Kettlebell exercises for shoulders. Kettlebell exercises on the shoulders, chest and arms - the basic course. Breeding dumbbells in an incline

So, you have a kettlebell at home, there is a great desire to sip iron, so that these strength exercises with kettlebells brought maximum benefit. So you have come to the right place, and in this article I will tell you how to pump up your shoulders with a kettlebell, raise your overall muscle tone, increase body endurance and improve appearance body, which should be bumpy with a beautiful relief, isn't that what we all dream of?

So before doing weight lifting, let's first determine what weight we will work with. For beginners, it is better to use not very heavy shells. Exercises with a weight of 16 kg will be just right. What is important is not the amount of iron that we will raise, but the quality of the tasks. For the stronger, you can offer strength exercises with kettlebells weighing 24 kg. Well, kettlebells weighing 32 kg are best used only by kettlebell lifters and this article is not for them.

We will deal with classical system, that is, only those types of exercises that are presented in kettlebell lifting. There are only two of them, kettlebell snatch and jerk. Believe me, only two exercises and everything will appear: strength, endurance, beautiful relief. Kettlebell is a unique projectile, exercise with which affects all muscle groups of a person. In the modern world, it is recommended to use kinesio to achieve good results in sports and effective rehabilitation after injuries.

Warm-up before exercises with a weight of 16 kg.

So, before you do any strength exercises with kettlebellsneed to do a workout. It will help warm up the muscles, prepare the cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems for subsequent loads. Moreover, these are the only the right way avoid injuries in the joints and sprains in the muscles.

It is important to do a warm-up no less responsibly than the exercises themselves with kettlebells. You can see the warm-up video from the famous kettlebell lifter Igor Morozov at the end of this page. He describes in detail the warm-up process, especially suitable for subsequent exercises with kettlebells.

From the general recommendations, it can be said that start warm-up best from running. It can be either jogging on the street, or on the track, an exercise bike, jump rope, or just running in place. For 5-10 minutes at a calm pace, everyone determines the time for himself, the main task is a warm-up, and not fatigue during this exercise.

Next, you need to do stretching muscles and joints, I recommend starting from the head and without missing the key elements of our torso, do any rotational, light movements. Turns of the head, movements of the shoulders, circular turns in the wrists, elbows. Then knead pectoral muscles, lumbar belt, knee joints and feet.

You should feel a pleasant warmth in all muscles, but not fatigue. If all these things are hard to do, try to start doing general developmental shellless complexes and leave the kettlebell aside for now. Be sure to include squats,

It so happened that a masculine figure implies broad shoulders. This looks really good, man. On the one hand, you look stronger. On the other hand, the waist seems narrower, and the narrow waist and broad shoulders are a fit man's silhouette. And in general, being a frail is not the most great pleasure. Therefore, today we will tell you about the best shoulder exercises. First, some general recommendations.

Refusal of exercises for isolated muscle groups

For some reason, all fitness enthusiasts are convinced that exercises for individual muscles do not bring any benefit. Yes, in many ways I share this belief: indeed, the muscles need to be trained all together, it is more effective, but exercises on specific muscles must also be present in competent training. Shoulders generally have three parts: front, side and back, and it is difficult to touch all of them at once. Therefore, when you are working on strength and shoulder size, include in your workouts isolated exercises aimed at specific muscles.

Focus on exercise

This is some kind of bro-science: many fitness pros say that the connection between your mind and muscles is very important. That is, you need to not just do the exercises, but focus on them, feel your shoulders and the tension in them. Feel the muscles tense and relax. It is important.

The most effective exercises

Just below, I made a selection of ten shoulder exercises. I hasten to notice: there are hundreds and hundreds of them in nature, and each of them is effective and worthy of inclusion in training. But these are my personal favorites, which turned out to be very effective and thus pleased me.

1. Bench press for fast muscle growth

Why: The barbell press is considered the most effective shoulder exercise. Compared to other exercises, muscles grow the fastest from it.

How to do: take the barbell (hands shoulder-width apart, under the chin) and lift. Raise directly above your head until your elbows are fully extended. Pause, and then slowly return the bar to starting position. The number of repetitions and sets depends on your preparedness.

2. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Why: It’s the same here as with the bench press: it’s a time-tested and effective exercise, thanks to which the muscles grow, and the bones do not suffer.

How to do: Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench. Straighten your back. Hold dumbbells at shoulder height, palms turned to face. When performing this exercise, the muscles of the back and the press are strengthened - a nice bonus. Raise your arms until your elbows are fully extended, and then pause - and lower again. Slowly, no need to rush. Same story with reps and sets.

3. Exercise from Arnold

Why: The exercise became popular thanks to the same Arnold Schwarzenegger and firmly established itself in the hearts of many fitness lovers. If performed correctly, the tension in the shoulders will be constant, and the range of motion is very favorable for building muscle mass.

How to do: Start as in the last exercise: sit on a bench and take a pair of dumbbells. Now they must be held at shoulder height, palms facing each other. Now straighten your arms, raising them above your head until your elbows are fully extended. Pause, and then lower the dumbbells until your elbows are bent 90 degrees. In this position, turn your arms so that your palms are facing you. And to the starting position!

4. Press Klokov

Why: The exercise is named after our outstanding weightlifter Dmitry Klokov. A very worthwhile item. When done correctly, it is an absolute thrill for the deltoids, long and medial heads of the triceps. Needless to say, it's good for both beauty and health.

How to do: Put the barbell on your back. Grab the bar with a very wide grip and lift the bar directly over your head until your elbows are fully extended. Pause, then return to starting position.

5. Seated Dumbbell Press

Why: Possibly the most underrated shoulder exercise that works both the front and back of the shoulder at the same time. In addition to increasing muscle strength and size, it is also beneficial for the healthy functioning of the musculoskeletal system.

How to do: Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench with your back straight. Hold the dumbbells in your hands, arms down at your sides, palms turned back. Straining your spine, try to shrug your shoulders as high as possible while pulling the dumbbells up. As soon as they reach the highest point, turn your elbows and lift the dumbbells to your shoulders. Pause, then raise the dumbbells over your head until your elbows are fully extended. Pause, starting position. Whole quest, bro!

6. Exercise with inverted kettlebells

Why: Kettlebells are the best, in my opinion, projectile for shoulder exercises. For some reason, everyone thinks that weights are traumatic, but they perfectly develop the deltoid muscles and increase them.

How to do: Grab the kettlebell by the handle and lift it upside down. Hold the kettlebell like this at shoulder level, palm turned to middle line body. Keep your spine straight and lift the kettlebell over your head until your elbow is extended. Pause, starting position.

7. Incline Dumbbell Side Press

Why: This exercise is perhaps the best exercise for the lateral head of the triceps. There aren't many exercises like that, dude.

How to do: Take a dumbbell and lie down on incline bench(angle - approximately 30 degrees). Hold the dumbbell in your outstretched hand so that in the starting position it hangs over upper part hips. Maintain a slight bend in your elbow and raise the dumbbell until your arm is just above your shoulder. Pause, then slowly return to the starting position.

8. Raising dumbbells to the side from a sitting position

Why: A very favorable exercise for the lateral head of the triceps. Its advantage is that the load on the spine is minimal and you can concentrate on the shoulders.

How to do: Grab a pair of dumbbells and sit on a bench with your back straight. Hands down at your sides, palms turned towards the midline of your body. In the hands, of course, dumbbells. With your arms slightly bent at the elbows, lift the dumbbells out to the sides until your arms are parallel to the ground. Pause, then return to starting position.

9. The same exercise from a standing position

Why: The best exercise for proper shoulder function, especially for the posterior deltoids and upper back. I warmly recommend.

How to do: Take a pair of dumbbells, stand up straight, bend your elbows a little. For greater convenience, you can bury your head in something. The spine is straight, the legs are slightly bent at the knees. The chest will be almost parallel to the ground, elbows bent. Keeping the same angle at the elbows, turn your arms outward and lift them up until they end up parallel to the floor. Pause, starting position.

10. Chest Support Dumbbell Raise

Why: When it comes to back deltoid muscle, it is difficult to find a more effective exercise. Here you have tension, stabilization, and the ability to focus specifically on deltas - a great option.

How to do: Grab a pair of dumbbells and lie face down on an incline bench at a 30 degree angle. Bend your elbows to about ninety degrees. Maintaining this angle, raise the dumbbells as high as possible. Pause and slowly return to the starting position.

The squat exercise with a kettlebell at the shoulder is mainly aimed at training the muscles of the legs. But given the shift in the center of gravity and the not very comfortable position of the kettlebell, we can say that such squats develop the whole body, especially the back muscles along the spine and the core muscles.

The shoulder squat is an asymmetrical exercise. Such exercises are very important and valuable for the development of the muscles-stabilizers of the body and the muscles of the core, for general physical fitness.

Starting position

Stand straight, feet wider than shoulders. Spread your toes out a little to the sides. Bend your knees and grab the kettlebell with one hand. Throw to the shoulder. Hold the kettlebell securely and steadily at your shoulder. Lower your free hand down or take it slightly forward and to the side to stabilize the position of the body.

Squats with a kettlebell at the shoulder, exercise technique

Before bending your knees, slightly move your pelvis back and tighten your lower back. Next, bend your knees and do deep squat while continuing to hold the weight at the shoulder. At the same time, the free hand should help balance. Pull it forward when you squat.

Then vigorously straighten your legs and stand up. Immediately do the next squat, and so on. Do the required number of repetitions.

Squats with a weight at the shoulder. Start.

Squats with a weight at the shoulder. Start.
Squats with a weight at the shoulder. The finish.

Perform each set of these kettlebell squats by changing the position of the kettlebell. If you held the kettlebell with your left hand in the first approach, then in the second, hold it with your right hand.

As a rule, women choose kettlebells with a weight of 8 to 16 kilograms, and men - from 16 to 32.

To find your weight, try doing five reps of one exercise. If it's easy, take heavier weights. If you can't finish the exercise, you need less weight.

When you find your weight, you should not do all the exercises with it. Some of them you can do with a heavier weight, for others you will need lighter ones. Check the weight for each exercise separately.

As for the number of repetitions, focus on five sets of 10-15 times. If you feel you can do more, do it.

Kettlebell exercises

Russian kettlebell swings differ from the usual ones in that the kettlebell does not rise above the head, but only slightly above the shoulders. If you are unfamiliar with this exercise, it is better to start with simple Russian swings.

  • Stand up straight, put your feet slightly wider than your shoulders.
  • Grab the kettlebell with both hands, lean forward slightly and slide the kettlebell between your legs.
  • The back should remain straight, without rounding.
  • Swing the kettlebell up to shoulder level. The movement starts from the hips, and not from the hands, which provides the power of the push.
  • Lower the weight down, bringing it between your legs again, and repeat the exercise.

This movement is similar to the previous one. The only difference is that you work with one hand.

One-arm swings allow you to better pump target muscle groups and are suitable for those who have already mastered kettlebell swings with two hands.

This exercise helps to pump your back well. It will be a great replacement for the dumbbell row. Due to the shifted center of gravity of the kettlebell, it will be a little more difficult to perform the exercise.

Exercise technique

  • Take two kettlebells and lean forward with a straight back and slightly bent knees.
  • Pull the weights up to your stomach. At the final point, the handles of the weights should be located in the stomach area.
  • Pull the weights with your back muscles, not your arms.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body, do not spread them out to the sides.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position and repeat.

This exercise pumps the core muscles well, and also provides a load on the arms and legs. In addition, it looks quite impressive.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet wider than shoulder width and take the kettlebell in your right hand.
  • Bend your knees, lean forward slightly with a straight back, and bring the kettlebell between your legs at body level.
  • Bring your left hand back and take the kettlebell from your right hand.
  • Move your left hand with the kettlebell forward and bring it between your legs back.
  • Bring your right hand back and grab the kettlebell from your left.

During this exercise, you kind of describe the eight around the legs, passing the kettlebell from hand to hand. It may be difficult to coordinate the movements at first, but with a little practice you will get used to it.

Due to the inertia, the exercise is performed quite easily, so you can take the kettlebell heavier. The main thing is not to slouch your back, otherwise it may have a bad effect on.

This exercise will help to load the legs and buttocks. Due to weighting in the form of a kettlebell, you will get the coveted forms much faster than performing repetitions without weight.

Exercise technique

  • Stand up straight, hold the kettlebell in front of your chest with both hands.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body.
  • Keeping your back straight and pushing your pelvis back, do a deep squat.
  • At the bottom of the squat, the hip joint should be below the knees.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

If you want to load your leg muscles more and pump them up, try supplementing squats with jumps.

Exercise technique

  • Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the weight on outstretched arms below.
  • Squat down until your thighs are parallel to the floor, or a little less.
  • Jump out of the squat and repeat.
  • To complicate the exercise, you can put pancakes or steppes under your feet. This will help deepen the squat, expand the range of motion, and increase the load.

During lunges, the muscles of the legs and buttocks are worked out, and lifting the kettlebell provides a load on the shoulders and arms.

Exercise technique

  • Stand up straight, keep the kettlebell in bent arm at shoulder level, elbow close to the body, hand turned with the palm to the body.
  • Lunge forward and at the same time raise your arm with the kettlebell above your head.
  • Return to the starting position by lowering the arm with the kettlebell during the lift.
  • Repeat with the other leg.

The exercise perfectly pumps the muscles of the core, but it is quite difficult to perform and has a number of contraindications.

It should not be performed by those who have weakly developed rectus abdominis muscles, enslaved thoracic spine or back problems.

Exercise technique

  • Sit on the floor on the buttocks, press the weight to the body and hold it in both hands, do not spread your elbows to the sides.
  • Raise your legs from the floor, bent at the knees.
  • Try to keep your back straight.
  • Rotate your body to the right and left side without rounding your back or lowering your legs.

This exercise requires some flexibility and good mobility. hip joint. It stretches at the same time. latissimus dorsi back and strengthens the muscles of the core, arms and shoulders.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take the kettlebell in one hand and lift it above your head.
  • Tilt to the side as far as the stretch allows. Ideally, you need to touch the foot with your hand. The kettlebell remains in the outstretched hand at the top.
  • Return to starting position and repeat.

This exercise will help you pump the pectoral muscles, arms and core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on your back, bend your knees and place your feet flat on the floor.
  • Hold the kettlebell in a bent arm, the shoulder lies on the floor, the elbow is pressed to the body, the angle between the shoulder and forearm is 90 degrees. The palm is turned towards the body.
  • Squeeze the weight up, turning the elbow to the side, and the wrist with the palm to the legs. At the extreme point, the weight is located above the chin.
  • Lower the kettlebell to the starting position and repeat.

This is another pretty effective exercise that perfectly pumps the muscles of the core and arms.

Exercise technique

  • Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, take the kettlebell in one hand.
  • Bring the kettlebell behind your back and intercept it behind your back with your other hand.
  • Bring your hand forward and grab the kettlebell with your other hand.

This is a universal exercise that combines the usual kettlebell swings with moving around the gym. Great cardio for those who are tired of the treadmill.

Exercise technique

  • Perform a Russian kettlebell swing. When the weight is at the top point (at the level of the chin), put your right foot to the left, connecting them together.
  • As the kettlebell descends from the top point, step sideways with your left foot, placing your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • When the weight passes between the legs and goes up again, put your right foot to the left and connect them together.
  • Repeat this exercise on one side and then on the other. To go right, you need to attach during the swing left leg, and when the weight goes down, step with your right foot.

This exercise perfectly pumps the buttocks and hamstrings. Also, the load goes to the muscles of the core.

Exercise technique

  • Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the kettlebell in both hands.
  • Tilt the body, take the pelvis back and lower the weight to the floor.
  • Keep your back straight as you bend over.
  • Return to the starting position by tightening your buttocks and abs.
  • Repeat the exercise.

It's pretty difficult exercise, so first try it with a light weight and add pounds very carefully. At correct execution exercise provides stress on the legs, buttocks and back.

Exercise technique

  • Place the kettlebell between your legs, lean towards it with a straight back and grasp the kettlebell with one hand.
  • Bring the kettlebell between your legs behind your body, gaining momentum, and then with a swing lift it to shoulder level, turning your arm so that the palm is directed towards the body.
  • The elbow should be close to the body, the wrist continues the line of the arm, without bending. The weight seems to hang on the recess between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.
  • Lower the weight so that it passes between the spread legs, and bring it up again.

This exercise will perfectly pump the upper body: arms, back and shoulders. It also involves the core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Take two weights and throw them over your shoulders. The elbows are close to the body, the palms are directed towards each other.
  • Squeeze the weights up, turning your palms forward so that at the top point the weights are located behind the hand.
  • Lower the weights to the starting position at shoulder level and repeat the exercise.

It's not only strength exercise but also cardio. If you choose the right weight, the very first set will raise your pulse perfectly. In addition, the exercise pumps the shoulders, chest and core muscles.

Exercise technique

  • Place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders, put the weight on the floor between your legs.
  • Bend over to the weight with a straight back, taking your pelvis back, grab it with one hand, and take the other back behind your back.
  • Bring the kettlebell between your legs, making a small swing back, and then feed it forward.
  • Snatch the kettlebell, bringing it over your head. The palm looks forward, the weight is behind the hand.
  • Lower the kettlebell down so that it goes back between your legs again, and then repeat the snatch up.

Try to complicate and diversify the option with kettlebells. This exercise primarily develops the press, and due to the alternate lifting of weights, it gives a load on the arms and back.

Exercise technique

  • Get into a plank position with your hands on the handles of the kettlebells.
  • Raise one arm along with the kettlebell.
  • Try to keep your body straight while lifting the kettlebell, do not rotate your hips. Ideally, the hips should be firmly fixed.
  • Pull the weight with your back, not your arms.
  • Lower the kettlebell to the floor and raise your other arm.

This is very interesting exercise. There are quite a lot of movements in it, so you will have to make great efforts to keep your balance. With it, you can provide a load on all the muscles of the body.

Exercise technique

  • Lie on the floor with your arm extended over your head. If you are holding the kettlebell in your right hand, bend your right leg and place your foot on the floor.
  • Raise your body, holding the kettlebell above your head, go into the glute bridge. Lean on the right leg, straighten the left and stretch to the side.
  • Bring your left leg behind your right and put it on your knee. You will be at the bottom of a lunge with a kettlebell over your head.
  • Stand up from a lunge and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
  • Return to the starting position, going through all the stages in reverse order: lunge, glute bridge, position on the floor with bent leg and a kettlebell in an outstretched hand.
  • Repeat the exercise.

This exercise works the same muscles as: chest, triceps, core muscles. Due to the fact that the hands are not located on the floor, but on the handles of the weights, the exercise becomes more difficult.

Exercise technique

  • Stand upright with your hands on the handles of the kettlebells.
  • Do a push-up, keeping your elbows close to your body.
  • Try to tighten your abs and buttocks to keep your body straight.

This exercise combines the previous two, and therefore it is even more difficult and effective for pumping arms, back and chest.

Exercise technique

  • Stand in an emphasis lying, leaning on the handles of weights.
  • Do a push up.
  • Raise one hand with the kettlebell to the waist. Keep your elbow close to your body and try to pull the kettlebell with your back muscles.
  • Place your hand with the kettlebell on the floor and repeat the exercise with the other hand.

Pumping up your shoulders with a kettlebell is not difficult, I know this from personal experience. The most effective way to pump up your shoulders is with a shoulder exercise - standing kettlebell press. This exercise is basic, it is it that will give strength and mass to the shoulders. In addition, it does a good job of working out the middle delta. Also, due to the fact that the exercise is performed with one hand, it has a maximum amplitude, which has a positive effect on the growth of the muscles of those involved who want to pump up their shoulders. There is really one drawback, for constant growth, you need to regularly increase the load, and the kettlebell has a fixed weight, so you have to resort to different ways of muscle fatigue, but that's later. At first, to effectively pump up the shoulders with a kettlebell, it will be enough to increase the number of repetitions in the workout.

How to build shoulders with a kettlebell - training

When you feel that the weight of the kettlebell has become small for you, perform basic exercise sitting on the floor or a chair will become harder. In fact, the number of exercises is small, I advise you to add push-ups with a house to your workout. This exercise is analogous to the bench press while sitting or standing and well includes delta work. There is another exercise for middle delta, bending the arm at the elbow while standing. You can’t imagine the best exercise for the middle delta with a kettlebell. Perhaps it will be difficult for a beginner to pump up his shoulders with a kettlebell, in addition, it is traumatic, so for starters I recommend swinging your shoulders according to the push-up program. The ideal option for a beginner, of course, there would be dumbbells, but as they say, patience and work will grind everything. The main thing is that when you start swinging your shoulders with a kettlebell you do not have injuries, then it will be up to time and gradually the number of repetitions will increase, and with them your shoulders.

Training with a kettlebell for deltas is suitable for 1-1.5 months of use, after that be sure to change it. You need to train after your shoulders have a rest. For example, Monday and Thursday. Be sure to let them recover, this will improve shoulder training performance and growth.