How to change blades on skates? Workshop Repair of professional hockey skates glass

What are the most common skating problems and which ones can be fixed at home? Let's figure it out!

In this article you will find instructions for:

Blade replacement

Perhaps the most common problem and the easiest to fix. The blade needs to be replaced due to natural wear, geometry violations, or more serious damage - everything happens in hockey, and steel breaks, including.

Most modern hockey skate blades are attached to the glass with two side screws. To replace a damaged blade with a new one, it is not even necessary to remove the skate - just unscrew the screws, replace the desired part and screw the fasteners back. Important: there is always a risk of loosening the screws, so you need to either constantly check them or use a thread lock.

Another common way to attach blades to glass is with a hook at the front and a screw that goes through the glass at the back. In such cases, to replace the blade, you need to unscrew the screw and unhook the blade from the hook, and then repeat everything in reverse order.

Crack in shoe

Worst kind of damage. Let's get straight to it - self repair it only makes sense if the crack in the sole, on the toe or on the side is small. Large cracks or even holes in the boots caused by an impact or collision cannot be repaired on their own, and the stability and safety of the repaired boot will be in great doubt.

If there is a crack in the sole, you can seal it with ordinary epoxy glue (with the exception of the option that the place to which the glasses / blades are attached is cracked - then you need not think about repair, but about buying new skates). This material is also suitable for lateral cracks and damage to the toe.

The procedure is simple:

  • clean the skates from dirt and dry them well in natural conditions;
  • remove the insole;
  • degrease the cracked area;
  • carefully fill the crack with epoxy;
  • wait 12-24 hours and try the skates in action


If the sole is cracked across, self-repair will not lead to anything good, it is better to immediately go either to the workshop or to the store for a new pair of skates.

Replacing the back of the skate

Another common problem. The heel counter cracks or deforms from a washer in the foot or simply too much use. It seems to be still possible to use - the skate does not fall apart in the hands, but it is no longer safe, because it will no longer be possible to fix the leg properly.

Replacing this part at home is easy. You will need a new backdrop, preferably a composite one, and about half an hour of free time.

First you need to get rid of the old backdrop: undo the threads that hold the fabric together, carefully, trying not to damage the fabric “pocket” itself, open it and pull out the damaged part.

Then - install a new backdrop. To do this, you may have to use a chisel and even a hammer: it is important that the backdrop falls into place securely. If the junction of the heel and boot is covered with cloth or filled with glue, the cloth/glue must be removed. After installing the backdrop, the adhesive layer can be returned, or you can fasten the backdrop to the skate itself more securely - carefully drill a hole and install a suitable mount there (usually small ones, from helmets, are great). The main thing is that the mount does not have any sharp or protruding parts.


Skates after all the manipulations can not be used during the day - this time is necessary for the glue to harden.

Crack in the glass

Hockey is so severe that in the game and in training, parts made of impact-resistant plastic break. It is better to change a glass cracked from a washer or a collision immediately, and not try to glue it.

The procedure is simple:

  • clean and dry the skate in a natural way;
  • remove the blade, insoles and laces - they will only interfere with the repair;
  • we rivet all the rivets - it is better to do this with the help of a special machine, but in skillful hands a screwdriver can work wonders;
  • remove the old glass, replace it with a new one, return the rivets to their place


If you can’t deal with the damage on your own or it seems to you that the skate feels somehow unreliable after the repair, it’s better to either contact the workshop or still think about buying a new pair.

Gear Reviews

Overview of Ramonedge blades

Since the creation of the icehockey360 project, I could not help but note the increased interest of readers in the selection of glasses, blades and their correct sharpening. Personally, I am quite conservative in this matter and have always tested skates on native glasses using factory blades. Traditional sharpening I continued to do even when the profiling of blades became widely available and the ability to carve any desired groove became available to everyone. Recently, on the advice of a serviceman whose blades are constantly sharpened, I began to make a small platform of 50 mm (relative to the center with an offset: 20 mm forward, 30 mm back). I was satisfied with the result of such an experiment and began to grind this platform on all new skates. When from the official distributor of Finnish blades Ramonedge in Russia (group in Vkontakte) I received an offer to try the products of this brand, I was very enthusiastic about this opportunity. I think it will be very interesting for you to read about the real experience of using elite level blades.

I guess most hobbyists, like me, also use standard blades and are wondering why third party products better than that what the skate manufacturer sets at the factory and is it worth the extra expense. In this case, the saying comes in handy: the best is the enemy of the good. Professional skate models come with irons that give a decent set of performance properties. But there is no limit to perfection, and that is why separate brands dealing exclusively with blades have appeared, offering products of a higher level. I think that many people know the products of Step, Blackedge and, including, Ramonedge. In almost every industry, there are examples of specialized divisions or individual brands improving standard high-end products or fine-tuning a single element. As an option, car tuning studios, manufacturers of premium parts and elements. Why aren't similar grade blades fitted to professional grade models directly from the factory? The fact is that such "pieces of iron" cost big money and their installation would significantly increase the cost of already expensive products. The manufacturer reasonably believes that not everyone wants to overpay for an element that, if desired, can be easily replaced.

Size marking - blades for glass SB +4.0 size 287.

Everyone knows that the machined platform (straight part of the blade) increases the area of ​​contact with ice, improving dynamic performance (acceleration, braking, sliding) and skating stability (less likely to stall), but at the same time reduces maneuverability. In the West, this has long been understood and they began to experiment with different radii, combining them: the blade is a circle (a set of circles), where the contact patch is formed due to the weight of the player (pressure on the ice). This method allows you to get the advantages of a blade with a platform without losing maneuverability. The number of profiles that are a combination of different radii (or radii with pads) is quite a few, but Ramonedge's version is the first one I tried. The manufacturer assures that their two-radius profile allows you to optimize the work of all parts of the blade, making any skating element as efficient and stable as possible.

1. Adaptation period. When moving from the usual factory radius to the site, I clearly felt the difference: it became easier to keep balance, stability improved and I did not feel any particular loss in maneuverability. But it took some time to get used to the new sensations and adapt in terms of skating. In the case of Ramonedge, I didn't know what to expect from blades with double radius and this uncertainty caused certain fears. But everything went smoothly: I just went out on the ice and went.

2. Increased blade thickness. I have experience with blades that are 3mm wide: standard ES4 blades in skates / have exactly this thickness. The sensations of riding are quite familiar to me and they are clearly positive. Many may think that it is unrealistic to feel a difference in thickness of 0.1 mm. I didn’t believe it myself until I switched from LS2 blades ( , blade thickness 2.9 mm) to ProformanceLite ( , blade thickness 2.8 mm). It became harder to keep balance and there was a feeling that you were riding a thin knife, and not the usual blade. The wide blade has a large area of ​​contact with the ice, which makes it possible to stand on your feet more confidently and keep your balance clearly. On the other hand, on a thin blade, it turns out to transfer weight from side to side (shift) faster, which helps with maneuvering. Personally, the feeling of stability is more important to me and I consider the increased width a positive thing.

3. Sense of balance and stability. Oddly enough, the sense of balance on the Ramonedge blades is greater than on the blades with a turned platform. There is no feeling of rocking: in a static position and when riding, you feel very stable. Everything is known in comparison: towards the end of the test, I again switched to skates, where a platform (SB Black) was machined on the blades in order to feel the difference in contrast. And she just caught my eye: because of the swaying that appeared, my confidence in skating seriously fell and I had to catch a sense of balance again. On the this moment I continue to skate with pads and as I adapt, I realize that the Ramonedge was easier and more enjoyable to ride due to the feeling of confidence. This feeling allows you to be more relaxed, which even reduces tension in the body.

4. Slip. I can’t say that in this parameter the blades are much superior to the top models of standard “pieces of iron”. If there is a gain in this parameter, then I clearly did not manage to feel it. The roll is good and at the same time the edges cling to the ice quite sharply. It seemed to me that the Ramonedge feels the most similar (from what I tried) to the LS4 from Bauer. Feedback from other users is slightly different from mine: many report a significant improvement in rolling, which they could not get on other blades.

5. Skating. Significantly increased the level of skating. No, miracles are not to be expected. It's just that the work of the corporate profile allowed pushing the usual limits in skating. In practice, the blades in any situation give the most reliable contact with the ice. Riding the Ramonedge is like riding on an icy road with quality studded tires, where every maneuver comes with ease and plenty of confidence in gripping the surface. At first, I maneuvered with some apprehension, trying to find a new threshold of possibilities, but, having fully mastered it, I appreciated the advantages of Ramonedge.

- higher dynamic properties. The sharp edge combined with the proprietary profile provides stable grip on ice, which allows not only to improve dynamic performance, but also to find a foothold in various playing situations. In this case, I’m talking not only about acceleration and braking on a straight line, but also about acceleration when maneuvering (after a maneuver - sharp braking, “snails”): in this case, the balance is always slightly lost and the feeling of support disappears. I liked very much that on the Ramonedge blades almost always (with a wide range of skating) there is an opportunity to push off the ice and get the necessary acceleration to win the necessary playing space. As a result, riding becomes more dynamic, since each movement has a higher efficiency.

- more aggressive maneuvering. The precise grip of the blade on the ice makes it possible to be bolder when maneuvering. I noted that it became possible to lay sharper turns and snails. At the same time, there are practically no breakdowns and falls, even when an opponent hangs on you and you are trying to cut a trajectory to the goal on a turn.

All riding consists of acceleration, braking, maneuvering and in every discipline, the Ramonedge blades performed at their best, clearly showing me the advantages over the solutions that I used before. Having changed skates at the end of the test, I immediately felt the difference and it was not in favor of standard solutions.

Another feature of Ramonedge blades is the alloy from which they are made. In this matter, each manufacturer is trying to find the best material in order to give their products the best slip performance and extend the sharpening resource. In this case, Ramonedge is no different from other brands and speaks of a special alloy that will allow you to resort to sharpening less often. The steel is very hard, which really allows you to increase the interval between maintenance of the skates. IN group in Vkontakte wrote some incredible operating scenarios, but my experience has shown that it is worth counting on a maximum twofold increase in the sharpening resource. In this matter, a lot will depend on the properties of the ice on which you ride, and how actively the blades will receive additional damage.

Speaking of damage, it is worth noting that the harder steel is not as susceptible to deformation. The rubber that leads to the ground at the stadium is rarely clean (we have all the visitors walking on it) and there is always sand on it, which leaves damage to the edge of the blades with inveterate consistency. Ramonedge behaves much better in this regard: by the time it is time to bring the skates to sharpening, the edges are almost smooth and without significant scratches. It is possible to damage Ramonedge steel, but this requires a more serious impact. This can be a blow with another blade, which can even leave a deep chip, which then has to be grinded.

Not a single review of mine is complete without criticism of the item of equipment in question, and the Ramonedge blades are no exception. Despite the chic performance properties, this product, like others, has drawbacks, which we will definitely talk about.

- price. Ramonedge blades are high-end products in the upper price range and the high price in this case is to be expected. The cost on the official website is 9000 rubles. for a pair, which is much more compared to the top standard "pieces of iron". But, in fairness, it is worth noting that this cost includes profiling and sharpening, which in Finland cost 10 Euro each (almost 1,300 rubles in total). For comparison, Tuuk Edge LS4 glass blades cost 5200 rubles, and lightweight LS Fusion 6300 rubles. for a couple. CCM are even more affordable: SB Black and Hyper-Glide cost around 4000k a pair. Acquisition of Ramonedge is not a cheap pleasure and not everyone agrees to part with such an impressive amount. The official distributor makes a significant discount for the first 100 customers in the amount of 20% and a pair of professional Finnish blades can be taken for 7200 rubles (the current price can be found on the website). During the dialogue with Ramonedge Russia, it became clear that they are committed to doing serious work to make their products more accessible. But very much in this matter will depend on the stability of the Euro.

- service. Be aware that Ramonedge blades require special maintenance. This is not about the difficulty of sharpening steel, but about maintaining a unique blade profile, which is very important part product. The ideal option there will be sharpening on the “machine”, which can simply repeat the profile of the blade. In this case, if you are now sharpening skates on a manual machine, you will have to choose the appropriate gutter number (as I wrote above). A digestible option would be to have a good professional with a full hand who can do more or less uniform blade routing on a manual machine. If none of these options are available, then it is possible to send the blades to another city to trusted craftsmen who know their business, but this is an additional financial burden that not everyone will take. It is important not to forget to inform the master that the Ramonedge blade has an increased thickness (3 mm)! I advise you to remove the burr with one wire of a slingshot with very light pressure or a touchstone located at an angle to the edge of the blade in order to act directly on its edge, which will save the coating. However, the situation will only get better every day: 4 branded Ramonedge service centers have already been opened. Official service centers have everything necessary equipment, and their employees undergo mandatory training in Finland, which is the key to a professional approach to the work being done. At the points indicated on the site, you can purchase and service the blades: repair, sharpen, as well as update or change the original Ramonedge profile.

- resource. For many, it may come as an unpleasant surprise that the full height of the Ramonedge blade will not work. Application of elements on the side surface is made by milling. The line in this case serves as a kind of marker for the optimal operation of the blade. The end of the blade's life can be considered the level of logo and inscription on the side surface, since at this level the edge will no longer be smooth.

It's hard to say how long the blades last in this use case, but sharpening doesn't remove as much steel (add less frequent need for sharpening). From more experienced users of these blades, I have not heard complaints about a small resource: some matured earlier to change the model of skates than to grind Ramonedge. But the very fact of the limited use of the height of the blade is present: for those who like to use the "pieces of iron" until, at the slightest turn, you start touching the ice with a glass and fall, it definitely won't do. For some, this will be an important selection criterion, but it should be understood that these blades are designed for professionals who play on the very high level, for which any nuances are important (it is the optimal operation of the blade that is important) and the issue of financial costs does not always matter here. Unfortunately, this scenario is amateur hockey not always acceptable. On the other hand, hockey is an expensive sport where the cost of any piece of equipment is very high. At the same time, the blades have a fairly long service life (compare with a top stick, which can break at any time). The acquisition of Ramonedge is a real opportunity for fans to touch professional hockey and try something new for themselves. I am almost sure that it will not get worse and you will be able to benefit from changing the standard pieces of iron, which will remain in your hands and will not go anywhere.

Output: Summing up, I would like to note that the Ramonedge blades left me with extremely positive impressions. The opportunity to test these "pieces of iron" clearly demonstrated to me that even from such a familiar element as a blade, you can get more than I initially thought. In this case, not even the material from which the “runners” are made, but the exclusive profile that was developed by the manufacturer, makes a greater contribution. This move made it possible to clearly distinguish their product on the market. The value of your own profile is difficult to overestimate, since you have the opportunity to purchase not just a "piece of iron" High Quality, namely a thoughtful and finished product, ready for use. As a result, you get positive (I hope that they will be the same for you) emotions not only from using a quality product, but also from completely new sensations when riding. Many familiar things can open up in a new way and allow you to provoke a qualitative breakthrough in skating, which will allow you to progress as a player.

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Friends, there is a specialized workshop in the POINT OF OPENING store that provides a number of services for the repair, stretching, and sharpening of both figure and hockey skates. In addition, we will easily put your hockey equipment, trunks and gloves in order. All work is carried out by our qualified specialists on professional equipment of such brands as: BLADEMASTER, K-TECH and GRAF.

As you know, for high-quality and confident skiing, it is necessary to regularly sharpen the blades. Our experts approach this issue with particular care.

Sharpening is carried out straight and under the groove, with the restoration of the groove, which is leveled in the process of frequent skating. In addition, skate repairs are carried out in our workshops.

Every professional player carefully approaches the choice of hockey equipment. But in the process of game collisions, the equipment wears out quickly and becomes unusable.

Our specialists can easily help you put all sports equipment in order, repair hockey protection and trunks, as well as restore hockey gloves that have become unusable.

In order for your new skates to acquire an anatomical shape, a thermoforming procedure is carried out in our workshop. Thanks to her, the appearance of corns, bumps and other troubles is minimized, the boot sits on the leg like a glove.

Please note that the thermoforming procedure is free of charge for skates purchased at the POINT OF OPENING store.

We always meet the needs of our customers, therefore, if necessary, the services provided by our workshop can be performed urgently.

Please note that all work carried out by our experts complies with state standards of the Russian Federation.

Ice skating is a popular sport in which the skill of the master and the availability of appropriate equipment are important. The health of sports equipment will help to avoid injuries and injuries in the event of a fall. Before each exit on the ice, you need to carefully inspect the equipment. Do-it-yourself skate repair is a prerequisite in the event of a breakdown or malfunction.

A common type of breakdown is a loose fastener. You can fix it in . This will require the following tools and materials:

  • rivets;
  • manual riveter;
  • file;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver.

Replacing fasteners involves the following steps:

  1. Clean the blade, remove the insoles and laces. It is important to remove all auxiliary elements so as not to interfere with the work process.
  2. Turn sports equipment blade up. Pry off the head of the rivet with a screwdriver and press. If it sits tight, it will last for some time. Damaged fasteners must be replaced.
  3. Pick up the loose rivet with wire cutters and pull it out of the “nest”. Thus, all dangling heads should be removed. Often they lead to dislocation on ice.
  4. Insert the countersunk head fastener into the special gun. Bring the tool to the place where the old rivet was and squeeze the handles. Repeat the action until the fastener is in place.
  5. Move the blade in both directions to see if the mount is secure. Test the inventory after the repair is completed. If the blade is dull, file it with a file.

Protective gloves should be worn before work so as not to cut your hands on the sharp elements of the skates.

The procedure answers in detail the request for how to repair at home. If you are not sure that the work will be done properly, you should contact the professionals. Masters will provide full support: they will change the blade, fasteners and other details if necessary.

How to replace a blade on hockey skates

If the heart roller skates- bearings, then hockey ones have blades. They are fixed in a special glass - a plastic holder, which is attached to the sole with rivets or screws. The blades are removable and non-removable and must be replaced in case of serious damage, wear, and geometry violations.

The most common option is when the rack is screwed on the side with two screws. In this case, the replacement does not require special equipment and skills, and you can not even remove the skate. The only drawback of the scheme is the risk of arbitrary twisting and loss of the screw during ice skating.

It will be more difficult to change the blade for owners of amateur skates. In their case, you will have to remove the rack. If it is not possible to do it yourself (due to lack of time, knowledge, etc.), then it is better to contact the workshop on the territory hockey school or ice palace. The higher the cost, the more expensive the repair.

How can you glue a cracked skate boot?

If the sole is cracked, then you can solve the problem with epoxy glue, provided that the damage is not at the attachment point, otherwise you will have to throw it away. Spins on ice will nullify all efforts.

You can still try to glue a crack on the side or on the toe yourself, although the stability of the deformed boot will be in question. Repair sports shoes at home is advisable only in the presence of minor defects.

Expensive shoes with leather soles are sealed with a special glue designed for leather shoes. If the damaged area is degreased, the hole is filled with a mixture of leather scraps and pressed in, it will be possible to restore the integrity of the sole.

Attention! If the sole is cracked, you should think about buying a new thing. After repair, even with the help of the highest quality and most expensive glue, any shoes, be it shoes or boots, will quickly fail.

It makes no sense to seal the sole, which is cracked across. When repairing, it is necessary to completely replace it. The best solution would be to contact the shoemaker.

Repair of hockey skates

Skates are a complex and durable piece of hockey equipment. After each ice skating, they should be dried and stored in cases. Anyone can handle these tasks and change laces. Other problems, such as repairing the back of hockey skates or replacing the stand, are best left to a specialist.

Repair of hockey equipment

If you start from the head, or rather from the helmet, then buttons on the belt, adjusting screws, and the appearance sometimes loses its former aesthetics. Rusty or oxidized bolts are easily replaced with new ones. Fortunately, a repair kit can always be bought at a hockey store. With straps, the situation is similar. For repairs, you can again buy a repair kit, or give it to the master for metal repair.

The plastic cups of the shoulder pads and elbow pads rarely need repair. Basically, rubber straps are repaired, which stretch over time, or Velcro. To solve these problems, it is enough to find new spare parts, take threads, a needle and replace the parts with your own hands, or contact a clothing repair shop.

Hockey pads in case of violation of integrity must be replaced. They can be repaired by repairing a crack or by patching, but all these measures are short-lived.

Repair of hockey gloves

Most weakness gloves - palms. To put patches or replace them completely, you should contact the "shoe repair". Although there are craftsmen who offer to postpone the trip to the shoe shop and extend the life of the gloves by sewing up and soaking the new hole a little with superglue.


Any product, including hockey equipment, requires proper attention and care. No less important is the timely repair, do not wait for the sole to completely burst. As experts say: repairing skates is easier when there is something to repair.