The main secrets of how to choose skis. How to choose cross-country skis? Which skis are better to buy plastic

If you can’t decide which skis to buy, some advise plastic, others wooden, and still others racing. But they also need sticks, fasteners ... How to be?
With such a variety that we see today in stores, it is easy to get confused. Recall that skis are plastic and wooden. Plastic ones are lighter and therefore faster. The “plastic” has other advantages: they get a better “skate” ride, they do not need to be lubricated with ointment, and besides, they can even ride on melted snow. There are ski models with a corrugated sliding surface, but they are more likely for professionals.

But let's take a closer look at the cross-country and mountain riding styles.

Cross-country skiing

One of the styles of skiing is familiar to anyone who has ever skied. This is a typical, classic style of skiing, in which the skis move parallel to each other. Skis for this style are taken soft, with a longer and sharper toe.
Another style of skiing is skating, or as it is also called free style. The movement technique is clear from the name - the skier moves like a skater, pushing off the snow with the inner surface of the ski. Of course, this style requires several other conditions. The skis themselves should be stiff and shorter than classic skis. In addition, the track for skating style skiing must be very well packed and wide.
Off the track, of course, it is more convenient to move in the traditional style. But there is a third style of skiing that cross-country skiers prefer - this is universal. Universal skis are just right for skiing in any of the first two styles.


- carving. This is a style of skiing in which the skier turns on the turns, using the edges of the skis in all phases of the turn. These skis are called carving, or "fitted" - for a deep cutout on the sides. This style is carried out on prepared slopes;
- fan carving (extreme carving). This style is more difficult than the previous one, most often the skier is controlled without poles. The technique is about the same, but the skier makes "small radius" turns, almost lying sideways on the track. The peculiarity of skis for fun-carving is that they have an additional step-up plate that increases the distance between the ski and the boot. This style also requires well prepared slopes;
- ski tour. This is a calm style that involves skiing on slopes that are not equipped with lifts and other technical means. The skier goes up on skis equipped with special devices - skins that prevent slippage;
- ski cross. According to this style, competitions are held for speed along a track with turns and drops, which is also equipped with jumps. Ski cross-country skis have high requirements for maneuverability, strength, etc.;
- freestyle. Having arisen quite recently, this style is very popular, as it hides a lot of interesting things. Freestyle can be practiced on special stadium slopes, on halfpipes (these are artificially created inclined half-pipes in the slope for training skiers and snowboarders). The style includes jumping, tricks on the walls of the halfpipe, moving forward and more; skis of a special shape are used, for example, twin-type skis, in which both the toe and the heel are curved, which allows you to continue moving, even turning around or landing with your back to the slope;
- freestyle backcountry. The difference is that this style is used in a snowy field, on virgin soil, and skis are used with a wide waist;
- freeride. This style requires high skill and skiing, its essence is skiing on various terrains off the track (virgin lands, jumping from rocks, mounds, etc.). Skis are required wide, with a waist width of more than 80 mm;
- extreme. An even more difficult type of freeride. The highest level of skill, as skiing takes place on dangerous slopes, including those covered with forests, with jumps from rocks, etc.;
- virgin skating. This is riding on deep untouched snow (“powder”). Powders are required for this style - these are the widest skis (110 mm), soft and with a large turning radius.

After you have decided on how you will ski, you need to understand how skis differ, what you need to pay attention to when choosing skis.

Skis are divided into several groups:

1. By target audience

When choosing skis, you must first of all proceed from the purpose for which you are purchasing them. So there are several types:
Professional skis (Sport). Skis of this class are purchased by people who have been firmly on the track for more than a year. They are the most expensive and, moreover, are lightweight. One of the manufacturing companies (Rossignol) produces professional skis, which also differ in the expected state of the snow.
Amateur skiing (Fitness). Such skis are also sports, they should be purchased by those who are just starting to ride, as well as those who ride constantly, but recently, and cannot yet call themselves a professional. They are slightly heavier, lighter and cheaper.
Tourist (Touring). The name of this type speaks for itself. If you want to take a tourist trip on skis, you should choose them - they are ideal even for long journeys. Touring skis are wider than other types of skis and heavier (as a rule, the weight of such skis is more than 1.5 kg), more rigid, and notches are often made on the lower surface - they help to avoid “slippage”.
Very similar to backcountry touring skis. They are also wide, often made with notches, moreover, they are also more wear-resistant.
Walking skis are somewhat similar to tourist skis - they are also wide, they have notches (this allows you not to apply lubricant), but they are much lower in weight - up to 1.5 kg, since they are mainly used for easy, short walks .
Children's and junior skis (Junior). For this target group, skis are most often made of plastic. They have fasteners for a regular boot, which can be adjusted. Such skis are specially balanced for the weight and strength of children.
In addition, there are also commercial (hunting) skis. It is not necessary to explain what kind of skis they are, it is only worth noting that these are the widest of all types of skis.

2. By way of transportation

This group has only three types - by the number of styles plus a combined one.
Classic (“Classik”, “Cl”). The most familiar way, in which the skier slides along two parallel tracks, knurled with skis.
Skate (“Skate“,”Sk). This type is new, and not so long ago came into use. As the name implies, the skier moves on skis like on skates on a specialized track or without it at all. This is the fastest style.
Combined. Movement in one way or another, depending on the possibilities and desires.

3. By type of building

Skis according to the type of structure are divided into classical And carving. Classic skis are straight, while carving skis look “fitted”, i.e. taper towards the center and widen towards the ends of the ski. These skis are comfortable for beginners as they are more stable.

4. By pad type and weight deflection

This classification is just typical for professional skis. Focuses on:

on soft dry snow (soft)- soft skis with a long block;
for plus and hard skiing (hard)- hard skis with a short block;
for transitional weather (medium)- the average between the above types.

5. By material

Skis are made from two materials - tree And plastic. Today, it is plastic ones that are in great demand, and there are few places where you can buy wooden skis. The fact is that plastic skis have many advantages over wooden ones. They are stronger, more durable - they do not delaminate and do not get wet, but at the same time they are lighter, faster. You can ride plastic skis even in a thaw - in this case, you need to use liquid lubricant and smear it on part of the ski under the boot (load area). In other cases, it is not necessary to lubricate the sliding surface of the ski.
Wooden skis are good if you are just starting to ride them or are going to put a child on skis. In the future, it is better to give the choice to plastic skis. Their models are constantly being improved. The latest achievement was the introduction of cap technology, in which the side and top surfaces of the ski are not glued together, but are fastened together with a single plastic cover.
The leading firms are Atomic and Fischer. Both amateurs and professionals ride skis of these companies. First of all, they introduced the cap design described above.
In addition to these firms, there are others that have long and firmly established themselves. Among domestic companies, Tisa and Karelia are engaged in the production of skis. Of the foreign firms, one can single out Volkl, Blizzard, Head and the French Rossignol.

How to choose “your” skis

If you are buying skis for a child, pay attention to their rigidity. On too hard or too soft skis, the child will not be able to ride. It is also desirable that the skis be “fitted” (narrower in the middle) for greater cornering stability. Do not buy skis for growth. If finances do not allow, it is better to take a used one or use a rental.
If you chose wooden ones, which are much cheaper, then before you ride, you need to tar such skis well - tarred wood does not absorb moisture. This is done as follows: a layer of any ski ointment is applied to the sliding surface, and then, in order for it to be better absorbed, the sliding surface of the ski should be held a little over a gas stove or heated through foil with an electric iron.

It is very important to choose the right ski size. There are two ways - choose any. The first - 10-15 centimeters are added to the height of the skier. The second - you stretch your arm up and subtract 10 centimeters from this length. It is better for beginners to choose shorter skis - a “skate” course, and all the basic equipment is much easier to master on them.
The price of skis largely depends on the materials and “stuffing”. For professional racers, there are models worth up to a thousand dollars. For amateurs - from a hundred to two hundred. For walks, you can even buy inexpensive and solid skis.
Ski poles should be chosen so that it is comfortable to hold them in your hand. The length of the sticks is also selected individually - approximately at the level of the shoulder line. But they are different. At one time, bamboo was produced, then reed, then metal. Today, sticks made of modern materials are on sale - carbon-plastic and plastic. They are very light, comfortable, but require careful handling.

The skier's clothing must be loose and not restrict movement. Best of all is a waterproof sports suit, which at the same time can protect you from the wind. To keep your hands warm, pick up warm mittens and do not forget about a scarf and a hat.

Store plastic skis as follows: paraffin, then tie at the toe and at the heel and insert a spacer under the cargo area. Keep at room temperature, in a dry place.

Well, now, forward, on the ski track!

One of the pleasant and useful winter pastimes is skiing. In order for them to bring you only positive emotions and benefits, you need to choose the right skis that match your riding style and body size. In this article, we will tell you in detail about cross-country skis and how to choose them in the store.

Cross-country ski device

Each ski has a bottom and top surface, ribs, a toe, a heel and a cargo area for a boot attachment device:

  1. The lower sliding surface is the working one. Depending on the weather, it must be treated with different ski waxes. One or more semicircular or trapezoidal grooves can be cut into it.
  2. On the upper surface there is a platform for mounting the mount. It is on it that your leg rests.
  3. The front of the ski, or toe, has an outward curved shape that provides easy gliding on the snow.
  4. The back or heel is thickened and reinforced with a glued-in wedge that is rounded to reduce drag. It also prevents ski splitting.

Cross-country skis have a special weight deflection. When an athlete stands on them, they bend and evenly distribute body weight on a snowy base.

What cross-country skis are made of: plastic vs wood

When choosing cross-country skis, people always wonder about the choice of material from which these products are made. Experienced athletes or beginners who grew up on Soviet wooden skis do not like to switch to modern plastic models. It's not about the retro look of individuals or the unwillingness to embrace innovation, but about the lack of real information about the features of skiing on such cross-country skis.

Skiers using wooden skis know exactly the mileage they can cover in a given amount of time. Skis were traditionally lubricated with a holding ointment along the entire length and warm under the block, and this was enough to prevent recoil when riding. The wood structure also contributed to this.

As for plastic models, everything is not so simple here. After buying them and starting to maintain the same way as wooden cross-country skis, many people are disappointed in the purchase. The fact is that plastic has better sliding properties, especially compared to wood. Thus, before riding such skis, they need to be well lubricated with suitable products in certain places, and not everywhere. Read more about that on our website.

Plastic models are more durable than wooden ones, and can be used even in warm weather. As for wooden cross-country skis, it is impossible to use them when the thermometer is positive.

What should be the stiffness of cross-country skis

To choose high-quality and comfortable cross-country skis, special attention must be paid to the selection of stiffness. Each ski has a bend, on which running performance is highly dependent. The maximum force applied from above to push through this deflection depends on the rigidity.

One of the most effective ways to determine the stiffness of classic skis is to push the ski with both hands until the sliding surface is in full contact with the floor. When it is not possible to push through, you should choose a model with less rigidity. As for skating skis, the gap when compressed with one hand should be 1-2 mm. On some models, the range of acceptable body weight for the athlete is indicated.

For beginners and amateurs, it is better to choose cross-country skis with a low or medium degree of hardness. If the classic skis do not fully break through when pushing off, then the choice was made incorrectly.

As for the choice of skis for, they are about twice as stiff as usual and should not be completely pressed through when repelled. At the same time, they are 15-20 cm shorter than usual.

How to choose the length of cross-country skis

Skis in length must be selected taking into account the riding style:

  • for a classic running style, 25-30 centimeters should be added to height;
  • for skating, add 10-15 cm to your height.

As a rule, the longer the skis, the higher their rigidity. Thus, if the skis matched in length are too soft, choose a longer model.

How are classic skis different from skate skis?

Skating skis need to glide under all conditions, while classic skis alternate between glide and hold - this difference is key. Regular cross-country skis are about 15 cm longer than skate skis, as they must both glide and hold. Due to the increased length and less rigidity, classic skis are more difficult to manage when cornering at high speeds on descents if you do not know how to move off the ski track by stepping over. Due to the fact that you usually have to move in the track during the classic course, cross-country skis usually have high toes compared to skating models.

Skate skis are suitable for prepared wide and hard tracks, so recently manufacturers of such products have cut off the toes to increase aerodynamics and reduce the weight of the ski, but to prevent “trampling the virgin soil”. On the edges of the track near the dumps, you need to move carefully, because if the toe gets into a snowdrift, you can’t avoid falling.

Today, universal skis are also on sale, which are slightly more rigid than the classics, and have a shorter length. This is not the best option for both a beginner and an amateur and a professional.

How much should good cross-country skis cost?

Expensive cross-country skis from world famous brands usually cost from 4,500 rubles, and inexpensive domestic models can be found for about 1,000 rubles. If you are a beginner, pay attention to skis of Russian brands, and after acquiring certain skills and experience, you can switch to a more expensive model.

An exception in this case may be a large body weight in excess of 70-75 kg. Inexpensive domestic skis have one important drawback - they are not designed for heavy people. They have to choose cross-country skis from a different price range, focusing on models of well-known brands.

What is the difference between conventional models and the most expensive branded ones? Skis for professional athletes are produced in special workshops, which are located in the same place as the manufacturer itself. Structurally, such models are very complex, so everything is carefully modeled on a computer. All new developments are tested by experienced athletes before being put into production. In the manufacture of branded skis, expensive materials are used, which are borrowed from the aerospace industries. All these factors make it possible to make first-class skis that cost a lot of money.

Conventional mass-produced skis, which are sold in all sports shops, are designed for amateur skiers and are versatile, that is, they are suitable for different weather conditions. As for professional athletes, they have to change the set of equipment every time the temperature changes. When creating mass skis, less expensive materials are used that make products heavier. For example, a pair of branded cross-country skis weighs about a kilogram, and amateur ones weigh about 1.5 kg.

Beginners should not be afraid to buy inexpensive simple skis. If you are planning to do ordinary skiing in the forest, even the most ordinary model will serve you for many years. If you decide to improve your skill level in the future and buy yourself a racing model, then ordinary skis will come in handy for you to open and close the ski season, when the quality of snowy roads does not allow the use of expensive equipment.

How to choose skis for children?

Modern models of children's skis are made mainly of plastic, so they are almost independent of weather conditions and are more durable. The sliding properties of the plastic are so good that there can be special notches on the bottom surface to prevent sliding back, left and right. When buying children's cross-country skis, there are several factors to consider.

Ski length:

  1. Children from 3 to 6 years old need models that are shorter and slightly longer than the height of the child. Turning can be difficult on long skis.
  2. Older children should choose skis according to the principle: height + 15-20 cm.
  3. Teenagers are suitable for universal or classic models. It is too early to buy special skating skis.

Remember: you should never buy a child skis for growth!

Ski bindings are hard, soft and semi-rigid. For children up to six years old, models with a soft or semi-rigid version are suitable, allowing you to wear casual boots or boots. After 6 years, an adult version in the form of a rigid mount is suitable. Keep in mind that children grow very quickly, so ski boots will only last 1-2 seasons.

Hunting skis are well suited for fast movement across the field and forest in winter, which, unlike sports ones, do not fall through the snow. With them, fishing at this time of the year will be successful and safe. Such skis must be selected according to the weight and height of the hunter. Also, when buying them, you need to pay attention to the material of manufacture and design features.


Hunting skis must be durable, in which case they will withstand any load and will not let you down even in the most difficult conditions. At the same time, it is important that this piece of equipment be light and tire the hunter as little as possible. To choose the right hunting skis, you first need to pay attention to the material. They are made from wood and plastic.

There are two types of wooden skis:

  • made from a single bar;
  • made from veneer.

Veneer skis are lighter and more reliable, they bend better, so you should give preference to them.

Maple and birch for maximum strength. Skis made from them are suitable for hunters who need the most reliable equipment. Those who value lightness should choose skis made of spruce or aspen. At the same time, aspen skis are less durable and cheaper.

Wood skis have less kickback than plastic skis and don't slide down as much when going uphill. Their main disadvantage is that they become very heavy in the thaw, making it difficult to move across the landscape. Unlike plastic, wood is a living material, so when buying skis made from it, you need to inspect especially carefully. They should not have bundles, kinks or knots. Wooden skis are recommended for use at temperatures from -10 to -30 degrees.

plastic skis

Plastic hunting skis are not far behind wooden ones in terms of strength and lightness, they do not require lubrication before each hunt. They glide very well and thanks to this they allow you to move quickly. But this quality is also a disadvantage at the same time - when descending a mountain, too high speed develops, and climbing a hill becomes difficult due to a strong rollback.

Plastic skis are primarily suitable for hunting on flat terrain. Rollback can be reduced by applying special mastics. Also, to prevent it, special notches are made on the lower surface of the skis, but they only work on dense snow. On loose snow cover, crust or ice, they are ineffective. It is recommended to use plastic skis at temperatures from +5 to -10 degrees.

Camus and combination skis

There are three types of wooden hunting skis:

  • golitsy;
  • kamus;
  • combined.

Heads are the easiest option. Such skis have a serious drawback - they roll down when climbing a slope, and recoil interferes with movement on a flat surface. To avoid slipping when moving up, these skis are equipped with aluminum plates with clamps. Before climbing uphill, they are taken out by their fixations, after which they rest against the snow and prevent rolling. Also for this, brushes made of coarse bristles are installed on the skis, which are placed at an angle of 45 ° to the surface and create braking that prevents backward movement.

Camus skis are devoid of the disadvantages of golits. Kamus is attached to their lower surface - a special lanyard, which is made from the skins of a deer, elk or horse. It improves their performance and makes driving on snow easier and more comfortable. Kamus skis are stable, they do not give a kickback when walking fast and do not slip down while climbing uphill, snow does not stick to them.

Soft and quiet kamus, which does not creak when moving, is made from deer skins. The best driving performance has a skin made from skins taken from the legs of a horse. Elk skin is extremely strong and durable. When choosing such skis, you need to pay attention to the direction of the wool. In the middle part of the hair should lie parallel to their edges.

Combined skis are an intermediate option between the first two. Their working surface is partially trimmed with kamus. From the bottom side, pieces of skins are glued onto them. Which hunting skis to choose depends on the purchase budget and the preferences of the hunter. Golitsy is cheap, but it is very inconvenient to move around in them. Camus and combined skis are more comfortable in any conditions. They can also be made with your own hands by gluing or sewing the skins to the bald spots.

Ski sizes

After choosing the material, you need to determine the required size of the skis. A table is not needed for this - it is better to calculate it using a formula. 35 g of the hunter's weight with equipment should fall on 1 cm2 of ski area, in which case the skis will not fall through, and movement on snow will be comfortable.

The required area must be divided by their width to calculate the desired length. Eg:

  • if the hunter weighs 95 kg, and his clothes, gun and equipment - 15 kg, the total mass is 110 kg, or 110,000 g;
  • dividing 110,000 by 35, we get 3143 - this is the required minimum ski area in centimeters;
  • dividing 3143 by 20, we get 157 - this is the minimum suitable length for skis with a width of 20 cm.

There are other parameters to consider when choosing a size. The greater the growth of the hunter, the greater should be the length of the skis. Wider models should be preferred if hunting in a region with snowy winters. In this case, instead of 20 cm wide skis, you can use 22 cm or 24 cm skis.

Long and narrow skis are suitable for use in open areas, while short and wide models make moving through the forest as comfortable as possible.


It is also important to know how to choose fasteners. Usually they have to be bought separately. They must securely fix the footwear used for hunting - boots, boots, felt boots, high boots and others - and at the same time make it possible to quickly release the foot if necessary to get off the skis or in the event of a fall.

There are three types of fasteners:

  • simple - made of leather or canvas straps tucked into slots that are located along the edges of the skis. They cover the toe of the foot;
  • soft - consist of a strap that covers the toe of the leg, and an additional strap that runs along the back of the foot above the heel;
  • semi-rigid fasteners look like a metal plate. The leg rests against it and is fixed by a special spring, which is stretched by a special lever and fastened in the toe area.

The choice of one or another option is determined mainly by the preferences of the hunter. If possible, it is worth trying on all types of mounts before buying to determine which ones will be more convenient for you. When choosing, you need to pay attention to the size and length of the puffs. They must securely fix the footwear used for hunting without squeezing it.

On sale you can find models that are lined with stocking bags made of durable fabric. They are worn on the legs and tied below the knees. In skis with such bindings, you can move silently, because thanks to the stockings, the snow does not get under the shoes and does not creak.

With good hunting skis, you can quickly move through winter landscapes. They do not fall through the snow and do not slide down while climbing uphill. They can cover long distances, thanks to this, the chances of a successful hunt increase. The purchase of this item of equipment should be approached carefully, paying attention to the material, size and design features. Choosing hunting skis is not an easy task for a beginner, but it is easily solved if the hunter knows what to look for. Good skis can faithfully last for many seasons and will not let you down even in the most difficult conditions.

Plastic skis are light, have greater elasticity and are many times stronger than wooden skis. The sliding surface of plastic skis is not destroyed by moisture, it holds lubricant well. Such skis can glide on snow without lubrication. Unlike wooden, plastic skis do not require periodic grinding. Their weight deflection is constant and struts are not required.

A feature of plastic skis is also that when sliding on both skis (as, for example, with a simultaneous stepless move), the cargo area does not press tightly against the track. This makes it possible to slide on the ends of the skis, lubricated with a well-gliding paraffin. Only with a sharp transfer of body weight to the ski does it press against the track and the skier can quickly push off the middle part of the ski. On plastic skis, it is more profitable to move at the same time.

The main advantage of plastic skis is manifested on a hard track and in a thaw. Under these conditions, wooden skis must be lubricated with special liquid ointments over the entire sliding surface. These ointments quickly become dirty or come off the surface of the ski, the sliding surface gets wet, and new lubricant does not fall on it. The skis begin to "dull", i.e., their gliding becomes bad, and the skier spends a lot of effort to maintain the desired speed.

Nothing like this is observed when using plastic skis. During a thaw, only a 25-30 cm area under the cargo area is lubricated with a liquid, “holding” ointment. The rest of the ski is covered with special paraffins that glide perfectly on wet tracks and practically do not get dirty. The glide quality of the skis remains almost unchanged throughout the entire distance.

Plastic skis, like wooden ones, are selected according to the height and weight of the skier. The selection in length is the same as for wooden skis. However, selection by weight is decisive here.

The easiest and most affordable way to select skis by weight is as follows. The skier places the skis on a flat surface or on the floor with the sliding surfaces down, about 30 cm apart. Stands on them so that the weight of the body is distributed evenly on both skis. A comrade helping to choose skis should stick a strip of thick paper into the gap between the ski and the floor. If the strip passes easily and moves freely back and forth for a distance of about 40-50 cm, then the ski stiffness is sufficient for your weight. If there is no gap and both skis lie tightly on the support, the skis are too soft for you.

For skis with suitable stiffness, elasticity should be checked. To do this, without removing the strips of paper from under the cargo area (under the mounting location), transfer your body weight to one ski. If at the same time the gap between the ski and the support disappears and the strip of paper is pressed against the ski - it is impossible to pull it out - the skis are elastic enough and quite suitable for your weight. If, despite the active transfer of weight to one ski, a strip of paper moves freely under it, the skis are too stiff for you.

Too soft skis will glide worse - you will press the cargo area too tightly against the snow. Too hard skis, on the contrary, will not let you press them tightly against the track and push off. These skis will always give back.

The sliding surface of new plastic skis should be scraped off with a smooth metal scraper and treated with fine sandpaper (zero) before going out on the snow. Wipe with a dry cloth or a cloth lightly dampened with turpentine. The middle part of the ski, under the cargo platform, is covered with ground paraffin 40-50 cm on both sides of the mounts.

The molten paraffin is applied (at t not higher than 200°C) to the specified area of ​​the sliding surface of the ski in an even layer. After that, the ski is allowed to cool for 1.5-2 hours. Excess paraffin after cooling is carefully removed with a plastic cycle so that it remains only in the pores of the plastic surface of the ski. Wipe the skis with a piece of nylon fabric. Skis are ready for oiling.

For hunters, winter is a special season that promises rich prey. Who has not heard stories about winter hunting with a dog taking the trail of a connecting rod. Or about finding a bear's lair, when you had to boldly stand at its entrance, so as not to miss the mark when the beast suddenly appeared, to prevent it from attacking the hunters themselves or climbing back into their hole. Equipment for the season is prepared in advance. First of all, hunting skis are purchased, without which winter fishing becomes impossible.

Cross-country or skiing skis are not suitable for hunting. Their length and shape does not allow them to hold the hunter's weight in deep snow, move between trees, among bushes and dense undergrowth. This requires special, specialized equipment. It is made from wood or plastic.


The design of hunting skis includes a plastic casing and a combined core made of wood and polyurethane foam. In terms of strength, they are not inferior to wood, due to the addition of carbon fiber threads. Such runners are fast, maneuverable, durable, and do not require additional care.

One of the disadvantages of plastic snowshoes is poor handling when moving on hilly terrain. Due to the fact that the plastic is very slippery, it becomes difficult to climb the slope, and it is dangerous to go down. To fix it, manufacturers use a system of notches that prevent the runners from rolling back.


Traditional skis for fishermen, well controlled in areas with deep loose snow, fresh crust. They are used both on the plains and in areas with difficult terrain: hills, ravines, forest areas. In the manufacture of skids, wood species are used, the wood of which has high strength, such as birch, aspen. This allows you to make them thinner and lighter.

Before each use, the runners must be lubricated with special agents that improve sliding.

Types of wooden skis

To improve handling when overcoming hills and other hills, fishermen use certain improvements. According to their presence, wooden hunting skis are divided into three types: golitsy, kamus and combined.

Golitsy skis

Golits are called ordinary plastic or wooden skis, without skins. They are used all over the world. Before the trip, they need to lubricate the sliding surface. And wooden ones are also its annual tarring. Fishers note their only drawback - slipping back when climbing a steep slope. This is especially felt when you have to hunt in the forest, where trees and dense shrubs do not allow you to move with a "ladder". To overcome this shortcoming, manufacturers make notches on the sliding surface, and experienced hunters put special aluminum clips or brushes with hard bristles.


In the Siberian regions and in the North, kamus skis are common. There is an assumption that the technology of lining with skins was invented by the Russians. Camus is the skin of an ungulate animal, taken from the lower part of the legs. Adhered to the lower, sliding surface with pile towards the heel, it improves handling on rough terrain. Allows you to easily slide forward, but prevents slippage when climbing hills. On such projectiles, it becomes possible to overcome small hills without losing speed.

Hunters call deer the best kamus, but they use the skins of elk, horses, and roe deer. Industrial enterprises do not produce this type of product. The exception is limited batches of small firms. The main part of such equipment is handmade.

Kamus takes the brunt of the load. At home, using this advantage, the hunter can make a wooden blank much thinner than required for bald wood. This means it will be easier, which is important for long transitions along snowy trails. The only drawback of skins is that, when wet in mud, it becomes very heavy.


Craftsmen try to combine the advantages of both types in one product and minimize their disadvantages. This approach led to the emergence of combined skis. During their manufacture, a strip of skin 8 cm wide is glued to the middle of the sliding surface. Moreover, it can be located both along the entire length, and only in the bow.

Which hunting skis are better: wooden or plastic

To answer the question: which hunting skis are better, wooden or plastic, an analysis of the feedback from hunters who used both types will help. Most fishermen prefer wooden ones. They note such shortcomings of plastic shells:

  • slip when climbing even a small hill;
  • loudly "shoot";
  • heavy weight (approximately 3-4 kg pair).

But plastic also has its fans. The main advantage, outweighing all the disadvantages, they call the lack of sticking of wet snow. This is especially true in the spring-autumn period and in climatic zones where winters are accompanied by frequent thaws. In addition, they behave well not only on loose snow, but also on ice-caked crust. They are easier to care for than wooden ones, they do not need to be lubricated, they do not deform from drying out.

Experienced hunters, to eliminate the slippage problem, glue a strip of skin along the slip cavity.

A few words about fasteners

Fasteners are made from various materials:

  • tarpaulin;
  • leather;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • textile;
  • transport tape.

According to the method of fixing the fasteners are divided into 4 types:

  1. Simple. Toe loop that is easy to slip your foot through. The diameter of the ring must be adjusted so that the foot enters it up to the second phalanx of the thumb.
  2. Soft, in addition to the toe loop, have additional fixation of the foot above the heel. This is useful when climbing hills, as well as when advancing in difficult weather conditions.
  3. Semi-rigid are a plastic base with two straps holding the forefoot and one heel strap.
  4. Rigid ones are characterized by the fact that the fastening system not only holds the toe, but also the heel on the surface of the lining. Rigid mounts are not used for hunting skis, because sliding with such a fixation of the leg is impossible. When stepping on loose snow, they hold short snowshoes well on the foot.

How much do hunting skis cost

Prices for commercial and hunting golitsy of domestic producers start from 1500-2000 rubles. And, as a rule, do not exceed 5000-7000. In some cases, when equipment is ordered for individual sizes, the price can increase to 15,000 rubles. Kamus products are much more expensive, from 15,000 and more. Depending on which skin is used and how completely the sliding surface is covered.

For products of foreign manufacturers will have to pay more. So, a pair of the Finnish company Karhu Jakt will cost no less than 25,000 rubles, and Peltonen Nanogrip is hard to find cheaper than 30,000 rubles. Accurate information about how much imported hunting skis cost can only be found at the time of order, as it is affected not only by the selling price, but also by the exchange rate on the day of sale.

How to choose

You need to choose fishing skis depending on weight, height, physical shape, weather conditions, and terrain. So, in the forest it is easier to manage short ones, and on the plain, long ones will provide faster movement.

Attention! The standard rule used by hunters is 30-50 square meters per 1 kg of weight. see supports.

It is important to bear in mind that the weight of the skier is considered together with the full set of equipment. Thus, it turns out that if an equipped man weighs 100 kg, then the total surface area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skis should be from 3000 to 5000 square meters. cm.

The maximum length of the projectile should not exceed the height of a person, the minimum - up to the outstretched arm. The wider the skis, the shorter they should be. If it is supposed to drive on loose deep snow, the canvas is chosen wide, narrower on hard crust.

Model manufacturers

The main supplier to domestic stores is the Mayak ski factory. This company registered the trademarks "Hunter", "Taiga", "Forest", "Taiga", "Rybatskie".

"Hunter" and "Taiga" are produced using the same technology in two versions: wooden and wood-plastic. Their width is 150 mm. Rostovka from 145 cm for the "Hunter" and from 90 to 185 cm for the "Taiga".

"Forest" are made only from birch and aspen. For the convenience of moving through the forest, the width of the runners is less than that of the "Taiga" and "Hunter". It is 110 mm.

"Taiga" are designed for movement in deep loose snow due to the increased width (from 180 to 235 mm) and the design of the bow, which provides floating. The length of the runners is 125-190 cm Despite the massiveness of these shells, their weight does not exceed 5 kg, because only birch and aspen wood is used for their manufacture.

"Rybatsky" are focused on small transitions. Their length is 125cm and width is 110mm.

Russian stores offer products from enterprises with a smaller scale production, for example:

  1. Irbis, runners are made of birch, their width is 15 mm, size is from 155 to 185 cm.
  2. Polisend, manufactures skis under the trademark "Winter" in two versions: with skins and without. The width of the runners is 20 or 22 mm, the length is from 110 without skins, from 135 to 150 with skins.
  3. The Poskryakov company produces aspen heads, 124 to 190 cm long, 18-22 mm wide. Camus and combined are produced in limited quantities. Horseskin is used as a skin.

Hunting skis of foreign manufacturers in domestic stores are presented in a small assortment and are mainly sold by prior individual order.

How to store

Before going out for winter fishing, hunting or hiking in the snowy taiga, you need to treat the sliding surface with special lubricants. After each use, it is necessary to clean the runners from snow, wipe them with a dry rag. For long-term storage between seasons, it is required to clean the ski belt from grease residues. Wooden ones must be tarred with birch tar or wood stain. Special resin can be purchased from hunters and anglers. The better you tar hunting skis, the longer they will last. Kamus is recommended to be wrapped in a cloth soaked in kerosene to protect against moths. Then, they need to be connected in pairs with sliding surfaces inside, inserting a wooden spacer between them, 5 cm in size and sent to a dry room, where they should be fixed in a vertical position so that they do not touch the floor.

Attention! Do not store skis near heaters and in direct sunlight.

With all the variety of hunting skis, the main criterion for evaluating them should be ease of operation and reliability. We must not forget to carefully check the equipment before each exit. After all, a breakage of a canvas or fastening in deep snow, tens of kilometers from housing, can cost not only production, but also human life.