World record for standing. Plank: why is it needed, how long to hold it and how to improve results. The thinnest waist

Plank is physical static exercise, which ensures the development of the muscles of the abdomen and back, and along the way, the entire state of the human body. Athletes who practice such exercises in all their varieties receive general strengthening all muscles of the body.

What is the world record for Planck, how long can you stand?

the date

Plank Time


May 2016 8 hours 1 minute The most recent world record for standing in the Plank exercise is 8 hours and 1 minute. This is exactly how long Mao Weidong, the Chinese policeman, managed to stay immobile. And although the world record holder is not some kind of ace in sports, he regularly plays sports at an amateur level, and also serves in a unit that fights against terrorism in China. At the same time, our hero, after the record was fixed, to celebrate, to consolidate the success achieved, he also managed to push himself off the floor several times. The record was set in May 2016, but has not yet been broken by anyone.
May 30, 2015 5 hours 15 minutes The previous world record, which is 5 hours and 15 minutes of uninterrupted stay in static position belonged to the American citizen George Hood. This record was set on May 30, 2015. At the time of the exercise, which at that time went down in history, George Hood was 57 years old. A former Marine who has been friends with sports all his adult life and was a fitness trainer at the time of the record. To show such a result, George spent 9 months on preliminary preparations, which included 4 - 6 hours of daily grueling workouts. To do this, he additionally placed on his back a load weighing 10 - 20 kg. The record itself was associated with another significant event - on that day, a charity fundraiser for military veterans who became disabled was sold.
May 22, 2015 4 hours 28 minutes Next on our list is the record set on May 22, 2015 by Dane Tom Hall. On that day, the athlete managed to keep his back straight for a full 4 hours and 28 minutes. It should be noted that at the time of fixing the record, the athlete was 51 years old, he, like his previous sports colleague, worked as a fitness trainer. Preparation for the set world record took about a year, and for the last four months he was actively engaged in himself, monitored his physical and mental state, and nutrition. Already directly in the process of doing the exercise, Tom, according to him, had already decided to leave the race, but when he was told that he had been in this position for more than three and a half hours, he decided to mobilize and bring what he had begun to its logical conclusion. As a result, the record was set, although it did not last so long.
September 2014 4 hours 26 minutes Before Tom Hall, today's unsurpassed Chinese champion Mao Weidung was considered the record holder for holding the bar. At that time, his result was a time of 4 hours and 26 minutes. The record was recorded in September 2014, when our champion was 43 years old. According to Mao, he was able to achieve such a result thanks to the love for his wife. As we have already described, he is a Chinese police officer of the anti-terrorist operations force, plays sports for himself and maintains an excellent physical form, as evidenced by the achieved result.
June 2014 4 hours 1 minute At the same time, the record holder before that was none other than George Hood, already known to us. His performance, which observers managed to fix, amounted to 4 hours and 1 minute. The record was on public display in June 2014, but, as we see, it could not hold out for a long time. By the way, it is worth noting that this comprehensively developed person is the owner of another very interesting record- he managed to surprise the world by jumping rope non-stop for 13 hours in a row.
2013 3 hours 7 minutes Regarding the earlier records set in 2013, our restless Marine George Hood distinguished himself here again. At that moment, his personal achievement and the world record at that time was being in a motionless statistical pose for 3 hours and 7 minutes. As you can see, over time, the athlete managed to significantly increase this figure, even despite the more advanced age than at the time this record was set.

How long do you need to hold the bar and how to achieve 8 hours 1 minute?

On the surface, the exercise seems simple enough and not difficult, but in fact it is far from it. The fact is that nothing complicated is required here, just take a position as before starting push-ups on your hands, and stay in this position for as long as you can stand it. Beginner athletes practice several short sets of several minutes each. For those who have not encountered physical exercises at all before, you can start from 15 seconds at all, and then increase the time spent in this position to the maximum possible. For an unprepared person, standing in a motionless position, doing the Planck exercises for 2-3 minutes, is a serious indicator, and if you can stand for more than 10 minutes at all, this is already a real achievement. It is optimal if each stay in this position is 60 - 90 seconds. The amount of rest should be twice as much time as you spent on the exercise. Regarding the approaches, it is best to start with three and gradually increase them, but not more than 10.

Today, there are several varieties of this exercise. The classic plank is holding the body parallel to the surface on the elbows and toes. In this case, the back should be straight all the time. Of the varieties of this exercise, one should distinguish the Planck stand on fully extended arms, on the fingers, on one arm, sideways, on retail items. There can be many varieties, the essence is the same - to hold out in a fixed position for as long as possible.

Regarding practical application, the exercise is actively used not only by professional athletes, but also by the military, law enforcement officers, as well as people who want to improve the general physical condition of their bodies. Ultimately affects general state organism, helps to strengthen muscular system, normalize blood pressure, raise the tone of the body. It is important to note that in order to perform this exercise, you do not need to have any sports equipment, initial training, you do not even need to allocate a separate place in the apartment - just take a passage in the room, kitchen, bedroom or hallway for a while. Here it is initially important to monitor the purity of the exercise performed. It is necessary that your body takes the correct form during its execution. Sacrifice the initial time, but get a real effect in the coming days.

What does Plank affect?

Before deciding whether or not to start doing something, everyone tries to understand what he will get in the end. In this case, simply standing in a motionless posture, if there is no positive effect from this, will give few people pleasure. It is necessary to understand what will be at the finish line. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with what exactly this exercise affects and what types of muscles are involved here.

  • - this is the basis for strengthening the muscles of your press. At the same time, all muscle groups responsible for the formation of the relief classic press are involved, which you can see in the pictures when you consider professional athletes.
  • Further, this exercise promotes elasticity, flexibility, strengthening of muscle tissue, makes your body more resistant to various loads. In this case, all types of muscles are directly or indirectly involved, up to those that are on your feet.
  • Like all the others physical exercise"Plank" helps to improve mood. After you finish your workouts, the whole body gets a charge of vivacity, energy, relaxation.
  • Those people who regularly engage in this kind of sport will very soon feel that their general coordination of movements when walking, running, various abrupt actions becomes more concentrated, the level of reaction increases, posture is leveled, and individual painful sensations disappear.
  • All this you can observe for yourself personally after the first month of regular classes. Believe me, this is not as difficult as it might seem from the outside, but not quite easy, as many try to present.

Now, when we got a little acquainted with what the Planck exercise is, we can talk about the chronology of the records that were recorded in the world.

Other Planck-related world records

Today, the plank is an exercise that is available to anyone. Therefore, it is used by children, women, the elderly for general development and strengthening your body. Therefore, records are set not only by men, which we invite you to make sure of.

The world record among children for being in the Plank belongs to the Kazakh boy Amir Makhmetov, who at the time of fixing the indicator was only 9 years old. In 2016, this boy managed to keep his body in a static position for one hour and 2 minutes. This achievement was included in the Guinness World Records. For the boy, in his words, this exercise did not present any difficulty and did not wear out at all. By the way, this young man owns another record - he managed to show the result of push-ups from the floor over 500 times at a time!

A healthy, fit guy is simply obliged to withstand two circles of the second hand.

But it’s unlikely that you turned out to be cooler than the Dane Tom Hall, who in 2015 stood in this position for 4 hours and 28 minutes! This was already the second record for a 52-year-old man, who stood in the bar for 3 hours and 8 minutes the year before. He was beaten by Chinese policeman Mao Weidong, who in 2014 was frozen in static for 4 hours and 26 minutes.

But there is a record even more serious: just over a year ago, at 10:26 am, in the Shangri-La hotel in Beijing, the same Mao Weidong fought with former US special agent George Hood in this, perhaps, the most motionless sport. The men tensed and did not relax for more than half a day: Hood gave up after 7 hours 40 minutes, and Mr. Weidong stopped leaning on his elbows at 18:27, setting an absolute on this moment world record - 8 hours 1 minute!

if you can't hold a plank for 120 seconds, then you have: A - overweight; B - weak muscles; B - wrong training system

Does it compare to our three sets, say, 2 minutes each? Well-known physiotherapist from the USA Bill Hartman advises to “hold on” for 3 minutes, but, according to him, this is an approximate time, an average indicator of the health of the core muscles. Dan John, Men's Health fitness expert says that if you can't hold a bar for 120 seconds, then you have:
A - overweight; B - weak muscles; B - the wrong training system. A healthy, fit guy is simply obliged to withstand two circles of the second hand. "Whether to stand longer is up to you," he adds, "it's just an exercise, and longer isn't better."

You set the bar yourself

Tom Hall is a professional trainer and owner of a fitness center in the Danish town of Frederikssund. To compete with online gyms, one day he decided to show how much cooler he is than other coaches. To do this, he did not lift weights, run on long distances or testing himself for survival - all he needed was sex and his own body.

In 2014, he started with 8 minutes of static on elbows, adding 5 minutes a week. A year later, he already held on for three hours. “I chose the bar because the exercise was gaining monstrous popularity during these years, but you should not think that such a training will benefit everyone,” he says, “in group training, we never exceed the time of 3 minutes, and this is enough.”

Hol is a professional athlete, Danish champion in sports aerobics for 1997. He is sure that it was his sports background that helped him break the world record, however, Hall notes: “The main obstacle is in your head. If you can convince yourself that you are capable of more, you will get what you want, and this strategy works not only in sports.”

Long doesn't mean good

A study in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning led Canadian scientists to conclude that a few short sets are more effective than a long plank. University of Waterloo professor Dr. Stuart McGill is sure that core endurance is much more important than core strength, because their main purpose is to keep the back straight, but he does not think that it is right to set records in one exercise.

“If you want to set a record in the bar, you can try, but there is no benefit to the health of the body,” he says. Moreover, the discovery of Canadian scientists is that micro-sets of 10 seconds work on endurance much more effectively. During the experiment, two groups of subjects performed exercises on the core muscles. The first team held the bar for 10 seconds - first 5 approaches, then 4, and so on up to one. The second - did crunches on the press and others dynamic exercises. After 6 weeks of training, those who held the plank according to this scheme strengthened their core muscles significantly more.

Plank is a static exercise. There are no movements in it, because the most important thing here is to keep the body correctly (and for as long as possible).

1. Feet

Put together: balance will become more difficult, which will increase the load on the abdominal muscles.

2. Legs

Should be straight and tense, otherwise the load on the rectus abdominis muscle, which holds lumbar from deflections will also decrease.

3. Buttocks

Tighten up. And do not let go of the tension until the end of the approach. Reduction gluteal muscles increases the activation of all core muscles.

4. Loin

The most difficult moment! At correct execution slats lumbar spine should be flat. That is, the lower back can neither be rounded nor bent. Imagine that your lower back is firmly pressed against the wall.

5. Belly

Retract, and then (already retracted) try to pull up to the ribs. Throughout the approach, keep your stomach in this position, but do not hold your breath.

6. Elbows

In order not to create unnecessary stress on the shoulders, place your elbows strictly under the shoulder joints.

00:30 . Gosh does not look like a yogi: he is dressed in ordinary jeans, a sweatshirt and a down jacket, he has a hat on his head. It will be cold at night. The young man immediately warns that he will stand on nails in a mask that hides his emotions from passers-by. The young man carefully chooses the place where to put the board with nails. He stops near the white rotunda and decides to settle on a small patch between two benches overlooking the pond. Here he will spend the next 12 hours.

I want to see water. In general, it all depends on how you get up, - George explains. - If you get up incorrectly or, for example, do not work with breathing in the first hour, your legs begin to hurt immediately.

In this case, by the way, the insides also suffer - each point on the foot is responsible for a specific organ.

Gosha is getting ready to stand on the board with nails, several of the guy's friends light candles around her. All this is a bit like some kind of secret rite of passage. Georgy takes off his sneakers and gently, as if checking the temperature of the water in the sea, touches the nails with his feet, allowing his leg to get used to it. He has the look of a man who has a long monotonous work ahead of him.

Are you worried? I ask. - What is it like? It's like sorting out cereals? Or how to defend the Easter service in the church?

Rather, for a long tiring line, - Gosha sighs and stands on the board.

12:00. After 11 hours, George looks cheerful for a man who hasn't slept at all. And he stood in one place. On nails.

I'm a little cold, - Gosha shares.

However, he even took off his mask. People come up to Gosha, some of them touch the nails, checking if they are real. The young man willingly communicates with them.

Uncle did not brush his teeth, and now he is standing punished, - a passer-by says to his son of three years old.

The kid opens his mouth and looks at Gosha in amazement, the child has ice cream in his hands, it begins to melt in the sun and drips onto the asphalt.

When half an hour is left before setting the record, Gosha puts on the mask again. He starts shaking a lot right hand. The yogi stands almost on one left leg and sometimes begins to fall to the right, each such “dangerous moment” is accompanied by “ahs” of the assembled onlookers. Many, however, are interested in the idea of ​​setting a world record and stay here until victorious end. Of course, grandmothers are the most worried. Right in front of George is his friend, he holds a timer in his hands and encourages the guy. At 13:00, a friend loudly proclaims: the record is finally set. The audience applauds.

Friends carefully remove Gosha from the nails and put him on a chair, the record holder examines his feet - the marks from the nails look like holes.

Just tin, it's scary to remember - the only thing Gosha can tell about his feelings so far.

Now the matter remains small: to collect documents in order to officially record this record.

To date, the world famous Guinness Book of Records contains more than 40,000 world records from different parts of the world. And many of them are really amazing and inspiring, allowing you to learn the amazing abilities of the human body.

However, some world records have been set in places, disciplines or by means that cast doubt on the sanity of the athletes. We will be happy to share these records with you and urge you not to try to repeat or beat them. Believe me, this is not only dangerous, but it can also threaten your life!

1. Breaking toilet seats.

American Kevin Shelley knows how to smash toilet seats on his head. So in 2007, a record was recorded in Germany - 46 seats in 1 minute. Looks like he's got a headache!

2. The largest number of straws stuffed into the mouth.

A strange record set by Rishi in Mumbai in 2011 consisted of stuffing straws into his mouth at speed. Then Rishi managed to place 496 straws in his mouth in 10 seconds. It is noteworthy that for this "feat" the man removed all his teeth.

3. Lifting weight with the eye socket.

The heaviest weight lifted with the eye socket is 16.2 kg. This record was recorded in 2013 in the UK and was made by an ordinary person - Majit Singh. Let's not even guess in what ways you can train your eye socket to beat this record!

4. Bee king.

In 2016, a fearless man from China, Ruan Liangming, completely covered his body with live bees. The mass of all insects was 63.7 kg, and the number was about 637,000 bees. Just imagine, bee-man!

5. Crowded car.

The record for the largest number of passengers in a car was recorded in 2015 in Krasnoyarsk. The Toyota Rav4 then fit no less than 41 people. A kind of "rubber" machine!

6. Girl-hero!

In 2015, Olga Lyaschuk from Kyiv surprised the whole world with her heroic strength ... hips! With the help of them, she managed to crush watermelons without much effort. Her record was 3 watermelons in 14 seconds. Such a woman does not need any rolling pin to frighten her husband!

7. The loudest burp.

Paul Hann from the UK in 2009 made a sound that was louder than a symphony orchestra. His burp was 109.9 dB and shocked many people at the time. What did you have to eat to make such inhuman sounds?!

8. The longest jet from the eye.

One of the craziest world records belongs to a Turkish man, Ilker Yilmaz, who in 2004 shot a 279.5 cm long jet from his eye. It is important that before making a "spit", he drank milk with his nose, and then shot from his left eye. The sight is probably not for the faint of heart.

9. The largest number of cockroaches eaten in 1 minute.

In 2001, Ken Edwards from the UK - a former rat hunter and low-budget artist - ate 36 cockroaches in 1 minute. Of course, artists are paid little, but not so much that he simply does not have enough money for normal food!?

10. Broken skull.

In 1998, American Michael Hill was stabbed to the head with a huge knife. Fortunately, he managed to survive. But a knife 20 cm long was removed from his skull, which became a world record.

11. Sniffer of legs and armpits.

As a laboratory worker, Madeline Albrecht is the owner of almost the most disgusting record in the world. While she was working in one of the world's research labs, she sniffed over 5,600 pairs of limbs and an unspecified number of armpits. Truly a lousy job!

12. Most squashed apples with biceps.

To date, the world record for destroying apples belongs to the Australian Drew Mitchell. In 2016, he managed to crush 14 apples in 1 minute. Wow, terminator man!

Can you imagine a person who can bulge his eyes by as much as 12mm!? American Kid Goodman is able to do the same with her eyes. In 2007, this record was officially recorded in Istanbul.

14. Earth hostages.

In 2010, in Chile, 33 people were stuck in the mines due to a mine collapse. If you know the reports, then the chance of surviving under such conditions is negligible. But those guys were lucky and were able to hold out for 69 days at a depth of 688 m.

15. Snail invasion.

In 2007, an 11-year-old boy placed 43 snails on his face, breaking the record set 36 years ago. It seems that the boy will no longer need cosmetic procedures with snail mucus!

16. Flying old man.

In 2013, Thomas Lackey from the UK traveled from Scotland to Northern Ireland"riding" on the plane. The most shocking thing about this record is that Thomas was 93 years and 100 days old at the time.

17. The strongest blow to the groin.

One of the most painful Guinness World Records is the heaviest blow to the groin. This record belongs to Kirby Roy, who was able to withstand a blow with a force of 500 kg and a speed of 35.4 km / h. Can you just imagine what a palette of pain this man felt!?

18. The thinnest waist.

The smallest waist belongs to the American Cathy Jung. Her corseted size is 38.1 cm. Without corset - 53.34 cm. Since 1983, Katie has worn a corset 23 hours a day, removing it only for the daily shower. What a petite lady!

19. The largest scorpion in the mouth.

In 2000, American Dean Sheldon was able to hold the largest scorpion in his mouth for 18 seconds. The size of the scorpion was 17.78 seconds. The man apparently did not have enough adrenaline in his life.

20. A large number of cosmetic procedures.

Since 1988, Cindy Jackson from the USA has done 47 cosmetic procedures, including 9 full-fledged surgeries. Her transformation included: 2 rhinoplasties; 2 eye lifting operations; liposuction; correction of the knees, waist, abdomen, hips and jaws; lip and cheek implants; chemical peeling; removal of chin bones and permanent make-up. Terribly beautiful woman!

21. The longest wire stretched through the nose.

Andrew Stanton pulled a 3.63m wire through his nose and mouth in Rome in 2012. How he did it is scary to imagine!

22. Strange diet.

Some people do really stupid things to get famous. But hardly anyone can surpass the Frenchman Michel Lolito. In his entire life, he ate 18 bicycles, 15 supermarket carts, 7 televisions, 6 chandeliers, 2 beds, a pair of skis, a computer. And for dessert, he ate a small plane, which he ate for 2 whole years.

23. Larval paradise.

Charlie Bell from London managed to achieve fame with the help of larvae. Literally, his record sounds like this: "the maximum number of larvae carried by mouth." In an hour, the man was able to transfer several kg of larvae. It's disgusting to even imagine!

24. The longest hiccups.

Charles Osborne became famous throughout the world as a man whose hiccups lasted 68 years. His hiccups began in 1922 when Charles needed to slaughter a pig. Since then peace young man was violated.

25. The number of holes on the face.

A young man from Germany, Joel Miggler, set the world record for the largest number of tunnels on his face. It has 11 holes on its face, including the nostrils and lips, and the largest holes - 34 mm in diameter - are on the cheeks. The guy is not going to stop and promises to increase the size to 40 mm.

World-class athletes have to train intensively for years to set a world record. But there are records in the world that have nothing to do with sports. They can handle even mere mortals. In our review, 17 unusual records that provide unique opportunity get into the Guinness Book of Records. Unless, of course, one of our readers manages to beat them.

1. Number of discs held on one finger

Current record: 50 pieces

Rules: You can not put a CD on your finger, the discs must lie flat on your finger without falling.

2. Number of T-shirts worn in one minute

Current record: 31 shirts

Rules: You can use T-shirts of any size, short or long sleeves, you can also use the help of a friend. T-shirts must be worn on top of each other.

3. The amount of jelly eaten per minute with Chinese sticks

Current record: 90.72 grams

Rules: jelly can be of any taste. But you can only eat it with Chinese chopsticks held with one hand. The other hand should be behind the back.

4. The number of stickers pasted to the face in one minute

Current record: 58 pieces

Rules: You must use stickers of at least 73 mm on each side. A person must stick stickers on his face himself, and they must stay on his face for another 10 seconds after the end of the competition. Also, you can not stick stickers on the eyelids.

5. The amount of time in which 24 cans can be put in the refrigerator

Current record: 9.76 seconds

Rules: jars must be intact and closed, but the refrigerator can be anything. The countdown starts from the moment the refrigerator door is opened. If at least one can falls or is damaged in the process, the attempt does not count.

6. Number of tennis balls held in one hand

Current record: 26 pieces

Rules: balls must be placed one at a time with the free hand, and all balls must be held in place for 5 seconds after the last one is placed on the hand.

7. How many times can you pass a basketball between your legs in 30 seconds

Current record: 68 times

Rules: you can use football or basketball standard size. If the ball touches the floor, the try is not counted.

8. Fastest reverse alphabet typing time on iPad

Current record: 2 seconds (currently under review)

Rules: a non-upgraded store-bought iPad with official firmware must be used. Letters can be typed in any case, without errors in their order.

9. The number of jumps in leapfrog by two people in 30 seconds

Current record: 32 times

Rules: Competitors must take turns jumping over each other, with one person placing both hands on the ground and the other placing both hands on a friend's shoulders.

10. The fastest time to drink 500ml of water

Current record: 2.35 seconds

Rules: you must use a transparent glass and do not spill a drop.

11. Number of saltine crackers eaten in 1 minute

Current record: 10 pieces

Rules: Only 1 cracker may be placed in the mouth and after it has been eaten, the competitor must show an empty mouth before proceeding to the next one. The number of crackers eaten in one minute is counted. In this case, you can not drink crackers.

12. Number of jumps in shorts and back in 30 seconds

Current record: 9 times

Rules: no "sizeless" shorts can be used, their size must correspond to the actual size of the participant. Underpants must be fully worn to the waist while jumping into them, and completely removed before the next jump. Only jumps from two legs are counted.

13. Air clapping push ups per minute

Current record: 77 times

Rules: you can not bend your knees or back, and push-ups must be done "all the way."

14. Blindfolded Mister Potato Head Quick Assembly

Current record: 16.17 seconds

Rules: only hands must be used, and all parts of the toy must be in place.

15. Number of coins stacked in 30 seconds

Current record: 51 pieces

Rules: Any coins with a maximum thickness of 3 mm can be used. In this case, the coins must be folded with one hand, the other must be wound behind the back. After 30 seconds, the stack of coins must stand for at least 5 seconds.

16. The fastest time to put on a duvet cover on a double duvet

Current record: 26.03 seconds

Rules: The duvet must be "neatly" placed in the duvet cover, with all four corners matching exactly.

17. The largest amount of marshmallows eaten in one minute

Current record: 25 pieces

Rules: marshmallows must be a standard size, and you can only eat one marshmallow at a time. Drinking marshmallows is strictly prohibited.