New rules for fishing. On the rules of fisheries and fisheries Rules of fisheries in Belarus

Rules for fishing in the Republic of Belarus, contain a lot of points that are worth exploring before you go fishing. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and not have problems with local fish protection authorities. Below are the main points from Rules for fishing in Belarus.


Fishing objects and recreational fishing norms

13. In fishing grounds, amateur fishing and harvesting of aquatic invertebrates that have not reached the size specified in Appendix 2 of these Rules is prohibited.
The length of the fish is determined by measuring the distance from the top of the snout (with the mouth closed) to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin; the length of the crayfish and shrimp is from the line of the eyes to the end of the tail plate.

14. The maximum by-catch of fish less than the size allowed for catching, specified in Appendix 2, is set at no more than 21 percent of the account of the catch of these fish species.
Caught fish and harvested aquatic invertebrates smaller than those specified in Appendix 2 of these Rules, in excess of the allowable by-catch, must be released back alive.

15. Fishing grounds are allowed to catch no more than 5 kg of fish per fisherman per day, except in cases where the weight of one fish exceeds this norm. Eel fishing can only be carried out for a fee in the manner prescribed by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

The catch of crayfish per person should not exceed 30 pieces per day, shrimps - no more than 1 kg.

17. The rate of catch of fish used as bait for fishing predatory fish, no more than 30 pieces per day per person are allowed. It is prohibited to catch as bait juveniles of fish species specified in Appendix 2 of these Rules.
3. Tools (equipment) of recreational fishing

19. In the fishing grounds of the Republic of Belarus, amateur fishing and harvesting of aquatic invertebrates is carried out with fishing gear (tackle) not prohibited by these Rules.
Non-prohibited fishing gear (tackle) for recreational fishing includes: fly fishing, float and bottom rods of all systems, spinning rods, circles, tracks, vents, traps and nets for catching crayfish and shrimps, spearguns and pistols for spearfishing, nets and lifting nets for catching live bait.

4. Restrictions on the timing of fishing for fish and aquatic invertebrates

21. In order to preserve the fish resources of the Republic of Belarus and create favorable conditions for fish spawning, taking into account the hydrometeorological forecast, on the proposal of the Committee for Fish Protection, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus annually establishes a ban (restrictions) on amateur fishing in fishing grounds.
The duration of the ban (restriction) of fishing during the spring spawning of fish in all water bodies and all types of fish is at least 60 days.
The duration of the spring ban on fishing in water bodies regularly stocked with fattening fish species is 30 days. The list of such reservoirs is determined
Fishery Committee.

The specific terms of the spring ban on fishing, as well as the list of fishery reservoirs and their areas where limited fishing is allowed during the ban period, are approved by order of the Minister of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus.
The terms of the ban and the regime of fishing during the spring spawning period of fish are communicated to the population through the media. The ban comes into force from the moment of publication of the order about it in the periodical press.

23. During the spring spawning period, recreational fishing may be allowed in certain water bodies by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection upon the proposal of the Committee for Fisheries Protection, agreed with local executive and administrative bodies, only from the shore in areas outside the spawning grounds of one float rod with one hook per angler or spinning during daylight hours.

24. Amateur fishing in wintering pits is prohibited from October 1 to April 15. The list of wintering pits indicating their boundaries is approved by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Belarus.

25. In addition to the ban on catching all types of fish during the spring spawning season, the following prohibitions are established:

Rules for fishing in Belarus. Annex 2

Minimum sizes of fish and aquatic vertebrates ( according to the rules of fishing in Belarus) allowed for fishing by amateur fishermen (cm)
Whitefish - 36 (36), peled - 25 (25), vendace - 14, pike - 40 (40), bream - 27, ide - 25 (25), tench - 22, grass carp - 36 (36), silver carp - 36 (36), carp (carp) - 30, asp - 34, sabrefish - 24, blue bream - 20, zander - 40 (40), European catfish - 70 (70), burbot - 36 (36), chub - 25, podust - 22, narrow-clawed crayfish - 9(9).
Note: without brackets - in leased fishing grounds, in brackets - in non-leased fishing grounds.

On June 26, 2014, a new edition of the Rules for the management of game management and hunting, fishing and fishing comes into force. The procedure for the implementation of recreational fishing is regulated by a regulatory legal document - the Rules for Conducting Fisheries and Fisheries. Before going fishing, the angler should study this document.

Decree of the President
The Republic of Belarus
08.12.2005 № 580
(as amended by the Decree of the President
The Republic of Belarus
05.12.2013 № 551)




1. These Rules govern the procedure for conducting fishing and fishing in the fund of fishing grounds.

2. The following basic concepts and their definitions are used in these Rules:

fish acclimatization– introducing fish of a certain species into fishing grounds outside the range of this species of fish and ensuring its adaptation to a new habitat and the ability to naturally reproduce;

fish species range- the area of ​​geographical distribution of individuals of a certain species of fish, regardless of the degree of constancy of its habitat, excluding places of accidental entry;

hook- a device in the form of a metal hook on the handle used to retrieve fish from the water caught by recreational fishing gear permitted by these Rules;

bagrenie- a prohibited method of fishing with the use of hook fishing gear, in which fishing is carried out not with bait or bait, but by grabbing (holding) the fish with a hook by any part of the body;

Coast- part of the land immediately adjacent to the water body;

coastline- a conditional boundary separating a water body from land;

fishery management- activities carried out by the tenant (user) of fishing grounds for the protection, reproduction and rational (sustainable) use of fish resources by organizing paid recreational fishing or commercial fishing and organizing paid recreational fishing;

kind of fish- a taxonomic unit, a genetically and (or) reproductively isolated set of fish individuals that form populations with common morphophysiological features, occupying a common (solid or partially broken) area;

reproduction of fish resources- natural (regulated or unregulated) or artificial process of renewal of fish resources, restoration of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of fish populations;

introduction of fish (stocking)- activities aimed at releasing fish of a certain type and age into fishing grounds;

state bodies exercising control over the management of fisheries and fisheries (hereinafter referred to as fishing control bodies),– The Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and its territorial bodies, the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants under the President of the Republic of Belarus, state environmental and forestry institutions subordinate to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus;

derivative- a derivative of fish (caviar, as well as stuffed animals, souvenirs and other products), products of its processing (medical, food, perfumery and cosmetics, and others);

wild animals related to fishing objects,- all types of fish, lampreys living in a state of natural freedom in fishing grounds, with the exception of fish, lampreys belonging to the species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus (hereinafter, unless otherwise indicated - fish);

fish production- removal of fish from its habitat (hereinafter, unless otherwise specified, - fishing);

track- a method of fishing in which the bait or bait is towed using vessels, including those with engines;

outrageous phenomenon- an event associated with the death of fish and aquatic invertebrates in a particular water body, caused by a decrease in the oxygen content in the water;

fish protection- activities aimed at preventing harm to the life of fish from the impact of anthropogenic factors, diseases, as well as emergency situations and adverse environmental conditions;

fish introduction- the introduction of fish into fishing grounds that they have not mastered before, or outside their range;

fishing quota– approved for tenants (users) of fishing grounds for a certain period of time, the mandatory volumes of fish catch from fishing grounds;

fishing limits- established for tenants (users) of fishing grounds for a certain period of time, the maximum allowable volumes of catching certain types of fish;

recreational fishing gear- all fishing gear permitted by these Rules for recreational fishing;

recreational fishing- fishing, including spearfishing, carried out by anglers to satisfy the need for outdoor activities and (or) obtaining fishery products without the purpose of generating income;

illegal fishing- fishing without a proper permit, or at prohibited times and (or) periods, or in prohibited places, or with prohibited tools, or prohibited methods and techniques;

fish catch rate- established for anglers engaged in recreational fishing, the maximum allowable volumes of fish catch for a certain period of time;

norms of admissible catch of fish- maximum allowable volumes of fish catch from fishing grounds in accordance with Appendix 1;

an organization that implements the integrated use of water and fish resources,- a legal entity that is engaged in fishing, growing and breeding commercial fish and fish seed and in respect of which the Republic of Belarus or an administrative-territorial unit, having shares (shares) in the statutory fund, can determine the decisions taken by this legal entity;

fishing gear- hook, straining, tying, holding and other gear (devices, means) used for fishing:

    hook fishing tools - tackle, the principle of which is based on impaling fish on a hook and then holding it (straps, fishing rods, spinning rods);
    enveloping fishing gear - gear, the principle of which is based on the retention of fish in the meshes of the netting, placed in the path of the fish (net);
    strainer fishing gear - gear, the principle of operation of which is based on the environment of the fish with a net wall with its gradual selection (net);
    retaining fishing gear - tackle, the principle of which is based on blocking the path of fish movement with a net wall (wing) and directing it into a special device, the exit from which is difficult (traps);

catching fish- removal of fish from the habitat with the preservation of its life;

transfer- bottom hook tackle in the form of a cord fixed at both ends at the bottom, with a total number of hooks of more than 10 pieces;

fish population density- the number of fish introduced per unit area of ​​fishing grounds;

spearfishing- search and (or) production of fish by immersion in water using an underwater gun or a pistol and (or) other fishing tools;

fish search- actions aimed at finding fish, including the presence of an angler in fishing grounds or on their shore with fishing gear;

fish population- a separate set of one species of fish that lives in certain fishing grounds;

fishery products- fish and (or) derivatives obtained as a result of fishing;

fishing measure- the minimum size of fish, upon reaching which it is allowed to catch it;

commercial fishing- fishing carried out by legal entities in order to obtain fishery products and use them in economic activities;

fishing gear- fishing gear permitted by these Rules for commercial fishing;

commercial stock of fish- part of the total fish biomass used for commercial and recreational fishing;

mesh size (pitch)- the distance between the midpoints of the nearest mesh mesh nodes;

fish dispersal- the introduction of fish, aimed at changing the habitat of fish within its range;

fish reintroduction- the introduction of a certain species of fish into fishing grounds in which it previously lived, but for some reason disappeared;

republican complex scheme of allocation of fishing grounds- a document that contains information about fishing grounds suitable for fishing (name, total area (length), types, classes or categories of fishing grounds, their location);

fish resources- a set of fish with consumer value that is used or can be used in the implementation of economic or other activities;

fishing brigade- two or more individuals working for the lessee (user) of fishing grounds on the basis of an employment or civil law contract and having fishing tickets;

fishing grounds- a part of the territory of the Republic of Belarus (reservoirs and streams), which is a permanent habitat for fish or is important for its reproduction, feeding, wintering, migration, and is also used or can be used for fishing, with the exception of artificial reservoirs (ponds, canals, cages , pools) that are used for fish farming, water bodies that are sources of drinking water supply, water bodies located in territories exposed to radioactive contamination as a result of the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, belonging to the evacuation (exclusion) zone, the zone of priority resettlement, the zone of subsequent resettlement, from which the population has been resettled and where a check-in regime has been established, as well as water bodies located in specially protected natural and other territories, in accordance with the regime of protection and use of which fishing is prohibited;

fishing- search, pursuit, attempted production and (or) production of fish living in natural freedom (hereinafter, unless otherwise indicated - fishing);

anglers– citizens of the Republic of Belarus, foreign citizens and stateless persons engaged in recreational fishing;

fish stock- fish of a certain type and age, intended for introduction into fishing grounds;

fish productivity- the number (biomass) of fish per unit area of ​​fishing grounds or the length of fishing grounds, growing over a certain period of time;

daylight hours- a period of time that begins one hour before sunrise and ends one hour after sunset;

fishing methods- a set of techniques and actions with the use of fishing gear or without their use, aimed at catching fish;

fish habitat- the natural environment (water body) in which the fish lives in a state of natural freedom;

dark time days A period of time that begins one hour after sunset and ends one hour before sunrise.

3. All fishing grounds are divided into the following types:

    reservoirs (lakes and artificial water bodies);
    watercourses (rivers, streams and canals).

Reservoirs are divided into the following classes:

    whitefish and smelt;

Watercourses are divided into the following categories:

    the first is over 500 kilometers long;
    the second - with a length of 200 to 500 kilometers;
    the third - with a length of 5 to 200 kilometers;
    the fourth - up to 5 kilometers long.

4. All fishing grounds constitute the fund of fishing grounds, which is subdivided into:

    fund of fishing grounds leased for fishing;
    a fund of fishing grounds provided for free use by decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus;
    a fund of fishing grounds not leased for fishing or for free use by decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus and constituting a fund of fishing grounds reserve (hereinafter referred to as the fund of fishing grounds reserve).



5. The right to conduct fishing in fishing grounds arises for a legal entity from the date of signing a lease agreement (hereinafter referred to as the lessee of fishing grounds) or a decision is made to provide these grounds for free use (hereinafter referred to as the user of fishing grounds).

6. Fishing grounds (reservoirs, sections of watercourses and transboundary water bodies) are leased to legal entities on the basis of decisions of regional executive committees agreed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. Fishing grounds of the reserve fund are leased based on the results of the auction, except for the cases specified in paragraph 13 of these Rules.
Fishing grounds can be provided for gratuitous use by the decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus to state environmental and forestry institutions subordinate to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and organizations engaged in the integrated use of water and fish resources.

7. Fishing grounds are provided for lease with a land plot necessary for fishing, except for cases where the land plot or part of it is provided to other legal entities or individuals.
The provision of lease of a land plot necessary for the conduct of fishing is carried out in accordance with the legislation on the protection and use of land.

8. The decision to lease out fishing grounds located on the territory of two or more regions is taken jointly by the relevant regional executive committees.

9. Regional executive committees provide fishing grounds for rent in accordance with the republican integrated scheme for the allocation of fishing grounds, approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in agreement with the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

10. To obtain fishing grounds for rent, a legal entity submits the following documents to the regional executive committee:

    application for the provision of fishing grounds for rent (hereinafter referred to as the application);
    draft contract for the lease of fishing grounds;
    a copy of the map-scheme (part of the map-scheme) of the relevant fishing grounds with marked boundaries;
    a biological and economic justification agreed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, or a fish breeding and biological justification that has a positive conclusion from the state environmental expertise and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

Requirements for the content and form of biological-economic and fish-breeding-biological justifications are established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
To prepare a biological and economic justification, a legal entity has the right to request from the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus, local executive and administrative bodies, other government authorities the necessary information about the fishing grounds that this person plans to lease.

11. The grounds for refusal to provide fishing grounds for rent are:

    the presence of false information in the submitted documents;
    non-compliance of the submitted documents with the requirements of these Rules;
    application for the provision of fishing grounds for rent before the expiration of one year from the date of termination of the lease agreement for fishing grounds at the initiative of the regional executive committee.

12. Bidding for the lease of fishing grounds of the reserve fund is organized and conducted by the regional executive committee or, on its behalf, the district executive committee in the manner prescribed by law.

13. Lease of fishing grounds without bidding is carried out in the following cases:

    conclusion for a new term of the contract for the lease of fishing grounds upon the expiration of its validity with the tenant of fishing grounds, who duly performed his duties;
    conclusion of a lease agreement for fishing grounds during the reorganization of a legal entity that is a tenant of these grounds, in the form of separation from its composition of one or more legal entities or its transformation.

14. The regional executive committee within a month from the date of receipt of the documents specified in paragraph 10 of these Rules:

    examines the documents submitted by this applicant;
    coordinates the draft decision on the provision of fishing grounds for rent and the draft agreement for the lease of fishing grounds with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, state environmental institutions managing specially protected natural areas, if the fishing grounds are located within the boundaries of such territories or their protected zones.

15. The regional executive committee, within ten days from the date of the decision, concludes a lease agreement for fishing grounds with a legal entity.
The lease agreement for fishing grounds provides for:

    the subject of the fishing grounds lease agreement, including the type, class or category, the name of the fishing grounds, the total area (length) and the boundaries of the fishing grounds;
    rights and obligations of the parties to the lease of fishing grounds;
    the amount and terms of payment of the rent;
    liability for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the fishing grounds lease agreement;
    duration of the fishing grounds lease agreement;
    the procedure for changing the terms of the contract for the lease of fishing grounds, its termination and termination;
    restrictions on the use of fishing grounds in specially protected areas and natural areas subject to special protection;
    other conditions that do not contradict the law, which the parties recognize as necessary to provide for in the contract.

An approximate form of a lease agreement for fishing grounds is established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
An integral part of the fishing grounds lease agreement is the act of acceptance and transfer of fishing grounds, which is signed by the regional executive committee and the legal entity to which the fishing grounds are leased.
In the act of acceptance and transfer of fishing grounds, in accordance with the biological and economic justification, the type, class or category, name of fishing grounds, total area (length), boundaries (in the case of leasing a plot of fishing grounds), types of fish living in fishing grounds are indicated leased out.
One copy of the fishing grounds lease agreement within ten days from the date of its conclusion is sent by the regional executive committee to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the territorial body of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the relevant inter-district inspection of the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

16. The decision to lease fishing grounds shall indicate the total area (length), area (length) by types, classes or categories of fishing grounds, their name, boundaries, lease term, as well as restrictions on the use of fishing grounds in specially protected areas and natural areas subject to special protection.

17. The contract for the lease of fishing grounds is concluded for a period of at least ten years. The term of the lease is determined by the decision of the regional executive committee and is calculated from the date of signing the said agreement.

18. If one of the parties evades the conclusion of the contract for the lease of fishing grounds based on the results of the auction, the other party has the right to apply to the court with a demand to compel the conclusion of the contract, as well as compensation for damage caused by evading its conclusion.

19. For the lease of fishing grounds, a rent is charged, the amount of which is provided for in the lease agreement for fishing grounds. The rates of payment for the lease of fishing grounds are determined by the regional executive committees and cannot be less than the minimum rates of payment for the lease of fishing grounds approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
The minimum rates of payment for the lease of fishing grounds are calculated by regions based on the types, classes and categories of fishing grounds, taking into account the standards for the allowable catch of fish, and are adjusted annually on the basis of a coefficient that takes into account the inflation rate in relation to December of the previous year.

20. After the expiration of the lease agreement for fishing grounds, the lessee of fishing grounds, who duly performed his duties, has a preferential right over other persons to conclude a lease agreement for these grounds for a new period without bidding.
The tenant of fishing grounds, two months before the expiration of the lease agreement for fishing grounds, if he wishes to conclude a lease agreement for fishing grounds for a new period, notifies the regional executive committee in writing.

21. Change and termination of lease agreements for fishing grounds is possible by agreement of the parties, unless otherwise provided by the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, these Rules and the agreement. Amendments to the lease agreements for fishing grounds and termination of lease agreements for fishing grounds are carried out in accordance with the procedure established by these Rules for the conclusion of lease agreements for fishing grounds.
An agreement to amend, terminate a fishing grounds lease agreement is made in the same form as the conclusion of the agreement.
In case of amendments to the lease agreement for fishing grounds, one copy of the agreement to amend the specified agreement within ten days from the date of its conclusion is sent by the regional executive committee to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the territorial body of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the interdistrict inspection of animal protection and flora of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

22. Sublease of fishing grounds, as well as the conclusion of other civil law agreements providing for the granting (transfer) of the right to use fishing grounds, are prohibited.

23. The tenant of fishing grounds once every five years is accredited for the right to conduct fishing in the manner established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.
This accreditation is carried out by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food together with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants under the President of the Republic of Belarus and regional executive committees.

24. The right to fisheries is terminated in the event of termination and termination of the contract for the lease of fishing grounds.
The validity of the agreement on the lease of fishing grounds is terminated on the grounds provided for by the Civil Code of the Republic of Belarus, if it is necessary to use fishing grounds for state needs.
The right to conduct fishing activities and the validity of the contract for the lease of fishing grounds in the cases specified in parts one and two of this paragraph shall be terminated on the day the relevant circumstance occurs.

25. The contract for the lease of fishing grounds is terminated:

    by agreement of the parties;
    based on the decision of the regional executive committee when:
    liquidation of a legal entity - a tenant of fishing grounds;
    reorganization of a legal entity - the lessee of fishing grounds in the form of a merger, accession or division;
    non-accreditation of a legal entity in the manner prescribed by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus;
    failure to conduct fisheries for more than one year from the date of conclusion of the lease agreement for fishing grounds;
    non-payment of rent more than twice in a row after the expiration of the payment period established by the fishing grounds lease agreement;
    court at the request of one of the parties in case of violation of the terms of the fishing grounds lease agreement, including in the following cases:
    use of fishing grounds for other purposes;
    failure to ensure the quota of fish catch in full during the year;
    non-stocking of fishing grounds in accordance with the volumes and frequency established in the biological substantiation of stocking or fish-breeding biological substantiation;
    assignment of the right to use fishing grounds;
    the absence of a fish-breeding biological justification that has a positive conclusion from the state ecological expertise, after two and a half years from the date of conclusion of the fishing grounds lease agreement;
    systematic (more than two times within one year) violation of the conditions specified in the fishing grounds lease agreement or these Rules;
    non-elimination by the lessee of the fishing grounds within the established period of violations that led to the complete or partial suspension of the fishing industry by order (decree) of the fishing control body.

On the proposal of the fishing control authorities, the lease agreement for fishing grounds may be terminated on the basis of the decision of the regional executive committee, agreed with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

26. In the event of termination or termination of the fishing grounds lease agreement, the return of the leased fishing grounds shall be carried out by the fishing grounds tenant within a month from the date of the occurrence of circumstances that entail the termination or termination of the fishing grounds lease agreement, on the basis of an act of acceptance and transfer of these grounds.
The act of acceptance and transfer of fishing grounds is drawn up on the basis of comparative data on the commercial stock of fish as of the date of transfer of fishing grounds to lease, determined in the biological and economic justification, and the commercial stock of fish on the date of return of fishing grounds, which is calculated on the basis of accounting data on the volume of fish catch for the period lease of fishing grounds.
In the event of a deterioration in the species diversity of fish living in fishing grounds, a decrease in its commercial stock for the period of lease of fishing grounds as a result of failure to take appropriate measures for the protection, reproduction and rational (sustainable) use of fish resources, the leaseholder of fishing grounds shall compensate the state for the damage caused in the amount determined by the rates , established by the President of the Republic of Belarus, and in case of impossibility of their application - according to the actual costs of restoring the disturbed state of the environment, taking into account the losses incurred, including lost profits.

27. Information on the termination and termination of the agreement on the lease of fishing grounds within ten days from the date of termination of the agreement is sent by the regional executive committee to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the territorial body of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the relevant inter-district inspection of the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the protection of flora and fauna under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
Information on the conclusion and termination of lease agreements for fishing grounds is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the global computer network Internet.


28. Fisheries management is carried out by tenants (users) of fishing grounds in accordance with these Rules and fish-biological justifications, except for the case specified in part two of this paragraph.
Until the approval of the fish-breeding and biological justification, the fishing industry is carried out by the tenant (user) of the fishing grounds in accordance with the biological and economic justification agreed in the manner established in paragraph 10 of these Rules, and in compliance with the requirements provided for by these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating issues of protection and use of fish resources.

29. Lessees (users) of fishing grounds, within two and a half years from the date of conclusion of the lease agreement for fishing grounds (making a decision to provide fishing grounds for free use), must ensure the development of fish biological justifications, the passage of state environmental expertise and their approval in the prescribed manner .
When changing the lessee (user) of fishing grounds, the fish-breeding biological justification can be used during its validity period by another lessee (user) of fishing grounds, provided that changes are made to it about the name and location of the lessee (user).

30. Fish breeding and biological justifications, as well as changes and (or) additions to them, are subject to approval by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the presence of a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise.

31. State ecological expertise of fish-breeding biological justifications, as well as changes and (or) additions to them, is carried out in accordance with the legislation on state ecological expertise.

32. Fishing without a fish-breeding biological justification or on the basis of a fish-breeding biological justification that does not have a positive conclusion from the state ecological expertise and is not approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food is prohibited.

33. Fish breeding and biological justifications are developed for a period of ten years.

34. On the basis of fish breeding and biological justifications that have a positive conclusion from the state ecological expertise and approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, or biological and economic justifications (developed taking into account the allowable catch standards in accordance with Appendix 1 to these Rules), agreed in the manner prescribed by these Rules, The Ministry of Agriculture and Food annually sets fishing quotas for each leased fishing ground.


35. Commercial fishing is carried out:

    tenants (users) of fishing grounds in accordance with the established quotas for fishing;
    legal entities in the stock of fishing grounds according to quotas, which are implemented by regional executive committees in the manner and under the conditions established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

36. Commercial fishing of all types of fish is allowed in fishing grounds, with the exception of fish species, for which restrictions or prohibitions are established in accordance with the legislation.
In the case of catching fish, lampreys, belonging to the species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, they must be released into the fishing grounds in a live form, and the facts of their catching and release must be noted in the log book according to the form in Appendix 2.
If the caught fish, lampreys, belonging to the species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, cannot be released alive into the fishing grounds, the person responsible for maintaining the tone log is obliged, after filling it out, to draw up an act that indicates:

    species, number, average weight of caught fish, lampreys;
    the state of caught fish, lampreys when sampling from commercial fishing gear;
    use of caught fish, lampreys;
    surnames and initials of persons who carried out commercial fishing, in which fish, lampreys were caught, belonging to the species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus.

A copy of the act specified in part three of this clause shall be sent within ten days to the appropriate territorial body of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

37. In commercial fishing, it is allowed to catch fish that have not reached the commercial measure in accordance with Appendix 3, at a rate of not more than 20 percent of the number of fish caught of each of the species for which the commercial measure has been established.
The length of the fish is determined by measuring the distance from the top of the snout (with the mouth closed) to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin.
Commercial fishing may be carried out without observing the norm of catching fish that has not reached the commercial measure, if this is provided for by the fish breeding and biological justification.

38. In the case of regulating the number of fish, the catch rate of fish that has not reached the commercial level may be changed or canceled by permission issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, in accordance with the Rules for regulating the distribution and number of wild animals approved by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus.

39. Commercial fishing may be carried out using seines, nets, traps and (or) traps. The nomenclature and number of commercial fishing gear permitted for use are determined in the biological-economic or fish-breeding-biological substantiation based on the methodology approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

40. In commercial fishing, fishing gear made of netting may be used with the following minimum mesh sizes:

    in seines: in a motna - 18 millimeters, drive - 22 millimeters, wings - 26 millimeters;
    in fixed and smooth networks - at least 28 millimeters;
    in seines and nets for fishing, bleaks - at least 12 millimeters;
    in traps, with the exception of the traps specified in the sixth and seventh paragraphs of this part - at least 28 millimeters;
    in traps for catching American catfish - at least 18 millimeters;
    in eel traps - at least 16 millimeters.

The mesh size (pitch) in fishing gear is determined by measuring the distance between 11 knots of the net fabric located on the same straight line, and dividing the resulting number by 10.
When using seines and nets for fishing for bleak, traps for catching American catfish and eel, the catch of these fish species must be at least 70 percent of the weight of the total catch. The catch of other fish species should not exceed 30 percent of the weight of the total catch. If this requirement is violated, commercial fishing must be stopped.

41. When carrying out fish breeding and reclamation measures, regulating the number of fish, fishing in the event of deadlock events in fishing grounds, tenants (users) of fishing grounds, local executive and administrative bodies or legal entities authorized by them may use fishing gear made of netting materials with a mesh size of less than permitted by these Rules.

42. Used for commercial fishing, as well as for carrying out fish-breeding and reclamation activities, fishing gear must be registered and marked with marks in the relevant inter-district inspectorates for the protection of fauna and flora of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animal and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus.

43. In order to register commercial fishing gear, the tenants (users) of fishing lands who have purchased commercial fishing gear or manufactured them on their own, submit within a month from the date of their purchase (manufacture) to the relevant interdistrict inspectorates for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animal and Plant peace under the President of the Republic of Belarus application for registration of commercial fishing gear.
Copies are attached to the application:
fish-breeding-biological or biological-economic substantiation;
a document confirming the presence of commercial fishing gear on the balance sheet of the lessee (user) of fishing grounds.

44. Commercial fishing gear submitted for registration, the use of which is provided for by a biological-economic or fish-breeding-biological justification, shall be measured and marked within three days. All the necessary information is recorded in the register of fishing gear in the form in accordance with Appendix 4.

45. The production of markings is carried out by the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants under the President of the Republic of Belarus at the expense of the republican budget.

46. ​​Marking of commercial fishing gear is carried out by installing a marking on commercial fishing gear. Markings are installed free of charge and have a rectangular shape measuring 74 x 9 millimeters, they indicate the type of fishing gear, mesh size (pitch) and registration number.

47. Markings are attached to fishing gear and sealed on:

    nets - on the upper selection of the right wing;
    networks - between the second and third floats. One marking sign is installed on a network 50 meters long. If the length of the network is more than 50 meters, additional markings are installed for every next 50 meters of the network;
    traps - in the upper part of the base of the neck.

If the tenant (user) of the fishing grounds loses the markings, the re-marking of fishing gear with markings is carried out after the reimbursement of budgetary funds spent on the manufacture of markings.

48. Commercial fishing is carried out by persons working for the lessee (user) of fishing grounds on the basis of an employment or civil law contract and having fishing tickets.

49. Fishing tickets in accordance with Appendix 5 are issued by regional executive committees for a period of one year to each person who will carry out commercial fishing in fishing grounds.

50. Forms of a fishing ticket are forms of documents with some degree protection and are made in the manner prescribed by law by order of the regional executive committees.

51. The lessee (user) of fishing grounds, within a month from the date of conclusion of the contract for the lease of fishing grounds (provision of fishing grounds for use), applies to the regional executive committee with an application for the issuance of fishing tickets.
Attached to the application:

    a list of persons who will carry out commercial fishing;
    photographs of persons (3 x 4 centimeters) who will carry out commercial fishing;
    copies of labor or civil law contracts on the basis of which these citizens work for the lessee (user) of fishing grounds;
    payment order (or a copy thereof) confirming payment for obtaining a fishing ticket;
    a copy of the announcement in the print media - in case of loss of a previously issued fishing ticket.

52. An applicant for a fishing ticket cannot be a person:

    brought to criminal or administrative responsibility for illegal fishing - until the expiration of the period during which it is considered to have a criminal record or subjected to administrative penalties;
    in respect of which a decision was made to cancel the specified fishing ticket - within two years from the date of such a decision;
    who did not return the fishing ticket under the circumstances and within the time limits provided for by these Rules - within one year from the date of occurrence of the relevant circumstance.

53. The regional executive committee considers the documents submitted in accordance with paragraph 51 of these Rules within ten days from the date of their receipt and makes a decision to issue a fishing ticket or to refuse to issue it.

54. Issued fishing tickets are issued to persons who will carry out commercial fishing in fishing grounds, personally upon presentation of an identity document.
For the issuance of a fishing ticket, a fee of 0.3 of the base value is charged.
The amount of the fee is determined on the date of registration of the documents specified in paragraph 51 of these Rules.
The fee for issuing a fishing permit is transferred by the tenant of fishing grounds to the republican budget.

55. In case of becoming unusable, as well as loss, a fishing ticket is not subject to recovery. The lessee (user) may apply for a new fishing ticket in the manner prescribed by these Rules.

56. The validity of a fishing ticket is terminated:

    after the expiration of the period of validity for which it was issued;
    in case of its loss;
    when a person to whom a fishing ticket was issued submits an application for the termination of the right to carry out commercial fishing;
    when the lessee (user) of the fishing grounds submits an application for the termination of the validity of the fishing license due to the termination of the labor or civil law contract, on the basis of which the person to whom the fishing license was issued works for the lessee (user) of the fishing grounds;
    upon termination of the lease agreement for fishing grounds or the right to free use of fishing grounds;
    in case of cancellation.

57. The fishing ticket is canceled on the basis of the decision of the regional executive committee, if:

    the fishing ticket was issued on the basis of inaccurate information provided by the lessee (user) of the fishing grounds;
    the person in respect of whom the decision was made to issue a fishing ticket did not apply for the said ticket within two months from the date of the decision to issue it.

In the event that the officials of the fishing control bodies reveal the fact of illegal fishing by persons engaged in commercial fishing, the fishing ticket is subject to withdrawal.
Seized fishing tickets after consideration of the case materials on an administrative offense or sending materials to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case are transferred within ten days to the regional executive committee, which is noted in the case materials on an administrative offense or materials sent to resolve the issue of initiating a criminal case .
The regional executive committee, within seven days from the date of receipt of the withdrawn fishing ticket, decides on its cancellation or return and notifies the tenant (user) of the fishing grounds and the fishing control authority that withdrew the ticket.

58. Upon termination of the fishing ticket, the specified ticket must be returned to the regional executive committee within ten days.


59. When carrying out commercial fishing, tenants (users) of fishing grounds and persons engaged in commercial fishing are obliged to comply with the safety rules established in this chapter.

60. Persons engaged in commercial fishing must be able to swim, manage ships, provide first aid to drowning people.

61. Persons engaged in commercial fishing, when working with fixed nets and seines, are obliged to:

    check the serviceability of fishing gear and small boats;
    carry out a thorough collection of nets and seines to prevent their entanglement during sweeping;
    sweep wet nets overboard when installing them;
    to throw out anchors from that board of the small size vessel from which the current is directed;
    to have on small vessels serving the seine, spare oars, lanterns, life-saving and ebb equipment, ladders and gangways in a fixed form.

62. When carrying out commercial fishing, it is prohibited:

    go out for commercial fishing without life-saving equipment (individual life jacket, circle, rope);
    turn on or turn off (except in emergency cases) equipment, mechanisms, starting equipment, electrical equipment without the head of the fishing team.

63. Persons engaged in commercial fishing in ice-covered fishing grounds are obliged to:

    check the condition of the ice before starting to fish (its thickness should be at least 10 centimeters, if equipment and mechanisms weighing up to 1.5 tons are used in commercial fishing, its thickness should be at least 24 centimeters, weighing from 1.5 tons to 3, 5 tons - at least 35 centimeters);
    check the serviceability of fishing gear, equipment and mechanisms used for commercial fishing;
    have with you means of rescue on the water (rope with knots, hook);
    use "bouzluks" that are tied to the soles of shoes;
    after completion of work, free all fishing gear from snow and ice and protect the launch and exhaust lanes with special signs.

64. When carrying out commercial fishing in ice-covered fishing grounds, it is prohibited:

    go on the ice when there is a message about a storm warning or heavy snowfall, as well as to fish when the ice thickness is less than that specified in paragraph two of paragraph 63 of these Rules;
    come closer than 1 meter to the lane when starting the run;
    stand closer than 0.5 meters from the hole when hauling the working line during the run race;
    to be by unauthorized persons near the launch or pulling of the seine and the rotating parts of the winch;
    remove ice from the drill auger during its movement (rotation).

65. Lessees (users) of fishing grounds when organizing commercial fishing with the use of small vessels are obliged to:

    provide persons engaged in commercial fishing with first aid kits, rescue equipment and equip walkways, work platforms and ladders with anti-slip coatings and floorings;
    check the serviceability of small boats before going to commercial fishing.

66. When carrying out commercial fishing with the use of small vessels, it is prohibited:

    use auxiliary mechanisms, the moving parts of which are not covered by protective covers;
    to carry out commercial fishing on vessels with a displacement of less than 5 tons with waves over 2 points (wave height 0.25–0.75 meters) and wind strength over 4 points (wind speed 5.3–7.4 meters per second);
    move from a small vessel to the shore, a berth or other vessel without a ladder, use boards and faulty gangways, leave the ladders in an unstable position for the duration of the crossings;
    use synthetic ropes with signs of abrasion, with fiber breakage, when the rope elongates under load by more than 25 percent of its original length and does not recover after removing the load, at temperatures below 20 ° C and above 40 ° C;
    work when unhooking nets without a safety belt fixed to regular places or solid ship structures;
    to transport passengers, except for persons engaged in commercial fishing, in the presence of an insufficient number of life-saving equipment;
    sit on board or stand while the recreational craft is in motion.


67. The organization of paid amateur fishing is carried out in accordance with the established quotas for fishing:

    in fishing grounds provided for free use by users of these fishing grounds;
    in fishing grounds leased by the tenants of these fishing grounds.

Within two and a half years from the date of the conclusion of the lease agreement for fishing grounds (the decision to provide fishing grounds for free use), the organization of paid recreational fishing is carried out by the tenant (user) of fishing grounds in accordance with the biological and economic justification.

68. The organization of paid amateur fishing is carried out through the sale by tenants (users) of fishing grounds to citizens of vouchers for paid amateur fishing in the form in accordance with Appendix 6. Fishing without a voucher is prohibited.

The leaseholders (users) of fishing grounds sell vouchers for paid recreational fishing after fulfilling their obligations to create favorable conditions for recreational fishing (stocking of fishing grounds in accordance with biological justifications for stocking and fish-biological justifications, equipment of boat stations, moorings, parking lots and places for lodging for the night, rental of fishing equipment, small boats and the provision of other services) established by lease agreements for fishing grounds. The creation of these conditions is confirmed by an act signed by a representative of the regional executive committee. The sale of vouchers for paid amateur fishing without an act confirming the creation of favorable conditions for recreational fishing is prohibited.

The procedure for the sale of vouchers for paid amateur fishing and the fishing regime are determined by the tenants (users) of the fishing grounds.

When selling vouchers for paid amateur fishing, tenants (users) of fishing grounds are not entitled to give preference to one person over another.
When carrying out paid recreational fishing, the fisherman is obliged to carry and present, at the request of the tenant (user) of fishing grounds and officials of fishing control bodies, a ticket for paid recreational fishing.

69. Information about the regime of paid amateur fishing and the procedure for selling vouchers for paid amateur fishing should be publicly available.
The lessee (user) of fishing grounds is obliged to install notices with the following information:

    on the regime of fishing in fishing grounds;
    on the number of fish allowed to be caught in the implementation of paid recreational fishing;
    about the price of permits for paid recreational fishing;
    about the place of sale of vouchers for paid amateur fishing, as well as other information regulating paid amateur fishing in fishing grounds.

Full houses are established by tenants (users) of fishing grounds in the places determined by the regional executive committees within two months from the date of conclusion of the contract for the lease of fishing grounds (provision of fishing grounds for use). In the event of a change in the information specified in part two of this paragraph, the tenant (user) of the fishing grounds is obliged to update it at the established notices.

70. Vouchers for paid amateur fishing shall be returned to the lessee (user) of the fishing grounds that issued them within the period specified in the permit for paid amateur fishing, with filling in a report on the number of fish caught by species.
Voucher stubs and returned vouchers for paid recreational fishing are kept by tenants (users) of fishing grounds for three years.

71. In the fund of fishing grounds provided for rent (use) for fishing by organizing paid amateur fishing, amateur fishing can be organized using the following home-made (handmade) traditional national fishing gear made from natural natural materials (willow twigs , shingles, bark, bast, wood, flax, hemp, cotton yarn):

71.1. portable fixed and mobile traps:

    muzzle, butch, kosh, box, top, spawn, jacque and Belarusian basket no larger than 150 x 100 x 100 centimeters in size with an outer inlet diameter of no more than 70 centimeters;
    extension up to 100 centimeters high and not more than 70 centimeters in diameter;
    single-chamber vents and trusses with a size of no more than 150 x 100 x 100 centimeters with an external inlet diameter of no more than 70 centimeters and wings no more than 2 meters long;

71.2. mobile net fishing gear:

    sack and tramp with a working width of not more than 2 meters and a mesh of at least 22 millimeters;
    landing net (net) with a diameter of not more than 0.5 meters with a mesh of at least 10 millimeters;
    spider (hoist, grabber) with one net cloth no larger than 2 x 2 meters with a mesh no larger than 30 millimeters.

The order and places of use of home-made (hand-made) traditional national fishing gear are indicated in the regime of paid amateur fishing.
The fisherman is allowed to use only one fishing gear from those specified in the first part of this subparagraph, in the places determined by the tenant (user) of the fishing grounds, in the mode of paid amateur fishing.
It is forbidden to determine for recreational fishing using home-made (hand-made) traditional national fishing gear areas of water bodies closer than 50 meters from the mouths and sources of rivers, streams, canals and channels, as well as from dams, locks, bridges, pumping stations.
Fishing gear and places are indicated by the tenant (user) in the permit for paid recreational fishing.

72. In the fund of fishing grounds provided for rent (use) for fishing during daylight hours, tenants can organize recreational fishing in the following ways:

    fishing with the use of recreational fishing gear with a total number of hooks from 6 to 10 per angler;
    fishing on the track from boats with engines. When fishing on a track from boats with engines, it is allowed to use one lure or bait per angler;
    underwater hunting.

73. Recreational fishing by the methods of fishing established in paragraph 72 of these Rules is carried out for a fee in the fund of fishing grounds provided for rent (use) for fishing, by organizing paid amateur fishing.

74. In fishing grounds provided for rent (use), where paid amateur fishing is organized, the amount of fish allowed for catching is determined by the tenants (users) of fishing grounds in the paid amateur fishing regime in accordance with quotas for fishing.

75. The number of vouchers for paid amateur fishing is calculated based on the quotas for fishing established in accordance with these Rules.


76. Lessees (users) of fishing grounds are required to keep records of the volume of fish caught in commercial fishing and organization of paid amateur fishing and submit reports on the volume of fish catch on a monthly basis by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in the forms, established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

77. Accounting for fish caught in commercial fishing is carried out on the basis of the data of the fishing log (in the form in accordance with Appendix 2 to these Rules), which is maintained by persons authorized by the tenants (users) of fishing grounds.
Tone magazines are forms of documents with a certain degree of protection and are produced in accordance with the procedure established by law by order of regional executive committees.

78. Tone magazines are issued to tenants (users) of fishing grounds by the regional executive committees on a monthly basis in the amount corresponding to the number of fishing teams working for these tenants (users), against signature.

79. In the fishing logs, the surname and initials of the person responsible for maintaining the fishing log, which is appointed by the tenant (user) of the fishing grounds from among the persons with a fishing permit, are indicated.

80. Tone logs are maintained during commercial fishing from the beginning of fishing to its end. The columns of the fishing log "Date of fishing", "Name of the fishing ground", "Fishing gear", "Size of fishing gear" must be filled in before the start of fishing. Sorting of fish by species, its weighing and making entries in the tone log are carried out immediately after the end of commercial fishing and the mooring of the fishing team to the shore. The total number of fish caught is indicated in words in the log book and the bill of lading.
Entries in the tone journal are made in ink or with a ballpoint pen neatly and legibly without corrections. The use of erasable, discoloring or other easily removable special inks and/or pastes is prohibited.

82. The person responsible for keeping a fishing log is obliged to submit a fishing log to officials of fishing control bodies when they check compliance with the requirements of these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources during commercial fishing.
On the results of the inspection, the officials of the fishing control bodies make a note in the logbook.

83. The movement of caught fish that is not included in the fishing logs and waybills, with the exception of its transportation in fishing grounds during fishing in small vessels directly used for commercial fishing, is prohibited.

84. After the end of keeping fishing logs are kept by tenants (users) of fishing grounds for five years.

85. Accounting for fish caught by fishermen when organizing paid amateur fishing is carried out by tenants (users) of fishing grounds by summarizing reports on returned vouchers for paid amateur fishing.


86. Lessees (users) of fishing grounds have the right to:

    receive from the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, local executive and administrative bodies information about the fishing grounds provided to them for rent (use);
    dispose of fishery products, income received from its sale, other income received as a result of fisheries management;
    enjoy other rights in accordance with the law.

87. Lessees (users) of fishing grounds are obliged to:

    carry out fishery management in accordance with these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources;
    ensure rational (sustainable) use of fish resources of leased (provided for use) fishing grounds;
    to ensure the catch of fish in accordance with the established quotas for the catch of fish;
    carry out stocking of fishing grounds in accordance with fish-breeding biological justifications or biological justifications for stocking fishing grounds with fish, as well as comply with other conditions specified in these justifications;
    keep records of fish caught by number and species for each fishing ground separately and submit reports to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food;
    ensure the development of fish-breeding biological justifications, their submission to the state ecological expertise and approval within the time limits established by these Rules;
    install notices on the shore of fishing grounds indicating information about the fishing regime;
    comply with the instructions of bodies (officials) of fishing control;
    not hinder the free access of citizens to fishing grounds for the exercise of their right to general use of natural resources;
    prevent violation of the rights of other users of wildlife objects, as well as users of water bodies within whose boundaries fishing is carried out;
    compensate the state for damage caused in the course of fishery management;
    plan and implement measures to protect fish resources in fishing grounds;
    to identify and protect the spawning grounds of fish and its winter concentrations (wintering pits);
    carry out fish-breeding and reclamation activities in accordance with fish-breeding and biological justifications;
    maintain the shores of fishing grounds in proper sanitary condition;
    to conduct an annual ichthyopathological examination of fish in fishing grounds, to carry out, in agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, measures to prevent mass epizootics;
    to carry out measures to prevent freezing phenomena and eliminate their consequences;
    take measures to prevent, detect and suppress cases of illegal fishing, including staffing with workers who protect fishing grounds;
    perform other duties in accordance with the law.
    In commercial fishing, the tenants (users) of fishing grounds, in addition to the obligations listed in part one of this paragraph, are obliged to:
    form fishing brigades and ensure their work;
    use fishing gear in commercial fishing in the quantity and size provided for in the biological-economic or fish-breeding-biological substantiation;
    mark with buoys of bright (orange, red, yellow) color the established commercial fishing gear every 100 meters, as well as at the beginning and end of the set order in the leased (granted for use) fishing grounds;
    submit fishing gear for registration and marking to the relevant inter-district inspectorates for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus;
    ensure the receipt of fishing tickets and fishing magazines in the regional executive committees;
    to ensure the safety of markings installed on commercial fishing gear, to return to the relevant interdistrict inspections for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus the markings installed on commercial fishing gear, in case of termination of the lease agreement for fishing grounds ( termination of the right to use fishing grounds);
    inform the relevant inter-district inspectorates for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus about the working hours of fishing teams.

When organizing paid recreational fishing, tenants (users) of fishing grounds are obliged to create favorable conditions for recreational fishing and perform other duties in accordance with the law.
The tenants of fishing grounds are also obliged to pay the rent of fishing grounds in a timely manner and comply with other conditions specified in the lease agreements for fishing grounds.


88. The protection of fishing grounds provided for lease (use) is carried out by tenants (users) of fishing grounds by carrying out fish breeding and reclamation measures, preventing, detecting and suppressing cases of illegal fishing in fishing grounds provided for rent (use).

89. Lessees (users) of fishing grounds are obliged, in accordance with fish breeding and biological justifications, to plan and implement fish breeding and reclamation activities, which include:

    clearing of water courses, natural spawning grounds, creation of artificial spawning grounds, wintering pits, aeration and other works;
    selective harvest or trapping certain types fish;
    stocking, including resettlement, introduction, reintroduction, acclimatization, re-acclimatization of fish by breeding fish in captivity or acquiring fish from organizations engaged in fish breeding;
    implementation of preventive and other measures to protect fish;
    other measures to ensure the protection and rational use of fish resources.

90. Stocking with fish is carried out by tenants (users) of fishing grounds on the basis of fish-breeding biological justifications or biological justifications for stocking fishing grounds with a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise, and in the presence of a veterinary document issued in accordance with the established procedure for the introduced fish.
The biological justification for the stocking of fishing grounds specifies:

    the suitability of the fishing grounds where stocking is planned for the habitation and reproduction of the introduced fish species (temperature, gas regime, substrate, feed capacity and other conditions);
    biological and other characteristics of the fish planned for introduction;
    expediency and economic effect of stocking;
    the expected impact of the introduced fish on the state of the ecological system and its components;
    probable area of ​​distribution of the fish proposed for introduction, the timing of reaching the fishing measure, the expected catch of fish;
    requirements for the technology of stocking (terms and time of stocking, density of fish introduction, etc.).

91. Stocking of fishing grounds provided for lease (use) is carried out at the expense of the lessee (user) of fishing grounds.

92. When stocking fishing grounds provided for lease (use), shipment of fish and its release into fishing grounds are carried out in the presence of the tenant (user) of fishing grounds, representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, inter-district inspectorates for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for Animal Protection and flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and are drawn up by an act in the form in accordance with Appendix 7.
Lessee (user) of fishing grounds not later than three days before the start of stocking of fishing grounds notifies the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, interdistrict inspectorates for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants of this in writing peace under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
The notice must include:

    the name and location of the fishing ground, the place of introduction of fish;
    type and age of fish planned for stocking;
    date and time of planned stocking;
    the name and address of the organization that will ship the fish, the date and time of the fish shipment.

The act of stocking was submitted by the tenant (user) of the fishing grounds within fifteen days from the date of stocking to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, which within a month decides on its approval or refusal to approve, of which it informs the tenant (user) in writing.
Unauthorized introduction of fish into fishing grounds (unauthorized stocking) is prohibited.

93. When detecting and suppressing illegal fishing, persons protecting fishing grounds provided for lease (use) have the right, at a distance of up to one kilometer from the coastline of fishing grounds, in the performance of their official duties:

    in accordance with the procedure established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, to inspect things, Vehicle, fishing gear, fishery products, as well as to seize illegally obtained fishery products and fishing gear used for this.


94. The protection of fishing grounds constituting the stock of fishing grounds is carried out by local executive and administrative bodies or legal entities specially authorized by them.

95. Fishing grounds constituting the stock of fishing grounds may be used by fishermen for free recreational fishing.

96. To ensure the protection of fishing grounds that make up the stock of fishing grounds, local executive and administrative bodies or legal entities specially authorized by them at the expense of local budgets:

    take measures to prevent, detect and suppress violations of these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources;
    appoint employees responsible for the protection of fishing grounds that make up the stock of fishing grounds;
    carry out measures for the reproduction of fish resources and other fish-breeding, reclamation and anti-epizootic measures;
    ensure the proper sanitary condition of coastal areas of fishing grounds that make up the stock of fishing grounds;
    identify and protect the spawning grounds of fish and its winter concentrations (wintering pits);
    carry out measures to prevent freezing phenomena and eliminate their consequences;
    carry out other activities in accordance with the law.

97. Measures for the reproduction of fish resources in the stock of fishing grounds are carried out on the basis of fish-breeding biological justifications or biological justifications for stocking fishing grounds, developed in accordance with the requirements of these Rules, at the expense of local budgets and the republican state-public association "Belarusian Society of Hunters and anglers” received for the right to engage in recreational fishing with the tools and methods specified in paragraph 72 of these Rules, as well as at the expense of other sources not prohibited by law.
Other fish-breeding and reclamation measures are carried out on the basis of fish-breeding and biological justifications at the expense of local budgets.
The stocking of the stock of fishing grounds is carried out in the presence of a representative of the local executive and administrative body, as well as representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, interdistrict inspectorates for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus, territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Protection environment and is drawn up by an act in the form in accordance with Appendix 7 to these Rules, which is submitted for approval to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food within fifteen days from the date of stocking of fishing grounds.


98. Recreational fishing is carried out by anglers for a fee or free of charge.
Recreational fishing in the fishing grounds that make up the stock of fishing grounds is carried out free of charge.
Amateur fishing in fishing grounds provided for rent (use), where paid amateur fishing is organized, is carried out in accordance with Chapter 6 of these Rules.
The right to free recreational fishing by the methods specified in paragraph 72 of these Rules, in the stock of fishing grounds, with the exception of fishing grounds, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, have fishermen who are members of the republican State Public Association "Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen".
When organizing paid amateur fishing, preferential conditions are provided for the implementation of paid amateur fishing for veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of groups I and II, minors under 16 years of age, as well as citizens registered at the place of residence in settlements determined by decisions of regional executive committees.

Fishermen engaged in recreational fishing are obliged to:

    maintain the proper sanitary condition of the fishing grounds, do not leave garbage and other waste on their banks, as well as on the ice, prevent clogging and pollution of the fishing grounds in any other way;
    prevent damage to signs, billboards, billboards installed near fishing grounds, in water protection zones and coastal strips;
    perform other duties in accordance with legislative acts.

99. Recreational fishing of all types of fish is allowed in fishing grounds, with the exception of eel and fish species, for which restrictions or prohibitions are established in accordance with the legislation.
In case of catching fish, lampreys belonging to the species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, as well as eels and fish species, in respect of which restrictions or prohibitions are established in accordance with the legislation, such fish must be released into the fishing grounds in a live form.

100. In amateur fishing, it is allowed to catch fish that have not reached the fishing measure in accordance with Appendix 3 to these Rules, at a rate of not more than 20 percent of the number of fish caught of each of the species for which the fishing measure is established.

101. Anglers in fishing grounds are allowed to use the following fishing gear and methods for recreational fishing:

    fly fishing, float, nodding and bottom fishing rods of all systems, spinning rods, boats, tracks;
    mugs, vents, stakes, kolobashki and other similar systems and equipment;
    spearguns and pistols for spearfishing, shooting with a harpoon with a tip of no more than five teeth (only for spearfishing);
    traditional national fishing gear in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 71 of these Rules;
    nets with a diameter of not more than 0.5 meters with a mesh size of less than 10 millimeters and lifting nets with a size of not more than 1 x 1 meter and a mesh size of less than 10 millimeters for catching fish as bait for catching other types of fish;
    gaffs with a hook width (distance from the forearm to the point of the sting) of not more than 9 centimeters and nets for lifting fish from the water caught by the fishing gear specified in this paragraph;
    fishing with the simultaneous use of fishing gear of the same type or various kinds with a total number of hooks not more than 5 per angler, except for the case specified in paragraph two of clause 72 of these Rules;
    hand fishing.

102. Anglers are allowed to:

    fishing in fishing grounds, with the exception of fishing grounds provided for rent (use), where paid amateur fishing is organized, no more than 5 kilograms of fish per angler per day and one fish, if the total weight, taking into account its weight, in total exceeds 5 kilograms , or one fish weighing more than 5 kilograms;
    fishing as bait for catching other types of fish no more than 30 pieces per angler per day.

103. The holding of competitions in sport fishing in leased fishing grounds is coordinated by the organizers of such competitions with the tenants (users) of fishing grounds, in the fishing grounds of the reserve fund - with the relevant regional executive committees. The holding of competitions in sport fishing at hydraulic structures is additionally coordinated with organizations for the construction and operation of reclamation systems or users of reclamation systems, as well as territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.
Ten days before the start of the competition, the organizers of the competitions notify the relevant inter-district inspectorate for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants under the President of the Republic of Belarus about the organization of competitions in sport fishing, about the time and place of their holding.


104. In order to preserve fish resources and create favorable conditions for their reproduction, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection may establish restrictions and prohibitions on commercial and recreational fishing, fishing of certain types of fish, in certain fishing grounds, within certain periods, as well as on the use individual tools and (or) methods of fishing.
In order to create favorable conditions for the growth of the fish universe when stocking fishing grounds in accordance with the requirements of fish-biological or biological justifications for stocking fishing grounds, district executive committees have the right, in agreement with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, to establish restrictions and prohibitions on fishing and recreational fishing.
The regional executive committees, not later than five days before the entry into force of the restriction or ban on commercial and recreational fishing, notify the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus about this. Decisions of district executive committees on the establishment of such restrictions or prohibitions are subject to official publication no later than five days prior to their entry into force.

105. Fishing of all types of fish in the fishing grounds of the Brest and Gomel regions is prohibited from March 20 to May 18, Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno regions - from April 1 to May 30, Vitebsk region- from April 10 to June 8, with the exception of recreational fishing carried out by the angler with one rod with one hook or one spinning rod equipped with artificial bait, with one single, or double, or triple hook during daylight hours from the shore (without entering the water) or from ice, from artificial structures, except for those listed in the seventh paragraph of subparagraph
109.3 of paragraph 109 of these Regulations, as well as commercial catching of eels without observing the commercial measure in places and under conditions annually determined by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

106. In the event of a change in weather conditions affecting the reproduction of fish resources, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection may decide to change the terms of the ban established in paragraphs 105 and 107 of these Rules, both throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus and in certain regions and districts without reducing the overall duration of the ban.

107. In addition to the ban on fishing within the time limits provided for in paragraph 105 of these Rules, prohibitions are established in fishing grounds for:

    common pike fishing - from March 1 to April 15, in the Vitebsk region - from March 9 to April 25;
    zander fishing - from April 15 to May 30;
    common catfish fishing - from May 31 to July 1, from November 1 to March 31, in Brest and Gomel regions - from May 19 to June 20, from November 1 to March 31;
    fishing for whitefish Chudsky - from November 1 to December 15;
    fishing for common burbot - from December 25 to February 28;
    commercial fishing of all types of fish in wintering pits - from October 1 to April 15. The list of wintering pits with the definition of their boundaries is indicated in the biological-economic and (or) fish-breeding-biological justifications.

108. In the event of occurrence in fishing grounds of pre-freezing or freezing phenomena, confirmed by the data of hydrochemical studies conducted by certified laboratories, as well as mass epizootics of fish, confirmed by supervisory authorities in the field of veterinary medicine, and the need to empty artificial reservoirs in connection with the emergency state of hydraulic structures, confirmed by the conclusion territorial organizations for the construction and operation of reclamation systems, the procedure and conditions for the implementation of fishing are determined by the district executive committees in agreement with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and interdistrict inspectorates for the protection of flora and fauna of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Fauna and Flora under the President of the Republic of Belarus .

    109.1. commercial fishing:
    by blocking more than two-thirds of the width of the channel of watercourses with fixed nets, as well as installing fixed nets in a checkerboard pattern at a distance of closer than 100 meters from each other on reservoirs and watercourses;
    with the use of seines in winter in the spawning grounds of common burbot, whitefish and vendace;
    using devices or methods that reduce the mesh size in commercial fishing gear;
    using fishing gear not marked with markings, as well as established fishing gear not marked with bright-colored buoys;
    with the involvement of persons who do not have fishing tickets to work in commercial fishing;
    with the movement of fishing gear, small vessels, equipment from one fishing ground to another without prior disinfection, with the exception of their movement by water;
    in places used for mass recreation and sports, determined by local executive and administrative bodies;

    109.2. recreational fishing:
    fishing gear and fishing methods not specified in paragraphs 71, 72 and 101 of these Rules;
    with the use of double and triple hooks on fishing gear without bait, natural or artificial bait;
    from ships at night;
    with the simultaneous use of fishing gear of the same or different types with a total number of hooks of more than 5 pieces, on the track from ships with engines, as well as spearfishing, with the exception of the methods specified in paragraph 72 of these Rules;
    using circles, vents, stakes, kolobashkas and other similar systems and equipment at night, as well as without indicating the name and initials of the fisherman fishing on them;
    at a distance closer than 50 meters from the designated fishing gear;
    during the periods specified in paragraphs 105-107 of these Rules, unless otherwise provided in these paragraphs;
    fish, lampreys belonging to the species included in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus, eel and fish species, in respect of which restrictions or prohibitions are established in accordance with the legislation, in violation of the requirement established in part two of clause 99 of these Rules;
    leaving the installed fishing gear without visual control. If found, these tools are subject to seizure by the fishing control authorities;

    109.3. commercial and recreational fishing:
    using piercing fishing tools, lighting devices, firearms or pneumatic weapons (with the exception of underwater guns and (or) pistols), fishing tools, the principles of operation of which are based on the use of an electromagnetic field, ultrasound, and other fishing tools, the use of which is not permitted by these Rules (hereinafter - prohibited fishing gear);
    fish that have not reached the fishing measure, except for the cases provided for in these Rules;
    by explosion or using other devices that have a harmful effect on fish;
    by the “rut” method, except for cases when the use of this method is provided for by fish breeding and biological justifications, by dams and draining water from fishing grounds and by the “bare” method;
    by blocking off more than one third of the width of the channel of watercourses with portable set traps, with the exception of the commercial catch of eel in accordance with paragraph 105 of these Rules;
    from railway and other bridges, dams, at locks, pumping stations, other hydraulic structures, in respect of which restrictions and prohibitions on economic and other activities are established, and at a distance of less than 50 meters on both sides of the boundaries of these technical structures, with the exception of competitions on sport fishing carried out in accordance with paragraph 103 of these Rules;

    109.4. fishery management:
    in excess of the limits for catching fish, provided for by biological and economic or fish breeding and biological justifications;
    in violation of the requirements for the stocking of fishing grounds, provided for by fish-breeding biological justifications or biological justifications for the stocking of fishing grounds (frequency of stocking, excess stocking density, discrepancy between the species, average piece weight and age of the fish stock);

    109.5. seizure by individuals of commercial fishing gear found by them in fishing grounds, fishing gear prohibited for use in recreational fishing, and fish caught by these fishing gear;

    109.6. the use by individuals and legal entities of small boats in fishing grounds within the terms of the ban on fishing, established in paragraph 105 of these Rules. When the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection changes the terms of the ban on fishing, provided for in paragraph 105 of these Rules, the terms of the ban on the use of small boats by individuals and legal entities in fishing grounds are changed accordingly.
    These requirements do not apply to fishing control bodies, security systems of the Republic of Belarus, navigation safety, republican unitary enterprises of inland waterways, tenants (users) of fishing grounds if there are documents confirming the legality of their presence in fishing grounds to perform the tasks and functions assigned to them .
    If it is necessary for individuals and legal entities to use small boats to move around a water body for economic, transport and other purposes, as well as in the process of performing their official, economic, scientific and sports activities, district executive committees, in agreement with the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Protection of the environment has the right to make decisions on permitting the use of such vessels in fishing grounds within the terms of the ban on fishing, established in paragraph 105 of these Rules. Regional executive committees not later than five days before the entry into force of these decisions notify the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection and the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants under the President of the Republic of Belarus.
    During the period of the ban on the use of small boats by citizens in fishing grounds in spring season hunting, hunters are allowed to use small boats without engines to install and (or) remove decoy ducks, profiles, stuffed animals and raise the caught game;

    109.7. feeding fish with artificial feed in fishing grounds, with the exception of feed used by anglers as bait for fish;

    109.8. spearfishing by fishermen who do not have an underwater hunter's license and (or) using scuba gear and other self-contained breathing devices, and (or) using spearguns and (or) pistols firing a harpoon with a tip of more than five teeth, as well as mining fish using underwater guns and (or) pistols or other tools for spearfishing from the shore or from small boats;
    109.9. being in fishing grounds or on the territory adjacent to them at a distance of up to one kilometer from the coastline of fishing grounds with prohibited fishing gear and (or) fish, the fishing of which in this area and at that time is prohibited or the weight of which exceeds the norms established in paragraphs 100 and (or) 102 of these Rules, without documents confirming the legality of fish ownership;

    109.10. discharge into fishing grounds and onto their shores within water protection zones of untreated and untreated wastewater from industrial, municipal, agricultural and other organizations, as well as snow containing sand-salt mixtures, anti-ice reagents, production and consumption waste;

    109.11. installation of blockages and solid barriers of rivers, channels and canals, as well as artificial isolation of oxbow lakes, bays, quarries from the main water bodies, except when it is necessary to carry out fish breeding and reclamation measures in accordance with fish breeding and biological justifications and ensure the safety of navigation;

    109.12. dumping of soil selected during dredging and bottom cleaning works in spawning grounds and wintering pits, as well as at a distance of less than 100 meters from them;

    109.13. device within water protection zones summer camps for farm animals, storage facilities for storing fertilizers and plant protection products, waste disposal facilities;

    109.14. operation of water intake structures and pumping mechanisms without fish protection devices;

    109.15. parking of motor vehicles within the boundaries of the coastal strips of water bodies up to 30 meters from the coastline of a water body, with the exception of motor vehicles of fishing control bodies, the security system of the Republic of Belarus, navigation safety, republican unitary enterprises of inland waterways, tenants (users) of fishing grounds and other legal entities in the presence of documents confirming the legality of their presence in the fishing grounds for the performance of the tasks and functions assigned to them, as well as specially designated parking areas in accordance with the established procedure;

    109.16. washing vehicles and other technical means within the water protection zones of water bodies;

    109.17. entry and movement in fishing grounds (reservoirs and watercourses), including those covered with ice (except for organized crossings), motor vehicles, with the exception of motor vehicles of fishing control bodies, the security system of the Republic of Belarus, navigation safety, republican unitary enterprises of inland waterways ways, tenants (users) of fishing grounds in the presence of documents confirming the legality of their presence in fishing grounds, to perform the tasks and functions assigned to them;

    109.18. performance of dredging and other works in places of fish spawning grounds and wintering pits at a distance of less than 100 meters from them, related to the development, movement and discharge of soil into the water, within the time limits for the ban on fishing established in paragraph 105 of these Rules.


110. Fishing grounds for fishery management are provided for free use by decision of the President of the Republic of Belarus:
state environmental and forestry institutions subordinate to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus;
organizations engaged in the integrated use of water and fish resources.

111. Chapter 2, with the exception of paragraphs 5 and 6 of these Rules, does not apply to the emergence and termination of the right to conduct fishing by state environmental and forestry institutions subordinate to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and organizations engaged in the integrated use of water and fish resources .

112. Fisheries management by state environmental and forestry institutions subordinate to the Administration of the President of the Republic of Belarus, and organizations engaged in the integrated use of water and fish resources, is carried out in accordance with their competence in the manner established by these Rules, unless otherwise provided by the President of the Republic Belarus.



113. The control of fishery and fishery activities, other than fish farming, is integral part state control in the field of environmental protection and is carried out by fishing control bodies in accordance with their competence.

114. Authorized officials of fishing control bodies, when exercising control over fishing and fishery activities, except for fish farming, in accordance with the legislation on control (supervisory) activities, have the right, within their competence:

    carry out, in accordance with the procedure established by law, verification of compliance by legal entities and citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, with these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources;
    check in fishing grounds from individuals, including officials of tenants (users) of fishing grounds, documents for the right to fish;
    in cases and in the manner prescribed by legislative acts, stop vehicles for inspection;
    in accordance with the procedure established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, to inspect things, vehicles, fishing gear, fishery products in fishing grounds or in the territory adjacent to them at a distance of up to one kilometer from the coastline;
    submit proposals to the regional executive committees on termination of the lease agreement for fishing grounds in accordance with these Rules;
    to submit proposals to tenants (users) of fishing grounds, mandatory for consideration, on bringing to disciplinary responsibility their employees who have violated these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources;
    call citizens and officials to give written explanations in connection with the violation of these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources;
    to demand, within its competence, free of charge from state bodies, other organizations and individuals possessing information and (or) documents related to the activities and (or) property of the audited entity, the information and (or) documents necessary for verification;
    withdraw from persons who have violated these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources, fishing gear, illegally obtained fishery products, fishing tickets;
    submit claims to legal entities and citizens, including individual entrepreneurs, for compensation for harm caused as a result of violation of these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources.

115. Authorized officials of fishing control bodies, when exercising, within their competence, control over fishing and fishery activities, except for fish farming, have the following powers:

    wear uniforms of the established sample, as well as military and (or) service weapons that they are armed with (hereinafter referred to as weapons), special means in accordance with the law;
    use a weapon to sound an alarm or call for help, neutralize an animal that directly threatens the life and health of citizens;
    apply after warning of the intention to implement them:
    physical force for the prevention and suppression of offenses, self-defense, overcoming opposition to the legitimate demands of these persons, if non-violent methods do not ensure the fulfillment of their official duties;
    special means (handcuffs, means of binding, mechanical sprayers, aerosol and other devices equipped with tear or irritant substances, light and sound distraction devices, devices for forced traffic stop) to repel an attack, suppress disobedience or resistance to their legal requirements in the performance of their official duties , detention and delivery to the internal affairs bodies of persons who have committed an offense;
    weapons to repel an attack that threatens death or harm to health, to detain a person who provides armed resistance.

116. Special means and weapons are not used against women with visible signs of pregnancy, persons with obvious signs of disability, minors whose age is obvious or known, except for the commission by these persons of an armed attack or other actions that threaten the life and health of people.
Firearms are also not used when there is a significant crowd of people, in the direction of flammable, explosive and containing strong toxic substances warehouses (storage facilities).
In case of injury or death of a person due to the use of physical force, special means or weapons, an authorized official of the fishing control body is obliged to immediately inform the nearest internal affairs body and the prosecutor about this.
In cases where it is impossible to avoid the use of physical force, special means or weapons, the authorized official of the fishing control body is obliged to strive to cause the least harm to the health, honor, dignity and property of citizens, the property of individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, as well as to ensure that the victims are provided with medical and other help.
The use of physical force, special means or weapons in cases and in a manner contrary to these Rules entails liability established by legislative acts.


117. Persons who have violated the requirements of these Rules and other regulatory legal acts regulating the protection and use of fish resources shall bear administrative, criminal and other liability in accordance with legislative acts.

118. Illegally obtained fishery products and prohibited fishing gear are subject to seizure by the fishing control authorities.
Seizure and use of illegally obtained fishery products, prohibited fishing tools, collection and determination of the value of illegally obtained fishery products, if it is impossible to seize them, shall be carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

119. Prohibited fishing gear, as well as fishing gear made of net materials that cannot be used for commercial fishing, seized from individuals or ownerless, illegally obtained fishing products seized from individuals, as well as ownerless fishing products, the costs of delivery and sale of which exceed its value, determined in the manner established by the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus, on the day of withdrawal of fishery products, or in case of damage due to temperature and other conditions, are subject to destruction by the fishing control authorities with the execution of an act in the form in accordance with Appendix 8.

120. Harm caused to the environment as a result of illegal fishing or destruction of fish and other harmful effects on its habitat, is subject to compensation by the person who caused it, in the amount determined by the rates established by the President of the Republic of Belarus, and if it is impossible to apply them, by the actual costs of restoring the disturbed state of the environment, taking into account the losses incurred, including lost profits. Compensation for the specified harm is carried out regardless of the withdrawal of fishery products.

121. Claims for compensation for damage caused to the environment as a result of illegal fishing or destruction of fish and other harmful effects on its habitat are made by fishing control authorities in accordance with these Rules and other legislative acts.

Attachment 1

farming and fisheries

Standards for the permissible catch of fish per hectare or per kilometer of fishing grounds (kg per year)

Types, classes and categories of fishing groundsAreas
Reservoirs (lakes and reservoirs):
whitefish and smelt20.7 22.4
bream-perch31.1 33.8
bream-pike-roach36.1 30 29 30.2 26 18
carp line29.7 26 32.3 9.2 13 22.9
perch-roach25.8 23 24.9 17.4 15.1 19.7
Watercourses (rivers, streams and canals):
first category32.4 32.4 32.4 32.4 32.4 32.4
second category22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5 22.5
third category16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7
fourth category16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7 16.7

Annex 2
to the Rules of Fishing
farming and fisheries

Annex 3
to the Rules of Fishing
farming and fisheries

Commercial measure of certain types of fish in commercial and recreational fishing, (cm).

Types of fishCommercial measure of individual fish species
in commercial fishingfor recreational fishing
Whitefish40 40
Acne50 fishing is prohibited
Common pike40 40
Bream27 not installed
Ide25 25
Tench22 22
Cupid white40 40
silver carp40 not installed
Carp (carp)20 20
asp34 34
Chekhon24 24
Zander40 40
common catfish70 70
Common burbot36 36
Chub25 25

Appendix 4
to the Rules of Fishing
farming and fisheries

See attached file at the end of the article.

Annex 5
to the Rules of Fishing
farming and fisheries

See attached file at the end of the article.

Appendix 6
to the Rules of Fishing
farming and fisheries

See attached file at the end of the article.

Appendix 7
to the Rules of Fishing
farming and fisheries

See attached file at the end of the article.

Appendix 8
to the Rules of Fishing
farming and fisheries

See attached file at the end of the article.

Decree of the President
The Republic of Belarus
08.12.2005 № 580
(as amended by the Decree of the President
The Republic of Belarus
05.12.2013 № 551)


Since June 26, 2014 a new version of the Rules for hunting and hunting, fishing and fishing in the Republic of Belarus came into force. Many points of fishing rules have undergone significant changes.

So, for example, according to paragraph 101, fishing will be allowed with the simultaneous use of fishing gear of the same type or different types. with a total number of hooks no more than 5 pieces per angler(previously there were no more than 10 pieces). An exception can only be fishing on rented reservoirs, where recreational fishing can be organized by tenants with a total number of hooks from 6 to 10 per angler. However members of the RGOO "BOOR" will be able to fish with 10 hooks or trolling on non-leased water bodies, with the exception of fishing grounds, the list of which is approved by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food in agreement with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection.

The timing of the spring spawning ban is also changing. If earlier they were the same for all regions of the country, now they will differ. According to paragraph 105, fishing of all types of fish in the fishing grounds of the Brest and Gomel regions is prohibited from March 20 to May 18, Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno regions - from April 1 to May 30, Vitebsk region - from April 10 to June 8, with the exception of amateur fishing carried out by an angler with one rod with one hook or one spinning rod equipped with artificial bait, with one single, or double, or triple hook during daylight hours from the shore (without entering the water) or from ice and from artificial structures.

That is, during the period of the ban it will be possible to catch from the ice, which was not the case before.

Also, in case of changes in weather conditions affecting the reproduction of fish resources, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection may decide to change the terms of the bans both throughout the territory of the Republic of Belarus and in certain regions and districts, without reducing the overall duration of the ban.

In addition to the ban on fishing within the time limits provided for in paragraph 105, prohibitions are established in fishing grounds on:

common pike fishing - from March 1 to April 15, in the Vitebsk region - from March 9 to April 25;

common catfish fishing - from May 31 to July 1, from November 1 to March 31, in Brest and Gomel regions - from May 19 to June 20, from November 1 to March 31;

Here we see that the ban on pike fishing has been extended, the autumn-winter ban on catfish has been additionally introduced, and the spring ban on zander fishing has finally been fixed.

In addition, it is still forbidden to fish from vessels at night, and also now using circles, vents, stakes, kolobashkas and other similar systems and equipment at night, as well as without indicating the name and initials of the fisherman on them. fishing.

Some changes have also been made in the commercial measure of certain types of fish in recreational fishing. In particular, it has been increased to 40 cm for pike and introduced for carp (carp) - 20 cm.


On introducing amendments and additions to the Decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 8, 2005 No. 580 and dated April 26, 2010 No. 200

In order to improve the management of hunting and hunting, fishing and fishing, I decide:

1. To introduce amendments and additions to the following decrees of the President of the Republic of Belarus:

1.1. in the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus dated December 8, 2005 No. 580 “On some measures to improve the efficiency of hunting and fisheries management, improve their state management” (National Register of Legal Acts of the Republic of Belarus, 2005, No. 196, 1 /6996; 2010, No. 188, 1/11816; 2012, No. 72, 1/13579):

in paragraph seven of sub-clause 1.1 and paragraph eight of sub-clause 1.2 of clause 1 the words "local Councils of Deputies" shall be replaced by the words "regional executive committees";

the appendix to this Decree shall be stated in a new edition (attached);

Rules for conducting hunting economy and hunting, approved by this Decree, to state in a new edition (attached);

The Rules for Fisheries and Fisheries, approved by this Decree, shall be amended (attached);

Appendices 1, 2, 4 to the State Program for the Development of the Hunting Industry for 2006–2015, approved by this Decree, to be amended (attached) *

You can view or download all the rules in full.

You can find out the minimum sizes of fish allowed for fishing by anglers.

Andrei Shalygin: We have already written about changes in the Rules of Hunting and Fishing in Belarus many times and in sufficient detail, since we have been writing about this for more than six months, including:
And so on... It would seem that what else is needed for clarification. However, questions keep coming and coming, so the chief hunting inspector of Belarus decided to personally answer the main incoming questions, as well as once again recall certain important points.

But to begin with, for the bowhunters, I myself will explain some problems that the state bodies of Belarus did not manage to solve despite the rather simple solution to these issues (probably, either there is no particular interest, or the local unauthorized permitting procedure operates everywhere like in Russia).

Features of hunting with a bow and crossbow in Belarus in accordance with the new Hunting Rules

As for the numerous questions from bowhunters who are afraid to hunt in Russia with bows and crossbows that are not weapons, since neither archers and crossbowmen, nor the hunting inspectorate are completely unaware of Russian legislation and are afraid of each other, while often engaging in poaching - according to the new Hunting Rules in Belarus, hunting with a bow and crossbow is ALLOWED in the republic, HOWEVER! :
  • Bows and crossbows permitted for use in hunting in Belarus are not sold in Belarus itself, since hunting with a bow and crossbow is allowed there, which is a weapon, the sale of which within Belarus does not yet have legal permission.
  • It is impossible to purchase such weapons either in Belarus or in Russia as a whole assembly, since there is a ban on throwing weapons for civilians and free sale. However, purchase bows and crossbows similar to weapons (drawing force up to 27 and 43 kgf) and reinforced shoulders to them separately in Russia - you can. Therefore, you purchase all this separately in Russia, import it into Belarus separately, and there you already register it with the Ministry of Internal Affairs as a throwing weapon - according to the current rules for accounting for firearms and hunting weapons (collecting the weapon only after its registration).
  • The New Rules clearly stipulate what parameters should be for throwing hunting weapons. A hunting bow must have a draw force of at least 27 kg, hunting crossbow- not less than 43 kg. The arrowhead must have sharp cutting edges and a width at the base of at least 2 cm. Or, the cutting edges must open to the same width when hitting a hunting object. Therefore, having bought bows and crossbows that are not weapons in Russia, you formally do not have the right to hunt with them in Belarus, since you can only hunt with throwing weapons there.
  • The question of temporary registration or permission to act on the attachment of reinforced shoulders to crossbows for foreign hunters, or blocks (shoulders, sectors into blocks, changes in the cocking parameters of bows and crossbows) is not specified in the Law at all. That is, a Russian hunter to import non-weapons and turn them into weapons on the territory of Belarus in the manner specified in the Laws is impossible, therefore these actions at any time can become the subject of criminal prosecution with a free interpretation of the laws.
  • Hunting with a crossbow in Belarus is possible only for regulated species. Such hunting is carried out under the guidance of a huntsman, unless the hunting user allows you to hunt on your own. Therefore, even having collected a bow or crossbow that is a weapon on the territory of Belarus, and having received permission or registration for this from the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, that is, having registered your bow and crossbow as a weapon, you will go hunting only with a huntsman, or the hunter will issue you a special permit on strictly defined types, and not on what you want on a general basis.

Considering everything I have said above, I can only state the fact that nothing has essentially changed. For three years, apart from the general declaration of the rights of bowhunters in Belarus, the matter has not moved to the stage of practical implementation of these rights. At the same time, as 4 years ago, all the management of the reserves suggested - come to the place, we will solve all the questions on the spot, - and so this procedure is still going on in this state.

However, this is also typical for Russia, where hunting with a bow and crossbow that is not a weapon is not prohibited anyway, but everyone walks around and gets scared of themselves.

New Rules for Hunting and Fishing in Belarus - clarifications

Avid hunters and fishermen now need to be careful. Poachers - beware, and it is better to completely reel in fishing rods. There will be no more freemen: illegal production of animals or fish will cost such a pretty penny that you will once again think whether the skin is worth the candle. New Rules for hunting and hunting, as well as fishing and fishing came into force. Changed: lists of prohibitions, terms, methods and tools for obtaining hunting trophies. In general, you can’t figure it out without specialists.

Sergey NOVIKOV, Head of the State Inspectorate for the Protection of Animals and Plants under the President of the Republic of Belarus, answers questions from readers

Alexander, Krupsky district: Sergey Viktorovich, how do you feel about spearfishing? On the weekend I was on the Beaver River, I saw how underwater hunters, there were two of them, got half a bag of selected fish. Is it right?

“As far as legality is concerned, such hunting is not prohibited. But not in all water bodies. In addition, to hunt in this way, you must be a member of the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen. There are limits on the rate of catch ...

“These hunters knock out everything there, but we amateurs have nothing left ...

- If you think that the law is being violated, call our "helpline" (8-017) 390-00-00 or mobile number (8-033) 333-6-000, the inspectors will come and check. By the way, according to the new rules, part of the contributions of the BOOR members, which are paid by lovers of the intensive method of fishing, will purposefully go to stocking with fish, according to the new rules.

Valentin Dmitrievich, Bykhovsky district: I am a fan of catching fish with my hands. Will there be a ban on such fishing in the new rules?

- Under both the old and the new rules, fishing by hand is allowed. But not during spawning, when she splashes in shallow water.

Karpuk Vladimir, Slonimsky district: What benefits are provided for disabled anglers in the new rules?

- For veterans of the Great Patriotic War, disabled people of I, II groups, for children under 16 years old, as well as for local residents, a preferential price for a fishing trip is provided. This applies to water bodies that are leased for paid recreational fishing. And the amount of the benefit is determined by the tenant himself.

Nikolai Vladimirovich, a pensioner from Grodno: Is it possible to fish for free with one line in purchased or, more precisely, rented reservoirs?

- You can fish absolutely free of charge only in reservoirs of the reserve fund.

— The problem is that the tenants do not allow anyone to fish, although they themselves fish day and night.

- There are reservoirs that are leased for fish farming, and there are those that are leased for fishing. These are different things. On those that are transferred for fish farming, neither paid nor free recreational fishing is allowed. This is a kind of fish "farm". But we try to make sure that it doesn’t happen that some trickster, for example, takes a reservoir for fish farming, the local authorities do not control it, he manages it as he pleases, but the result is zero.

Artem, Mozyr: We have a fisherman who rents part of Pripyat. They have 7 fishing spots there. I asked the director to show me and other amateur anglers where these places were. To not stand where they catch. The same, to put it mildly, sent me away. The whole river, they say, is ours here. And further. Somehow, in one night, I was not the only one who saw it, they pulled out almost a ton of catfish from one ton. But the catfish never showed up in the store. Not tomorrow, not the next day...

— Have you contacted the executive committee? After all, it was they who entered into a lease agreement with this legal entity. Who needs a tenant who does not supply the fish caught to the stores?

- In general, tell me, are they allowed to fish at night? They seem to be doing it around the clock. Rinse in this Pripyat from Shestovichi to Mozyr itself. Artel workers somehow broke my tackle. I filed a complaint with the director to compensate for the damage, otherwise, I promised, I would complain higher. He waved it off: write wherever you want, they say, I don’t care.

- If everything is as you say, then perhaps soon he will no longer be dragging fish from the river. There is a violation - the absence of bright buoys, with which the fisherman is obliged to designate fishing gear. At the same time, according to the new rules, you should not fish at a distance closer than 50 meters from them. I think our Mozyr inspection will deal with this.

Oleg: The Zhitkovichi forestry leases a site - a swampy place where peat mining used to be. Many people go there to fish. The place is deaf, there are no roads, parking too, the coast is not equipped with anything, not even garbage containers. And so the leshoz raised the issue of introducing a fee for the right to fish. Is it legal? After all, they didn’t create any conditions for fishing there ... And just about anything, they begin to threaten that inspectors will be called and we will be fined.

— In the old rules, there were no strict requirements for tenants to first create conditions for fishermen, and then take a fee. But there are new ones. Now the presence of favorable conditions for fishermen must be confirmed by an act signed by a representative of the regional executive committee. And the fact that they threaten to call inspectors, I will tell you that if the territorial inspectorate arrives there, then it may well issue an order or fine the tenant himself.

Nikolai Nikolaevich, Buda-Koshelevsky district: My grandfather and father taught me to fish with nets, nets, kriegs, stompers - that is, all, so to speak, folk remedies fishing. Then we were miners. And now, when the new rules were adopted, they suddenly became poachers in your eyes, who should be fined millions of rubles. And everything goes to the fact that there is already nowhere to fish, and even to swim. The blue eyes of Belarus - the lakes - are no longer blue, they are becoming more and more cloudy. When will your inspection be engaged in real protection of nature, and will not catch ordinary people? When will you start cleaning our lakes?

We can't do things that are not part of our responsibilities. This is the business of the village council and the inspection of natural resources.

- If it weren’t forbade the use of nonsense, treadmills, nets, then the reservoirs would not be overgrown. They would clean the bottom with nets. We took fish and the ponds were clean. And you can’t catch it like that, and everything is overgrown. I'll take a "Chinese", and then I will be fined and fired from work.

- And you do not take the "Chinese". Sit down in winter and weave with wicker and natural threads and fish where it is allowed.

- We had one such who weaved such nets himself. But he died. There are no more such craftsmen left. Today it's time for the "Chinese" network. All folk fishermen are for it. But the inspector is against it.

- If you violate, we will fine.

- And where do the multi-million dollar fines go?

— To the republican budget.

Anton Kanin, Minsk: Agricultural producers constantly violate environmental laws. For example, plowing of land is carried out near water bodies, under the very edge of the water. Fertilizers, herbicides directly with rain fall into rivers and lakes. Water and fish are poisoned. For example, the land near Lake Vyacha is plowed up almost to the very shore. And this can be seen everywhere. How are such violations being combated today and when will the toughest measures be taken?

- What you saw with your own eyes cannot be generalized to the whole country and say that the fight against such violations is either not carried out at all, or is not being tough enough. It happens all the time. And every year the requirements are only getting tougher. For example, this year, according to these facts, we issued orders several times more than in the past. Including in order to prevent the plowing of coastal areas, haymaking near water bodies, and grain crops. And now we are monitoring their implementation. It is clear that it is impossible to simultaneously cover all entities managing the land with inspections.

From Mogilev, Alexander Ivanovich: I have been a member of the BOOR since 1976, I have not had any violations during this time. Under the new rules, it is allowed to hunt without a huntsman. Who has this right and what needs to be done to get it?

- It is up to the user to decide. If he trusts you, then when you go on an individual hunt, they will simply explain the rules to you, issue a permit for the extraction of a hunting animal and a hunting ticket to it. At the same time, you yourself will perform the duties of the head of the hunt and bear responsibility for this. By the way, this innovation does not apply to driven hunting.

Pekarsky Ivan Valentinovich, Grodno: Will hunting with a crossbow be allowed in our new rules?

- Yes, it will be allowed - both with a bow and a crossbow. And not only in cages. But at the same time, the rules clearly stipulate what parameters these hunting tools should have. A hunting bow must have a draw force of at least 27 kg, a hunting crossbow - at least 43 kg. The arrowhead must have sharp cutting edges and a width at the base of at least 2 cm. Or, the cutting edges must open to the same width when hitting a hunting object.

“But we don’t sell crossbows. If you buy it abroad, for example, in Russia, do you need to register it somehow? And what permissions are needed to go hunting with it?

- Hunting throwing weapons must be registered with the internal affairs bodies in the same way as firearms. There may be other subtleties - import-export from the country ... This should be clarified in the permit service of your police department at the place of residence.

— I am a hunter with 47 years of experience. I asked the rangers: according to the new rules, it is necessary to hunt with a crossbow in their presence or not?

- You can hunt with a crossbow only for regulated species. Such hunting is carried out under the guidance of a huntsman, unless the hunting user allows you to hunt on your own. This is possible under the new rules.

Kutko Oleksandr, Vileyka: The question concerns Article 3 of the rules “The presence of persons on the roads passing through hunting grounds or other habitats of hunting animals determined by the user's decisions is not recognized as hunting hunting grounds, and in the reserve fund of hunting grounds and prohibited areas for hunting - by decisions of local executive and administrative bodies, with a discharged sheathed hunting weapon, and (or) traps, and (or) other traps in order to follow to the places of temporary residence of hunters (hunter's houses, farmsteads, etc.) and back. We discussed it with one of the inspectors. He told me that if I move through the hunting grounds even with a sheathed weapon, it will still be a violation. For example, here is a stopping point, here are public roads, here is a hunter's house. And there, relatively speaking, there lives a huntsman who writes out vouchers. What if I'm going to my country house to go hunting the next day?

— It's easy for us to check whether this is really your country house. In general, one should not think that the task is only to catch someone, fine them. Of course, there will be a certain lapping period. Another problem is that hunting users do not always worry about their own hunter who pays them money...

- In the meantime, they tell me: we will draw up a protocol, and then you prove who is right and who is wrong.

“We will have to part ways with such employees who do not themselves understand the essence of the matter, but act in a similar way. I'm guessing what you're talking about.

- I represent the garden partnership "Green Island" in the Stolbtsovsky district. Last year, on the very border of our partnership, a pillar appeared with the inscription: "Negorelskoe hunting farm." Around the dogs run, bark, hunters shoot. We live like in a war...

- This hunting farm has existed on this territory for probably 50 years. And a sign - a full house - was put up so that the hunters could see the boundaries of the hunting grounds.

“But it’s not clear why this hunting farm arose next to the garden partnership without asking our opinion?

— The fact is that it was not a hunting farm that arose next to garden partnerships, but partnerships were created, in fact, in hunting grounds. There is a clear framework in this regard in the current legislation.

Sergey Anatolyevich, Kobrinsky district: A fox settled in our village. He constantly drags chickens and ducks from the farmsteads. And no one can do anything with the tailed one. There is a desire to put a bullet in her forehead, but it is impossible - the settlement ...

- You need to contact the village council, the hunting user and the district police officer. They know what to do in such cases. It's simple, experienced hunters are invited to shoot. The scheme is the same as when shooting stray dogs. In no case should one uncover a weapon in a settlement on his own. Safety first.

By the way:

Taxes have also been approved to determine the amount of compensation for damage caused to the environment as a result of the illegal removal or destruction of wild animals, including fish. They are increased by an average of 3 times. So, for example, illegal hunting of an elk or a deer will cost violators 300 base units, a bison and a bear - 400 base units (before that - 95). Pike or bream - 3 base values ​​for each individual (before - 1), ide or carp - 6 base values ​​(before - 2), burbot - 9 base values ​​(before - 3).

The main changes in the Rules for Fisheries and Fisheries:

The number of hooks allowed for use at the same time has been halved: up to 5 pieces per amateur fisherman, for BOOR members - up to ten.

Members of the BOOR can engage in spearfishing and trolling free of charge - fishing from a ship to a track on reservoirs of the reserve fund. At the same time, the Ministry of Agriculture and Food has defined a list of water bodies where it is impossible to fish using the above methods.

The terms of prohibitions have been changed and differentiated. spring ban, associated with the spawning period for most fish species, in the Brest and Gomel regions will operate from March 20 to May 18, in Minsk, Mogilev and Grodno - from April 1 to May 30, in the Vitebsk region - from April 10 to June 8.

The terms of the ban on fishing for common pike have been increased and differentiated - from March 1 to April 15, in the Vitebsk region - from March 9 to April 25; common catfish - from May 31 to July 1, from November 1 to March 31, in Brest and Gomel regions - from May 19 to June 20, from November 1 to March 31. A ban on zander fishing has been introduced - from April 15 to May 30.

Restrictions on minimum rates for renting fishing grounds have been lifted.

In order to provide the tenant with obligations to protect fishing grounds, persons who protect them may stop vehicles at a distance of up to a kilometer from the shoreline of a reservoir, inspect things, fishing tools.

Fishermen engaged in recreational fishing are obliged to maintain the proper sanitary condition of fishing grounds, not to leave garbage and other waste on their shores, as well as on ice, to prevent clogging and pollution of fishing grounds in any other way.

The main changes in the Rules for conducting a hunting economy and hunting:

The concept of "hunting" has been clarified: hunting is recognized not only as a search, tracking, stalking, attempted extraction or production of game animals, but also being in hunting grounds and other habitats of game animals with hunting tools.

The concept of "wild animals of undesirable species" is excluded. Hunting for cormorant and gray heron is allowed only on the ponds of fish breeding organizations.

Significant changes have been made to the procedure for concluding and terminating a lease agreement for hunting grounds. A new procedure for accreditation of users of hunting grounds for the right to conduct a hunting economy is envisaged.

The powers of users of hunting grounds have been expanded: they have the right to inspect things, vehicles, products and hunting tools, to confiscate from persons who have violated the rules, products and tools of illegal hunting, a state certificate for the right to hunt. In the event that a citizen is held liable with the deprivation of the right to hunt, the seized state certificate is transferred to the organization of the Ministry of Forestry that issued it for invalidation. Previously, it was returned to the hunter after the expiration of the sentence.

Applicants for obtaining a state certificate for the right to hunt are required to pass preparatory courses for passing a special hunting exam.

The head of the hunt has the right to remove from the hunt its participant who violates the safety rules of hunting or does not follow his instructions, without compensating the fee paid by him for the hunting ticket.

Soviet Belarus Ivan KIRILENKO, Dmitry UMPIROVICH

17.01.2018 08:17

Frosty weather has set in throughout the country, water bodies are ice-bound, thousands of amateur fishermen winter fishing rushed to the waters

It is not a secret for most anglers that the most active biting of fish is observed during the period of intense freeze-up. At the same time, there is a high probability of catching trophy fish, and one of the most common ways to catch trophy fish in winter is to fish on winter vents (bets).

In order for fishing to bring pleasure, and the joy of catching a long-awaited trophy not to be overshadowed by unpleasant consequences, it is necessary to remember and follow certain rules of the Rules for Fisheries and Fisheries regarding the use of rates.

The Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen reminds!

In accordance with the Rules, it is prohibited to use vents, stakes and other live bait equipment at night, as well as without indicating the name and initials of the fisherman who is fishing on them. Recreational fishing is also prohibited, leaving established fishing gear without visual control. If found, these tools are subject to seizure by the fishing control authorities.

Do not forget about the permitted number of gear. So, at the same time, the use of fishing gear of the same or different types with a total number of hooks of no more than 5 pieces per angler is allowed. The exception is fishermen-members of the Belarusian Society of Hunters and Fishermen, who are allowed to use up to 10 vents (bets) per angler.

Also, it must be remembered that for certain types of fish, the Rules set the commercial size, i.e. the size of the fish at which it is allowed to catch it. For example, pike and zander that have not reached a length of 40 cm must be released into the fishing grounds alive. The length of the fish is determined by measuring the distance from the top of the snout (with the mouth closed) to the base of the middle rays of the caudal fin (i.e., excluding the caudal fin).

At the same time, the Rules set the maximum allowable total weight of fish allowed to be caught by an angler per day. So, anglers are allowed to fish in fishing grounds, not more than 5 kg of fish per angler per day and one fish, if the total weight, taking into account its weight, in total exceeds 5 kg, or one fish, the weight of which exceeds 5 kg.

Fishermen who violate the requirements of the Rules bear administrative, criminal or other liability in accordance with legislative acts.

In accordance with article 15.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the capture of fish or other aquatic animals without a proper permit, or at prohibited times or periods, or in prohibited places, or with prohibited tools, or in prohibited ways, as well as an attempt on such prey - entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of from twenty to fifty base units with confiscation of fishing gear.

Staying in fishing grounds or on the territory adjacent to them at a distance of up to one kilometer from the coastline of fishing grounds with prohibited fishing gear or fish, the fishing of which is prohibited in this area and at a given time or period, or whose weight exceeds the established norms, without documents confirming legality of fish possession - entails the imposition of a fine in the amount of five to thirty basic units.
For other violations of the Rules, a fine of up to 20 b.v.

At the same time, the damage caused to the environment as a result of the illegal removal of fish will also have to be compensated. For example, for illegally caught 1 pike, the fisherman will have to pay 3 b.v., for catfish - 4 b.v., for zander - 6 b.v.

Dear anglers, follow the Rules of fishing and fishing, and fishing will bring you only joy!