Hockey uniform disinfection at home. Hockey uniform cleaning. How important is it for a goalkeeper to be clean?

Everything ever falls into disrepair, hockey uniforms are no exception.

Let's try to figure out what can be done with hockey ammunition, which has already served you faithfully for several years.

We have several options - to hand over your hockey uniform in Moscow to the commission department of the store " Ice Arena”, give it to friends, just throw it away or try to revive your hockey equipment on your own.

Let's start with the head. Hockey helmet.

Most often, the buttons on the strap, adjusting screws and appearance become unusable in this item of equipment. In terms of looks, there's not much you can do. Your helmet is either already full of scratches, or "still handsome." Appearance The helmet will last longer if you store it in any soft bag between “fights”. And, if there is also a visor, even more so.

With bolts and straps, it's easier. Bolts that are soured or rusty are simply replaced with new ones. Repair kits are almost always available at any hockey store. With straps, the same picture. The button on the clasp is out of order, the master in the metal repair will put a new one. Well, if replacement is not possible, go ahead for a repair kit.

Last but not least, hockey helmets. Any helmet is periodically recommended to be disinfected or simply washed. Microbes and a smell of health do not add. Therefore, the picture when in the locker room, the player goes to the shower without taking off his helmet, is not such a rarity ...

Hockey bib and hockey elbow pads.

Plastic cups of shoulder pads that protect the collarbone or elbow pads that protect the elbows rarely fail. The main problems with these parts of used hockey uniforms are due to stretched rubber fixing straps or due to failed Velcro. We find new “spare parts”, pick up a needle and thread and change it. With my own hands. Cheap and angry! We couldn’t change it ourselves, forward to the nearest “clothing repair”.

Methods for dealing with unpleasant odors are varied and well-known. Timely drying and airing, the main weapon in the fight against "stinkers". If the smell still appears, try washing your hockey gear with regular laundry detergent. And dry well. If there is a physical and financial opportunity to give the equipment to a specialized dry cleaner or laundry, do it boldly. The smell will be defeated.

Hockey pads.

The most important piece of equipment for a hockey player. It is she who, more often than all other parts of the form, takes the blows. A direct hit with a puck thrown with great force can greatly damage the integrity of your favorite shields. Cracked plastic parts, almost impossible to fix. Of course, you can mend a crack or put a patch, but all these measures are short-lived ...

Other problems of used shields, which can and should be dealt with, the fight against stretched elastic bands, Velcro, smell are described above.

Hockey gloves.

Without them, nowhere. Even if you are going to drive the puck in the yard, it is better to take care of the safety of your hands and put on this piece of protection.

Main weakness used hockey gloves, palms. The first thing they pay attention to when purchasing played leggings is exactly them. Worn out on your loved ones or bought second-hand ones with holes in the palms, it doesn’t matter. Take a look at some "shoe repair" and put patches on holey palms or ask to change the entire palms. Offers for the sale of new hockey palms on the Internet are quite common.

The second ubiquitous problem with commissioned hockey gloves is the smell.

The fight method is simple. Played and dried. If the smell still appeared in your leggings, washing or dry cleaning.

Hockey shorts.

This is the subject of a hockey uniform, which, if desired, can also be given a second birth. Buttons for attaching suspenders rotted and fell off? Let's sew new ones. Has the zipper on the inside of the shorts ceased to be fastened, making them wider? Visit "clothes repair" and put in a new one. Even through holes in shorts can be patched or you can buy separate covers for hockey shorts. They will look like new!

Hockey skates.

The most difficult, expensive and durable part hockey equipment. Skates, skates, horses. With special awe and attention, the vast majority of hockey players treat them. The more closely you follow new and used skates, the longer they will serve faithfully. They must be dried after each ride, stored and moved outside the ice in covers. These actions, as well as replacing the laces, can be done independently. But, sometimes there are problems with skates that only a specialist can fix. Work on replacing cracked "glasses", "pieces of iron", rivets, eyelets is subject only to the hands of the master. Of course, it is much better if there is some kind of hockey store near you. You buy there the necessary new or “live, used” spare parts and change them there. If such a store is far away, then you can use the Internet to purchase broken parts of the skate, and the repair itself can be carried out in any “shoe repair”.

At the end, we summarize.

Any thing, including hockey equipment, requires proper care and attention.


Hockey is not only one of the brightest, most spectacular and courageous sports, but also one of the most expensive - after all, for a real sports game you need a fairly large number of attributes of hockey ammunition. At the same time, equipment for winter sports has a relatively high cost, so it is quite natural that, having purchased items of hockey ammunition once, we are interested in their serving us for as long as possible. In this regard, the issue of ensuring proper care for each of the items of hockey ammunition is quite logical and justified. The hardest part about hockey equipment care is providing the right level of protection for sportswear.

Some attributes of clothing are most exposed to the biological environment due to contact with the human body, which experiences significant physical activity on ice. Cold air, together with intense sweating, leads to the concentration and retention of moisture. in gear. This is an ideal environment for the reproduction of pathogenic bacteria, mold, fungi. Protein components from sweat, blood, sports drinks exacerbate the problem. Professional athletes use clothes that have undergone specialized processing, but it is almost impossible to provide such at home. Therefore, the only possibility for amateur athletes is a constant, regular, thorough drying of all items of a hockey uniform in normal room conditions with low humidity. Player accessories, such as: underwear, bandage, hockey socks, throat protection, jersey and leggings, it is advisable to wash after each game, and others elements of hockey equipment should be taken to a specialized dry cleaner on a regular basis or wash at home to avoid bad odor due to bacterial growth.

Hockey shell, elbow pads, pads, shorts

Check for cuts or cracks in the protectors of the armor, elbow pads, pads and shorts. Please remember that if these pieces of hockey equipment are damaged, they will not be able to provide the necessary level of protection during the game. Damaged hockey equipment should be replaced. To avoid an unpleasant odor, periodically wash the hockey protection in warm water with the addition of the required amount of washing powder, or take it to a specialized dry cleaner.

Hockey helmet, mask, visor

Regularly check the tightness of the helmet mounting screws, and periodically do not forget to tighten the screws that secure the hockey mask or visor to the helmet. To avoid scratches during transport, please use a special helmet bag. Wash your helmet and visor by special means or just shampoo after every workout or game.

Hockey gloves

Hockey gloves protect the wrist, back of the hand and fingers. The palm of the glove is usually made of a soft but durable material so that the player can feel better and hold the club more securely. The two main problems with gloves are odor and holes in the palms. This element of protection requires more frequent cleaning and disinfection. The use of special odor removers is recommended. Thorough drying is required. It is not recommended to use heating devices, because this negatively affects the condition of the palms (the material coarsens and cracks, which leads to the formation of holes). If holes appear on the palms, then you need to contact the specialists who will put a patch or completely replace the palm.

Hockey skates

Dry skates after each use. It is forbidden to dry skates on a conventional battery, as excessive overheating of the material leads to its rapid deformation. It is recommended to remove the insoles and dry the skates at natural room temperature. Regularly check the skate blades for chips, general wear or blockage, and the blade cup for all necessary fastening rivets and for cracks. It is also worth checking the skate boot itself, laces and eyelets for laces from time to time. If you find a crack in the glass or any damage to the blade, then don't worry, you won't have to buy a new pair. hockey skates, most often it will be enough to replace the glass or blade. To do this, you will need to buy a glass / blade of the same size and manufacturer and contact a specialized workshop. You can also replace a lost rivet, eyelet or sharpen your skate blades there. difficult to turn or stop. Skate blades should be wiped dry after each game and special blade covers should be worn during transport to avoid damage to the hockey bag or hockey equipment.

Hockey stick

To avoid quick wear of the blade of your favorite stick, wrap the hook with special electrical tape. Update the winding before each game.

If you follow the rules of care, hockey equipment will serve you much longer, and it will be much more pleasant to use it.

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How to wash hockey uniform overseas and in Russia - an overview of technologies for processing and caring for hockey equipment. Here's how the pros do it and how to turn hockey jersey washing into a business.

How to wash a hockey uniform overseas

For washing hockey uniforms and protective ammunition, Canadian engineers came up with ... a two-bearing washing machine. They didn’t even come up with, but finalized the design of a washing machine with a divided drum.


In this machine, the drum is divided into three parts. There are machines where the drum is divided into two parts. This is done to improve the mechanical action during the washing of large batches of laundry. If you put 150-200 kg of laundry into the drum and start washing, then the laundry will experience a very strong mechanical impact. And unloading laundry from such a machine would be difficult.

The divided drum reduces the mechanical impact to an acceptable level. It was this idea that was picked up by the designers who developed the washing machine for hockey uniforms.

Hockey uniform washing machine

The photo shows the previous model of a washing machine for hockey uniforms. You can see the loading hatch where things are placed for processing.

The processed products are placed in a special plastic cassette. The plastic cassette prevents damage to the product on the metal parts of the drum and protects things.

This is what the washing process looks like. The drum is divided into eight parts and each of them contains a plastic cassette with things.

Video how to wash a hockey uniform

Visually about how the washing machine for hockey uniforms works in the video. The split drum washing technology is used to wash everything that can be damaged during normal washing.

Such technology, according to the developer, can be used for delicate and effective washing of products that were previously problematic to wash.

How to wash hockey uniforms in Russia

Once I got into the laundry of the capital hockey club major league KHL. There I saw a washing machine with a load of about 20 kg. The washing machine was decorated with a 100 mm timber construction, installed at a distance between the washing machine and the ceiling.

As it turned out, this strut acts as a retainer for a washing machine in which skates are washed. The imbalance sensor has long been disabled so that the machine does not turn off when the drum starts to vibrate during the spin cycle. Since there is no sensor, then the drum transferred all the loads to the frame and base of the machine. The shock absorbers have long since died and the car has turned from a sprung car into a car with

Caring for a hockey player's uniform is quite complicated, because a hockey uniform is equipment that can withstand a lot of stress during the game. Athletes are in constant motion, often get minor injuries, fall to the ground. The form absorbs sweat and blood, dust, moisture. So that it does not cause discomfort and does not harm the health of the player, it must be cleaned after each game. Our company offers modern, economical and efficient ways of cleaning, drying and storing hockey uniforms.

Aqua cleaning adult hockey kit

The hockey uniform is actively used during the games. Sweat combined with dust and blood from injuries can create a favorable environment for bacteria to thrive. The health of the player and, ultimately, the victory of the team depends on the cleanliness of the hockey uniform.

We offer effective method maintaining an adult hockey uniform in perfect cleanliness- aqua cleaning. This is wet cleaning in a special machine using special detergents. Advantages of the method:

  • suitable for all items of hockey equipment;
  • suitable for all materials; detergents are not aggressive to dyes, foams, fibers, plastics;
  • mechanical impact is completely excluded: wet cleaning perfectly handles even helmets and skates.

Effective and gentle aqua-cleaning of hockey uniforms gives excellent results:

  • disinfection, hygiene and freshness;
  • restoration of flexibility and softness;
  • extending the life of all components of hockey equipment.

Aqua cleaning of a children's hockey uniform

Boys involved in hockey sections, cause a lot of trouble associated with the cleanliness of the sports uniform. Where, if not on the hockey field, you can lie to your heart's content, run around, compete with opponents? By the end of the game, the uniform bears all the traces of the match. This form can no longer be worn by a child on next workout: it, like any dirty clothes, can serve as a source of infections. Aqua-cleaning technology perfectly solves the problem of keeping children's hockey uniforms in proper condition. The form is processed in machines where water and professional detergents are used as hygienic ingredients, which perfectly disinfect all types of fabrics, resist shrinkage and discoloration. Washing a hockey uniform does not cause allergies in children, retains all the qualities of materials: breathability, protection from the cold. The form will become absolutely clean, soft, like new.

Aqua cleaning of the adult goalkeeper uniform

Defenders hockey goal during the game, it gets the same as the team players. The goalkeeper stands on the goal, but moves no less than others, maneuvering when a goal is threatened. And if you add to this the psychological stress that causes intense sweating, then you can understand that the goalkeeper's uniform needs to be cleaned just like the equipment of everyone else. By the end of the game, the goalkeeper's uniform turns into an accumulation of moisture, and over time, a source of an unpleasant odor. Modern aqua-cleaning of an adult goalkeeper uniform preserves the properties of the materials of all components and accessories - the technology allows you to clean not only the uniform itself, but also gloves, masks, knee pads. None of the equipment is deformed. As a result of cleaning, an excellent disinfecting effect is achieved. After such treatment, all equipment has a fresh, bright, well-groomed appearance and acquires excellent hygienic qualities.

Aqua-cleaning of children's goalkeeper uniform

Protecting the health of a son who is keen on hockey and often plays as a goalkeeper is a task that many parents think about solving. Sophisticated goalkeeper equipment is not only uniform, but also accessories to protect different parts of the body: masks, gloves, elbow pads, knee pads. How to clean all this? Home procedures are very time-consuming and will not provide high-quality hygiene for children's goalkeeper uniforms. For this, a special aqua-cleaning technology has been developed, which guarantees complete disinfection and preservation of all types of equipment materials. Forms and accessories are placed in professional washing units and treated with water and detergents, which include detergents that do not cause allergies and excellent at destroying germs and pollution. After cleaning, all components and fabrics retain their original shape, color and softness.

Aqua cleaning of underwear

The hockey player's underwear and his game jerseys take on a large amount of sweat released during an active game. These items of equipment are rather complicated: the main part is made of natural or artificial material, and to protect the player's vulnerabilities, underwear is supplemented with special hard inserts. It is quite difficult to keep such linen clean on your own. We offer a modern method - aqua-cleaning. In special drums, you can put underwear of a hockey player from any materials, as well as knitted leggings, which usually become dirty and require washing after each game. The aqua-cleansing method is gentle and very effective. It allows you to clean and completely disinfect laundry fabrics and hard linings in the process of co-treatment. Special detergents completely exclude allergies, deformation, shrinkage and coloring. Linen and gaiters will retain all the properties of fabrics, extend the life of the equipment.

Trunk cleaning

A bag for a hockey player is an essential thing: it stores his equipment, serves to transport it on trips. Naturally, it cannot always be clean, absorbing dust, moisture, dirt from stadium benches, in airplanes and trains. But a pure baul is also a pure form. Washing it at home is quite difficult even in a good washing machine. Our company will help in solving this problem: aqua cleaning is a great method to keep trunks clean. With this method of cleaning, the shape of the trunk remains unchanged, all the hard parts of its design, handles, zippers will properly serve the athlete for a long time. You don't have to worry about color retention either: the brightest branded color will not be affected by aqua cleaning. This form of care for trunks is common all over the world, it is used by both amateurs and professional hockey players. Now aqua-cleaning is available to everyone.

Form storage

Men who play hockey always have several sets of equipment. And this is natural: after all, while our company will aqua-clean one or more suits, the hockey player uses others. If our clients are busy training or traveling the world playing with teams from other cities and countries, they cannot immediately pick up their order, and we carefully store their perfectly cleaned uniforms in special rooms where not a single speck of dust will fly. It is convenient and reliable: after returning from sports fees, in one visit to our company, you can hand over used kits to aqua-cleaning and get clean, fresh, soft ones that were waiting for their owners to return with a victory. We provide hockey uniform storage services for one month from the date of execution of the order for cleaning. Our company cares about its customers and tries to alleviate their everyday problems by providing modern cleaning services and long-term storage of equipment.

Delivery after washing

Congratulations, your order has been completed! We brought in ideal condition using modern eco-friendly aqua-cleaning, sets of hockey equipment for the whole team. In order to have a small part of our work in your victories, we provide a convenient and affordable service that saves the golden time of athletes, coaches and staff serving sports teams. Wherever you are Ice Palace, in which your team trains, within Moscow, we will deliver your order after cleaning directly to the place of struggle and victories. You will be able to get a clean, fresh kit right at the stadium and, if necessary, change equipment at halftime. Our company loves hockey and tries to do everything so that athletes and their entourage are not distracted from training by everyday trifles. We offer this unique service to young and adult players - future champions, the hope of Russian sports!

The main problem when using hockey equipment is its rapid impregnation with sweat and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in connection with this. The constant moist environment inside a sports uniform encourages the development of bacteria, fungus, and even mold if not cared for properly. From the article you will learn how to wash hockey leggings, and the rest of sports equipment, with what regularity it is best to do this than to get rid of the unpleasant smell of sweat.

It should be noted that it is better to entrust the full cleaning of equipment to specialized companies, since it is impossible to carry out high-quality disinfection of the form on your own. This should be done as soon as a rather sharp unpleasant odor from sweat appears. But it is possible to carry out regular care of the form, including drying, washing, updating individual elements at home. Where to begin?

Hand wash hockey equipment

Dry thoroughly after each workout. To do this, it is placed in a well-ventilated area. Do not dry equipment on a battery or near other sources of artificial heat.

Periodically it is necessary to wash the sports uniform. If you do it manually, then water with a temperature of about 40 degrees is drawn into the bathroom, and the main elements of the equipment are cleaned with brushes and powder. These include a helmet, shorts, T-shirt, bandage, socks, gloves.

However, pay attention to the material from which the gloves are made. How to wash hockey leggings if their "palms" are made of genuine leather? There is a rule that applies to all leather things - you can’t soak in water for a very long time, and dry it on batteries. Therefore, they should be rinsed quickly in water with powder, and then left to dry at room temperature.

It should be noted that the process of hand washing is very time consuming. Is it possible to wash a hockey uniform in a washing machine, which is an easier way?

Machine washable hockey equipment

First, the form is disassembled into individual elements. Plastic protective parts are detached, as well as textile ones that are attached to tracksuit Velcro for easy removal. The fabric parts can be machine washed. Plastic is recommended to be wiped with a cloth soaked in a special disinfectant solution.

When machine washing, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

  • the water temperature should not be high, its sufficient level is thirty degrees;
  • it is better to use a liquid cleaner for delicate fabrics, but it is better to use the popular powder and soap when washing by hand;
  • actively use bags and other accessories for the machine;
  • rinsing should be plentiful with the use of additional modes.

How to wash a hockey uniform, and how to most effectively clean its individual elements, will tell the next section.

Washing the hard parts of the hockey uniform

These include a helmet, bibs and elbow pads, shields, skates.

An unpleasant moment when using a helmet is its impregnation during training with sweat, which leads to the rapid appearance of an unpleasant odor. It is best to remove the inner soft lining of the helmet and wash it in a typewriter. But the outer hard plastic surface is treated using a cloth dipped in hydrogen peroxide or vinegar. Such solutions provide a double benefit - they neutralize bacteria and refresh the helmet from the inside. After the wet treatment, you need to carefully wipe everything with a dry cloth to prevent rust on the protective fasteners of the athlete's head equipment.

How to wash hockey skates, is it possible to do this? Care for them is recommended to be limited only to cleaning the blades, wiping with a damp cloth outside the shoes themselves and disinfection of the inside.

After each use, they are dried indoors at room temperature, without the use of batteries, as this will ruin the outer protective coating. Blades and boots are wiped with a damp cloth. Their inner side in order to get rid of the smell of sweat can be treated with an alcohol solution.

After complete drying, the blades are checked for chips and bends. After completing the inspection, they should be wiped with a special cream to improve the characteristics of sliding on ice.

Washing the rest of the hard pieces of equipment comes down to hand cleaning using a bath, warm water, powder and rinsing.

How to wash hockey equipment, its soft parts correctly? Find out in the next section.

Washing soft elements of the hockey uniform

These include - shorts, leggings, trunk, underwear.

The bag, if its dimensions allow, can be washed in a typewriter. With its large dimensions, take a cloth, make a soapy solution, and wipe all contaminated areas with it manually. The material of many sports bags is rubberized, and easily allows for such manipulations.

Underwear and briefs have a complex structure, which includes a variety of protective inserts. However, this does not prevent them from being washed, like ordinary things, in a typewriter. The program must be set very carefully in terms of parameters. The delicate wash is best. Do not forget to fasten the zipper on the shorts.

Particular attention should be paid to hockey gaiters. They, as practice shows, are subjected to intense sweating. How to wash hockey gloves and get the bad smell out of them? In some cases, it will be enough just to dry them in the sun or indoors. Gloves cannot be machine washed. Use the usual manual cleaning, which we talked about at the beginning of the article. To eliminate bacteria, use special disinfectant solutions by spraying them on inside gloves.

From time to time cleaning of equipment should be left to professionals. How to wash a hockey uniform using ozone cleaning will tell the next section.

We trust laundry companies

Typically, companies that provide laundry services for sports equipment use Canadian equipment in their work, the principle of which is based on the disinfection and cleaning of things using ozone splitting. The advantage of this method lies in the effective destruction of unpleasant odors. In the process of purification, many types of bacteria are completely eliminated. It does not use any chemical, thermal or physical views influences on the form, which significantly increases its service life.

Such processing of sports items with ozone occurs very quickly. The maximum time span is forty minutes. Therefore, it is useful to periodically use the services of companies that carry out this type of cleaning.

Summing up, we can say that washing hockey equipment is possible both in a washing machine and by hand. The main thing is to do it regularly, do not forget to dry sports items after each use, use special solutions for disinfection.