I lost weight and then gained even more weight. Why do people who lose weight gain weight again? Advantages of the new figure

Why do people who lose weight gain weight again?

How wonderful it feels when, thanks to the effort and willpower, it finally leaves the body. We feel at the top of bliss - fluttering in the "new" body, catching the admiring glances of men and the envious glances of women. But the state of "euphoria" does not last long and we begin to notice that the lost kilograms again besiege our waists and hips. Since the problem is very relevant, in this article I want to talk with you about why those who have lost weight are gaining weight again, and what needs to be done to avoid this.

Causes of the problem

The reasons why those who have lost weight gain weight again are varied. They are mainly associated with those that were admitted in the process of losing weight itself. However, there are those that are not associated with this process, but are the result of further disregard for the rules. healthy life. The first reason why those who have lost weight gain weight again is wrong. Basically, we are talking about losing weight with the help of "hard" diets or exhausting physical activity, or even both in combination.

This method of losing weight is nothing more than the strongest stress for the body. But what can you do, he needs to somehow adapt. So he adapts - slowly spending his "reserves". However, as soon as the "execution" ends, the body immediately begins to return everything "stolen", and even stocks up for future use, so that the next time with such torture, it can last longer. Something like this, sort of funny, but at the same time absolutely accurate.

The next reason lies in the reluctance to somehow change your lifestyle. This means that if, wanting to lose weight, a person led a more or less correct lifestyle (he ate rationally, etc.), then after the result was achieved, he, as they say, “scores” all these troubles and returns to the old way of life. Actually, to the very one that led him to excess weight. So what is there to be surprised if such a lifestyle will return him back to where he started from?

If the reason for the return of weight is any psychological problems, then you cannot do without the help of a psychotherapist. After all, only by eliminating the cause of your fears, and learning to accept and love yourself, you can eliminate the attacks of the "attack on the refrigerator", and therefore excess weight forever forget the way to you.

Do not forget about physical education. Very often, in order to stay slim and fit, young people do not need additional efforts, which, unfortunately, cannot be said about people whose age will cross the 25-year mark. It is from the age of 25 that metabolic processes in the body begin to gradually slow down, and physical activity is necessary to activate them. In addition, the skin also requires physical activity in order to remain firm and taut for longer.

There is another way to lose weight and at the same time be sure that the weight will not return to the previous mark. You can achieve this result by taking natural preparations for weight loss. For example, a natural preparation has proven itself well domestic production. Thanks to this drug, you can not only easily part with excess body fat, but also improve the body and improve metabolic processes. And the fact that after losing weight with the help of weight for a long time stably keeps at the achieved level, is just one of the most desired results of losing weight. However, if you combine the drug with proper nutrition and small physical exertion, then you are guaranteed not only a quick result and recovery, but also the opportunity to forget forever what excess weight is.

It still has a bad effect on Alexandra Chernyavskaya quiet life at house 2. There are no barriers between the girl and the refrigerator, especially at night, when Iosif Oganesyan falls asleep, exhausted by her harassment behind the canopy. Sasha, and this is striking, just like half-eaten cakes on the nightstand near Sasha's bed.

In vain she was predicted to lose weight on a talk show a month ago, a month has almost passed, and the weight has only increased, and double chin grew, and huge cheeks began to appear. Even the pants are gray sports Sasha again she took out from the rubble in her closet, the same ones in which she walked around the perimeter when she was a beginner.

And what an almost slender Shura flew to the Island of Love, when Joseph How she quickly ran after the guy, what shirt dresses she wore. Now nothing will work again? Just as she put on a pita with a fur vest a week ago, the brown bear wanders around the clearing, awakening from hibernation, a hungry bear. No self-control and no desire to be attractive. She has already stopped wearing makeup, are we waiting for her strange elongated T-shirts?

Save Cherno!

In the fight against overweight Sasha lost and lost her position. Send Oganesyan to the island so that she yearns for him and stops eating. Belly dancing alone does not get rid of extra folds. Fine her for every pie, deprive her of sweets, help a person, because Inna Volovicheva was once helped? Make Sasha beautiful woman! Or is it beneficial for orgs to have such an unformatted participant that calls negative feedback spectators?

I had problems with being overweight early childhood. From the age of 6, my mother began to drive to children's endocrinologists, from 8, diets began. Nevertheless, by the 9th grade I weighed 90 kg. Doctors shrugged: there are no serious metabolic disorders, but there is a strong tendency to be overweight.

I never stopped fighting my weight. There were also diets that looked more like fasting, and courses of slimming teas that provoked severe indigestion, and nutritional supplements, the taste of which still causes nausea. All this gave a certain result, but the lost kilograms always returned quickly and often in larger quantities. By the age of 29, I weighed 108 kg. And then I had to change jobs. The new position turned out to be very stressful, there was literally no time for food. As a result, in 1.5 months I lost 7 kilograms, and then gradually another 11.

Then the old appetite began to assert itself again. But by that time, the wardrobe had to be completely changed - all things became large, the arrow on the scales fluctuated at 88-90 kg. And I also remembered the words of one of the doctors, whom I went to before, that with my height (172 cm), I need to lose weight at least up to 90 kg - this is a weight that does not carry serious health problems. I firmly decided that I would not allow the lost kilograms to return.

Advantages of the new figure

Of course, I did not reach the model parameters. But losing weight even up to 90 kg has seriously improved my life.

Fully restored menstrual cycle. Previously, delays of 2-3 months were common, but now the body works like clockwork. In addition, menstruation became less painful.

I became less tired. My work is still stressful, but I feel that now the loads are easier.

My stomach has visibly shrunk. Now I eat much less than before, and I fill up faster.

And, of course, a lot of positive emotions are given by the compliments of others and the pleasant chores that accompanied the change of wardrobe. And, although I am not alone, the attention of men to me has increased significantly.

Rules of life

Now I am not losing weight, but for three years the weight has remained the same. For me, this is a huge achievement, and I know for sure: all thanks to the fact that I consciously made a number of changes in my life.

I completely excluded butter, white bread, potatoes, mayonnaise from the diet. According to my taste preferences, I am a meat eater, but now I do not eat sausages, sausages, fatty meat, I choose lean beef, chicken, turkey and fish. Dairy products are an integral part of my diet, but the fat content of cottage cheese does not exceed 5%, I drink 1% kefir, and milk does not exceed 1.5% fat content. I avoid yogurt and other dairy products with added sugar. I also drink tea and coffee without sugar.

I also formulated a few rules that help me feel much lighter and happier. Maybe they will help others too.

Find a sport that suits you personally. “Pulling iron” in the gym or group fitness classes have always terrified me. Pilates was the way out. I attend classes once or twice a week. Since Pilates is aimed at the formation muscle corset My belly has shrunk a lot.

Say "no" to the elevator. Almost every cabin has an inscription: "The elevator saves your health." But I fundamentally disagree with this. On the contrary, the refusal of the elevator helps to maintain health. Now I walk up the stairs. If you live on a high floor and walking up seems like an impossible task, start with the descent, make it a habit.

Forget about the rule "before 12 noon you can eat anything you want." I don’t know where this popular opinion came from, but almost every woman I know is sure that a piece of cake or a bun eaten for breakfast will not bring excess fat. My experience suggests the opposite: if you abuse sweet or fatty foods, even in the morning, very soon the numbers on the scales will increase.

All of this is not to say that I never eat sugary or obviously "unhealthy" foods. Every time I'm tempted to eat something like that, I try to make a conscious decision to refuse. And if you can’t refuse (I want to eat with a friend), I limit myself to one piece. And at the same time I understand: every cake that I have not eaten benefits me.

Fundamentals of the basics of weight loss. Part 1

The basics of weight loss: to start losing weight, you need to consume fewer calories than you expend. And here everything is not as simple as it seems.

Three important points:

1. Weight is not only hated fat. It's also bones, and muscles, and internal organs including brains. the main task weight loss is to get rid of excess fat, and not weight in kilograms, because with diets, kilograms can become less, but fat will not decrease by a single gram. Ideally, of course, before starting a diet, it would be good to know the “composition” of your body: how many kg of the total weight are bones, organs, muscles, and how much fat. If you take two people of the same weight, height and age, one of them may have five kg of excess fat, and the second - not a drop. This is because muscle weighs more than twice as much as fat. For example, if you look at the BMI tables, then Brad Pitt is obviously overweight and needs to lose weight)) All bodybuilders with almost completely "fat-free" bodies also have enormous excess weight according to the BMI tables.

Weight - almost never means anything. It means only the amount of excess fat (fat can also be not superfluous at all).

2. Fat for our body is the main strategic reserve, on which (in the understanding of the body) its chances of survival depend. In order to preserve and increase this important reserve, the body is ready to sacrifice the rest of the components (muscles, tissues, and so on).

3. There is such a thing as your basal metabolic rate. This is the number of calories that the body spends on its basic functions: breathing, heartbeat, digestion, creating new cells, etc. It is calculated in calories. On average, this is one calorie per hour for every kilogram of weight. This is how many calories you will burn if you lie still all day. If you start to reduce the calorie content of your diet below this number, you will provoke your body into self-defense.

4. Our body still lives in the realities of the Stone Age. When he feels that he has stopped feeding or is not being fed, he triggers defense mechanisms that helped him survive in conditions where there was not enough food. It is with these mechanisms that most of those who lose weight face and lose in the battle with them.

Summing up:
1. You need to get rid of excess fat, not excess weight.
2. Fat is perceived by our body as the most important reserve, so to get rid of excess fat, you need to understand the "psychology" of the body and create the right conditions

Why You Shouldn't Reduce Your Calorie Diet Below 1200 Calories

Above it was written about the level of basal metabolism (the number of calories that the body spends to maintain its functions - breathing, heartbeat, etc.). When fewer calories begin to enter the body on a regular basis, the body goes into emergency mode "Hunger has come!" and take steps to reduce their spending. Pay attention to this - he does not begin to get rid of fat, he reduces his costs. The average person has a basal metabolic rate of approximately 1200 calories.

The daily calorie requirement of the body is the level of basal metabolism + calories for other expenses (walking, sitting, mental work, exercise stress). The average healthy person needs 2000-3000 or more calories per day.

So, a typical story of a typical weight loss with a typical outcome.

On the specific example, with explanations.

Initial data:
Weight: 73 kg.
Body fat: 32% (of total body weight)
The number of calories required to maintain the body in its current state is 2000 calories daily.
Goal: lose weight up to 57 kg.

1. To lose weight, you need to spend more calories than you consume - everyone knows this.
A weight loss person goes on a diet of 1500 calories per day, thus creating a deficit of 500 calories.

2. A sharp decrease in the amount of food consumed gives the body a signal that hungry times have come. The body turns on automatic survival mechanisms and learns to function on 1500 calories a day.

3. The body adapts by getting rid of water and muscle first (since maintaining muscle mass consumes the most calories), and secondly fat. Fat is the most valuable reserve for further survival, so the body reserves it for the most extreme case. Studies show that in general, for every 5 kg of weight lost through diet, there is approximately 3 kg of muscle and 2 kg of fat.

4. Since there is less muscle (hence, the cost of maintaining them has decreased), the body has adapted to 1500 calories per day and weight loss stops.

5. To continue to lose weight, losing weight must again reduce the number of calories consumed. From 1500 he moves to 1000 calories a day.

6. The body is shedding muscle and fat again to accommodate.

7. When the body has adapted to 1000 calories a day, weight loss stops.

Results so far:
Weight: 62 kg (minus 11 kg from the original, of which: 5 kg of fat, 6 kg of muscle)
Body fat content: 30% (of total body weight) (- 2)
The number of calories to maintain the body in the current state - 1000 calories per day (- 500)

At this point, the situation is as follows. Since the body is in a state of chronic starvation, it turns on additional funds to save energy - the functioning of the endocrine system decreases. In addition, since almost half of the weight lost was muscle, metabolism is reduced and lethargy and drowsiness appear. Lethargy leads to inactivity, and the body burns even fewer calories than before.

There is nowhere else to go. You cannot reduce your calorie intake. There is nothing special to burn calories either - muscle mass significantly decreased, the metabolism slowed down, the endocrine system works slowly. Under these conditions, it is almost impossible to lose weight, but you can gain it very easily: the feeling of hunger at this moment becomes obsessive and difficult to control.

Since the body has adapted to 1000 calories a day to maintain the body in the current state, at the current level physical activity(very low), then the extra calories will inevitably lead to weight gain, which the body will convert to fat. Since the feeling of hunger at this point has become unbearable, sooner or later a person breaks down and a period of intense gluttony begins. The amount of fat in the body will increase to the original and above, as the body will gain in reserve, in case of the next unexpected hunger strike (namely, diet).

What do we have in a year:
Weight: 78 kg (+ 5)
Amount of fat: 38% (+ 5)
The number of calories to maintain the body in the current state: 1500 (- 500).

There is more fat, but now you have to go on a diet so that you don’t add even more!

For those who often and for a long time sit on all sorts of restrictive diets, the metabolism can decrease to such an extent that they begin to get fat even looking at the cakes. They find themselves in a hopeless situation: either eat only cucumbers, tormented by hunger, or get fat from every crumb of bread, and at the same time they all still have a lot of excess fat.