"dead point" and "second wind". How and when does a second wind open Second wind in a person

Second Wind Express. 1. A surge of energy, cheerfulness in a state of fatigue. A few years ago, the singer added one more to the hard work - filming a movie. He felt a second wind, the prime of life, the rise of creative thought(M. Syritsyn. Tom Jones against apartheid). ◊ In comparison. And, as if having found a second wind, Danilov picked up Vera Dmitrievna, who chose one from a pile of records - an old, yearning waltz, and everyone parted, giving them the way(P. Redkin. A Tale of Love). 2. Occupation, passion, causing a surge of strength, energy. Having retired due to illness, he found a "second wind" - took up the history of Russian tiles(R. Armeev. All colors of the tile).

Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008 .


See what "Second Wind" is in other dictionaries:

    Second wind- (film, 1966) France, director Jean Pierre Melville Second wind (film, 1974) USSR, director Isaac Shmaruk Second wind (film, 1992) USA, director Biban Kidron Second wind (film, 2007) France, director Alain Cornot (remake) 1966 film ... ... Wikipedia

    Second wind- "Second Breath" (rum. Respiraţia a Doua) is a non-governmental organization headquartered in Balti, Moldova. History The activities of the National Gerontological Organization "Second Wind for the Elderly of Moldova" began as part of ... ... Wikipedia

    SECOND WIND- SECOND WIND, USSR, Dovzhenko film studio, 1974, color. Drama based on the novel by Y. Shovkoplyas "A Man Lives Twice". A seriously ill patient is brought to the clinic of the scientific research institute. The young doctor Falko, a resident of the institute, insists ... Cinema Encyclopedia

    second wind- noun, number of synonyms: 4 cheerfulness (19) rise vitality(2) burst of energy... Synonym dictionary

    second wind- a condition that occurs after acute fatigue that appeared in the initial period of intensive muscle work(e.g. while running for medium and long distances), and is characterized by an improvement in well-being and often an increase in working capacity ... Big Medical Dictionary

    Second wind- 1. Public. A surge of strength, energy. F 1, 181; BTS, 164; BMS 1998, 178. /i> From the speech of athletes. Mokienko 2003, 29. 2. Jarg. school Shuttle. Prompt. BSRG, 175 ... Big dictionary of Russian sayings

    second wind- About a surge of new strength after a decline in energy, apathy ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Second wind -- the state of the body after acute fatigue at the beginning of muscular work, manifested by an improvement in the condition and an increase in working capacity, which is caused by the inclusion of aerobic oxidation of carbohydrates ... Glossary of terms for the physiology of farm animals

    Second wind (film)- Second Wind (film, 1966) Other films with the same or similar title: see Second Wind (film). Second wind Le Deuxième Souffle ... Wikipedia

    Second wind (film)- Second wind (film, 1966) France, director Jean Pierre Melville Second wind (film, 1974) USSR, director Isaac Shmaruk Second wind (film, 1992) USA, director Biban Kidron Second wind (film, 2007) France, ... ... Wikipedia


  • Second Wind, Dick Francis. The world is small, and such seemingly disparate things as a nuclear bomb, weather forecasts and a horse that promises to become a favorite are tightly intertwined in it. this season. Perry Stewart...

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1. Cross coordination is at the heart of…:
rhythmic motor reflex
stepping reflex
stretch reflex
reflex tone

2. Several exercises, selected in a certain order to solve a specific problem, are called:

3. What is athletic gymnastics?
a set of exercises in which respiratory movements are combined with the movement of the body, the musculoskeletal system
compliance with different sports exercises, classes and other ways to improve health, shape correction and general strengthening organism
the main means of protection from sports and martial arts
one of the most effective means, comprehensively acting on human body

4. Training loads characterized by a number of physiological indicators. Physiological parameters include:
increase in heart rate, stroke volume, minute blood volume
intensity and volume, speed and pace of movements, duration, number of repetitions
increasing rest time between repetitions
inspiratory and expiratory volume

5. One of the most effective means that comprehensively acts on the human body is ...
athletic gymnastics
athletic martial arts

6. Specify the type physical training, which provides the greatest effect in the improvement of the human body:
regular wellness classes exercise outdoors with a metered load

7. A set of exercises, techniques and methods aimed at teaching motor and other skills and abilities, as well as their further improvement, is designated as:
pedagogical impact

8. All physical exercises are divided into general developmental and special. Special exercises…:
selectively affect one or another part of the body or musculoskeletal system
used as a means of rehabilitation, restoring functions disturbed by the disease
aimed at improving and strengthening the whole body

9. What sports train breathing?
walking, skiing, swimming, cycling
basketball, volleyball, football, tennis
Weightlifting, gymnastics, weight-lifting

10. The so-called "second wind" comes:
when the circulation adjusts to the demands of the job, the right amount of oxygen is supplied
when the recovery phase follows - paid oxygen debt, which occurs at the beginning of work
when breathing and blood circulation do not have time to supply the necessary amount of oxygen to the working muscles

11. Most effective training lungs is a physical training, because ...:
the respiratory organs perform a greater load, increase the strength of the respiratory muscles, causing greater mobility chest and increase lung capacity
arterial blood returns from the lungs after saturation with oxygen to the left half of the heart, is pushed into the aorta, which branches into arteries and spreads to all parts of the body
with increased breathing, an excess of carbon dioxide is released, after which breathing becomes normal

12. A temporary decrease in efficiency due to a discrepancy between the activity and functionality of the vegetative systems of the body is called:
"dead spot"
"wonderful moment"
"steady state"

13. What principle of coordination of movements is that in the body at the moment of performing the movement, which is the main one, everything is subordinate to it:
domino principle
dominant principle
principle of dominance

14. Which of the following physical exercises does not belong to movements of an acyclic nature:
a ride on the bicycle
gymnastic elements
acrobatic elements
weight lifting

15. What is meant by the expression "second wind"?
when breathing is carried out both through the nose and through the mouth
when oxygen consumption rises to the level required by the job
when you need to double your oxygen intake

If a person immediately rushes to run without a warm-up, then he will soon begin shortness of breath and palpitations. During a fast run, you have repeatedly experienced an unpleasant feeling when your whole body seems to be filled with lead weight, your breath spirals, and your heart beats so hard that it seems that it is about to jump out of your chest. At such moments, I just want to lie down on the ground, stretch out to my full height and rest. But there comes a moment when the “second wind” turns on.However, if you continue to run further, then after some time the phenomena of oxygen starvation gradually disappear, even breathing is established, the pulse decreases and the so-called “second wind” appears. And sometimes there comes a "dead point" and it is very difficult to continue to run, and is it necessary? Sometimes a “second wind” comes, and sometimes it doesn’t, sometimes it is a good sign sometimes bad. Let's understand the mechanisms of "second wind" and "dead point' at different levels.

Dead center and second wind

"Second wind"- This is a physiological effect, which is manifested by a significant increase in physical performance after severe fatigue against the background of performing an intense load. For example, during a marathon, a "second wind" opens in the second half of the distance and at the time of the finish. I draw your attention to the fact that this phenomenon is more often characteristic of untrained people, while professional athletes practically do not have a second wind, since lactic acid is quickly destroyed and the muscles do not "acidify" for initial stage loads.

It has also been established that the “second wind” comes the faster, the better a person is trained. The second wind is accompanied by a feeling of physical relief, the restoration of the normal activity of mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, perceptions), the appearance of sthenic emotions, and the desire to continue activities.

Dead point- the state of the body during intensive performance physical activity. It occurs a few minutes after the start of intense muscular work. An unpleasant sensation appears, accompanied by shortness of breath, a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness, a feeling of pulsation of blood vessels in the head, and a desire to stop working. At long work large, submaximal, and sometimes moderate (medium) intensity (with an oxygen demand of more than 1500 ml), a special state of fatigue can be observed, accompanied by a sharp decline in working capacity. Dead center can be thought of as a state of acute stress caused by physical work.

Signs of a "dead center" condition: frequent shallow breathing; high ventilation oxygen equivalent; high heart rate; decrease in blood pH; significant sweating. This condition is associated with the deterioration of a number of mental functions: the clarity of perception decreases, illusions appear, especially in the field of muscle-motor perceptions, memory (especially reproduction processes) and thinking weaken. Attention is disturbed: its volume decreases, the ability to distribute is lost, its stability sharply decreases. The speed of reactions slows down and the number of erroneous answers increases.

Cause of dead center is that at the beginning training session it takes some time for the cardiovascular system to reach a certain level of its functioning and be able to adequately supply the working muscles with oxygen. And with excessive intensity of the start of training, there is a discrepancy between the needs of the muscles in oxygen and the ability to of cardio-vascular system supply adequate oxygen to the body. As a result, from the very beginning, decay products and, above all, lactic acid accumulate in the muscles. Accordingly, in order to avoid the state of "dead center" it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of the training session.

If the state of "dead center" nevertheless has come, then it can be overcome by great volitional efforts. If physical work continues, then this state will be replaced by a feeling of sudden relief, which most often manifests itself in the appearance of normal (comfortable) breathing. Therefore, the state that replaces the “dead center” is called “second wind”. The appearance of a “second wind” means that the body has adapted to perform physical activity and is able to satisfy the working muscles in their energy needs.

It is shown that the difficulty in inhalation observed during the occurrence of a dead point ("breath interception") occurs due to a narrowing of the gap between vocal cords, which reduces the volume of air passed through this gap during rapid breathing, and thereby reduces irritation of the receptors located in the ligaments.

Breathing, oxygen and second wind.

Respiration is a process of continuous exchange of substances between the body and the external environment through inhalation and exhalation. Energy processes during normal breathing proceed with the participation of oxygen (aerobic type of respiration). Meanwhile, during physical exertion, especially cyclic movements that are repeated at the same pace - running, walking, skating, skiing, etc., energy processes can proceed without the participation of oxygen (anaerobic type of respiration), while the body works as if on credit.

When running a hundred meters, an athlete needs 7 liters of oxygen, and he manages to inhale only 0.3-0.5 liters. Despite the increased respiratory rate, increased heart rate, the body for such a short time it is not able to provide the need for oxygen and therefore switches to oxygen-free respiration (anaerobic), working in "duty", which is reimbursed some time after the load is stopped by shortness of breath and palpitations.

During physical activity, muscle work increases significantly. The main source of energy for muscle tissue is the oxidation of glucose (glycolysis). Under normal conditions, glucose oxidation occurs with the participation of oxygen ( aerobic glycolysis). In intensively working skeletal muscle ah, in conditions of limited oxygen access, it turns on anaerobic oxidation during which pyruvate(pyruvic acid) is converted to lactate (lactic acid) without oxygen consumption. It is the accumulation of lactic acid that gives the clinical picture of fatigue, pain and burning in the muscles.

Second wind at the molecular level

In conditions of oxygen deficiency in erythrocytes, a by-product of glycolysis, 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate (BPG), is formed. BPG, joining hemoglobin, can change its affinity for O2.

In the center of the tetrameric hemoglobin molecule there is a cavity formed by the amino acid residues of all four protomers. The central cavity is the place of attachment of the BFG. Attachment of BPG causes its conformational changes in a way that reduces the affinity of hemoglobin for oxygen.

And it diffuses better to the tissues. The increased oxygen supply to the muscles converts anaerobic glycolysis to aerobic glycolysis, which "burns" lactic acid in the Krebs cycle.

Erythrocytes and their redistribution: pain in the side.

"Second wind" at the macro level occurs due to the release of blood from the depot and an increase in the release of erythrocytes from the bone marrow, spleen, liver and skin, which increases the oxygen capacity of the blood. When a person is at rest, a certain part of the blood does not take an active part in the circulation and constitutes a "reserve". Its main part is concentrated in the abdominal and chest cavities. In the stretching of the liver and spleen during sudden physical exertion, an important role is played by the blood deposited in the vena cava. Excessive and shallow breathing worsens the problem. The diaphragm at the same time is reduced slightly and almost does not create additional vacuum in the chest cavity. Because of this, the blood does not flow as much as it could from the liver and spleen into the vena cava.

This reserve, in the event of physical exertion, is “taken into circulation” to meet the needs of working muscles. The blood begins to overflow the organs abdominal cavity, because due to certain physiological properties, its outflow “does not keep up” with a sharp inflow. The spleen and liver "swell" from the rush of blood and begin to put pressure on their membranes (capsules), also with an increase in the level of stress hormones, the spleen capsule begins to contract, throwing more blood into the bloodstream (the spleen capsule contains many muscle cells).

Many places, notably the English Wikipedia, state that the exact cause of "exercise related transient abdominal pain (ETAP)" is unknown. As versions, in addition to "high pressure inside the liver and spleen", discussed above, "diaphragm spasm due to lack of oxygen" and "concussion internal organs because of the long run.

The second breath at the brain (central) level.

One of the mechanisms of the second wind is an improvement in the psychological state, which is accompanied by an increase in the pain threshold. Euphoria of a runner (runner's high) is a state of special elevation, similar to mild intoxication, observed in athletes in cyclic types sports during prolonged physical activity, as a result of which resistance to pain and fatigue increases. The euphoria of a runner appears during a long continuous training, moderate or high intensity, with rapid breathing. This sensation may be brief, but occasionally lasts several days. Those who have experienced it feel happier, calmer, ready to resolve life's difficulties and think more clearly. After running to long distance the pain threshold usually rises and there is a feeling of elation.

The literature often mentions endorphins (pituitary hormones) as the cause of runner's euphoria. According to this view, endorphins are released during long, continuous, moderate to high intensity physical exertion when breathing is difficult.Endorphins are released into the blood during endurance work, and during intensive training, their content in the blood can increase by 5 times compared to the rest level, being kept in increased concentration during few hours. Endorphins cause a kind of euphoria, a feeling of causeless joy, physical and mental well-being, suppress hunger and pain, resulting in a sharp improvement in mood.

Some scientists question the endorphin mechanism of the effect. The study found that another natural chemical, the endocannabinoid anandamide, which is similar to the main active ingredient in marijuana, can cause the jogging effect. The authors of the study suggested that the body produces this substance to overcome long-term stress and pain (similar to the theory of the origin of the effect of the runner from the release of endorphins). However, the release of anandamide is not accompanied by cognitive consequences of the runner effect, and therefore cannot be significantly related to it.


1. Second wind- this is a sign of a very poorly prepared organism for the ongoing load. Do not believe that the second wind is some kind of transcendental level of training, which can only be achieved after long workout. In well-trained athletes, the effect of a second wind does not occur. And precisely because they are well prepared. On the contrary, in people with poor muscle preparedness for the exercise (usually of an aerobic nature), the second wind, in fact, is the only salvation for continuing the work.

2. When working with maximum or submaximal power, a second wind may not come. One of the reasons for this is Lack of time: the athlete finishes the distance before the protective, reserve capabilities can turn on. Another reason is the high intensity of work, which does not give the nerve centers a break.

3. Measures to prevent a dead center are associated with the elimination of factors that cause it - this is an increase in the level of fitness, a thorough warm-up, the correct distribution of forces at a distance (too fast a start, especially for beginners, can lead to a dead center). In training, special attention should be paid to volitional overcoming dead point. Reducing the intensity of activity is an extreme measure, undesirable not only in competitions, but also in training. A person must learn to tolerate hypoxia and the discomfort that accompanies it.

4. Sometimes, especially for beginners, need to slow down, take a step The pain should go away very quickly. (If the pain in the abdomen lasts longer than five minutes, then without thinking about anything else, urgently move to the hospital)

5. Necessary warm up qualitatively before serious physical exertion Then the blood stored in the depot will enter the bloodstream gradually, and the capsules of the liver and spleen will have time to react to this.

6. Breathing is incredibly important! In the process of training, the brain will learn not only to contract the capsules of the liver and spleen in time, but also to breathe correctly. With improper breathing, the diaphragm does not perform its function of an "extra heart" well, which is why blood stagnates even more in the liver and spleen.

A big role in overcoming the dead center belongs to the strong-willed effort of the athlete. If, despite the difficulties, the athlete continues his activity, strives to establish high-quality deep breathing, then relief comes - a second wind. One of its signs is heavy sweating. True, it can begin even later than the relief that appears.
https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%AD%D0%B9%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%B8%D1%8F_%D0%B1%D0%B5%D0 %B3%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%B0
Sports Psychology E. P. Ilyin

A condition in which there is a significant increase in physical activity, or second wind, appears after intense physical activity, which caused severe fatigue.

This phenomenon is well known to many.

Causes of second wind

Breathing is unique to living organisms. The process of gas exchange with the external environment is constantly ongoing. Physiologists distinguish between aerobic and anaerobic respiration. For the implementation of the first type, oxygen is needed, the second, on the contrary, proceeds without it.

Usually supplies energy to the muscles - glucose. The process of its oxidation (glycolysis) proceeds with the use of oxygen.

Anaerobic respiration "opens" during cyclic physical activity, that is, with repeated movements in a single rhythm (when cycling, running, walking, and so on), when they are performed, it is difficult for the body to provide itself with oxygen, for this it increases the heart rate and respiratory movements.

However, this is not always able to compensate for the lack of oxygen. Therefore, the body is forced to switch to another type of breathing, with reduced oxygen consumption. The intensive work of skeletal muscles, under such conditions, includes an anaerobic oxidation process. As a result of complex biochemical reactions, lactic acid is converted into pyruvic acid.

If the pace of physical work remains the same, lactic acid accumulates in the body, which is manifested by tachycardia, shortness of breath and muscle pain.

Then comes the state called "dead point".

Signs characteristic of the "dead center"

  • The acid-base index of the blood (PH) changes.
  • Heart contractions and pulse speed up.
  • Sweating increases sharply.

To overcome this state, you need to continue to move at the same pace, in which case, the tension of the body is replaced by relief - a "second wind" opens. At the same time, the more forces the action takes, the feeling of relief comes earlier.

Basics about second wind

The occurrence of a second breath during physical activity indicates a person’s poor preparation for the upcoming load. It is a mistake to think that the occurrence of an anaerobic type of respiration speaks of high level training of athletes. A well-prepared human body does not need this type of breathing.

Muscle work with maximum load, does not always cause the onset of a second wind. The reason for this is that the work is completed before the additional forces have time to turn on. Also, intense movements distract the nerve centers, making it difficult to correctly assess the situation.

To prevent the occurrence of a "dead point" you need to observe some conditions:

  1. gradually increase the degree of fitness;
  2. do a thorough warm-up;
  3. distribute the load correctly (an energetic start can cause a “dead spot”).
  4. in training, they should teach the correct volitional overcoming of "dead spots". It is not permissible to reduce the intensity of the load - this is a forced extreme.

For beginners, when they appear, it is allowed to slow down the pace. If the pain intensifies or does not subside, you need to stop training and immediately contact the first-aid post.

Especially important before the competition or intense training- good workout. In this case, the blood from the depot (liver and spleen) will fill the bloodstream gradually.

Breathing correctly is very important! This trains the brain to properly function as a regulator of the functioning of internal organs and the circulatory system.

Ecology of life. Health: If a person immediately rushes to run without a warm-up, then he will soon begin shortness of breath and palpitations. During a fast run, you have repeatedly experienced an unpleasant feeling when your whole body seems to be filled with lead weight, your breath spirals, and your heart beats so hard that it seems that it is about to jump out of your chest.

If a person immediately rushes to run without a warm-up, then he will soon begin shortness of breath and palpitations. During a fast run, you have repeatedly experienced an unpleasant feeling when your whole body seems to be filled with lead weight, your breath spirals, and your heart beats so hard that it seems that it is about to jump out of your chest.

At such moments, I just want to lie down on the ground, stretch out to my full height and rest. But usblunts such a moment when the "second wind" is turned on. However, if you continue to run further, then after some time the phenomena of oxygen starvation gradually disappear, even breathing is established, the pulse decreases and the so-called “second wind” appears.

And sometimes there comes a "dead point" and it is very difficult to continue to run, and is it necessary? Sometimes a "second wind" comes, and sometimes it doesn't, sometimes it's a good sign, sometimes it's a bad sign. Let's look at the mechanisms of "second wind" and "dead center" at different levels.

Dead center and second wind

"Second wind" is a physiological effect, which is manifested by a significant increase in physical performance after severe fatigue against the background of intense exercise. For example, during a marathon, a "second wind" opens in the second half of the distance and at the time of the finish. I draw your attention to the fact that this phenomenon is more often characteristic of untrained people, while professional athletes practically do not have a second wind, since lactic acid is quickly destroyed and the muscles do not "acidify" at the initial stage of the load.

It has also been established that the “second wind” comes the faster, the better a person is trained. The second wind is accompanied by a feeling of physical relief, the restoration of the normal activity of mental functions (memory, attention, thinking, perceptions), the appearance of sthenic emotions, and the desire to continue activities.

Dead center - the state of the body during intensive physical activity. It occurs a few minutes after the start of intense muscular work. An unpleasant sensation appears, accompanied by shortness of breath, a feeling of tightness in the chest, dizziness, a feeling of pulsation of blood vessels in the head, and a desire to stop working.

With prolonged work of high, submaximal, and sometimes moderate (medium) intensity (with an oxygen demand of more than 1500 ml), a special state of fatigue may be observed, accompanied by a sharp decline in working capacity. Dead center can be thought of as a state of acute stress caused by physical work.

Signs of a state of "dead center": frequent shallow breathing; high ventilation oxygen equivalent; high heart rate; decrease in blood pH; significant sweating. This condition is associated with the deterioration of a number of mental functions: the clarity of perception decreases, illusions appear, especially in the field of muscle-motor perceptions, memory (especially reproduction processes) and thinking weaken. Attention is disturbed: its volume decreases, the ability to distribute is lost, its stability sharply decreases. The speed of reactions slows down and the number of erroneous answers increases.

Breathing, oxygen and second wind.

The reason for the onset of the “dead center” is that at the beginning of a training session, it takes some time for the cardiovascular system to reach a certain level of its functioning and be able to adequately supply the working muscles with oxygen. And with excessive intensity of the start of training, there is a discrepancy between the needs of the muscles for oxygen and the ability of the cardiovascular system to adequately provide the body with oxygen. As a result, from the very beginning, decay products and, above all, lactic acid accumulate in the muscles. Accordingly, in order to avoid the state of "dead center" it is necessary to gradually increase the intensity of the training session.

If the state of "dead center" nevertheless has come, then it can be overcome by great volitional efforts. If physical work continues, then this state will be replaced by a feeling of sudden relief, which most often manifests itself in the appearance of normal (comfortable) breathing. Therefore, the state that replaces the “dead center” is called “second wind”. The appearance of a “second wind” means that the body has adapted to perform physical activity and is able to satisfy the working muscles in their energy needs.

It has been shown that the difficulty in inhaling (“breathing interception”) observed when a dead spot occurs is due to a narrowing of the gap between the vocal cords, which reduces the volume of air passing through this gap during rapid breathing, and thereby reduces irritation of the receptors located in the vocal cords.


1. The second wind is a sign of a very poorly prepared organism for the ongoing load. Do not believe that the second wind is some kind of transcendental level of training, which can only be achieved after a long workout. In well-trained athletes, the effect of a second wind does not occur. And precisely because they are well prepared. On the contrary, in people with poor muscle preparedness for the exercise (usually of an aerobic nature), the second wind, in fact, is the only salvation for continuing the work.

2. When working with maximum or submaximal power, a second wind may not come. One of the reasons for this is the lack of time: the athlete finishes the distance before the protective, reserve capabilities can turn on. Another reason is the high intensity of work, which does not give the nerve centers a break.

3. Measures to prevent a dead center are associated with the elimination of factors that cause it., is an increase in the level of fitness, a thorough warm-up, the correct distribution of forces at a distance (too fast a start, especially for beginners, can lead to a dead center). In training, special attention should be paid to the strong-willed overcoming of the dead point. Reducing the intensity of activity is an extreme measure, undesirable not only in competitions, but also in training. A person must learn to tolerate hypoxia and the discomfort that accompanies it.

4. Sometimes, especially for beginners, you need to slow down, take a step - the pain should pass very quickly. (If the pain in the abdomen lasts longer than five minutes, then without thinking about anything else, urgently move to the hospital)

5. It is necessary to warm up well before serious physical exertion. Then the blood stored in the depot will enter the bloodstream gradually, and the capsules of the liver and spleen will have time to react to this.

6. Breathing is incredibly important! In the process of training, the brain will learn not only to contract the capsules of the liver and spleen in time, but also to breathe correctly. With improper breathing, the diaphragm does not perform its function of an "extra heart" well, which is why blood stagnates even more in the liver and spleen.

A big role in overcoming the dead center belongs to the strong-willed effort of the athlete. If, despite the difficulties, the athlete continues his activity, strives to establish high-quality deep breathing, then relief comes - a second wind. One of its signs is heavy sweating. True, it can begin even later than the relief that appears.

7. It is not advisable to eat before exercise. After eating, additional blood is already supplied to the liver, as the process of digestion takes place. And here you are with your running - "running" blood is added to the "digestive" blood. published

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