The former head of the CSKA and the head of the department for work with personnel of the Ministry of Defense was detained. Ex-head of FAU CSKA Mikhail Baryshev about his past and future work The new head of FAU CSKA

Well, as promised, we continue our story about the big boss of the "big" CSKA, the real colonel - Mikhail Nikolaevich Baryshev.
We ended, if anyone does not remember our last story, with a wonderful letter in which Mikhail Nikolayevich sends in Russian and from the heart to one well-known address of the Secretary of State and Deputy Minister of Defense Pankov N.A.

With what we actually congratulate him!
In general, while the archive of a modest civil servant, head of CSKA Mikhail Baryshev was being sorted out - it turned out to be painfully large and interesting - a number of significant events happened, on which we would like to congratulate the real Colonel Mikhail Baryshev.
Well, first of all, something happened that Mikhail had been talking about for so long in the circle of his well-known, and not very well-known people. The chief military prosecutor, Sergei Nikolaevich Fridinsky, was nevertheless forced to resign and leave his post. Baryshev is proud of this fact and considers it his achievement: " so it will be with everyone who crosses the road"to a modest colonel. So we are already seriously afraid for the future head of the main military prosecutor's office, and the State Prosecutor's Office and the Investigative Committee of Russia at the same time. After all, the III Winter World Military Games held with pomp and scope in Sochi, in addition to the fact that no one knew about them from Russians, have also led to checks on the financial component of these games. Already, the question of more than half a billion embezzlement has been raised (look again at this modest figure of 500,000,000 rubles !!!) and misuse of funds. Auctions were held with all sorts of violations of deadlines, competition was eradicated due to deliberately false conclusions of the commission, lots were won at inflated prices.We hope that all this will lead to real criminal cases, including those against our humble hero! , GP, RF Armed Forces, whom Mikhail regularly congratulates on their birthdays and other holidays, we understand that everything should be fine with our hero!
Secondly, I would like to congratulate Mikhail Nikolayevich on the long-awaited rank of major general and a new position - head of the Main Directorate for Work with Personnel. But chu ... we are getting ahead of ourselves, although Mikhail Nikolayevich himself is already asleep and sees himself in a new position with new shoulder straps. He wants this so much that he shares his dreams right and left. The place has already been vacated for him and they are waiting for him ... though we have a cognitive dissonance - the immediate supervisor of Baryshev will be N.A. Pankov, whom Mikhail recently sent to such a familiar address. But after all, no one has yet canceled unity of command in the army, and a fighter must always follow his commander! It turns out that Mikhail will have to follow his leader to this address ... in general, it somehow doesn’t fit in our heads ...
Although, who knows!
As is usually written in the media, according to one trusted source in the Presidential Administration, the order to appoint Baryshev to the post of head of the GURLS was suspended and the control and audit commission is currently dealing with this issue. We hope justice will prevail, and the people from the Administration will have the courage to bring the true information about our hero to Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. And there the President will figure out whether Mikhail Nikolayevich corresponds to this position and rank.
Well, the undisputed leader of our hit parade of congratulations is the award to Mikhail of the "PR Person of the Year" award. The way with which Baryshev managed to place on the Internet a bunch of positive publications about himself, while leaving our and other uncomfortable headlines, and replacing only the text, is admirable and delightful.
For example,
And he praised himself, and squeezed out all the negativity from the search results. You immediately feel the hand of a professional!
In general, we would advise Mikhail Nikolayevich to apply for the prestigious PROBA-IPRA Golden World Awards this year. And there it is not far from international recognition.
In general, I would like to sincerely congratulate MN Baryshev, but on all fronts there are small flaws, and the "devil", as you know, "is in the details."
Finally, we got to what Mikhail does best. And best of all, Michael is able to solve various problems different people and companies. For a small percentage, of course, for a small share, as in that well-known joke "we live on these 3%".
So what interesting things did the mailbox of Mikhail, the "decisive" colonel and head of the FAA CSKA, have in store for us ?! We ourselves are already confused about who Mikhail Baryshev is.
Therefore, only the new from the correspondence of our hero, the real "hero of our time" Mikhail Baryshev.
Let's start early. Well, how early? From the earliest that is in our archives, namely from 2012.
December 2012.
December is a difficult month, everyone is closing the year, accountants are preparing their reports, state-owned companies and institutions are trying to get rid of the money allocated for tenders as much as possible. And now we see that in the Amur Region, officials from the Ministry of Construction do not want to accept and pay for work on equipping MAQUETE equipment (worth 200 million rubles) for 10 operating rooms of the Surgical Building of the Amur Regional Children's Clinical Hospital in Blagoveshchensk (http://aodkb .ru/). According to the equipment supplier, this is a banal extortion of funds, since further delay in payment is risky for the governor's image before the federal authorities. And our hero, Mikhail Baryshev, is asked to solve this issue. It would seem that it is a noble cause to help the residents of the Amur Region treat their children in a new, comfortable hospital equipped with modern equipment. Bravo, Michael!

But even here it is not so simple. Apparently knowing that Mikhail does not solve issues so simply, the applicant does not hesitate to offer him "5% of the amount of the returned funds." Apparently, the issue was resolved positively, because since February 24, 2016, the Surgical Corps has been receiving patients in the new building.
We all remember the friendship of our hero with the former governor of the Novosibirsk region Vasily Yurchenko. Thanks to her, Baryshev always showed great interest in everything that was built in the region. Thus, according to the order of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region No. 174-r dated 06/06/2007 "On the creation of an Industrial and Logistics Park", an Industrial and Logistics Park of the Novosibirsk Region (PLP) was created on the territory of the region. It was formed as a modern investment platform with full range engineering, road transport and public and business infrastructure. All the necessary conditions for the development of logistics and manufacturing companies have been created on its territory. For the operational management of the territory of the Industrial and Logistics Park, the construction and subsequent operation of engineering and transport infrastructure, as well as the provision of services to residents, the Management Company "Industrial and Logistics Park" was established. Which at the end of 2012 had difficulties, so to resolve the issues again turned to to the best friend former Governor - Baryshev M.N. This time he is asked to clarify "in the FAS how to enter it correctly."

The attachment:

FAS Russia

By virtue of Art. 451 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a significant change in the circumstances from which the parties proceeded when concluding an agreement is the basis for its amendment or termination. A change in circumstances is recognized as significant when they have changed so much that, if the parties could reasonably foresee this, the contract would not have been concluded by them at all or would have been concluded on significantly different terms. If the parties have not reached an agreement on bringing the contract in line with the significantly changed circumstances or on its termination, the contract may be terminated or amended by the court. At the same time, in exceptional cases, when the termination of the contract is contrary to public interests or will entail damage for the parties that significantly exceeds the costs necessary for the execution of the contract on the changed terms, the contract is subject to change by the court at the claim of the interested party, even in the absence of the consent of the other party.
Taking into account the above, as well as taking into account the assessment of the terms of a specific investment agreement, the significant technological, economic and legal requirements for a large-scale project, taking into account the adverse consequences for the region that will be caused by the termination of the investment agreement, we consider it appropriate for the parties to come to an agreement on bringing the agreement into accordance with significantly changed circumstances. Under such circumstances, we believe that there are no grounds to consider the agreement on bringing the contract in line with significantly changed circumstances as restricting competition.

Six months later, in August 2013, we found another request to "correctly enter". This unique request was already from Yurchenko V.A.: "to bring to the IC to resolve the issue" a letter against Bastrykin with a complaint about the "illegal" actions of the Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in the Novosibirsk Region. As can be seen from the letter and the case, the direct interests of the former governor are affected. Apparently at that time the issue was resolved, although perhaps it was resolved for Vasily only according to Mikhail.

One way or another, the finale of this “useful” friendship was the Decree of March 17, 2014, according to which Vasily Yurchenko was dismissed from his post by the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin due to the loss of confidence. And in May 2014, the investigative department of the Investigative Committee of Russia for the Novosibirsk Region opened a criminal case of negligence against Vasily Yurchenko.
The thirteenth year was generally eventful.

Here is an appeal from CB "Smart Bank": "Misha, arrival from the Central Bank, we need help."

True, the inevitable was delayed for a short time. On March 28, 2016, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation revoked the license from CB Smart Bank. “The Bank did not comply with the requirements in the field of combating the legalization of proceeds from crime and the financing of terrorism, without providing timely information to the authorized body. Smartbank, according to the regulator, was involved in questionable transactions. The owners of the organization did not take measures to normalize its work,” the decision of the Bank of Russia states. As a result, it turned out that the "hole" in the capital of "Smartbank" amounted to 4.26 billion rubles. I wonder how many of them settled on the accounts of Mikhail Baryshev ?!
And a request to lobby the interests of the Construction Company "GidroPromStroy" before CEO JSC Concern Rosenergoatom for the construction of NPP power units. Of course, taking into account Mikhail's vital interests: "we will discuss the commission at the meeting."

And various deliveries to defense industry enterprises, including JSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia By the way, Comrade Colonel's appetites are growing, now it is "your interest is 15%."

And next year, Baryshev continues to work tirelessly in the field of gr-specialist. So in the first quarter of 2014, he organizes a meeting of the President of OAO AK "Transneft" Tokarev N.P. with the Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC "New Energy" Larin A.S. Naturally at the request of the latter. And of course not selfish: "if the decision is positive, I'm ready to introduce your person as a shareholder with a share of 25%."

That's it! Neither more nor less!! Here you will break into a cake, so that "not to make hasty conclusions, but to meet and personally get acquainted with A.S. Larin", and perhaps the negative opinion of Tokarev N.P. "was formed by the competitors of Larin A.S., who have access to Tokarev N.P." This is not Khukhr-Mukhr for you, but already a whole reconnaissance operation prepared in accordance with all the rules of military art. With lenses and elaborate strategies. Is Mikhail Nikolaevich a real colonel for nothing?!
Well, of course not for free! For now, CJSC "NPO "Center for Special Systems" is turning to Baryshev M.N. to help "to assist in coordinating additional work in the amount of 655,672,970 rubles and payment for actually completed but not paid for work in the amount of 520 million rubles" from CJSC NORTGAZ (OJSC NOVATEK, the owner of a controlling stake). In total, more than 1.1 billion rubles!!! Well, you remember the prices of Mikhail Nikolayevich for such services?!

Once again, Carl!!! More than 1.1 billion rubles!!!
Or a request from LLC "TsentrSpetsStroy" with the same request to assist in obtaining funds from the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Spetsstroyengineering at Spetsstroy of Russia" for the work already done - "from us 10% of the returned amount."

Looking at such requests, sometimes one gets the impression that a powerful colonel has spread his nets over the entire territory of our vast Motherland. And these are not random delays in payments, but quite natural. And our hero is no longer just a colonel, but at least a colonel general.
You say it's been a long time past days, now he became the head of a large CSKA and everything changed immediately!
But alas, ah! This only happens in fairy tales.
And now, in 2015, Absolut-expo addresses directly Mikhail Nikolaevich Baryshev with a request to ensure the necessary result at the auction held by the Committee for Tourism and Hotel Industry of the city of Moscow. In total, the price of three lots exceeds 40 million rubles, and the real colonel is promised 10% in case of a positive outcome.
The native region is not forgotten either. Letters fly into the colonel's mailbox. "Mishan, hello! If even shorter and more specific, it turns out like this: ... commission as usual!" This is a representative of the Energostroy company asking the new Head of the city of Irkutsk to be hinted that Energostroy is someone's relatives and friends so much that it is not necessary to wet them, but they need to meet and talk. Although the company has already initiated an audit of the Security Service of the enterprise MUP Vodokanal.
But Mikhail Nikolayevich solves issues not only on the side. Absolutely not embarrassed, he discusses with a representative of the NAIBecar company the issues of holding a dummy tender for the provision of services for the sanitary maintenance and technical operation of the FAA CSKA facilities. At the same time, the works will be subcontracted to Megaline LLC, on the way an additional percentage will stick to mutual settlements, and all of our own will be submitted for the competition. And yes - "the volumes of Slavyanka have already been completely intercepted by Megaline."

Baryshev also cares about the car park of the FAU CSKA. So likely as sponsorship LLC "Group of Companies" PetroNeft "donated a new car AUDI A8 for free use. It seems nothing like that, they help as best they can. True, Mikhail himself drove it, but it doesn’t matter. He doesn’t try for himself - for the Motherland!

Or suddenly someone Roman Trushev begins to pay for the personal vacation of Mr. Colonel on the islands and with the rental of yachts so beloved to him: "choose and pay." Maybe our colonel is so ubiquitous that he has time not only for girls (see our previous investigation), but also for boys?! No.... it can't be... he's not like that!
Yes, indeed, it is not such a simple search in any search engine appoints Roman Trushev as the chairman of the board of directors of PetroNeft Group of Companies LLC. Oh, these gifts! First Audi, then rest. Do you believe that this is all sincere male friendship?

Probably, any colonel of the Russian army can afford to spend 30 thousand dollars for 10 days of rest, or does Mikhail Nikolaevich Baryshev already need to be considered in a different plane ?!
Here Yandex, for example, clearly defines Baryshev as a Russian politician!!!

But that's a completely different story!!! After all, what is allowed to Jupiter is not allowed to a mere mortal!
Well, at the end of our not so small material, just enjoy a selection of photos "how he celebrates his New Year colonel of the FAA CSKA" or is it no longer a colonel and not the FAA, but a Russian politician ?!
However, decide for yourself who he is "the hero of our time" Major General Colonel Mikhail Nikolaevich Baryshev!
to be continued
PS: we sincerely believe that Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will solve the main problem of Mikhail Nikolaevich Baryshev and provide him with housing and shelter for the next 15 years.

Detained at home in Moscow Mikhail Nikolaevich Baryshev, former head of the Main Directorate for Work with Personnel of the Armed Forces Russian Federation, ex-head of the Central Army Sports Club (CSKA).

The detention was carried out by officers of the Main Military Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation and the Federal Security Service of Russia. GVSU TFR will petition the Moscow Garrison Military Court for the arrest of Baryshev.

The colonel is suspected of being involved in multimillion-dollar embezzlement while working as the head of CSKA, as part of a criminal case on abuse at the CSKA club.

40-year-old Baryshev is from Saransk. Graduated from the Tver Suvorov Military School, the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, courses at the Military Academy General Staff RF Armed Forces. He served in the battalion of the Guard of Honor of the Separate Commandant's Regiment (now Preobrazhensky), in 2009-12 he was the commander of the Separate Commandant's Regiment. In 2012-14 he worked in the central office of the Federal Security Service. From October 20, 2014 to July 2017, he held the position of head of the federal autonomous institution of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "Central Sports Club of the Army". On February 1, 2016, by order of Vitaly Mutko, he was included in the collegium of the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. In May 2017, he was appointed head of the Main Directorate for Work with Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (07/30/2018 was reorganized into the Directorate for Work with Personnel of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and became part of the Main Military-Political Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; Baryshev was on vacation from mid-October and was preparing become deputy head of the GlavVoenPUR with the rank of major general, for which he passed special preparatory courses). He was awarded the Orders of Honor and Friendship, has a gratitude from Dmitry Medvedev.

According to RIA Novosti, the colonel was detained on suspicion of fraud in organizing and III World Military Games held in Sochi 22-28.02.2017. " The preparations for the Games combined the heritage and experience of the two largest sports centers in Russia: Sochi and Kazan. Winter legacy Olympic Games in Sochi 2014, these are real venues, stadiums, sports centers, and a professional organization of logistics. The legacy of Kazan is in terms of the colossal experience of organizing and holding a variety of international sports projects ", - then Baryshev told reporters. He is charged with taking a bribe in a special large size. "Baryshev was detained on suspicion of three episodes on receiving bribes from merchants in the amount of more than 20 million rubles. - for ensuring the conduct of games. Testimony against him was given by a former deputy for CSKA", - clarified a source of RBC in the Ministry of Defense. "Kommersant" reports that a criminal case under part 4 of article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud on an especially large scale) was initiated on May 17: " Then, at least nine more criminal cases initiated in the summer and autumn against former employees of the federal autonomous institution (FA) of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation CSKA were connected with him in the military investigation department of the TFR in Moscow. Their defendants, in particular, were the former deputy head of CSKA for logistics Andrey Khamazin, the former head of the automobile service of the FAA Yuri Mukhanov, Oleg Ampilogov, who was in charge of tenders at the club, and Svetlana Matveeva, specialist in the management of sports facilities. They were charged with fraud and receiving multi-million dollar kickbacks. According to investigators, the thefts were committed over several years in preparation for various army competitions for which hundreds of millions of budget rubles were allocated. In addition, businessmen who paid for participation in tenders and intermediaries, mostly former employees of CSKA, through whom bribes were transferred to the leaders of the army club, were under investigation.".

"Tov. Baryshev, who was detained, in the Moscow Region was called by all his former subordinates a rare ... eccentric. So it was detained - who should be detained! We directly envy the subordinates of the future former colonel with white envy! A rare treat these days", notes the Major and General Telegram channel. The Kremlin laundress telegram channel writes that the detainee's wife owns a network of pharmacies in the capital: " Service in the RF Armed Forces for Mikhail Baryshev was just a hobby".

The blog claimed that " a simple Russian colonel, head of the FAA CSKA, can easily afford to fly to vacations in 5-star hotels exclusively in business class, regularly rent yachts of various classes and displacements, select real estate in the historical center of Moscow and closed suburban villages near water bodies, give gifts to his friends and girlfriends with expensive gifts, buy business class cars for them, order a private jet for 12 seats to fly to Sochi for the Formula 1 race and much more". The author of this LJ-blog called the colonel" decider" ("Mikhail is best at solving various issues of different people and companies. For a small percentage, of course.") and expressed the hope that " Sergei Kuzhugetovich Shoigu and Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin will solve the main problem of Mikhail Nikolaevich Baryshev and provide him with housing and shelter for the next 15 years"Well, yes: the former head of CSKA is threatened right up to the tag.

Oksana Taranenko, who previously worked in one of the prefectures of Moscow, has been appointed head of the sports center for maritime and physical training in the city of Sevastopol.

It was introduced to the Sevastopol team of CSKA by one of the deputies Dmitry Larchenkov.

“I see my task in continuing the glorious traditions of the team,” says Oksana Taranenko, “in order to further improve sports base FAA MO RF CSKA in Sevastopol, to promote the development of sports in the Black Sea Fleet and in the hero city of Sevastopol and, above all, applied sports, to provide methodological assistance In the organisation sports events instructors and assistant commanders physical training actively interact with city and Crimean sports structures, to raise a squad of new athletes, to improve their sportsmanship, to work actively with already well-known masters of sports, to improve the sports base of the FAA MO RF CSKA in Sevastopol. There are all possibilities for this. The annual scheduled maintenance is now being completed. swimming pool which opens in mid-September. This issue is under special control."

For a short time, this is the fourth head of CSKA in Sevastopol. The first in August 2014 was the captain of the 1st rank of the reserve Oleg Cherevaty, who for many years headed the 57 yacht club of the Black Sea Fleet (BSF). Then the structure was headed by the captain of the 2nd rank of the reserve Alexander Shapovalov, in the past the deputy head of the 44th sports club of the Black Sea Fleet, and then the head of the 8th yacht club, a candidate for master of sports in kayaking, a judge of the republican category in armwrestling. Alexander Shapovalov was replaced for a short time by Alexander Kuzmin, deputy head of the sports center for logistics, maintenance of buildings and structures.

Help TsVMP

Oksana Vyacheslavovna Taranenko was born on March 13, 1975. In 1998 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Modern Humanitarian Institute. In 2000 she graduated from the tax faculty of the Russian Economic Academy named after V.I. G.V. Plekhanov with a degree in Finance and Credit. In 2003, she completed training at a professional retraining center with a degree in State and Municipal Administration of the Russian Academy of Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation. In 2007, she studied at the Moscow Academy of Entrepreneurship under the Government of Moscow with a degree in State and Municipal Administration.

Oksana Taranenko held the position of senior lecturer in the Department of Law at the Russian Academy of Economics. G.V. Plekhanova, worked as a deputy head of the municipality of the Lefortovo district of Moscow, was the chairman of the precinct election commission of five election campaigns in the Lefortovo district. Prior to her appointment as the head of CSKA in Sevastopol, Oksana Taranenko was the head of the social development department in the Prefecture of the SEAD of Moscow.

Vladimir Pasyakin

In the Central Sports Club A loud scandal is brewing in the army of the RF Ministry of Defense, the roots of which go back to our wonderful southern city. His history is like this. A few years ago, Nikolai Zubchenko, head of the structural subdivision of the FAA MO RF CSKA (SKA) Rostov-on-Don, was dismissed from his post. This was preceded by numerous violations in the financial and administrative activities of the club. Moreover, dozens of respected and honored athletes in 2010 wrote to the then Prime Minister of the Russian Federation V.V. An open letter to Putin, in which they described facts that testify to the corrupt nature of the activities of the head of SKA ROSTOV. According to unofficial information, dirty linen was not taken out of the hut, and Zubchenko was quietly dismissed from his post. But, as it turned out, not forever.

At the beginning of June 2015, army athletes contacted me and said that, according to their information, Colonel Zubchenko, who had been fired earlier, should be appointed to the position of head of SKA Rostov, which, in the context of the events around FIFA and the word corruption loudly heard in them, seemed almost unbelievable . Having phoned Mikhail Baryshev, head of the FAA MO RF CSKA, and asked him to comment on the rumors, I received an answer that the decision had not been made and no steps would be taken in this direction in the near future.

Thanking Baryshev M.N. for the comment, I, as is customary in this case, asked if it could be used in the forthcoming publication about the Rostov SKA. The reaction was stunning: Baryshev hung up. It turns out the head of CSKA was cunning. The order to appoint Zubchenko had already been signed and, moreover, on June 3, when Baryshev flew to Rostov with an inspection on the Don and together with the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation V. Mutko held a meeting on the allocation of funding to the SKA stadium on the eve of the 2018 FIFA World Cup, the new appointee was also present. My attempts to meet with Baryshev in Rostov and give him the relevant documents on his protégé were refused. Only some girl, calling and not introducing herself, demanded to bring her papers, they say she will give them to the head. Naturally, I refused. So what are these documents? Here are excerpts from some of them.

“The military prosecutor’s office of the Rostov-on-Don garrison established that N.V. Zubchenko, being an official, out of selfish interest, in order to receive a monthly cash payment as a war veteran, entered deliberately false information into official documents, according to which, he, in the period from May 21 to June 6, 2005, he was allegedly on a business trip in the Chechen Republic, although he did not go further than Rostov-on-Don ... A criminal case was initiated against Zubchenko N.V. for committing crimes under Part 3.S.159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and Part 1.S.292 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. In addition, numerous facts of misappropriation of officer ranks, etc. were revealed.”

Apparently, the criminal case disappeared somewhere, otherwise this fact would not have passed by the watchful eye of the corporate security of the FAA MO RF CSKA. Although I can admit a certain call from a certain Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, who previously commanded troops in the Trans-Baikal Military District, from where Mr. Zubchenko arrived at the Rostov SKA at one time. But these are rumors based on unofficial information. But here are the facts. Before his first resignation, Mr. Zubchenko built several houses for himself, photographs of which are in my journalistic archive.

Another document. “The audit carried out by the chief accountant of the UBP North Caucasian Military District of the financial activities of the SKA Rostov-on-Don established improper payments (illegal) in the amount of -652,350 rubles, an illegal expenditure of funds for personal needs ... Colonel Zubchenko N.V. This leader is uncertain in matters of financial activity, allows a large number of violations in his work and does not rely firmly enough on the laws of the Russian Federation”

But maybe Zubchenko has radically changed his attitude to the law over the past years, especially since he was appointed with a trial period of three months.

But here's a brand new document. An application to the military prosecutor's office from citizen Diana Javadova, which she wrote on 07/06/2015. With the arrival of Zubchenko, she was immediately deprived of the right to prolong the lease agreement for the premises she repaired for the sale of sporting goods on the territory sports complex SKA Rostov.
“I think that Zubchenko N.V. led to losses in my business activities. There are signs of a violation of Article 15 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. I ask you to conduct a legal examination for compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation of the agreement on the transfer of premises for trade to IP Isaenko E.V. and refusal to hold a tender for my application. To oblige the FFAA of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation CSKA to carry out the procedure in accordance with the regulations of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, etc.”

I did manage to meet with a representative of the leadership of CSKA. Now in Moscow. And I gave him information about the embezzlement that had begun in SKA Rostov. Also, all documents were transferred to the corporate security department of CSKA.

Around the upcoming World Cup 2018 is quite a tense situation. In a fair fight, we won the right to hold it, but at the same time, the FIFA scandal made us closely monitor every ruble spent, especially since these rubles are many billions. Under these circumstances, the situation in Rostov SKA can spoil the whole taste of victory.

A policeman from Rublyovka, a series about CSKA, new stadium- this and much more was at the presentation of the CSKA rugby club.

In a fairly titled family of army clubs, a team representing the four great letters in rugby appeared a few years ago. We closely follow the success of rugby players. One of the main off-pitch achievements was the big presentation and development strategy of the club, which took place on January 17th in the building of the Federal Antimonopoly Service.

Guests began to gather in a small but cozy foyer an hour before the start of the event: here were representatives of the PFC, PHC and PBC CSKA clubs; director of FAA MO RF CSKA Artyom Gromov; head of physical training of the Airborne Forces Pavel Lagovsky; army fans were represented by the well-known army resource - and representatives official club fans of PFC CSKA Red-Blue World, the famous CSKA football player of the late 1970s Anatoly Korobochka and many other people whose hearts beat in each of the four letters of CSKA.

The meeting began with the head of the FAS and the chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Russian Rugby Federation, Igor Yuryevich Artemiev, who noted in his speech the importance of developing this sport in our country. In particular, Igor Yuryevich noted that CSKA is doing a lot for this.

The first item on the agenda of the meeting was the approval of the club's board of trustees, which was presented to the audience by the president of the CSKA rugby club, Alexei Mitryushin. Igor Artemiev became its chairman, and Andrey Zarubyan, commercial director of PFC CSKA, Artyom Gromov, head of the FAA of the RF Ministry of Defense, CSKA, Olympic champion Alexey Legkov, famous film director Ilya Kulikov and many others, 44 people in total. The decision to approve the composition was adopted unanimously.

Following this Main coach teams Denis Korolev and general manager Denis Dranishnikov spoke about the sports and media successes of the club, respectively. They also told the audience about the grandiose plans of the RC CSKA for the next 5 years. According to them, by 2023 the army team should become the leading Russian rugby club, not only among men, but also among women. It is for 2023 that the task is to win the Russian Championship. By the way, there are no less ambitious tasks in the non-sporting part of development. So, it is planned to shoot a series of 10 episodes, the plot of which will be tied around red and blue. And most importantly, CSKA Rugby Club plans to acquire its own stadium!

Also at the meeting, a number of strategically important partnership and sponsorship agreements were concluded with several large companies, whose representatives were presented with team jerseys. The most important T-shirt 17th number on the back was presented to representatives of the official fan club of PFC CSKA Red-Blue World. Exactly this number is now and forever fixed in rugby for the best fans in the world!

Club President Alexei Mitryushin formulated the essence of the development of CSKA in this way: “Our task in 2023 is to become the champion of Russia at our own stadium!”

The head of the “big” CSKA Artyom Gromov reacted to this as follows: “Well, in 2023 the CSKA Society will be 100 years old. The victory of rugby players will be a great gift for the centenary of the club.” It was Artyom Valerievich who completed the solemn part of the event, charging: “WE ARE CSKA!” And the audience loudly and clearly answered: “We will win!”

Already at the end of the event, a pleasant acquaintance took place between the author of the "atomic bomb" Dima Lysy and Ilya Kulikov, who not only has been a fan of CSKA since 1994, but also actively popularizes the brand of our club: in the series "Policeman from Rublyovka" there is a fragment where the protagonist charges the “atomic bomb”, and the theme of CSKA is traced throughout the entire plot.

We sincerely wish RC CSKA the realization of all the most daring plans in life! Proudly carry the flag in rugby with four capital letters, and let it always sound in rugby: CSKA WILL ALWAYS BE FIRST!