements.

Seated dumbbell curls

This biceps exercise targets the middle, brachialis, and brachioradialis muscles. A formative exercise, used to build strength and thicken the shape of these muscles. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete in the middle of a biceps workout.

Exercise technique

1. Select dumbbells of the desired weight and hold them in both hands with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). 2. Sit on the edge of the bench. In the starting position, legs are hip-width apart, feet are parallel, and the back is straight. The head looks ahead. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders. The upward movement of the dumbbells is accompanied by a turn of the hands. At the top point, the palms face the shoulders. 4. You can exhale after passing the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then immediately, without delay, return the dumbbells to their original position by turning the hands back. 5. At the bottom point, the palms face each other. As soon as they reach this position, immediately change their direction of movement.

Technique tips

  • Do not sit across the bench, otherwise the dumbbells will touch the bench at the bottom point and you will not be able to fully extend your arms.
  • Don't lean forward or sway. All movement occurs exclusively at the elbow joint. Keep your back locked throughout the entire approach.
  • Holding your breath while doing the exercise not only helps you stabilize your position on the bench, but also helps you develop significantly greater force.
  • Lifting dumbbells at the same time is preferable to alternate lifting. This way the load and center of gravity are distributed evenly, which eliminates unnecessary body movements.

Dumbbell curls at an angle

This exercise for the biceps muscles involves the middle and lower part of the biceps, the brachialis and the brachioradialis muscle. A formative exercise, used to build strength and thicken the shape. Recommended for advanced and more experienced athletes in the middle of a biceps workout.

Exercise technique

1. Select dumbbells of the desired weight and hold them in both hands with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). 2. Adjust the backrest to an angle of 45 degrees and sit on the bench. In the starting position, legs are hip-width apart, feet are parallel, and the back is straight. The head looks ahead. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders. The upward movement of the dumbbells is accompanied by a turn of the hands. At the top point, the palms face the shoulders. 4. You can exhale after passing the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then immediately, without delay, return the dumbbells to their original position by turning the hands back. 5. At the bottom point, the palms face each other. As soon as they reach this position, immediately change their direction of movement.

Technique tips

  • To prevent you from sliding down the bench while lying down, also raise the saddle of the machine to a slight angle.
  • If the raised saddle forces you to spread your legs wide and this interferes with the movement of the dumbbells, lift your legs off the floor and cross them together on the saddle.
  • Holding your breath in this position is extremely important, since lifting your legs off the floor will help stabilize your body on the bench as much as possible.
  • Do not swing your arms or throw dumbbells by inertia. All movement occurs exclusively in the elbow joints, the rest of the body is motionless.
  • The elbows are fixed at the sides throughout the entire approach. By raising your elbows at the top of the dumbbell movement, you transfer the load from the biceps to the front deltoids.
  • Lifting dumbbells at the same time is preferable to alternate lifting. It allows you to eliminate body movements and concentrate as much as possible on contracting the biceps.
  • Don't use dumbbells that are too heavy. They will not allow you to lift the dumbbells to their full amplitude, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

Dumbbell bicep curl “Hammer”

This exercise for biceps with dumbbells involves the lateral part of the biceps, brachialis and brachioradialis muscles. A formative exercise, used to thicken the biceps and forearm. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete in the middle of a biceps workout.

Exercise technique

1. Select dumbbells of the desired weight and hold them in both hands with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Feet hip-width apart, back straight. The head looks ahead. 2. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lift the dumbbell to your shoulder. The upward movement of the dumbbell should not be accompanied by any rotation of the hand. At the top point, the palm remains in the same position. 3. You can exhale after passing the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then immediately, without delay, return the dumbbell to its original position at hip level. 4. At the bottom point, the palms face each other. As soon as one dumbbell returns to the starting position, immediately begin moving up with the other dumbbell.

Technique tips

  • Make sure to keep your elbows on the sides of your body at all times. By lifting them forward, you transfer the load to the front deltoids, which reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • The arms are fully straightened at the lowest point, but not to the point of locking at the elbow joints. Fully straightening the arms places stress on the elbow, which can lead to injury.
  • By holding your breath, you help yourself stabilize your core position, and you can develop significantly more force while lifting the dumbbells.
  • Don't rock your body forward or back in an attempt to help you lift the weight. This will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Throughout the entire approach, the hands remain motionless. Secure them at the very beginning, do not bend, straighten or unfold them.
  • A variation of the exercise with both hands at the same time is possible. It allows you to eliminate unnecessary movements of the body and concentrate as much as possible on bending your arms.

EZ-barbell curl on Scott bench

This biceps exercise with a barbell targets the middle and bottom. An isolating exercise, used to lengthen the lower part of the biceps and raise its peak. Recommended for athletes of intermediate level and above in the middle of a biceps workout.

Exercise technique

1. Adjust the height of the desk so that its upper edge rests against your armpits, your back is straight, and your body position remains fixed throughout the entire approach. 2. Take an EZ bar (or W bar), place it on the bench supports and collect the desired weight on it. Hold the barbell shoulder-width apart. Sit down so that your triceps are pressed firmly against the desk. 3. In the starting position, the back is straight, the elbows are on the desk, the arms with the barbell are straightened, but not to the point of locking in the elbow joints. 4. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lift the barbell up. At the top point it should be at chin level. 5. You can exhale after overcoming the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then immediately, slowly, return the bar to its original position. 6. At the bottom point, the arms are fully straightened again, and the barbell changes its direction of movement without delay.

Technique tips

  • Throughout the entire approach, your elbows should be pressed tightly to the desk. By tearing your elbows off, you severely overload the joints, which can lead to injury.
  • Make sure that at the lowest point your arms do not extend until your elbow joints lock. Locking is dangerous not only for the elbows, but also for the biceps ligaments.
  • Holding your breath while performing the exercise helps not only keep your back straight, but also develop significantly greater force while lifting the barbell.
  • Variations of the exercise with different bars are possible (see). For the most versatile muscle development, change the bars periodically.

Scott Bench Dumbbell Curls

This biceps exercise targets the middle and bottom of the biceps. An isolating exercise, used to highlight the lower part of the biceps and its peak. Recommended for advanced and more experienced athletes to complete their biceps training.

Exercise technique

1. Adjust the height of the desk so that its upper edge rests against your armpit, your back is straight, and your body position remains fixed throughout the entire approach. 2. Take a dumbbell of the desired weight and place one hand so that the triceps are pressed firmly to the desk. 3. In the starting position, the back is straight, the elbow lies on the desk, the arm with the dumbbell is straightened, but not to the point of locking in the elbow joint. The palm faces up. 4. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, lift the dumbbell up. At the top point it should be at chin level. 5. You can exhale after overcoming the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then immediately, slowly, return the dumbbell to its original position. 6. At the bottom point, the arm is fully straightened again, and the dumbbell changes its direction of movement without delay. 7. After completing all repetitions for one arm, proceed to perform the exercise with the other arm. This will be one approach.

Technique tips

  • Throughout the entire approach, the elbow should be pressed tightly to the desk. By tearing your elbow off, you put a lot of stress on the joint, which can lead to injury.
  • The elbow should always be pointed straight down. If it is directed inward or outward, there is a possibility of dislocating the joint.
  • Holding your breath while performing the exercise helps not only keep your back straight, but also develop significantly greater force while lifting the dumbbell.
  • Keep your body still throughout the entire approach. Adjust your seat and desk so that you don't have to lift your butt off the bench or your elbows off the desk.
  • If possible, use a Scott bench to perform the exercise while standing. This way you can better fix your posture and avoid unnecessary body movements.
  • To maximally work out your biceps, you can pause for literally 1-2 seconds when passing the most difficult section.
  • Do not twist or bend your wrists while raising or lowering the dumbbell. This can cause a wrist dislocation.
  • The option of performing the exercise with both hands at the same time is more preferable. This way you stabilize the position of the body and eliminate unnecessary body movements.
  • Variations of the exercise with different grips are possible. Turning the hand upward with your thumb shifts the load on the brachialis. Turning the hand palm down loads the brachioradialis muscle.
  • A variation of the exercise on the back side of the desk is possible. But be careful. In this position, the arm will hang freely, which can lead to excessive extension at the elbow.

Concentrated biceps curl

This biceps exercise with a dumbbell targets the middle and bottom. An isolating exercise, used to give the biceps a peak shape. Recommended for advanced and more experienced athletes to complete their biceps training.

Exercise technique

1. Sit on the edge of a bench and hold a dumbbell in one hand. The back is straight, legs are spread wide, feet rest on the floor. 2. In the starting position, bend over and rest the triceps of your working arm on your leg so that the arm is straightened, but not to the point of locking at the elbow. Place your other hand on your other leg. 3. Inhale and, holding your breath, lift the dumbbell up. At the top point, the dumbbell is at the level of the top of the chest. 4. You can exhale after overcoming the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then you can immediately, without delay, return the dumbbell to its original position. 5. At the starting point, the arm is fully straightened again. As soon as the dumbbell lowers to the starting point, immediately change the direction of its movement. 6. Having completed the required number of repetitions for one hand, transfer the dumbbell to the other and repeat all the above steps. This will be one approach.

Technique tips

  • The triceps of the working arm should be pressed tightly against the leg, otherwise you will dangle your arm, throw the dumbbell by inertia, and significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Make sure that at the lowest point the arm does not extend until it locks in the elbow joint. Locking is dangerous not only for the elbow, but also for the biceps ligament.
  • Holding your breath while performing the exercise will help maintain the natural curve of the spine and develop significantly greater force.
  • Don't rock your body by leaning too far forward or back in an attempt to help you lift the weight. This will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Do not use excessive weight in the exercise. It will not allow you to work at full amplitude, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • To engage all three muscles involved in curling the arm: biceps, brachialis, brachioradialis, perform the exercise while holding the dumbbell with your palm facing you.
  • To target your biceps, start the movement with your palm facing you and then turn your hand so that at the top point your thumb is pointing away from you.

Biceps curl on a block machine

This biceps exercise targets the middle and bottom of the biceps, as well as the top of the forearm. An isolating exercise, used to highlight the clear shape of the biceps. Recommended for advanced and more experienced athletes to complete their biceps training.

Exercise technique

1. Stand facing the pulley machine. Attach a straight or curved handle to the cable of the lower block. It is desirable that it rotates freely around its axis. 2. Set the required weight on the machine. Grasp the bar at shoulder width or slightly narrower than shoulder width. Stand half a step away from the lower block so that the cable is taut. 3. In the starting position, your back maintains a natural curve, your feet are hip-width apart, your toes are parallel. The arms are fully straightened, but not to the point of locking at the elbow joints. 4. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, bend your elbows. At the top point, the bar should be at the level of the top of the chest. 5. You can exhale after passing the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then, without delay, immediately return the bar to its original position. 6. As soon as the bar reaches the bottom point, immediately change the direction of movement and start a new repetition.

Technique tips

  • You need to stand as close to the exercise machine as possible. The further you move, the greater the angle of the cable, which shortens the range of motion and reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Throughout the entire approach, lock your elbows and keep them motionless. By bringing your elbows forward and engaging them in work, you take the load away from your biceps.
  • Maintain an upright body position. Try not to lean your body forward or arch backward as you help yourself lift the weight. This reduces the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Holding your breath helps not only to stabilize the position of the body, but also to develop a much more powerful force in the positive phase (lifting).
  • All movements, both in the positive (lifting) and negative phases (lowering), are performed at a moderate pace. By throwing or throwing weights, you reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Significant weight in the exercise is useless. It will not allow you to work at full amplitude. Learn the technique and only when you perfect it, increase the weight.
  • At the bottom of the exercise, try not to straighten your arms until the elbow joint locks. This blockage can injure the biceps joint and ligaments.
  • Variations of the exercise with different handles are possible (see). For comprehensive development of the muscles involved in bending the arms, periodically change your grip.
  • It is possible to perform the exercise alternately with one hand and then with the other. The single handle allows you to work each hand separately.
  • A variation of the exercise while lying on the floor is possible. By locking your elbows into the floor, you can isolate your biceps and increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • A variation of the exercise with a Scott bench is possible. You place the bench in the machine in front of the lower block and perform the exercise. This will also isolate the biceps.

Crossover biceps curls

This exercise for the biceps muscles involves its middle and peak. An isolating exercise, used to lift and tighten the peak of the biceps. Recommended for advanced and more experienced athletes to complete their biceps training.

Exercise technique

1. Attach the single handles to the crossover upper pulley cables. Stand in the center of the machine and grasp the handles with your palms facing up. 2. In the starting position, your back maintains a natural curve, your legs are hip-width apart, your feet are parallel. The arms are straightened and slightly bent at the elbows, the cables are taut. 3. Inhale and hold your breath, bend your elbows. At the top point, the handles should be as close to the head as possible, at shoulder level. 4. You can exhale after passing the most difficult section of the amplitude. At this moment, immediately and smoothly return the handles to their original position. 5. At the moment of full straightening of your arms, do not linger and immediately change the direction of their movement.

Technique tips

  • For maximum contraction of the biceps, brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, which cause the peak of the biceps to grow upward, keep your arms and elbows stationary.
  • Stand clearly in the center of the machine so that the load is distributed evenly on both hands. Perform the movement with both hands at the same time and slowly.
  • A variation with performing this kind of bending with one hand is not very effective. This will make it quite difficult to maintain a stable body position.
  • Holding your breath while performing the exercise allows you to significantly stabilize the body and concentrate on bending your arms.
  • If the design of the simulator allows you to move the blocks in height, install them 30 cm above shoulder level. This will achieve maximum contraction of the biceps.
  • If the design of the simulator allows you to move the blocks in height, perform the exercise while sitting. This will strengthen your core and increase the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • Placing your elbows at shoulder level focuses the load on the middle portion of the long head of the biceps. This will allow you to maximally pump the peak of the biceps brachii muscle.
  • Do not rotate your hands while moving. They should be firmly fixed throughout the entire approach in one position - palms up.
  • To maximize contraction of the biceps, it is allowed to slightly bend your wrists towards yourself as your hands approach your body, thereby reaching the weight.

Straight grip barbell curl

This barbell biceps exercise targets the lateral forearm and brachialis. A formative exercise, used to thicken the lateral part of the forearm. Recommended for advanced and more experienced athletes to complete their biceps training.

Exercise technique

1. Place the desired weight on the barbell. Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel, toes slightly to the sides. Hold the barbell shoulder-width apart with an overhand grip. 2. In the starting position, the back maintains a natural curve, the head looks forward. The arms are straightened, but not locked at the elbows. The barbell in your hands is at hip level. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, bend your elbows. At the top point, the bar should be at the level of your upper chest. 4. You can exhale after overcoming the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then immediately, without delay, lower the barbell to its original position. 5. You shouldn’t linger at the bottom point either. As soon as the bar reaches the lowest point, immediately change the direction of its movement.

Technique tips

  • Keep your body straight throughout the entire approach. Do not bend over or sag while helping yourself to throw the weight, this will disrupt the execution technique.
  • The weight in the exercise, compared to the classic biceps curl, should be selected much lower, since the brachialis muscle is much weaker than the biceps.
  • Throughout the entire approach, keep your elbows stationary at your sides. By bringing your elbows forward, you engage the front deltoids, and the effectiveness of the exercise decreases.
  • There is no need for significant weight in this exercise. Increase the working weights only when you have sufficiently honed the technique of performing the exercise.
  • The barbell variation is much more effective than the dumbbell variation. The bar allows you to maintain your grip throughout the entire approach. Dumbbells - no.
  • Do not bend or straighten your wrists throughout the entire approach. Lock them in one position and hold it.
  • Variations of the exercise with an EZ-bar or W-bar are possible (see). Grip at different angles will pump up your muscles as effectively as possible.

Wrist curls

This forearm exercise targets the flexor carpi ulnaris, flexor carpi radialis, and palmaris muscles. A formative exercise, used to thicken the inner part of the forearm. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete to complete their biceps workout.

Exercise technique

1. Take dumbbells of the desired weight. Kneel in front of a bench and place your forearms across it, palms up. Your wrists are behind the edge of the bench. 2. In the starting position, your shoulders are straightened, your back is straight. The body and forearms are motionless until the end of the approach. Wrists extended, dumbbells hanging from fingers. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, bend your wrists as high as possible. At the top point, the hand is closed, the dumbbell is clenched in the fist. 4. You can exhale after overcoming the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then, without delay, immediately, slowly return your wrists to their original position and unclench your hand. 5. At the moment when the dumbbells reach the bottom point, do not linger and change the direction of their movement back up.

Technique tips

  • Throughout the entire approach, do not lift your forearms off the bench. As soon as this happens, the biceps take on most of the load.

Wrist extensions

This forearm exercise targets the extensor carpi ulnaris, extensor carpi longus, and extensor carpi brevis muscles. A formative exercise, used to thicken the outer part of the forearm. Recommended for everyone, from beginner to experienced athlete to complete their biceps workout.

Exercise technique

1. Take dumbbells of the desired weight. Kneel in front of a bench and place your forearms across it, palms down. Your wrists are behind the edge of the bench. 2. In the starting position, your shoulders are straightened, your back is straight. The body and forearms are motionless until the end of the approach. Wrists down, dumbbells held on fingers. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, bend your wrists as high as possible. At the top point, the hand is closed, the dumbbell is clenched in the fist. 4. You can exhale after overcoming the most difficult section of the amplitude. Then, without delay, immediately, slowly return your wrists to their original position and unclench your hand. 5. At the moment when the dumbbells reach the bottom point, do not linger and change the direction of their movement back up.

Technique tips

  • Throughout the entire approach, do not lift your forearms off the bench. Once this happens, the biceps and brachioradialis muscles take on most of the load.
  • In the starting position, the wrists should be extended beyond the edge of the bench far enough so that the dumbbells do not touch the bench throughout the entire range of motion.
  • In the starting position, keep your grip as open as possible so that the dumbbell is literally held on your fingers. This will significantly increase the range of motion of the dumbbell.
  • At the same time, a dumbbell tightly grasped in the hand will move through a significantly shortened amplitude, which will greatly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • A variation of the exercise with a barbell is possible. However, it is less preferable because it limits the natural rotation of the wrists compared to dumbbells.

Rotations of the arms at the forearm

This exercise for the forearm muscles involves the biceps, brachioradialis, and pronator carpi muscles. A formative exercise, used to thicken the outer and inner parts of the forearm. Recommended for everyone at the end of a biceps workout.

Exercise technique

1. Collect the required weight on the pendulum. Kneel in front of the bench and place the forearm of your working hand across it. The wrist is behind the edge of the bench. 2. In the starting position, your shoulders are straightened, your back is straight. The body is motionless until the end of the approach. The working hand holds the pendulum by the lower edge of the handle in a vertical position, the second hand rests on the bench. 3. Take a deep breath and, holding your breath, rotate your forearm with the pendulum outward (supination) so that it assumes a horizontal position. 4. As soon as the lowest point is reached, immediately, slowly return the pendulum to the vertical position. 5. You can exhale after overcoming the most difficult section of the amplitude. 6. At the moment when the pendulum returns to the top point, also do not linger. Inhale again, hold your breath and smoothly rotate the handle inward (pronation) until it reaches a horizontal position. 7. Perform the prescribed number of repetitions on one arm, then on the other. This will be one approach.

Technique tips

  • Throughout the entire approach, do not lift your forearm off the bench. Once this happens, the biceps, brachialis and brachioradialis muscles take on most of the load.
  • In the starting position, the wrist should be extended beyond the edge of the bench far enough so that at the lower points of the amplitude of movement, the pendulum does not touch the bench.
  • There is no point in using too much weight in the exercise. It will prevent you from rotating your forearm through its full range of motion, which will significantly reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.
  • However, too much weight at the bottom of the exercise can put excessive force on the wrist and dislocate the arm at the elbow.
  • A variation of the exercise with a collapsible dumbbell is possible. Having collected the necessary weight at only one end, it will serve as an excellent replacement for a pendulum.


At the beginning of the article, we set out to describe a set of biceps exercises. And now, we can confidently say that in this article we have reviewed perhaps the most effective biceps exercises in the gym. The list of exercises given here could be called the most complete if it were not constantly supplemented with new ones, with different equipment, with modified exercise techniques and more. The exercises given here for the biceps muscles are more than enough to constantly change training programs and add variety to the training process, regardless of your goals.


The technique of performing exercises is an area of ​​knowledge that is mandatory for a personal trainer to study and master. Without this knowledge, the trainer cannot begin to directly perform his duties. Learn the technique, improve it and also remember that literally in every exercise you can make certain minor adjustments, be it changing your grip, body position, working equipment and more. The set of biceps exercises given here gives you the opportunity to master the basic knowledge so that you can layer more complex exercises and variations on them in the future.