Scenario fairy tale relay for schoolchildren. "fabulous relay races" sports and gaming program. Summer camp event script



Prepared by the teacher Voronkova M.V.

The game program can take place in the park, on the sports ground or in the gym. Mark the start and finish lines, put 2 stools or 2 cubes at the finish line.

Props: 2 skittles, 2 fishing rods with rings, 2 basketballs, 2 hoops, 2 long belts, 2 ropes, 2 horses, 2 chairs, 2 sticks 1-1.5 m each, 2 ropes 5 m each, 2 blindfolds , 2 pairs of large slippers, 10 thick cardboard coins, 2 baskets, 6 cubes.

The game is played by 2 teams from 2 schools. The number of people in the team is 12. The teams are formed in advance, the captain is chosen and the name of the team is associated with fairy tales.


The story has been waiting for you! Hurry up!

If you win, you will get a prize!

Be bold, don't be afraid, don't be shy.

Choose a competition for yourself as soon as possible.

Feel free to come to us to play, win,

Wisdom, dexterity to surprise everyone.

Jokes, fun and laughter are waiting for you...

Relay day today for everyone!

It is time to see which team of which school is the most athletic. And to find out this secret, I invite everyone to the fabulous relay races. They called them that because you, dear guys, will portray the heroes of fairy tales.

The host conducts games and relay races.


Teams receive a horse (a wooden stick with a plywood horse's head). Players saddle horses, jump to the finish cube, running around it, and return back to the start. To the first player, another one sits down on a horse, and they jump two by two. Then the horse is passed on on command, everything is repeated from the beginning.


Teams are divided into 3 people, tied with a belt along the waist line. We must jump together to the finish line and back.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

Putting a basketball on your back (at waist level) and holding it with your hands, run to the finish cube, climb on it, neigh a horse and return to the start at a run.


The first participant - grandfather - runs to the finish line and back, the second - grandmother - joins him, holding on to his waist, and now they are running together. Then the third one joins - the granddaughter, and then all the heroes of the fairy tale.

"Munchausen's core"

The task of the players: holding a basketball between their knees, run to the finish line, throw the ball up, catch it, shout: “I am Baron Munchausen!” - and, holding the ball in your hand, return to the start.

"Tibul the tightrope walker"

From start to finish, a rope (or paper tape) is stretched on the asphalt. “Tibul” picks up a stick and, holding it in front of him, runs along the rope to the finish line without deviating to the side.

"Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat"

Teams are divided into 2 people. "Cat" puts on a patch over one eye and large slippers on his feet. "Fox" takes "cat" by the shoulder with one hand. So they overcome the distance to the finish line, where the “fox” takes 5 coins from the finish cube. The other pair returns the coins to their place.

"Frog traveler"

Teams are divided into 3 people. Two children put a stick on their shoulders and hold it with their hands. The third - a frog - hangs on his hands, legs crossed. You need to quickly reach the finish line and return back, bypassing the cube. "Frog" during the movement should croak.


They put a hoop at the finish line - this is a teremok. The first participant runs - this is the "mouse". He asks who lives in the tower, and climbs into the hoop. Then the second participant runs - the “frog”. Question: "Who lives in the tower?". Answer: “I am a mouse. And who are you?". “I am a frog” and also climbs into the hoop. And so on: "cockerel" - a golden comb, "hedgehog" - no head, no legs. Then the “bear” runs up, takes the hoop and pulls to the start. The winner is the team that expressively played the role and was the first to come to the start.


Teams are divided into 2 people. The first is "stepmother". She takes a basket of dice, runs to the finishing cube and scatters the dice on it. Then he returns and gives the basket to the second player - Cinderella. She runs, collects the cubes in the basket and carries to the next pair of players.

"Leopold on a fishing trip"

The player runs to the finish cube, on which there is a skittle - "fish". Nearby lies a "fishing rod" (a stick 1 m long, a serso ring is tied to a rope at the end). It is necessary to throw a ring on the pin. 3 attempts are given. The team that catches the most fish wins.

"Fairy tale relay"

Equipment: rubber balls with a diameter of 25 cm - 2 pcs., 2 conical landmarks, 6 pins, 2 hoops, a fishing rod, fish, cones according to the number of children, 2 baskets, 2 brooms, garbage (cubes, etc.), 2 plastic buckets .

Presenter: Guys, today we will make an exciting journey through fairy tales, but it will not just travel, but compete, guessing riddles. Now we will split into two teams. Command The name of the commands is chosen any.

Leading: Early in the morning galloped (kangaroo)

Relay "Kangaroo"

The child holds the ball between his knees and jumps to the landmark, goes around it and thus returns back.

Leading: Zealous horse, long-maned

Rides the field, rides the cornfield,

Small sprout horse

But remote (horse - hunchback)

Relay "Humpbacked Horse"

The child depicts a skate - the humpbacked one bends at the waist and puts the ball on his back, holding it with his hand. In this position, children overcome the distance without losing the "hump"

Leading: I'm scraping along the box,

By the barn methen

Round side, ruddy side,

This is a fairy tale (kolobok)

Relay "Kolobok"

Everyone remembers that in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" deftly bypassed a hare, a bear, a wolf, but landed in the mouth of a fox. In the relay, the first three animals will be replaced by skittles, and the last - by a bucket. Each child rolls his "kolobok" between the pins with his feet. Bringing the ball to the bucket, the child needs to roll it into the bucket without the help of hands, i.e. send the "kolobok" into the mouth of the "fox". Then the child takes the ball out of the bucket with his hands and runs to the start, passing the "bun" to the next child.

Leading: The cat helped the owner,

Only with the help of boots (puss in boots)

Relay "Puss in Boots"

The task of the children is to run the distance, but skittles are on the way. Running past each, you need to stop and make a beautiful bow. Run back and pass the baton to the next child.

Host: Ivan called his wife,

Koschey bewitched her,

Well, she was as tall as a brooch,

Fit on the palm of your hand (Princess Frog)

Relay "Princess Frog"

Each child must jump like a frog to the landmark and run back, passing the baton to another.

Leading: He is not low, not high

Standing in a field (teremok)

Relay "Teremok"

There is a hoop (teremok) at the finish line. The first child (preferably 6 of them according to the number of characters in the fairy tale), running up to him, threads it through himself and returns for the next child, now they are running together. Having reached the hoop, they thread it through themselves and run after the third child, etc. until the turn comes to the last player (the bear who destroyed the tower), they all run together, thread the hoop. Whose teremok gathered faster.

Host: This woman is 300 years old

Flying on a broom

Fly agaric for lunch

Eating prefers (Baba Yaga)

Relay "Baba Yaga"

Children run on a broomstick to a landmark and back pass the baton to the next child.

Leading: The fish is not a simple scale sparkles

Swims, dives, fulfills a wish (goldfish)

Relay "Goldfish"

The first child runs to the hoop in which the magnetic fish lie, catches one and runs back, passing the baton to another

Leading: There lived a strange boy in the world,

Unusual, wooden,

But daddy loved his son, a naughty girl (Pinocchio)

Relay "Pinocchio"

When Karabas Barabas, Duremar, the fox Alice and the cat Basilio were chasing Pinocchio and his friends, the dolls climbed a tree and threw cones at the villains from there.

Each child receives a bump, their task to hit the "villain" (basket) will be won by the team that has more hits.

Presenter: And she washed it for her stepmother and sorted out peas

At night by candlelight, and slept by the stove

Good as the sun, who is it? (Cinderella)

Relay "Cinderella"

The first child (evil stepmother) runs with a bucket to the finish line, pours garbage out of it (cubes, cones, etc.) and returns, passes the bucket to the second, he runs, collects garbage in a bucket and comes back, passes it to the third (evil stepmother), he runs throws out garbage, etc. The first team to complete the task wins.

Guys, today we have visited different fairy tales. And now the jury will sum up whose team won.

Outdoor children's games on the themes of fairy tales

Fairy relay races

Fairy relay races

Children are very fond of fairy tales. Read and know them. Many people want to imitate fairy tale characters. If you run fabulous relay races, your children will have this opportunity.

These relay races are semi-sports, semi-game competitions. They are based on the plot of fairy tales.

You can remember old fairy tales, compose new ones. Stage fairy tales, sing songs of your favorite fairy tale characters. And of course, to the delight of children, you can hold fabulous relay races.

When you organize them, be sure to remind the children of the plots of fairy tales. This will help you better understand the task and make it more emotional.

Comment on the relay races in a fabulous and fun way, turn on peppy fairy-tale music, inspire fans to support.

If you do not forget about it, you will surely have a real fabulous sports holiday.

The Little Humpbacked Horse

It is clear from the name that each relay participant will have to portray the Little Humpbacked Horse, which is beautifully described in the fairy tale by P. P. Ershov.

To do this, you only need a volleyball or a balloon.

The participant bends at the waist, takes the ball and puts it on his back. To prevent the ball from falling during movement, it must be held with your hands, while remaining in a half-bent position. But that's not all.

As you know, the Little Humpbacked Horse could jump so high that he overcame any obstacles.

In this relay race, the humpbacked skates will also have to overcome obstacles during the race, for example, three stools placed on the relay line.

You will need to climb on each stool, then jump off it, and all this quickly and without losing the “hump” - the ball behind your back.

Those “Humpbacked Skates” that will be more dexterous and swift will win.

Core of Baron Munchausen

Remember, Baron Munchausen once moved by riding a cannonball.

Invite the children to master this unusual type of "transport".

Your core will be an ordinary balloon, on which is written on the side with bright paint: "Core".

Participants must saddle the core, holding it between their knees and holding it with their hands.

On a signal in this position, they make their way to the rotary flag and back.

Then the core is passed to the next player, and so on, until it turns out which team has mastered the "flying on the core" faster.

Do not forget that if handled carelessly, the nuclei tend to explode. Warn guys about this.

If the ball-ball bursts, the team drops out of the game and mourns the dead "balloon".

Puss in Boots

All children are familiar with this Cat, so the essence of the relay race will be clear to them by name.

To carry it out, you will need to find boots of a very large size.

Boots are set at the start line.

The first participant, on a signal, must quickly put them on and quickly run to the finish line.

But it will be very difficult for him to do this, and not only because the boots are heavy and uncomfortable.

As you remember, Puss in Boots had good manners.

Therefore, to complicate the relay race, you can put three skittles along the way. Running past them, each participant must linger and make a bow, beautiful and original.

So, having reached the finish line and making three bows on the way, the participant returns and gives the boots to the next one.

And so is the whole team.

The winning team can express their joy with a loud and melodic meow.

Rope walker Tibul

In Yuri Olesha's fairy tale "Three Fat Men", the brave Tibul walked on a tightrope not only in the circus. Once he walked along a stretched wire over the square, directly over the heads of the guards who were shooting at him.

In this relay race, tightrope walkers will have a much easier time: no one will shoot at them, and there is no danger of falling from a great height and breaking them.

A rope, that is, an ordinary rope, can simply be stretched along the ground from start to finish.

All players in turn will run along it to the turn, and on the way back they will try to jump the entire distance on one foot.

At the same time, you still need to be very careful: each time you put your foot on the rope, and not past. Otherwise, a “shot” will be heard - the judge’s clap, with which he will warn of “terrible danger”.

The most dexterous "Tibulas" will bring victory to their team.

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio

What distinguishes these characters from A. Tolstoy's fairy tale "The Adventures of Pinocchio"? They pretended all the time. The fox pretended that she was lame, and the cat pretended that he was blind.

Relay participants will have to portray these scammers.

Steam relay, as the characters of the fairy tale are also inseparable.

At the start, the teams are divided into pairs.

One player of each pair is the fox Alice, the other is the cat Basilio.

The one who portrays the fox bends one leg at the knee and holds it with his hand, thus remaining on one leg.

The participant, representing the cat Basilio, is blindfolded.

The “Fox” puts his free hand on the shoulders of the “Cat”, and on a signal, this couple overcomes the relay distance, returns and passes the baton to the next participants.

Frog traveler

Remember how the Frog traveled in this fairy tale? She made the ducks take a stick in their beaks, and she, clinging to it with her paws, took off with the flock.

Relay participants will have to do almost the same.

The two strongest participants take a gymnastic stick and put it on their shoulders.

At this time, the third takes the stick with his hands, lifts his legs off the ground and thus turns out to be a “traveling frog”.

Now, on a signal, all three begin to move forward.

The player who hangs on a stick is strictly forbidden to touch the ground with his feet.

When the “ducks” with the “frog” reach the finish line, the participant hanging on a stick unhooks, and his other two comrades return to the start to take a new “traveler”.

And so the whole team must be at the finish line.

Balda and the horse

Remember how in the fairy tale of A. S. Pushkin, Balda participated in almost sports competitions? The devils were his opponents.

Thanks to his dexterity and cunning, Balda won.

In one of the tasks that the old devil came up with, it was necessary to carry the horse away. But Balda jumped on his horse and shouted to the imp: "Look, I'll carry it between the legs!"

In our relay race, we will try to show this particular episode from the fairy tale.

To do this, all participants are divided into threes.

Two of them will portray a horse, and the third participant, of course, will be Balda.

"Horse" is easy to do. The first participant bends at the waist, and the second, also bending down, takes the first by the waist. That's all.

It remains for "Balda" to saddle the "horse", and you can touch it on the way. After Balda reaches the finish line on a horse, he must turn around and, “spurring” his “horse”, make his way back to pass the baton to the next trio.

Well, what kind of Balda, like Pushkin's, will bring victory to the team, the results of the competition will show.


Who is unfamiliar with this fabulous creature, which has three heads, four paws and two wings! Let's also make the Serpent Gorynych, it's not difficult.

Three participants stand side by side, put their hands on the belt or on the shoulders of each other.

The legs of the participant standing in the middle are connected with the legs of the partners standing on the sides. It turns out, as it were, four legs in total.

On a signal, the “Serpent Gorynych” begins to move, and the participants standing on the sides must perform hand movements resembling wing flaps.

Having run (jumped, flown) to the finish line, the trio turns around, returns and passes the baton to the next participants.

It is better to tie the legs of all triplets before the start of the relay.

After this relay, the guys will probably think: "It's good that the Serpents of Gorynychi are only in fairy tales."

Stranger in a hot air balloon

Do you remember the hero Nikolai Nosov Dunno, who flew with his friends to the Flower City in a hot air balloon?

And how the balloon works, you probably also know. As the air in the balloon cools, ballast is ejected from the gondola (basket under the balloon).

In our relay race, an ordinary bucket will serve as a basket.

We put ballast in it: balls, skittles, cubes, etc., the number of items should be equal to the number of relay participants.

Don't forget, we still need a balloon to make everything just like in a fairy tale. A balloon is perfect for this role, it is even called almost the same.

When the inventory is ready, you can start the relay race.

The first participant takes a bucket in one hand, in his other hand he has a balloon.

Start. With a bucket and a ball, the player runs to the finish line, where there is a pre-placed hoop.

The player, having reached, puts one item from the bucket into the hoop, that is, “lightens the basket”.

Returning to the team, he passes the bucket and ball to the next participant. He, in turn, does the same.

Thus, by the end of the relay, all items from the bucket must be laid out in a hoop.

And the last participant must collect them again in a bucket and return them to the team.

Good luck with your flights, and may they not end as badly as in N. Nosov's fairy tale.

Baba Yaga

Indispensable attributes of Baba Yaga were a mortar and a broom.

In the relay, you can use a simple bucket as a mortar, and a mop as a broom.

The participant stands with one foot in the bucket, the other remains on the ground.

With one hand he holds a bucket on his leg by the handle, in the other hand he holds a mop.

And now in this position it is necessary to go the whole distance and pass the “stupa” and “broom” to the next one.

Go ahead, Baba Yaga!


If you remember, in the fairy tale, the Gingerbread Man deftly bypassed the Hare, the Bear and the Wolf, but fell into the mouth of the Fox.

In the relay race, the first three animals will be replaced by skittles, and the last one by a bucket.

Each participant is a storyteller who will roll (kick with his feet) his “bun” (soccer ball) between the skittles.

Having brought the ball to the bucket, the participant must, without resorting to the help of his hands, throw the ball into the bucket, that is, send Kolobok into the mouth of the Fox.

He tries as many times as he wants.

After the “kolobok” ball is still in the bucket, the participant takes it out with his hands and quickly runs to the next player so that he can also “tell” the whole tale, that is, go through all the obstacles with his “kolobok”.

Dr. Aibolit

What did the good doctor Aibolit do in the fairy tale? That's right, treated. And the first thing he started with was putting thermometers on patients.

So in our relay, the participants will have to put each other's thermometers. But not real. They will be replaced by ordinary skittles or other items that look like them.

Before the start of the relay, the team lines up in a column at the start line.

The first participant stands with a bucket or bag filled with skittles. The number of pins is two less than the number of participants.

On a signal, the first "Aibolit" runs with a bucket to a certain mark and returns. He made his way to Africa.

Upon his return, he takes out the skittles one by one from the bucket and puts them in turn to all the participants, like thermometers, that is, under each arm. Except the last one.

He gives the bucket to the last, he himself goes aside and leaves the game.

The participant who received the bucket (bag) quickly collects the pins from the team and again does what the first player did.

No need to drop the pins on the ground, remember that thermometers are in short supply, and if you drop them, immediately pick them up.

The relay race ends when there is only one "Aibolit" who has returned from "Africa", and not a single "sick" one.


Remember how hardworking Cinderella was? She never sat idle for a minute.

The participants of this relay will also have to work hard. To do this, prepare in advance a bucket, a broom and a scoop, as well as five dice for each team.

This relay race is opposite.

It is necessary to divide the team into two halves.

One stands at the start line, the other at the finish line, facing each other. On the one hand, the participants will be "Cinderellas", and on the other - "evil stepmothers".

How is the relay going? In the hands of the first "Cinderella" is a bucket, a broom and a dustpan. On the line of movement from start to finish, five cubes are scattered - “garbage”.

The first participant moves forward, collecting cubes in a bucket along the way. At the same time, you cannot help yourself with your hands. That is, each time you need to put the bucket on the ground, use a broom to put a cube on the scoop, then from the scoop into the bucket.

When all the cubes are collected, "Cinderella" passes a bucket of cubes, a broom and a scoop to the "stepmother", that is, the team member standing opposite.

The “stepmother”, as befits an evil and harmful stepmother, scatters dice along the entire line of movement.

The new "Cinderella", to whom the "stepmother" gives tools, will again have to collect garbage.

And this disgrace is going on until both groups change places.


To begin with, let's remember who lived in the teremka: Mouse-louse, Frog-frog, Bunny-jump, Chanterelle-sister and Mosquito-piskun. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower.

Let's try to play this fairy tale in the relay race. Only six people will participate in it - according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. And the role of the tower will be performed by a hoop.

The relay starts "Mouse". The participant playing this role, on a signal, moves to the finish line, where the “teremok” hoop lies.

Having run, the player passes the hoop through himself, puts it in place and runs after the next participant, that is, after the “Frog”.

Now they run to the “teremok” together, necessarily holding hands. Having reached, they climb through the hoop together, without tearing their hands.

Having done this, they run after the third, then after the fourth, then after the fifth.

When five, without unclenching their hands, climb through the hoop and run after the sixth, it turns out to be the “Bear”.

But they still take him by the hand and lead him to the "tower".

Five people put on a hoop and hold it at waist level.

"Bear" at this time takes the hoop with his hand and pulls it along with all the participants inside to the start.

Those who are inside the hoop run, helping the "Bear".

Whoever plays the tale faster, he won.

The wolf and the seven Young goats

In a fairy tale, seven kids were locked at home, but the Wolf tricked into the house and ate the kids.

The houses in this relay race will be two halves of the volleyball court or two other identical spaces.

One half is the home of the "goats" of one team, the second is the home of the other team.

In each team, you need to choose seven “goats” and one “Wolf”. "Kids" immediately occupy their homes and settle down in them, as they like.

On a signal, both "Wolves" enter the house of the opposite team and begin to catch the "goats".

The one who was caught (touched by hand) leaves the site (he is eaten).

Whose "Wolf" will eat all the "goats" faster, that team wins.

The kids in this relay game can run away from the "Wolf", but you can not leave the house, that is, jump out of the site.

So, bon appetit to the "wolves" and good luck to the "goats"!

Intellectual quiz for children on knowledge of fairy tales

1. In what state did the heroes of many Russian folk tales live? (in a faraway kingdom, in a faraway state)

2. What was the bun: a gingerbread or a pie? (gingerbread)

3. What is the real name of the Frog Princess? (Vasilisa the Wise)

4. What is the name of the fabulous long-lived king. (Koschey)

5. Name the formidable weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (whistling)

6. The Poles call her Edzina, the Czechs - Jezinka, the Slovaks - Hedgehog Baba, but what do we call her? (Baba Yaga)

7. Name the place of birth of Kolobok (furnace)

Purpose: to introduce children to the work of firefighters; teach children the rules of behavior in case of fire; consolidate knowledge about fire safety rules, fire extinguishing means; know the telephone number of the fire department and be able to use it; increase personal responsibility for their actions, form discipline, a sense of duty; develop attention, memory, speech; improve physical qualities: dexterity, speed, endurance, strength, courage; educate respect for the work of firefighters.

Preliminary work: reading works of art: S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa", K. Chukovsky "Confusion", A. Tolstoy "Fire Dogs", S. Ya. Marshak "Cat's House"; viewing posters on fire safety rules.

Visibility: Fire safety posters, emblems, 2 telephones, puppets, gymnastic benches, arcs, sandbags, red and blue ribbons, fire hoses (long ribbons on sticks), balls, flags, hoops, cubes.

Entertainment progress.

Instructor: Guys, today we will talk about fire safety rules, about the hard work of firefighters, about how to fight fire. What you need to know to avoid a fire. And we will hold a small fire drill. And for starters, let's remember what works these lines are from: “What kind of smoke is above your head? What's with the thunder on the pavement? The house is burning around the corner, a hundred onlookers are standing around. The team puts the ladders, saves the house from the fire. (S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa").

Instr .: “The sea is on fire, a whale ran out of the sea. Hey, firefighters, run, help, help!" (K. Chukovsky "Confusion").

Tool: “When the people saw what Bob was holding in his teeth, everyone began to laugh out loud, he held a big doll in his teeth” (A. Tolstoy “Fire Dogs”).

Tool: "Bim-bom, bim-bom! There is a tall house in the yard, carved shutters, painted windows!” (S. Ya. Marshak "Cat's House").

Tool: Well done guys! Correctly named all the works and even the authors. But do you know what to do and what not to do so that there is no fire? (Answers of children).

Instr.: Let's repeat this now, what not to do.


Throwing hot matches, handling fire carelessly and carelessly;

Leave open the doors of stoves, fireplaces;

Use faulty equipment and devices;

Use faulty sockets;

Use electric irons, stoves, kettles without stands made of fireproof materials;

Leave unattended heating stoves, also entrust the supervision of them to young children.

Now let's remember what to do if a fire breaks out!


In the event of a fire, call the fire brigade by phone: “01”, state the address where the fire broke out and give your last name;

Sound an alarm, scream and call for help from adults;

Put on a gas mask to protect against carbon monoxide, put on a wet blanket, raincoat, coat when in a fire zone;

Move crawling or crouching along the wall if the room is heavily smoky;

Remove people and children from the burning room by covering their mouths and noses with a wet bandage;

Send the victim to the hospital, call an ambulance by calling "03".

Instr .: I propose to memorize a small rule: “Let every citizen remember, fire number “01”. Let's repeat it together. (Children repeat).

Instr.: Guys, have you seen the firemen? (Yes). And what is their job? (Answers of children).

Instr.: And what should be the people who work in the fire department? (Strong, dexterous, courageous, fast, fearless, etc.)

Instr.: And now we will find out which of our guys is the most courageous, strong, dexterous and resourceful and can be a real firefighter. To do this, we will conduct the exercise of firefighters. 2 teams will participate in our exercises:

Rocket team. Let's welcome them!

Objectives of the lesson.

Teach children the rules for staying home safely if the child is left alone at home.

Familiarize yourself with the rules for handling household appliances, sharp objects, medicines.

The development of independence in making the right decisions and responsibility for their behavior in children of senior preschool age.

To the music, the children enter the hall and sit down.

The lifeguard (adult) enters.

Rescuer: Hello guys and dear guests! My name is Boris Borisovich. I work as a lifeguard. By the nature of my work, I have to be a witness to various unpleasant situations that you guys find yourself in.

And today let's talk with you about how to behave in order not to get into trouble, and what to do if something unusual happens that you have not encountered before.

Host: And our main characters will help us today: Danil and Arina, they are neighbors and live on the same landing. Danka is already big, he is in the 1st grade, and Arina still has a whole year before school.

The guys are not only neighbors, they are true friends. They visit each other, play, watch cartoons. For some reason, quite often, Arina gets into different stories, and Daniel saves her all the time. You will now see everything for yourself.

Here is our heroine Arisha. Her grandmother went to the grocery store and left her granddaughter alone at home, and what she is doing, we will see now.

On the “stage” there is home furnishings: a sofa, dolls, a TV set on the bedside table. Arina plays with a doll.

Arina: - Oh, Lyubochka, look at your ugly dress. How are you going to visit? Well, don't worry, I'll decorate it now. (The girl takes out a box with needles, lace, braid, pins ...)

First you need to iron the cloth and ribbons (he goes to iron and leaves the iron plugged in) Now I will cut the ribbons and make beautiful bows. Oh, I scattered the needles, well, then I'll collect it. What beautiful beads, but where are the scissors? (Cuts off a piece of tape and wants to sew it on). Now I'll take a needle (it hurts my finger).

Ay-yy, yy, how it hurts!!! Nasty needles, you make me bleed. That’s it, Lyubochka, you won’t go to visit and you won’t have a beautiful dress.

Presenter: Guys, what do you think, are the needles or Arina herself to blame in this situation?

(children's answers)

The presenter invites the children to show sharp objects at the stand and explain why they are dangerous.

1 child:

Unpleasant to sit on the button

Can you hurt your ass.

Keep the house in order:

Forks, scissors, knives,

And needles and pins

You put it in place!

The doorbell rings.

Arina: Oh, granny is back!

(runs to open the door)

Danil enters and says from the threshold: Arisha, why don't you look through the peephole again? I have already said that it is not necessary to immediately open the door. It is necessary to look or ask: “Who?” Maybe it's not me and not my grandmother, but some bad uncle.

Presenter: Yes, guys, you can’t open the door to a stranger, no matter how he presents himself, even as a police officer.

And how to behave when you approach your apartment, and the door is ajar or the lock is broken, and you see or hear that strangers are in the apartment?

2 child:

Don't let your uncle in the house

If uncle is unfamiliar!

And don't open to your aunt

If mom is at work.

After all, the criminal, he is cunning,

Pretend to be a fitter.

Or even say he

That the postman came to you.

So that you don't get robbed

Not seized, not stolen

Don't trust strangers

Close the door tight!

The attraction “Who is faster?”

A team of 5 people in turn needs to close all the locks on the stand and dial the phone number “02”, the team whose time is better wins.

Danil: Arisha, what about your finger? Do you have blood?

Arina: I hurt my finger with a needle.

Danil: It's good that we have a new life safety subject at our school.

Arina: What is it?

Danya: Fundamentals of life safety. There I learned a lot of interesting and useful things, for example, how to provide first aid, now I will help you.

Presenter: Guys, what do you think should be done in such cases?

(children's answers)

An attraction is being held: “Collect a first aid kit”.

Danil bandages Arina's finger.

Daniel: Well, now everything is in order. Arisha, let's watch a cartoon, shall we?

Arina: Danka, look, there are so many beautiful, multi-colored peas in the first-aid kit. Probably, these are vitamins, let's try?

Daniel: What are you! It's medicine, isn't it? If you eat pills, you can get poisoned and end up in the hospital.

Arina: Not even one little thing?

Danya: You can't even have one!

Arina: And my grandmother sometimes drinks several at once and nothing.

Danya: They drink medicines when something hurts and what the doctor prescribed. Well, that's it, let's put away the medicines and go watch the cartoon.

Danya turns on the TV, suddenly the phone rings.

Arisha picks up the phone: “Hello!”

(Aunty asked a lot of different questions: about dolls, cartoons, about parents)

You know, I'm your grandmother's friend. We studied with her. I'll come to you now, oh, only I forgot your address.

Arina: I remember! Truda street house 1 apartment 10.

Danya: Arina, who are you talking to on the phone for so long?

Arina: This is some kind of grandmother's friend, she wants to come to me.

Danny: What kind of friend? Let me talk to her. (Picks up the phone, and beeps are heard there)

Leading, addressing all the children: Guys, this aunt, most likely, was a cunning criminal. Having entered the apartment, she could tie the child, and then collect all the valuables and run away. It turns out that not only a doorbell call can be dangerous, but also a phone call.

Remember!!! When you are at home alone, you cannot enter into a telephone conversation with a person you do not know, say that your parents are at work and give your home address.

You need to silently, without answering any questions, hang up. And most importantly, any call from a stranger should be immediately reported to parents or neighbors whom you know.

Danil: Arisha, I think that nothing else will happen to you, and we can watch cartoons.

(Children sit down at the TV)

Danil: Arina, don't you think it smells like burning?

Arina: I completely forgot to turn off the iron! (She runs to the iron, and Danya pulls her hand)

Danny: Fire! Arina, let's run to the neighbors, let them call the firemen.

(Children run behind the screen)

The presenter invites viewers to find household appliances plugged into the outlet in the drawings.

(Children do the task)

Presenter: You see, guys, sometimes our assistants are dangerous.

But in such a situation, brave firefighters will always come to the rescue. Let's sing a song about them.

Children sing the "Song of the Firefighters". Music by M. Protasov.

Our street is crowded with people.

Opposite, from the balcony, a column of smoke is coming.

Someone must have been in trouble.

Call the firemen here. (2 times)

Our firemen, our firemen

They rush to the challenge, they rush to the challenge.

On call, the calculation quickly arrived,

There is a stairway to heaven, the command: “Forward!”,

And a hot flame, knocking down with water,

The fireman does not spare himself. (2 times)

Chorus: As soon as the alarms sound

Our firefighters are on call.

Our firemen, our firemen

They rush to the challenge, they rush to the challenge.

Although the fire service is dangerous, difficult,

Everyone needs this profession.

Don't joke with fire, we want to remind you

But if there is a fire, then call “01”. (2 times)

Chorus: As soon as the alarms sound

Our firefighters are on call.

Our firemen, our firemen

They rush to the challenge, they rush to the challenge.

The Rescuer comes out to the guys.

Rescuer: Well, dear guys, you have seen what can happen when you are left at home alone. I hope you remember how to behave in these difficult situations. What should be done to avoid them. And most importantly, remember! In any emergency, always inform adults: parents, neighbors or special services: fire brigade, police, and we will always come to your aid!

In conclusion, the Host thanks the Rescuer, the main characters and all the participants.

To the music, the children leave the hall.

Competition for children "Flamable riddles"

First team:

The red beast sits in the oven, but hisses, not growls.

He eats firewood out of anger, for an hour, maybe two.

Don't touch him with your hand, he bites his whole palm. (fire)

Now back, then forward, the steamer walks, wanders.

Stop - grief! Pierce the sea! (iron)

Second command:

I am shaggy, I am shaggy, I am over every hut in winter,

Above the fire and the factory, above the fire and the ship.

But nowhere, nowhere can I be without fire. (smoke)

I puff, puff, puff, I don't want to get warm anymore.

The lid rang loudly: “Drink tea, the water has boiled! " (kettle)


Yes, you are good at riddles! Well, are you friendly with books?

Competition for children and parents "Books about the fire" (the correct answer is a chip) You need to guess which work the quote is from

First team:

The sea is on fire, a whale ran out of the sea: “Hey, firefighters, run, help, help! »

(K. Chukovsky. "Confusion")

With crackling, clicking and thunder, a fire arose over the new house

He looks around, waving his red sleeve. (S. Marshak "Cat's House")

Second command:

What's with the smoke above your head? What's with the thunder on the pavement? The house is on fire around the corner.

What is the darkness all around? The team puts the stairs, saves the house from the fire.

(S. Mikhalkov "Uncle Styopa")

Looking for firefighters, looking for police, looking for photographers in our capital,

They have been looking for a long time, but they cannot find a guy of some twenty years.

(S. Marshak "The Story of an Unknown Hero")


There are home remedies very different, and sometimes very dangerous.

But let's not forget, friends, people are dangerous!


And now I will check you

And I'll make a game for you.

I'll ask questions now -

Answering them is not easy!

If the doorbell rings -

Look first in (peephole,

Who came to you, find out

But not to strangers (open).

If there is no peephole, then

"Who's there? » ask (always,

And they won't answer

Do not dare to open the door.

If the door starts to break -

Then call the police soon!


If the phone rings, someone says into the receiver:

What's your name, baby? Who are you at home with now?

And where did I get to? What number did I dial?

Don't answer anything, call your mother immediately!

If there are no adults at home, do not talk to anyone.

Goodbye! - Tell. Hang up the phone quickly!

Vedas: People are very fond of fairy tales. We find hints in them:

Is it possible to let everyone into the house, so as not to suffer later?

Competition for children and parents "Fairy-tale carelessness" (the correct answer is a chip)

The heroes of what fairy tales got into trouble because they opened the door to a stranger or left home without the permission of their elders?

Team members select from the proposed illustrations only those that depict gullible heroes of fairy tales who let the villains into the house. (“The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “Zayushkina’s Hut”, “Cat the Rooster and the Fox”, Grandmother from “Little Red Riding Hood”, “Gingerbread Man”, “Barmaley”, “Geese - Swans”, “About the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”

Municipal Autonomous General Educational Institution

"Yarkovskaya secondary school"

sports holiday

Developed by: reader

physical education

Trippel Yulia Vasilievna

With. Yarkovo


Explanatory note

Before the child is 6 years old, adults should do everything to ensure that the baby has mastered a wide range of motor skills. This is a necessary condition for building the foundation of a child’s life, which will provide him with the opportunity to play sports, open access to a wide variety of human activities, and simply allow him to enjoy strong, confident and dexterous movements of his own body.
We must strive to ensure that every child grows up cheerful and active, independent and friendly, enterprising and self-confident, open, physically and psychologically healthy.
Motor experience of children is extremely small. During this period, the child learns a lot: masters walking, various actions.
It is necessary to stimulate the desire of children to engage in physical activity, to create emotional comfort.
Great attention to the desire of children to move has a game. While playing, the child "imperceptibly" masters the basic movements. At the same time, it is necessary to give children the opportunity to learn a variety of ways of acting without requiring deep technical training.
Story + game + movement work wonders. All taken together creates positive emotions, promotes physical development, develops imagination and physical skills. They facilitate the process of entering the group for both closed and hyperactive children, including them in interesting joint activities.
During the game, children gain new experience, develop social, emotional, physical and intellectual abilities.
An important feature of the game is that they teach children to focus their attention and not only actively participate, but also listen and observe.
Musical accompaniment contributes to aesthetic development, and

the imagery of the plots develops imagination and creativity.
In the process of group lessons, all children are included in active creative and social interaction, while each child can be in the center of attention.

All students of our school love to play sports, regularly participate in games, sports competitions and competitions. Do you guys like playing sports?

Today you will visit the land of fairy tales. Do you love fairy tales? I will briefly tell you a few fairy tales, and you will beat each of them in competitions, in relay races.

Thus, you will become, as it were, participants in these fairy tales. Since there are competitions in our game, they are called "Sports Tales".

Target - instill in children the basics of a healthy lifestyle, develop motor skills, coordination of movements, help maintain and strengthen physical and mental health .

Members : 4 teams take part in the game. The number of people in the team is 10 (5 boys, 5 girls). The teams are formed in advance, the captain is chosen and the name of the team is associated with fairy tales

Equipment: basketball balls, bags, scarves, hats, racks., obstacle course, polystyrene, roofs for houses, hoops, chairs, spoons, tennis balls. The whole event is accompanied by musical accompaniment.


Guys, you all love fairy tales. Today we will visit the world of fairy tales, but we will beat each of them in competitions and relay races.

But, first of all, I will introduce our teams:

So we start.

THE FIRST TALE "Ryaba Hen" - say the children.

Lived - there were a grandfather and a woman. And they had a Ryaba Hen. The chicken laid a testicle not simple, but golden. Grandfather beat, beat - did not break; the woman beat, beat - did not break. The grandfather cries, the woman cries, and the hen, and the hen clucks: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, but rather play with us in competitions.” Put the egg on the spoon and run around the house, whoever completes the task faster will win


Running with an egg on a spoon to the rack, and going around it, back, passing the spoon with the egg to the next player, etc. Girls in headscarves, boys in hats with earflaps. On the counter is the decoration "House".

Inventory : hats, scarves, spoons, balls, racks - decoration "House".


Guys, in the fairy tale "Ryaba Hen" you were grandmothers and grandfathers. Well, stay them, because that the second tale "Turnip" , and the heroes of this tale are again a grandfather and a woman. Attention! Listen! (children say)

Grandfather planted a turnip, a large turnip grew. Pulls, pulls, can't pull. Grandpa called grandma. Grandfather for a turnip, grandmother for grandfather. Pull, pull, pull. We rejoiced. And they ran with the turnip to the house and, rounding it, back.


Rebuilding in pairs. The boy is holding a basketball, the girl is holding the boy's belt. Boys in hats with earflaps, girls in headscarves. Running in pairs with the ball to the rack and, having rounded it, back, passing the ball to the next pair, etc. On the counter decoration "House"

Inventory : basketballs, hats, scarves, racks - decoration "House".


Well, grandmothers and grandfathers, are you tired? Well, I propose to watch demonstration performances.

Number of amateur performances.

After such demonstration performances, you no longer want to be grandfathers and grandmothers. And let's listen fairy tale about "The Cockerel and the Fox ". And you will turn into foxes and chanterelles.

(children tell) - A fox ran to the cockerel’s house and said: “Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb,” look out the window, and his fox scratched and into a bag, and ran around the forest.


Running with a bag on the shoulder (in which there are 3 basketballs) to the rack with a change in direction and, going around it, back in a straight line, running around the whole team around, passing the bag to the next player, etc.

Inventory : basketballs, bags, racks




Attention guys! Fairy tale "Teremok" (children say)

Stands in the field Terem-Teremok. He is neither low nor high. Who lives in the terem? Who lives high? Mosquito-Piskun. It's boring for a mosquito to live alone. He decided to invite his friends over. A mosquito flies out of the tower, takes a friend by the hand and invites him into the tower. So he brought all his friends to him. They began to live, live and make good. To play this fairy tale, you guys need to choose the fastest and hardiest. He will be Komar-Piskun.


In front of the column lies a hoop, it contains a mosquito piskun. On the command "march", he runs out of the hoop, takes a player from his team and runs with him into the hoop. There, he leaves him and runs after the next player,

running around the team, takes another player by the hand. And so, the whole team should gradually move into the hoop, along with the mosquito.

Inventory: hoops.

LEADING: (the word of the jury)

And now a quiz with the audience.

The game is called "Flower Field"

(prepare the flowers in advance, write the text of the first part of the proverbs on the petals of one flower, and the second part on the other flower). You need to pick a petal from one flower and read the beginning of the proverb and find the correct answer (finish it).

Everything is fixable ... (if the person is healthy)

In a healthy body healthy mind)

Keep your head cold ... (and your feet warm)

My stomach hurts ... (keep your mouth empty)

Who loves sports ... (healthy and cheerful)

Fast and dexterous ... (the disease will not catch up)

Without labor ... (no rest)

The heat dries the earth ... (and a person is a disease)

To the weak and ... (disease sticks)

Business - time ... (fun - hour)

Worked - ... (rest)


And now we remember Fairy tale "Cinderella"

At the prince's ball, Cinderella lost her shoe, but the prince not only found the shoe, but also put it on Cinderella's little foot.


A chair is placed in front of the column of each team. Cinderella is sitting on chairs - a girl. In each team, one boy prince is chosen and blindfolded. The princes are located a few meters from the Cinderellas.

At the “march” command, the princes go in the direction of Cinderella, the girls sit on a chair on their feet with one shoe. Different shoes are laid on the floor nearby, the prince must find a suitable one and put it on Cinderella's foot.

Inventory: chairs and children's shoes.


We will now go to kingdom of the snow queen . The boy Kai is being held captive here. He builds an ice figure and, if folded, will have the right to return home. We must help him. To do this, let's throw ice floes to him, then he will have more of these icicles, and he will quickly fold the ice figure.


Two lines are drawn, the distance between them is 2.5-3m. Behind one of them are the players of the team, each in his hand a small piece of foam. On the “march” command, the players throw the foam, trying to throw it as far as possible, i.e. get over the edge. The number of pieces of foam that fell over the line is counted.

Inventory: Styrofoam, /cut into pieces/according to the number of children


Everyone knows the fairy tale "Doctor Aibolit"? Doctor Aibolit is our guest. / Doctor Aibolit appears /

Dr. Aibolit.

I suggest you guys do some exercises for the eyes:

Frequent blinking;

Keeping a look behind the moving index finger;

Write with eyes "eight";

Look up, down, right, left;

"All the guys should know: the eyes are the mirror of the soul."

Children, these exercises should be repeated more often at home, in the classroom, in nature, vision should be strengthened.

In the following exercises, I want to see how you can breathe, what is your lung capacity. I'm sure you already know what it is.


Having formed a circle, in the middle of it stands a lit candle. On command, the guys begin to blow on the candle. Whose team will blow out the candle faster.

Dr. Aibolit .

I am convinced that all of you are well aware of the rule: to be healthy, to have the strength to exercise, you need to eat well, high in calories.


There are chocolates in the basket. The first one runs, takes a chocolate bar, comes running, passes the baton to the next player, etc.

Leader 1 . Each chocolate bar has a d / z attached. Let's read it all out loud together. / Children read loudly /

“Love physical culture and sports.

And they will love you, teach you how

Lead a healthy lifestyle".


Guys, I advise you to repeat the main physical culture commandments with Dr. Aibolit.

Dr. Aibolit. "If you want to be healthy..."

Children ... temper yourself!

Dr. Aibolit. And charging every day ...

Children. … get busy!

Dr. Aibolit. Physical education is the most...

Children … get carried away!

Dr. Aibolit. Our motto has always been this.

Children . Be healthy, always healthy!”


The floor is given to the jury. Summarizing. Rewarding.

The music “Light it up” sounds, the children sing along and clap their hands.


Here is the end of the story.

Who listened to them well done!

Who played them - daring .


    Physical culture at school. Ed. E.I. Kuznetsova. M., Education, 1979.

    Outdoor games: grades 1-4./Aut. A.Yu. Patrikeev.-M.: VAKO, 2007. (Mosaic of children's recreation)

    Physical Culture. Exercises and games in the classroom in elementary schools; V.S. Kuznetsov, G.A. Kolodnitsky

    Educational and extracurricular physical culture and health and sports activities. Akulova T.N., Golovina V.A. Toolkit. Moscow: RKhTU im. DI. Mendeleev, 2006.

Who lives in the terem? ol. back, passing the bag to the next player, etc. tno, passing the ball 0000000000000



The goals of the program are:

update the topic of health, healthy lifestyle, responsible behavior;

creation of educational and information manual “Healthy lifestyle”;

realization of the creative potential of students as a subject of independent learning activities;

integration of interdisciplinary knowledge.


consolidation and expansion of lexical skills, skills of expressing one's opinion on the topic, listening skills;

identification and systematization of knowledge on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”.


development of creative abilities of students;

development of a cognitive attitude and interest in the topic under study;

development of communication skills;

development of thinking, memory, attention, imagination.


educate an active life position, a responsible attitude to one's health;

formation of healthy lifestyle skills;

fostering a culture of communication;

the formation of a sense of responsibility for their health;

formation of the need for teamwork and work in groups.

Form of carrying out: relay races.

Equipment: 2 basketballs, 2 chairs, 2 sticks 1-1.5 m each, 2 ropes 5 m each, 2 blindfolds, 2 pairs of large slippers, 10 coins made of thick cardboard, 2 baskets, 6 cubes, jump ropes, 2 baskets.

The story has been waiting for you! Hurry up!

If you win, you will get a prize!

Be bold, don't be afraid, don't be shy.

Choose a competition for yourself as soon as possible.

Feel free to come to us to play, win,

Wisdom, dexterity to surprise everyone.

Jokes, fun and laughter are waiting for you...

Relay day today for everyone!

It is time to see which team of which school is the most athletic. And to find out this secret, I invite everyone to the fabulous relay races. They called them that because you, dear guys, will portray the heroes of fairy tales.

The host conducts games and relay races.

Relays for grades 1-4.


Teams are divided into 3 people, tied with a belt along the waist line. We must jump together to the finish line and back.

"The Little Humpbacked Horse"

Putting a basketball on your back (at waist level) and holding it with your hands, run to the finish cube, climb on it, neigh a horse and return to the start at a run.

The first participant - grandfather - runs to the finish line and back, the second - grandmother - joins him, holding on to his waist, and now they are running together. Then the third one joins - the granddaughter, and then all the heroes of the fairy tale.

"Munchausen's core"

The task of the players: holding a basketball between their knees, run to the finish line, throw the ball up, catch it, shout: “I am Baron Munchausen!” - and, holding the ball in your hand, return to the start.

"Alice the Fox and Basilio the Cat"

Teams are divided into 2 people. "Cat" puts on a patch over one eye and large slippers on his feet. "Fox" takes "cat" by the shoulder with one hand. So they overcome the distance to the finish line, where the “fox” takes 5 coins from the finish cube. The other pair returns the coins to their place.

"Frog traveler"

Teams are divided into 3 people. Two children put a stick on their shoulders and hold it with their hands. The third - a frog - hangs on his hands, legs crossed. You need to quickly reach the finish line and return back, bypassing the cube. "Frog" during the movement should croak.


Teams are divided into 2 people. The first is "stepmother". She takes a basket of dice, runs to the finishing cube and scatters the dice on it. Then he returns and gives the basket to the second player - Cinderella. She runs, collects the cubes in the basket and carries to the next pair of players.

Relay races for 5-11 grades

Running with three balls

On the start line, the first one takes 3 balls in a convenient way (football, volleyball and basketball). On a signal, he runs with them to the turning flag and stacks the balls near it. It comes back empty. The next participant runs empty to the lying balls, picks them up, returns with them back to the team and, not reaching 1m, puts them on the floor.
- instead of big balls, you can take 6 tennis balls,
- instead of running - jumping.

There are two teams of 6 children. This is a grandfather, grandmother, Bug, granddaughter, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall of the hall. A turnip sits on each chair - a child in a hat with a picture of a turnip.

The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the turnip, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, etc. At the end of the game for a turnip clings to a mouse. The team that pulls out the turnip the fastest wins.


Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player sends the ball back between the spread legs of the players. The last player of each team leans down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, and so on. The team that finishes the relay the fastest wins.

Passed - sit down!


4 players (2 from each team) stand on the start line. Everyone gets 3 big balls. They must be carried to the final destination and returned back. It is very difficult to hold 3 balls in your hands, and it is also not easy to pick up a fallen ball without assistance. Therefore, porters have to move slowly and carefully (the distance should not be too large). The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Ball race underfoot

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player sends the ball back between the spread legs of the players. The last player of each team leans down, catches the ball and runs forward with it along the column, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, and so on. The team that completes the relay the fastest wins.

Three jumps

The participants are divided into two teams. At a distance of 8-10 m from the start line, put a rope and a hoop. After the signal, the 1st, having reached the rope, picks it up, makes three jumps on the spot, puts it down and runs back. The 2nd takes the hoop and makes three jumps through it and the rope and the hoop alternate. Whose team can do it faster, that one will win.

Forbidden movement

Passed - sit down!

The players are divided into several teams, 7-8 people each, and line up behind the common starting line in a column one at a time. Captains stand in front of each column facing it at a distance of 5 - 6 m. Captains receive a volleyball. On a signal, each captain passes the ball to the first player in his column. Having caught the ball, this player returns it to the captain and crouches. The captain throws the ball to the second, then the third and subsequent players. Each of them, returning the ball to the captain, crouches. Having received the ball from the last player of his column, the captain lifts it up, and all the players of his team jump up. The team with the fastest players to complete the task wins.

Bring a piece of paper

You need to prepare 2 sheets of paper (you can from a notebook) The players are divided into two teams, which are built in parallel to one another. The first player of each team is placed on the palm of a piece of paper. During the game, the sheet should lie on the palm of its own - it is impossible to hold it. The first players from each team run to the flag. If a leaf suddenly falls to the ground, you need to pick it up, put it in your palm and continue on your way. Having reached his team, the player must quickly transfer the leaf to the right palm of the next comrade in line, who immediately runs forward. Meanwhile, the first one is at the end of the row. This continues until the turn reaches the first one. The team that completes the task the fastest wins.

Running on the clouds

For this game you will need five representatives from each team. Line up the participants and tie two inflated balloons to the right and left legs of each participant (4 balloons per person). On command, the first participants set off - their task is to run to the marker for the end of the distance and return back, passing the baton to the next member of their team. Each bursting balloon brings the team one penalty point.


Children are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one after the other. At the signal of the leader, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with two legs from a place. The first jumps, the second stops at the place to which the first jumped, and jumps further. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumps the farthest wins.

Pass the ball

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team are built one after the other in a column. The first participants hold the ball in their hands. At the signal of the leader, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one who is behind, over his head. The last in the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, gets up first and passes the ball to the next one behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The team that finishes the game first wins.

Air kangaroos

Divide the participants into teams and ask the participants to stand one behind the other. Give each team a balloon. The first participant holds the balloon between his knees and, like a kangaroo, jumps with it to the marker for the end of the distance. Returning in the same way back, he passes the ball to the next player, and so on. The winner is the team whose players finish the relay first.

There is also a volleyball competition among girls in grades 9-10

Football competition grade 5-6; 8-9 grade; 10-11 class.

Pioneerball competition grades 5-6; 7-8 grades

Event Schedule


relay races

relay races

relay races

relay races

Football competition grade 5-6; 8-9 grade; 10-11 class. (boys, youths)

Pioneerball competition grades 5-6; Grades 7-8 (girls)

Volleyball competition for grades 9-10 (girls)

Fairy relay races

Fun relay races for primary school students

Target: To promote the health of students through the organization of dynamic change: holding relay races, thematically related to famous children's fairy tales.
Props: 2 volleyballs;
2 balloons;
2 pairs of shoe covers;
2 spoons and 2 tennis balls;
2 buckets and 10 cones (or pieces of paper crumpled into a ball);
2 hoops;
2 brooms;
2 gymnastic sticks.
Members: 2 teams of school students, equal in number and age composition


Teacher: Children are very fond of fairy tales. Read and know them. Some even want to imitate fairy tale characters. Today you guys will have such an opportunity. Our today's relay races are semi-sports, semi-playing. They are based on the plot of a fairy tale. Together we will remember old fairy tales and hold fabulous relay races. So, let's begin. The first relay - "Humpbacked Horse". Everyone knows this character, and everyone, like the Little Humpbacked Horse, would like to become wizards. Now you can turn yourself into this good hero for a while.
It is clear from the name that each participant of this relay race will have to portray the Little Humpbacked Horse, which is beautifully described in the fairy tale by P. P. Ershov. All you need for this is a volleyball. The participant bends at the waist, takes the ball and puts it on his back. To prevent the ball from falling during movement, it must be held with your hands, while remaining in a half-bent state. Everything must be done quickly and without losing the "hump" - the ball behind your back. Those “Humpbacked Skates” that will be more dexterous and swift will win.
Remember, Baron Munchausen once moved by riding a cannonball. I suggest that you guys also master this unusual type of “transport”. Your core will be an ordinary balloon, on which it is written on the side with bright paint: “core”. Participants must saddle the core, holding it between their knees and holding it with their hands. At a signal in this position, they must make their way to the turning flag and back. Then the core is passed to the next player, and so on, until it turns out which team has mastered the "flying on the core" faster. Do not forget that if handled carelessly, the nuclei have the properties of exploding. If the ball-core bursts, the team is eliminated from the game and "mourns the dead core-flyer".
All children are familiar with this Cat, so the essence of the relay is clear to you by name. To carry it out, we need boots of a very large size. However, it turned out to be difficult to find them. Therefore, instead of boots, we will have shoe covers. The first participant, on a signal, must quickly put them on and also quickly run to the finish line. As you remember, Puss in Boots had good manners. Running past the flag, around which to run, each participant must linger and make a bow, beautiful and original. So, having reached the finish line, making a bow at the same time, the participant returns and gives the shoe covers to the next one. And so is the whole team. The winning team can express their joy with a loud and melodic meow.
Remember the fairy tale "Ryaba the Hen". Now you have to carry a testicle, but not a simple one. Although not gold. The task is to carry the "egg" in a spoon and not drop it. You need to carry the precious cargo in turn. Whose team manages faster, that one will win.
Remember how hardworking Cinderella was? She never sat idle for a minute. In this relay race, you will also have to work hard. Every first player in the team will portray the evil stepmother, and every second will be Cinderella. The first participant - the "stepmother" - must take turns throwing garbage out of the bucket. And the second is to collect back into the bucket. When all the garbage is collected, "Cinderella" passes the bucket to the "stepmother", and she, as befits an evil and harmful stepmother, scatters it again along the entire line of motion. The new "Cinderella", to whom the "stepmother" gives the tool, will again have to collect garbage. And this "disgrace" is going on until one of the teams comes to the finish line first.
To begin with, let's remember who lived in the teremka: the Little Mouse, the Frog Frog, the Jumping Bunny, the Sister Chanterelle and the Pisk Mosquito. The Bear came sixth and destroyed the tower. Let's try to play this fairy tale in the relay race. Only six people will participate in it - according to the number of characters in the fairy tale. And the role of the tower will be performed by a hoop. The relay starts "Mouse". The participant playing this role, on a signal, moves to the finish line, where the hoop-teremok lies. Having run, the player passes the hoop through himself, puts it in place and runs after the next participant, i.e. for the “Frog”. Now they run to the tower together, necessarily holding hands. Having reached, they both crawl through the hoop without tearing their hands. Having done this, they run after the third, then after the fourth, then after the fifth. When five, without unclenching their hands, thread a hoop through themselves and run after the sixth, it turns out to be "Bear". But they still take him by the hand and| lead with them to the "teremok". Five people put on a hoop and hold it at waist level. "Bear" at this time takes the hoop with his hand and pulls it along with all the participants inside to the start. Who is faster, he won.
How does Baba Yaga move in fairy tales? That's right, in a mortar or just on a broom. Stupas are gone, but on broomsticks you can try to fly. Participants take turns "flying" on a broomstick. Whose team is smarter and faster?
Remember how the Frog traveled in this fairy tale? She made the ducks take a stick in their beaks, and she, clinging to it with her paws, took off with the flock. In this relay, the participants will have to do almost the same thing. The two strongest participants take a gymnastic stick and put it on their shoulders. At this time, the third takes the stick with his hands, lifts his legs off the ground and thus turns out to be a “traveling frog”. Now, on a signal, all three begin to move forward. The player who hangs on a stick is strictly forbidden to touch the ground with his feet. When the “ducks with a frog” reach the finish line, the participant hanging on a stick unhooks, and his other two comrades return to the start to take a new “traveler”. And so the whole team must be at the finish line.
According to a fairy tale, seven kids were locked at home, but the Wolf fraudulently entered the house and ate the kids. The houses in this relay race will be two halves of the volleyball court. One half is the home of the “goats” of one team, the other half is the home of the other team. In each team, you need to choose seven “goats” and one “Wolf”. "Kids" immediately occupy their homes and settle down in them, as they like. On a signal, both "Wolves" enter the house of the opposite team and begin to catch the "goats". The one who was caught (touched by hand) leaves the site (he is eaten). Whose "Wolf" ate all the "goats" faster, that team wins. The kids in this relay game can run away from the "Wolf", but you can not leave the house, that is, jump out of the site. So, bon appetit!

"A fairy tale is calling us"

Goals: - promotion and activation of a healthy lifestyle among children;
- involvement of children in systematic physical culture and sports and active participation in competitions.

Inventory: buckets, brooms, hoops, toys, tennis rackets, balls, balls, jump ropes.

Course of the competition.

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

A fairy tale teaches, a fairy tale heals, a fairy tale gives wisdom.

Let's remember today the Humpbacked Horse,

Even Baba Yaga will fly to us.

Tale about "Turnip" and "Teremok",

"Little Red Riding Hood" and "Gingerbread Man".

Let's have fun, run and play!

All you have to do is figure out the story!

Leading: Today, guys, not ordinary tests are waiting for you, but fabulous ones. To successfully pass them, you will have to turn into fairy-tale heroes, be dexterous, fast and friendly. And at the end of the tests, prizes and rewards await you. But for that, guys, let's get to know each other. Each team says a fabulous name and motto.
1 relay: "Baba Yaga"


A hut was lost in a dense forest.
A difficult old woman lives in a hut -
Takes a pomelo, but sits in a mortar,
And then it flies over the forest like a bird!

Who is this? (Baba Yaga)
What is the name of the device for moving in space that Baba Yaga uses? (mortar, broom)
Exercise. Leg in a bucket, a broom or a broom between the legs. Running to the bar and back.

2 relay "Teremok"


The mouse has found a home

The mouse was kind

In the house that after all

There are many residents


Exercise. Each team has a hoop - this is a teremok. It is necessary to populate it with residents as soon as possible. You need to take the toy, transfer it to the hoop and return.

3rd relay "Kurochka Ryaba".


Grandmother and grandfather roared:
How are we going to have lunch now?
The mouse ran across the table
And the testicle suddenly fell.

(Hen Ryaba)

Exercise: Tennis racket in hand with a ball on it. Run to the rack and, having rounded it, return and pass the racket with the ball to the next player.

4 relay "Kolobok"


It is mixed with sour cream.

On the window was cooled.

Round and ruddy side.

Rolled ... (Kolobok).

Exercise: roll the ball with your hand to the rack and back.

5th relay race "Humpbacked Horse".


Jumping mane is not simple,

Miracle - golden mane,

He carries a boy over the mountains,

Yes, it won't drop it.

The horse has a son

amazing horse,

Amazing horse

Nicknamed The Hunchback.

Exercise: Jumping rope to the rack and back.

6 relay "Turnip"


What a fairy tale: cat, granddaughter,
Mouse, another dog Bug
Helped grandpa and grandma
Have you harvested root crops? (Turnip)

Exercise: Run to the counter, stand in the hoop, lift it up and say "Both-on!" (i.e. - the turnip has grown).

7 relay "Little Red Riding Hood"


I'm wearing a red hat
Pies in a basket.
Here I go to my grandmother
Along the forest path.
If I meet a wolf,
I won't cry
I then hunters
I'll call out loud.
(Little Red Riding Hood.)

Exercise: On the opposite side of the hall, there are models of vegetables and fruits on the table. Taking the basket, the participant goes “for groceries”. He runs to the table, puts 1 product in the basket, returns back and passes the basket to the next player.


Leading: All the relay races of our fairy tale game have been completed, but there are still many interesting fairy tales. And I hope that we will gather in this hall again to beat them in a fun way. This concludes our competition. We thank all viewers for their attention.