Biceps volume. Ideal proportions. Girth Calculator Triceps Mass Gain Potential

My research on athletic performance over the past 45 years has proven that it is not always the athlete with the best big muscles and circles of body parts wins the highest titles; 47.5 cm arms and 125 cm chest do not by themselves justify a world-class title unless these Herculean measurements are accompanied by proportionate sizes of other parts of the body. Physical perfection means that the neck, shoulders, arms, chest, waist, back and legs are balanced in circumference and muscularity. Any slack in symmetry or proportion destroys the harmony of composition.

Joe Vader

Presented is a calculator based on the tables given by Vader in the book. The type of backbone is not taken into account. Whether your bones are thin or powerful - all the same, the girths of the body parts should be in the right proportions to each other. Once these proportions are achieved, you as an athlete will be so proficient that you will be able to use your own photographs as a guide in your training. Of course, until you get there, use a calculator and let the tape measure tell you if you have superior muscular proportions or not.

Calculation of potentially achievable volumes by the girth of the wrist

According to McCallum's formula, the “classic” wrist of the “weakly responsive” of 17.5 cm suggests a chest circumference of 114 cm, pelvis - 97 cm, waist - 80 cm, hips - 60 cm, neck - 42 cm, biceps in tension - 41 cm , calves - 39 cm and forearms - 33 cm. With a height of 175 cm, this development corresponds to a weight of about 85-86 kg. By any measure, such musculature is something out of the ordinary.

The calculator that below displays John McCallum's patterns, which are given in the book by Stuart McRobert.

The wrist should be measured just above the bone protruding on it from the side of the little finger (styloid process of the ulna), that is, closer to the elbow - McCallum himself advises.

Calculation of the lower limit of potentially achievable volumes (in a "calm" state) based on growth

In the late 70s, a table was compiled by a doctor to provide guidance muscle development"men with average physical potential." The data for this table was obtained from the measurements of several thousand amateur bodybuilders. The table clearly shows that there are quite specific relationships between muscle volumes and bone thickness. In particular, judging by the table, the circumference of the wrist normally ranges from 79% to 82% of the circumference of the ankle. If this is just your case, then you belong to the average type, which means that you can safely try on all the data in the table.

The table shows a direct relationship between muscle volume and total body weight. So you can say in advance: trying to pump up a 50-centimeter biceps with a small body weight is complete nonsense.

This is how Wilby advises to take measurements. The wrist is measured just below the styloid process of the ulna (i.e. closer to the hand) and with the palm open; all leg measurements are taken with the legs straight but relaxed, with the ankle measured at its narrowest point, the knee through the center of the patella, and the thigh at its widest circumference; the waist is measured in the narrowest place, without drawing in the stomach; the circumference of the pelvis - along the largest circumference, when the feet are brought together; chest - at the level of the nipples (without a powerful breath); biceps in tension - at the highest point; forearm - in the widest place with a clenched fist; neck - in the narrowest place; height - without shoes; weight - without clothes.

The calculator below displays the patterns shown in the Wilby table.

Your height:


Results (cm):

Any novice bodybuilder must go through such a stage as achieving size. biceps 40 cm. Rarely, among untrained people, biceps by nature are more than 40 cm. For some reason, the circumstance often passes by that in order to achieve an arm or biceps girth of half a meter or more, it is necessary to live through all the intermediate stages - at 30, 35, 40, 45 cm For some, the task of 30 cm in the circumference of the arm may become the goal of training in the near future, while someone will get stuck and begin to slip at the mark of 35 or 38 cm. progressively and systematically. Only with such an attitude to the process of recruiting one's own muscle mass you can expect more or less adequate returns from your body. Wasting time, dreaming about biceps with a circumference of 52 cm and at the same time not achieving intermediate, local goals, is simply unreasonable, and therefore not very promising. So it's up to you to decide whether to dream or start accumulating more tangible results, which over time, of course, will add up to a more impressive result. Who knows what you are capable of?!

What you need

In fairness, it should be said that becoming the owner biceps 40 cm the task is not unattainable. Everything you need as necessary tools, is the confidence in what you are doing, a little commitment to the chosen occupation and, most importantly, the timely development of the necessary laws of the art of pumping, including the muscles of the hands. As you can see, you don't need anything special. But if the above list makes you resent, then don't waste your time and just don't do bodybuilding - you don't need it.

Parting word for action

For those who seriously intend to give their strength and their time - the latter is a little less - we will indicate those main points, without the implementation of which the current task of achieving biceps 40 cm so it will remain something like unfulfilled hope. Which, of course, cannot paint any man who has decided to firmly and finally achieve anything - in this sense, the development of the muscles of the hands, believe me, is not the most difficult task in the world. So go ahead. Carefully study the principles or patterns proposed below, as you like, then, slowly, begin to introduce them one by one into your training process- we hope you have already started it - and at the end of everything, track their return. Remember, time is your faithful ally, but haste has not yet brought anyone “to success without laughter”. So.

Greg Kovacs, the biggest bodybuilder in the world, curls

Principle 1

Persistently, over the next three months, switch to a diet that is completely balanced for your age, height, weight and training costs. You regularly, several times a day, should consume a large amount of natural protein products, a couple of times a day - perhaps your own production. Also eat a lot. complex carbohydrates- cereals, bread, pasta.

Principle 2

At the same time, set up a sleep schedule at night. As redundant as it may seem, do it anyway. You need to sleep at night for 8, 9, 10 hours in a row. A half-hour nap in the afternoon or so is encouraged.

Principle 3

Train in basic mode. Your training complex should contain multi-joint exercises such as , and , and . Plus, once a week, a maximum of two, do the complex on your hands, giving preference to the barbell and bars.

Principle 4

Train in the number of repetitions from 6 to 10. This applies to both the entire complex and exercises for biceps and triceps.

Principle 5

Train triceps along with biceps. If there are 10 working approaches for biceps in your program, then there should be at least 10 working approaches for triceps.

Principle 6

In arm exercises, first do one or two heavy basic exercises, and then one isolated. Basic movements performed, of course, with great weight. If you work in the number of repetitions in the approach from 6 to 8, then isolated exercise You can temporarily and completely exclude from the program.


Have faith in what you are doing, regularly review the above principles - a person tends to forget - and, as a result, the time will not be far off when biceps in 40 cm will be for you a stage already passed, opening up a series of next achievements. Know that it cannot be otherwise!

Before starting training, you need to figure out how much biceps is considered normal? The indicators are directly related to the age of the man. For people from 20 to 29 years old, the norm is 33.3 centimeters. From 30 to 39 - 34.8 cm. At 40-49 years old, the indicator does not change. From 50 to 59 - 34.5 centimeters.

What matters is not the quantity of exercises performed, but their quality. If the loads are incorrect, this will lead to a stop in the growth of the biceps. It is recommended to pump the muscle once a week.

It is enough to choose two exercises, and perform them 8-10 times two or three sets.

The weight of the selected barbell or other element for training must be acceptable for the person.

Over time, you need to gradually increase the load.

Every 5-6 weeks it is worth reducing the weight of the bar so that the biceps can rest. This approach will stimulate the muscle to grow and help it fully recover.

Exercises to increase the biceps

To achieve the desired result, you must correctly perform the following exercises:


Raising the bar.

Workout with dumbbells.

Work on the horizontal bar.

Push ups.

Kettlebell exercises.

Static exercises with dumbbells.

How to increase the volume of the biceps by lifting the barbell? This exercise is the most effective for the formation and growth of the biceps. Suitable for men with any physique. In order to perform the exercise correctly, you should become straight. The back should not sag or slouch. The legs are placed shoulder-width apart.

The bar must be raised so that it does not reach the chest. Do not delay the element when lowering down. It's important to keep the rhythm. One second is given for lifting, and two for lowering.

Barbells come with curved necks, which will become great option for newbies. For professionals, this type is not suitable, since the load is unevenly distributed on the biceps.

In addition to the barbell, dumbbells are used. With them, you can also perform the above exercise. For people with an oblong muscle shape, the dumbbell is the best way. The biceps should stretch well at the bottom. To do this, perform the following exercise: sitting on the surface, the back deviates slightly back, and the dumbbells rise.

For a short muscle shape, classic exercises should be preferred: hammers, lifting weighting equipment while standing, using shells while sitting on a Scott bench.

If it is not possible to go to the gym, it is possible to increase the volume of the biceps with the help of ordinary pull-ups.

It is not a classic exercise that is used, but a special one - for pumping up the biceps muscle.

Features of pull-ups for biceps growth:

You need to do a reverse grip.

The distance between the palms is no more than eight centimeters.

No need to reach the end when lowering down. Elbows should always be bent.

The chin reaches the crossbar.

Professionals should perform the exercise with weights.

Static execution of the movement will also be useful. To do this, you need to pull yourself up on the horizontal bar so that the crossbar is on the same level with chest. You need to hang until you are very tired. For further execution, it is worth hanging on the crossbar with arms folded elbows at a 90 degree angle.

Many believe that push-ups will not help with biceps growth. Some athletes think otherwise. Experts say that they are less effective than the above exercises. Push-ups can increase biceps but not develop it.

FROM early years training everyone who starts training to engage in gym or at home, they begin their workouts by lifting dumbbells and a barbell so that, namely, the biceps, which are always given great attention so that the volume of the arm seems larger, all novice athletes want to pump up their biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose arm and biceps volume was 60 cm due to his bicep peak and arm build (genetics)! photo before and after.

The peak of the biceps and the volume of the arm depends on many factors in order to pump up the biceps of the right size depending on age and desire, all beginners in fitness bodybuilding beginners want to pump up their biceps 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 centimeters big biceps and the volume of the arm always attracts the attention of others, who always think that if a guy has big biceps, then he has strong powerful hands with which he can lift anything! photo Arnold Schwarzenegger in his youth 16 - 20 years old biceps 46 - 50 cm

How to build biceps for a teenager aged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

The path to big inflated arms is not always easy, in order to pump up big inflated arms, many novice athletes think that it is so simple and easy, but in fact, in order for arm volume to increase every month of training, proven methods are needed and which must be professional in order to get muscles hands grew in volume!

Arm muscles 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 cm

arm musclesaged 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18

The genetic predisposition of a person and his muscle structure is always a defining point in whether you have biceps 35, 40, 42, 45, 47, 50, 55 or not, a teenager’s arm volume of 35 cm is already in adolescence 13 -16 years depending on the type of addition! An ectomorph (thin type of build) usually already has such a volume of a hand. In a mesomorph and endomorph at the age of 13-16 years, the hand usually already has a size of more than 35 cm closer to forty!

Depending on the type of addition, the volume of the arm in adolescents is different, the reason for everything is genetics and age! In the transitional age, each person, a man, a girl, is forming muscular skeleton a few years after the transition period, it is formed, as well as the volumes of all muscle groups! Usually the period of formation of the muscular skeleton occurs from 13 to 18 years!

When and at what age can you start training

In the gym at home for a girl, a man, a guy, you can do fitness at home and in the gym from the age of 14 under the supervision of a trainer so that at the beginning of your sports way set you the technique of performing all the exercises that can be performed in the gym, at home!

Download biceps in the gym at home

If you only train one biceps, your figure will not fully develop, including the volume of the arms will not grow if you do not train all the muscles of the body, our body as one whole and all changes in the figure occur naturally, these are the physiological characteristics of the body from which you can’t go anywhere! If a person’s own weight grows, then all his muscles increase in size, so it’s important to train all muscle groups, and not only pump the biceps so that he only becomes big!

How to build biceps for a teenager at 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 years old

The structure of the muscles of the hands and the volumes of the parameters will change every month of training if you perform the exercises 2-3 times a week so that the muscles of the hands have time to recover between workouts if the muscles of the hands hurt, then it is better to postpone the workout to another day when the muscles stop hurting! Professional advice

Basic exercises for pumping biceps with dumbbells and a barbell

Dumbbell exercises to build biceps

  • Bending the arms while standing with dumbbells with a classic grip (can be done while sitting)
  • Bending the arms alternately while standing with dumbbells (can be done while sitting)
  • Standing hammer grip curl (can be done while sitting)
  • Bending one arm sitting with a dumbbell
  • Bending one arm sitting on a bench

Barbell exercises to build biceps

  • Bending the arms while standing with a barbell with a classic grip
  • Bending the arms while standing with a barbell with a narrow grip
  • Bending the arms while standing with a barbell with a hammer grip
  • Reverse barbell curl
  • Bending the arms while sitting with a barbell on the scott bench

Exercise machines to build biceps

  • Bending the arms while sitting in the simulator on the Scott bench
  • Bending the arms while standing in a crossover lower grip
  • Crossover Curl Standing Overhand Grip

Training program for biceps with dumbbells and a barbell

How many times do you need to train biceps per week for a girl for a man

Arm muscle training should be mindful otherwise about muscle growth and muscle fibers you can forget if you train biceps every day, then your biceps will be weak, but hardy if you train biceps 2-3 times a week, then your biceps will become strong and powerful, the main thing is to train it for strength and perform 2-3 exercises with a maximum of 2 in one workout -3 sets in each exercise and do a maximum of 6 - 8 reps! It is also important to train on the same day in order to fully pump the muscles of the arms and also 2-3 exercises and the same number of repetitions are recommended for each muscle group! According to this scheme, all famous pitching bodybuilders train their arms in order to pump up huge arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger's.

how to stretch biceps lengthen biceps

Stretching muscles after training muscles is one of the mandatory rules to relax muscles after training, so it is important if you have trained biceps and other muscle groups, then it is good to stretch them within 15 minutes after training

You won’t be able to lengthen the biceps and change the structure of the arm, you can no longer improve muscle stretching, but you won’t be able to lengthen the biceps according to your physiology, which you already have, this is the genetics of muscle structure, if it were possible, every fitness bodybuilding jock would have biceps like Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Arthur Jones said over 15 years ago that most bodybuilders are unrealistic in their intended goals. They want something that is beyond their genetic potential, namely huge muscles. In other words, achieving their goal is simply impossible!

Jones went a step further by saying that the main genetic factor, apart from the size of the muscles, especially in the arms, is the exceptional length of the muscle fibers of the biceps and triceps. The length of these muscle fibers is one hundred percent genetically determined.

Many bodybuilders, especially Boyer Coe, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva, Ed Robinson and Arnold Schwarzenegger, have very long muscle fibers on hands. Therefore, it is no coincidence that they have one of the largest and sculpted biceps and triceps in the world.

A well-known physiological factor: the longer the muscles, the larger their cross-section, and, consequently, the greater the volume that the muscles can reach.

Simple physiology explains that in order for a muscle to become wide, it must be long.

A short muscle cannot be wide, as the angle of tension would be so weak that it could not function effectively. Thus, the body will not allow the short broad muscle to exist.

How can you tell if you have short, long or medium fibers? The key factor is where the biceps and triceps attach to the tendons that cross the elbow joints.

Assessing Your Biceps Potential

Let's start with the biceps. Take off your shirt and sit in front of a mirror in a double biceps pose.

Look closely at inner part elbows of both hands. Now straighten and bend your arms. Notice that as you bend your arm, the biceps get taller. This is because the main function of the biceps is to bend the arms. Return to the starting double bicep position again. The angle between the bones of the arms and forearms should be 90 degrees. Look at the gap between the tense bicep and elbow. What is its width (size)?

Before taking a measurement, relax your hands for a few minutes, do the following: place your fingers right hand across the left fold. You should be able to feel the large biceps tendon that crosses the front of the elbow joint and goes to the radius of the forearm. Gently, straining the biceps of the left hand, feel for the rope-like tendon with your fingertips in the elbow space. Move your fingers up the tendon until you feel the junction of the tendon with the biceps. This is the distance between the junction of the biceps with the tendon and the intersection with the tendon of the elbow joint. This is the place you must determine.

Biceps and its tendon

Return to the double biceps pose. Make sure your arms are fully bent and the angle is 90 degrees. The partner should measure the distance between the inside of the elbow (look for the crease in the skin, on the front of the elbow) and the inside edge of the contracted biceps. Do this with both hands.

What do the measurement results mean? Naturally, this is by no means science, but my experience allows me to make the following generalizations.

The Potential of Biceps to Increase Muscle Mass

The distance between the elbow and the edge of the contracted biceps

Biceps Length - Potential

1.27 cm (long) - large
1.27 - 2.54 cm (about average) - good
2.54 - 3.87 cm (medium) - medium
3.87 - 5.08 cm (below average) - weak
5.8 cm or more (short) - minimum

Bodybuilders with really massive arms have 1.27 cm or less between the elbow and contracted biceps. In other words, they have biceps with long fibers, short tendons, and huge potential.

Sergio Oliva, the man with the most massive arms in the world, has such a mass of biceps that there is practically no gap between the elbow and the contracted bicep. Sergio is one of the few people who has such muscles that practically limit the range of motion.

Another group of muscles that make up the bulk of the arms is the triceps.

Assessing Your Triceps Potential

Measuring triceps (compared to measuring biceps) is much more difficult. The difficulty lies in the fact that the connection between the three muscles of the triceps and their common tendon is much more difficult to measure and evaluate.

Triceps, as its name already suggests, consists of three muscles: lateral, long and middle. All three muscles attach to a large, broad tendon that runs through the back of the elbow and connects to the forearm bone.

Take off your shirt and stand in front of a mirror. Turn sideways. The elbow should be straight, the arm along the body. Tighten your triceps. You should notice, if you are lean enough, a distinct horseshoe shaped triceps. Lateral muscle the triceps (medial head) forms one side of the horseshoe, the middle one the other side, the longus muscle is at the top, and the tendon occupies the entire wide part in the middle.

I have noticed that over the years, men with really massive triceps have become less and less likely to have horseshoe triceps. The wide space in the middle of the horseshoe is partially covered on top by an unusual long muscle. Lateral and middle muscle on the sides are inverted soft drink bottles. The tendon is left with an unusually small space.

Sergio Oliva, for example, does not have horseshoe biceps at all. Bill Pearl has a tricep very similar to Oliva's and Ray and Mike Mentzer's.

To determine the potential of the triceps, the following is necessary. With a straightened arm along the body, tighten the triceps. With the help of a partner, measure the distance between the top of the elbow and the top of the inside of the horseshoe. In other words, you are measuring the longest part of the wide tendon. Remember, the longer the measured part, the shorter the muscle.

Below I offer my generalization on determining the potential of the triceps.

Triceps Potential for Mass Gain

Distance between the top of the elbow and the top of the inside of the horseshoe

Triceps Length - Potential

7.62 cm or less (long) - large
7.62 - 10.16 cm (above average) - good
10.16 - 15.24 cm (medium) - medium
15.24 - 17.78 cm (below average) - weak
17.78 cm or more (short) - minimum

Still, you can have a massive triceps with a short "long muscle" if the lateral and medial muscles are long and thick. Therefore, the triceps table is not as thorough as the biceps table.

My suggestion is to use both tables for general guidance only and not as definitive norms.

Real Goals

Joe Roak suggests following this rule: "To determine the potential of the hands, multiply the circumference of the wrist in inches by 2.3."

For example, if the wrist size is 7 inches (17.78 cm), then multiplying by 2.3, we get 16 inches (about 40 cm). Who would want to have 16-inch hands, you say? Believe me, skinny arms at 16 inches look bigger than they really are.

Among the athletes in the Gainesville Group, only one had arms larger than 16 inches (Craig Holaday). Moreover, you must first reach 16 inches before moving on. If you already have a full 16" arm, then your target should be 17", and if it's 17, then your target should be 18". Be realistic, move gradually towards the final result.


Do not expect that in 6 weeks you will have arms like Boyer Coe, Casey Viator, Sergio Oliva. But be sure that your hands will become bigger, stronger, more defined and better in shape.

Bigger, stronger, better shaped and sculpted arms are the result of increased, correct, slow, and thorough exercise with proper rest, recovery, and calories.

Be realistic in your expectations and your results will match your goals.