How to win the Stranglethorn Fishing Mania. How to Win the Stranglethorn Fishing Mania Real Requirements for Competitors

Have you become the Ultimate Angler?

Title guide "Sea Devil"

Most players don't bother much with secondary professions like cooking and fishing, believing it to be a waste of time. However, a huge number of achievements and event quests are associated with these secondary skills. It was rare for me to meet in the expanses of Azeroth Sea Devil. Perhaps this is one of the most dreary and requiring great patience titles. Proud bearers of the Title Sea Devil did not show themselves at all in sea battles, they were strenuously fishing, and not only fish.

Consider the fastest way to get such a title.

Firstly, this title is awarded after achieving the Ultimate Angler. To achieve it, you need to perform about 15 (!!!) major achievements, plus getting other achievements in the process. And so, in order.

(It is assumed that your character is lvl 80. Also, do not forget to get the initial skill fishing trainers: they are in all capitals and you can ask the city guards for their location. Be sure to buy fishing rod. Fishing is very simple - go to the reservoir, equip yourself with a fishing rod, click on the ability to fish, look at the float - as soon as it twitches and a splash is heard - click on it with the mouse and collect fish from the loot window)

1) The first achievement is quantitative. You need to catch 1000 fish. By completing this achievement, you will casually get 10 points for , , , and fish. Moreover, not only fish are counted, but also any items caught.
Total +60 achievement points.

2) Then you are required to visit the trainer in a timely manner. Finally, you need to become the Grand Master of Fishing. To do this, we consistently become: initially an apprentice of fishing, then an apprentice when reaching 50 points in a skill, then a craftsman at 125 points, then a Master at 200 points, a Master at 275 points, and only after all this become a Great Fishing Master at 375 skill points .
Total +50 achievement points.

Parallel implementation of paragraphs No. 1 and No. 2 is expected
(fishing skill is pumped gradually, when moving from low-level zones to high-level ones. For faster pumping, use baubles, creeps, bright baubles and an aquadynamic fish magnet, all this can be bought from vendors next to trainers)

3) For the next step you will need to fish the wreckage:

Steam Pump Wreckage (Zagranmarsh 46.2 . 47.3 from Heavy Supply Crate)
Wrecked Schooner (Hillsbrad Foothills 68.87 from a waterproof chest)
Debris in the water (Feralas 42.40 ; 44.43 from mithril bound chest)
Wreck of the Bloodsail Shipwreck (Stranglethorn, 31.81 from a Mithril Bound Chest)
Floating debris (from an iron-bound chest)

Patience and only patience will help you catch all this junk =)
+10 achievement points

4) This achievement is extremely important. This is one of the most difficult achievements required for our goal. So, to complete this achievement, you will need a lot of patience and a huge supply of nerves. You need to win the fishing competition:
Competitions are held every Sunday 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm in Stranglethorn.
Your task - be the first to catch 40 pieces Speckled delicious fish and hand it over to Riggle Mormysh, who stands in the Pirate Bay.
You can hand over the fish by completing the quest "The Best Anglerfish". For him we get an arkanite fishing rod. Win the Stranglethorn Fishing Mania to get the Best Angler's Hook and op! You are Stranglethorn's best angler. I would like to note that the achievement is received by about 52 people a year, by the number of weeks!
+ 20 achievement points.

5) For the next item, you need to catch rare species of fish.
103-pound Mightfish - Found in the waters of Azshara
22lb Lobster - Fished in Azshara (only in Tempest Bay, Hetaira's Nest and Scalebeard Cave)
32-pound catfish - caught in Hillsbrad waters
68lb Sea Bass - Fished in the Sea off Tanaris
15 lb Mud Snapper - Fished in Crystal Lake of Elwynn Forest and Stillwhisper Pond northwest of Silvermoon City
29-pound salmon - caught in Goryachie Klyuchy
52-pound redbeard - fished in the waters of Ungoro Crater
Stonehide sperm whale
Dark Herring - Fished in the Howling Fjord.
Steelscale Smashfish - Found in Hillsbrad and Ashenvale.

If you have completed ALL 15 points of this guide, then you get the Achievement Unsurpassed Angler (+10 achievement points) and finally TITLE SEA DEVIL

Congratulations if you are a sea devil!
290 achievement points
28+ achievements
Very rare title
up to 30 hours of playing time

Goblins are extremely unfriendly creatures. Every goblin is driven by a thirst for profit and a desire to benefit from everything that comes to hand. With this goblin, the goblin is at best a competitor and rival, and at worst - an enemy at all! What keeps them from open hostility with each other, no one knows. But it's not about goblins. Well, not exactly about them.

It's about the fishermen's competition in Pirate Bay. The organizers of the event are the same goblins, under the guidance of Riggle Mormysh . The competition, held once a week, is thoroughly saturated with the "cunning" spirit of green-eared slickers. Here everyone is for himself. Only 52 people become winners per year! Therefore, all means are good ...

General Facts about Pirate Bay Anglers' Contest

Please note that theoretically a character of any level can take part in the competition. There are no quests, there are no clear boundaries. The requirement is the same for everyone - you must be the first to bring Riggle 40 (Speckled tastyfish ). However, in reality, the restrictions are quite real, and here's what they look like:

Real requirements for competitors

Minimum level: 40
Minimum Fishing Skill: 225
Riding skill: Horse riding (apprentice)
Fish Finding Skill: (Search for fish)

Level 40 is required to learn the riding skill, buy a vehicle with 100% speed, and be able to fight off the monsters living in the location (but no one will protect you from enemy level 80 players if you play on a PvP server). The absence of a mount puts you at an extremely disadvantageous position compared to the rest of the participants. Fishing skill must be at least 225, so that fishing in Stranglethorn does not come across garbage. Must be studied Finding fish) - without tracking, it is much more difficult to notice shoals of delicious fish. Learns this skill by reading ( frayed magazine ).

Getting ready for the competition

Stranglethorn Fishing Mania takes place at the same time every week. The process of preparing for fishing requires the player no less effort than the fishing itself. If you are determined to win, you simply must prepare as much as possible and arm yourself to the teeth.

The very first and most important thing - do not forget about this event. The day before the start of the competition, goblin agitators appear in the capitals, who will constantly remind you of it. The competition starts exactly at 14:00 server time (GMT+1). It's time for Paris. For residents of Kyiv (GMT+2) the competition starts at 15:00, and for residents of Moscow - at 16:00 (GMT+3). If you live in a different time zone, count the beginning of the fishing addiction for yourself. Bring your character to Stranglethorn in advance. Set an alarm 15 minutes before the start of the event and log into the game.

Build your Stone of Return at Booty Bay Inn - Riggle Mormysh is very close to her. This will allow you, as soon as you catch the required amount of fish, to get to it as quickly as possible and turn in the task.

Be sure to enable the option "Automatic collection of loot". This will save you a lot of time when collecting fish.

Move the button to the panel and assign a convenient hotkey for it.

In addition to the main fish, you will also come across another - Firefin Snapper, Oily Blackmouth, Stone Eel. Make sure you have enough space in your bags to carry all your catch. For ( Speckled deliciousfish ) will need two cells. Each contains up to 20 pieces.

Take your best bait with you. stock up ( Water walking elixirs ) - after all, the characters swim much slower than they run. And to make the runs even faster, you can take with you ( Potion of Speed ). It is very important to automate the process of catching fish and other controlled factors as much as possible. The technical side of the issue will greatly affect your productivity.

Don't wait for the competition to start in Pirate's Cove. There are no jambs. Choose a deserted place on the coast of Stranglethorn Vale, where no one can interfere with you. You are very lucky if you find such a place. If not, go where there are fewer fishermen.

A macro that will allow you to save time when handing over fish Riggle Mormysh :

/click GossipTitleButton1
/click QuestFrameCompleteButton
/click QuestFrameCompleteQuestButton

Search strategy

All 20-30 minutes of competitive fishing consist of, in fact, gatherings with a fishing rod in front of the hole and running around in search of the next school of fish. Since schools of fish are not endless, one such school is only enough for 4-5 successful fishing rod throws. If 3 more players are attached next to you, then you are unlikely to be able to catch more than two fish.

Thus, the main principles that should be followed when running over are:

    Give preference to places where there are the fewest players (ideally - you are the only angler in this place).

    Run time between holes should be kept to a minimum.

At the very beginning of the competition, many holes with Deliciousfish will appear along the coast of Stranglethorn (see the picture above). Each hole has a limited number of fish, so they will constantly disappear and appear in random places. A School of Deliciousfish is no different from schools of other fish, except that it does not disappear with time, but only when it is completely empty. As soon as a hole disappears in one place, a new one will immediately appear randomly anywhere.

It is not profitable to follow the majority of players, sharing the same place with them. You will constantly run around, wasting a huge part of the allotted time in vain.

Usually the process of deserting consists of "patrolling" one small area coast. Let's say you're moving south, emptying holes one by one. More than likely, while you were catching these, new schools appeared behind you. We go back and repeat the process.

"With some help from my friends"

In game worlds with the PvP flag turned on, you may experience both additional troubles and additional advantages.

Following simple instructions, you will not fall behind other participants in the competition:

    Avoid players of the opposite faction. Even if you are confident in your abilities, you should not waste time on PvP.

    If skirmishes cannot be avoided, try to stick to your own. Yes, the catch will not go as fast as if you were alone, but in some cases it can be beneficial.

    Get closer to the cemetery. If you get killed, you will have to run less.

    Enlist the support of your friends who will accompany you.

If you have enlisted the support of your guildmates or just friends, you can use the following developments of the many years of dirty war:

    Bodyguards kill all enemies that are heading towards you while you are fishing.

    Bodyguards can interfere with the players of your faction in every possible way, climbing into the hole on mammoths, for example, or blocking the view in other ways.

    Bodyguards can bring other players of their faction into battle, preventing them from casting a bait.

For such antics, you will surely be blacklisted by more than one player. But who cares? 52 winners per year!

Among the more loyal ways to help friends are:

Watchmen friends run along the shore while you collect your catch and tell you where new holes appear.

Friends can imitate catching fish, which will distract unwanted competitors from your hole.

Low level fishing

If you don't have a level 80 character yet, all is not lost for you. There are places in Stranglethorn that 80s very rarely visit. One of them is Yojamba Island.

The island is located off the coast of Stranglethorn, deep in the northwest. The Alliance can get here from Westfall, and the Horde from Grom'gol Camp. It is quite dangerous to go there along the coast, it is much easier to swim straight to the island. Yojamba Island is inhabited by trolls that are neutral to you and nothing will stop you from catching fish here. There are 6-7 spawn locations on the island, so you won't be left without holes. And don't forget to attune your return stone to the Booty Bay Inn.

Another quite safe place for the Horde is the coast near the Grom'gol camp, where the guards will discourage the enemies from killing you.

If you joined the Bloodsail Pirates

It may be like that. Do not despair. You can turn in a fish even being hated by the goblins of Booty Bay. The main problem is to get to Riggle Mormysh , because there are so many hostile guards around.

    If you're only looking to gain reputation with the Bloodsail, place a return stone on the Booty Bay Inn.

    Call for help from a healer who will heal you until you reach Riggle and don't give him the fish.

    Warlock and two healers call you straight to Riggle Mormysh, where they are then plentifully treated while you hand over the task.

Good luck

At the beginning of the article, goblins and their habits were mentioned for a reason. The good guys almost never win this contest. Be persistent in your quest to become Best Angler of Azeroth and may Her Majesty Luck smile upon you!

At first I thought of writing a guide to obtaining the title "Sea Devil", and then decided not to do it. I think that the time, conda, I published here heaps of links to wowhead has passed, and the topic itself is bogey. Most of the achievements from this meta are described in detail, including on wowhead. Therefore, here I will talk about several achievements, the main of which is the "Best Angler of Azeroth". but to start a little general information, which will help you decide whether to take on this case or not.

The "Ultimate Angler" achievement is a meta-achievement, that is, it consists of more than a dozen achievements of varying difficulty. Many of them are not difficult to obtain, but three of them are heavily tied to perseverance, sleight of hand, and just plain luck. I mean The Fish Didn't Get Away, The Magic Crawfish Box, and Azeroth's Best Angler.

"The fish didn't escape". It is given for the fact that you catch one of the list of very rare fish. Sometimes this achievement requires several thousand casts. Personally, I got it back in 2009, pumping fishing. It blew while fishing on the Southshore pier, I didn’t pay much attention then. In my opinion, this was one of my first achievements in fishing. So patience and luck will help you here, nothing more.

"Magic Crawfish Box" belongs to the "rare spawn of rare spawn" class. The meaning of this English expression in this case is deciphered as follows. In the Terrokar forest, (Skettis, coordinates 65,78) with a very small chance, you can catch Mr. Pinchy. Apparently, Mr. Pinchy is a kind of analogue of the Russian Golden Fish and can fulfill your three wishes. Among other things, there is a chance (according to some estimates ~ 8%) that Mr. Pinchy will give you a non-combat pet, which is precisely the condition for obtaining the achievement. Mr. Pinchy fulfills wishes every two days.

Here I am lucky again. The first Pinci was caught on the 14th cast and on the same evening the second, somewhere on the 30th. Pet cursed on the second Pinchy. There are rumors that the droprate has been increased, but there is a heartbreaking comment in Russian wowhead about 8000 casts and six months of farming. So be mentally prepared.

The latest achievement in this series, Azeroth's Best Angler, is considered by some to be the hardest in the series. For those who are not in the know, to get it, you had to win one of the fishing tournaments that were held at a certain time once a week - Kaluak Fishing Race or Stranglethorn Fishing Mania. The first competition was to be the first to catch a rare shark and bring the walrus man to Dalaran. In fact, everything was tied to complete randomness - it was possible to catch in any reservoir of Northrend and not even from stocks. Usually the competition ended at the fifth or sixth minute. The fishing tournament in Stranglethorn was more interesting. Under its terms, it was necessary to catch and bring 40 special fish, which could only be caught from certain holes.

I took part in five or six tournaments and I can say that fishing in Thornistaya required more than just luck. Proper planning and clarity of action also played a role. There were little things that also played a decisive role. For example, hammer a stone of return in the tavern of Pirate Bay, so as not to waste time on the flight. Or using a macro to turn in a quest. However, the matter was not limited to such tricks. Serious dramas played out around this tournament, when wealthy players who wanted to get an achievement bought griefer raids that prevented the customer's competitors from fishing. And on PvP servers, they simply hired a group of pevepechers who cleared the coast from players of the opposite faction.

This was the case before the introduction of cross-server zones in the MoP prepatch. At the end of September, the Blizzards cut tournaments out of the game, because at that time they did not know what to do with them. Judge for yourself - now you had to resist not only a dozen and a half or two players from your server, but also the same number from your neighbors. And there is only one prize.

At the end of November, the blizzards returned Rybomaniya, but permanently removed the Kaluak fish farm. Only memories and prizes remained from him, which are now included in the list of prizes for the tournament in Thornistaya. In addition, the following major changes have been made:

There are now three winners, not just one;
- winners are determined for each individual server;
- fish can be caught from all schools and, most importantly, in the inland waters of the valley;
- the first prize-winner gets all the rewards for completing the quest, the second - what's left after the first, and the third - what's after the second.

I decided to take part in Fishmania on the second Sunday after it was brought back into the game. Trying is not torture, I decided and logged into the game after lunch. The first five minutes were demotivating. The holes did not have time to spawn, there were really many more competitors, and I already decided to quit this business. And then he remembered the bluepost about the changes in the tournament, as well as the story about the Dalaran portals and what happened to them. To put it simply, the vast majority of players do not read about the changes that are being introduced to the game. I thought that the crowd of fishermen rushing along the coast did not know that it was possible to fish in the lakes of the valley itself.

As it turned out, yes. Two shoals were found in the nearest lake, from which the same quest fish was pulled out. And there were no competitors. Rather, one flew in and flew away. In short, it's over. Inspired, I continued to catch, as the message about the first winner arrived. And after half a minute, trolling began in the chat, like, how well I took second place, and here I am third. I already thought about quitting this business, but still decided to catch it to the end. Having caught the fortieth fish, I went to the tavern and ran up to the goblin.

The question mark above the head was still blue.

That's how I became the second in this competition and received the title of "Sea Devil".
As a reward, I chose a hereditary ring that gives 5% to experience. Just in time for my monk.

I don’t know how relevant the information about the possibility of fishing in inland waters is, but try it. After all, despite all the tricks, the main thing in this tournament is to find a fishing spot.