The man scales the horse who is suitable. Horse - Libra: love, marriage, compatibility. Attitude towards family and work

general characteristics

The life of people born under this sign is governed by a sense of beauty, harmony and justice. Thanks to tact, generosity and balance, they are always surrounded by people. These people rarely have enemies and have a strong influence on those around them. Responsible, have good business qualities.

Born under this sign: Virgil, Diderot, Lamartine, F. Liszt, F. Nietzsche, Lermontov, Wilde, Mahatma Gandhi, Eisenhower, Eugene O "Neill, J. Gershwin, Sarah Bernhardt, Brigitte Bardot, M. Mastroianni.

Characteristics by zodiac sign

  • Influence: Venus, Saturn.
  • Symbol: scales, book.
  • Colors: dark blue, green, aqua and pastel colors.
  • Stones: opal, lapis lazuli, coral, diamond, sapphire, pearl, beryl, moonstone, green jasper, crystal, chrysolite.
  • Metal: bronze.
  • Flowers: calendula (marigolds), roses, violets.
  • Mascot: heart, book.
  • Happy day: Friday Saturday.
  • Unlucky day: Tuesday, Sunday.
  • Favorable numbers: 2, 5, (all numbers divisible by 6), 9, 15.
born from September 24 to October 2 under the influence of Venus - gentle, benevolent, dreamy.
born from 3 to 13 October under the influence of Saturn - prudent, live without luxury and ambition.
born from 14 to 23 October under the influence of Jupiter - they like to eat tasty food, sensual, capable of literature, love ceremonies.


Temperamental, hesitates in search of balance, the right moment, the right word on the way. No sign has more manic-depressive and non-heroic people, no sign has a better sense of timing.
Libra emphasizes the role of knowledge, likes to accumulate facts, value information of any kind, withholding information is considered a crime.
Like air, they want to circulate freely, they hate darkness, they despise poorly lit rooms, they need people around them, they know how to win them over: charm, affection, flattery, spontaneous hospitality, generosity, generosity, willingly rendered services, understanding the point of view of other people.
Both men and women try to seduce all their lives, expecting praise, affection, encouragement, admiration, approval in return, they cannot live without feeling popular, loved by everyone, including good luck. They feel cheated if they think they are not loved.
Dependence on the outside world interferes with their originality, they are better at working on other people's ideas, improving them. Full of rich intentions, good will, little will power.
The tendency is to avoid responsibility. They would rather sleep than fight. They can't say "no" to anyone or anything. When choosing between temptations and temptations, the will fluctuates. This can lead to indifference, compromise, lack of commitment, sometimes to some difficulty, and ultimately to a guilt complex.
Libra is a sign of measure and moderation. They don't mind measuring, but they don't want to be mediocre. Their history is multifaceted. They'd rather lose the idea, but save a life. Libras need to learn to use their feelings to make decisions and overcome overpassivity.
Libra women create the best clothes. They are the pinnacle of elegance. They are careful, because they like to please, to make a good impression. They pay attention to the cut of their clothes, but are not always sure of the color, prefer gray, blue, pale green tones and all pastels, as well as all soft perfumes.


In youth, they balance between several possibilities. They need help. They need to make a few offers and not rush. You can’t push, it’s better to make several attempts than to push on something. Spending a lot of time and energy, they get tired easily.
Good at working with others. Great sense of community. They give orders easily and naturally, at the first obstacle they can go aside and retreat. If they are at work, they are doing it well. Best of all, they get the final strokes. Valuable is their supernatural sense of time and right moment. It cannot turn them into compromisers. There is a danger of amateurism.
The best use is anything related to fashion and entertainment: fashion designers, decorators, art dealers, antique dealers, book agents, theater agents, lawyers, judges.
They are often embarrassed to demand what is due to them, collect debts, do not check accounts and are never slaves of money and property, but they know how to calculate their budget.


Libra is ruled by marriage, more than other signs, Libra needs an alliance with a partner in order to feel complete.
Libra is the bridge between Virgo, which is ruled by the mind, and Scorpio, which is ruled by desires. The bridge, hanging and oscillating, also means the end of the human race, which means limited energy, short breathing, lack of physical strength.
They do not fall in love at first sight, they are not enslaved by feelings. For Libra, Venus signifies complementary love.
Completing the individual and social portrait of Libra, it should be noted that the main feature is the ability to get along with people, to please in society.
Libras are sentimental, they can't help but be gentle, the need for public approval can make them prefer a beautiful face or an advantageous position to inner depth and compatibility, they can only marry half heartedly.
Scales are flexible, and know how to find a common language with a person. Their body lacks the instinctive, the animal, so it must be supported by an overabundant, sometimes pornographic imagination. They will do almost anything to not be alone and have dialogue.
Libra women are gentle and charming, they can adapt with any man, sometimes even to the point of self-denial and masochism. These are ideal assistants who find happiness in the success of their husband. But they also turn away and can seek happiness on the side, if they do not feel loved, they are quickly consoled.
Men and women sometimes waver between two attachments that seem equally necessary. It happens that all their lives they try to unite, combine them, make both objects of love friends.
To make a choice. Libra must first learn to love, make decisions based on feeling.
Best suited for Libra: Aries, Leo, Aquarius, Gemini, Cancer and Capricorn should be avoided.

How to achieve perfection

Usually they are well versed in people, practical, often buffers, smoothing out the roughness of life, wise, like Solomon, judges. Find satisfaction in social life. Sociable, love guests, hospitable, hard to experience failure. They are materialists, they love beautiful furniture, clothes, accessories, they are often tormented by envy when friends have succeeded in something. They love beauty and art (the sign of Venus). The essence of personality is the need for self-expression and beauty. Despite the love for the family, Libra women are burdened by household chores and feel the need to communicate outside the home when everything goes the way you want. Libra has a great mood, the problems of personal life and work unbalance them. The main virtue: the nobility of thoughts and the kindness of the soul.


Weak disease resistance. Appearance often deceptive. The main enemies are cold and dampness. Predisposed to sciatica and rheumatism. Men - Libra are usually handsome and slim, tall. Women are slender, with huge eyes, sensual mouths and curly hair. During illness, they like to feel care, attention, sympathy, they are prone to simulation. Libra needs gymnastics.

Elements: AIR

Wits, cheerful, lively character, talkativeness, sociability. You are a kind of family "translator", interpreter. You are good at writing letters (when you have to), but generally prefer phones, do not like to succumb to emotions.

Prefer cold. Plans fascinate you. A couple of them are always brewing in your head. Feature - logical, reasonable arguments, explanations. That is why air signs are associated with thinking, imagination. You live in a world of ideas, thoughts. You like to operate with logical arguments, you have a clear, precise thinking. According to your element, you should choose friends and lovers from air and fire. Air is compatible with water if it is not afraid of the wind, and with the earth if it is not against the wind.

Your advantages: common sense, objectivity, a sense of collectivism, adaptability, willingness to help: a good conversationalist, impartiality, prudence, love of freedom.

Your cons: stubbornness, self-confidence, duplicity, superficiality, talkativeness and gossip. Coldness and calculation, self-will, licentiousness. If you are Libra, you are a pronounced air: cold, calm, focused, your main force- belief.

If you are Aquarius, then you are still air, you are under pressure. You are distinguished by the boiling of thoughts, overcome by plans. You are dying to give freedom, freedom to an unsuspecting world. If you are Gemini, then you are changeable air - sometimes warm, sometimes cold, and sometimes both at once. On your way, you act with intelligence and charm, and in the same way, if necessary, evade.

Home conditions: air must live in open, windy places, where there is a lot of fresh air, in extreme cases, air conditioning. When working indoors, choose a table by the window. Stay outside if possible.

Your invisible spirit, which protects you and protects you, is a sylph who prefers places where there is a lot of air - gardens, fields.


They strive for peace and harmony, many become diplomats, churchmen, lawyers. Beauty plays a huge role in the life of Libra - many artists and artists were born under this constellation. One of the most common occupations is law. Libra is charming, easily converges with people, but the environment has a great influence on them. They cannot work in the midst of filth and nervousness. If official circumstances bring them together with people who do not appeal to them, they are unhappy.

Likes to live in a big city and make friends. Distinguished by taste and appreciates beauty, loves the garden and flowers.


Like air, pleasure and entertainment are necessary. Hobbies are often associated with art - opera, painting. Libra has great taste. Many women - Libra love to dress beautifully and can go shopping all day.

Zodiac horoscope

Air sign. Under the rule of Venus. The character is light, the mind is clear. Those born under this sign are distinguished by a balanced character. Venus generously rewards them with the ability to love, elegance, grace.

LIBRA easily finds harmony in life, even when illness or misfortune befalls them. LIBRA hate quarrels, troubles, complications. More than anything else, peace is dear to them.

Libra men most often minions of fate. They are loved in society for courtesy, courtesy, cheerful and good-natured disposition. They are excellent lawyers, diplomats, merchants, actors and administrators.

Libra Woman. We meet again with the great sign of womanhood. The patronage of Venus makes these women seductive, affectionate and capricious. They love to sleep late, love jewelry, knick-knacks, treats.
Their main occupation is love. To love and be loved is their only dream. They hate reproaches, scenes, complications. The slightest contradiction causes them anger and tears. They are darlings, selfish, but affectionate and very kind, like children.

Relationships of signs: for LIBRA, alliance with GEMINI, LION, SAGITTARIUS, AQUARIUS and ARIES is favorable. Union with CAPRICORN, CANCER, TAURUS is not very favorable, but here the good character of LIBRA can defeat fate. Friendship is favorable with the sign of CAPRICORN.

How to choose a life partner

LIBRA - charming and charming, you can fall in love with them at first sight, they know a lot about love. Hobbies are usually few. Libras are happy if their feelings are appreciated. Sentimental and like to leave something as a memory of love. A woman born under the sign of Libra wants to please everyone. Being next to her, it is important to understand that sex and flirting are two big differences. Otherwise, you can ingloriously wither away from erotic suffering. In choosing a permanent partner, Libra is very picky. Libra women are feminine and love to be praised. Libra is the constellation of marriage, prone to early marriages and the creation of a happy and strong family. Libra wives are wonderful wives and mothers. Libra loves music, art, society. Thorough Libra conquers partners, but it is difficult for them to live in the world because of high demands. They require love, attention, peace. Get along with Sagittarius, Aquarius, Gemini, Leo and Virgo. They do not like Capricorns and Aries.

Sexuality Female

Her erotic aspirations are embedded in the subconscious. From time to time, she is surprised to find herself in a new bed and cannot understand how this happened. She is temperamental, but sex is not her goal, although she really takes a big place in her life. The scales of her behavior fluctuate all the time. A strong man is able to subdue her, and she will dutifully follow all his desires. With a weak partner, she herself becomes the mistress of the situation. But in neither case does the man get a sense of the fullness of intimacy, since it is only about physical satisfaction. When she feels that she is loved, she transforms - she becomes cheerful, charming, although you still cannot call her a romantic nature. In marriage, her sexual behavior becomes more conscious and interested.

  • Gemini, Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Sagittarius;
  • Taurus, Capricorn, Cancer;
  • Fish.

Birthday horoscope

You were born on a Thursday.
Thursday is the day of Jupiter, and the people of this day have the features of this planet - the "Stars of Kings". From them unconsciously comes a sense of authority and power. Such people do not think of themselves otherwise than as a leader who directs the actions of others. The man of Jupiter, as it were, constantly admonishes others, his whole life is an example for the rest. Has good organizational skills, is guided by the highest ideals, and not by considerations of personal gain. Those born on Thursday become officials, legislators, spiritual figures and teachers.
Jupiter leaves its mark on the whole day in terms of recommendations: it is appropriate to engage in matters related to management, it is not recommended to carry out actions related to material enrichment, other selfish deeds.

Astrologers believe that a woman who was born on this day of the week:

Enthusiastic, impatient in love. You can't call her sentimental, lost in the fog of illusions and dreams. She loves freedom and adventure, attracts men with her natural charm, spontaneity and cannot stand it when they try to chain her to someone.

Compatibility by horoscope

Relationship between Aries and Libra

People born under the sign of Libra, reading this chapter, may exclaim that I treat them unfairly, because I myself am Aries (they always claim that someone is unfair to them). Do Aries envy the amazing calmness of Venus-ruled Libra when their cups are balanced, as they sometimes are? No. On the Karmic wheel of life, these two signs are opposite, so each of them lacks what the other has. At the very least, a typical Aries will never openly admit that he is somehow jealous of Libra, although Aries secretly would like to imitate their calm balance.

The word "balance" comes from the word "scales" - or vice versa. In both cases, these words and this Sun sign are connected. Nothing is more important to Libra than balance. They are afraid of losing it, and yet they often do. Aries can be jealous of Libra at heart when they make a quick decision and then get the inevitable emotional trauma. “Did I do the right thing? Should I have said yes or no? And this is after it is too late to change anything. Trust me, indecision, Aries hesitationafterdone are much more painful than hesitationbeforefrom which Libra suffers.

There is no one more charming, smarter and more optimistic than Libra, who keeps a firm balance. They are inimitable in the ability to harmoniously combine groups of people and avoid friction (when not personally involved). Aries men and women admire and respect Libra for the virtues they themselves lack. But Aries is also a solar sign, opposite to Libra, in this way. Libra, too, must admire and respect the virtues of the Mars type.

Does this sound like an order? One of the most notable differences between Aries and Libra is that the simplest Aries statement sounds like a requirement. Even when Aries asks a question, it seems more like he is ordering than asking. On the other hand (and we need to see both sides because we're dealing with Libra), when Venus-ruled Libra asks a question or speaks out, they manage to make you feel vulnerable and unable to defend yourself.

It doesn't matter if Libra asks, "Why are you so ignorant?" - or notice: "What you are doing speaks of a complete lack of education" - this will cause a note that resembles a "lost string." They speak softly, affectionately, as if enveloping the interlocutor in maple syrup. That's why Libra can argue with Aries for hours to give the impression that it was Aries who was impossibly rude and unbearable. It is not surprising that Libras often become lawyers who can win any verbal fights in court.

If Libra lawyers can fool the judge and win over the indifferent part of the jury, then you can imagine what happens in the battle of wits between them and the impulsive, impulsive, emotional Aries. Perhaps Libra will blame Aries for not making serious decisions with such haste, that he recklessly rushes forward, not thinking about the possible consequences. Then Libra will remind you of the beauty of the symbol of the "Lady of Justice" with balanced scales in her hands.

Aries will be indignant: “Yes, but she has a bandage on her eyes! How can she tell right from wrong? Libra will gently explain: "Well, dear, the blindfold saves you from prejudice." Aries can then ask Libra if he (or she) knows the story of the donkey that starved to death because he couldn't decide which field of clover to start with... In the end, Libra will smile, and since Aries is strongly influenced by this charming aura of Venus, the fire, with a final hiss, will die out. The benevolent, open Aries cannot resist a smile and a kind word for a long time, besides, he is too naive and does not suspect Libra that they use their charm as a weapon, but Libra does just that. During their relationship, Libra will almost always remain cold and immobile. But when Aries' aggressiveness becomes unbearable, this usually gentle personality can become furious.

Scales instinctively avoid unpleasant skirmishes, but for the sake of their own precious peace of mind, if they feel that something is seriously threatening them, they begin to act, and, as a rule, decisively. To avoid a fight. Aries will have to understand and accept the logic of Libra.

True, Aries, although they respect the opposite Sun sign, will be reluctant to reckon with the judgment of Libra, and even more so accept it. Aries is aware that Libra is fair, logical and thinks well and their decisions are almost always correct, but while Libra makes a decision, the typical Aries will go crazy waiting for the result. The very word "decision" causes panic in Libra. Aries does things differently. Need to make a decision? Fine. Flip a coin or just do what you instinctively think is right and then forget it - that's the motto of Aries. Dive head first. (And if the reservoir is shallow. Aries will fill a bump and, sticking a patch, will continue on his way.) This does not mean at all that Aries does not see the potential value of a good, smooth, safe path, it is just that he is interested in quickly running right and left and seeing what is there. And this is one of those qualities that admires Libra in the opposite solar sign.

If you want to test people's astrological knowledge, ask them which of these two signs is more violent. Think carefully before answering. Libra is Air and Aries is Fire. Fire is more changeable and violent than air, but Libra - main sign of the three signs of Air, which means that Aries is also the main one, but still we must not forget that in nature air is not at all such a harmless element as it seems. What if he gets aggressive? Have you ever seen a calm, mild tornado, cyclone or hurricane? Also remember that the main component of air is nitrogen, thanks to which powerful explosions are produced. So who is more dangerous? Aries or Libra? Most books on astrology, referring to the fact that Libra is ruled by Venus, describe them as soft, peaceful, calm and sweet. Indeed, for a while they are. Just don't make them angry. And yet, we must admit that by trying to emulate some of the positive traits of Libra, Aries could get a lot of benefits.

The two often argue. But to be honest, the purpose of the fight is for Libra to win and achieve ultimate peace and justice, and for Aries to win and prove that he is right (even when he is wrong) to satisfy the strong "ego" of Mars.

The connection between Aries and Libra is usually a happy experience for both.

But if there is a negative Solar-Lunar aspect between their horoscopes, they may have periods full of friction and conflict. The harmonious aspects of the luminaries give Libra an atmosphere of freedom of thought and action, which is good for Aries' pride. The typical Libra tends to be gentle with Aries, which helps bring out the most best qualities the nature of Mars. Instead of forcibly fitting Aries to some pattern of behavior. Libra is more likely to recognize his individuality and respect it. Under the influence of the natural instinct to imitate the opposite Sun sign, Aries often finds that relationships with a friend, relative, workmate, lover of the sign of Libra do not hurt his courage of Mars and do not interfere with his mobility, but make his character more tolerant, balanced. And, on the other hand, the indecision of Libra gradually disappears, they are more firmly moving towards the goal. As always, this combination works best when made up of members of the opposite sex. If Aries and Libra are of the same sex, the recurring feelings of envy, regret and competition often affect their relationship.

Aries must try to understand that Libra needs to conserve energy and not waste it unnecessarily, which Aries often has to do under the influence of Mars. This is Libra's way of maintaining physical and emotional balance, not laziness at all. When Aries sincerely tries to soberly assess their differences and honestly tries to sympathize with the nature of Libra, Libra should return this grace with love and joyful gratitude, which will significantly raise Aries's spiritual mood. Libra is more likely to be happy and pleasant than moody and grouchy if Aries is honest with them.

Partner Compatibility

Aries man - Libra woman

Usually, it is not difficult for a Libra girl to convince an Aries to open her heart to her. He is plasticine in her sweet hands, but Aries, you know, are not like that in anyone's hands. They are made of iron and steel (metals are also associated with the Sun sign). But next to the Libra woman, he will melt like a snowman in July. He cannot resist her charms also because she praises his amazing qualities, which, as he thinks, others always ignore. He cannot resist her irresistible sex appeal, her feminine charm (this is at the beginning, there are no surprises yet). In addition, she is perhaps beautiful, like most Libra women, her smile is charming, and every Aries man loves when he has such a girlfriend or wife that others envy him. He needs to be proud of the woman he loves, show her off and brag about her. He wants her to always be better and more beautiful than other women, so that it is clear: he received the first prize at the celebration of love (you remember, Aries sucked in this desire to win with mother's milk). Since she is perhaps taller than many other women, brighter, more attractive, has a beautiful figure and so on, this woman will meet all the requirements of Mars, and the beginning of their love will not be overshadowed by anything.

But later, the Libra woman, who loves Aries, can often lose her balance, because she is on the verge of neurosis every time she is forced to act instantly, and she is not yet quite sure what she wants. Because of this, unstable periods will arise in their relationship. This man demands that everything be done now, immediately, yesterday, even if he just decided what he needs. "Do you want me to do it today, dear, or can I do it tomorrow?" - whether it would involve taking his favorite sweater to the dry cleaner, or printing out a copy of the address book so that he would have an extra copy if he lost it. (He keeps losing things.) "Today," he would tell her. (If he needed it tomorrow, he would have asked for it tomorrow.)

Such inconsistent and impatient Martian thinking can confuse her delicate soul with Venus. She may ask, "Would it make more sense to plan ahead or try to do something tomorrow?" - in order to hear him scream in response: “Don't argue with me! Just do as I say, please." If he has a softer Moon sign or Ascendant, he will add “please”, if not, he will simply give his orders, without thinking at all that he is acting selfishly. I know one Libra woman who gave her Aries husband a handmade gift for her birthday. It was a picture of velvet and satin in Mars fiery red with the words embroidered on it: "Lord, give me the gift of patience, but quickly." The husband was delighted. This is one of the good old typical Aries. He can laugh at himself and rarely gets angry if his mistakes are pointed out gently, without a harsh critical attitude. But you have to point them out all the time. After Aries admits how selfish he is, feels guilty, ashamed, apologizes and promises not to do it again, he immediately does it again, and again, and again. It's easy for the typical Mars-ruled man to apologize. This is one of his most endearing traits. Aries will quickly accept a mistake and realize their guilt, but will not give up a bad habit. Still, it's a wonderful quality to be able to admit your mistakes and try to correct them. He's trying. Not always successful, but, God knows, he tries.

She also apologizes easily. Like Aries, Libra tends to admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness. In fact, she may be too ready to admit mistakes, that is, to decide that what she did or decided was wrong. She worries if she hurts his feelings by doing or saying something wrong, and tries to gracefully atone for her guilt. She will have to do this often, because he is hypersensitive. He wants everyone to love him: family, friends, strangers and, of course, the woman he possesses (that's how he thinks of her - as a special delightful, precious, long-awaited gift that he found crafted on Christmas morning) . Aries men can be exclusively focused on themselves, without even realizing it. She will gradually understand this, but before that, her more subtle feelings of Venus will be seriously hurt more than once. She will try with all the power of Libra's logic and persuasion to make him understand that every person in the world cannot love him. But it is her Aries who will pass by her ears.

He wonders why he is not admired by his enemies, never realizing what he did or said that made them so angry. They could understand that he was right and did not want to harm anyone. He only defended himself. Why can't they see that he regrets his hasty words and has already forgotten his anger? Aries believes that people forget bad things as quickly as he does. It always hurts him deeply when someone pouts or grumbles at something he has long forgotten about. His enemies today are his bosom friends tomorrow. He can run home, furious, in the hope that his Libra girlfriend will share his anger. If she tries to look at what happened soberly and wants to know the enemy’s point of view, and then tries to point out to her husband or beloved Aries where he might have been wrong, he will attack her, sometimes violently and even with tears, and accuse her of treachery . She doesn't love him! If she loved, she would be on his side, and would not protect his enemies! He is not interested in her justice, typical of Libra. The only correct point of view is his... and if she really considered him, she would see it. While Aries is angry, he cannot judge anything objectively. The next day, he will probably be a real lamb, admit his vehemence and try to smooth over his stupidity. Now she could say that he was wrong, because he already realized it himself. But not before. By nature, a woman ruled by Venus is more than others able to balance the delicate situations that her lover-Aries creates with her unbridled character. She is gentle, feminine, logical, smart. But she was born under male signs one day she can resist when she feels that he is completely unfair. However, this is unlikely to change him, he will either leave, slamming the door, or will frown angrily in the corner, convinced that she hates him. It is better for a Libra woman not to show him an iron fist in a velvet glove. Aries will soon feel that they are being controlled. For a while, however, he allows this to be done, but as soon as he finds that they are trying to squeeze him into some kind of behavior model, he either rests his horns against the wall, or gets angry, and sometimes both. No one should tell him what to do, he is his own boss! Even when he seriously intends to do something, he is more likely to abandon his plans if he thinks that she really wants it. And all because he hates to do what the other offers, especially if the wish is expressed openly.

The fact that the Libra woman loves to argue, discuss any decision or situation, will not stop the typical Aries man. He sees in this opposition, a challenge. He would die of boredom with a woman who would never defend himself against him. His Martian nature is turned on by the promise of battle, whether they're talking about what movie to watch, what car to buy, or discussing global issues. He needs to win all these disputes. He won't back down one iota until he's convinced he hasn't won (or until his smart Libra girlfriend lets him believe it). Then he is proud, satisfied and happy. And she expects love, passion and tenderness, which any woman only dreams of.

Sex in the representation of this man is closely related to his ability to be always right and present himself as a winner in front of the woman he loves. He must be respected, loved, agreed with him and admired, and then he will properly show the full power of Mars as a beloved. If he feels rejected, he will turn to ice, and this is already more serious than the fire of Aries. Their sexual relationship, as a rule, is unusually strong and holistic. Her femininity and his masculinity are perfectly combined until the Libra woman allows the male half of her - the Solar sign to interfere in their intimate life (for example, to show that her abilities are no worse than his). He must lead in their proximity, as, indeed, in everything else. If she allows it, he will be the most sensual, romantic, sentimental, loving and passionate lover she can imagine. But he can turn into a demanding tyrant if she destroys his super-necessary self-confidence.

This is unlikely to happen unless her Moon or Ascendant is in Virgo, Sagittarius, Cancer or Capricorn. Although their natures are polar opposites, the characters of the man ruled by Mars and the woman ruled by Venus are combined in the most exquisite way. In addition, Mars and Venus themselves passionately loved each other (even when she was married to Jupiter). Read Greek mythology. This will help you better understand the Sun signs.

Considering that Aries loves to gallop on rocky slopes, and the child of Venus lives in an unreliable world of swaying bowls of golden scales, where the slightest breath of the wind can deprive her inner harmony and external calmness, these two can combine their very different natures with amazing success. The Libra woman, with the help of this man, will find intoxicating freedom and active mental activity, and Aries will enjoy walking through the cool forests of Libra, among swaying bells and fluttering butterflies.

The Libra woman is very feminine. Few men can match this powerful combination of masculine determination and delightful sophistication. But the Aries man always accepts any challenge and wins, and her challenges promise the winner a precious reward. All men are boys at heart, but Aries especially. Outwardly, there is nothing childish about it. He is strong and strong - the type of male, and only the aura of impossible dreams and pensive longing evokes a feeling of youth ... If the Libra woman uses her charm of Venus and patience to direct his flaming aspirations and amazing energy to one worthwhile goal, he can become a great fighter for the victory of good (both of them have a strong sense of mercy and hate any injustice).

The main reason for the difficulties in their relationship will be that they are both Cardinal signs of leadership - both Aries and Libra. Such a combination will never be an alliance if there is a constant battle for supremacy between them. They will have to learn to walk side by side, on an equal footing, and not as superior and inferior. This is the only way for them to find a way to each other's hearts.

Japanese horoscope

According to the calendar adopted in Japan and in other countries of the East, within the 12-year cycle, each year passes under the sign of some animal. A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate properties, depending on which fate is formed. The popularity of this calendar in the East is very high.

These people are very popular. They have a cheerful character, they know how to handle money. Smart, insightful, although sometimes they talk a lot. They are talented, everything goes well with them, they attract attention with flashy clothes or laid-back behavior. They are self-confident, know their worth and are not indifferent (men) to women. Able to forget about everything when their feelings are affected. In everything that concerns them, they invest maximum strength and passion, with the exception of official duties. They love entertainment and big gatherings, they love to be in the center of events. They are very independent and rarely listen to advice, while doing so at their own discretion.

  • perfect as friends or life partners: TIGER, DOG, SHEEP.
  • fit more or less: DRAGON, SNAKE, MONKEY, COCK, BOAR.
  • absolutely not suitable, absolutely contraindicated and can even bring misfortune: RAT.

Chinese horoscope

HORSE (honest person)

The HORSE is representative, she has a good stature, she knows how to dress. He loves spectacles, theater, concerts, meetings, sports, in short, everything connected with the crowd. Often engaged in quite successfully in any sport. Knows how to make a compliment, cheerful, talkative, pretty and even popular.

The HORSE can succeed in politics, which will bring her great satisfaction. She is brilliant, loves and knows how to manage people. Her mind catches people's thoughts before they have time to express them. Nevertheless, the HORSE is capable of not only mental, but also physical work. More dexterous than intelligent, in reality (and she knows it well) she lacks faith in herself. Despite this, he remains confident.

A HORSE has hot blood (hence the expression "horse fever"), easily loses his temper and therefore often loses what he has achieved. Those who have ever witnessed her anger will never trust her, as her anger is fraught with something unbridled. To succeed, she must suppress it in herself.

HORSE - selfish. She will stomp on those who get in her way, and she will do this without the slightest remorse, since her ambition is too great. She is self-centered and most often only interested in her own problems, even if she has to interfere in the affairs of others. Very independent by nature, does not listen to advice and does as she pleases. It would be nice if she left her family at a young age to live her own life. However, she will do it willingly, since the family hearth is very pressing on her.

When she starts a family herself, her presence will be beneficial and she will be the central figure, which flatters her. Everything will revolve around her position, her problems, ironing shirts and pleating trousers. It should be said that such an attitude will be justified by the fact of her presence as the guardian of the family. With her disappearance, all family well-being collapses like a house of cards.

Although this egoist works only for herself, for her own pleasure and success, everyone enjoys the fruits of this work. HORSE is an individualist and hard worker, dexterous in handling money and even a good financier. Unfortunately, with her changeable nature, she quickly gets tired of what she is doing: whether it is work, any business or love. Later, he again takes up this matter with the same success and with the same zeal. Can have any specialty that does not require solitude and contemplation. She always has a need to be in an environment, revered by everyone and hear praises addressed to her.

In its relationship with the opposite sex, the HORSE shows weakness. She can give up everything for love. The passion of a HORSE in love is so great that it can become indifferent to everything else. Therefore, he often fails in his life, despite undeniable qualities. If she succeeds in suppressing this weakness and if her mind is above passion, she can be happy and successful.

A HORSE can connect his life with a GOAT. They will be accomplices and together they will pass over the abysses - the whims and changeable nature of the GOAT will prevail over the egoism of the HORSE. A good union can give a HORSE with a TIGER and a DOG for various reasons. The latter, blinded by the solution of great problems and grandiose prospects, will not attach any importance to the inconstancy of the feelings of the HORSE. She can live her own life. But in no case should she connect her fate with the RAT, especially if it is a HORSE - a woman and even more so if she is a FIRE HORSE. The connection of these lunatics can strike sparks and lead to drama.

The first and second phases of a HORSE's life will be restless. In her youth, she can leave the family, and this will not pass without trouble. In the realm of the senses, life will also be turbulent. The third phase of her life will be peaceful. You can't talk about a HORSE without talking about the FIRE HORSE years that happen every 60 years (1906, 1966, 2026). These people can turn any noble influence into a pernicious one. Years of the FIRE HORSE are unfavorable for everyone HORSES as well as their families. Misfortunes, illnesses, disasters will affect the HORSE family this year.

Men and women born in the year of the FIRE HORSE have the same characters as ordinary HORSES. However, these characters are significantly enhanced in both good and bad ways. At the same time more industrious, more dexterous, more capable, alas, she will also be more obsessed with selfishness, and her passionate temperament will push her to any extreme when she is in love. Some find her more suitable for a family, but popular belief holds that the FIRE HORSE causes complications in the house in which she was born, as well as in the family she will create.

Her life will be more exceptional, full of surprises than the life of an ordinary HORSE. It carries the possibility of being famous, and it doesn't matter if it is expressed through good or evil.

Druid Horoscope

Neat, well-groomed, sometimes even a little flirtatious. Often happens where it is most interesting. Follows fashion. Does not belong to the number of ordinary personalities. Full of energy and cheerfulness, tireless. MAPLE, as they say, is always on top of the situation. He can be classified as an individualist. Although by nature MAPLE is restrained and timid, he can make the most risky decisions, which are based not so much on a material factor as on a vital interest. He does not like to stay at home, willingly learns new people. Has a gift to call people to, frankness. But you should not be afraid if you told him something - he never condemns other people's actions and does not talk about other people's secrets.

Usually it is full of plans, often unusual, extravagant. He loves all kinds of novelties, enthusiastically defends new ideas, but he rarely implements his own projects. This, however, does not prevent him from getting satisfaction from his broad horizons. There is also a drop of cynicism in it. He does not love and is not afraid public opinion. On the contrary, he likes to be talked about.

In love, he is complicated. Goes amazing and unforeseen roads. But this does not mean that he will not be able to find happiness if he meets a partner with a similar mindset and taste. The mind is clear and perceptive. Despite the fact that it is full of problems, it is not devoid of either imagination or intuition. In a word, character is multifaceted.

Traits born under the sign of MAPLE: lively character, sense of humor, ability to deduce, analytical mindset.

Flower horoscope


A symbol of prosperity, freshness, youth. Diligent and purposeful. Lilac is happy to help others. Do not pay attention to more sneaky colleagues at work.

To receive (on the site page) a personal horoscope, enter the date of birth and select "Lady" or "Gentleman", click the "Horoscope" button

Compatibility horoscope: year of the horse and zodiac sign Libra - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Libra man and woman born in the year of the Horse

The combination of Libra and Horse gives people with a narcissistic, domineering and selfish character, for whom the feelings and desires of other people do not exist.

As a rule, a representative of this sign is surrounded by many friends and well-wishers, but he himself does not want to help anyone if he does not see any benefit in this. Moreover, if you carefully consider the nature of the Horse born in the year, the zodiac sign of Libra will be prone to changing friends after getting what they want from them.

Because of the foregoing, the representative of this sign can often have serious conflicts and problems with the boss or employees if he himself is the leader.

If we consider the relationship in the family, Libra in the year of the Horse will be as conflicting as in the team. He is practically incapable of compromise, and he believes that everyone should adapt to his desires and mood.

The representative of this zodiac sign loves to be in the center of attention of the opposite sex and bask in the rays of compliments and admiration. In general, the zodiac sign Libra-Horse seeks to manipulate people using their external data, and it must be admitted that he succeeds very well.

It is because of the foregoing that this person devotes a lot of time and energy to his own appearance. As a rule, Libra, born in the year of the Horse, tend to surround themselves with everything beautiful, whether it be a work of art or rare species of animals.

This person prefers to engage in fashion and design, which often develop from a simple hobby into a real profession.

The representative of this sign likes to spend a lot of time at home, where he is able to completely relax and forget about life's difficulties. Even a Libra child in the year of the Horse prefers family vacations to solitude, because the family is a place where he can not be afraid to show his feelings and fully express his true essence.

Characteristics of Libra born in the year of the Horse

Libra, born in the year of the Horse, is one of the most beautiful and graceful representatives of the zodiac circle. These people are used to using their appearance to achieve their own goals and desires.

The representative of this sign is a restless person who boldly moves forward towards his goals, overcoming all life's difficulties in his path. In this matter, the characteristic of the Libra Horse is such that he has a tendency to use the work of all his friends and relatives, and then attribute success only to himself, his beloved.

The horoscope of Libra-Horse says that on lowest level the representative of this zodiac sign becomes a real adventurer who is ready to sacrifice people for his own benefit, but this is done so masterfully that many do not even notice it.

It should be noted that the representative of this sign is far from cruel, rather, he cares too much about his well-being to think about the interests of other people.

As a rule, this person has not only a beautiful appearance, but also the ability to properly present himself in society. The characteristic of the Libra-Horse sign is such that it is well-read, follows the latest in the field of fashion and knows how to express itself beautifully, which fascinates many.

The Libra-Horse child, like the adult representative of this sign, is very sociable, and loves big, noisy companies. This person does not tolerate loneliness and prefers to start big family, although creating a stable relationship is not easy, in particular, because of his inconstancy in his affections.

Libra man, born in the year of the Horse

A lady who is about to enter into a legal relationship with a representative of this zodiac sign may be interested in the question of which Libra-Horse man is in love. The presented horoscope will help determine how suitable this person is for a serious, long-term relationship.

The horoscope of the Horse-Libra man says that this person will be more down to earth and energetic than Libra, born during the reign of the rest of the eastern signs.

The first thing the partner of this person will encounter is the Libra man in the year of the Horse, which is distinguished by frequent mood swings and stubbornness. In general, it is almost impossible to convince this person that he is wrong, and his half should either come to terms with this, or find a less self-centered person.

Considering the characteristics of the Libra-Horse man, one should pay attention to the fact that the representative of this sign also has positive character traits: he is wise, smart and rational.

By marrying, this man takes full responsibility for himself, his wife and children, which cannot but please his life partner.

Despite the fact that this person is fickle in his relationship with the opposite sex, the successful compatibility of the Horse-Libra man is possible if he meets a lady who is ready to accept him with all the shortcomings and virtues.

Libra woman who was born in the year of the Horse

Has the Libra-Horse girl won your heart? Nothing strange, because she is beautiful, fragile, graceful and flirtatious. The representative of this sign was born in order to attract attention, and she herself is in constant search of her only one.

At first glance, this lady seems so defenseless and weak that men seek to protect her from harsh reality. In fact, few people can guess about the power that lies behind the mask of the airiness of the Libra woman in the year of the Horse.

It must be remembered that this woman is very serious about choosing a partner and will not rush into the arms of the first person she meets. The characteristic of the Horse-Libra woman is such that she is looking for the very, very, makes special demands on the future spouse.

Anyone who seeks to win her heart must remember that material security and the external attractiveness of a partner are equally important for this girl.

The horoscope of the Libra-Horse woman says that she knows how to manage almost any situation, as she is endowed with innate cunning and the gift of persuasion.

In this regard, parents who have a Libra-Horse girl growing up should draw her attention to the professions of a diplomat, lawyer, politician, public figure or teacher, where she can fully show her best qualities.

Other zodiac signs born this year:

The combination of signs Horse - Libra. All the nuances

Do you want a realist next to you? Then choose as a companion a person born under the signs of the Horse - Libra. He will not disappoint and will not let you down. Although these people have their own shortcomings. We'll have to adapt to their features, so as not to get into an ugly situation. This is what we'll do.

general characteristics

The one whose horoscope has a combination of Horse - Libra, looks at everything that happens realistically and pragmatically. This person is not easy to captivate or lure with ephemeral pretexts. He is not caught in the void. At first, he will understand the background of the proposal, then only make a decision. The combination Horse - Libra makes it possible to slow down at sharp turns in life, which is very beneficial for the owner of a happy set of signs. However, others get annoyed when they do not get quick consent to the implementation of their adventures. But our hero needs to weigh everything and think it over. He loves change. Even aspires to them. But he will not jump into the pool just because he saw the sparkle of diamonds there. Libra Woman - The Horse is even more careful than the stronger sex. Such a character, they themselves can not change anything. They need serious insurance in any situation. Giving up the crane is exactly their approach. Why take risks if life is good anyway? Such a thought often visits wise heads sitting on their shoulders, behind which Libra hangs and the Horse prancing.

Behavior in society

These are very sensitive, educated and balanced people. They are careful not to trample someone else's paw with their hoof. They are a pleasure to be around and do business with. As a rule, the Horse - Libra stands out for its excellent manners. The emotions of such people are always restrained, the jokes are understandable and funny. The ease of communication attracts a large number of people to them. But the stubborn Horse will not let everyone in. Use Libra to see if a person is worth her trust. A certain heaviness in decision-making is balanced by a light character, the desire to enjoy everything that happens. With this, a person of this combination of signs charges others, invites them to laugh together. He is followed with pleasure by acquaintances and not so much. People like the optimism of the interlocutor, the ability to take any situation to ease, away from potential conflict. Loneliness is alien to our heroes, and almost none of them manage to get acquainted with its icy paws. Horoscope "Libra - Horse" presents us with a person who is constantly in the center of turbulent events. He is active and active. With special pleasure he spends time outdoors, goes in for sports, organizes active games and group trainings. This trait begins to show during childhood. But adult representatives of the sign are often drawn to gymnastics or exercises on the horizontal bar of friends and neighbors.

Attitude towards family and work

Comfort among the values ​​for our heroes is almost in the first place. And it must be absolutely complete. Representatives of the sign will not be able to enjoy its benefits alone. Therefore, the family is treated with reverence. They try to create pleasant and comfortable conditions for all its members. With them, the house is warm and cozy. They don't initiate scandals. If this happened, then the problem is really worth it. At work, representatives of the sign try to behave the same way. They are very much appreciated in the work team for their lightness and optimism. They take their duties calmly and responsibly. If you get down to business, then the authorities should not worry. Everything will be done at the highest level. Of the shortcomings, stubbornness should be mentioned. When this person is sure that he is right, even the Lord cannot convince him. Often people Libra - Horse are really right. By the way, they do not keep knowledge a secret. They will always advise colleagues on how to act more conveniently in order to get to the goal faster. They are deservedly respected for this quality.

Libra per year of the Horse

As the Chinese say, time imposes its mark on any person. Let's talk about all the people born under the symbol of Libra. They change somewhat in the year of the Horse. The prancing mistress of the period gives them impulsiveness and strength. They are lucky and active. Career ideas and creative projects are especially good at this time. It is for the year of the Horse that they should be planned in advance by careful Libra. Representatives of the sign in love should boldly make an offer to formalize relations. Starting to build a family in the year of the Horse means creating conditions for happy life all its present and future members. But do not chase risky profits. She will definitely leave in an unknown direction without saying goodbye!

year of the horse and zodiac sign libra

Circus Horse. She will dance with a sultan on her head, but do as she pleases.

Zodiac horoscope: Libra sign

Libra-Horses are calm realists, but sometimes it is difficult for them to make decisions. They are not as independent as other Horses, but they value their relatives and friends more.

Libra sign people are well known for their balance and sophistication. The combination when Libra-Horse men and women are calm, reliable, friendly and consistent in their manners and actions. They are well balanced emotionally. This balance does not make them boring people; they have a subtle sense of humor and a playful nature. They are energetic, high level enthusiastic and optimistic about the world.

Horse-Libra, as a rule, have good taste in clothes. They tend to make friends easily and get along with most other people they come into contact with. When they have some free time, they like to swim, play sports or socialize. They are good interlocutors, they like to compare their views and opinions with the opinions of other people. They have a passion for talking and therefore become unhappy when they are alone. These people need a soul mate because they want to be safe, connected and warm.

These people often have a creative imagination. They love music and art, enjoy nature, adore pets. They highly value the family and their partners, the house comes first for them. At home, they relax, especially when surrounded by people and things they love.

Usually, these people have reliable personalities, which makes them excellent work colleagues and friends. They are the type who will do everything possible to share the responsibility equally, love to give support, never let you down. It is these qualities that make them almost ideal in personal relationships. With their partners, they are perceptive and understand the needs of people. These are warm and loving people who value long-term relationships. These are the most passionate of all Libras.

The weakness in the personality of these people is that their stable mood can fluctuate greatly at times, for example when they are upset or extremely disappointed with someone or something. At such moments they become unpredictable in their actions and words. Luckily, these little moments of madness almost never last.

The horse of the zodiac sign Libra is a self-confident graceful person who loves a beautiful life, attention and compliments. The Libra horse is sure that the world revolves exclusively around her person and everything she gets is the merit of her outstanding abilities and beauty. She often rejects those who help her on the way, so that, without delay, move to new heights. Libra horses tend to use people as a means to achieve their goals. But she does it so gracefully that she gets away with everything.

The Libra horse has a very selfish nature. In addition, she will never see her guilt in anything, even if she let people down - and then she will explain everything with the dexterity of a magician and turn the situation in her favor.

The Libra horse knows how to communicate and knows how to play on the weaknesses of people in order to achieve what they want. She does well in a diplomatic career if she chooses it for herself. The Libra horse woman loves company and does not want to act alone. The Libra horse man is a reliable partner, but he will never forget about his interests.

The activities of these people often change, as they do not like stagnation. Libra horse can do several things at the same time without compromising the result and very effectively.

Libra born in the year of the Horse

People born in the year of the Horse and the period of Libra have a realistic outlook on life and amazing calmness. Sometimes it is difficult for them to make any decision, this reflects the temper of Libra. But on the other hand, they really appreciate their loved ones and relatives, which is so unusual for the Horse, although they have a horse sense of independence.

The refinement of Libra and the calmness of the Horse are perfectly combined in these people. They value friendship and reliability, they are always consistent in their actions and thoughts. Libra Horse perfectly control their emotions, you will never be bored with them, these people have a rather playful character and an amazing sense of humor. They are optimistic about the world, always energetic and full of enthusiasm.

The Libra horse always looks impeccable, she has great taste. He finds friends very quickly, as he makes contact with ease and finds common topics for conversation with almost everyone. She is very sociable, so she cannot stand loneliness. In a conversation, Libra-Horse listens carefully to the interlocutor, respectfully accepts his thoughts, often comparing their opinion with his own. The people of this horoscope are excellent interlocutors who often need understanding and soul affinity. In his free time, the Libra Horse likes to exercise sports activities, she is especially impressed with swimming. These people love to be in society, it is difficult for them to be alone with themselves, because in such moments of loneliness they do not feel the necessary security and warmth.

The Libra horse has good creative talents and a great imagination. They love beautiful landscapes of nature, works of art and music for the soul. They love pets, so often a small pet lives in their house. The most important element of their life is the family. They devote themselves to home comfort, give warmth and love to their neighbors. In such a comfortable home environment, the Libra Horse perfectly rests from all problems and completely relaxes. Her beloved family and the things around her give her complete comfort and joy.

Libra Horse are very reliable colleagues and true friends. They are easy to work with and a pleasure to be friends with. They are diligent, often take full responsibility, never fail, in difficult times they will always support and give good advice. They understand people and really appreciate long and strong relationships, both in their personal lives and in the work sphere. The Libra Horse always makes excellent companions and amazing lovers. Of all the representatives of Libra, the Horse has an incredible passion that drives many partners crazy.

Libra-Horse also have their weaknesses of character. In moments of great disappointment or frustration, they become unpredictable and aggressive. But such a state, fortunately, is very rare and lasts a short period of time. They are quick-witted and do not like to be in this state for a long time.

A person born under this horoscope has a unique ability that is not available to other signs of the zodiac. He deftly uses other people to satisfy his ambitions or to achieve a necessary goal. But everything happens so beautifully that the Libra Horse never bears punishment for his act.

They are selfish and do not like feelings of guilt. Even if they know that an unpleasant event has occurred due to their inattention, they will never admit it and will defend their innocence in every possible way.

The Libra Horse is well aware of the weaknesses of people, so it often uses this for its achievements. They know how to communicate excellently with society, they are well suited for the career of a diplomat. The men of this horoscope make excellent partners, but their interest is always above all for them. Libra-Horse women cannot stand loneliness and always prefer to be in society. For people born during this period, various fields of activity are suitable. Often they can do several things at the same time. They do it quite effectively and efficiently.

Horse - Libra: love, marriage, compatibility

People born in the year of the Horse are very active, cheerful, positive. Decisions are always guided by emotions. While people born under the sign of the zodiac Libra are balanced, calm and, before making a decision, they always weigh everything well. So, consider the horoscope Libra - Horse for men and women. What they are in love, marriage, as well as their compatibility with representatives of other signs of the zodiac.

General characteristics of men Libra - Horse

Men of this sign are very friendly and always gather a large number of friends and acquaintances near them. At the same time, they are secretive and keep all their emotions to themselves. In order to bring them out of balance, you need to try very hard. But, despite this, such men are very optimistic and always try to cheer up not only themselves, but also everyone around them.

Libra - men born in the year of the Horse: love, marriage, relationships

It will not be difficult to get acquainted with a man Libra - Horse. Most likely, difficulties may arise during the rapprochement with him. Although the representatives of this sign are very friendly, not everyone is allowed into their inner circle. And if you want to build a relationship with such a man, then you will need time and patience, as he is very attentive to new people. But if you are still lucky to achieve his location, then you will always be shrouded in love, attention and care.

He will not make high demands on his beloved and set impossible tasks for her. Rather, on the contrary, he will try to give himself as much as possible to his family and beloved woman. The same will be expected from her in return. Some representatives may spend their entire lives looking for the one. For them, the approval of their companion is very important, so they will try their best to do everything in such a way as to please her. But don't test his patience. Because it is not forever. Such men can endure for a long time, and then leave unexpectedly.

Despite the outward calmness and confidence of Libra men born in the year of the Horse, inside they are very vulnerable and need the support of loved ones. Therefore, next to him should be a calm, kind and understanding girl. In turn, she will be able to count on honesty, loyalty and care. Such men are made for marriage and family life. This is a host who is well managed with family affairs. For his chosen one, he can become not only a reliable rear, but also a true friend, adviser and lover. For the children who have appeared, he will become a good father who will devote all his free time to them, surround them with warmth and love. For the sake of the family, such a man will be able to sacrifice his career and hobbies.

Compatibility of Libra men born in the year of the Horse

Since the representatives of this sign are very calm and balanced, they converge with almost all representatives of the signs of the zodiac. Until a man is going to build a family, a woman born under the sign of Gemini, Leo, will suit him. For marriage, in most cases, women born under the sign of Sagittarius are suitable for men Horse - Libra. In general, according to astrologers, there is little in common between them and the nature of their attraction has not been studied, but, as practice shows, just such a union can be strong and durable. But this is only if a man is looking for a companion for life. If they are interested in a profitable financial union, then in this case, Libra men born in the year of the Horse are ideally suited for women under the sign of Virgo or Capricorn.

Characteristics of a woman Horse - Libra

Women who like to keep everything under their control. If they set a goal for themselves, they will go to it no matter what. They rarely deviate from the intended course, thanks to which they achieve a lot in life. Such women are very perceptive and feel the people around them well. By nature, these are very strong and purposeful representatives of the fair sex. They never go over their heads and do not incite anyone, even if this is the only way out on the way to achieving the goal. They always try to remain honest with themselves and others, which helps to get a lot of friends. Not everyone always has their own opinion.

Libra women born in the year of the Horse: love, relationships, marriage

These are refined, romantic natures who harmoniously build their relationships. If they sincerely fall in love, they will try to help their partner as much as possible, build home comfort and try to maintain a reverent relationship. They like to take the initiative into their own hands and therefore often decide on marriage on their own.

The couple are very jealous, and always try to completely control their spouse. But at the same time, they understand that their companion needs personal space. Their tolerance helps to maintain long and harmonious family relationships. Such women have developed intuition, which contributes to a good understanding of their partner.

About compatibility for a woman

The Horse Woman - Libra cannot boast of compatibility with many signs of the zodiac. Why? Since they are self-sufficient and are not used to waiting for handouts from a man, they should have a chosen one near them who can become a faithful companion in life.

Women Horse - Libra converge well with males born under the sign of Aries. In this case, we can say that opposites attract. The union of such women with Libra men is considered harmonious and complete. They are also suitable for Virgo.

The most temperamental union can be between a Libra woman - a Horse and a Scorpio man, but, unfortunately, it is short-lived. Often such an alliance quickly arises, but quickly fades away.

Libra - Horse: Characteristics

Such people quite easily change their social circle, they perfectly converge and disagree with people.

Those born under these zodiac signs are very easy and fun to be with. Libra-Horse often seeks benefits in relationships, so you should be as careful as possible with them.

Libra Man - Horse

Libra-Horse man is sociable, imposing and easy-going. Thanks to his innate potential, a male can easily achieve success in any field of activity.

On the love front, he appreciates a serious relationship, while it is almost impossible to force him to help with the housework. He needs a cheerful and cheerful life partner, with whom he can have a lot of fun.

Libra Woman - Horse

The Libra Horse is a woman with a fine sense of taste, she is cheerful and kind. Such a lady every day thinks about what outfit to wear today to look stunning. Ideal professions for her: designer, fashion designer, stylist.

Libra-Horse belongs to the category of very selfish people who cannot be called negative characters. These are energetic people who care little about life and household chores.

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The unique combination of the Libra zodiac sign with the year of the Horse creates the unique character of a woman who carries a lot of conflicting feelings. This internal struggle shows to others almost all the negative qualities of a woman. What kind of character is actually hidden under the mask of power?

Libra Woman of the Year Horse

The Libra zodiac sign falls between September 24th and October 23rd. And the past years of the Horse took place in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014. Women born at this time have many secrets. The Chinese claim that the time in which a person was born leaves its own unique mark on it. If we take the full characteristics of the Libra zodiac sign, then we can notice small changes that apply to each year separately, and the year of the Horse is no exception.

The Prancing Horse, which is considered the full mistress of one year out of twelve available, gives its children inner strength, energy, excessive impulsiveness and favor of fortune. As a rule, it is precisely at the onset of the next year of the Horse that Libra women carry out creative projects and move up the career ladder. Libra in love reaches the limit of dreams on the personal front, too, in the year of the Horse. This year you can equip your life and family hearth.

True, you should not involve yourself in too risky situations and rush into the pool with your head in any business.


Each woman has her own characteristics, but the Libra woman, born in the year of the Horse, is completely different from the representatives of all other signs of the zodiac, who were also born under the symbol of this year. Unlike others, they are characterized by the following series of character traits.

  1. The first thing that can be seen in this woman is her total self-control. She will not allow herself to be “dropped” in the eyes of the people around her: neither by her appearance, nor by her behavior, nor by her dignity.
  2. They are overzealous and willing to work hard for their goal, and this is most often rewarded with complete success.
  3. The Libra girl is stubborn and persistent - nothing will make her turn off the set path. Of course, such a position does not always give a positive result, and sometimes you can pay for it.
  4. Insight is one of the outstanding qualities of women of the Libra-Horse combination. Although they are obsessed with small things, for the most part they do not miss their goal and go on the right course.
  5. They are highly motivated individuals huge force will, ready to move mountains in its path.
  6. Libra-Horse women do not know how to lie at all, and also never seek to harm the people around them.

Based on all these factors, we can say that the characteristics of such women are, in general, quite positive. They easily make new acquaintances and easily converge with people. Naturally, Libra women strive to realize their goals, but they do it in quite decent ways, without intriguing those around them.

In addition, this type of people born in the year of the Horse is endowed with extraordinary thinking, able to find a way out of any situation.

Compatibility with other signs

Although Libra women under the auspices of the Horse are quite sociable and sociable personalities, they cannot boast of good compatibility with other signs of the zodiac, also born in the year of the Horse. This is quite understandable - they are self-sufficient and independent people, not accustomed to expecting something from others.

Therefore, among women, they rarely find true friends, and from men they require reliability and loyalty for life.

Horse-Libra perfectly converges with Horse-Aries, both with women and men. Although these two signs are completely different in character, like two sides of the same coin, they perfectly complement each other both in friendship and in love. Such a tandem is distinguished by understanding and harmony, no one encroaches on someone else's, together they perfectly form one whole. Libra also pairs well with Virgo. Two equally calm zodiac signs will always come to a mutual agreement.

An extremely temperamental union that one can imagine will be with Scorpions, but these relationships are short-lived and everyone will remain at his own. This tandem is tied up instantly, but the inability to give in and find a compromise leads to separation on different sides.

You will learn more about the Libra woman from the following video.

Perky, resilient Libra-Horses are famous for their friendly character. They do not tolerate loneliness, they tend to be closer to people. Feel free and comfortable in any environment, easily make friends. Balance, sociability and a positive attitude make them pleasant people to talk to. According to the combined horoscope, Libra-Horse is a refined creative nature, is in perfect control of himself, rarely succumbs to the influence of emotions. Witty, intellectually developed, has a broad outlook. He is well versed in art, loves unusual things: he strives to stand out among others. She is so charming and sweet that people easily forgive her some weaknesses: narcissism, self-centeredness, capriciousness.

Characteristic Libra Horse

Energetic, easy-going Libra-Horses find it difficult to sit in one place: they move in the general direction of life. Lively interested in everything that happens around, always in the know latest news. The Libra Horse is a harmonious union, here the signs complement each other perfectly. An active Horse seeks to live a bright, eventful life of various kinds. In turn, the wise Libra remains true to itself: they do not come into conflict with the Horse, they remain completely calm and imperturbable. In addition, with their own prudence, they try to soften her steep, unpredictable temper. Libra-Horses are multifaceted, harmoniously developed personalities. They are distinguished by a subtle artistic taste, while being practical and pragmatic: they spend their lives in constant motion, searching for new ideas.

Positive, direct Libra-Horses have a huge number of friends and acquaintances. They have a great sense of humor, are easy to communicate with, and know how to please people. They inspire boundless confidence, invariably make a good impression. However, do not think that these nice, benevolent people are ready to sacrifice everything for the happiness of others. Horses-Libra are emotionally restrained, not prone to rash acts, therefore they rarely give in to feelings. Draw a clear line between private and public affairs. Above all, they put their own interests, while being polite with others, therefore they do not cause negative emotions. But for close people, Libra-Horses are the best helpers and advisers: they are devoted to the ideals of friendship, they know how to support in difficult times.

The main feature of the Libra-Horse sign is sociability. People of this combination like to attract attention, often act as the organizer of various events. They are eloquent and very convincing in their arguments, they know how to maintain the necessary connections, they quickly make decisions. At the same time, they behave freely and uninhibitedly - cute and charming creatures. They love compliments and attention, but loneliness scares them: they feel vulnerable and defenseless. Although sometimes they surprise others with their sharp mood swings, they can suddenly flare up and be rude. Fortunately, such outbursts of anger are extremely rare. Libra-Horses strive for internal and external harmony: they look just perfect and behave accordingly.

Libra Horse Compatibility

Graceful, attractive, always tastefully dressed Libra-Horses make a stunning impression on the opposite sex. In personal relationships, they cannot stand monotony and boredom, they like to flirt and flirt. The love horoscope characterizes the Libra Horse as a passionate nature with an ardent temperament. Impulsive, emotional, capable of any madness for the sake of love. True, it is also easy to refuse a disgusted partner. Shows seriousness only if he has a strong feeling.

The issue of creating a family of Libra-Horses is thoroughly approached: no haste and fuss. In marriage, they show themselves as responsible, caring partners. In every way they avoid quarrels and scandals, they try to find a compromise. They are especially attentive to children, they show themselves as wise, kind and understanding parents. Although they are not too fond of doing household chores, they still take on some of the responsibilities. They have a creative imagination, love to mess with animals. The House of Libra-Horse is an example of beauty and comfort; a benevolent atmosphere reigns in it.

Libra Horse Career

These creatively gifted people will be able to perform well in professions related to art. Libra-Horses draw beautifully, subtly feel music and are not afraid to experiment. These are talented fashion designers, artists, architects and musicians. Although Horse-Libra can do several things at once without compromising the result. They perfectly understand what goals they set for themselves, they do not scatter over trifles. They are distinguished by diligence, perseverance, therefore they do not encounter serious obstacles on their way to the heights of success.

Libra-Horses are self-confident, sometimes overly demanding, but deeply dedicated people. They are set up for cooperation, they try to take into account the opinion of colleagues, but still they are more guided by their own preferences. Ambitious and vain, do not want to vegetate in the shadow of more successful employees. They consider themselves entitled to take a leadership position, they know how to manage people. They strive to acquire a reputation as a loyal and fair boss, although they are quite capable of appropriateing the results of collective work for themselves.

The hardworking Libra-Horse man is aimed at success, he must fulfill all his plans and ideas. But it is important for him at what cost well-being is achieved, he will not participate in dubious matters, he values ​​\u200b\u200bhis reputation as an honest person. He is distinguished by poise, calmness and firm self-confidence. However, the quick-tempered nature of the Horse makes itself felt in the most unexpected situation. Libra-Horse is an energetic and emotional man, with the same enthusiasm he takes up both work and showdown. Women should be prepared for the fact that this is a rather demanding partner. A good-natured, peace-loving man, the soul of the company sometimes manifests himself as a callous, selfish person. But he can be trusted, devoted to his family with all his heart.

A businesslike, assertive Libra-Horse woman is able to overcome any obstacles. Her activity can only be envied, she energetically takes on the solution of the most complex problems. Libra-Horse is a purposeful woman, but still insecure. He carefully hides his weaknesses, trying to look like a cheerful person. In men, she appreciates devotion, readiness to sacrifice herself for the sake of her interests. From a woman of this combination of signs, a magnificent housewife can turn out, but she does not have enough love and adoration for loved ones, she needs universal recognition. Aimed at brilliant career, the poet constantly disappears at his favorite work. However, her husband and children will not be left without her attention and care.

People born in the year of the Horse are very active, cheerful, positive. Decisions are always guided by emotions. While people born under the sign of the zodiac Libra are balanced, calm and, before making a decision, they always weigh everything well. So, consider the horoscope Libra - Horse for men and women. What they are in love, marriage, as well as their compatibility with representatives of other signs of the zodiac.

General characteristics of men Libra - Horse

Men of this sign are very friendly and always gather a large number of friends and acquaintances near them. At the same time, they are secretive and keep all their emotions to themselves. In order to bring them out of balance, you need to try very hard. But, despite this, such men are very optimistic and always try to cheer up not only themselves, but also everyone around them.

Libra - men born in the year of the Horse: love, marriage, relationships

It will not be difficult to get acquainted with a man Libra - Horse. Most likely, difficulties may arise during the rapprochement with him. Although the representatives of this sign are very friendly, not everyone is allowed into their inner circle. And if you want to build a relationship with such a man, then you will need time and patience, as he is very attentive to new people. But if you are still lucky to achieve his location, then you will always be shrouded in love, attention and care.

He will not make high demands on his beloved and set impossible tasks for her. Rather, on the contrary, he will try to give himself as much as possible to his family and beloved woman. The same will be expected from her in return. Some representatives may spend their entire lives looking for the one. For them, the approval of their companion is very important, so they will try their best to do everything in such a way as to please her. But don't test his patience. Because it is not forever. Such men can endure for a long time, and then leave unexpectedly.

Despite the outward calmness and confidence of Libra men born in the year of the Horse, inside they are very vulnerable and need the support of loved ones. Therefore, next to him should be a calm, kind and understanding girl. In turn, she will be able to count on honesty, loyalty and care. Such men are created for marriage and family life. This is a host who is well managed with family affairs. For his chosen one, he can become not only a reliable rear, but also a true friend, adviser and lover. For the children who have appeared, he will become a good father who will devote all his free time to them, surround them with warmth and love. For the sake of the family, such a man will be able to sacrifice his career and hobbies.

Compatibility of Libra men born in the year of the Horse

Since the representatives of this sign are very calm and balanced, they converge with almost all representatives of the signs of the zodiac. Until a man is going to build a family, a woman born under the sign of Gemini, Leo, will suit him. For marriage, in most cases, women born under the sign of Sagittarius are suitable for men Horse - Libra. In general, according to astrologers, there is little in common between them and the nature of their attraction has not been studied, but, as practice shows, just such a union can be strong and durable. But this is only if a man is looking for a companion for life. If they are interested in a profitable financial union, then in this case, Libra men born in the year of the Horse are ideally suited for women under the sign of Virgo or Capricorn.

Characteristics of a woman Horse - Libra

Women who like to keep everything under their control. If they set a goal for themselves, they will go to it no matter what. They rarely deviate from the intended course, thanks to which they achieve a lot in life. Such women are very perceptive and feel the people around them well. By nature, these are very strong and purposeful representatives of the fair sex. They never go over their heads and do not incite anyone, even if this is the only way out on the way to achieving the goal. They always try to remain honest with themselves and others, which helps to get a lot of friends. Not everyone always has their own opinion.

Libra women born in the year of the Horse: love, relationships, marriage

These are refined, romantic natures who harmoniously build their relationships. If they sincerely fall in love, they will try to help their partner as much as possible, build home comfort and try to maintain a reverent relationship. They like to take the initiative into their own hands and therefore often decide on marriage on their own.

The couple are very jealous, and always try to completely control their spouse. But at the same time, they understand that their companion needs personal space. Their tolerance helps to maintain long and harmonious family relationships. Such women have developed intuition, which contributes to a good understanding of their partner.

About compatibility for a woman

Woman Horse - Libra cannot boast of compatibility with many signs of the zodiac. Why? Since they are self-sufficient and are not used to waiting for handouts from a man, they should have a chosen one near them who can become a faithful companion in life.

Women Horse - Libra converge well with males born under the sign of Aries. In this case, we can say that opposites attract. The union of such women with Libra men is considered harmonious and complete. They are also suitable for Virgo.

The most temperamental union can be between a Libra woman - a Horse and a Scorpio man, but, unfortunately, it is short-lived. Often such an alliance quickly arises, but quickly fades away.