Breathing exercises. Types of medical physical procedures. Exercise "Let's drop the load"

Therapeutic exercise and breathing exercises in various lung diseases, they are aimed at restoring bronchial conduction, improving the discharge of thick sputum. Exercise contributes to a better blood supply to the lungs and other organs, and has a general strengthening effect on the body as a whole.


Any physical activity, no matter how gentle they are, cannot be performed with severe respiratory failure, intoxication, hemoptysis, fever, purulent processes in the lungs and bronchi.

Physical education in diseases of the lungs and bronchi should begin with the simplest and easiest exercises to perform. This is especially important when

Gradually, under the supervision of a physiotherapy doctor, they move on to more complex exercises.

The main thing in physical therapy is the regularity of the events. The body must gradually get used to normal work, rebuild after the disease to a new level. Everything should be as comfortable as possible for the present condition of the patient.

A set of exercises

The complex begins with exercises in the prone and sitting position. While training different kinds respiration - upper diaphragmatic and lower. The patient, lying or sitting, raises his arms up and down, swings his arms, rotational movements shoulder girdle. During charging, you should carefully monitor your breathing. It should be as deep and effective as possible. If during the exercise the patient suffocates, coughs, the volume should be reduced. exercise to an acceptable level or completely stop them for a while.

For more effective workouts additional tools are involved in the exercises. It can be a regular stick, light dumbbells, an elastic band, a rubber ball.

One of the exercises aimed at the rapid discharge of sputum is to place the hands with a stick or tape behind the back. Then tilts forward and backward, from side to side. This exercise the first stage of recovery can be carried out in bed, sitting or lying down. Gradually, all physical activities are performed in a standing position.

The duration of training, their intensity depend on the patient's condition. It is necessary to take into account the level blood pressure, pulse, body temperature, age of the patient, his fitness.

Breathing exercises

Various breathing exercises are practiced to help restore health in case of pulmonary pathologies.

The Buteyko method of volitional elimination of deep breathing (VLHD) helps with bronchopulmonary diseases, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, COPD, allergies, angina pectoris and other heart diseases, migraine, gastrointestinal colic, hypertension.

Buteyko method. Video

The paradoxical breathing exercises of A.N. Strelnikova are known far beyond the borders of our country. Her results are truly amazing. With the help of a few simple dynamic breathing exercises, some of which are performed while compressing the chest while inhaling, it turned out to be possible to stop an asthma attack in bronchial asthma, get rid of chronic bronchitis and sinusitis, overcome stuttering, restore the lost voice.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova. Video

Let us dwell in more detail on the centuries-old respiratory gymnastics according to the yoga system.

Breathing technique in yoga

After removal of pulmonary edema and during the recovery period for other pulmonary pathologies, gymnastics is shown according to the yoga system.

Breath control techniques in yoga known as "pranayama" means "prolonging life force". They guide the practitioner to the right way help you breathe in and out correctly. They can improve lung capacity, help reduce stress and improve your mind, and help you develop breathing control techniques on your own.

For some people it is quite difficult to practice yoga in terms of fulfilling the tasks in this practice, while for others the knowledge of all the "basics" of yoga and meditation is easy. Initially, a person doing yoga breathing exercises may feel uneven in this process, but over time and with acquired skills, yogic breathing will become smooth and easy.

Technique for beginners

It is designed to help practitioners learn to be aware and in control of their breathing, relax during abdominal breathing, relieve stress, and breathe fully. This technique is also referred to as diaphragmatic breathing, as a method that allows you to move from small chest breathing to deep breathing with a full chest. To be able to practice this method, you must:

  • Sit on the floor with your legs crossed and place your palms on your stomach
  • Keeping your back straight, inhale slowly through your nose and use your diaphragm while pushing your arm forward, filling your lungs deeply with air.
  • After exhaling air through the nose, contract the abdominal muscles to push the air out of the lungs.
  • Intermediate stage of breathing technique

The three phases of breathing, slightly more complex than simple abdominal breathing, stimulate the person to breathe in a full manner to fill the lungs with air from the bottom up. While breathing through the nose is one continuous breath, the lungs will fill in three stages:

During the first phase (similar to abdominal breathing) the person inhales and fills lower part lungs using the diaphragm.

He continues to inhale air in the second phase to expand and open his chest.

In the third stage, air enters the upper chest and lower throat.

You need to put your hands on your stomach, and then on your ribs, and finally on upper part chest while performing the three-stage breathing to ensure that the technique is performed correctly.

progressive technology

To date, training is also available for the so-called " fiery breath, a technique that can strengthen the diaphragm, expand lung capacity, and help clear the respiratory system. To practice this technique, sometimes referred to as "bellows breathing" or "cleansing breathing", it is recommended to be on a high floor with your legs crossed and your palms resting on your knees. After that, you need to quickly breathe through your nose, this process will resemble a snort. When performing this technique, the emphasis should be placed on both inhalation and exhalation. As the number of breaths increases, a steady pace and rhythm must be developed. At correct execution, the stomach will pulsate in the same rhythm with breathing.

Breath of Ujjayi

Ujjayi is a set of breathing exercises that translates as "victorious", it calms the mind, raises body temperature and promotes mental clarity. This complex can help develop concentration and allows you to control your breathing as you move from one yoga posture to the next.

Breath of Ujjayi. Video

To practice ujjayi breathing, you need to start from a comfortable position on the floor or a sturdy chair. Inhalation through the nose must be done by slightly squeezing the back of the throat and directing the air along its back wall. Exhalation through the mouth should be done with the sound signal "ha" and repeat it several times.

Today, most people believe that yoga is the experience of pure ecstasy through the union of mind, soul and body. But many yoga practitioners and teachers will agree that in addition to providing relaxation and peace, yoga practice develops the limitless abilities of a person, helping him to control his mind and be in harmony with his inner essence.

Breathing exercises are effective method natural healing. In breathing exercises, the main thing is to breathe correctly. Bodily movements enhance the effect of breathing and are additional factors of healing.

What are the therapeutic breathing exercises? What is their effectiveness based on? And what kind of gymnastics strengthens the lungs, voice and human immunity better than others?

The effect of breathing exercises

Breathing exercises have the following effect:

  • normalize ventilation of the lungs;
  • normalize breathing through the nose;
  • establish gas exchange between the alveoli and blood;
  • adjust the work of the heart;
  • purify blood and lymph from microbial flora;
  • stop frequent colds and lung diseases (runny nose, sinusitis, bronchitis).

Types of breathing exercises

The history of breathing exercises goes back thousands of years. Breathing exercises for the treatment of bronchitis and pulmonary inflammation were used in Chinese medicine, Indian yoga, Slavic systems of healing. At the same time, the methods of different peoples assigned the main therapeutic role to breathing.

Modern yoga recommends a certain type of inhalation and exhalation for each exercise. Official medicine uses balloon inflation to prevent bedsores. The Beloyar system assigns the main role to breathing in the correction of the psyche, behavior and habits.


In the "practices" (exercises) of the yoga system, breathing plays a decisive role. The most famous for a wide range of people are the following methods of breathing from yoga:

  • Complete- air fills successively the upper, middle and then lower parts of the lungs (prevention of infectious bronchitis).
  • Cleansing- inhalation is accompanied by several strong exhalations through a half-closed mouth, until the diaphragm is fully raised.
  • Pranayama- inhale through the left nostril and exhale through the right (calms the psyche).

Buteyko technique

This physiotherapy uses shallow breathing, air retention, slowing the respiratory rate up to 6-8 times per minute. The main motto of Dr. Buteyko's breathing exercises is “breathe less”. The Buteyko theory is based on the fact that a deep breath forms low level carbon dioxide in the blood, which causes spasms in the bronchi and heart, asthmatic bronchitis and heart attacks.


A number of psychotherapies use the breath as a tool to relieve spasms and constrictions. These techniques include rebirthing, holotropic breathing. Holotropic therapy uses strong deep breaths to start cleansing processes in the human body and psyche.

Gymnastics Strelnikova

Gymnastics Strelnikova has existed for more than 50 years. The exercises were developed by a vocal teacher. She used them to strengthen and develop her vocal cords. An unexpected effect of Strelnikova's breathing exercises was the ability of gymnastics to treat heart attacks and colds.

For you: Massage and special gymnastics to normalize intracranial pressure

Today, Strelnikova's gymnastics helps people cope with a number of ailments:

  • Chronic diseases of the nasopharynx (rhinitis, sinusitis).
  • Chronic lung diseases (bronchitis, obstructive bronchitis, asthma, pneumonia).
  • Neurological diseases (stuttering, stress, enuresis, headaches).
  • Heart diseases.
  • Deformities of the bone-ligamentous apparatus (curvature, scoliosis, kyphosis).
  • Low immunity.
  • Diseases of the vocal apparatus.

Strelnikova's breathing exercises are based on sharp breaths ("sniffs"). When “sniffing”, the breath should be so sharp that the nostrils “stick together” for a second and close the nasal passage. When inhaling, the lechi should not rise, they must be consciously lowered down.

Basic exercises respiratory technique Strelnikova are the following:

  • Palms - sharp breaths with simultaneous clenching of fists.
  • Shoulder straps - sharp breaths with the lowering of the arms along the body.
  • Pump - sharp breaths with forward bends.

Strelnikova's exercises are performed in series (20 sets of 8 breaths). In Strelnikova's respiratory physical education, all parts of the body are actively moving: the torso, arms, legs, neck, shoulders.

What is trained in breathing exercises?

Traditional physiotherapy exercises muscle corset human body. Breathing exercises also train the muscles - those associated with breathing:

  • Diaphragm (respiratory muscle).
  • The muscles of the bronchi (due to its training, secretory activity increases - sputum is released, coughing increases with bronchitis or inflammation).

It also trains the ability of tissues to absorb oxygen.

Full and shallow breathing

There are four main types of breathing:

A newborn baby breathes with a full breath. As we age, many people develop shallow breathing. In a civilized society where there are many ethical rules, shallow breathing becomes the norm due to restraining oneself within the bounds of decency. With shallow breathing, a person often catches a cold, suffers from bronchitis and inflammation.

This is the system special exercises that stimulate the activity of the respiratory system. Various options This technique is used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, the fight against excess weight, as well as at the stage of rehabilitation as part of exercise therapy (therapeutic exercises). The system is very easy to learn, a clear confirmation of this is children's breathing exercises, which are often included in the program. physical education preschool educational institutions.

How does breathing exercises work?

In the process of respiration, a large part of the body is directly or indirectly involved. A prolonged lack of oxygen, if it does not kill a person, leads to severe pathological processes, the signs of which are clearly visible - general well-being worsens, working capacity, memory, cognitive abilities decrease, dizziness or migraine attacks periodically occur, exacerbate chronic diseases, colds become more frequent, etc. The situation is complicated by the fact that the true cause of the listed consequences is not always obvious.

Breathing exercises are exercises - a certain sequence of inhalations and exhalations of a certain amplitude and frequency, which forcibly stimulate the activity of the respiratory organs. As a result, oxygen supply to the body increases and metabolic processes are stimulated. Long-term breathing exercises allow you to:

  • stabilize the work of the autonomic system, which allows using the method for the treatment of neuroses, psychological disorders, vegetovascular dystonia;
  • stimulate the body to consume accumulated resources. Breathing exercises for weight loss are recommended by many doctors in combination with diet and sports;
  • develop the organs of the respiratory system, affected or weakened by pathological processes. The technique has proven itself in the treatment and prevention of bronchitis, asthma, colds. The system is also useful in the preparation of athletes, singers and announcers;
  • improve overall well-being. Even if the person is perfectly healthy, breathing exercises can be used along with relaxation techniques.
  • breathing exercises Strelnikova A. N. is best known on the territory of the former Soviet Union. The system was based on exercises that Strelnikova herself performed throughout her life. Respiratory gymnastics forms a special technique of inhalation - air is quickly taken in through the nose, while there is an external physical effect on the chest. The author of the method, a well-known opera singer, initially used the system to eliminate voice problems, but then found a positive effect in the treatment and prevention of respiratory diseases. Strelnikova's gymnastics has been tested in leading medical and research centers;
  • breathing exercises Buteyko KP or the method of volitional elimination of deep breathing was developed in the 1950s-1960s and is used in the treatment of bronchial asthma. Studies have shown that patients suffering from certain diseases have increased ventilation of the lungs. Forced reduction of the volume of inhaled air allows you to stabilize metabolism, reduce the need for drugs and improve general state organism. The Buteyko method was studied by a number of foreign scientists and deserved their recommendations;
  • breathing exercises Korpan M.I. is used for weight loss. Deep breathing on an empty stomach stimulates metabolic processes in the body, due to which in as soon as possible the amount of subcutaneous adipose tissue decreases.

Breathing exercises in kindergarten

Respiratory diseases are especially prevalent in early age. The immune system of the child is still too weak and sometimes cannot effectively resist the infection. Breathing exercises for children will help to cope with this problem.

Group lessons in kindergarten conducted by experienced teachers and trainers, which allows you to realize the full potential of the method. Wellness sessions have the following features:

  • it is difficult for children to understand the full benefits of breathing exercises, so classes may not be interesting to them. The proper level of motivation will help to create game elements;
  • exercises should evoke associations in children with objects that are familiar to them, for example, the teacher may ask you to copy the movement of a steam locomotive. In the course of classes, a card file of respiratory gymnastics is often used. It is a set of large cards, on which the corresponding exercises are depicted in the form of bright pictures;
  • the same program of classes will quickly get bored with children, so you need to periodically change the form of wellness sessions. Alternatively, you can act out a small performance in the form of a sequence of several exercises.

Breathing exercises

The general strengthening complex of respiratory gymnastics most often includes the following exercises:

  • full exhalation through the mouth. The purpose of this exercise is to completely free the lungs from air. The lips are pulled forward with a tube. Then they begin to exhale slowly through the mouth;
  • sharp breath through the nose. The correctness of this exercise can be determined by the noise emitted - the breath should be as loud as possible;
  • sharp exhalation through the mouth. On exhalation, the stomach is drawn in and thereby additionally stimulates the contraction of the diaphragm;
  • breath holding. Before starting the exercise, you do not need to completely fill the lungs with air. Stop breathing, slightly tilt your head forward. They begin a slow count in the mind and at the same time gradually draw in the stomach. At the first stage, they try to reach the fourth measure, later - to the eighth;
  • inhale through the nose. The exercise is performed immediately after holding the breath. No need to try to catch your breath, the air should freely enter the lungs.

Bronchial asthma - many people consider this diagnosis a sentence and put an end to their active, joyful life. But is it really so gloomy? Is this disease really as terrible in the age of innovation and rapid development of medicine as before? Is hormone therapy really an obligatory and main component in the treatment at all stages of the disease? After all, there are others - non-drug methods of treating asthma, such as physiotherapy exercises (LFK) and breathing exercises.

Therapeutic exercise for bronchial asthma: is it necessary?

The inclusion of exercise therapy in the treatment regimen for all lung diseases is mandatory. Exercise therapy contributes to a milder course of the disease, reducing episodes of exacerbations and seizures. In addition, the technique does not require the use of special equipment. As a rule, exercises are prescribed to all patients who do not have contraindications during the period of remission of the disease.

The list of contraindications is small:

  • concomitant cardiopulmonary insufficiency (heart rate above 120, respiratory rate over 25 per minute);
  • acute infectious and viral diseases with a body temperature of 38 ° C or more.

Systematic classes contribute to:

  • restoration of the physiological frequency and depth of breathing;
  • normalization of the gas composition of the blood - an increase in the concentration of oxygen in the tissues, improving their nutrition;
  • improvement of the ventilation capacity of the lungs;
  • development of adaptive abilities of the body;
  • reduction of allergic reactions and a tendency to spasms of the bronchi.

All of the above results in a decrease in the severity of the disease, a decrease in respiratory failure, a reduction in the number of exacerbations and an improvement in the patient's quality of life.

Methodology for performing physical exercises

When doing physiotherapy exercises, it is imperative to observe the principle of gradualness. Abrupt performance of a large complex of active physical exercises can provoke an attack of suffocation. You should go from smallest to largest.

For five days, the patient performs the initial - preparatory set of exercises, thereby gradually allowing him to adapt and adapt to physical activity to your body. Then you can proceed to the implementation of the main complex, more intense, which the patient uses throughout his life.

Introductory preparatory stage:

  1. Sit on a chair with your back straight, inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Complete 4-8 sets.
  2. Sit on a chair, slowly inhale. Lifting right hand, pause your breath for 1-2 seconds, exhale, lowering your hand. Do the exercise with your left hand. Only 4-8 approaches.
  3. Sit on the edge of a chair with your hands on your knees. Flex and extend the joints of the hands and feet. Complete 9-12 sets.
  4. Sit on a chair, leaning against the back. Inhale as much as possible - exhale, then hold your breath for 1-2 seconds - exhale. Complete 4-8 sets.
  5. Press your palms on your chest, cough, do 5-6 sets.
  6. Sit on a chair, rest your fingers on your knees. Inhale through your nose - exhale through your mouth. Complete 4-8 sets.
  7. Stand up, hands down "at the seams", inhale - raise shoulder girdle, on the exhale - lower, 4-8 sets.
  8. Sit comfortably in a chair, relax.

Main complex:

  1. Stand up straight. Lean forward, arms relaxed. Inhale deeply through your nose, exhale through your mouth. Do 3-6 repetitions.
  2. Stand up straight, press your hands to your body. Inhale through your nose, placing your hands under your armpits. As you exhale, raise your outstretched arms up. Relax, put your hands down. Do 4-6 reps.
  3. The starting position is the same. Diaphragmatic breathing: inhale, inflating the stomach and sticking out the muscles, exhale - deflate the stomach and pull the muscles in. Run 1 minute.
  4. Stand up straight, press your hands to your body. Inhale deeply, as you exhale, bend your right leg and pull your knee towards chest. Do the exercise for the left leg. Just 4-6 times.
  5. Sit on a chair, press your back against the back, arms along the body. Inhale, exhale, lean to the side, sliding your hand over your torso. Run to the other side. Just 4-6 times.

Breathing exercises for health

Breathing exercises are one of the oldest, but effective methods in the treatment of bronchial asthma and the prevention of the development of its complications. Thanks to full breathing, not only the lungs and bronchi are strengthened, but the whole body. Tissues and cells are saturated with oxygen, which normalizes their work and accelerates regeneration. In the lungs, with well-chosen breathing exercises, positive changes occur: the bronchi and bronchioles are cleared of accumulated mucus, bacteria and viruses in it. Improving muscle tone bronchial walls, their blood supply is normalized.

To get results from breathing exercises, you need regular exercise. Exercise outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.

Breathing exercises have a number of contraindications:

  • period of exacerbation of the disease;
  • the presence of acute infectious and inflammatory diseases;
  • exacerbation of diseases of other organs and systems;
  • bad weather conditions.

The main types of exercises:

  1. Exercise "Good morning". This exercise is performed in the morning without getting out of bed. Pull your knees close to your chest while exhaling slowly through your mouth. Straighten your legs, relax. Do 4-6 reps.
  2. Balloon exercise. Stand up straight, inhale through your nose, strongly sticking out your stomach. Exhale sharply, pulling in your stomach. Do 6-8 reps.
  3. Exercise "Hugs". Stand on your toes, stretch your arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, tilt forward. Exhale deeply, at the same time sharply cross your arms on your chest, as if hugging yourself, hitting your shoulder blades with your hands, spread your arms again and repeat the exercise, continuing to exhale. Inhale and return to the starting position.
  4. Tube exercise. Put a jar of water in front of you, take a straw, for example, from baby juice. Take a very deep breath through the tube, and then gradually exhale into the water. The exercise is performed 8-10 times a day for 5 minutes.
  5. Balloon exercise. The bottom line is this: you need to inflate the balloon until it bursts. It is important not to overdo it: if you feel a slight dizziness, you must stop the exercise, sit down and breathe calmly - inhale through your nose, exhale through your mouth.

It is also useful to use exercises with exhaling various vowels and consonants. At the initial stage, these are vowels (u, o, y), and at the training stage - consonants (z, w, w). Inhale deeply through your nose, exhale slowly, making a certain sound at this moment. Exhalation can last from 5 to 30 seconds.

Check out the basic exercises:

  1. Stand straight, bend your arms at the elbow joints, inhale smoothly through your nose, spreading your elbows to the sides. Exhale and bring your elbows together. Pulling in the stomach, pronounce the sound "sh";
  2. Stand up straight, inhale raise your shoulders, exhale - lower. Pronounce the sound "kha" at the same time;
  3. Stand up straight, squeeze your chest with your palms, inhale through your nose. As you exhale, pronounce the following combinations of consonants: “pf”, “br”, “brrh”, “drrh”. Start with an exhalation of 5 seconds, gradually increasing to 30.

General breathing exercises - video

Yoga breathing exercises

in the east correct breathing has played an important role since ancient times. Yogis call it "complete". Full breath- this is such breathing when all parts of the lung and adjacent muscles are involved in the act of inhalation and exhalation. It is on this breath that all yoga classes are based. To master it, do the following exercise: sit with your legs crossed under you - “in Turkish”. Inhale slowly through the nose, spreading straight arms to the sides. Try to feel the movement of air inside: first, the stomach is filled with it, then the chest, and finally, the air goes to the collarbones - to the most distant parts of the lungs. Hold your breath for 2-4 seconds, exhale slowly, bringing your hands to the starting position. Perform 3-5 repetitions.

A series of training exercises:

  1. Stand up straight, inhale slowly through your nose. Exhale in small bursts. It is important that the exhalation be forced, you need to use the auxiliary respiratory muscles - the diaphragm and the press. Perform 3 times 5 sets per day.
  2. Stand up straight, inhale deeply through your nose, raising your hands above your head. As you exhale, bend forward. Relax and return your hands to the starting position, uttering the sound “ha” at this moment. Perform 3-5 repetitions.
  3. sound vibration. Inhale through your nose, exhaling a long "ee-ee-ee". Do 3-5 sets.

Yogis believe that these exercises purify internal organs give a feeling of lightness. Sound vibration is performed once a day. Regular practice is the key to success!

Basics of yoga therapy - video

Strelnikova's method

This technique has been successfully used in the treatment of ailments of the respiratory system for decades. The well-known surgeon-otorhinolaryngologist, doctor of medical sciences, professor Valentina Aleksandrovna Zagoryanskaya-Feldman wrote:

For more than thirty years I have been observing the magnificent therapeutic effect of Strelnikov's breathing exercises in singers and actors with various diseases voice device. It is useful for everyone and at any age, especially for children, with frequent colds and acute respiratory infections. By improving the overall metabolic processes, this breathing exercise strengthens the entire body of the child, making him healthy.

Respiratory gymnastics according to Strelnikova is built on the development of deep breathing - “breathing in the back”. All exercises consist in a combination of a sharp, forced inhalation through the nose, combined with a certain movement, and a passive exhalation.

It is preferable to start exercising with a doctor physiotherapy exercises or a pulmonologist, but you can try it yourself, with the help of detailed instructions and video tutorials.

The main set of exercises

  1. Exercise "Palms". Stand straight, bend your elbows and lift - parallel to the chest. Fists are unclenched, palms are located away from you. Take four quick, forced, loud breaths through your nose, clenching your palms into fists with each. Relax and lower your arms, rest for 3-4 seconds. Do 6 sets. At first, you may feel a little dizzy - this is normal and will pass fairly quickly. If discomfort persists, do the exercise while sitting.
  2. Exercise "Pushers". The initial position is standing, feet shoulder-width apart, fingers clenched into fists, located on the lower back. Take a quick, forced breath through your nose, straighten your arms, unclenching and spreading your fingers, as if throwing something down. As you exhale, return to the starting position. Perform 8 times, 12 repetitions.
  3. Exercise "Hug your shoulders." It is performed standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands folded one on top of the other, as if sitting at a desk, located at shoulder level. Inhale sharply through your nose, placing your hands on the area shoulder joints Tilt your head back a little. Hold your breath for 3-4 seconds, then exhale passively through your mouth.
  4. Exercise "Inhale-Exhale". This exercise is most effective for preventing seizures. Stand straight, leaning forward slightly, press your chin to your chest. Take a short, sharp breath through the nose, straighten slightly, but not completely - exhale. Do as many inhale-exhale sets as your condition allows. Between sets, pause for 3-5 seconds.
  5. Exercise "Steps" Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart. bend left leg in the knee joint, lifting it up to the level of the abdomen, pull the socks to the floor. At the same time, squat slightly on your right leg. Take a forced breath through your nose. Exhale - return your legs to the starting position. Do the exercise with your right leg.
    Remember to squat slightly on one leg so that the other leg easily rises to the level of the stomach. Do 8 sets. If necessary, you can take a break between sets of 8-10 seconds. If there is a leg injury, thrombophlebitis of the vessels of the lower extremities, the exercise is performed while sitting, after consulting a vascular surgeon.

Respiratory gymnastics Strelnikova - video

Buteyko system

This method was invented in 1952 by physiologist Konstantin Buteyko and has been successfully used to this day. The author believes that diseases such as bronchial asthma, various allergies, hypertension, ischemic disease- occur due to hyperventilation of the body. With a deep breath, the concentration of oxygen does not increase, but the concentration of carbon dioxide decreases. The lack of CO 2 leads to spasm of the smooth muscles of the bronchi, blood vessels, intestines, bile ducts. Due to spasm, less blood flows to the organs and tissues, respectively, there is also less oxygen. A vicious circle starts - chronic oxygen starvation develops.

The essence of the technique is to increase the time between breaths - to reduce the number of breaths per minute. In the pauses between breaths, the body rests, and the missing carbon dioxide accumulates. To achieve results, the patient will have to overcome many difficulties. At first, it may be a slight discomfort, a feeling of lack of air, a decrease in appetite. At more advanced stages, there may be a complete aversion to exercise, a sharp weight loss, vomiting, joint pain, nosebleeds. All this only means that you are on the right track.

The purpose of the lesson: to learn the right shallow breathing. You should spend no more than three seconds on inhalation, no more than four seconds on exhalation. The pause between them is 3-5 seconds.

Basic exercises:

  1. Shallow breathing with the “tops” of the lungs: inhale, exhale, pause for five seconds, 10 sets.
  2. Breathing with the diaphragm and chest: inhale and exhale for 7.5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds, 10 sets
  3. Massage with fingertips of the reflexogenic points of the nose at the height of holding the breath. 1 approach.
  4. Breath right, then left nostril. 10 approaches.
  5. Inhale and exhale for 7.5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds, while inhaling - draw in the stomach, while exhaling - push forward. 10 approaches.
  6. Deep ventilation of the lungs - 12 extremely deep breaths in 60 seconds (5 seconds each). At the end, you need to do the maximum breath holding on a full exhalation (1 time).
  7. Rare breath (by levels):

      First level. For 60 seconds: inhale, exhale, breaks for 5 seconds (four sets per minute).

      Second level. For 120 seconds: inhale - 5 seconds, pause - 5 seconds, exhale - 5 seconds, break - 5 seconds (three sets per minute).

      Third level. For 180 seconds: inhale - 7.5 seconds, break - 5 seconds, exhale - 7.5 seconds, break - 5 seconds (two sets per minute).

      Fourth level. For 240 seconds: inhale - break - exhale - break - all for 10 seconds (the ultimate goal is one breath per minute).

  8. Double breath hold. The longest period without breathing is on exhalation, then on inspiration. (1 approach).
  9. The greatest period without breathing in a sitting position (4-10 approaches).
  10. The longest period without breathing when walking in place (5-10 approaches).
  11. The longest period without breathing during squats (5–10 approaches).
  12. Shallow breathing (5-10 minutes).

Having done the exercises, you should take a comfortable position, relax, perform chest breathing, each time reducing the amplitude of respiratory movements until breathing becomes imperceptible.

Performing Buteyko exercises - video

Features of classes for children

Experts believe that the early start of classes and the young age of the child give greater chances of success.

Exercise therapy and breathing exercises are allowed from the age of three and have the same contraindications as for older people. Exercises are similar to exercises for adults, only carried out with a child in the form of a game.

It is desirable that the child masters the exercises for the first time together with the doctor of physiotherapy exercises, in the presence of parents. At home, you will know exactly how to perform this or that exercise correctly. The main task is to teach the child to breathe through the nose, to master breath holding, to overcome discomfort during hypoxia on early stages classes.

Important: do not rush! Consistency and a positive attitude are the keys to your success. On average, it takes about one and a half months to master a set of exercises with a baby.

Summing up, let's say that bronchial asthma is not a sentence. It all depends on you - on your desire to be healthy, on your perseverance and, of course, self-confidence. Compliance with all these conditions will certainly help to overcome a formidable disease. Be healthy!

With bronchitis, especially the advanced chronic form, an integrated approach to treatment is needed. One of its most effective components is breathing exercises for bronchitis, which strengthens the lungs, helping to get rid of stagnation of sputum in them.

After an acute form, during periods of remission with chronic bronchitis gymnastics will help to finally recover, to avoid subsequent exacerbations. In addition, breathing exercises are often suitable for other processes in the lungs: asthma, inflammation, and others.

An obvious plus of breathing exercises is the almost complete absence of contraindications. It is suitable for people of any age and degree of disease. The only limitation is the exacerbation of the disease.

How to do gymnastics?

There are many techniques, the appropriate one is selected by a specialist depending on the severity of the disease and the patient's condition. The main thing when doing exercises is to follow the instructions exactly and the desire to really improve your condition. In this case, classes will lead to a result, it will become noticeable really soon.

In addition to the gymnastics itself, you need to learn how to breathe correctly. You should inhale quickly, through your nose, exhale - alternately through your mouth and nose, slowly, deeply.

Important! It is worth remembering that by excluding drug therapy, there will be no proper effect from gymnastics.

Breathing exercises Strelnikova

This technique was developed by Alexandra Strelnikova, a vocal teacher, who believed that all problems with the lungs happen due to improper operation of the diaphragm, lack of ventilation. Specifically, to combat these problems, there is this gymnastics. It is especially good for a chronic condition, during remissions.

For the treatment of bronchitis, the following exercises should be performed twice a day for 2-3 weeks. They are considered essential.

Exercise "Palms"

This exercise is for warm-up. You need to stand up straight, lower your elbows and, as it were, show your palms to a non-existent viewer. In this position, take a sharp breath and clench your fists. It is important to do it with force. Then exhale, relaxing your fingers. You can start with 4 breaths per session, then go up to 96.

Exercise "Pump"

You should take the starting position: the body is slightly inclined, the arms are relaxed, lowered along the body. You need to take a noisy breath, leaning slightly forward, while exhaling, return to the starting position. The exercise is prescribed to be performed without haste, excessive tension. For one approach, 8 breaths are enough.

Exercise "Hug your shoulders"

This exercise is extremely useful for bronchitis. You need to raise your arms bent at the elbows to shoulder height, take a sharp breath, crossing your arms, as if trying to hug your body. On the exhale, spread the limbs. Strongly strain the muscles is not worth it. Take 15 breaths.

Exercise "Eight"

This exercise promotes the release of sputum from the respiratory tract. Slightly leaning forward, you need to do quick breath and hold your breath. To yourself, count up to 8 at a measured pace, you can several times. Then exhale calmly.

Exercise "Let's drop the load"

You should stand up straight, clench your palms into fists, put your hands on your belt. Take a sharp noisy breath, straightening your arms down and opening your fists. It should look like a person is lifting a load off his shoulders. Exhale to return to starting position, relax the body.

This exercise should be done 8 times per set.

After a fully completed program, you need to let the muscles relax. To do this, you need to tilt your neck forward as far as possible, putting your hands on your stomach. If a coughing fit begins, do not suppress it.

The complex created by Strelnikova also includes other exercises, but the above are the most effective for bronchitis. The first few sessions should be under the supervision of a physician. It is better if he specializes in breathing exercises.

Important! If the condition worsens during exercise, stop exercising.

Breathing exercises for bronchitis according to Buteyko

The technique developed by the physiologist Konstantin Buteyko is less suitable for the treatment of bronchitis and causes controversy among doctors, many consider it useless, dangerous, it can help reduce lung volume.

Meaning this method is to control the breath. Buteyko believed that superficial, shallow breathing is much more beneficial for the body. Usually this technique helps with asthmatic diseases.

The principle is simple: you need to take shallow breaths for 2-3 seconds, then fast easy exhalation. Pauses between breaths should be as long as possible. At first, there will be a feeling of lack of air, with the right approach it should pass. The main advantage of this method is the ability to perform the exercise in any conditions, at work or in transport.

Important! The Buteyko method should not be used without a doctor's recommendation because of its controversy.

The basic techniques are absolutely safe, but extremely effective, they are allowed for classes with kids. Respiratory system, the muscles in children are weaker than in adults, their bronchitis gives more complications. For prevention, breathing exercises are suitable.

It is worth being careful with obstructive bronchitis. Gymnastics should be started after the end of the acute stage with a dry, heavy cough, the start of drug treatment.

You need to move from simple to complex, gradually increasing the load and time of classes. In chronic bronchitis, you can do it during remissions, pay special attention to strengthening the muscles during breathing, not only the release of sputum.

It is better for children to engage in specialized exercise therapy groups, where all exercises will be performed under the supervision of a specialist who will correct actions and monitor full performance. If this is not possible, you should convince the child of the need for classes, do not be lazy and avoid them.

For the elderly with bronchitis

Bronchitis in older people is more difficult than in younger people, their lungs are no longer as strong. The processes that take place in bronchitis can lead to lethal outcome. Therefore, for the elderly, breathing exercises are often necessary.

Strelnikova's technique is the most effective in this case, since it can be performed while sitting in bed. This is important for people with other severe chronic diseases and those who need strict bed rest, the body is greatly weakened.

The older the person, the more carefully the exercises should be performed. Between them, pauses should be increased, if painful sensations appear, the load should be reduced.

It is good to combine breathing exercises with other elements of exercise therapy, an integrated approach to strengthening the lungs and the body as a whole is welcome.

Do not forget about medical treatment, it is mandatory in any case. Can be added to the therapy program folk methods in the absence of contraindications. In general, the main thing in the treatment of bronchitis is a combination various techniques. Breathing exercises can be an important component of successful therapy.

Breathing exercises after bronchitis

With any bronchitis, there is always a chance of relapse - the recurrence of the disease. To prevent this, breathing exercises should be done even after the disappearance of all symptoms.

Strengthening the lungs, diaphragm, muscles is always important, this will save you from possible problems, significantly increase the resistance to respiratory diseases. For prevention, it is not necessary to complete the entire course of exercises, it is enough to choose a few basic, especially effective ones, and repeat them once a day, devoting 10-15 minutes to this simple exercise.

Walking in the fresh air is also suitable for prevention.