How to store earthworms at home in winter. Ways to store worms for fishing at home. It's been a long time since you had a really big catch

The question "How to save worms for fishing?" relevant for a large number of anglers. Buying this bait can be expensive, and shoveling cubic meters of earth in search of worms is not always a feasible task for a city dweller. Therefore, every fisherman should know how to store worms at home.

These representatives of invertebrates are not diverse. Basically, anglers distinguish between two types of worms for catching fish.

  1. Dung.
  2. Earth or rain.

Among the worms, fishing enthusiasts also distinguish creeps and underleaves, but, in fact, these are the same earthworms, so it makes no sense to consider them as separate species.

The earthworm is found everywhere in the soil, but most often it can be found in moist, loose areas located in the shade, under heaps of rotten leaves (subleaf), debris, and they can also be easily collected on paths after rain (creep). It is troublesome to store, it is demanding on humidity, temperature and sufficient oxygen. If storage conditions are violated, it quickly becomes lethargic and dies.

Dung worms, as their name suggests, can be found in manure, but are sometimes found among rotting organic matter such as food waste. These invertebrates are more unpretentious, last longer, and dung beetles are often preferable for fishing.

It is especially important to never store dung and earthworms together. They have a different habitat, in addition, dung worms secrete a liquid that is toxic to earthworms.

Worms should be stored in conditions as close as possible to the natural conditions of life, in addition, it is recommended to feed them from time to time.

In fact, all these methods are similar and have one thing in common: creating conditions similar to the habitat of worms. This is easy enough to achieve if you know how to properly store worms at home.

Worms can be saved:
  1. In bags.
  2. In boxes.
  3. In the pits

Each of these methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Storage in bags cannot be long because:
  • worms are demanding on the volume of living space, that is, on the amount of land;
  • the bag contributes to the rapid drying of the earth, therefore it requires constant and frequent moistening.

Therefore, a similar method is for a small amount of bait stored for a short time, for example, when fishing in the heat, with an overnight stay, and in general for keeping worms directly on the shore.

Boxes are more suitable for long-term storage. You can find them ready-made or make your own. The main thing is that there is good ventilation and sufficient volume. The box is filled with a mixture of earth and rotten leaves for earthworms, or rotted manure with the same leaves for dung. Pets need to be fed once a week.

Banana peels are ideal for this purpose, as well as:
  • sleeping tea;
  • vegetable peelings;
  • damp paper (but not newspapers - they have poisonous printing ink on them!);
  • cottage cheese.

In pits, storage is carried out most efficiently. If the fisherman has a cellar or basement available, his task is only to dig a hole of a suitable volume (no more than half a meter deep), cover the bottom and walls of the hole with a fine mesh, for example, a mosquito net, and fill the hole with a substrate for its inhabitants. After that, it remains only to populate the worms, which will feel great in such a dwelling even in winter. Of course, with proper care from the angler.

It is necessary to regularly moisten the earth, feed your pets, and remove dead individuals in a timely manner. Then the worms are not only perfectly preserved, but also begin to multiply.

Another necessary condition that must be observed is the temperature. Intense heat, as well as cold, will adversely affect the viability of invertebrates. The ideal temperature for storing earthworms is between 6 - 10°C, as in a refrigerator.

If the "livestock" has increased, you need to take care of a new home, or release the extra bait into the wild in order to save living space for the remaining specimens.

How to store worms so that they have a "marketable" appearance?

To do this, in the substrate where they live, you can add:
  • sand;
  • sawdust;
  • pieces of burlap;
  • crushed brick.

It is best to do this in a separate container at least a day before fishing, separating some of the worms that are intended for fishing. Additives will clean the bait of earth and dirt, and crushed brick will give the worms a reddish tint.

In addition, various attractants can be used.

Add to the soil with worms:
  • vanillin or vanilla sugar;
  • sunflower oil (unrefined);
  • cinnamon;
  • sunflower cake;
  • hemp cake or oil (if you can find).

It is also better not to apply attractants immediately to the entire volume of worms, but only to the required amount.

With various additives, it is important not to overdo it, as there is a risk of getting the opposite effect. And before applying attractants to dung worms, you need to weigh the pros and cons well, since they themselves have a very stable and attractive smell for fish.

We must not forget one more thing: worms must breathe. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly gently mix the soil in the storage area, and also not to overdo it with moisture.

Anyone who has kept pets knows that they require attention and care. If you treat the harvesting and storage of worms with due diligence, you can provide yourself with bait for almost the entire year, save yourself from searching and, at times, the difficult extraction of these underground inhabitants.

Both experienced anglers and amateurs know that earthworms are the universal bait that fish are caught with regardless of the season. But it is not always possible to get them in the right quantity, so many fishermen are wondering how to store worms for a long time, so that in winter they can go fishing and boast of a notable catch. This is not at all difficult to do if you adhere to some points, which I will tell you about today.

In order to save worms for winter fishing, you should first of all understand that not all species of these individuals live in specially organized conditions for a long time.

  • Dung worms, as well as leafworms, have the longest lifespan at home. If you organize suitable conditions for them, you can even ensure that they multiply. But earthworms require the organization of specific conditions, and will quickly die with inept handling.
  • Another important point - you can not store different types of worms in the same container. For example, dung worms secrete a poisonous liquid that affects members of another species, poisoning them. At the same time, the dung worms themselves can also die within 10 days, poisoned by the remains of rotting fellows.
  • Adequate space is another important component of effective winter worm conservation.
  • Humidity and temperature are extremely important for worms, which should be stored for a long time. The soil should not be allowed to dry out, at the same time, excessive watering will also lead to the death of pets.

Own worm pit

If you live in a private house or have a small garden, then the issue of storing a large number of worms for a long time is solved very simply.

To begin with, a hole is dug 1.5 * 2 meters in size and about half a meter deep. Two hundred worms in such a hole will feel quite comfortable. If the desired number of worms is greater, then the pit should be made wider.

After the pit is ready, its bottom is covered with a mesh with small cells. This is done so that the worms do not creep. In addition, such a mesh passes water through itself, leaving the necessary moisture in the habitat of the future bait.

Then the pit is filled with earth, preferably from the same place where the worms were taken from. In parallel with the ground, the worms themselves are placed in the pit. You can also put tea leaves or coffee grounds there, or lightly pour water in which the attractant is diluted.

If it is hot outside, which happens very often in the summer, it is necessary to periodically water the storage so that the earth does not dry out.

After filling the pit, its surface is covered with a grid and sprinkled with earth. The habitat of the worms is ready. They can “live” in such a den for one month or more, depending on the size of the pit and the number of inhabitants.

However, do not forget that it is advisable to change the earth at least once a month.

Store worms in boxes

In winter, the previous storage method is not suitable, but there is no less simple, but at the same time effective. For him, you need to stock up on wooden boxes without slots. Moss is placed in them in several layers, after which worms are launched there. Once every few days, the moss should be carefully examined and a few drops of milk with honey or unsalted broth should be added to it.

It is also important to pay attention to the condition of the worms: sick and dead individuals must be removed from the box in a timely manner. It is advisable to replace the moss at least once a week, but if this is not possible, it can be thoroughly washed in water.

You can store such boxes with worms on an open loggia or in a cellar.

Another option for storing worms in the winter is to use wooden barrels or boxes placed in the basement. Soft earth, rotted leaves and plant remains are laid in them. Leftover food can also be mixed into the earthen worm feed mix.

The soil in the storage container should be sufficiently moist, but must not be allowed to become moldy. It is advisable to regularly inspect the worms and remove all damaged and dead ones.

We breed worms in the apartment

If you don’t have your own basement, but you really want to prepare worms for the winter, you shouldn’t worry - this can be done in an apartment. The first step is to choose a container in which earthworms or dung worms will live. It can be enameled or plastic buckets, containers or jars filled with active medium. As a filler, you can use earth, hay or straw, as well as a peat mixture.

A liter bucket, half filled with earth, is enough to contain hundreds of not very large worms.

Leaving a container with worms open is fraught with the possibility of them spreading throughout the apartment. At the same time, a tight lid will cause pets to die. Therefore, the most optimal material for covering the container is gauze or other breathable fabric.

It is necessary to store worms in an apartment in a dark, cool place, preferably in the fresh air. It can be a loggia or, in extreme cases, a refrigerator.

A canvas bag can also help you store your fishing bait. Worms, together with the land in which they lived, are placed in a small bag, where moistened sheets of newspaper are added. A tightly tied container is placed on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, not forgetting to periodically inspect and moisten. This method allows you to store worms up to six months.

Another original way to store worms at home is a porous loofah washcloth. It is cut along not to the very end, crumbles in grated red brick and slightly moistened. Worms placed on such a washcloth quickly spread through its pores. Loofah is wrapped in moistened burlap or cotton fabric. You can store it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator or in another cool place. Worms need to be periodically fed with tea leaves or ground sunflower seeds.

Breeding and storage of tubifex in an aquarium on a washcloth or sponge (photo source -

Those who have an empty aquarium should think about adapting it to the abode of marine or other worms. A container filled with soil and top dressing will allow the inhabitants not only to exist perfectly in it, but also to multiply both in summer and in winter.

Your brownie

The shelf life of worms on fishing depends on their correct content. As practice shows, in no case should a worm be stored in tin cans, which is most often done by novice fishermen. In such a container, the worms quickly heat up, curl into a ball, become motionless and soon die. Therefore, they must be kept in a canvas bag or wooden box along with the soil of the area where they are excavated.

How to store earthworms for fishing

For summer fishing, this bait should be stored away from the sun, in a cool place. If you are going to be fishing for many days, then it is advisable to bury a bag or box with the main supply of worms in wet coastal sand or in damp earth, preferably in a shaded place. In such a "cellar" this bait can be stored for several days. And for morning or evening fishing, you can take the required number of worms from the "cache". In this way, you can significantly extend the shelf life of bloodworms.

In winter fishing, worms must be protected from frost. In the cold, they quickly lose their vitality, become inactive. Therefore, it is better to keep a box with worms in the pockets of warm winter trousers or hide it in the bosom of a jacket or a sheepskin coat.

How to store worms for fishing in winter

To keep the worms throughout the winter, you need to get a wooden tub or box with a capacity of about two buckets. This container is one-third filled with dry fallen leaves. These leaves should be covered with soft, loose earth from the area where the worms were taken from. An important point - make sure that a thin layer of leaves remains along the sides and inner walls.

After all the manipulations done in the “dwelling”, you can launch worms (in the amount of about two glasses). Do not worry, after a while in your cattery there will be a huge number of them. Stock up on worms of the same species, dung or earthworms, as different species do not tolerate each other well.

A prepared box with worms, covered with a damp cloth, should be kept in a cool, dark place: in a garage, basement, cellar. Make sure that the temperature around the container does not fall below zero degrees. A city fisherman who does not have a cellar or a barn can store worms in an ordinary enameled household bucket.

For worms, you need to periodically look after, and most importantly, do not forget to feed them. From food they like unsalted leftovers from the table, grated raw potatoes, sour milk. Also, swollen tea left after drinking tea is suitable for them. It must first be rinsed under water to wash off the bitter taste. The food is poured over the ground and covered with a rag or a piece of thick cardboard. To prevent the earth from drying out, periodically water it evenly over the entire surface with a small amount of water. About one glass of water for two to three days is enough for your bait to successfully overwinter and even increase its population.

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How to store worms at home

Of course, every angler knows how to store worms for fishing. To do this, you must first go to a fishing store, then, having bought two jars of dung worms, hide them in the refrigerator so that your wife does not see. It is clear that for this, chaos must reign in the refrigerator from expired products, dirty cans, plastic bags, and it does not even hurt to add a carburetor to the refrigerator. This will create a creative mess. And the angler must carefully maintain this chaos, otherwise the worms will be found sooner or later. And then thunder will rumble over the country: “Ah-ah! What kind of rubbish is this, mothers! ..».

But seriously, keeping worms at home presents some difficulties for the angler, especially when it comes to storing them in an apartment. And in fact, you can not do without a refrigerator. How to store worms at home if stuffiness and real southern heat reign on balconies and loggias in summer? And ideally, the angler should have his own refrigerator, even the smallest and not modern. In addition, the traditional place to store your bait is, of course, the garage, it’s clear not a “shell” and not some kind of metal shed where there is a Harley-Davidson, assembled by yourself, Izh-49 or, in the worst case, a “macaque”, released in the last century, but giving odds to the new resourceful machines. No, only in a brick, and preferably in a wooden building, the optimum temperature for storing worms is maintained in summer.

In the apartment, you can also find a secluded corner, where relative coolness is preserved in summer. You can also keep bait in the basement. But best for homeowners. The ideal place to store worms would, of course, be a cellar. This place seems to be created for such purposes. Here, winter and summer are about the same temperature, which allows you to keep worms here all year round.

So far, we have only talked about storage rooms for worms. But if you just take a large jar, fill it with earth and put worms there, then they will not last even a day, well, at best they will live for several days, even if the ambient temperature is quite optimal. And the worst option is to keep the worms in a glass jar or in a plastic bag.

How to properly store worms? It seems that the ideal filler for keeping worms alive, at least for long-term storage, at least for keeping them before fishing, will be ordinary moss. We have this sphagnum, which covers the cranberry swamps of the middle lane. In the North, such moss is moss lichen, which serves as food for deer. Speaking of keeping worms... If we recall the unforgettable Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev and his scientific and fascinating work "Fish of Russia", then we can offer his system for storing worms, although it is somewhat exotic, but, nevertheless, it works. First of all, in the recommendations of the scientist and the fisherman, it was indicated that it was necessary to clean the worms, that is, to give them an exposure for two to three days before fishing in a container without soil, namely, in moss. This natural filter removes everything superfluous from the worms. They become clean and vigorous, moreover, they become much stronger on the hook. According to Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev, a real fisherman will never take worms that have just been dug up with him for fishing. It seems that another famous fisherman and writer, Sergei Timofeevich Aksakov, spoke about the same.

How to store fishing worms for a short time? This means: dug up or bought worms, and tomorrow or the other day fishing should already take place. Here is just the case described at the very beginning of the article, that is, hiding a jar of worms in the farthest corner of the refrigerator, risking hearing your wife scream about all the rubbish in the refrigerator, or placing worms in your own refrigerator. At the same time, the jar in which the worms were bought can be immediately thrown away and the worms can be placed in a more durable jar with a lid with holes. At the bottom of the jar, you need to lay out a layer of fresh moss or even harvested a long time ago, but resuscitated with water. And only after that worms are laid out in a jar. Above the worms, you should also make a ceiling of moss. Add a little water to the jar. Too much moisture will kill the worms. They will stick together and begin to decompose. And here, too, there are Sabaneev's recommendations. It is imperative to cull weak and decaying worms, otherwise they will infect the rest of the colony. And the worms will soon turn first into a sticky, and then a decomposing lump. It is advisable not to mix dung worms with tender leaflets. The dung beetles are filled with caustic “juice”, the smell of which would kill a wife who accidentally sniffed a worm. But for a fisherman, this smell, not to say that it is pleasant, but evokes nostalgic notes and longing for fishing, especially if this happens in the middle of a long winter.

How to store worms at home for a long time, including during the winter? If you want to keep the bait for a week or two weeks, then it is best to place it in a wooden box with holes. Once upon a time, parcels were sent in such boxes. The bottom of the box can be lined with damp gauze. Then you need to put a layer of moss on the bottom of a parcel or other similar box. Now comes the turn of the bait itself - the worms. They are laid out carefully, also in layers. Then again you need to create a layer of wet moss. And so the whole box is filled with layers.

For long-term storage in winter, when worms are also in demand, for example, in the Volga ice fishing for ide or in burbot ice fishing, you need a larger box. You can take, for example, a shell box. It just fits the shape for the purpose we need. Where to put it? As already mentioned, there is no better place for long-term storage of worms than a cellar. The owner of the apartment can install a storage for his precious bait in the basement, or, as they say, in the "shed".

How to store worms in a wooden box? If you intend to keep worms for a long time, then some earth will already need to be added to the moss. Nevertheless, this is a natural environment for worms, in which the substances necessary for these protostomes are located. Before fishing, it will be possible to collect the required number of worms, clean them, as mentioned above, into moss and go fishing! .. But to maintain the life of the worms, they must be fed.

How to keep worms at home and feed? Leonid Pavlovich Sabaneev recommended feeding your favorite worms even with milk and honey ... It is likely that this is why there were such good catches at that time, since the worms then had, as they say, blood with milk, since they were excellently fed on honey with milk. More mundane recipes include meat broths without salt, used or, as they say, sleeping tea, boiled and raw potatoes, and cottage cheese. All this is added little by little to the box of worms, but not often. Once a week is enough. The main thing is that there is ventilation in the box. Although the wood itself "breathes" well, it does not hurt to drill holes in the walls of the box.

How to store worms for fishing in hot weather

How to store worms for fishing specifically on the reservoir, where does the fishing take place? At first glance, there are no difficulties here: I put a jar of worms under a bush and that's it. But such an approach to storing bait, which is often scarce, can lead to the death of worms and, in fact, the loss of fishing, since often you simply cannot find a worm in the entire area in the fishing grounds. And given the hot weather, the chances of keeping the bait in the bank are zero.

How to store worms for fishing in hot weather? I remember that before there was no highway to the city of Kozmodemyansk. From Yoshkar-Ola to Kuzma, as fishermen call Kozmodemyansk, they traveled all day along a dirt road, somewhere consisting of gravel, at best, reinforced concrete slabs were laid somewhere, and somewhere the car slid through the mud, if it rained , and in dry weather - on hard and "humped" clay ruts. That's why the day was spent on the road. At the same time, the postal all-terrain vehicle - GAZ-66 served as a means of transportation more often. To do this, I had to go to the post office early in the morning and negotiate with the driver to take it with me. And then there was a whole day of shaking in a van full of parcels. The goal was fishing on the Volga for sabrefish, on a bottom with a rubber shock absorber. Since it was long and difficult to get there, I was going, of course, not for one day. Often, for more than a week, they lived on a gently sloping sandy shore-beach, which was licked by the Volga wave, or even coasted with lambs on top when a storm broke out. She took the sabrefish greedily, pushing her in the hand with two or three blows at once, when a flock approached, and then silvery saber fish rose on the undergrowth from the water and fought, sparkling in the sun.

For such a long and productive fishing trip, a lot of worms were required, and besides, there was a June heat. How to keep worms on fishing in hot weather?

In those days, we used wooden boxes filled with moss, earth and sawdust to bring in large numbers of worms and store them ashore. Sawdust is probably not a very useful thing, although not harmful to worms, but they do not allow the earth to stick together and turn into dense clods, which would be like death for worms. Moss also served this purpose. In addition, it itself has many useful properties. The moss was not always fresh, only from the swamp. Kept it dry in bags and added water. And it was also impossible to do without land. We drove for a long time. You have to eat something for your primary friends...

But it was one thing to bring worms, although that was not easy either. The main thing is how to keep the worms on fishing in hot weather in a cheerful form for a whole week or even more. To do this, we found a place in the upper tiers of the Volga cliff where an ice spring beats. And there are quite a lot of such springs and springs along the high bank of the Volga. And next to such a spring, a cave was dug in blue clay and the main or, so to speak, the base part of the worms packed in boxes was kept there. If fishing took place on the low left bank, then some lowland was found, completely covered with willows, they dug a real cellar there and put boxes with worms in it. Sometimes, instead of boxes, thick linen or canvas bags were used, in which the worms also live for a very long time.

How to properly store worms - the angler chooses for himself, taking into account the long-term storage, the possibility of keeping peculiar pets and, of course, the purpose of fishing.

In the article you will get acquainted with the main types, as well as tactics for their use.

Learn everything to become a real angler and learn the right choice.

Almost all anglers, even those who are extremely scrupulously preparing for fishing and having extensive experience in this matter, rarely think about such an important issue as the preparation of worms, and pay more attention to the choice of gear, bait and the place of fishing. And this is often the reason for unsuccessful fishing.

At first glance, worms are ready-made bait and it seems that nothing can be done here, but if you know some methods, then any bait, including a worm, can be made much more catchy.

How to store worms in winter

Ordinary worms remain the best bait for fishing even in winter. And when catching predatory species, it is generally indispensable. Chopped worm is often added to winter fishing baits. You can successfully store and even breed them even in normal home conditions. You need to know that the most ordinary raincoats are stored better, Californians and dung are very sensitive, one might even say capricious. It is also undemanding in content, so beloved by many anglers, the Prospector, which does not live in natural conditions, but is sold very often in stores. A slightly flattened tail with a yellow tint distinguishes it from other species of Prospector. The most suitable temperature for storage at home is from + 6 to + 20C.

In urban conditions, in winter, it is better to keep the worms in a dark place (basement, pantry). Keeping worms in winter is not difficult, they are unpretentious in their care. Periodically, they need to be fed, and the humidity of the earth should be about 70 percent.

When storing at home, it is necessary to shake the ground at least once a month, remove the dying and those who have swelling of the transverse belt. If you notice that the worms have begun to clump into a tight ball, then this may mean that the soil is too dry for them. In this case, you need to carefully pull the ball apart, and water the ground.

For winter maintenance at home, it is advisable to knock down a wooden box, but an ordinary plastic bucket will do.

In the bottom, it is necessary to make holes through which excess moisture will drain.

The container must be covered with some kind of mesh or gauze. The surface of the soil should also be covered with a cloth, this will not allow the soil to dry out, but will help create the most suitable conditions for the worms. The earth must be covered with layers of fallen leaves, which are eagerly eaten by all kinds of worms.

At home, feeding worms for fishing is not difficult, the main thing is that the food must be crushed and moistened. A variety of kitchen waste and even banana peels are well suited as top dressing. In no case do not give salty foods and those that have too strong a smell. Watering with milk or broth is not recommended, as this is fraught with flies.

The amount of feeding depends on how many worms you are growing, as well as on the temperature. The warmer, the better the worms eat. It is enough to feed a couple of times a month, but it is important to remember that the layer of feed should not be very thick.

Video "Preparing the worm for winter fishing"

This video shows how to store worms in the winter.

If in summer you can dig up worms right before you go fishing, then few know how to keep worms in winter and so that they are mobile and attractive to fish.

Let's give some simple, but quite effective recommendations, the application of which in practice will increase the catch several times, even when other anglers return home empty-handed.

Vigorously wriggling worm on the hook is a guaranteed bite. But how to make it move?

  • The worm is best preserved in winter in a wooden or plastic container. If you store it for a short time, tea leaves and grated potatoes are enough to feed it.
  • Put some kind of container for fresh worms. Then tear open the bag that contains the used tea and add it to the container with the worms. Pour black soil (necessarily wet) or rotted manure on top. After a few hours, you will not recognize your worms, they will become stronger and more mobile.
  • In the jar in which the worms are located, add a little grated beetroot. The worms will come to life in ten minutes and will be mobile on the hook, attracting the attention of even the most passive fish.
  • Freshly dug worms need to be given a little time to cleanse. This is done as follows, we place the worms in some container with moistened sand or grass. Pour one spoonful of milk or fragrant sunflower oil on top. After a few days, the worms will noticeably get stronger, clear and become attractive to fish.
  • If you notice that the worms are acting sluggish and constantly off the hook, they need to be made a little stronger. Just add the most ordinary mint, which you need to grind in your hands until the juice appears. After a couple of days, the worms will smell like mint, get stronger and become elastic.
  • Worms, preparing for fishing, it is desirable to flavor a little, this is done simply. In the jar in which they are, brewed dill, garlic and grated mint are added. This will give your wards an attractive enough aroma that attracts all types of fish well.
  • The container in which the worms are stored should not be airtight, in such a container they simply suffocate. There must be small ventilation holes in the lid, but only such that the worm cannot get out through them. Instead of a lid, it is better to put the most ordinary stocking or gauze on the jar. Just remember to secure it with a rubber band.
  • Before fishing, the jar should be stored in a cool, shady place. And while fishing, never forget it in the rain and in the open sun. It is better to leave it in the shade with something covered.

Compliance with these simple rules will make it possible to store worms for a long time, while they can even begin to mate and multiply.

This will help make fishing more efficient.

There are also little tricks that will make worm fishing more successful.

  • Almost all anglers simply dig worms (or buy them in a store) and immediately go fishing. However, this is not entirely correct. A fresh worm is, of course, good, but if you give it a little time, fishing will be much more effective.
  • The purchased worms must be made a little more alive, made stronger and placed in a large container, because they are sold in stores in very small plastic boxes. Many experienced anglers store this bait in canvas bags filled with earth. But a wooden box will do. These materials practically do not emit third-party odors that scare away fish.
  • For some time, if there is no basement, worms at home can be stored in the refrigerator, in the compartment where vegetables are stored, usually this is the bottom shelf.
  • The ground in which the worms are stored should be slightly moistened (but in moderation), and there must be ventilation holes in the lid.
  • In order for the worms to acquire the desired color and aroma, the following products must be added to the container in which they are stored a few days before fishing: chicken egg yolk, flour, birch and oak sawdust, sunflower oil, cake, flavorings.

  • If you have stored worms for more than a few days, then you may need to feed them. You can give them ordinary kitchen waste with the exception of milk porridge.
  • Six hours before fishing, it is advisable to move the worms to a warmer place and add natural aromatic substances to the ground, this can be anise or vegetable oil.
  • In order for the fragrance to last longer, put a cotton swab on the bottom of the box in which you store the worms, after soaking it with the necessary solution, or tear it and mix it with the ground.
  • If necessary, just before fishing, place the worms in a box with sawdust (aged in the air for about a week so that the smell disappears), then it will be easier to take them with your hands.
  • Take for fishing worms not only of different types (rain, dung ...), but also processed by different types. In this case, being on the spot, you yourself will determine which are more catchy on this reservoir on that day
  • It is better to string a worm not through its entire body, but only by making a piercing in its front part and approximately in the middle. With this method, the worm on the hook lives longer.

This video describes in detail and very competently how to handle worms so that the fish peck at them all year round.