How to double jump rope. Theory and methodology in crossfit

And on the one hand, they are right, on the other hand, I am more of a CrossFit theorist than an athlete. I am very interested in studying theoretical basis, watch the exercise technique on YouTube and then write about it in.

So far I have serious problems with the technique of performing all the exercises in CrossFit and one of them - jumping rope. Simple jumps do not cause difficulties, especially in, but double jump rope while they are hard. The coach showed me the technique, the video on YouTube was watched to the holes, now, as the pilots say, “Time has to fly in”, gain experience.

Therefore, I begin participation in the next action.

The conditions of the promotion are simple:

  • Learn to jump double jumps over one single, i.e. single-double-single-double-single.
  • Learn to jump double jumps in a row, jump 10 double jumps in a row.
  • Jump 20 double jumps in a row.
  • Jump 50 double jumps in a row.
  • Jump 100 double jumps in a row.

Goals must be measurable and achievable. Both of these conditions are met, plus the goals are in order from simple to complex. I hope two months is enough for me. I will record the results in this post.

After the conditions are met, the action will grow into 100 jumps in a certain time or in the number of jumps in two minutes to get closer to some more or less generally accepted results, but let it be later, when I already know how long 100 jumps take.

I will jump anywhere, in training, if time and energy remain, or at home, on the landing. The training time should not be long, it is better to train often and not for long. 10-15 minutes, but three times a day.

The day before yesterday I tried to jump just 100 double jumps. Time has already gone 13:58 . Since I still don’t know how to jump doubles in a row, I had to jump with a “flood”, i.e. first regular jumps, then double, again regular and again double. This super technique explains such a big time. The first 20 jumps went well, and then the arms and legs began to fail, even ordinary jumps were given with great difficulty. The rope was confused for everything that is possible. For two days I have been walking like an invalid, my calves hurt like hell.

Speaking of jump rope. As they say, even for a bad dancer ... any jump rope will do, but I chose Speed ​​rope. This jump rope has long handles, an excellent rotation mechanism and an iron cable covered with plastic. Jumping on such a rope is a pleasure. If you live in Novorossiysk, then write to me, I will tell you where you can buy it from us.

The technique of learning to jump rope is not difficult, watch the video and see for yourself.

Well, there are those who want to participate in stock together with me? There are two bonuses from participation:

  • You will learn the technique of jumping rope. Double generally no one knows how to jump.
  • During training, you will get an excellent load and absolutely FREE and at a time when it suits you. After all, for training you don’t need to specifically go to the gym, you can jump at home, you can also on the landing or on the street.
  • Maybe you will like it and you will jump for 15-20 minutes every day, and this is an excellent aerobic exercise.

If you are interested, then just post your results in the comments with me. If you already know how to jump 100 double jumps in a row or it's not difficult for you at all, then write down the time. At least I know what to aim for.

Double jumps, when the rope scrolls twice in one jump, have become incredibly popular recently, including due to their inclusion in the cross-fit complex. Despite the seeming simplicity and accessibility of such exercises, a considerable number of people experience a lot of difficulties with how to learn how to jump double jumps on a rope - such training becomes a kind of insurmountable wall against which sports fans fight for weeks. And no wonder, because in how to jump double jumps on a rope, there are a lot of important nuances, without taking into account and using which it will be difficult to master this exercise the right way.

A person striving to master double jumps will need excellent coordination and considerable dexterity, because this will require good synchronization of movements of both upper and lower limbs. In addition, it may only seem that any jumping rope is a simple matter, because it is in this version that they are not subject to everyone - only to those who are ready to train hard for weeks and even months: for some it takes up to six months or more to master the technique. It is unlikely that this exercise will be successfully performed, especially in the volume that is required in crossfit - up to 100-150 times in a row - for a person who has poorly developed muscles of the body, as well as arms and legs.

Among other things, if a person who is eager to master the aforementioned skill has not taken up the rope for a long time, he will need to resurrect the technical subtleties of handling it in his memory. Without similar basic principles it is unlikely that it will be possible to master more complex coordination exercises, including double jumps, therefore it is imperative to remember the basic position of the body, the movements of the arms and legs during ordinary single jumps. It is worth saying that even in childhood, when many people love spending time with a rope, not everyone learns to jump on it correctly, and relearning is much more difficult than immediately mastering the correct technical nuances.

For jumping, you will have to choose the maximum vertical position torso, with a straight spine, and the head also should not be lowered - it is desirable to look straight ahead. The position of the limbs is even more important: the legs should be placed as close as possible to each other, closing the feet and the femoral part, and the arms should be pressed to the body with the elbows more tightly, and so that the elbow angle is about 50 degrees. In motion, i.e. jumping, you should maintain not only good posture, but also the previously fixed positions of the arms and legs, and there are several tricks here: you should land on the fingertips, and rotate the rope with your hands, and not with your whole hand.

Without a clear development of the aforementioned positions of different parts of the body, double jumps will definitely not work, because, for example, rotating the rope with your hands to the elbows, and not just with your hand, as expected, it will hardly be possible to create two turns with it in one single jump. In any case, move on to more difficult exercises on a rope should be done only when, without failures in technique, a person will calmly succeed in a hundred or one and a half repetitions of single jumps in one approach. In such a case, it will be necessary to gradually complicate the task for yourself, adding alternate bouncing to the workouts, on one leg, two per turn of the rope, high, etc.

The next step in mastering the technique of double jumps will be single ones with the maximum height available to a given person - such as if he is trying to jump to the ceiling. This approach allows you to properly slow down the body, which will be enough for double scrolling of the rope before landing, and at the same time it is necessary to train the hands, scrolling the projectile folded four times with them with each jump. Then you can go directly to double jumps, but at first alternate them with single ones, gradually reducing the number of the latter in each approach and increasing the number of the former.


At first glance, learning how to jump rope double jumps in CrossFit is not difficult. You just take the rope and spin it twice each time you land. It is a pleasure to watch an athlete jump in a relaxed way, and even more - to jump yourself. But you take the rope, try it, and it keeps whipping you on the lower limbs, gets tangled, the body writes out pirouettes, you throw the rope on the floor in your hearts and leave. And then when WOD turns on those stupid doubles, you look like a jerk. Then you try to learn, but the situation repeats itself. We know we passed.

We will teach you to be a handsome man, not a douche, but you will first have to read our recommendations, and then work long and hard. We would even say to work hard, but it's worth it.

The exercise can be broken down into three main components:

  • jumping;
  • rope rotation technique;
  • timing.

Let's take a look at each of these components.


When an athlete first attempts to perform double jump, he instinctively tries to just randomly and frantically spin the rope twice as fast as possible, trying to catch it before he has yet landed. This is not the best strategy.

The fast movement of the rope does not guarantee success at all, especially for an athlete who is just learning. With double jumps, the rope should not move faster - it should not do anything at all - it is the athlete who should jump higher.

In order for the jump to be effective, you must comply with several conditions for the jump:

  • maintaining the correct position of the body;
  • optimal height;
  • maximum relaxation.

Correct body position.

The body should be as straight and even as possible, the gluteal and core muscles should be selected. Be sure to stand on your toes. Imagine a grasshopper, you have to be like him. Hm, I hope you understand.

Pull in your belly! Even your cheeks and jaw should not hang and dangle, and your calves should completely turn into a spring.

Jump height is key.

The higher you jump, the more likely you are to get a double. The longer you are in the air, the more opportunities you will have to spin the rope twice.

This simple rule is a no-brainer, but for some reason, many athletes ignore it.

Relaxation and looseness are not the same thing.

At first glance, this does not seem to be important rule, but in fact it is of great importance. When jumping, athletes often pinch, panic, as a result, forget what to do and whip their legs with all their might. This is fundamentally wrong and this is what often leads to failure.

Jump training.

First step:

When training, it makes sense to first jump single with different speed to get a feel for the rope, as well as the differences between double and single jumps.

Second phase:

Then you can already move on to an intermediate option: first jump two singles, one double, two singles, one double. And so on until you get bored, or rather, when it will be easy for you to observe such a frequency. By practicing this way, you will be able to feel every double, every movement of the wrists and the rope, the height and so on.

At first glance, this is simple, but at first in practice, you can jump in this way without breaking down, at most ten seconds. And do not twist your nose, first jump like this for a minute, and then we'll talk.

Although who are we kidding, half a minute is your ceiling for the first time.

Third stage:

So, having learned to confidently jump two singles, one double, two singles, one double, we move on to the next stage. Then we jump like this: one single, one double, one single, one double. Ten seconds, I think you'll last, but if you're a Pie CrossFitter and don't stop trying, you'll soon be able to jump like this without stuttering for a minute. And only at the moment when it becomes easy for you to adhere to such a frequency, go to two doubles in a row.

Again, at first they can be diluted with single ones, gradually reducing their number.

In general, there are several types of progressions when training doubles: some trainers recommend jumping for a long time, mixing doubles and singles, others are categorically against singles.

There is a non-rope training technique where the athlete jumps up and does not land until he slaps himself twice on the thighs, so a certain pattern is developed.

In general, as my weightlifting coach says: each dodik has his own methodology, ”and by and large it’s not so important which one to follow. One thing is important - the technique must be working, and if, having chosen one of them for a whole month, you are marking time, try another.

Experiment. Watch the video, read, think, train, but most importantly - jump!

Remember a few simple rules when performing jumps:

  • jump as slowly as possible and as high as possible;
  • don't bend your legs.

This is perhaps the most common mistake that 90% of people make. When an athlete jumps, spins the rope and sees that he is not on time, he instinctively tucks his legs in to save the day and give the rope more time. This is the biggest mistake!


Many failures are due to incorrect rotation of the rope and erroneous hand placement.

Optimal hand position:

The arms should be extended along the back, the elbows bent and be as close to the body as possible, at a distance of about 10-15 cm. In no case should the elbows be pressed against the body.

The palms should be in front. When you hold the rope, its handles should, as it were, “look” a little away from the hips.

As for the height of the hands: imagine that you are in a belt, in which case the hands should be located at the level of the buckle.

The brushes should be visible in peripheral vision, and if you see them directly, initial position- wrong.

Error: in no case should the elbows be widely separated to the sides, so you will have to expend much more effort on scrolling the rope. Some advise to press the elbows to the body, but it is inconvenient to jump like that.

Your goal with the rotation is to have the rope hit the same place each time, about 30 cm from the toes.

So, let's try to rotate the rope. Imagine that your wrists are hinges, they are separated from your hands and rotate very quickly. They spin separately and quickly, that's all!

At the same time, we must strive to ensure that the wrists and forearms are as relaxed as possible. If you grab the handles of the rope tightly, this will make the shoulders rotate, which is not necessary in this case.

Dave Newman recommends this trick. Place hands with short sticks in empty buckets placed at waist level. Everything is extremely simple, you need to rotate the sticks so that they do not hit the edges of the buckets. The sound of the impact will notify you of the wrong rotation.


The last component in order to learn how to jump rope double jumps is the correct timing, it is very important to determine exactly when to start the movement. Most people jump too fast as soon as they see the rope in front of them. But optimal time for a jump - when the rope passes below the knees.

As Dave Newman says, the rope needs more time than your body, because it has to spin as much as 360 degrees while your feet are at a height of 10 cm. This indicates the need to remain calm and wait for the rope.

He says that people do not really know when to jump and do it at the same time as the rope is spinning, which is wrong.

So, when calculating the time, you need to remember the following:

  • jumping slowly and high;
  • we rotate the rope quickly with our wrists, as if on hinges;
  • we begin the rotation of the rope when it passes below the knees;
  • keep the rhythm.

All the coaches, as they agreed, they repeat that the doubles need to “swoop”, that is, to train long and hard. But the pleasure of achieving the Goal will not keep you waiting! Fly with pleasure, dear crossfitters!

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At first glance, learning how to jump rope double jumps in CrossFit is not difficult. You just take the rope and spin it twice each time you land. It is a pleasure to watch an athlete jump in a relaxed way, and even more - to jump yourself. But you take a rope, try it, and it keeps

whips you on the lower limbs, gets tangled, the body writes out pirouettes, you in your hearts throw the rope on the floor and leave. And then when WOD turns on those stupid doubles, you look like a jerk. Then you try to learn, but the situation repeats itself. We know we passed.

We will teach you to be a handsome man, not a douche, but you will first have to read our recommendations, and then work long and hard. We would even say to work hard, but it's worth it.

The exercise can be broken down into three main components:

  • jumping;
  • rope rotation technique;
  • timing.

Let's take a look at each of these components.


When an athlete first tries to double jump, they instinctively try to just randomly and frantically spin the rope twice as fast as possible, trying to catch it before they land. This is not the best strategy.

The fast movement of the rope does not guarantee success at all, especially for an athlete who is just learning. With double jumps, the rope should not move faster - it should not do anything at all - it is the athlete who should jump higher.

In order for the jump to be effective, you must observe several jump conditions:

  • maintaining the correct position of the body;
  • optimal height;
  • maximum relaxation.

Correct body position.

The body should be as straight and even as possible, the gluteal and core muscles should be selected. Be sure to stand on your toes. Imagine a grasshopper, you have to be like him. Hm, I hope you understand.

Pull in your belly! Even your cheeks and jaw should not hang and dangle, and your calves should completely turn into a spring.

Jump height is key.

The higher you jump, the more likely you are to get a double. The longer you are in the air, the more opportunities you will have to spin the rope twice.

This simple rule is a no-brainer, but for some reason, many athletes ignore it.

Relaxation and laziness- it's not the same thing.

At first glance, it seems that this is not an important rule at all, but in fact it is of great importance. When jumping, athletes often pinch, panic, as a result, forget what to do and whip their legs with all their might. This is fundamentally wrong and this is what often leads to failure.

Hack on your nose - a jump rope will not kill you (we are not considering a case of death from a jump rope by strangulation here), so be collected, but in no case clamped.

Jump training.

First step:

When training, it makes sense first a few days to jump single e at different speeds to get a feel for the rope, as well as the differences between double and single jumps.

Second phase:

Then you can move on to the intermediate option: first jump two singles, one double, two singles, one double. And so on until you get bored, or rather, when it will be easy for you to observe such a frequency. By practicing this way, you will be able to feel every double, every movement of the wrists and the rope, the height and so on.

At first glance, this is simple, but at first in practice, you can jump in this way without breaking down, at most ten seconds. And do not twist your nose, first jump like this for a minute, and then we'll talk.

Although who are we kidding, half a minute is your ceiling for the first time.

Third stage:

So, having learned to confidently jump two singles, one double, two singles, one double, we move on to the next stage. Let's jump like this: one single, one double, one single, one double. Ten seconds, I think you'll last, but if you're a Pie CrossFitter and don't stop trying, you'll soon be able to jump like this without stuttering for a minute. And only at the moment when it becomes easy for you to adhere to such a frequency, go to two doubles in a row.

Again, at first they can be diluted with single ones, gradually reducing their number.

In general, there are several types of progressions when training doubles: some coaches recommend jumping for a long time, mixing double and single ones, others are categorically against single ones.

There is a non-rope training technique where the athlete jumps up and does not land until he slaps himself twice on the thighs, so a certain pattern is developed.

In general, as my weightlifting coach says: each dodik has his own methodology, ”and by and large it’s not so important which one to follow. One thing is important - the technique must be working, and if, having chosen one of them for a whole month, you are marking time, try another.

Experiment. Watch the video, read, think, train, but most importantly - jump!

Remember a few simple rules when performing jumps:

  • jump as slowly as possible and as high as possible;
  • don't bend your legs.

This is perhaps the most common mistake that 90% of people make. When an athlete jumps, spins the rope and sees that he is not on time, he instinctively tucks his legs in to save the day and give the rope more time. This is the biggest mistake!


Many failures are due to incorrect rotation of the rope and erroneous hand placement.

Optimal hand position:

  1. The arms should be extended along the back, the elbows bent and be as close to the body as possible, at a distance of about 10-15 cm. In no case should the elbows be pressed against the body.
  2. The palms should be in front. When you hold the rope, its handles should, as it were, “look” a little away from the hips.
  3. As for the height of the hands: imagine that you are in a belt, in which case the hands should be located at the level of the buckle.
  4. The hands should be visible in peripheral vision, and if you see them straight, the starting position is wrong.

Error: in no case should the elbows be widely separated to the sides, so you will have to expend much more effort on scrolling the rope. Some advise to press the elbows to the body, but it is inconvenient to jump like that.

Your goal with the rotation is to have the rope hit the same place each time, about 30 cm from the toes.

So, let's try to rotate the rope. Imagine that your wrists are hinges, they are separated from the hands and rotate very quickly. They spin separately and quickly, that's all!

At the same time, we must strive to ensure that the wrists and forearms are as relaxed as possible. If you grab the handles of the rope tightly, this will make the shoulders rotate, which is not necessary in this case.

Dave Newman recommends this trick. Place hands with short sticks in empty buckets placed at waist level. Everything is extremely simple, you need to rotate the sticks so that they do not hit the edges of the buckets. The sound of the impact will notify you of the wrong rotation.


The last component in order to learn how to jump rope double jumps is the correct timing, it is very important to determine exactly when to start the movement. Most people jump too fast as soon as they see the rope in front of them. But the optimal time to jump is when the rope passes below the knees.

As Dave Newman says, the rope needs more time than your body, because it has to spin as much as 360 degrees while your feet are at a height of 10 cm. This indicates the need to remain calm and wait for the rope.

He says that people do not really know when to jump and do it at the same time as the rope is spinning, which is wrong.

So, Keep the following in mind when calculating time.:

  • jumping slowly and high;
  • we rotate the rope quickly with our wrists, as if on hinges;
  • we begin the rotation of the rope when it passes below the knees;
  • keep the rhythm.

All the coaches, as they agreed, they repeat that the doubles need to “swoop”, that is, to train long and hard. But the pleasure of achieving the Goal will not keep you waiting! Fly with pleasure, dear crossfitters!


| Author Flaim

Being at the very beginning of their CrossFit training path and seeing double jumps on a rope in a complex, many people want to throw the rope somewhere far away, because even the most enduring and strong athlete, if he cannot perform jumps normally, will end up on the last places.

All training consists in the confident performance of high single jumps with the smooth addition of a double turn and the subsequent complete transition to performing jumps with a double turn.

To start learning, you need to be able to jump on a rope smoothly, confidently, without stops and mistakes. If you can jump without problems, then you can go directly to the very training of double scrolling of the rope at the time of the jump.


There is nothing difficult in double jumps, you just need constant training and a little patience.

Master Yoda For training, we need to buy, find, steal a high-speed rope. No, you can try to perform on an ordinary one, but I can not vouch for the result. The thing is that the design of this rope has bearings and a metal cable that allow you to scroll it very quickly, which an ordinary rope cannot boast of, which consists of a rubber cord and plastic handles.

high jumps

Professional crossfit training

If you are looking for professionally designed CrossFit training programs, then we have created an entire section of the site dedicated to CrossFit training and more. The following training programs are available:
  • CrossFit training program for muscle growth and endurance

At this stage of training, you need to learn how to jump as high as possible. To do this, we jump single jumps, scroll the rope very slowly. At the time of the jump, the body is located in one line and perpendicular to the ground. Hands in the elbow joint are pressed to the body. Very common mistake many - while jumping up, they bend their legs back, thereby catching the cable of the rope with their feet. In addition, bending the legs negatively affects the height of the jump.

One through three

The second stage of training consists in a smooth transition from simple jumps with one turn to a double one. To do this, three jumps are performed with one scroll, then one with a double. At the moment of performing a double jump, it is necessary to jump high and, with a quick movement of the hands, scroll the rope twice. This method of transition is the most optimal, because it is carried out gradually. As soon as you start to get about 30 repetitions without errors, you can proceed to the next step.


This stage does not differ significantly from the previous one. We are still smoothly transitioning to doing double spins, by reducing the number of jumps with single spins and moving on to alternating. You should start with a single one, then we do a double scroll of the rope, then again a single scroll, etc. We bring up to 30 repetitions of execution without errors, then go to final stage.

Double jumps

Directly performing double jumps. The first is a jump with one turn of the rope, and then we jump as high as possible and perform double turns of the rope without stopping. At this stage of training, the main points are the polishing of skills, it is necessary to try to bring the number of jumps performed - about 15-20 in one approach without stops, tangling in the cable and other mistakes.

After you start to succeed in jumping without the desire to throw out the rope, you can try to diversify your workout by adding certain tasks for a while.

Workout Options

  • tabata workout
  • (8 rounds: 20 seconds work 10 seconds rest)

  • Maximum amount per time
  • (E.g. within two minutes)

  • A certain amount at a time
  • (Example 100 reps for time)

  • Specified number of repetitions every minute for a specified time
  • (Perform 20 jumps every minute for 10 minutes.)

    These training options resemble mini crossfit complexes and smoothly lead to the next stage of the progression of the exercise.

    We continue the topic of learning double jumps on a rope

    Why is it necessary?

    The thing is that in crossfit all exercises are performed in the form of complexes. Each complex consists of several exercises that must be completed in a certain period of time or close a certain number of repetitions.

    And now, having learned to jump more or less double jumps on a rope, you should learn how to perform them without errors in conjunction with other exercises, i.e. when there is fatigue and "clogging" of the muscles.

    How to do it?

    Everything is very simple - you need to train the performance of double jumps on a rope in a complex. Look for a complex where there are double jumps, you can use it on our blog. You should not immediately look for waters in which there are 100-150 double jumps at once, because at first you will stray and get tired, so it will take you a lot of time to complete so many jumps.

    It is best to choose complexes with no more than 50 repetitions of double jumps at a time, in which it is necessary to complete a certain number of rounds in a period of time (AMRAP). When performing such complexes, all exercises should be performed at the same pace, but try to avoid stops. It seems to me that this type of complexes is the most the best way double jump rope training.

    For example, below I will give popular complexes in which there are double jumps on a rope:

    Crossfit complexes with double jumps on a rope


    Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes:
    1. 10 burpees
    2. 10 kettlebell swings
    3. 10 squats with a kettlebell in front of you
    4. 20 double rope jumps


    Complete as many rounds as possible in 12 minutes:
    1. 12 handstand pushups
    2. 24 double rope jumps

    As soon as you start to get good at jumping double jumps, you can perform heroic complexes. For example:

    For a while:

    Sit up

    etc. In general, you can simply add an exercise to double jumps on a rope that involves the muscles of the legs or arms, and then the execution of double jumps will take place under a “load”, but it is with this performance that the ability to make double jumps without knocking down and mistakes is worked out.