Lena Miro: "Why do you need magic when there is fitness?". Nutrition rules and a guarantee of a beautiful figure from the scandalous blogger Lena Miro Lena Miro fitness exercises

No, humanity definitely needs expressive individuals who would "have good feelings, but arouse obscene language." Who does not know, Lena Miro is a scandalous blogger and author of books on fitness with a relative degree of usefulness. And a man very successful in Internet provocations. And also a prose writer, with whose prose I, however, am not familiar. In general, more than 5,000 people have already read Miro's new book. I also read it. And here is what is written there.

For whom, for whom, for whom is our pamphlet made?

No, I'm not ironic. The publication has 148 pages in large print. Do you remember how children's books were printed in Soviet times? So "I'll lose weight for you" leaves a lasting impression of literature for the student. Simple, accessible, understandable, thank you, large letters, a lot of pictures.

However, if you have been training for a long time and do not even go to the notorious gym, and, for example, swim and play squash, the book will be extremely motivational for you. Do you seriously not know how many calories your body spends per day, and how much you need to eat to lose weight? Or maybe you really think that mayonnaise, sweets and jam are the right food for weight loss. Or do you eat smoked sausage with sticks and dream of losing weight? All dietary recommendations boil down to:

  • calculate your daily expenses, subtract 500, and follow the formula balanced nutrition from WHO;
  • do not eat mayonnaise, smoked sausage, fried foods, etc.

Personally, I liked how sincerely the author solves the problem with alcohol - they say, drink white wine, if you don’t drink, it’s completely dreary on a diet. In any more or less near sports publication we read that alcohol, even white, dry or even prosecco, blocks fat burning, dulls the sense of responsibility, and is suitable, perhaps, for celebrations on a “boot” day. However, let's not find fault, few people would think of losing weight with a big bottle at the ready.

The only thing that distinguishes the book from other similar ones is, so to speak, the author's style of Lena Miro. If for some reason you need to be humiliated, called a "pig", "hippo" and "cow" - you must read. If everything is in order with self-esteem, with the ability to present yourself - too, and there is simply not enough knowledge, the author's pathos may seem a little too much.

How to train to lose weight and improve your figure in 6 months

Any professional trainer will gloatingly say: “Yes, do whatever you want to train, even walk with home exercises on the mat, even swim with yoga, even go to the gym - the result will be.” The problem of a beginner, as you know, is to find some kind of load that can captivate and pin for many years, and not in search of a special great championship technique.

Who does not know, Lena Miro likes exercise equipment. In the great confrontation free weights against complex machines "we have it somewhere in the middle. She does both, and advises readers to start with simulators. No, wait. You will have to start with home exercises on the mat and brisk walking.

Exercises, in fact, are also given - some sort of leg swings, twists and other gluteal bridges without weight. It is quite suitable for a person who has never lifted anything and is not going to, but for those who are going to work more with free weights than in simulators - Pilates is better, any, preferably with a competent trainer.

From the second month to the sixth (yeah, 5 months), you have to work one strength program. Actually, the exercises are selected according to the principle:

1 movement per 1 large group;

multi-repeat mode 20-30 repetitions on the legs-buttocks, 15-20 on the upper body;

the maximum absence of "risky" movements with free weights.

Well, and, of course, sacred - "do not squat, do not pull the classic deadlift, quadriceps and waist grow from them." Actually, growing or not is a great philosophical question, due to genetics and exercise intensity, as well as nutrition and other related factors. From the extensions in the simulator recommended by Lena for “chiseled legs”, it just grows in 90% of people.

In general, do whatever you want with me, but I still do not understand how this great fitness program is different from any other. training program, lying in any club in daddy "typical plans for a beginner." In principle, there is no big trouble in this - beginner plans are aimed at a set of basic physical qualities, and nothing else. Only a very convinced person can consider them “weight loss plans”. However, they are losing weight. Yes, in combination with diet. Well, looking for errors in the description of the technique of exercises in simulators is a thankless task. Those who train know that not a single description of, say, a squat or bench press accurately conveys the mechanics of body movement and sensation. It is necessary to try, and preferably, after all, under the strict guidance of a coach.

Suddenly, yoga

Lena also promotes yoga. Propaganda is wonderful, and deserves a separate item in my summary. It's something like, "I don't know how yoga works, but yoga works." Yoga really works, only to master it from a book, this, excuse me, is almost a meditative exercise. Yes, only with an instructor, or by video. The sequence for the beginner is also compiled according to the interesting principle "my favorite asanas in random order, and random execution." For those who want to understand what I'm talking about, see how Lena performs the Warrior Pose.

Well, the main fat-burning effect is designed to perform cardio. You have to stomp on a stepper, run or walk on an ellipsoid for an hour a day, during your free time. strength training. And yes, for six months this is really enough. And there, a new bestseller will arrive in time - about how from problem areas get rid of, but bring the figure to precision. Probably, he will write about low-carb and split training. True, the most interesting part of this path is the fourth. This is when you realize that splits only work on bodybuilders and genetically gifted young ladies, and return to functional strength training and high intensity cardio. But this is a completely different story - without the participation of fitness blogger number 1. In general, I recommend the book to beginners, and to all connoisseurs of Lena's photo in shorts. Happy reading, so to speak.

Elena Selivanova

Many dream of glory, but everyone has their own way to the top. Lena Miro chose the path of a brawler. The blogger is known for provoking other people in a caustic manner. She also instills in her readers a desire for fitness. Lena Miro published the book “I will lose weight for you”, which is aimed at helping women come to perfect shape, and in which aspects of Lena Miro's dietary nutrition are described.

A fitness blogger cannot be called a cute girl. Elena does not skimp on words and can speak harshly about anything. Someone considers her a "magic pendel", while others do not approve of the activities of Lena Miro at all. The very personality of the brawler is also interesting, since she does not tell anything about her life and there is an opinion that the image of Lena is an invention for promotion.


The real name of the girl is Elena Mironenko. She was born in the Belgorod region, although she hid this fact for a long time and diligently maintained the image of a Muscovite. After information about her past got into the network, the girl diligently denied that this was true. Only after some time she admitted these rumors, justifying all this with a desire to protect the family from the media, fans and ill-wishers.

Lena graduated from an institute in Voronezh with a degree in translator-linguist. After that, she left for London, but returned to Moscow a few years later. She started her career as a writer, even publishing a couple of books. One of them is "Malvina", in which the author spoke about her biography.

But fame alone cannot be found by a writer. Yes, and Miro has always dreamed of becoming a real star. She started a blog in LiveJournal, in which she began to publish articles on various topics - about intrigues, scandals in the field of show business. It was in this environment that Elena found her audience and became popular. By the way, the blogger writes for middle-aged married women.

Miro's favorite genre was raking "foreign underwear" and discussing Russian pop stars. For example, Ksenia Borodina, Nastasya Samburskaya, Olga Buzova and even Alla Pugacheva became the subject of her statements.

Lena Miro and diet food

As befits a secular diva, Lena Miro carefully monitors her figure. In her publications, she often talks about sports and nutrition for weight loss. A girl should love herself and take care of her body. Then all men will be at her feet. This idea was laid down in the book by Lena Miro "I'll lose weight for you", which was published in 2013.

Elena is a fan of fitness and proper diet. In one of the interviews, she revealed her body parameters: her height is 168 cm and her weight is 53 kg. It is worth noting that at 36 a woman looks great. Her toned body is all work on herself.

The first step in losing weight according to Miro's book is to review nutrition. The blogger believes that it is the right food that is the basis for losing weight. Without it, according to her, no physical exercise will be effective. It is worth giving up the following products:

  • sugar - it is replaced with sweeteners;
  • mayonnaise - low-fat sour cream or yogurt is used instead;
  • sweet drinks (juices and compotes) - it is allowed to drink only water, fermented milk products or tea;
  • chocolate, flour products and sweets allowed in the morning, but for effective weight loss it is better to replace them with dried fruits;
  • jam - give preference to jams;
  • sausage - better buy chicken or beef ham;
  • fried - stewed, boiled or baked is allowed;
  • chips, seeds and crackers- forget about their existence once and for all;
  • fast food - replace it, for example, with a vegetable salad.

It is these products that Lena Miro advises to remove from your diet. A conscious approach to the menu is formed within a month. During this period, you completely change your eating habits and begin to follow the principles of proper nutrition.

Exercise stress

An important aspect of losing weight is sports. While getting used to a new lifestyle, Lena advises starting with training at home. According to her, gymnastics is a good help for beginners. After a month, your body will get used to the loads and the muscles will become elastic. In addition, you will already be mentally ready to move on to other sports.

Lena Miro pays special attention to the warm-up in her book. You should start training with it so as not to harm the muscles. This is followed by 9 simple exercises for the press, hips and legs.

For losing weight, Miro even created her own YouTube channel, where you can find classes by body type.

Lena Miro is a sports fan and works out 7 times a week, but does not strive for an inflated figure. Her goal is a toned body.


Lena Miro tries to motivate people to start taking care of themselves. But he does it in his own way. A girl can call fat people pigs, which looks incorrect.

It is clear that many people do not like this treatment. But Lena believes that everything overweight only from the laziness of the person himself. And until you tell people directly about their "shortcomings", dealing with dead center won't move.

I will slim you

All thoughts and tips for losing weight are set out in the book "I'll lose weight for you." Lena identifies 3 tasks that need to be mastered:

  1. Psycho: a person needs to understand that he leads a wrong lifestyle. He must learn to believe in himself.
  2. Nutrition: you need to give up addiction to junk food.
  3. Sports: an important component of weight loss. Afraid to go to the gym, work out at home.

Lena also advises to define a goal for yourself and take the first step towards your dream.

The book also talks about how to lose weight and where to start. The author gives advice on nutrition and exercise. The exercises are presented clearly, which is very convenient for beginners. Also, the text is aimed at motivating a person. But if you are familiar with Lena's blog, then you can be afraid of Miro's harsh statements that motivate few people. However, be calm. The book is written without caustic phrases and insults.

Brawler Lena Miro does not cause much sympathy among people because of her communication style. But the advice she gives is effective. The methods described in the book will help you start losing weight and gain beautiful body. Therefore, if you are looking for motivation or fitness tips, you can look at the blogger's page. But do not be alarmed, her communication style is really peculiar.

As befits a secular diva, Lena Miro carefully monitors her figure. In her publications, she often talks about sports and nutrition for weight loss. A girl should love herself and take care of her body. Then all men will be at her feet. This idea was laid down in the book by Lena Miro "I'll lose weight for you", which was published in 2013.

Elena is a fan of fitness and proper diet. In one of the interviews, she revealed her body parameters: her height is 168 cm and her weight is 53 kg. It is worth noting that at 36 a woman looks great. Her toned body is all work on herself.

The first step in losing weight according to Miro's book is to review nutrition. The blogger believes that it is the right food that is the basis for losing weight. Without it, according to her, no physical exercise will be effective. It is worth giving up the following products:

  • sugar - it is replaced with sweeteners;
  • mayonnaise - low-fat sour cream or yogurt is used instead;
  • sweet drinks (juices and compotes) - it is allowed to drink only water, fermented milk products or tea;
  • chocolate, flour products and sweets allowed in the morning, but for effective weight loss it is better to replace them with dried fruits;
  • jam - give preference to jams;
  • sausage - better buy chicken or beef ham;
  • fried - stewed, boiled or baked is allowed;
  • chips, seeds and crackers- forget about their existence once and for all;
  • fast food - replace it, for example, with a vegetable salad.

It is these products that Lena Miro advises to remove from your diet. A conscious approach to the menu is formed within a month. During this period, you completely change your eating habits and begin to follow the principles of proper nutrition.

Lena is for gradualness. In the first month, you will do home exercise, and follow a simple diet. You have to eat everything that you usually eat. But "harmful" products will have to be excluded or replaced with useful ones.

List for replacement and reflection:

  • Sugar. It is clear that simple carbohydrates increase blood sugar levels, provoke appetite and generally add calories to the diet out of the blue. You should either completely abandon the “position” of this product in tea and “sprinkle” it with cottage cheese, fruits, cereals, or switch to an artificial sweetener. Lena Miro is sure that if the food industry produces it, it means that it is edible. The author's logic, however, is broken by numerous studies on the dangers of aspartame, sucralose, cyclamate. So if you need a "no harm" sweetener, eat stevioside.
  • Mayonnaise. A source of saturated fat, starch, preservatives, and a quiet, inconspicuous 200-300 kcal "on top" per serving, such as French fries with mayonnaise vegetable salad. Lena suggests replacing with yogurt or matsoni, and here we completely agree with her. It will become sad - chop fresh herbs into a salad, and add a little mustard powder or ground black pepper to yogurt.
  • Sweet drinks. Liquid sugar is only good if you're running a marathon. No, you are not abstractly running, but right now you are running, and you are already ready to collapse from fatigue. In all other cases, you should drink water, tea, coffee, and other drinks without added sugar. Oh yes, kefir is still possible, but it is not a drink, but an independent snack.
  • Sweets, cookies, chocolate, white flour pastries, regular jam, cakes, and other sweets. Do not imagine life without "this" - kind Lena allows you to eat 1 candy until 12 noon. Or 1 marshmallow, or 1 square of dark chocolate. And slightly more conscious modern nutritionists are generally sure that it doesn’t matter when you eat your 1 square of chocolate, the main thing is that it should be only 1 square. So feel free to snack on them whenever you want, and do not make the drama of "do not eat before, do not eat after."
  • Sausage, fried, “everything, croutons, chips and nuts. Instead of high-fat smoked meat products, Miro suggests eating basturma, chicken ham or other low-fat products that have retained the "fibrous" structure of the meat. Instead of frying - a double boiler or grill, and instead of crackers, etc. - find yourself an interesting activity that would be so captivating that the very thought of a snack seems like blasphemy.

The expanses of the Internet are rich in personalities who promote healthy eating and emphasize the unconditional visit to the fitness room. But among this abundance of characters, one girl stands out, who radically changes the idea of ​​fullness and criticizes people wearing size 44+ clothes in the most severe way.

Surely you have also come across her LiveJournal posts or maybe follow her posts regularly. To everyone who cares about their health and spends most of their time honing the line of the silhouette in the gym, this girl is well known. Meet - inimitable, sharp, but fair on many issues - Lena Miro.

Briefly about Lena Miro

Lena Miro (Mironenko) is a fairly well-known Internet person who has become popular thanks to her tough, and sometimes even offensive statements about obese people. For her, women “in the body” are impassable “fat women”, “pigs”, “creatures”. Moreover, she does not hesitate to give such definitions not only to ordinary girls from real life. Representatives of Russian and Western show business have repeatedly come under criticism from Miro.

Name today Lena Miro not heard, probably just lazy. The girl confidently takes leadership positions among the most popular and scandalous personalities of the modern Runet. A successful fitness blogger and writer, Lena Miro has recently gained not only a huge number of fans, but also enemies.

Biographical information

The real name of the blogger known as Lena Miro is Elena Mironenko. She comes from the Belgorod region from the city of Stary Oskol. Lena gave birth here in 1981 on June 24th. Little is known about her childhood and parents, as Lena prefers not to share such information.

Lena has a higher education - she studied at Voronezh University and received a diploma as a translator-linguist there. Also the girl finished Cambridge College of Learning . This became possible since she lived in the UK for some time. In particular, in 2003 she was one of the organizers of a disco in London, created specifically for Russian-speaking emigrants from the Baltics in England. Upon arrival in Russia, she worked as a translator for some time, then actively engaged in literary work.

Fitness in the life of Lena Miro

Sports have always occupied one of the most important places in the life of Lena Miro. The owner of a toned luxurious figure, Lena actively promotes fitness in her books and blogs. Exactly sports achivments and made the popular Miro famous in wide circles today. Despite criticism, she actively shares advice with her followers, demonstrating, as a result, numerous photos of her muscular figure.

Lena, not at all embarrassed, declares that in today's time being fat is a shame. Therefore, he always gives practical advice to those who want to put the figure in order. Those who want to quickly lose weight with the help of exercise, she advises cardio loads, which must be performed on an empty stomach in the morning. Elena is against exercising in the gym with a lot of weight, as she considers them detrimental to a feminine figure.

As for nutrition, here Lena is just as categorical. the best way get rid of fat and excess fluid she counts drying (* at the same time warns that drying has a negative effect on the condition of the skin of the face). Lena Miro is also a supporter healthy eating with a predominance of protein foods.

Bloglife of Lena Miro

In 2010 Lena Miro started her blog in LiveJournal. After a short period of time, he became very popular, first of all, among those who wanted to lose weight or pump up a figure. Over time, Lena began to write on a variety of and, above all, scandalous topics.

Her writing style is always brash and direct, and her blog posts often resonate with the public. Lena most often raises popular topics and is not afraid to express her opinion in a rather harsh form.

A special piquancy in many of her judgments is made by the fact that she is an active member of the party. "United Russia" and a supporter of the policy of V. V. Putin. However, despite frequent criticism, the popularity of the blog does not fade away. In 2013, he had over 11,000 subscribers. At the same time, Lena herself was awarded the title "Antihero LiveJournal".

In addition to LJ, Lena Miro actively communicates on instagram ( icon-instagram /lenamyro/) Twitter( icon-twitter /LenaMyro), Facebook ( icon facebook /lena.myro.5) In contact with ( icon-vk /lena.miro) and YouTube( icon-youtube /FitnessLenaMiro) . Not a bad set, right?

Literary creativity

As Lena herself admits, she needed the blog only for promotion. his first book "Malvina and cattle". Then, from the pen of a young and self-confident writer, such books as “ School: Childhood is over», « Two mojitos in the rain», « School: entertaining physical / Werewolf with a pointer". Almost all books are autobiographical in one way or another. In addition, Lena Miro is the author of the book " I was fat too”, where he gives weight loss experiments based on his own experience.

Personal life

The scandalous blogger Lena Miro prefers not to talk about her personal life. But sometimes some information slips in her blog. For example, she wrote about her millionaire husband named Zabelin. However, fellow bloggers proved that this was just Lena's invention, but in fact she is a friend and cohabitant of journalist Andrei Shmarov. The fact that Shmarov is much older than his girlfriend gave the news a special piquancy.