Muravyov Evgeny Ivanovich leaves the Dynamo. Evgeny Muravyov: I didn't know how difficult everything is at Dynamo. The chairman of the VFSO "Dynamo" spoke about the "very serious consequences" for Evgeny Muravyov

Materials about the activities of the ex-vice-governor of Kuban, the ex-general director of FC Kuban as the general director of FC Dynamo have been handed over to law enforcement agencies.

Evgeny Muraviev

As Yugopolis reported, at the March 14 meeting of the board of directors of Dynamo Moscow Football Club JSC, the issue of early termination of powers was considered CEO Evgenia Muravyova. By the decision of the board of directors, he also lost his position in the structure of the main founder of the organization - the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Society (VFSO) Dynamo, where until recently he was the manager of the financial and property block.

Claims against Muravyov arose due to the transfer of 27-year-old defender Konstantin Rausch from Cologne. It cost Dynamo 1.5 million euros, which the club paid Cologne, plus 1 million 250 thousand euros in commission paid to the accounts of Golden Toys.

The transactions were carried out without the approval of the board of directors. After reviewing the text of the agreement and making inquiries, the commission saw the affiliation of Muravyov and the persons behind the Golden Toys.

Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, chairman of the Dynamo All-Union Sports Federation, commented to Izvestia on the resignation of Yevgeny Muravyov.

He said that Konstantin Raush had nothing to do with the situation that had arisen, they simply covered themselves with his name.

“Konstantin gave evidence, made all the necessary explanations - there are no questions for him personally,” Strzhalkovsky said.

Answering the question, what was the reason for Muravyov's resignation then, he explained:

« This is not connected with Rausch - this is connected with Muravyov himself. And with his activities. Materials on his activities are already in law enforcement agencies. The consequences will be very serious. Such, which, I think, have not been in our football since the Soviet period.

As Yugopolis reported, the former vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory Evgeny Muravyov, who also previously held the post of general director of FC Kuban, became the general director of FC Dynamo Moscow in September 2016.

During Muravyov's work as the deputy head of the region, his responsibilities included issues of economic development and investment. In July 2015, Muravyov was at the center of a criminal scandal. According to investigators, one of the local entrepreneurs turned to Muravyov for assistance in implementing an investment project. As a reward, the businessman, according to law enforcement agencies, handed over an apartment in Gelendzhik to Yevgeny Muravyov's relative, but the official, according to the prosecution, did not fulfill his promises. Muravyov pleaded not guilty.

In an interview with R-Sport correspondent Taras Barabash, he spoke about the state of affairs in the club and noted what tasks the White-Blues face, which, of course, have a future, despite the hype raised in the media.

We will be satisfied when the championship is over and we will take the first place according to its results. Today there are questions that are associated with many factors. It is not only about the fact that certain players correspond or do not correspond to the level of the club. Game handwriting - whether there are questions to him or not. External factors make a big impact, including yesterday's hysteria (that the club is threatened with death), it also affects the psychology of the players. Speaking in aggregate, the result is important, and the result is not yet the one we would like in full. I would like the team to have a clear playing style, a confident first place with a good lead over the pursuers and a stable financial position, so that each of the players knows that tomorrow there will be no financial problems for each of them. All these factors together affect the assessment of the situation.

- In October, the amount of the debt of Dynamo was announced - 13 billion rubles. Has she shrunk?

The amount of debt consisted of many obligations. We are talking about current financing, about obligations to creditors. This amount is subject to change. It changes due to the fact that some transactions are closed and debts are paid off, including those related to the current maintenance of the team. On the other hand, new obligations are accumulating, which are related to the fact that there are few sources of financing today. We are not in the best financial position. We are trying to restructure relationships with the main creditors, and it seems to me that we find understanding with each of them. To say that the team has no prospects, I would not.

- Does VTB Bank provide guarantees that the club will survive?

Major shareholder football club- VTB Bank and the fact that the bank is interested in this, so that the club survives, I have no doubt. He has no intentions of liquidation or bankruptcy of the club. I am here with a good understanding, and I am in good contact with VTB Bank. It is clear that the bank does not distance itself from all the problems of the club.

- How would you define the current philosophy of FC Dynamo, its tasks? We see that the team is playing and is now achieving results.

The task is to reach the Premier League with a good set game, with which it would be possible to gain a foothold and progress in the Premier League. The bet will be made and is being made, first of all, on young players and pupils of our own academy, attracting new players who are only becoming stars today and in the future will become stars of domestic football. We are talking today about the formation of a completely new team This process goes on every day. We are now preparing for the winter transfer window, in the spring we need to play the squad that will have to play in the Premier League.

How long might it take Dynamo to return to the top positions in our football? It is clear that there are Moscow giants and Zenit, they claim the championship. How long does it take Dynamo to get back to this?

I think that 2-3 years, no less, to become the leaders of domestic football, so that it (the team) gets stronger and can subsequently set such ambitious goals as playing in the European Cup zone and participating in them. I really count on our youth, which is already showing good results today, I count on those guys who are on the team today. There are not so many examples when the players of the club of the first league played in the Russian national team. I really count on these guys and want to achieve ambitious goals together with him.

- The club will unload the payroll? For what?

There are two ways. The first is parting with the players. The second is an approach to those players who would like to stay in the club, reducing requests due to the fact that today, together with the club, they would like to go further.

- Kirill Panchenko was called up to the Russian national team, are you happy with that? After all, it is important that he plays, since he was called, and did not sit on the bench. Otherwise, it can be regarded as a real wrecking of the club.

As a football functionary, of course, I am not very happy about his call to the national team, because we have very serious matches ahead of us, in which we rely on such a leader. Unfortunately, he will not be with us. For the team, this is more a minus than a plus. But as for the person who talks about Russian football, and ahead of us is the World Championship, in which our team should perform with dignity, of course, for his professional growth, this challenge to the national team is important for Panchenko, and I understand him. According to the law, we could find an explanation why he would not go to the national team, but we met halfway (the leadership of the national team) and we understand that this is important not only for him, but for the entire Russian football.

The general director of "Dynamo" gave the observer of "Soviet Sport" his first great interview in a new position.


The Dynamo office on Lesnaya Street in Moscow is shrouded in magic. The building itself is monumental, polished and made of granite. Inside, visitors are greeted by a vending machine that sells the newspaper and Dynamo magazine. The price is not indicated: either the information is for severe official use, or any bill fed to the cabinet is a donation.

Next to the point of sale of the white-and-blue media is the general directorate of hunting and fishing farms "Dynamo". He works seven hours three days a week. That's right: you have to be a Putin once, and beat the beast.

The employees of the pass office are guys of special bearing. In strict black suits, white shirts, identical views. The passport is not studied on duty - inquisitively. And not the police, however, are more thoroughbred.

The wall clock in the reception room of the 55-year-old general director of FC Dynamo, Yevgeny Muravyov, returns with the coloring of the dial to eternal values. They declare, so to speak, continuity: from Edmundych to a joyful today. “Our intelligence is the whole people, the enemy will not pass the border, and if he passes, he will fall into Yezhov's mittens.” Why does this pop up in my head? Where did it get it from?

But the conversation with the general director was different - football.

- How did you end up at Dynamo?
- Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, the chairman of the VFSO Dynamo, invited.

- Is it true that they worked under his head in Norilsk Nickel?
- We met earlier: in the early 2000s, I worked in the administration of the Krasnodar Territory, and he was the head of a specialized federal structure. Then Vladimir Igorevich headed Norilsk Nickel and made an offer to become the head of the Kola Mining and Metallurgical Company, which I accepted. It was not easy, before that he had nothing to do with metallurgy. In 2009 he came to Monchegorsk. The company is small compared to Norilsk Nickel's Polar Division, with 18,000 employees. In the Kuban, just the strawberries have moved away, and there is snow. Strzhalkovsky's deputy says: "Be glad you weren't sent to Norilsk."

- Why is Norilsk worse?
- The climate. More snow, more frost. In the end, I was transferred there anyway. I flew for the first time on a charter, inside the board showing the temperature outside. Minus 35 - 37, something like that. We landed, the stewardess says: “The temperature in Norilsk is minus 53, with the wind it feels like minus 61.” Immediately thought: return to the sky, it's warmer there. The sun warms the high air, but Norilsk downstairs does not get heat, there is no sun at all for 60 days a year.

- What color is the snow in Norilsk and Monchegorsk?
- I saw the gloomiest in the Perm region, Solikamsk, Bereznyaki. There the snow is black - from coke. Monchegorsk is just a lunar landscape. When the ore is smelted, sulfur is released, it burns everything. And in Norilsk, even without holo emissions, nothing grows there. It is still warmer in Monchegorsk: the Kola Peninsula gets a little bit of the Gulf Stream.


- Strzhalkovsky invited you to Dynamo as a general manager?
- I dare to think - as a football person. We have been talking for many years, he knows that he loves football, that I oversaw and headed Kuban. I didn’t play professionally myself, I was more involved in swimming. Football looks so simple that many people think that they are well versed in it. Actually it is not. I told the current leaders of the "Kuban": guys, you are still greenish, not ready to manage the club. Unfortunately, it was not heard.

- Where did you work after Norilsk Nickel and before Dynamo?
- Was engaged in business, headed a large company "Development-South". In 2014, objects with a total area of ​​over 300 thousand square meters were commissioned, such is the scale. And now we are implementing a number of large projects in the country.

- Didn't you have to give up brave deeds for the sake of Dynamo?
- To some extent, I had to. When the former Kuban governor Alexander Tkachev called me to head the "Kuban", I thought for two months, then I also had to combine. And he did not receive a salary in the club until, at the request of licensing, he took shape as a full-time employee.

- Apparently, there is something narcotic in football. Once having got into it, people do their best to not part with football.
- There is such a thing. It all started in 2003, when Kuban in the first division suddenly began to fail. The political leaders have their own goals. The governor set me the task - to bring the team to major league. He supervised for several years - he completed the task, kept the level. In 2014, he already headed the club as a general director.


- Let's get back to Kuban, and now about Dynamo. 75 percent of the club's shares are in the hands of VTB, which, they say, wants to transfer these shares to the Dynamo Central Council. Right?
- VTB has such a desire.

Why doesn't the Central Council want to take shares?
- There are certain circumstances that make it difficult to transfer.

- According to my information, these circumstances are gigantic debts. Is it true that the amount of Dynamo's debt to creditors is 13 billion rubles?
- A figure close to the real situation.

- Who accumulated these debts?
- Of course, not those who are now in charge of the club.

- The other day there was a message: Dynamo repaid the wage arrears to the players, taking another loan. Confirm?
- Not. I am a principled opponent of loans in such a difficult period, although VTB has such an opportunity. The club put up for sale its non-core asset and, due to this, fulfilled its salary obligations.

How did the bank react to this?
- He helped by expressing readiness to buy this asset. The deal has not yet been completed, but the advance payment allowed to pay off the debt to the players.

- What was the subject of the sale?
- One of the office buildings that belonged to Dynamo. Not the main office, of course.

- What do you see as the correct model for managing the club, taking into account all that is happening?
- Dynamo should be owned by a sole shareholder, so it will be more logical and understandable for everyone. For strategy, for operational management - too. The Central Council is not yet able to fulfill a number of Dynamo's obligations. It is inappropriate to take responsibility for the entire club in such realities. Therefore, we will act within the framework of existing shareholder agreements. There is a major shareholder - VTB, and we hope that in this difficult situation he will help Dynamo, as before.

- Dynamo should only VTB or someone else? The structures of the Rotenberg brothers, for example, one of whom led the club not so long ago?
I will leave this question unanswered.

- When does the contract between the club and VTB expire?
- It is rather a memorandum concerning both the club and sports facilities in Petrovsky park. As long as the project is not implemented, everything remains in force.


- Will the stadium be completed soon?
- Preliminarily - by 2018. The arena contains a number of innovative design solutions, which, I hope, will allow even the new Krasnodar stadium to compete in absentia. For example, a hockey and basketball hall for 12 thousand spectators and football stadium for 26 thousand - this has never happened before. Between these arenas there will be a glazed restaurant with a view in both directions. There are other interesting solutions.

- Who will become the owner of the new stadium?
- A management company has been created to implement the project. The main shareholder there is VTB. But the Dynamo Central Council also participates.

- That is, nothing will change in VTB's financing of Dynamo from the new year?
- A shareholder never commits himself to spend a specific amount. He has the right to decide according to the situation how much to invest and whether to invest at all. Therefore, what VTB declares is probably correct. But to maintain life in the club is hardly acceptable.

- And what does VTB declare?
- A significant reduction in funding.

- And how to be?
- That's what club management is for, to solve problems.

-Is there an option whereby the club itself owns the club's shares?
- Look around. There is a minimum of successful private projects in Russia. Closest to self-sufficiency CSKA. There is also Galitsky, whom I have known for many years. Once I offered him to take the "Kuban", he said: "Not interested." He had ambitions to build his own club from scratch, and he realizes them through thorns. His stadium, no matter how insulting to say it, - a strong beat for Kuban. A week later, the game "Krasnodar - Schalke", all tickets are sold. When did Kuban have this? Can't even remember when. This is what I mean by the fact that the owner himself is the most effective manager, he treats his projects reasonably, realistically assesses the possibilities. That is why both CSKA and Krasnodar are successful today.


- There are not many ways out of the financial impasse. Strictly speaking, two: the sale of the club or bankruptcy. Which is more realistic?
- Of course, the change of the shareholder would bring a healing effect. But who in today's situation is able to enter Dynamo, having assumed the existing obligations?

- They say that there are those who wish. The name of the Ukrainian businessman Sergei Kurchenko, who lives in Russia, is related to the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.
- Yes? Well, meet him, talk to him. Then I will get your opinion. The position: “Close all debts, and I will take the club” is understandable. But why sell it when the debts are closed? Wave a brand and make money on it - the idea is not new. I have no end to people who want to work at Dynamo. They are ready to risk their careers for the sake of a big name, because this is history, traditions. But before you hire someone, you need to solve the main problem, otherwise how will I look people in the eye?

- Why did you come to the project, where everything is so complicated?
- I knew it was difficult, but had no idea how much. In the "Kuban" I did not have this. He left the club in 2015 with fully closed debts. This "Kuban" did not pay off with me, because it covered part of the obligations from its own funds. Now the former players are threatening the club with courts - and it seems savagery to me. That's why I didn't expect to face something like this in Dynamo. The only thing I don't understand is why VTB didn't put its CEO in the club. After all, the bank is the main shareholder.

- The logic of your predecessors is interesting. After all, they understood that the car was flying into the wall at great speed. And they didn't turn the steering wheel.
- Moreover, players with crazy salaries signed up. Now the wage fund is more than 20 million dollars. In FNL! In the "Kuban" the entire budget was so much!


- And what is the way out?
- One way out. The sale of the asset will allow Dynamo to exist for some time, having closed part of the liabilities. If VTB fulfills its promises, perhaps we will hold out until spring. But it won't do much for non-radical steps. Required in as soon as possible look for a new shareholder, or - bankruptcy. Strictly speaking, if the bankruptcy of the club takes place today, then this is a consequence of the decisions of the previous leadership, its responsibility. But the events that will happen in six months are already my responsibility. That's why I'm looking for solutions now.

- That is, the only way out is bankruptcy?
- Until March, I have to find ways to improve the financial situation. This is the way out.

- In case of bankruptcy, Dynamo is threatened with amateur status. But for infrastructure reasons, the team may be admitted to the second division.
- There is no need to get ahead of ourselves. There are problems, but there is also a desire to finally solve them, and not accumulate them.

- Do you plan to facilitate payroll?
- Goal number one. They don't usually leave us on their own, but life demands it.

-Do many of them run out of contracts in the summer?
- There are highly paid ones, whom we have to pull for almost two more years.

Did Denisov's departure to Lokomotiv help Dynamo breathe a little easier?
- Partly. We continue to pay him half of the previous salary.

- In recent interviews with your ex sports director Roman Oreshchuk is portrayed by Yuri Belkin, the construction director, whom Oreshchuk endows with demonic qualities. What is Dynamo building?
- The plans were and still are to build an academy on the Leningrad Highway. So far we are renting space in Luzhniki, but this is not very convenient. Yuri Nikolayevich has been working in the club for many years, we are building a joint work. I don't want to comment on Oreshchuk's words.

- former head VFSO "Dynamo" Vladimir Pronichev is now related to the club?
- He remains the chairman of the board of directors, which includes two representatives of VTB and three representatives of the sports society. The structure is still working, participating in certain decisions.

-Who will become the sports director at Dynamo instead of Oreshchuk?
- While this position will be free. Now there is no time for serious purchases.


Let's get back to Kuban. Looking from the side, you can get confused in its curators in recent years.
- I have been in charge of the team since 2003. Then this duty passed to other leaders of the region - first to Nikolai Doluda, then to Ivan Peronko.

- "Chernomorets" went bankrupt under you?
- With me. Moreover, funds had already been found, Chernomorets could have been saved. But the head of the PFL, Nikolai Tolstykh, on formal grounds, insisted on bankruptcy. Man of principle.

- Are Oleg Mkrtchan invited to Kuban?
- It happened, yes. Oleg Deripaska lost interest in financing the club, his management left, there was a vacuum. We knew Mkrtchan, he himself was from Armavir. We sat side by side at one event, I told him: “Why are you financing the Donetsk club, and not the Krasnodar one? Help Kuban. How? Give me some money first." He replied that he would not just give it, but he was not averse to managing. A meeting was held with the governor Alexander Tkachev, Mkrtchan became a shareholder of Kuban. And the period of his reign, perhaps, was the most effective for the Kuban.

- Did Mkrtchan receive business preferences that the region promised him in return?
- Got.

- They say not in full.
- The edge fulfilled its obligations. The rest is better to comment on Oleg Artushevich himself. By the way, his football business in Kuban was successful in terms of buying and selling football players. Thanks to a very competent selection manager Sergey Doronchenko, the project paid off.

- "Kuban" will turn 90 in two years. Why does the club still have nothing but a bus, a name and the obligation to pay endlessly?
- Kuban had different periods. And the success of the 80s, and the oblivion of the 90s. In the early 2000s, there was a new upsurge, but all club assets were sold, including the base in Chetuk. The stadium, which belonged to the trade unions, and another base owned by Rosneft (it was built by Ivan Panenko, who was at one time the president of the club), were taken over by the regional administration. I bought the training fields into the club's property. Kuban also owned 40 hectares of land allocated by the region in the Old Kuban region for the construction of a new base. Some money was even invested there under Mkrtchan. That's all the assets. Of which the main one, of course, are the players.

- What happened in the end with 40 gazelles?
- When Krasnodar was still preparing for the World Cup, it became clear that the non-existent base was too far from the non-existent stadium. Plans have changed. In 2014, I wanted to buy the land as a private person, I offered 450 million rubles. Little was said. Then, it seems, they were talking about the academy, but in the end, 40 hectares, in my opinion, were given to the bank for 100 million to secure another loan.


- Explain how the base of "Kuban" on Chetuk became the base of "Krasnodar"?
- Sergei Galitsky bought out its participants, who purchased the base from the club.

- These same persons, if I am not mistaken, managed the club: Peronko, Panenko and Vladimir Sereda.
- No comment.

- How interesting: who manages what, he has it. Don't you have the feeling that the current management of Kuban is preparing it for bankruptcy?
- You know, I left the club on my own initiative. I told the current governor, a man not very football-friendly: either the whole club should be given to Mkrtchyan, relieving himself of responsibility, or he should be completely removed from there. Mkrtchan has not invested in Kuban for the last two years, but actually zeroed it out. In the end, the empty shell would burst on its own. And bursts, as we see. "Give me my money, I'm gone," he told them all at the playoff. And a lot of money. Received the promise - in a month. Almost two years have passed since then. I deliberately did not give comments in the press, I watched the denouement. Unfortunately, the ending looks to be expected. Nevertheless, I sincerely wish Kuban good luck and skill to get out of the current situation.

- They say that club leasing "Audi" sold out at a ridiculous price?
- I heard. At one time, I bought from a leasing company, the cars became the property of the club. Now that's sold.

- And almost a hundred or two hundred thousand for a car. Curious ads have already begun to appear on automotive sites.Everything looks kinda forgiving.
- A year ago, Andrey Korobka, the club's new curator, asked me to consult him on a football topic. I said that I myself did not begin to understand the specifics right away, there were mistakes in the first year. But it would be an even bigger mistake if the region retains its leadership presence in the club. Another option is to remove Mkrtchan, even if the transfer of shares is a dreary process. There was no third way. But in the "Kuban" they tried to find him: they began to wait until everything was decided by itself.

- The option of the appearance of the "Kuban" Galitsky is excluded?
- There were people willing to enter the club with their money. But some were not satisfied with the need to share shares with someone, others lacked the courage. The reasons in both cases are not so much economic as political.

- Does this also apply to the current triumphant president of the handball federation, Sergei Shishkarev?
- A year ago, he had a desire. I told him: you need to be in time. They did not have time: Kuban lost Tkachev and Ignatiev. How was it possible to give them away for free with huge club debts? The total cost of both is five million dollars, no less. Pay them what you owe, just don't let them go, it's just not profitable! The result - no players, no money. Someone wanted to bring the situation to a critical point.


- I heard complaints from people close to Mkrtchan about the dubious transition of Ivelin Popov to Spartak.
- This is my deal. And the most transparent of all clubs. How much Spartak paid, exactly how much the club received - 6 million. And it is the club, and not someone else. It was impossible to sell Popov at a higher price on that market, he had to waste time, wait several months. And how much, by the way, is Popov now? Mkrtchan himself faced the same when selling Melgarejo. Wanted to get more - did not work. The sale of Popov, Kabore and Belenova was the only way save the team. Provided that you can save everyone else. "Kuban" calmly finished the season without losing a residence permit in the elite.

- I heard about Sosnin's transfer to Dynamo: the player signed a Moscow contract, already having Krasnodar in hand, with Kuban. And this is prohibited.
- Wrong information. Sosnin had a preliminary agreement, which then ceased to be such: at the final stage, they did not agree on the conditions. Therefore, he left legally for Dynamo.

- If the deal according to Popov is the most transparent, then the rest ...
- Guess yourself. In addition to Popovagotov to vouch for the transfer of Urenia. I don't want to comment on anything else. But Kozlov, Ozbilis, Traore... Was it possible to provide the club with a well-fed life with the proceeds? Think for yourself. However, what are we all “Kuban”? Today I work at Dynamo, I am focused on the development of the club and the Society, I see clear and tangible goals in front of me. I hope that my experience and qualifications will be in demand here, at Dynamo.

Vladimir Strzhalkovsky, who headed the Dynamo society this week, will bring to the football club the long-term curator of the Kuban, the former vice-governor of the Krasnodar Territory, Yevgeny Muravyov. Yesterday Muravyov, in the company of the general director of the Moscow club, Sergei Sysoev, visited the training base in Novogorsk, and next week he will start working in the office.

Muravyov's status at Dynamo will be determined later, but, according to Life, everything is going to ensure that the 55-year-old manager will take the post of general director of the football club. In the meantime, he is Strzhalkovsky's de facto football adviser.

Muravyov worked under the leadership of the new chairman of the VFSO "Dynamo" in the mining and metallurgical company (MMC) "Norilsk Nickel", having taken the post of general director of the Kola MMC in May 2009. This is a mining subsidiary of Norilsk Nickel, where Muravyov worked for four years.

Strzhalkovsky then headed the board of the entire MMC, and Muravyov received an "armchair" on its board. For some time he worked in the Moscow office as Deputy General Director for Production and for almost five years he was the head of the Polar Division of the MMC, leaving the post after the expiration of the contract in December 2013. In April of the same year, Norilsk Nickel renewed its board, and Muravyov was not included in the new composition. By this time, Strzhalkovsky had already left Norilsk Nickel.

Now these two will form a key duet in the updated management of FC Dynamo. Both will receive seats on the Board of Directors before the new year. According to the club's charter, it is the SD that is the main authority in ZAO FC Dynamo.

Muravyov has been working in football for a long time, he took an active part in the life of FC Kuban (Krasnodar) for more than ten years. In the 90s, as a businessman, he helped this team with money, in the "zero" he looked for sponsors for it and oversaw issues related to financing the club created with the participation of the region.

Muravyov came to the Administration of the Krasnodar Territory in 2001. He first headed the Committee of Natural Resources, then the Department of Economic Development, was Deputy Governor for Education and Culture, Economic Development, and in July 2008 was appointed to the post of Vice Governor of the "team" of the current Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev. On his behalf, Muravyov negotiated with potential investors, and businessman Oleg Mkrtchan came to Kuban, who managed to raise the team to a place in the group stage of the Europa League.

After leaving Norilsk Nickel, Muravyov returned to Krasnodar, taking the post of chairman of the board of Development-South, the largest construction company in the South of Russia. Soon he left this structure, at the suggestion of Tkachev, taking the post of general director of FC Kuban.

In this capacity, Muravyov worked exactly one season, 2014/15. Then "Kuban" reached the final of the Cup of Russia, experiencing serious problems with financing due to events in the Donbass, where Mkrtchyan's key business enterprises are located. The regional authorities solved the problem by finding five enterprises for the club that became sponsors of Kuban for one season.

All of them worked only in the Kuban region. Muravyov then led the search for an investor for the club, trying to find a federal-level company. In particular, he negotiated with structures controlled by Alfa Group and structures controlled by the current sponsor of Rostov, Ivan Savvidi.

Muravyov saw the further development of Kuban in the bet on the pupils of the Kuban region, who should be gradually returned to Krasnodar. In particular, Muravyov negotiated with Loko about leasing the Miranchuk brothers, but did not meet with understanding. It was Muravyov who invited Dmitry Khokhlov from Dynamo to Krasnodar.

After Tkachev left the post of head of the region, Muravyov left FC Kuban, and the new curators of the Krasnodar team soon parted ways with Khokhlov. A native of Krasnodar was replaced by Sergei Tashuev. Then this specialist was also fired, and Kuban left the elite division last spring.

Muravyov, in any eventuality, will be Strzhalkovsky's confidant in FC Dynamo and de facto has already started work.

Muravyov's status in Dynamo will be determined later, but, according to Life, everything is going to ensure that the 55-year-old manager will take the post of general director of the football club. In the meantime, he is Strzhalkovsky's de facto football adviser.

Muravyov worked under the leadership of the new chairman of the VFSO "Dynamo" in the mining and metallurgical company (MMC) "Norilsk Nickel", having taken the post of general director of the Kola MMC in May 2009. This is the mining subsidiary of Norilsk Nickel, where Muravyov worked for four years.

Strzhalkovsky then headed the board of the entire MMC, and Muravyov received a chair on its board. For some time he worked in the Moscow office as deputy general director for production and for almost five years he was the head of the Polar Division of the MMC, leaving the post after the expiration of the contract in December 2013. In April of the same year, Norilsk Nickel updated its board, and Muravyov did not join the new composition. By this point, Strzhalkovsky had already left the company.

Now these two will form a key duo in the updated management of FC Dynamo. Both will receive chairs on the board of directors before the new year. According to the club's charter, it is the SD that is the main authority in ZAO FC Dynamo.

Muravyov has been working in football for a long time, he took an active part in the life of FC Kuban (Krasnodar) for more than ten years. In the 90s, as a businessman, he helped this team with money, in the 2000s he looked for sponsors for it and oversaw issues related to financing the club created with the participation of the region.

Muravyov came to the administration of the Krasnodar Territory in 2001. He first headed the Committee of Natural Resources, then the Department of Economic Development, was Deputy Governor for Education and Culture, Economic Development, and in July 2008 was appointed to the post of Vice Governor of the team of the current Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Alexander Tkachev. On his behalf, Muravyov negotiated with potential investors, and businessman Oleg Mkrtchan came to Kuban, who managed to raise the team to a place in the group stage of the Europa League.

After leaving Norilsk Nickel, Muravyov returned to Krasnodar, taking the post of chairman of the board of Development-South, the largest construction company in the South of Russia. Soon he left this structure, at the suggestion of Tkachev, taking the post of general director of FC Kuban.

In this capacity, Muravyov worked exactly one season - 2014/15. Then the “Kuban” reached the final of the Cup of Russia, experiencing serious funding problems due to the events in the Donbass, where the key businesses of Mkrtchyan are located. The regional authorities solved the problem by finding the club five enterprises that became sponsors of “Kuban” for one season.

All of them worked only in the Kuban region. Muravyov then led the search for an investor for the club, trying to find a federal-level company. In particular, he negotiated with structures controlled by Alfa Group and structures controlled by the current sponsor of Rostov, Ivan Savvidi.

Further development of the “Kuban” Muravyov saw the bet on the pupils of the Kuban region, which should be gradually returned to Krasnodar. In particular, Muravyov was in talks with Loko about leasing the Miranchuk brothers, but did not meet with understanding. It was Muravyov who invited Dmitry Khokhlov from Dynamo to Krasnodar.

After Tkachev left the post of head of the region, Muravyov left FC Kuban, and the new curators of the Krasnodar team soon parted ways with Khokhlov. A native of Krasnodar was replaced by Sergei Tashuev. Then this specialist was also fired, and Kuban left the elite division last spring.

Muravyov, in any eventuality, will be Strzhalkovsky's confidant in FC Dynamo and de facto has already begun to work.