lactate threshold. Threshold of anaerobic metabolism (pano) - description and measurement. What is pano

Many hold the erroneous opinion that in the fight against overweight all means are good, meaning any activity sports orientation. However, after several sessions of the selected type of training, the result is zero or ineffective. The point is that there are two types physical activity rendering different: aerobic and anaerobic.

What are these loads and how do they differ?

The difference between the presented types of sports activity lies in the energy resource that is used by the body at the time of training:

  • when performing aerobic or cardio loads, oxygen acts as such a resource;
  • in the case of anaerobic or oxygen does not take part in energy production. It is replaced by "ready fuel" available in muscle tissues. On average, it lasts for 10 seconds, after which oxygen begins to be consumed again, and the training goes into aerobic “mode”.

Accordingly, the exercise longer than 12 seconds, is not absolutely forceful. In this case, there are also no loads of a completely power type, since at the beginning of the execution any energy production is carried out with the absence of oxygen.

Also, the difference between the two types of loads lies in the process of performing exercises:

  • anaerobic training is caused by an increase in weight parameters, a quantitative reduction in repetitions and rest between sets;
  • aerobic - is determined by a decrease in weight parameters, a quantitative increase in repetitions and minimal respite.

Properly characterized by an acceleration of the pulse and an increase in perspiration. It also speeds up breathing. Difficulties in speech reproduction indicate a mandatory decrease in intensity training process. Anaerobic endurance is the ability to perform a load in the maximum training mode.

Influence of anaerobic load

Strength training helps:

  • muscle growth;
  • strengthening and strengthening of muscle tissue.

At the same time, it is important to keep proper nutrition otherwise, muscle building will occur at the expense of less involved muscle groups. This does not threaten the female sex, in which testosterone levels are reduced.

During exercise, calorie consumption occurs to a lesser extent than during exercise. aerobic training. At the same time, their consumption by muscles occurs in large quantities.

In other words, the greater the muscle mass, the more calories are burned during the daytime, even if there is no physical activity.

At the end of anaerobic training, the metabolic process is accelerated, which has a beneficial effect on the burning of adipose tissue. In this case, the effect persists for 36 hours. As a result, these exercises are great way. Muscle weight exceeds fat mass, which is why a decrease in body volume becomes possible even in the absence of a decrease in total weight.

Benefit strength exercises is as follows:

  • bone density develops;
  • strengthened;
  • prevents the development of diabetes. It is possible to use anaerobic loads for the purpose of complex treatment of the disease;
  • the risk of developing malignant neoplasms is reduced;
  • quality sleep and general condition improves;
  • the body is cleansed of toxic components;
  • skin is cleansed.

Effect of aerobic exercise

Cardio loads are highly effective if desired, which becomes possible only after the complete consumption of glycogen. The first 20-minute period of training is ineffectual. A positive effect begins at the end of 40 minutes, when the role of the main energy resource is taken over by adipose tissue.

Aerobic exercise - great option for, since maximum calorie consumption occurs. loads and compliance with a competent diet within a month, you can get rid of 3 kg excess weight, after which you should be prepared for a gradual decrease in the intensity of the weight loss process.

There are three levels of intensity of aerobic exercise:

  • weak and medium, in which the system of the heart and blood vessels is involved. Such classes are exclusively "cardio";
  • high, when the load falls not only on the heart organ, but also on muscle tissue. In this case, we are talking about complex classes.

Despite the fact that aerobic exercise is effective, they significant disadvantage is an inevitable loss muscle mass. For this reason, it is important to observe the measure here, since an excessive number of classes can provoke state of shock, leading to the breakdown of muscle tissue due to a hormonal reaction:

  • an increase in cortisol levels, which contribute to muscle breakdown;
  • the concentration of testosterone, which is responsible for the growth of muscle tissue, decreases.

Maximum duration of cardio should be an hour. If the specified time limit is exceeded, the mentioned hormonal processes begin, as well as:

  • decrease in immune forces;
  • increase the likelihood of diseases associated with the heart and blood vessels.

The positive aspects of aerobic exercise include:

  • increasing the overall endurance of the body;
  • prevention of diseases affecting the system of the heart and blood vessels;
  • removal of harmful substances;
  • skin cleansing.

Marked in the figure aerobic threshold (first anaerobic threshold) and lactate threshold(second anaerobic threshold or TAN).

Threshold anaerobic metabolism(ANSP)- this is the level of exercise intensity at which the concentration of lactate in the blood begins to rise sharply, since the rate of its formation becomes higher than the rate of utilization. This growth begins at lactatate concentrations above 4 mmol/L. The threshold for anaerobic metabolism corresponds to 85% of the maximum heart rate or 75% of.

The concept of anaerobic metabolic threshold (ANEP) was widely adopted in the early 1960s. The term is now also used. In accordance with the initial ideas, ATNS meant loads above which metabolic acidosis develops. The beginning of metabolic acidosis began to be considered a sharp change in the dynamics (a break in the graph) of a number of indicators in the case of an increase in the power of work (LP, DC, non-metabolic excess of carbon dioxide, etc.), which correlated with the blood level (Biological control of athletes ..., 1996; Dubrovsky , 2005; Lactate threshold..., 1997; Application of pulsometry..., 1996; Solodkov, Sologub, 2005; Shats, 1995).

Today such ideas have been formed. With the first increase in the concentration of lactate in the blood, the first threshold point is fixed - first anaerobic threshold or aerobic threshold. Up to this threshold, there is no significant increase in anaerobic metabolism. There is an opinion that the aerobic threshold is the power of cyclic work, in which muscle fibers. On average, the concentration of lactate in the blood is about 2 mmol * l -1.

During a further increase in the load, there is a period when the concentration of lactate in the blood, after a period of a small uniform (almost linear) increase, begins to increase markedly. This occurs, on average, at a blood lactate concentration of 4 mmol-l -1 and is denoted as second anaerobic threshold or simply anaerobic threshold (ANTL). TAN to some extent reflects the maximum aerobic productivity.

Physiological characteristics of the aerobic-anaerobic transition during exercise

Threshold points reflect the power of work: the speed of cycling, swimming, as well as the value of V02 per 1 kg of body weight and in% V02max. The definition of PANO is widely used in terms of running speed, swimming at a blood lactate level of 4 mmol-l -1.

There are also terms ventilation and lactate thresholds. They represent the ANSP assessment methods. In the first case, we are talking about its assessment at the beginning of a non-linear increase in LV and an increase in the ventilation equivalent for 02 (VE0), which reflects this non-linear increase (the ratio of MOD to oxygen consumption).

Term lactate threshold used to emphasize the method of determining TANO according to the criteria for the onset of an intensive increase in the concentration of lactate in the blood. Different methods give slightly different results.

There are: 1) methods that require blood sampling to determine lactate and pH in it; 2) non-invasive methods based on indicators of external respiration, gas exchange, heart rate, etc.

1. Invasive (direct) methods for determining TAN are based on a graphical analysis of the kinetics of blood lactate during exercise with increasing intensity. As criteria for ANOR, fixed values ​​of lactate concentration (4 mmol-l -1), the degree of its increase from the initial level by 1.5 or 2 mmol-l -1, the point of deviation from the standard rest level, the achievement of a certain, rather high rate of lactate build-up are used in the blood (1 mmol for 1 or 3 minutes) or indicators of the dynamics of lactate in the recovery period.

2. Non-invasive methods for determining ANNP:

  • measurement of the dynamics of the increase in PV and heart rate depending on the power of the load (speed of movement) (Fig. 10). In this case, two "break" points and, accordingly, three zones of the aerobic-anaerobic transition are distinguished;
  • determination of ANNO by DC, as well as "non-metabolic excess" of CO2. Primary accumulation of lactate in the blood is observed at such a load power, when VE0 is the lowest (the ratio of MOD to V02 is the lowest). This occurs in both trained and untrained individuals. But VEO2 begins to increase significantly.

To determine PAN01, it is proposed to use three such conditions as additional criteria: the beginning of a steady increase in PaO2 (voltage 02 in arterial blood), the absence of a decrease in PaCO2 (CO voltage, in arterial blood) and the achievement of DC (the ratio of released CO2 to consumed CO2) 0 .90-0.95.

As a result, the phenomena of metabolic acidosis increase.

Figure 10 Typical dependence of PV and HR on load power (movement speed) in a stepwise test lasting more than 20 minutes: 1 - aerobic threshold (PANO), 2 - anaerobic threshold (PANO J (Lactate threshold ..., 1997)

Additional criteria for determining PAN02 can be based on the initial signs of the reaction of respiratory compensation of metabolic acidosis. The leading sign of this is the beginning of an increase in the ventilation equivalent for CO2 (the ratio of LV to released CO2);

  • field measurement (Conconi test), which is based on the determination of ANSP according to the "HR-power" graph using portable heart rate meters (Fig. 11). Conconi and other researchers found that the straight line of this relationship has a regular break (deviation) at high work intensity. If you continue to increase the intensity of the load, at a certain point the acceleration of the heart rate slows down relatively, and this point is referred to as the “point of deviation”. The break reflects the speed of running, cycling, swimming, rowing, at which the rapid accumulation of lactate in the blood begins (Lactate threshold..., 1997; Kots, 1986; Solodkov and Sologub, 2003; Kostill, 1997; Schatz, 1995).

Equipment: gas analyzer, treadmill (treadmill).

Working process

After performing the warm-up, the subjects different levels sports qualification is determined by ANEP using a gas analyzer (for example, "Oxuson Alpha") by measuring non-metabolic excess CO2 (ExCO2) during loads of increasing power. For the calculation, use the formula;

ExCO2 = DRQ VO2 = VCO2 - RQ * V02.

where RQ is the respiratory quotient at rest; DRQ is the difference between the values ​​of the respiratory quotient during work and at rest; V02 - oxygen consumption, l-min -1; VCO2 - CO2 release, l-min -1 .

By graphical plotting in the coordinate system "logarithm of the value of ExC02-power", the beginning of the excess release of CO2 is determined. The value of ANOR is expressed in absolute units of the power of the work performed, either in terms of oxygen consumption, or in relative terms (for example, in % V02max). The power corresponding to the ANSP level is called the threshold power.

In untrained healthy people, PANO ranges from 48-65% V02max, and in athletes - 75-85% V02max, that is, PANO is observed during high power work.

Figure 11 - Schematic representation of the principle of the Conconi method

To assess the obtained values ​​of ANOR by the level of oxygen consumption, it is possible to use the normative indicators of oxygen consumption in representatives cyclic species sports according to the intensity of work, which causes the accumulation of lactate in the blood at the level of 4 mmol-l -1 (Table 56).

Table 56 - Standards for assessing ANOR in athletes of cyclic sports (according to O. consumption in ml kgg 1 min -1) according to the intensity of work corresponding to the accumulation of lactate in the blood at a level of 4 mmol l -1

The values ​​of ANSP obtained from different subjects are compared with each other and with standard indicators and conclusions are drawn about the level of their special performance.