How to fish for spinning - when and who can you catch? How to Catch a Fish Without a Rod: Proven Ways to Fish Sea Fishing with a Spear

What can you catch in the spring

spring fishing

The long-awaited March has arrived. Gradually, the surface of the water begins to warm up. During this period, you can easily catch representatives of predatory species such as pike or pike perch. You may also get asp. Fishing in the spring is desirable at a depth of more than four meters. This is due to the fact that the surface of the water surface has not yet completely warmed up.

Good places for fishing will be pits located at the bottom of the reservoir. Driftwood or submerged logs also work well. For bait, it will be good to use bloodworms, worms or maggots. The most common bait for many anglers in the spring is the bloodworm. But when buying a bloodworm, pay attention to its mobility, as well as color. The color of the worm should be very dark and have a red color. The worm must be in constant motion. In order to feed the fish, use boiled corn, very finely chopped worms or maggot. It is best to throw the bait in the evening, and with the sunrise, you can safely start catching fish.
Now consider what is best to catch in March. This month, roach and pike, carp and perch begin to peck well. If you decide to use a fishing rod with a float using a worm as bait, then a bream or roach will certainly fall on your hook. If you decide to use a lure with a small fish bait, then in this case you can catch perch or pike perch. Fishing this month on large rivers is quite interesting. And if the weather is good outside, then you will be provided with a good bite on lakes and large reservoirs.
Let's move on to April fishing. This month, representatives of the white breed of fish begin to come across. It is at this time that this fish will begin to actively gain weight before leaving for spawning grounds. Representatives of the predatory class will not lag behind them either. In the evening or early in the morning on a lure at a depth of about five meters it will be good to peck pike perch or large perch. At night you can catch burbot. In small rivers, where there is clear water, you can try to catch scavengers or large minnows in the wiring. Toward the end of April, on small rivers, after the water becomes fairly clear, try spinning.
This is how we imperceptibly approached the May fishing. This month is very good for catching catfish, and, of course, rudd. On huge reservoirs or lakes, spinning is being used for a good catch. The best bait at this time is a small fry and a dung worm. Closer to mid-May, to catch roach and other fish, you can try various greens as bait. If you have a boat, you can try fishing with a jig. In order to fish from the shoreline, you will need to feed the spot in advance. Tackle must necessarily consist of a long rod. At the end of May, fish going to spawn finally stop pecking. But the fish continues to peck well, which is just preparing for the upcoming spawning. The spring season can be considered closed towards the end of May, but do not be too upset, because there is still a whole summer ahead.

Advice on what kind of fish to catch.


Carp family. The main food is insect larvae, crustaceans, plants (horsetails, angustifolia cattail). Fishing methods - float and bottom fishing rods. Earthworms, dung worms, maggots, leeches, dough, potatoes, pasta, peas, and corn are used as bait.

Kilyak, chebak. Carp family. The main food is algae, parts of plants, larvae of bloodworms and beetles, crustaceans, mollusks. Ways of fishing - in wiring, float and bottom fishing rods. As bait, dung worms, maggots, creeps, slugs, bloodworm and beetle larvae, dough, corn, pasta, oatmeal are used. Commercial size - 25cm.


Taran, Carp family. It lives in almost all water bodies of the Orenburg region. There are semi-passing and tuvodny forms. The main food is algae, insect larvae and adult insects, plankton, crustaceans and molluscs. Fishing methods - in wiring, float and bottom fishing rods, fly fishing, ice fishing rod. As bait, dung worm, maggot, beetle larvae, bloodworms, corn, pasta, dough, hemp seeds are used. Artificial baits are also used - mormyshka and fly. Commercial size - 15 cm.


Perch family. The main food is small fish (including their own juveniles), frogs, slugs, leeches, and insects. Fishing methods - bottom fishing rod with a float and without a float, spinning. Bait - dead fish, fillet, toad. Artificial baits - twisters, rippers (vibro-tails), wobblers, spinners, spinners and spinners. Fishing is not recommended from February to May. Commercial size - 45 cm.


Pike family. It feeds on fish (cannibalism is common), toads, crustaceans, small rodents and water birds. Fishing methods are spinning and live bait. Live and dead fish, toads are used as bait. Artificial bait - a variety of spinners, wobblers, devons, twisters, rippers. It is not recommended to fish from December to April. Commercial length - 40 cm.

Catfish family. Catfish feed on fish, toads, crayfish, leeches, creeps. Fishing methods - donk, spinning and "kwok". Live or dead fish, toads, crayfish, a bunch of leeches, a bunch of creeps are used as bait. Artificial bait - large spinners, wobblers and twisters. Commercial size - 60cm.


Carp family. In rivers, it stays mainly on the current. It also lives in riverbed reservoirs and desalinated areas of the Sea of ​​Azov. Spawning in late March - early April. Asp is a predator. It feeds on small fish. The main fishing method is spinning. Recently, the most popular lure for fishing is the castmaster.


Perch family. Lives almost everywhere. The main food for perch is the larvae of various insects, fish eggs, juveniles, as well as adults of small fish. Fishing methods are very diverse. Float fishing rod, bottom tackle, live bait tackle, winter fishing rod and spinning. Bait for perch fishing can be live bait, worms and maggots, larvae of various insects, small frogs, and all kinds of spinning lures. The commercial size of a perch starts from 15cm. It is not a valuable commercial fish.


Carp is a wild form of carp. Carp family. lives in calm rivers, lakes, reservoirs and ponds. Carp refers to omnivorous fish - plant plankton, all kinds of larvae, leeches, plant seeds, etc. The fishing methods are bottom tackle, float rod, winkel picker and feeder. The following are used as baits: potatoes, corn, peas, pasta, protein balls (boilies), creeps and dung worms, maggot, cancer neck. Commercial size - 30 cm. It is a valuable commercial fish.

White amur

Schooling fish. The body is elongated, greenish or yellowish-gray on the back, dark with gilding on the sides, golden-light in the ventral part, scales (except for the ventral ones) with a dark border, the forehead is wide, the iris of the eyes is golden, the pectoral, ventral and anal fins are light, the upper and caudal dark, semi-inferior mouth.
Inhabits the Amur basin. Acclimatized to live in our conditions, it is bred mainly in paid reservoirs. Prefers slowly flowing rivers, flowing lakes, reservoirs. Keeps on spills, in channels with the developed vegetation. Feeds on algae, shoots of aquatic plants, leaves of submerged or hanging shrubs. Reaches a length of 120cm and a weight of 30kg. As a bait, you can use all vegetable attachments, especially good: canned corn, green peas, bread crust, as well as young shoots of cucumbers
It spawns in a weak current at a water temperature of 26-29 °C. Cupid spends the winter in deep pits, indifferent to everything.


Schooling fish. With a silvery, strongly laterally flattened body, it resembles a young bream, but it is easy to distinguish it by its fins (the fins are all gray in the bream, and the pectoral bases in the bream have a reddish tint), and the scales are larger.
The bream lives in the same reservoirs as the bream, and moreover, it can be found in any zone - in shallow water and in a pit, in a fleeting stream and a quiet backwater, thickets of grasses and away from them, on soft and hard ground. It feeds on insect larvae, mollusks, worms, and algae. Reaches a length of 30 cm and a weight of 400 g.
Spawns at a water temperature of 16-17 °C.

silver carp

Schooling fish. The body is moderately high, dark silvery on the back, silvery on the sides and belly, the head is developed, wide (hence, apparently, the name), small scales, pelvic and anal fins with a touch of yellowness, upper mouth.
Prefers places with a quiet current, reservoirs. It lives on spills, in lakes connected with the river, rich in algae and vegetation. It feeds on green water mass, zooplankton. Reaches meter length and weight 16kg.
It spawns in the current at a water temperature above 20 °C. The silver carp is cautious, secretive, it is not easy to get it. It happens that, being frightened by some sharp sound, it jumps high out of the water. Winters, like cupid, in deep holes and in deep sleep.
Bait makes up the bulk of silver carp fishing. It is important that the bait is always in a suspended state and does not lie on the bottom.

Experienced anglers use regular foam balls as bait. After feeding the fish, you can catch it on an empty hook or by planting maggot, corn and caster.

As a bait, you can use young or canned peas.

In nature, there are two types of silver carp - white and motley. They differ slightly in the way they feed. The silver carp feeds only on small algae, and the bighead carp also absorbs zooplankton, that is, fry.

Note: according to some sources, the weight of a silver carp can reach up to 20 and even up to 40 (!) Kg.


Adult bleak reaches 15 centimeters. The bleak feeds on bloodworms, worms, maggots, and small insects. Spawning at the bleak in the 2nd half of May and June. Mosque bleak from the age of two.

When catching bleak, the best bait is a fly. The bite will be excellent.

Schooling fish. The body is moderately oblong, dark silvery on the back, silvery, with gilding on the sides, white in the ventral part, golden eyes, dark caudal fin, the rest are red, a small oblique mouth.

Prefers rivers, flowing lakes, reservoirs. It stays in calm waters and in moderate currents in whirlpools, pits below rifts, under overhanging bushes, on the border of fast currents and calm waters, near the mouths of rivers, at night it comes out to fatten on shallows with sandy-pebble, clayey soil. It feeds on air insects and their larvae, mollusks, worms and even small fish. Reaches a length of 70 cm and a mass of 8 kg.

Spawns at water temperatures above 6°


Schooling fish. It looks like a roach, but its body is taller, brown-green on the back, yellowish-gold on the sides, light in the abdominal part, the iris of the eyes is golden, with a red dot at the top, the ventral fins are crimson, the rest are reddish, the head is small, the mouth is upper.
It lives in water bodies of the European part of the country, the Aral Sea basin, the Chu River. Prefers quiet, vegetated areas of lakes, oxbow lakes, river backwaters. It keeps near the edge of reeds and in thickets of other plants, near semi-flooded bushes. It feeds on algae, young shoots of plants, insects and their larvae. Reaches a length of 35 cm and a mass of 1.5 kg.
Spawns at a water temperature of 18 °C.

Ruff is a small fish, up to 18 cm in length and weighing up to 200 grams. With a very spiny dorsal fin. You can say this is not a fin, but a set of spikes. His injections are very painful and the wounds then heal for a long time, so when catching a ruff, you need to be extremely careful and avoid pricks with spikes. Ruff grows slowly, in large reservoirs it can reach a length of 10 cm in a year, and then its growth practically stops. The life expectancy of a ruff is up to 15 years.
Ruff is caught with small fishing rods with a thin fishing line, up to 0.2 mm in diameter and a small hook. It is better to use a float on a ruff as little as possible so that its bite is clearly visible. For catching a ruff, baits of animal origin are used, such as a dung worm or a bloodworm, since it is, although small, but still a predator.

A lot of questions arise from ordinary amateur fishermen in the spring on open water, because we fish during this period at our own peril and risk. This is due to the spawning ban on fishing and increased poaching during this period. Let's find out where, when, how and what it is allowed to fish and where it is forbidden to do it according to the fishing rules, as well as what is forbidden to fish and in what ways. What surprises me greatly is that there are no comments on the points of the articles of the fishing rules. There are explanatory comments to all laws, but not to fishing rules.

Recently, I looked at the official websites of the territorial bodies of the Federal Agency for Fishery and did not find forums anywhere, and there is a contact page for everyone, but no one answered my question, apparently everyone is in raids, or maybe there is no time. Well, if they made a forum and people would ask questions in it, this would increase site traffic. Because of these difficulties, fishermen do not know all the nuances and often from the category of fishermen they unwittingly become poachers, that is, lawbreakers. Rybnadzor stupidly performs its main function and keeps the fishermen in fear by drawing up protocols. As soon as the fisherman hints that you are wrong, the fine is instantly increased, but if your car or boat is expensive, then the fine will always be the highest, such is the truth. You have to be a sharomyga in appearance, such as poor and unemployed, then there is a chance to get a discount on the fine.

In Russia, they are approved by the Fisheries Agency by orders for each fishery basin, they are divided into fishery regions. Let's take the West Siberian fisheries basin, it is divided into areas:
1. Ob-Irtysh - includes the Kara Sea (does not include bays: Yenisei, Pyasinsky, Tollya and Taimyr) of the Ob, Irtysh, Taz, Pur rivers, as well as rivers flowing into them, reservoirs, oxbow lakes, reservoirs with fishery significance in the Republic Altai, Altai Territory, in the Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk regions, YNAO, KhMAO, in the Tyumen, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions;
2. Yenisei - territorially consists of the Yenisei, Pyasinsky, Toll and Taimyr bays in the Kara Sea, as well as the rivers that flow into them, bays in the Laptev Sea - Khatanga, Thaddeus, Sims, Teresa Clavenes, as well as the Yenisei, Pyasina, Taimyr rivers , Khatanga, Popigay, Ob (Chulym and Ket) of their tributaries, bays, branches, channels, reservoirs, lakes, reservoirs with fishery significance, geographically located in Tyva and Khakassia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Note: the pool does not include stocked ponds and quarries owned by the subjects of the Russian Federation, municipalities and private owners.

So, what of the rules of fishing should be well known to anglers, amateurs and sports anglers.
1. If the ponds and stocked quarries are in use, the permission of the owners of these reservoirs is required, respectively, in order to fish in the fishing grounds, the user's permission is required. You understand that such permission is not given for this, they will be asked to pay for it.
2. If you wish to fish with nets, because amateur fishing also implies this, but with a ticket to a specific body of water. You can buy a ticket without any problems, if there is no ban, in the society of fishermen of the area you need.
3. Permits, vouchers, a document for identifying citizens in places, see paragraphs 1 and 2, must be with you.

What is forbidden to fish and in what ways?

What is forbidden to fish and in what ways on the reservoirs Russia?

1. Sharp, explosives, toxic, narcotic drugs, electric current, firearms and pneumatic weapons, trap hooks;
2. Drive the fish into traps, nets, that is, frightening her with a bot and rattles and other noise means;
3. Stopping the supply of oxygen to the reservoir by blocking the water supply, stirring up the soil from the bottom or draining the water to catch fish;
4. Krivdami, pots and all illegal gear listed in the Rules;
5. and , longitudinal, if more than 10 hooks are installed on these gears per person. Such gear should not block 2/3 of the navigable sections of water bodies, as well as block the fairways. It is forbidden to put such gear in locks from two banks.
6. Fixed fishing gear with a checkerboard pattern of their installation at a distance of up to 0.1 km between gears;
7. With the use of fishing gear having dimensions and equipment, as well as if the size of the cell does not comply with the Fishing Rules;

Where and how is fishing prohibited?

1. On shipping routes, in fish wintering pits, near dams, from bridges and next to them, at locks and at a distance of up to 0.5 km from them, next to dirty water drains with a radius of up to 0.5 km;
2. Near fish breeding organizations, their workshops and points, cages in which fish are grown and kept, and not closer than 0.5 km;
3. You can’t even have all the prohibited tackle with you, although you don’t fish with them, you will also be fined;
4. It is forbidden to hunt spearfishing weapons near vacationing citizens, as well as during the spawning (prohibition) period, in addition, from the shore, from floating means and wading, it is impossible to use means for hunting underwater, as well as hunting in scuba gear and insulating gas masks;
5. It is legal for those who like to fish with nets, it is forbidden to put nets for more than 48 hours in summer and 72 hours in autumn and winter (counted from the moment they are installed).

When it is forbidden to fish for amateur fishermen, as well as for sports fishermen

You can always fish, but during the ban associated with spawning, fishing is only possible with one bottom rod (snack) or a float rod with two hooks for one fisherman.
1. You can not fish with nets during spawning.
2. During the release of fry by fish breeding organizations and after within 15 days and not closer than 0.5 km in all directions from these places, with the permission of the users of these reservoirs, it may be allowed to catch predatory and low-value fish in order to save juveniles from eating neglected fry;
3. Boating is not permitted on the fishing waters during the spring ban.

What kind of fish is prohibited

It is forbidden to catch those fish that are forbidden to be caught according to the Rules, it makes no sense to list them, since each region has its own list, I advise you to look at the Rules. What should a fisherman do if such a fish is caught? The law strictly requires her to be released.

In what reservoirs can citizens of Russia fish for free and with what gear

In the reservoirs of the Ob-Irtysh region of fisheries, which do not have users (entrepreneurs) who shear money for fishing, fishing is possible there with fishing rods, fly rods, line, haul, longitudinal) up to 10 hooks for one angler, taking into account the number of hooks on all used simultaneously in tackle water. Catch using spinning rods, “boats”, “kites”, fly fishing rods, both with baubles and flies with other artificial lures. It is allowed to fish on vents, circles without violating the requirement for the number of hooks per person, along the path, to hunt fish underwater with special pneumatic weapons, without scuba gear and insulating gas masks. It is allowed to use small-mesh gear with a mesh size of up to 24 mm: a lift (spider), a scoop being on the shore. To catch crayfish, it is allowed to use five crayfish at once for one person, up to 80 cm in diameter.

(to be continued)

  • Fishing in the region:
  • Fishing during the seasons:
  • Fishing:

Spinning is called sports tackle for fishing with the use of artificial or natural lures. This word comes from the English “spin” - to rotate. By itself, this tackle is a rod that has access rings and a mount for a reel on which the fishing line is wound.

It is used for catching predatory fish.

The use of this kind of gear, in comparison with the float, requires a very intense and active behavior from the fisherman. The spinner is required to constantly search and test various baits, “catching” several areas (fast, slow, uniform or using jerks).

The main task that spinning solves is the ability to cast the bait to the required point of a river or lake.

How to choose spinning?

When choosing fishing accessories, you need to remember that there is no such thing as a universal spinning rod. Some rods have been given the term "universal", however, specialized rods have always been considered more convenient.

When choosing this type of fishing tackle, you need to strive to ensure that the spinning is:

  1. Qualitative and was not a fake. You should buy it in a good, trustworthy store. Its price cannot be cheap.
  2. Easy. If the weight of the product exceeds three hundred grams, it is not very convenient to use it, its characteristics become worse.
  3. Comfortable. The rod should fit comfortably in your hand. Right in the store, you should install the coil and see what the weight distribution will be, how convenient the control is. In the same place, you should evaluate how high-quality the rod handle is.
  4. Required size. When used on a small river, the length of the rod can be about two meters. Long distance casts and jigging are best done when the length is more than 2.7 meters. Universal length is considered to be from 2.4 to 2.6 meters.
  5. With good sensitivity. The better the sensitivity of the rod, the more comfortable it is to fish.
  6. with the required test. It is better to choose a product that has a wider test for the lower weight range, for example, 5-25 grams. In this case, you can experiment with different baits, learn how to properly control them, use tackle when fishing in a variety of situations.
  7. With the right order. Many people prefer fast action tackle for beginners. While this limits the weight of the bait and prey, it allows for much more effective control of the bait.

Main selection criteria

The shorter the length, the shorter the casting distance. At the same time, the shorter the spinning, the more sensitive and more convenient it is to use.

Thus, when choosing a spinning rod, the main criteria can be distinguished:

  • length;
  • material;
  • system;
  • test and power;
  • ring type;
  • the specifics of fastening the reel and handle;
  • type or type of structure;

The length can vary from one and a half to four meters. Everything will depend on the specifics of fishing and the possibility of using a boat.

With distant casts, wiring with a powerful current and considerable depth, the use of a heavy lure is required. It is necessary to match the weight of the nozzle and the rod test.

The test refers to the range of nozzle mass that can be used for a particular model. A test of 7 - 30 grams would mean that the smallest weight of the bait felt in the event of a cast would be 7 grams.

The maximum upper level is 30 grams. With a heavier bait, the tackle may fail.

Usually the classification of rods is as follows:

  1. heavy class, with a bait weight of fifteen to sixty grams.
  2. Middle class, from seven to thirty.
  3. Light class, from three to fifteen.
  4. Ultra light, from one to seven grams.

The power index of the product is affected by its thickness at the bottom, and the test is influenced by the thickness at the tip. Significant power and light test can only be balanced with a long rod length.

Spinning power determines the amount of fishing line used. Too strong fishing line can lead to breakage of the rod in the event of a sharp hook or hook.

Under the system is understood the characteristic of spinning, which affects the short-term reaction with increasing load.

Fast action makes spinning more sensitive. Recently, the plug rod is gradually replacing the telescopic rod, overtaking it in all respects.

There are rods according to the system:

  • slow;
  • average;
  • fast;
  • ultra-fast;

It is determined by the bend of the rod under load. Slow action allows the rod to flex equally across its entire length in the form of a parabola. With a fast system, only the upper section is bent.

The action is influenced by the geometry of the whip and the stiffness of the materials used. Fast action provides large values ​​of taper and wall thickness, as well as increased material stiffness.

The benefits of slow building include:

  1. Improved cushioning when playing prey.
  2. Decreased sharpness when casting, which helps the live bait survive.
  3. Improved casting distance.

Of the materials used for the manufacture of rods: fiberglass and carbon fiber (carbon), the latter is preferred in many respects.

O-rings can be ceramic, silicon carbide and aluminum oxide. Silicon carbide rings are the most reliable.

For the spinning handle, microporous rubber or natural cork is used. The latter is less polluted and more comfortable.

Spinning rig

The most optimal for a beginner will be light-class spinning, which allows you to feel the bite well and use a large number of different lures.


  1. We choose a reel that should be in harmony with the rod. A reel with a small or medium size is suitable for the light class. The smallest reel is considered to be 1000, containing a hundred meters of fishing line with a diameter equal to one tenth of a millimeter. The 2000 reel contains the same number of meters of line with a diameter of two tenths of a millimeter. The reel should lay the line well. Winding can be in the form of a reverse or straight cone or cylindrical.
  2. We choose the line. It is better to take a soft monofilament, which is best laid on a bobbin. It does not form furrows and twists less. At the same time, with a rigid braid, you can more accurately control the wiring, and the bite will be more sensitive.
  3. We select the fastener at the end of the fishing line. When using monofilament, the clasp at the end of the line must have a swivel. When braided, a swivel is not needed, because it will not twist much.
  4. Choosing a leash, which must have good strength so that it cannot be snacked on.
  5. We choose bait. For example, a wobbler, depending on the fish caught.

When, where and what kind of fish are caught?

About when fishing with spinning is allowed, you should take an interest in the resolutions of the territorial and central authority of Rybnadzor. Different regions may have different kinds of bans.

Catching certain types of fish can have its own specifics.


  1. Pike has won the greatest popularity among spinningists. You can catch it in the lake, on the pond, in the river. She keeps in quiet pools with snags, in thickets of reeds, where you can hide.
  2. To catch it, use a pop-up wobbler. Usually stepwise wiring is used.
  3. Next to the snags, a spinner is better suited. You can attach a twister to it by running the nozzle along the border of the thickets.


  1. In the daytime, pike perch tries to go to the depths, in the evening it hunts in shallow water, where the water is saturated with oxygen and fry live in large numbers.
  2. Pike perch has a narrow throat, so it prefers thin small fish. To catch it, narrow wobblers are used, which are carried out horizontally.
  3. In the case of a fast current, a heavy lure can be used.


  1. A sign of the location of a perch is flocks of small fish that begin to jump out of the water and scatter on different sides.
  2. The perch responds well to white or yellow baubles, with which they combine a yellow, red or black twister.
  3. In places where the current is weak, you can fish using one twister. Jerks in the wiring process are very effective.


  1. Chub can be found in areas with a fast current, where there is a lot of oxygen. Often this predator preys on fry at the confluence of fast and slow currents.
  2. As a nozzle, a spinner is used. Spend it evenly or make small jerks. You can use twisters or steamers.
  3. Great importance is attached to the color of the nozzle. During May it should be brown or brown with black spots.

How to catch on spinning?

In order for spinning fishing to be effective, you should skillfully cast tackle, choose a promising place, correctly do the wiring and choose the appropriate nozzle.

Catching and casting technique:

  1. For, the fishing line must be wound in such a way that the nozzle drops no more than a meter from the end of the rod.
  2. Next, the reel bracket opens, the fishing line is pressed with the help of the index finger so that it does not unravel.
  3. The rod is retracted, and then the cast is sharply and at the same time smoothly.
  4. As soon as the rod is at an angle of forty-five degrees to the water surface, the fishing line is released from under the finger.
  5. When the nozzle reaches the bottom of the reservoir, they begin to twist the coil, sometimes pulling the tip of the rod.
  6. The nozzle should sink to the bottom, and then rise above it again. It must move like a small fish to force a predator to attack it.
  7. In one place, you need to throw spinning up to five times in different directions, and then move on to another.
  8. In the absence of bites, the nozzle should be changed.

How to fish for spinning from the shore:

  1. For fishing from the shore, spinning of a light class is used, durable and lightweight, with a high throughput of the rings.
  2. Good step-by-step wiring on a powerful river with a distance of seventy meters from the coastline is possible with a tougher tackle (test 30 grams).
  3. Be sure to use a spinning reel, which has an easy move and durability.
  4. Braided line is usually used, which, without stretching, resists the current well. It makes it easier to lower the nozzle and make cutting.
  5. The leash is used only metal.

  1. Try to constantly change the nature of the game of the bait with step wiring, this will achieve a better result.
  2. Often, a sharp cut is absolutely not needed, it only leads to a rush of the fish lip. Try not to hook at all. Pike and so well hooked on the tee.
  3. Many beginners over tighten the clutch on the reel. Experience shows that it is better to underdo it than to overdo it.
  4. The mistake of beginners is that, having made a hook, they immediately rush to rotate the coil. First you should feel: how the prey will behave, and then, without fussing, act.
  5. Get more advice from experienced anglers, study fishing forums and good luck will certainly come to you.

What kind of fish are caught on spinning? A chapter from Viktor Andreev's book "Technique and Tactics in Spinning": optimal tackle, catchy baits, effective wiring, spinning technique and tactics - what kind of fish can be caught and what kind can be caught on spinning.

What kind of fish are caught on spinning?

Spinning can theoretically catch any fish. Most often, anglers come across predators: pike, perch, pike perch, bersh, asp, catfish, trout, salmon, trout. Often, semi-predatory chub, ide and grayling also peck, and you can also catch even conditionally peaceful fish: sabrefish, rudd, roach, bream, bleak. If only in our reservoir this fish was ...

It is clear that each fish needs its own tackle and bait, and there are fewer and fewer fish in the reservoirs - therefore, in reality, spinningists usually catch only 1-3 "close" types of fish: pike and perch, pike perch and bersh, ide and chub .. And this is still good - but it happens that they don’t catch anything either ... It’s not for nothing that they say that going fishing and going fishing are far from the same thing ...

The first choice is subjective: what kind of fish can you CATCH with spinning?

The first question that arises even when preparing for fishing is who, in fact, will we catch? The answer to it is connected for the most part with our character and fishing habits. As they say, tastes differ, so the following options are possible here:

Fishing for pleasure or food?

In fact, the question is not quite correct, because the first does not exclude the second at all, and vice versa. However, for most spinning anglers, fishing is primarily recreation and pleasure. This part - voluntarily or involuntarily - includes almost all anglers from large cities who have to go fishing. Indeed, now in 99% of such cases, the caught fish (if any) does not even justify the cost of tackle and gasoline, not to mention boats, vouchers and overnight stays. But you can always have fun, because every rare fishing trip is a holiday!

It is clear that the measure of pleasure is primarily the number of bites and fish caught, and only then - the weight of the catch. Therefore, many prefer to catch heels of perch better than one pike, even if twice the weight. And to realize the excitement of sports - you can use the lightest gear. Then the 100-gram "sailor" will bend the rod into an arc, and it will take several minutes to pull it out. And it turns out that catching bleak on a spinning rod is no less reckless. Pike - after all, anyone will catch it! And here you have to be smart! No wonder there are more and more fans of "ultralight".

By the way, if there is no cat at home, then the “prey” is released back without regret.

If the spinning player has a river at his side, and go fishing at least every day, then the philosophy is different. I want not only to relax, but also fish on the table! And here already one pike “outweighs” the heels of perches in the mind - and there is something to brag about, and there is less work for the wife. Although there are a lot of romantics here too - I went out to the pond, threw a lure, talked with the same fishermen ... Is it normal, Grigory? Excellent, Konstantin!

Catch a specific fish or all in a row?

The easiest way is for those anglers who go, for example, only for pike. And - not less than a kilogram. By the way, quite often one has to see such spinners who have one baubles for all occasions - and it seems that it is not tied up until it breaks. It is from them that you usually hear phrases like: “Here it only bites on a yellow oscillator!” Despite their apparent simplicity, these anglers are very mobile, they know exactly what they want and do not suffer from the issue of choosing the best bait. Agree, this is better than carrying a bunch of gear with you - and not knowing what to grab onto.

The other extreme is to catch everything that can be caught. However, this requires a lot of all kinds of tackle and lures, as well as enough time for constant re-equipment. And time is usually not enough. Yes, and carrying two rods and a box of baits with you when fishing from the shore is very inconvenient. But on stationary fishing - next to a camp or a car - it is quite possible to catch "everything". For example, if a trifle started to “beat” - run to the tent and take the “ultralight” - not a problem. The same can be said about fishing from a boat, where 2-3 equipped spinning rods will always fit.

There is always a “golden mean” between two extremes. Therefore, some kind of compromise-universal option is most often used, which allows you to catch at least 3-4 of the most interesting species of fish with one tackle. And even though such tackle is not ideal for a particular type of predator, it is optimal for interesting multifaceted fishing and is mobile.

By the way, for relative versatility, just an additional spool is enough. Wrap a thinner monofilament there and you can quickly switch from pike to perch. After all, a small bait, but on a thin line, will be thrown even by a relatively hard spinning rod. And, by loosening the friction brake, we will protect the weak lips of the “striped” from breaking off during hooking and fighting. Another example - an additional spool with a thin “braid” will allow you to quickly switch from medium weight heads to the lightest jigs for medium-sized (such as perch) or “unexpected” (such as ide and chub) predators.

Catch trophy fish or all in a row?

A special group of spinners are lovers of trophy fishing. As a rule, they do not recognize prey less than a kilogram, and the “norm” is usually considered a weight of 2-3 kg, although they often catch “crocodiles” of 5-10 kg each. However, such fishing requires not only special gear (and, as a rule, a boat), but also a special tactical approach. And most importantly - patience!

So, choose for yourself - what is more in character for you.

The second choice is an objective one: what kind of fish can you Catch with a spinning rod.

The second choice is no longer connected with the angler, but with the activity of biting predators. Although here the decision is not at all unambiguous and to a large extent depends on our temperament.

The classic question "what to do?" stands in front of every spinner on every fishing trip.

Looking for active fish or grinding out passive ones? Or steadfastly wait for the "exit"? Or maybe switch to other types of predators?

Frankly, I myself still do not have a clear answer to all these questions. Too much may depend on specific conditions. Options - darkness, but it is still impossible to evaluate them correctly. After all, if you catch one, there is simply nothing to compare with, and even in a team everyone has their own level and their own preferences. And yes, age matters too.

I remember that in my younger years, gear was “to a minimum”, and I didn’t know so many catchy places - therefore, the catch was mainly collected with “feet”. Remember the saying: "For a gambling fisherman - ten miles is not a hook"? I wanted to see everything faster, check every river and lake. Slowly, reservoirs were recognized and experience was accumulated. Recently (perhaps due to age) I have been more inclined to “persuade” fish with new baits and sophisticated fishing techniques. Naturally, at proven 100 percent "points".

After all, what bites better “beyond that turn” is not at all a fact. If reeds and sedges are everywhere, the fish should take about the same. But if there is a hole or a roll around the corner - run there!

That is, if our reservoir does not have pronounced catching "points" (both visible and invisible), then the fish is distributed relatively evenly here. This means that you can find its accumulation only in "hidden" places - on the edges, "tables" or in snags - which are detected either with the help of an echo sounder, or by continuous "combing", or by chance. What if you get lucky?

On the other hand, the activity of predators in the water area can vary greatly. This is especially true for those that feed mainly on large prey. For example, a full-grown pike can swallow fish up to a third (and some sources say up to half) of its own weight. It will take 1-2 days to digest such a hearty meal. And, as you know, "crocodiles" keep alone, and they do not like competitors near them. Therefore, sometimes even in interesting areas there may not be a bite all day. This means that it does not make sense to linger here for a long time - you need to look for active and hungry fish in other places. Paradoxical as it may seem, but with a bad bite, it is often high-speed fishing that helps out, which allows you to check for an active predator as much as possible a large area of ​​water.

If predators feed on small fish, then their activity is much higher. After all, in order to get enough, the hunter needs to catch more than one "little one", and they will be digested several times faster. Therefore, unlike pike, catching perch and zander is in a sense easier. In addition, collective predators are fundamentally more greedy, because in the flock the law “who had time - he ate” constantly operates. This means that a wide search for fish is especially relevant here for a spinner.

By the way, it is not so difficult to determine how long a predator has been eating - you just need to gut it and see what is in the stomach. If 2-3 caught specimens turned out to be “empty”, then it is likely that other fish are also hungry. After all, both solitary and schooling predators often feed with a certain cyclicity: by time, by weather, or by the presence of accumulations of forage fish. Therefore, the empty stomach of prey (which in pike can be determined even by touch) is already a reason for some optimism.

However, there are periods when, due to some abnormal weather phenomena, the biting of fish in the entire water area deteriorates sharply. For example, total bitelessness is often observed during sudden pressure surges, magnetic storms, or other adverse conditions. In these cases, it hardly makes sense to move around the water area a lot - even if the predators are hungry, they are still not active due to their disease state. Here it is better to stop at a well-known catchy place and try to "force" the fish into smaller baits, and even the slowest and, moreover, uneven wiring.

The same can be recommended when predators are clearly "naughty". That is, the fish seems to follow the bait, and sometimes even tries to grab it - in any case, some kind of pokes and delays are felt. Probably, in this case, you should not look for something else, somewhere far away, whether it bites or not - but it is better to try to “extort” what is nearby. But here you already have to contrive from the heart with both baits and wires. True, when you know for sure that there is a fish, that it is somewhere nearby, it becomes much more fun to catch.

Fortunately, there is no evil without good. After all, a fish cannot die of hunger, all the same, it must eat. Therefore, short-term, and even total lack of bite, when favorable conditions occur, will certainly be replaced by a good bite - and possibly even “zhor”. Just don't miss this moment!

By the way, unfavorable conditions for fish and bad weather in our understanding are not the same thing at all. Often the opposite is true - unexpected zhor is observed, for example, in strong winds, and even with rain. And even in late autumn or winter - it seems to be at a minimum water temperature - sometimes you get on such a bite - do not forget forever!

Well, for those who do not want to wait for the weather by the sea, there is a backup option. It is no secret that different predators hunting in the same area and even at the same time live “in antiphase” with competitors. That is, the pike is passive, which means that the perch is active, and vice versa. Or another example, when a peculiar queue of the evening “going out” for a rift is observed - first asp, then chub and, finally, pike perch. Our decision in both cases is logical - to switch to catching another, now more active predator.

But if the predator is still “defending”, fishing tactics should be based on the fact that we ourselves should actively look for fish, and not vice versa. Considering that “sloppy” places are usually pits or snags with a quiet current, all potentially suitable places should be consistently and slowly fished.

A special case is catching an "outgoing" predator. Each reservoir has "temporarily" catch points, which predators go periodically during the day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And sometimes - only for dinner. Since the fish clearly comes out to "eat" - it is very active at this time. It happens that you find an interesting place on the echo sounder, you throw it, you throw it - deaf. Just drove off, someone else stands on your "point" and begins to drag one fish after another. You come back - and you have bite after bite. Here it is - the "exit"!

It is clear that it is not the bait itself that is important for the “coming out” predator, the main thing is to cast it in time. Therefore, it is useful here to be on duty all day on your own or with friends - and gradually draw up a “schedule” for biting. Often, such a schedule is maintained to within half an hour for quite a long time - until there are significant changes in the level or state of the water. In the meantime, we are very lucky - you can fish "by the hour." Imagine, someone threw and threw all day - and nothing! And we came or sailed in the evening for an hour or two - and were caught! Beauty!