What can you fish for during the spring ban. Fishing on the Black Sea from the shore What can you catch

What kind of fish are caught on spinning? Chapter from Viktor Andreev's book "Technique and Tactics in Spinning": optimal tackle, catchy baits, effective wiring, spinning technique and tactics - what kind of fish can be caught and what kind can be caught on spinning.

What kind of fish are caught on spinning?

Spinning can theoretically catch any fish. Most often, anglers come across predators: pike, perch, pike perch, bersh, asp, catfish, trout, salmon, trout. Often, semi-predatory chub, ide and grayling also peck, and you can also catch even conditionally peaceful fish: sabrefish, rudd, roach, bream, bleak. If only in our reservoir this fish was ...

It is clear that each fish needs its own tackle and bait, and there are fewer and fewer fish in the reservoirs - therefore, in reality, spinningists usually catch only 1-3 "close" types of fish: pike and perch, pike perch and bersh, ide and chub .. And this is still good - but it happens that they don’t catch anything either ... It’s not for nothing that they say that going fishing and going fishing are far from the same thing ...

The first choice is subjective: what kind of fish can you CATCH with spinning?

The first question that arises even when preparing for fishing is who, in fact, will we catch? The answer to it is connected for the most part with our character and fishing habits. As they say, tastes differ, so the following options are possible here:

Fishing for pleasure or food?

In fact, the question is not quite correct, because the first does not exclude the second at all, and vice versa. However, for most spinning anglers, fishing is primarily recreation and pleasure. This part - voluntarily or involuntarily - includes almost all anglers from large cities who have to go fishing. Indeed, now in 99% of such cases, the caught fish (if any) does not even justify the cost of tackle and gasoline, not to mention boats, vouchers and overnight stays. But you can always have fun, because every rare fishing trip is a holiday!

It is clear that the measure of pleasure is primarily the number of bites and fish caught, and only then - the weight of the catch. Therefore, many prefer to catch heels of perch better than one pike, even if twice the weight. And to realize the excitement of sports - you can use the lightest gear. Then the 100-gram "sailor" will bend the rod into an arc, and it will take several minutes to pull it out. And it turns out that catching bleak on a spinning rod is no less reckless. Pike - after all, anyone will catch it! And here you have to be smart! No wonder there are more and more fans of "ultralight".

By the way, if there is no cat at home, then the “prey” is released back without regret.

If the spinning player has a river at his side, and go fishing at least every day, then the philosophy is different. I want not only to relax, but also fish on the table! And here already one pike “outweighs” the heels of perches in the mind - and there is something to brag about, and there is less work for the wife. Although there are a lot of romantics here too - I went out to the pond, threw a lure, talked with the same fishermen ... Is it normal, Grigory? Excellent, Konstantin!

Catch a specific fish or all in a row?

The easiest way is for those anglers who go, for example, only for pike. And - not less than a kilogram. By the way, quite often one has to see such spinners who have one baubles for all occasions - and it seems that it is not tied up until it breaks. It is from them that you usually hear phrases like: “Here it only bites on a yellow oscillator!” Despite their apparent simplicity, these anglers are very mobile, they know exactly what they want and do not suffer from the issue of choosing the best bait. Agree, this is better than carrying a bunch of gear with you - and not knowing what to grab onto.

The other extreme is to catch everything that can be caught. However, this requires a lot of all kinds of tackle and lures, as well as enough time for constant re-equipment. And time is usually not enough. Yes, and carrying two rods and a box of baits with you when fishing from the shore is very inconvenient. But on stationary fishing - next to a camp or a car - it is quite possible to catch "everything". For example, if a trifle started to “beat” - run to the tent and take the “ultralight” - not a problem. The same can be said about fishing from a boat, where 2-3 equipped spinning rods will always fit.

There is always a “golden mean” between two extremes. Therefore, some compromise-universal option is most often used, allowing you to catch at least 3-4 of the most interesting species of fish with one tackle. And even though such tackle is not ideal for a particular type of predator, it is optimal for interesting multifaceted fishing and is mobile.

By the way, for relative versatility, just an additional spool is enough. Wrap a thinner monofilament there and you can quickly switch from pike to perch. After all, a small bait, but on a thin line, will be thrown even by a relatively hard spinning rod. And, by loosening the friction brake, we will protect the weak lips of the “striped” from breaking off during hooking and fighting. Another example - an additional spool with a thin “braid” will allow you to quickly switch from medium weight heads to the lightest jigs for medium-sized (such as perch) or “unexpected” (such as ide and chub) predators.

Catch trophy fish or all in a row?

A special group of spinners are lovers of trophy fishing. As a rule, they do not recognize prey less than a kilogram, and the “norm” is usually considered to be weight - 2-3 kg, although they often catch “crocodiles” of 5-10 kg each. However, such fishing requires not only special gear (and, as a rule, a boat), but also a special tactical approach. And most importantly - patience!

So, choose for yourself - what is more in character for you.

The second choice is an objective one: what kind of fish can you Catch with a spinning rod.

The second choice is no longer connected with the angler, but with the activity of biting predators. Although here the decision is not at all unambiguous and to a large extent depends on our temperament.

The classic question "what to do?" stands in front of every spinner on every fishing trip.

Looking for active fish or grinding out passive ones? Or steadfastly wait for the "exit"? Or maybe switch to other types of predators?

Frankly, I myself still do not have a clear answer to all these questions. Too much may depend on specific conditions. Options - darkness, but it is still impossible to evaluate them correctly. After all, if you catch one, there is simply nothing to compare with, and even in a team everyone has their own level and their own preferences. And yes, age matters too.

I remember that in my younger years, gear was “to a minimum”, and I didn’t know so many catchy places - therefore, the catch was mainly recruited “by feet”. Remember the saying: "For a gambling fisherman - ten miles is not a hook"? I wanted to see everything faster, check every river and lake. Slowly, reservoirs were recognized and experience was accumulated. Recently (perhaps due to age) I have been more inclined to “persuade” fish with new baits and sophisticated fishing techniques. Naturally, at proven 100 percent "points".

After all, what bites better “beyond that turn” is not at all a fact. If reeds and sedges are everywhere, the fish should take about the same. But if there is a hole or a roll around the corner - run there!

That is, if our reservoir does not have pronounced catching "points" (both visible and invisible), then the fish is distributed relatively evenly here. This means that you can find its accumulation only in "hidden" places - on the edges, "tables" or in snags - which are detected either with the help of an echo sounder, or by continuous "combing", or by chance. What if you get lucky?

On the other hand, the activity of predators in the water area can vary greatly. This is especially true for those that feed mainly on large prey. For example, a full-grown pike can swallow fish up to a third (and some sources say up to half) of its own weight. It will take 1-2 days to digest such a hearty meal. And, as you know, "crocodiles" keep alone, and they do not like competitors near them. Therefore, sometimes even in interesting areas there may not be a bite all day. This means that it does not make sense to linger here for a long time - you need to look for active and hungry fish in other places. Paradoxical as it may seem, but with a bad bite, it is often high-speed fishing that helps out, which allows you to check for an active predator as much as possible a large area of ​​water.

If predators feed on small fish, then their activity is much higher. After all, in order to get enough, the hunter needs to catch more than one "little one", and they will be digested several times faster. Therefore, unlike pike, catching perch and zander is in a sense easier. In addition, collective predators are fundamentally more greedy, because in the pack the law “who had time - he ate” constantly operates. This means that a wide search for fish is especially relevant here for a spinner.

By the way, it is not so difficult to determine how long a predator has been eating - you just need to gut it and see what is in the stomach. If 2-3 caught specimens turned out to be “empty”, then it is likely that other fish are also hungry. After all, both solitary and schooling predators often feed with a certain cyclicity: by time, by weather, or by the presence of accumulations of forage fish. Therefore, the empty stomach of prey (which in pike can be determined even by touch) is already a reason for some optimism.

However, there are periods when, due to some abnormal weather phenomena, the biting of fish in the entire water area deteriorates sharply. For example, total bitelessness is often observed during sudden pressure surges, magnetic storms, or other adverse conditions. In these cases, it hardly makes sense to move around the water area a lot - even if the predators are hungry, they are still not active due to their disease state. Here it is better to stop at a well-known catchy place and try to "force" the fish into smaller baits, and even the slowest and, moreover, uneven wiring.

The same can be recommended when predators are clearly "naughty". That is, the fish seems to follow the bait, and sometimes even tries to grab it - in any case, some kind of pokes and delays are felt. Probably, in this case, you should not look for something else, somewhere far away, whether it bites or not - but it is better to try to “extort” what is nearby. But here you already have to contrive from the heart with both baits and wires. True, when you know for sure that there is a fish, that it is somewhere nearby, it becomes much more fun to catch.

Fortunately, there is no evil without good. After all, a fish cannot die of hunger, all the same, it must eat. Therefore, short-term, and even total lack of bite, when favorable conditions occur, will certainly be replaced by a good bite - and possibly even “zhor”. Just don't miss this moment!

By the way, unfavorable conditions for fish and bad weather in our understanding are not the same thing at all. Often the opposite - an unexpected zhor is observed, for example, in strong winds, and even with rain. And even in late autumn or winter - it seems to be at a minimum water temperature - sometimes you get on such a bite - do not forget forever!

Well, for those who do not want to wait for the weather by the sea, there is a backup option. It is no secret that different predators hunting in the same area and even at the same time live “in antiphase” with competitors. That is, the pike is passive, which means that the perch is active, and vice versa. Or another example, when a peculiar queue of the evening “going out” for a rift is observed - first asp, then chub and, finally, pike perch. Our decision in both cases is logical - to switch to catching another, now more active predator.

But if the predator is still “defending”, fishing tactics should be based on the fact that we ourselves should actively look for fish, and not vice versa. Considering that “sloppy” places are usually pits or snags with a quiet current, all potentially suitable places should be consistently and slowly fished.

A special case is catching an "outgoing" predator. Each reservoir has "temporarily" catch points, which predators go periodically during the day - for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And sometimes - only for dinner. Since the fish clearly comes out to "eat" - it is very active at this time. It happens that you find an interesting place on the echo sounder, you throw it, you throw it - deaf. Just drove off, someone else stands on your "point" and begins to drag one fish after another. You come back - and you have bite after bite. Here it is - the "exit"!

It is clear that it is not the bait itself that is important for the “coming out” predator, the main thing is to cast it in time. Therefore, it is useful here to be on duty all day on your own or with friends - and gradually draw up a “schedule” for biting. Often such a schedule is maintained to within half an hour for quite a long time - until there are significant changes in the level or state of the water. In the meantime, we are very lucky - you can fish "by the hour." Imagine, someone threw and threw all day - and nothing! And we came or sailed in the evening for an hour or two - and were caught! The beauty!

Many compatriots love to spend their free time on the water. For many Russian men, and even women, such a pastime has become a favorite thing, and for some even a professional hobby.

Lures: worm or bread?

But, often, many anglers (especially inexperienced ones) are wondering what is the best way to fish. Before you give yourself an answer to this question, decide on the method of fishing that you choose today, and with the fish that you want to get. It is clear that the more crucian carp in the lake near Moscow, the less likely it is to catch trout or charuis in it (especially since they are not found in lakes). It is necessary to take into account the geographical areolas of the distribution of certain fish, and to know their habitats. And, as for the bait, certain, practically, immutable rules “work” here what kind of fish to catch.

Fishermen-athletes do not catch on the net

So, if you plan to fish with a float rod, then you should use vegetable, natural baits. It is clear that with such baits and with this type of fishing, it is unlikely that you will have to count on a catch in the form of a predator. Unless the perch bites. Predatory fish are best caught on animal baits, although they sometimes bite, and not predatory fish. Below we will give detailed recommendations for catching the most common fish in our country. We deliberately considered only sports types of fishing, and we will tell you what kind of fish to catch. In addition, we will try to talk about the types of bait, depending on the natural season. After reading the article, you will find out what to fish for in the fall or spring.

We are not going to give the reader recommendations on how to fish with a net. Catching fish with nets and their various derivatives is a commercial method of production, and is allowed only by professional fishing teams. Cases of using such gear without an appropriate permit in the waters of our country are considered poaching and are punishable by a fine, and, criminal liability. So, let's figure out what to fish legally. And, let's leave fishing with nets to poachers and fishermen. So. What kind of fish are caught fishing in Russia?

Typical non-predatory fish of rivers and lakes of Central Russia

  • Bream. Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods. Bait (bait): This fish should be caught on a worm, Maybug larvae, corn kernels, dough, or crumb of bread, ant larvae.
  • Chub. Fishing method: spinning fishing. Float rod. Bait (bait): oscillating and rotating baubles, vibrotails, worm, rarely chub caught on bread or fly larva (maggot).
  • Roach. Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods. Bait (bait): maggot, earthworm, dough, bread crumb, ant larvae.
  • Rudd. Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods. Bait (bait): maggot, earthworm, dough, bread crumb.
  • White amur. A schooling fish acclimatized in many fish-breeding reservoirs. Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods. Bait (bait): this fish should be caught on corn, worm, maggot, sometimes caught on cherries or cherries, as there is evidence that it is attracted by a bright red color and a specific aroma, also caught on boilies.
  • Guster. Fishing method: Float and bottom fishing rods Bait (bait): Insect larvae, maggot, worm, corn crumb.
  • Bleak. Fishing method: Float rod. Bait (bait): This fish is best caught with a fly, also prefers larvae, breadcrumbs and earthworm.
  • Ide. schooling River fish Fishing method: Float rod and fly rod. Bait (bait): fly fishing flies, earthworm, corn, peas, caddis larvae, maggot.

We catch lake "inhabitants"

  • Burbot. Fishing method: Bottom fishing rod. Bait (bait): Worm, chicken offal, lightly fried over an open fire (the old way of bait).
  • Carp. Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods, feeder fishing, winkel picker. Bait (bait): corn, boilies (special granular food), earthworm, dough. These baits can be combined in various variations; they also bite on pasta, peas, maggot, and cancer neck. This fish is caught on fishing with the addition of special attractants (extracts of odorous substances) to baits.
  • Tench. Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods. Bait (bait): maggot, earthworm, dough, bread and potato crumb.
  • Carp. One of the most popular and common, in almost all reservoirs of the country, fish. In recent years, it has been actively crowding out other fish species. Basically, silver carp is common. Much less often, you can meet goldfish, which in gastronomic terms, in many ways, surpasses its silver "brother". Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods. Bait (bait): you need to catch this fish on an earthworm, corn, peas, maggot, leeches, dough, bread crumb.
  • Carp. Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods, feeder fishing, winkel picker. Bait (bait): corn, boilies (special granular food), earthworm, dough. These baits are combined in various variations. It can also bite on pasta, peas, maggot, cancer neck. This fish is caught fishing with the addition of special attractants (extracts of odorous substances) to the baits.
  • Acne. Fishing method: bottom rod. Bait (bait): earthworm, dead fish.


  • Som. Fishing method: Spinning fishing and bottom fishing rod, kwok fishing, spearfishing. Bait (bait): Dead fish, wobblers, spinners. On the bottom fishing rod, as bait, they use toads, frogs, shellfish meat, bunches of earthworms, live small fish (bait fish).
  • Zander. Predatory fish. Fishing method: Spinning fishing and bottom fishing rod. Bait (bait): oscillating and rotating lures, vibrotails.
  • Silver carp. A very secretive, cautious fish, the fishing of which is very difficult. Frightened by a sharp sound, it can jump out of the water. Way of fishing: Float and bottom fishing rods. Bait (bait): Worm, boilies, potato dough, insect larvae.
  • Perch. Predatory schooling fish. Fishing method: Spinning fishing, float fishing rod. Bait (bait): oscillating and rotating lures, vibrotails and wobblers. In winter, to be caught from under the ice on bloodworms and mormyshkas. In summer, this fish is best caught on a worm.
  • Asp. Predatory, river and very cautious, "strong" fish. The favorite place to stand on the river is the riffles. Way of catching: Spinning catching. Bait (bait): oscillating and rotating lures. There is evidence that it responds well to spinners with the presence of bright red elements on them.
  • Pike. Way of fishing: Spinning fishing, bottom fishing rod, in winter on the freezing of the vent. Bait (bait): oscillating and rotating baubles, vibrotails and wobblers, live bait, dead fish.
  • Trout. Way of catching: Spinning catching. Fly fishing rod. Bait (bait): oscillating and rotating baubles, vibrotails, all kinds of insect imitators, the so-called flies.

As you can see, one of the most common and "lucky" baits for most of the most common fish in our country is the earthworm. The fish also responds well to its dung "brother", which has a brighter and more attractive appearance. And, in conclusion, the last tip: for good fishing recognize bait and bait methods local residents. Unless, of course, they will agree to reveal such secrets ...

Fishing in Minecraft allows the player to always have food and get various items. You don't need to search to catch a fish big body of water, - one block with water is enough. Also, the fishing rod can be used to attract mobs and objects, to activate pressure plates and to control pigs.

To create a fishing rod, the player will need ordinary sticks and threads. If there are no difficulties with getting sticks, then the easiest way to get threads is to kill spiders. Since spiders are very aggressive, they move quickly and inflict big damage, then it will be difficult for an unprepared player to cope with them. One spider drops from 0 to 2 threads. You can also find webs in abandoned mines and get threads from them.

The recipe for making a fishing rod is very simple. On the workbench, you need to put three units of sticks diagonally from the lower left corner to the upper right. Two free cells of the third column should be filled with threads and the fishing rod can be taken into inventory. To start fishing - just find any body of water and cast a fishing rod with the right mouse button. After a while, bubbles will appear on the surface of the water and the float will sink. At this moment, you need to reel in the fishing line by pressing RMB.

The fishing rod, like other tools, has durability, which is consumed as you use it. One throw into the water removes one unit, if the hook gets stuck in the block, two units will be lost, and when the hook is removed from the mob, three units of durability are lost. Since the fishing rod cannot be repaired in survival mode, it is recommended to use it for its intended purpose.

In the process of fishing, you can catch a large number of items that are divided into categories: "Fish", "Treasure" and "Garbage".

Fish include:

  • raw cod;
  • raw salmon;
  • pufferfish;
  • clown fish.

The last two are used in the creation of potions and are not suitable for consumption. If the player dares to try them, they will get the effect of poisoning. Cod and salmon are great for satisfying hunger if they are pre-roasted in the oven.

Treasures include:

  • enchanted book;
  • saddle;
  • tag;
  • fishing rod;
  • water lily.

While fishing, you can get any enchanted books up to the fifth level.

Garbage includes:

  • a bowl;
  • tension sensor (hook);
  • stick;
  • a thread;
  • leather;
  • water vial (no effects);
  • bone;
  • rotten flesh;
  • ten ink bags;
  • leather boots;
  • broken rod.

Additionally, the fishing rod can be enchanted to catch more treasure and less garbage.

Separately, it is worth considering a fishing rod with carrots. This device can be made in the inventory - just add a carrot, placing it along with the fishing rod diagonally. With such a simple tool, the player can lure pigs and ride them.

A bunch of questions appear among ordinary amateur fishermen in the spring on open water, because we fish during this period at our own peril and risk. This is due to the spawning ban on fishing and increased poaching during this period. Let's find out where, when, how and what fishing is allowed and where it is prohibited by fishing regulations do it and also what is forbidden to fish and in what ways. What surprises me greatly is that there are no comments on the points of the articles of the fishing rules. There are explanatory comments to all laws, but not to fishing rules.

Recently, I looked at the official websites of the territorial bodies of the Federal Agency for Fishery and did not find forums anywhere, and there is a contact page for everyone, but no one answered my question, apparently everyone is in raids, or maybe there is no time. Well, if they made a forum and people would ask questions in it, this would increase site traffic. Because of these difficulties, fishermen do not know all the nuances and often from the category of fishermen they unwittingly become poachers, that is, lawbreakers. Rybnadzor stupidly performs its main function and keeps the fishermen in fear by drawing up protocols. As soon as the fisherman hints that you are wrong, the fine is instantly increased, but if your car or boat is expensive, then the fine will always be the highest, that's the truth. You have to be a sharomyga in appearance, such as poor and unemployed, then there is a chance to get a discount on the fine.

In Russia, they are approved by the Fisheries Agency by orders for each fishery basin, they are divided into fishery regions. Take the West Siberian Basin fisheries, it is subdivided into regions:
1. Ob-Irtysh - includes the Kara Sea (does not include bays: Yenisei, Pyasinsky, Tollya and Taimyrsky) of the Ob, Irtysh, Taz, Pur rivers, as well as rivers flowing into them, reservoirs, oxbow lakes, reservoirs with fishery significance in the Republic Altai, Altai Territory, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk, Omsk regions, YNAO, KhMAO, Tyumen, Kurgan, Sverdlovsk, Chelyabinsk regions;
2. Yenisei - territorially consists of the Yenisei, Pyasinsky, Toll and Taimyr bays in the Kara Sea, as well as the rivers that flow into them, the bays in the Laptev Sea - Khatanga, Thaddeus, Sims, Teresa Clavenes, as well as the rivers Yenisei, Pyasina, Taimyr , Khatanga, Popigay, Ob (Chulym and Ket) of their tributaries, bays, branches, channels, reservoirs, lakes, reservoirs with fishery significance, geographically located in Tyva and Khakassia, in the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Note: the basin does not include stocked ponds and quarries owned by the subjects Russian Federation, municipalities and individuals.

So, what of the rules of fishing should be well known to anglers, amateurs and sports anglers.
1. If the ponds and stocked quarries are in use, the permission of the owners of these reservoirs is required, respectively, in order to fish in the fishing grounds, the user's permission is required. You understand that such permission is not given for this, they will be asked to pay for it.
2. If you wish to fish with nets, because amateur fishing also implies this, but with a ticket to a specific body of water. You can buy a ticket without any problems, if there is no ban, in the society of fishermen of the area you need.
3. Permits, vouchers, a document for identifying citizens in places, see paragraphs 1 and 2, must be with you.

What is forbidden to fish and in what ways?

What is forbidden to fish and in what ways on the reservoirs Russia?

1. Sharp, explosives, toxic, narcotic drugs, electric current, firearms and pneumatic weapons, trap hooks;
2. Drive the fish into traps, nets, that is, frightening her with a bot and rattles and other noise means;
3. Stopping the supply of oxygen to the reservoir by blocking the water supply, stirring up the soil from the bottom or draining the water to catch fish;
4. Krivdami, pots and all illegal gear listed in the Rules;
5. and , longitudinal, if more than 10 hooks are installed on these gears per person. Such gear should not block 2/3 of the navigable sections of water bodies, as well as block the fairways. It is forbidden to put such gear in locks from two banks.
6. Tackle fishing with a checkerboard pattern of their installation at a distance of up to 0.1 km between tackles;
7. With the use of fishing gear having dimensions and equipment, as well as if the size of the cell does not comply with the Fishing Rules;

Where and how is fishing prohibited?

1. On shipping routes, in wintering pits for fish, near dams, from bridges and next to them, at locks and at a distance of up to 0.5 km from them, next to dirty water drains with a radius of up to 0.5 km;
2. Near fish breeding organizations, their workshops and points, cages in which fish are grown and kept, and not closer than 0.5 km;
3. You can’t even have all the prohibited tackle with you, although you don’t fish with them, you will also be fined;
4. It is forbidden to hunt spearfishing weapons near vacationing citizens, as well as during the spawning (prohibition) period, in addition, from the shore, from floating means and wading, it is impossible to use means for hunting underwater, as well as hunting in scuba gear and insulating gas masks;
5. It is legal for fans to fish with nets, it is forbidden to put nets for more than 48 hours in summer and 72 hours in autumn and winter (counted from the moment they are installed).

When it is forbidden to fish for amateur fishermen, as well as for sports fishermen

You can always fish, but during the ban associated with spawning, fishing is possible only with one bottom rod (snack) or a float rod with two hooks for one fisherman.
1. You can not fish with nets during spawning.
2. During the release of fry by fish breeding organizations and after within 15 days and not closer than 0.5 km in all directions from these places, with the permission of the users of these reservoirs, it may be allowed to catch predatory and low-value fish in order to save juveniles from eating neglected fry;
3. You can not go to the waters for fishing boats during spring ban.

What kind of fish is prohibited

It is forbidden to catch those fish that are forbidden to be caught according to the Rules, it makes no sense to list them, since each region has its own list, I advise you to look at the Rules. What should a fisherman do if such a fish is caught? The law strictly requires her to be released.

In what reservoirs can citizens of Russia fish for free and with what gear

In the reservoirs of the Ob-Irtysh region of fisheries, which do not have users (entrepreneurs) who shear money for fishing, there fishing(possible with fishing rods, hook rods, bait, haul, longitudinal) up to 10 hooks for one angler, taking into account the number of hooks on all gear used simultaneously in the water. Catch using spinning rods, “boats”, “kites”, fly fishing rods, both with baubles and flies with other artificial lures. It is allowed to fish on vents, circles without violating the requirement for the number of hooks per person, along the path, to hunt fish underwater with special pneumatic weapons, without scuba gear and insulating gas masks. It is allowed to use small-mesh gear with a mesh size of up to 24 mm: a lift (spider), a scoop being on the shore. To catch crayfish, it is allowed to use five crayfish at once for one person, up to 80 cm in diameter.

(to be continued)

  • Fishing in the region:
  • Fishing during the seasons:
  • Fishing:

This article contains all useful information for both experienced anglers and beginners. Contains helpful tips on lure, time and place for successful fishing.



  • What to fish for in January. The most productive in January will be fishing for mormyshka. Or on a piece of a smaller fish, planted on a hook. The heavier the bait, the more unshakable the float will be. Due to this, the fish completely swallows the hook and it is easier to hook it. It will be relevant to take large baubles or baubles with you for fishing.
  • How fish bite in January. January is not an easy month for fishing. After severe frosts, when a thaw sets in, there are great chances to catch good fish. The rest of the time, biting is not active.
  • What kind of fish to catch in January. The best time to catch burbot. It spawns in January, so the chances of catching a large catch increase significantly. A stable temperature makes it possible to catch roach and bream. Not infrequently caught on a hook - pike perch. Also during this period, mainly during the day, you can catch pike or perch.
  • When better fishing in January. The first days of the month are ideal for burbot fishing. In general, for fishing in January, preference should be given to either early morning or late night. At the same time choosing cloudy, quiet days.
  • Where is the best fishing in January. When choosing a reservoir, you can stop at the reservoirs, where at a depth of 4-7 meters there is an active zander fishing. Particular attention should be paid to rivers with changing water levels.


  • What to fish for in February. For larger fish, baubles are suitable. But the float fishing rod is in great demand and popularity. Not large pieces of fresh fish or small tails are planted on it. In some cases, you can take a worm or meat if you go for trout.
  • How the fish bite in February. In the first half of the month, you should not count on a big bite. The fish "wakes up" only closer to the 20th. Although compared to January, the chances are much higher. And by the end of the month, it can be said, there is a live bait fishing.
  • What kind of fish to catch in February. February is the most favorable month for and ruff. They are almost flawless on the hook. The bite of roach and silver bream also improves, large perch, pike and walleye.
  • When is the best time to fish in February? On rivers and lakes in the first half of the month sheer brilliance you can catch a pike. In almost all ice-free rivers, starting from the second half of February, the bite of almost all types of fish increases. By the end of the month, perch can be easily caught in the burrowed places.
  • Where is the best fishing in February. The best biting in February on non-freezing waters. Mostly fish wintering in the lowlands, goes to the shallows, getting closer to the fairway of the rivers.


  • What to fish for in March The beginning of spring is characterized by spinning fishing. Gear for this season must be chosen better and stronger than for winter. Since the fish after the winter is more energetic, and the water is muddy and clogged. Lure fishing in March is not relevant, it would be more successful to take worms or bloodworms. Bark beetle larvae are also very popular.
  • How the fish bite in March. Already in early March, the fish becomes active, it can peck almost the entire daylight hours. It is worth choosing warm, sunny weather, during this period you can even do without top dressing.
  • What kind of fish to catch in March. In March, pike spawning begins. Therefore, catching her does not amount to special work, the same can be said about perch. It actively feeds near the shore (10-15m.). Great activity is shown by perch and roach, straying into a joint.
  • When is the best time to fish in March? March is a great time for fishing. Especially if you go out in the morning and sit until noon. But even in case of worsening weather conditions, burbot fishing remains relevant.
  • Where is the best fishing in March. Reservoirs, large lakes are the best suited for fishing in March. This is explained by the fact that flocks of roaches or perches stand on coastal cracks and do not move until the channel is clear of ice. It has also been noticed that on the border of light and muddy water there is often an excellent bite.


  • What to fish for in April. In April, as a rule, the water is still cloudy, therefore, more flavored foods should be chosen. This makes it easier for the fish to find the bait. Both worms and larvae are perfect. This month you can catch almost any bait. But preference is given to a light rod, as frequent recasting can quickly tire your hands.
  • How the fish bite in April. Fish activity decreases in April. She is no longer looking for food, but simply picks up what she gets. Therefore, it is so important to lure her and, most importantly, not to frighten her away.
  • What kind of fish to catch in April. There is an opportunity to catch fish such as silver bream and ruff. Chub and carp in some reservoirs. Fishing for burbot, pike and perch remains relevant. Fishing for crucian carp is also very popular during this period.
  • When is the best time to fish in April? Best time for fishing it is the beginning of April. The ice has just melted, the fish are active, and there is an opportunity to fish in the wiring. The current is usually weak and the water is quite clear. This is the perfect time to go for a great catch. True, this period lasts only a few days.
  • Where is the best fishing in April. Rivers and small lakes are a great place to fish in April. As a rule, there is still ice there, but it is already possible to fish in open water. It will be important to remember that during this period the use of almost all devices and gear for fishing is prohibited. The exception is the float rod.


  • What to fish for in May An excellent bait is a metal lure or. You can also use small dead fish. During this period, fishing becomes the most interesting, since you can catch both from the shore and from a boat. Using at the same time spinning and float bait tackle.
  • How the fish bite in May. For some fish, May means the end of spawning, for others, the beginning. In any case, the fish begin to actively feed, easily pick up almost everything that smells and glitters.
  • . The ideal moment for pike fishing, as with the flowering of dandelions, the so-called "pike zhor" begins. Also during this period, large specimens of zander and perch are not uncommon. Bream along with roach in mid-May begin to peck actively. Toward the end of May, there is fishing for carp and.
  • When is the best time to fish in May? May is one of the most best months For fishing. The water warms up, the vegetation begins to run amok. All this actively affects the bite. You can fish from morning to night, as most of the fish have either finished spawning or are just starting.
  • Where is the best fishing in May. Large rivers or large lakes are ideal for boat fishing. And for catching tench, from the shore, shallow reservoirs will be needed. Pike can be found in narrow channels or small bays.


  • What to fish for in June By the way, for fishing, the usual float rod. An excellent bait would be bread crumb, millet or wheat grains. Slow spinners are also suitable, in the case of catching catfish, you can use bird giblets.
  • How the fish bite in June. As the air temperature rises, the fish in the water become lethargic. By the end of June, pike biting is significantly deteriorating. In general, all larger fish prefer to stay at the bottom.
  • What kind of fish to catch in June. In June, pike perch and bersh are excellent. Catfish and carp are also well caught. When the water is already quite warm, tench and rudd come out to spawn. Fishing for ide and catfish is very popular with fishermen this month.
  • When is the best time to fish in June? An important point it should be noted that just in the second half of June, the reproduction of the mayfly (ephemeral moth) begins. Insects actively fly over the water, allowing non-predatory fish to eat plenty. Therefore, these days it makes no sense to catch her.
  • Where is the best fishing in June. It is better to catch during this period in warm places. Most of the fish stay closer to the grass, and large specimens settle in cluttered places and thickets. And when it gets hot, the fish rush into the flooded stream beds, underwater pits.


  • What to fish for in July. Spinning is required for fishing in July. Most actively, the fish bites on maggot, bloodworm and dung worm. Small fish and steamed wheat are also suitable. Boilies are also popular, mainly in carp fishing. They have a rounded shape and a specific smell.
  • How fish bite in July. Hot weather forces many fish to seek coolness in the lower layers of water. Because of this, the bite in July is not great.
  • What kind of fish to catch in July. July is famous for the big biting of bream. Also, without much difficulty, you can catch a roach, as a rule, it is found in large volumes. and carp are caught almost all year round. Catching pike this month is more difficult, but quite possible.
  • When is the best time to fish in July? Fishing will bring great results on the cool days of the month. When it's cloudy and it's raining, the fish floats closer to the surface. Or you need to choose an earlier time for fishing, for example, from 4:00 to 10:00.
  • Where is the best fishing in July. When it's hot, you need to choose deep-sea reservoirs. This will increase the chances of a catch. But for crucian and carp, in rainy weather, not deep open places will come down, mainly with a muddy bottom. Greater preference should be given to areas in the shade, under bridges or piles.


  • What to fish for in August. August is the best time for bait fishing. You can choose anything from baits: spinners, poppers, worms and flies, small fish and spindles, bread crumb and boiled peas.
  • How the fish bite in August. Fish in August begins to gradually revive. Insects disappear. But this moment falls for the most part at the end of the month. Based on this, the bite in July and the first half of August do not differ significantly.
  • What kind of fish to catch in August. You can safely expect that this month you will be able to catch asp and pike perch, chub and ide. Silver carp, bream and silver bream on the line are also not uncommon. In a certain area, you can catch grass carp, trout and bersh.
  • When is the best time to fish in August? August allows you to "hunt" both predators and peaceful fish. The most fruitful fishing is at the end of August. It is also better to fish during the day, with the exception of burbot and catfish, they bite better at night.
  • Where is the best fishing in August. It is best to fish in the rivers. Since in the second half of the month in " stagnant waters» a water bloom is formed. This phenomenon causes discomfort to the fish by restricting light and oxygen supply.


  • What to fish for in September In September, you need to stock up on a worm, not a large fry, and a bloodworm. An excellent bait for a chub will be a gudgeon. As a rule, in September they catch on spinning, but a float fishing rod will also be relevant. If the river is not big, mormyshka fishing can give a good catch.
  • How the fish bite in September. Biting increases when the weather is cool, replaced by warm days. In September, this is not a rare occurrence, so it is better to go fishing during the so-called "Indian summer".
  • What kind of fish to catch in September. Under a layer of leaves, perches and scavengers like to stand in small flocks. The easiest way, perhaps, is to catch roach during this period. Toward the end of the month, the biting of carp and bream almost completely stops. However, in September there are great chances to catch chub, pike and catfish.
  • When is the best time to fish in September? Warm, fine days are ideal for fishing. With the exception of fishing for burbot, in this case it will be more effective to go out at the end of the month, in rainy, cloudy weather.
  • Where is the best fishing in September. In September, fish begin to move away from the shore, so it would be better to fish from a boat. Small lakes and ponds are ideal for pike fishing. In warm weather, it is good to fish in shallow water, and in cold weather to go deeper.


  • What to fish for in October One of the most effective fishing methods in October is a feeder. catch on float rods possible on deep shores. Complementary foods during this period should be chosen with a less pronounced odor. Maggot is perfect in combination with fodder bloodworms, bone meal.
  • How the fish bite in October. Fish activity decreases during this period. The water gradually becomes clearer and the fish behave more cautiously. Biting during this period is not stable.
  • What kind of fish to catch in October. In the first half of the month, you can still successfully catch silver bream and crucian carp. The second half of October is the time for fishing predatory fish. During this period, you can catch pike perch and asp, perch and bersh. The pike also starts to actively peck.
  • When is the best time to fish in October? Fishing in October is characterized by later rises. The best bite starts at 9:00 and lasts approximately until sunset.
  • Where is the best fishing in October. It is more efficient to fish further from the shore. Or near pools and dams. Fishing on the river will be more productive if you stick to the concave banks.


  • What to fish for in November For fishing in November, both winter and summer gear are suitable. The fish is not bad for circles and trolling. But the leadership remains with spinning. Lures should be larger, you can use spinners. The use of bright silicone fish will be effective.
  • How the fish bite in November. November is the peak for catching predatory fish. In some species, autumn zhor begins, which can only be compared with the spawning period.
  • What kind of fish to catch in November. It's time for pike hunting. Great results will be brought by perch fishing, having strayed into flocks, they are actively looking for food. In November, it is not uncommon for zander and small roach to catch the bait. At great depths, you can still catch bream.
  • When is the best time to fish in November? It is better to start fishing after the sun has risen. Closer to 14:00, small fish stray closer and closer to the shore. During the whole day you can catch roach. And here night fishing won't bring great results.
  • Where is the best fishing in November. In November, it is already customary to fish on the first ice. Perfect fit major rivers and large reservoirs. big fish can be caught in bays. For pike fishing, the channels between the reeds are suitable. In small rivers with a small current, it is easy to get roach.


  • What to fish for in December It is best to use large baubles and baubles. If you use winter float rods, then you need to have bait. For her, a bloodworm or a small mormyshka is suitable. Bran is actively used in combination with cake.
  • How the fish bite in December. Fishing in December is not particularly productive, this is due to the winter stupor, which some species of fish fall into. Activity depends largely on the reservoir and weather conditions.
  • What kind of fish to catch in December. Carp, catfish and tench are among those fish species that fall into a stupor. Pike, perch, are excellently caught during this period. In shallow water, you can catch ruff, roach and rudd. Burbot in December pecks at almost any profit.
  • When is the best time to fish in December? Active biting can please fishing on the first ice. Fish usually stand in the same places near the bottom. In early December, especially on calm days, fishing is more productive.
  • Where is the best fishing in December. In shallow reservoirs, with a large amount of vegetation, due to insufficient oxygen, a good bite lasts no more than a few days. The most productive fishing in flowing lakes. Not bad results are obtained by fishing in frozen shallow waters.

Based on this, we can conclude that with sufficient preparation, armed with knowledge about the place, time and nature of the behavior of fish, a good catch is provided all year round. Good luck and successful fishing!

When last time caught dozens of HEALTHY pikes / carps / breams?

We always want to get results from fishing - to catch not three perches, but ten kilogram pikes - this will be a catch! Each of us dreams of this, but not everyone knows how.

A good catch can be achieved (and we know this) thanks to good bait.

It can be prepared at home, you can buy it in fishing stores. But it is expensive in stores, and to prepare bait at home, you need to spend a lot of time, and, to tell the truth, homemade bait does not always work well.

Do you know that disappointment when you bought bait or cooked it at home, and caught three or four bass?

So maybe it's time to use a really working product, the effectiveness of which has been proven both scientifically and in practice on the rivers and ponds of Russia?

It gives the very result that we cannot achieve on our own, all the more, it is cheap, which distinguishes it from other means and there is no need to spend time on manufacturing - ordered, brought and go!

Of course, it is better to try once than to hear a thousand times. Especially now - the season! When ordering, this is a great bonus!

Learn more about bait!