Gvozdev traveler. Evgeny Gvozdev. Third round the world trip. Atlantic. Canaries - America

The famous navigator and brave man Yevgeny Gvozdev again takes on the conquest of the globe. In September of this year, the traveler goes on another trip around the world. The new yacht "Getan-2" is being prepared for testing. The Moscow Yachting School will cover the entire campaign of the famous sailor.

-What are you going to conquer the seas this time?

This is a walking dinghy of the Lena type, which is designed for four people. Launched in Makhachkala. You can go to Sulak or Kaspiysk without any problems. I made my first round-the-world trip on such a dinghy. By the way, this is the first and so far the only voyage around the world on this type of vessel. Our yacht has a strong hull, but the superstructure, however, is rather weak. Instead of a centerboard, a keel is installed and due to this, of course, it will be more seaworthy. But it will still need modifications. It is necessary to do something on it, to bring to mind. I believe that if a yacht is thrown into the water from a height of three meters and it does not crumble, then it can go out into the ocean. But most importantly, it must be unsinkable.

- There is only one ball. Will you go the same route as before?

There are several routes. The most difficult - "roaring forties". An easier route is along the equator. But it all depends on how ready the yacht is. And then we must not forget - I am already 74 years old. In short, swimming will be serious, much more difficult than the previous two.

The first time I went on the Lena along the route: Gibraltar - Las Palmas - Panama Canal - Tahiti - Torres Strait between Australia and Indonesia - Indian Ocean - Red Sea - Suez Canal and home. The second time already went through the Strait of Magellan. And everything else is the same. Now I want to go down, go along Africa, well, and so on. But for now it is a bit premature to write about these plans. I'll get to Gibraltar, and there it will become clear to me whether to go south, or along the equator.

What is the difference between this yacht and the one that stands in the lobby of the Makhachkala Lyceum No. 39?

The school has a yacht - "homemade" "Said". It was built on a balcony. Length - three meters seventy centimeters. With her own weight of three hundred and fifty kilograms, she took on board seven hundred. And the new yacht has a length of five and a half meters.

- In fact, you went around the world twice in a "basin". Isn't it scary to tempt fate for the third time?

Scary. If I'm not scared, I won't go to sea

-But you're still going. Why?

Well, if I lie on the couch at home, then I will go to a meeting with the Almighty earlier (smiles).

- What thoughts visit the high seas?

On the first voyage, he crossed the Atlantic - he did not see a single shark. Just passed the Panama Canal and on the first day I saw a small shark. Right on the stern. I grab a harpoon and straight to her head! Blood flows, the excitement of the hunter! The shark broke loose and swam away, leaving a trail of blood. Half an hour later I thought - why did I do this? I wasn't hungry! I still feel like I did something stupid.

-When you go out of the sea into the ocean - something happens? Water, wind others?

All the same. But the most interesting thing is when you meet other people there. And when you get into a hurricane. Tropical. You come out of it whole - you begin to respect yourself.

What to do if a person is lost at sea?

Sit down and think. You know, “lost”, “broken”, “fire”, “hole” and so on - all this is nonsense! First of all, there is no need to panic

What is the worst thing in the sea?

Probably when a person loses his sense of humor and sense of reality. The ocean - it is the ocean-element, hostile to man

- Have you thought about going with someone?

It was offered. I know a family that has been traveling in the ocean for nine years. By the way, it's very convenient. I always dreamed about it, but it was impossible to do it on my boats. For example, the problem of lack of drinking water could become very acute.

Have you tried drinking sea water?

-How did you have fun?

No time for entertainment when the whole day is busy. After all, it is necessary to manage the yacht, wash, cook food. So there was no time to be bored.

- Is it true that when you go ashore, a characteristic sea gait appears?

Well no! Although, for the first time, of course, it happens

-By the way, how are your “languages”?

In Australia, there is a restaurant in the Darwin Yacht Club. On Sundays, regulars gather there to eat and chat. I was asked to speak and tell about myself and my swimming. They invited an interpreter” - a German from the GDR. I feel that I don’t have time, and I don’t know the terms of the sea very well. Well, I myself broke up in English: "ay dount speak English - ah speak Australia." All this was filmed on video. Already at home I showed my daughter-in-law, who teaches English. He says: I understood everything, but I almost died laughing! For me, it is a pleasure to talk with some native and in "pure" English, but with an Englishman - hard labor! In general, schoolchildren often ask what language I spoke. I'll tell a story. On my first voyage, I am standing in the harbor of San Juan Puerto Rico. Fit two divinely beautiful girls from the staff and ask in Spanish: -Señor, banyo problemo?. Well, who does not know what a bath is! Therefore I answer: but, signorita! I show a bucket, depict how I pour myself out of it and rub myself. The girls were blown away by the wind. Then I found out that it turned out that they, showing hospitality, asked if I should go to the toilet. Imagine what they thought of me!

-Is there a difference in how we and abroad get access to the sea?

There it is very simple. You stood in the harbor, got ready to leave - they will simply tell you how much to pay for gas, water, electricity. Paid and goodbye! And with us, when I left for the first voyage, in Novorossiysk, twenty-three agents processed my departure. The country still does not have a procedure for sailing a small sailing private vessel. A private person who owns a sailing yacht has no legal status! Going out to sea for a small yacht just five miles from the shore is formalized in the same way as going out to sea for a huge tanker. Here you have customs officers with border guards, and pilots with tugboats. For example, they require a sailor's passport. And it only happens to professional sailors. Where can we talk about amateur sailing!

You sailed for the first time as a Soviet person, and for the second time as a Russian. When you go out to sea, all this is perceived, probably, differently. The ship has a flag. What flag do you have inside?

I think, after all, Soviet. I would never start from, say, Singapore or Australia, like some people. But from Vladivostok, Novorossiysk, Riga - easily. I was born in Belarus - at 11 o'clock on March 11, 1934. He spent the war there. He was brought up in an orphanage, wandered around the Union. Back in the good old days I read about Shamil. That's why I decided to come here - I climbed the mountains where Shamil had been. Well, this is a long story. I personally define myself this way: "Dagestanis of Belarusian origin."

-They say in the Moscow yacht club you have a monument?

No, my first round-the-world yacht Lena is standing there. And before that, she was lying in a garbage dump.

Let's get back to the upcoming voyage. How are you going to keep in touch with the world, who else has expressed their willingness to help organize a round-the-world trip?

I will keep in touch during the trip through Daud Mukhumaev. On land or not far from the coast, I will communicate by mobile phone or via the Internet. But in the open ocean, this will not work. On my first voyage between the Canary Islands and Barbados it took me fifty-four days. All this time I was cut off from the world.

It would be possible to maintain communication in the ocean using a satellite phone and special solar panels. If I begin to do this, for example, once every ten days, at least for two minutes, then for sure it will be of interest to the readers of Novoye Delo.

Whether it will be possible to acquire this equipment depends on how much sponsorship money or donations will be collected. However, most of the tasks have already been solved. If the yacht is “shamanized” a little, prepared, then with the available equipment I can go to sea even now. By the way, the information that I'm going to the third circumnavigation is already being discussed on the Internet. Someone sends some money, someone sends spare sails. People help. Including the Dagestanis. For example, very pleased CEO Makhachkala Commercial Seaport Abusupyan Kharkharov. He promised to provide support, including financial support. Thank him very much! With his permission, I calmly prepare for sailing in the harbor of the shipyard. I decided to call the yacht "GETAN-2", which means: "Gvozdev Evgeny" and the initial letters of the names of my first wife and children. A deuce - because I already had a yacht under that name. At one time, I used it more than fifty times to go across the Caspian.

His name should be on a par with Thor Heyerdahl, Francis Chichester, Tim Severin ... And to be fair, it should be the first on this list!

Gvozdev was treated differently during his lifetime. Some considered him an eccentric and adventurer, others considered him a hero. He was admired and they said about him that he was a disgrace to his Motherland. He was called a brave navigator and a poor lone vagabond. But hardly anyone could compare with him in dedication and perseverance in the realization of his dreams. Joshua Slocum, Alain Gerbaud, Francis Chichester, Thor Heyerdahl, Eric Tabarly, Fedor Konyukhov - the names of these yachtsmen and travelers are known all over the world. They talk about them, write about them, make films, numerous Internet sites are devoted to them. For better or worse, but the fact remains: to become famous, you need PR, professional management, a support team ... Evgeny Gvozdev did not have any of this, and therefore his name is still known only to a narrow circle of insiders. He was not a hero of his time...

It is hard to believe

Which of us in childhood did not dream of distant lands and sailing around the world? But with age, childhood dreams are forgotten. Family, work, everyday problems - what kind of circumnavigations are there ... You have to put up with it and meekly accept the realities of everyday life. But Yevgeny Gvozdev did not want to accept. Imagine: an ordinary pensioner with practically no money goes around the planet on a pleasure mini-yacht that is absolutely not adapted for long-distance voyages. And then he builds his own boat, even smaller, on the balcony of his small apartment, and makes a second solo trip around the world on it! Finally, at the age of 75, on another miniature yacht, he sets off for the third round-the-world trip. All these are real facts, although at first it is difficult to believe in them ... Yevgeny Alexandrovich Gvozdev was born in 1934 in the Belarusian city of Pinsk. He lost his parents early - his father was repressed, and he disappeared in the camps during the years of Stalinist terror, his mother died during an air raid at the beginning of the Great Patriotic War. Eugene found himself with distant relatives, and from the age of 15 he lived in Dagestan, which became his second home. Here, in Makhachkala, he graduated from high school, then from a nautical school and worked as a mechanic on fishing vessels for more than 30 years.

Somewhere in the late 50s, Gvozdev first read about a solo circumnavigation on the yacht of the Frenchman Marcel Bardiot, and at the same time he had the idea to do something similar. He began to collect information, re-read everything that could be found in the libraries. He was particularly impressed by the book of the world's first solo circumnavigator, Joshua Slocum, "Sailing Alone". Eugene decided at all costs to fulfill his dream and, following the example of Slocum, go around the globe. In 1977-1979, Gvozdev rebuilt the old wooden whaleboat he inherited into a sailing yacht, which he called "GETAN" - after the first letters of the names: Gvozdev Evgeniy, Tatyana (his wife), Alexander (son), Natalya (daughter). At the end of that year, he went on his first long voyage under sail. In stormy conditions, Evgeny traveled along the route Makhachkala - Fort Shevchenko - Krasnovodsk - Baku, twice crossed the Caspian Sea.

In subsequent years, he proceeded along and across the Caspian Sea, leaving 4000 miles behind the stern of his "GETAN". Having gained the necessary experience, Evgeny Gvozdev considered himself ready for a solo ocean voyage. However, he could not leave his family and work for a long time. And getting a passport with an exit visa for an individual traveler in those years was almost impossible. In general, the struggle of the future circumnavigator with the Soviet bureaucracy is a separate story, and it is not known whether he could have emerged victorious from it if it had not been for the collapse of the USSR ... An old dream took on real shape in the spring of 1992, when Gvozdev convinced a businessman he knew to provide him with a micro-class pleasure yacht to sail to the USA for the celebrations in honor of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. This transition was supposed to be a good advertisement for the products of the little-known Sovmarket shipyard from the Kazakh city of Aktau (FortShevchenko).

The yacht - a 5.5-meter dinghy "Lena" - was indeed transferred to Gvozdev, for temporary use. However, due to difficulties with the execution of all travel documents and permits, the yacht was stuck for a long time in Novorossiysk and to America for the anniversary sailing regatta late. When the paperwork was over, winter came, and the owners of the shipyard decided to limit themselves to the transition to Istanbul and back. Based on this, an estimate of expenses was also drawn up - $ 100 and 50 thousand rubles, at the then exchange rate, in total, this is a little more than two hundred "green".
But it turned out that after leaving Novorossiysk on December 15, 1992, Evgeny Gvozdev returned only three and a half years later - on July 19, 1996. During this time, he crossed the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic, went through the Panama Canal to the Pacific Ocean, reached the coast of Australia, and from there to the Indian Ocean and the Red Sea. And all this without the slightest international legal, financial or even moral support from state and diplomatic bodies. He repeatedly found himself in a difficult situation, starved, was captured and robbed by Somali pirates and miraculously survived ... But nevertheless, the risky journey was successfully completed. It was the world's first solo round-the-world trip on a pleasure dinghy.

But the Motherland did not appreciate the feat. The few mentions of Gvozdev in the media presented his swimming as more of a curiosity. In the "dashing nineties" there were other heroes in the country ... Evgeny Alexandrovich, in fact, did not expect special attention to his person. He did not pursue fame. Having returned the Lena yacht to its rightful owner, he immediately took up a new project. He decided to repeat the circumnavigation, but on his own homemade yacht. Which he undertook to build ... on the balcony of his "Khrushchev"! It took three years to build the new boat. It turned out to be quite miniature - its fiberglass body had a length of only 3.7 meters (the maximum that the size of the balcony allowed). The design feature was the keel, which fit 120 kg of lead; he provided the ship with high stability. The baby yacht was named "Said" - in honor of the mayor of Makhachkala, Said Amirov, who provided financial assistance to Gvozdev. The yacht was removed from the balcony by a crane, and after a short test, its designer set off on her second round-the-world trip. June 2, 1999 "Said" left Novorossiysk and headed for the Bosphorus.

The new voyage was more difficult. Firstly, the tiny size of the ship made it necessary to save on everything: take a minimum of water and provisions, even the Veterok outboard motor had to be left on the shore and go only under sail. Secondly, the route was no longer laid through the Panama Canal, but around South America. Gvozdev had to follow not only in tropical waters, but also to wade through the "roaring forties" latitudes. The second voyage, like the first, dragged on for years. The Canary Islands, Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Aires, the Strait of Magellan… The Pacific Ocean was conquered with great difficulty. The diminutive size of the yacht did not allow to take a sufficient supply of fresh water, and the desperate traveler went on a four-month voyage, hoping for rain, which, unfortunately, was not there. During three months Gvozdev suffered from thirst. Next - Tahiti, Australia, the Indian Ocean, the Red Sea ... On July 10, 2003, Gvozdev arrived in Sochi, and on August 9 - in Makhachkala. Here, a joyful meeting awaited the traveler, and the mayor of the city handed him the keys to a new apartment. But Gvozdev could not sit at home. In less than 75 years, he again went to the ocean. On the new 5.5-meter boat "GETAN-2" (an improved version of the serial yacht of the St. Petersburg company "Ricochet" with a new keel fin), he set out to go around the world for the third time.

Under flags Russian Federation and the Republic of Dagestan. The picture clearly shows that the steering wheel handle is made from the legs of an old dining table. 1999

E. Gvozdev is a man of two elements. 1996

“I am convinced that if a woman has given birth and raised at least one child, she has done everything in this world that was destined for her by Fate, and can part with this world with a clear conscience. We, men, need to do something in life that we would not be ashamed to tell this child about: climb Everest, plant a garden, heal a person, write a book, well, at least something necessary, useful.

I have two round-the-world trips behind me, and I do not hesitate to talk about swimming to schoolchildren, students, my grandchildren and, God willing, great-grandchildren.

E.A. Gvozdev


Evgeny Gvozdev himself should have and wanted to write this book. And it would have been fuller and more interesting, since it would have been based on his personal impressions and diaries, and not on their retelling, even if interested and diligent. But the great traveler and navigator died during the third solo circumnavigation, so the story of his sporting and scientific feat is based on letters and telegrams to the author and materials from many friendly conversations before and after the circumnavigation.

As for the marine terminology, the author tried not to deviate from the "original language", that is, from the texts and speech of Yevgeny Gvozdev himself, and if inaccuracies of this kind were nevertheless found by qualified readers, then we apologize to them.

When designing the book, photographs of the author himself, photographs from the archive of Evgeny Alexandrovich and views from the Internet were used. The author is grateful to the photo master Sadyk Magomedov for providing pictures of the meeting of E. Gvozdev in the port of Makhachkala after the second voyage.

In the saloon of the yacht "Lena". And no beard. 1992

Private bussiness

Evgeny Alexandrovich Gvozdev was born on March 11, 1934, by nationality - Belarusian. Lived in Dagestan since 1948. He graduated from the Astrakhan Naval School with a degree in ship mechanic, and worked for many years at Dagrybholodflot.

He has been involved in yachting and yacht construction since 1977. The first 60-day voyage across the Caspian on the Getan yacht was undertaken in 1979. Alone and in collective campaigns, he crossed the Caspian Sea more than 50 times.

He made the first solo circumnavigation of the world in 1992-1996 on a 5.5-meter Lena pleasure dinghy. It was the first solo trip around the world undertaken by a Russian yachtsman on a Russian yacht, starting and finishing in a Russian port. As a result of the first voyage, E. Gvozdev was awarded the title of Honorary Citizen of Makhachkala.

The second circumnavigation was carried out in 1999-2003.

The trip is unique not only because of the diminutiveness of the self-made yacht "Said" (3.7 meters), built on the balcony of the apartment, but also because E. Gvozdev made the transition from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean through the Strait of Magellan. It was the smallest ship in the history of navigation in the dangerous strait. The campaign ended on August 9, 2003 in the port of Makhachkala.

E. Gvozdev died at the beginning of the third round-the-world voyage in November 2008 in the Gulf of Naples. He was buried at the military cemetery in Makhachkala.

I. A four-year, one-hundred-dollar trip around the world (1992-1996)

With the terms of the first trip of Yevgeny Aleksandrovich Gvozdev on the Lena yacht indicated in the title, everything is in order - four years plus two weeks: on July 7, 1992 he left the port of Makhachkala, on July 19, 1996 he returned. But with money - a clear exaggeration, or rather an understatement: you can’t, of course, live on a hundred dollars for four years - you will stretch your legs.

But, starting the voyage, Gvozdev had exactly this amount. And although he “didn’t stretch his legs” and “didn’t throw back his slippers”, but when he reached the Canary Islands in August 1993, shorts and a T-shirt dangled on him, like on a slender garden scarecrow, the yachtsman lost 22 kg, and he had obvious signs of scurvy. By this time, Eugene decided to cross the Atlantic, although he was exactly a year behind the international "Great Regatta" in honor of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America. But it was precisely the anniversary of the feat of Columbus that was one of the main arguments when, two years before arriving in the Canary Islands, he persuaded the management of the SOVMARKET company to give him a yacht for testing and advertising trip to the Atlantic. It was in the city of Aktau on the Kazakh coast of the Caspian Sea, and the company built only micro-class yachts made of fiberglass, designed for an idyllic family and certainly coastal navigation.

Makhachkala – Las Palmas

Yevgeny Gvozdev learned about the existence of this very SOVMARKET and its products, dear to the heart, from the TV show Field of Miracles, where, even under Listyev, a yacht appeared as a background and a prize. A yachtsman from Makhachkala flew over the Caspian Sea, which he had previously crossed more than 40 times on yachts, and literally settled in a company so that six months later, in February 1992, he would bring a brand new Lena to Makhachkala with bright orange sides. He had a contract for three years of sailing and a test position. True, the size of the salary or, say, a prize for the successful conduct of the tests themselves, as well as the sailing route, were not specified in this amazing document, and sometimes it seems that it was handed over to the stubborn Makhachkala resident along with the yacht so that he would leave the company alone. At least for three years. His 5.5-meter yacht, which was to go either around Europe or to America, differed from the serial “Mikriks” only in that two additional layers of fiberglass were placed on the bottom during its molding. And that's it - swim!

Friends who visited Lena a few days before the start were surprised and frightened by the frivolous equipment of the yacht, with which it was possible to reach, say, Astrakhan, but not to America. Therefore, in the port of Makhachkala, where Gvozdev had worked for many years, a cry was thrown, and whoever could carry anything to the Lena - from signal flares and maps to a spare anchor and batteries. Only radio stations and a solid supply of products were not presented by anyone - all this was supposed to be received from SOVMARKET already in Novorossiysk. And most importantly, what the director of SOVMARKET, Yuri Kantsev, was supposed to hand over was a foreign passport, which the yachtsman unsuccessfully tried to obtain from the authorities for the previous 15 years.

"Lena" in all its glory

There was a whole story with this sailor's passport, which began at the time of the "heyday of stagnation", when even a few managed to travel to Israel. And then some psycho asked the authorities to let him out of the Union on a boat and reported this request to all authorities, from the local regional committee and the KGB to the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. Gvozdev repeatedly wrote to three nobles in this position, but none of them even deigned to answer, leaving one after another for another world. Therefore, when the next all-Union funeral took place, colleagues who were aware of Gvozdev's problems anxiously asked the sailor if he had finished the next general secretary with his letters? Or when he sat up in his position, they asked not without black humor: "Would you write, Evgeny Alexandrovich, to the Kremlin ...".

And now, in the summer of 1992, he had to go to Novorossiysk for a foreign passport.

We saw off "Lena" from Makhachkala on a serene morning on July 7th. With a light sailor, the local southeast wind, several boats and yachts left the harbor of the shipyard after her. On one, a small orchestra of saxophone, guitar and drummer showed up, playing "Farewell of the Slav" ( in the photo on the right). Gvozdev responded with several rockets and clasped hands raised above his head. Like, I'll break through! When the escort took Lena out of the breakwater, the last thing the mourners saw was the orange panama that the sailor had piled on his head. He went to the tropics, and you can't go there without panama. And the first thing that Gvozdev did, and that the mourners did not notice, was to fasten his carabiner to the halyard. Over the course of four years, it then became so familiar that he felt uncomfortable even on dry land when he was unfastened.

The official authorities of Makhachkala and Dagestan showed no interest in this campaign. One of the Makhachkala weeklies, where the author then worked, had a very remote relationship with supporting the solo voyage of his fellow countryman. On behalf of the editors, before sailing, the sailor was presented with several cans of stew and an all-wave radio. For this symbolic payment, as well as for the boundless confidence in the successful completion of an unprecedented enterprise in the Caspian Sea, the newspaper received an extremely conscientious correspondent as an employee, who, half-starved going around the globe, wrote letters to Makhachkala for more than four years and from the opposite Russian courts sent telegrams.

So, "Lena", led beyond her years by a desperate captain (then he was 58 years old), went to the Caspian Sea and went to Astrakhan. Then there was the Volga, overcome under the Salyut engine, the Volga-Don canal and the way along the Don to the Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov and further to the Black. A month later, a message came that Gvozdev was in Novorossiysk and was waiting for a foreign passport from the owners of the yacht. I am sure that a similar telegram, received at the same time at the Moscow headquarters of SOV MARKET, did not bring joy there, since the respite given to the company by its test driver turned out to be too short, and it was finally necessary to decide whether to let him go to the Mediterranean Sea or not. This decision took more than 5 (!) months, which became the most difficult for Evgeny Alexandrovich in all four years of travel. Everything else, including three ocean crossings, against the backdrop of that exhausting autumn-winter waiting for a passport, money and food, turned out to be much more acceptable and tolerant. And then stand in the port against the wall, sway and freeze with the yacht, and day after day, week after week, think: will they send a passport or not? And day after day, I had to eat something, excuse me. And since the products from the company came along with the passport and money only in December, Gvozdev lost the first kilograms of his weight out of the 22 lost by the time he arrived in Las Palmas at home.

Novorossiysk businessmen, having heard about the Makhachkala yachtsman, who was waiting for documents in the port for months, offered a radical solution to the problem. “Zhenya,” they said to Gvozdev, “why do you want this SOVMARKET? Remove this word from the sides and sails of the Lena, write the names of our companies, take the money and blow in all four directions! Even to the Atlantic, even to the Antarctic! It was tempting to the extreme, but Gvozdev resisted, although he informed Kantsev about such proposals. Apparently, in the end, the threat to lose the yacht had an effect: food for three months and a sailor's passport for her captain were delivered to Lena. The same 100 dollars were in the passport: take a walk, Zhenya, do not deny yourself anything!

December 15, 1992 Gvozdev left the Tsemess Bay. And it would be nice to head for the Bosphorus - I would starve less. So no, for another two months he walked along the coast of the Crimea and Ukraine. I met 1993 at sea, near Sudak. He stood for a long time in Sevastopol, repaired the steering wheel in Odessa, changed the Soviet red flag to the tricolor Russian one, and only with the first spring days crossed the Black Sea. He was afraid of the cold, because he was walking with an empty gas cylinder and in which case he would not be able to warm himself or dry himself.

For many months, no one knew anything about the fate of the Lena and its captain. In August, a telegram arrived from the Prometheus fishing transport and freezing vessel:

“I am located in Las Palmas Canary Islands. Everything is fine. After replenishing food supplies and repairs, I leave for the island of Barbados. Gvozdev."

The hearts of relatives and friends skipped a beat: Barbados is already on the other side of the Atlantic! But after the first of Yevgeny Aleksandrovich's letters abroad was published in September, the last fears that we composed all these letters and telegrams ourselves disappeared from readers and colleagues. You can't do that, even if you really want to. So…

Unlucky pier in Novorossiysk

“As surprising as it sounds, I am writing from Las Palmas. I got there with difficulty: calm, headwind, fog and other dirty tricks of the weather stretched the transition for four months. But I have seen Greece, Italy, France, Spain. Abroad is simply fascinated! The fact that the stores are full of food and goods is the least of my worries. I think after some time we will have all this. But here's the attitude towards us - "homo sovieticus" - I'm surprised. For seventy years we have been hammered into fairy tales about decaying capitalism, about their wolf morals and other nonsense. Everything is completely different! They understand us perfectly and are ready to help at any moment. There were breakdowns on the way, and hungry days, other “little things”, and always, when I turned, they went forward, helped. And if not for this help, I would hardly have been able to continue swimming.

I wrote you several letters, gave you telegrams. Whether you received them, I don't know. The fact is that I could not send letters from, say, Naples or Marseilles for the simple reason that, through the fault of the valiant Albanian border guards, I found myself without a penny in my pocket. Without a map, in stormy weather, he landed in their territorial waters. After an inspection and a thorough check of the documents, the heirs of the great Albanian warrior Skanderbeg decided that I didn’t need the money, and cleaned up the ship’s cash desk to a penny (although they left 16 Ukrainian coupons). You understand, I couldn’t call or buy an envelope, and therefore I took advantage of the opportunity.

Of course, the products stored in Novorossiysk were not enough ... The guys from our ships Tarkhany, Leninsky Komsomol, Komsomolets Uzbekistan and Peter the Great came to the rescue. Judge for yourself: in December last year, SOVMARKET bought groceries worth a little more than 10 thousand rubles (according to my calculations, for three months), and I “chic” more than eight on them. As a result, I got rid of the “extra” 20 kg of weight, grabbed the classic beriberi (nails on the hands and feet exfoliate from a lack of trace elements and vitamins) and something else. Now, when I went to the start and, in fact, ocean swimming is just beginning, I am sitting in Las Palmas without a penny and food.

Autumn of the Patriarch. 1996

Seeing. 1992

Here in the port there are many of our ships from Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine and Russia, the guys fatten me up. They brought bananas, apples, oranges and other fruits and vegetables. Motor ship "Valanchus" took me on full allowance, m/v "Prometheus" sends my telegrams home and to "SOVMARKET", m/v "Ariel" took on some of my worries. In a word, our guys warmed my soul and instilled confidence in the successful completion of the voyage.

He gave a telegram addressed to the management of the company with a request to send money for the purchase of food. They will send, they will not send - I do not know. Be that as it may, on August 20 he intends to start across the Atlantic (I will heal a little and go). The guys bought a bunch of medicines, multivitamins, etc. for me.

I guess I'll be back to normal by now. Here the firm "Sovispan" (Spanish-Soviet, directors Jose Gonzalez and Petr Rotar), supplying our ships, promised to give me food for three months. I think the transition is enough. The plan is as follows: I will go to Barbados, and then along the Lesser Antilles to Puerto Rico and, weather permitting, to New York. If the cold sets in, then, apparently, we will have to spend the winter in Puerto Rico.

How I will get back, I do not know. There are three options: 1 - sell the yacht and return home by plane (I don't want to); 2 - load the yacht on the ship and get to the Union on it; 3 - return home on your own (to your liking, but there would be grubs).

Attacked by journalists

Wait and chase...

During the trip I had a chance to meet many foreigners, and, as a rule, they were very friendly, ready to help people. Sometimes it was embarrassing for our perverted idea of ​​them. Great guys! I'll come - I'll tell you a lot.

Something happened to see in this sense interesting and unusual. For example, I have been sitting in Gran Canaria for a week now, and so far neither the police nor the customs officers have bothered to look at me. They, of course, know that the yacht has arrived in Las Palmas, but they don't care about checking documents, screening and other formalities, of which our border guards have made a cult. Of course, as soon as I start hooligans here, etc., they will instantly appear, but now they are trying not to spoil my vacation. And so almost everywhere. And yet another case came to mind in contrast. The yacht "Alpha", returning from Turkey to Novorossiysk, got into a storm, her engine broke down. And instead of mooring at the passenger pier, where customs and border inspections usually take place, she went to the yacht club. We didn't have time to make ends meet, as a detachment of submachine gunners was already on the pier. And off we go: who, where and from where? The comparison is not in our favor. Abroad, they respect the tourist, go to meet him, help (this is the employment of many people, and a living penny). The tourist here is held in high esteem and is always a welcome guest. I felt this kind attitude on myself, although it is quite conditional to call me a carefree tourist.

When you receive this letter, I will already be in the ocean. If any information about me reaches you and you decide to please the reader with it, then do not frighten him with fears about the starvation of a lone navigator. All this is trifles. All will pass.

See you. Your Gvozdev. Las Palmas. 12.08.1993"

Indeed, in September he was already in the Atlantic and crossed it for 50 days. Happy with the products of the Sovispan company, Yevgeny Aleksandrovich managed to eat and even get slightly better, although he never gained his previous weight.

... It was the second year of a round-the-world trip on the Lena yacht, designed for quiet coastal navigation.

Atlantic. Canaries - America

Fed and warmed by Sovispan, Gvozdev left Las Palmas on August 20, 1993, "descended" closer to the equator (so as not to freeze) and moved west. The fertile trade wind and fair current helped to make 50-60 miles per day. Despite the fact that the beginning of autumn is considered turbulent in these latitudes, the Makhachkala residents were lucky with the weather - only four days were stormy, the wind speed reached 22-23 m / s, and the remaining forty-six were quite “country and successful”. The greatest trouble was delivered by the so-called fractional sleep, when at night it is impossible to fall asleep for more than 15-20 minutes. After all, in the case of oncoming traffic, according to Gvozdev's calculations, only 24-27 minutes pass from the appearance of a ship on the horizon to a possible collision. During the day, the yacht is at least visible, but at night any ship can crush it blindly or from the inattention of the watchmen and, without noticing this, go further. So the captain of the Lena learned to sleep for a quarter of an hour and, looking around the horizon, constantly turn his head in the manner of a ship's locator or a fighter pilot during the Second World War.

The Atlantic in the tropical zone is a busy sea road, or rather, a crossroads. And what greatly surprised the sociable captain of the Lena was the fact that oncoming ships showed no interest in the yacht. They passed by as if every day they met lonely little yachts in the ocean. Of course, if Gvozdev had begun to give distress signals, they would have helped him, but he did not have a radio station, so he did not wait for greetings from passing ships. Not like in the Caspian, where tankers even changed course slightly to greet the yachtsman on the high seas and loudly ask from a high bridge how things are on board and if help is needed. Apparently, in the Atlantic there are other mores, more rational relations and tighter schedules for the movement of ships. Gvozdev understood this, but he was still surprised and annoyed: how can you not greet people you meet?

Defend the watch or sit out?

True, this feeling quickly passed, since even on a small ship for one person, things are above their heads. They were divided into three parts: ensuring traffic safety and traffic itself; cooking for 4 meals a day, including night meals, and, finally, maintaining order and cleanliness, both personal and ship.

I constantly had to “stand on the steering wheel”, because the yacht did not have an “autopilot”. And although the rudder was secured with special braces, it was always necessary to monitor it in order to reduce the yaw of the vessel to a minimum. And then there is a 2-3-meter wave. Being under the tropical sun for 12 hours gave rise to the problem of overheating of the body. Therefore, all day long I had to be dressed in a light-colored shirt with long sleeves, trousers, socks and cotton gloves with cut off fingers. On the head is a panama, and the face is covered from below with gauze, like a cowboy's. Of course, it was possible to use special creams from solar radiation, but they require a lot of fresh water for rinsing, and it had to be saved.

Washed mostly sea ​​water. At dawn, abundant dew covered the deck and roof of the cabin, it could be collected with a special rag and wipe the body from sea salt. There was little hope for rains, since they happened to be short, and one day, having started swimming in a downpour, the traveler remained soapy in the middle of the Atlantic and washed himself out of a bucket.

I didn’t swim overboard because of the fear of sharks, although I never met one at this crossing. Constantly, day and night, he was "on a leash" - a safety belt kept Gvozdev fastened to the yacht. The danger of falling overboard was very great, and then you won’t catch up with the boat, swim - don’t swim. Unfortunately, there have been such cases in the history of solo voyages. Empty yachts were found, but captains were not.

After a sleepless night
I washed myself with dew
I ate breakfast without haste
Overseas sausage.

This poem, or rather, a song from the local ocean folklore. So the sailor entertained himself by preparing food at six o'clock in the morning. True, he slightly lied with the menu for rhyme, since he had breakfast mainly with milk porridge and “coffee” with cookies.

His life credo was the postulate that a person should create something that can be delightfully told to children and grandchildren, to do a deed that is useful for society and the individual. And Yevgeny Alexandrovich did not deviate from this motto: in his life he made two round-the-world trips, which went down in the history of navigation as the most dangerous and difficult, because they were made on tiny pleasure dinghies.

Life aboard a ship

Yevgeny Gvozdev was born on March 11, 1934 in the small Belarusian town of Pinsk. The childhood of the future traveler passed in difficult conditions: as soon as the boy was three years old, his father was arrested by the Soviet authorities. Yevgeny did not see him again, his father was not destined to return from the camps - he became one of the countless victims of the Stalinist machine of repression. And soon, when the war began, an even greater loss awaited the boy: his mother died as a result of fascist shelling, and distant relatives accepted the orphan Yevgeny Gvozdev into their family.

From the age of 15, Gvozdev has been living in the city of Makhachkala. At this time, the young man begins to get involved in the sea and ships, so when the question arose about his future fate, Eugene chose the profession of a ship mechanic, which he received at the Astrakhan Naval School. For the next 35 years, Gvozdev has been working on large fishing vessels plying the expanses of the Caspian Sea.


In the 70s, it began to spread as a sport, and Evgeny Gvozdev began to get seriously interested in sailing and traveling. And since he was a poor man, he did not have money for his own yacht. Miraculously, the entertainer manages to get an old decommissioned whaleboat, from which Evgeny Alexandrovich built a small yacht in two years. The Makhachkala mechanic called his construction "Getan", hiding the names of people close to him in the abbreviation of the ship's name.

In 1979, Gvozdev on the "Getan" makes an unprecedented journey across the Caspian Sea along the Makhachkala-Baku route. After that, a small sailboat with its captain made more than 50 trips around the Caspian Sea both in summer and in winter, despite general skepticism and statements that the Getan pleasure boat is unlikely to sail somewhere. Yevgeny Gvozdev sailed and conceived an even more grandiose journey.

First trip around the world

It was 1991 and Evgeny Alexandrovich, at the age of 57, decides to go on a trip around the world. A simple Russian person did not have a suitable vessel, and Gvozdev beats the thresholds of the SOVMARKET shipbuilding company. He offers to make a trip to as a test yacht. And everything would be fine, but Kazakhstani manufacturers of micro-yachts made of fiberglass could not imagine how sailboats for family coastal recreation could make any trip, let alone sail into the open ocean, as Yevgeny Gvozdev had planned.

For half a year, the assertive traveler did not leave SOVMARKET alone, until the management allocated him a small pleasure yacht Lena. In addition, a three-year contract was signed, according to which Gvozdev was accepted into the company's staff as a tester. Needless to say, the ship handed over to the stubborn navigator was in no way suitable for circumnavigating the world, because it was equipped in accordance with standard designs and had only an additional layer of fiberglass laid on the bottom of the boat.

On July 7, 1992, Evgeny Gvozdev sets off on a long-awaited round-the-world trip on the Lena boat, 5.5 meters long. The difficult voyage ended in 1996, after 4 years and two weeks. This circumnavigation of the world was the first solo trip around the world on a "micro" class yacht in the history of mankind, which was successfully completed.

At sea on the yacht "Said"

Evgeny Gvozdev's stay on land did not last long - on May 17, 1999, he set off on a second trip around the world. This time the ship was even smaller than during the first circumnavigation of the world - its length was only 3.7 meters. Since Said Amirov, the city of Makhachkala, financed the incredible undertaking of Gvozdev, the yacht was named “Said” in honor of the sponsor, about which the traveler will regret more than once when there are problems with the Greek border guards, who mistook him for a Muslim navigator.

After the successful completion of the round-the-world trip on August 9, 2003, Evgeny Gvozdev admits that there was a ship that was more suitable for long journeys, which Canadian sponsors offered him, but he, as a Russian person, could not accept the gift and give his accomplishments to another country.

One way or another, the journey was completed and the navigator had many years of ordeals, raging waves, now and then striving to throw the ship and even a meeting with Somali pirates, from which Evgeny Alexandrovich managed to get out alive and healthy.

Fatal Journey "Getan II"

In October 2008, 74-year-old Gvozdev embarked on his third round-the-world trip on the Getan II yacht. After passing the Black Sea, the Bosporus and reaching the coast, the traveler got in touch on December 1 and received no more messages from him.

On December 10, his body was found on the coast of Naples, with a gaping wound on his head, and his yacht with a broken mast was also found nearby. Presumably, the navigator got into a severe storm, as a result of which the yacht capsized, and its captain was fatally injured.

Evgeny Gvozdev is a bright personality in Russian yachting, he is a significant figure in this sport and the most outstanding yachtsman of recent decades. Even at an advanced age, without funds and support, he traveled, loved the sea to oblivion and dedicated not only his life to it - he found his death in it, like a real sailor.

Evgeny Alexandrovich Gvozdev was born in 1934 in the Belarusian city of Pinsk. The boy's father was taken away in 1937, and he did not return from Stalin's dungeons. Eugene grew up with his mother, but during the Great Patriotic War, she died during the bombing, and he lived with a distant relative. After graduating from the Naval School in Astrakhan, Gvozdev began working on ships, and he spent more than three decades as a ship mechanic.

Gvozdev became a yachtsman already in the late 1970s, his first yacht was a self-made single-deck yacht, which Evgeny built from an old whaleboat decommissioned ashore.

He named his ship "Getan", the name was made up of the names of Evgeny himself and his family - Evgeny Gvozdev (GE), his wife Tatyana (T), son Alexander (A) and daughter Natalya (N). So, on his yacht, he first crossed the Caspian Sea, and later, according to estimates, he crossed the Caspian about 50 times.

On July 7, 1992, Evgeny Gvozdev set off on his first circumnavigation on his new yacht, Lena. It was a small ship, 5.5 meters long, and its circumnavigation of the world became a record in its own way, since Gvozdev was the first to do such a thing on such a small ship. The journey turned out to be quite dangerous - in August 1995, in the waters of Somalia (Somali), he was attacked by local pirates, robbed and almost killed.

The second time Gvozdev went on a circumnavigation on May 17, 1999, he sailed from Makhachkala, where he lived with his family. His vessel was the 3.7-meter Said yacht, and later it was called the smallest sailing yacht that passed through the Strait of Magellan. By the way, for the last three years he has been preparing and repairing his yacht, sewing sails, gluing and preparing for the next trip. This time the traveler was already 65 years old. In the sea, Gvozdev also met the new millennium, it was just before the entrance to the Strait of Magellan. The second circumnavigation of the world ended 50 months later, on July 10, 2003.

However, Gvozdev did not stop there. So, on his new 5.5-meter yacht called Getan-2, 74-year-old Gvozdev went on another round-the-world swim on September 19, 2008, starting in Novorossiysk. Alas, this journey was not destined to end happily. In October, Gvozdev reported that he had safely crossed the Black Sea, and in late November he was caught in a severe storm off the coast of Italy. Communication with the captain was interrupted on December 1, and a day later, on December 2, 2008, Italian sailors found the body of Yevgeny Gvozdev on the beach. His yacht "Getan-2" was found not far from her captain a few days later.

Thus ended the life of the brave Russian navigator, who brought worldwide fame to Russian yachting. In memory of Yevgeny Gvozdev, his yacht "Lena" is exhibited in the Moscow yacht club "Admiral", and in one of the schools in Makhachkala, where he lived, his yacht "Said" is exhibited.

Best of the day

Surprisingly, even during his lifetime, Eugene himself admitted that he was always afraid of the sea, and it was this fear that forced him to go to sea over and over again, overcoming himself and his fear. If the last circumnavigation of the world had ended successfully, then Evgeny Gvozdev would certainly not have stopped there. Alas, this was not destined to come true. By the way, Gvozdev's friends know that he, a sailor to the marrow of his bones, was always afraid to die on land. So, fate gave him it the last chance- Evgeny Gvozdev, as befits a sailor, died at sea.