Weapons in minecraft without mods. How to make weapons in Minecraft? Bow and arrows

It is this topic that will be discussed in this article.

The gun has many definitions, but we are concerned about the definition in the Minecraft game. In this game, the cannon is a structure made of red stone with the addition of dynamite. The effect of such a device is the same as that of a conventional gun. Such a gun is created to protect a certain territory, it is not pocket and not portable. It will only protect the area in which it was located.

There are a lot of guns in Minecraft, for example, laser, multiply charged and so on.

The simplest fixed gun needs the following components:

When creating special chains, you will need an ingredient in the form of a red powder.
Obsidian blocks.
In order for our crumb cannon not to be blown up during the creation process, you need to have a bucket filled with water.
As without a button, without it the gun is not activated.
To have a delay before the explosion, you will need four repeaters, you can’t do without them.

And now the process of building our beautiful cannon, carefully read the steps, otherwise there is a chance that you will not succeed in the course of work:

1) With the help of blocks, form a large letter P.
2) At the same time leaving the center empty.
3) Fill the empty center with water from the bucket.
4) Place some blocks at the end. They will play the role of limiters, so that the water has access to the moment of the explosion.
5) We take the blocks and stack them so that the gun can function normally and does not give errors and failures during use.
6) Next, using red dust, we connect them.
7) We also install the button.
8) We fill the finished cannon with dynamite.
9) We take one piece as a projectile for a chain of explosions.

Weapons in minecraft without mods are ready!

This article will tell you how to make weapons in Minecraft. You will be able to learn how to create something that you cannot do without in battle. Common weapons are bow, sword, arrows. To create a bow, you must have 3 ropes and 3 sticks in your arsenal. You need to place these items in the crafting window as follows: put 3 ropes in the first crafting column, place the rope in the second column in the first and third cells, fill the third column right in the middle. The bow is ready! You can go into battle and win!

Make weapons in Minecraft

For minecraft games how to make weapons is a very important topic. In addition to the bow, you can create a sword. For this you can use wood, stone, iron, gold or diamonds. For example, you can place 2 diamonds from top to bottom in the second column, and a stick below them. As a result, you will have a standard combat sword ready, which will definitely come in handy in battle.
To craft arrows, you need flint, a stick, and a feather, which are alternately placed in the second crafting column. Remember that weapons only help you participate in combat. You must come up with the tactics of warfare yourself, if, of course, you want to win!
For more information about the game and weapons, watch the Minecraft video on how to make weapons on our website. It is better to see once than to hear 100 times. Now you have unique knowledge that will significantly allow you to advance in the game. Don't stop there! Move forward! It is perseverance and hard work that will make you a real winner!

CS GO is a multiplayer team shooter that allows gamers to team up and fight each other on a variety of maps using a variety of weapons. In this case, you are invited to choose game modes - for example, one team can try to plant a bomb and detonate it, while the other team can prevent them from doing so. Or one team can hold a group of hostages while the other team tries to rescue them. In each round, you have the opportunity to purchase more powerful weapons for yourself with the money that you earned in the previous one. However, here we are talking only about standard weapons, which are available to absolutely everyone. It is much more interesting to talk about rare and unique guns that not everyone gets. How can you get them? To do this, you need to know something about the drop, as well as how to craft weapons in CS GO.

rare weapon

Before you learn how to craft weapons in CS GO, you will have to familiarize yourself with what rare samples are, as well as how they can be obtained in other ways. So, a rare weapon most often differs in appearance - it can be painted in others, more sometimes even the shape can be changed. How can it be obtained? There are various ways, each of which you can try yourself. First of all, you can hope for a good drop, which happens to everyone if they play enough time. Not the rarest weapon usually drops just like that - unique samples can be obtained from cases for which you will need to buy a key. The rarer the weapon you plan to get, the lower the success rate will be. If you do not want to tempt fate and wait a long time, then you can go to the market and buy yourself a gun of interest to you for real money. But you should also learn how to craft weapons in CS GO, as this method may come in handy.

Simple weapon crafting

If you want to learn how to get yourself rare ones without spending huge amounts of real money or months of waiting for a quality drop, then you definitely need to learn how to craft weapons in CS GO. This process is a combination of weapons you already have in your possession to get new ones. For example, you can craft ten PP-Bison with the CFRP skin between each other to make a much rarer M4A1-S with the Clear Water skin. There are quite a few such recipes, and they are called simple. Why? The fact is that they include only one type of weapon. which you need to cross - you just need a few of the same guns. However, crafting weapons in CS GO can be completely different - it can be much more difficult.

advanced recipes

So, you have already managed to get acquainted with the crafting of weapons in CS GO, so now you need to delve a little into this topic. Now you have to learn about more advanced recipes that will give you incredible results. For example, to get the Candy Apple skin (one of the rarest pistols in the game), you will need to combine three different types of weapons with each other - Nova, Galil and Five-Seven, each of these types will need to be added a certain amount, and also the skins must be appropriate. As you can see, such a recipe is already much more difficult to implement, but the reward for this will be much more impressive. This is how weapons are crafted in CS GO. You can use the process simulator to check the accuracy of the recipe before you use it in the game. This is done so as not to lose items if the craft fails.

Probability of Success

However, it is worth noting that the wrong combination is far from the only reason that you cannot craft weapons in CS GO. Recipes can be perfect, your actions can be right, conditions can be favorable. But at the same time, you should not forget that luck also plays a very important role here. The fact is that crafting items is not successful in 100% of cases. The exact values ​​are unknown, but in most cases, gamers report that the chance of success when crafting is around 60-70 percent. And at the same time, there is no way to influence this percentage and increase it, so all that remains is to hope for success.

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How to make weapons in Minecraft?

Minecraft is a game where you can do whatever you want. You can create new unique structures and buildings, you can warm up by assembling and mining familiar resources, but from time to time you still have to fight off enemies.

In this article we will tell you how to make weapons in Minecraft - a sword, bow, arrows and ... a fist.


This weapon, like any other elements in the game, is made using a workbench - the main crafting tool (collecting various items and blocks). The workbench consists of nine cells. To make a sword, in the 2nd and 5th cells you need to place iron ingots / gold ingots / diamonds / simple cobblestones / wood (anything can be used, it all depends on what material you want to make the edge of the sword from). In the 8th cell you need to place a stick. Of course, as you understand, the steeper the material of the point, the stronger the sword. The wooden sword is the weakest, the diamond sword is the strongest.

To attack with a sword, you need to select the sword and press the left mouse button.

Bow and arrows

This type of weapon is made in two stages. First, a bow is made from a stick and thread, and then arrows (since the bow is useless without them) from flint, a stick and a feather.

The layout of the elements in the workbench for the bow - the 1st, 4th and 7th cells are filled with thread, and the 2nd, 6th and 8th - with sticks.

The layout of the elements in the workbench for arrows - flint is placed in the 2nd cell, a stick in the 5th and a feather in the 8th.

To fire a bow, select the weapon and right-click to draw the string, then release.


The fist is the default weapon. Actually, it's just your character's hand. In order to use it, you do not need to search and build anything, just click on the hand and hold down the left mouse button. Of course, a fist is a much less convenient weapon than a sword and arrows, but if there is nothing else at hand, then this will do.

Other weapons

In addition to the classic Minecraft weapons, other types of weapons can be added to the game using mods - special mini-programs that "pump" the game. The mod can be downloaded online, you just need to choose trusted sites, for example,

Unless you're playing on the lowest difficulty or creative mode, it's vital that you know how to make weapons in Minecraft. Otherwise, how will you fight off the evil zombies? To hammer bone-jingling skeletons? Eliminate vile spiders? How?

Luckily, weapon crafting recipes are quite simple and do not require complex materials. True, the further you advance, the cooler weapons you can craft. But first you can start with a tree.

The main weapon is the sword. To make a sword, you need to place 2 pieces of wood and 1 stick in the crafting window like this:

Please note that the wooden sword is the weakest. If you replace the tree with ingots of gold, iron or diamonds, you get a stronger option. The best is a diamond sword, the most durable and causing maximum damage.

The main use of the ax is logging, no doubt about it. But it can also be used as a weapon. In addition, it deals more damage, although the attacks are slower. Here's how to make an axe:

Like a sword, a tree can be replaced with iron or gold ingots, as well as diamonds.

Bow and arrows
Bow with arrows allows you to hit the enemy from a distance. The recipe for crafting a bow is very simple:

Arrows are made like this:

The bow cannot be strengthened, but it can be enchanted.

Here are some videos to help you craft weapons in Minecraft if the instructions weren't enough.

Good luck! Save HP! =)