Sasha Cohen got married. Sasha Cohen - US figure skater: personal life, sporting achievements, coaches. Further sports career of Sasha Cohen

Creative biography British artist Sacha Baron Cohen cannot be called simple. He was able to achieve success through the creation of images of fictional characters: junglist and cockney Ali G, a reporter from Kazakhstan, Admiral-General Aladdin, and the Austrian homosexual Bruno. The public also remembered Sasha for outrageous antics at prestigious award ceremonies.

British actor and comedian Sacha Noem Baron Cohen was born on October 13, 1971 in Surrey, UK. He grew up in a Jewish family, where, besides him, two more children were brought up. Sasha's family was wealthy - his father kept a store menswear so the kids didn't need anything. One of the brothers - Erran Baron Cohen - became a composer. They work with Sasha on films together.

Soon the family moved to an elite area of ​​London. Cohen studied at a prestigious school, and after graduation he went to college in Cambridge. It was there that he discovered his talent as an actor. He began with amateur student performances. Baron Cohen shone on the student stage in productions of Cyrano Bergerac and Fiddler on the Roof.

A handsome guy tried himself in the modeling business. He was lucky - soon the young man's photographs adorned the covers and pages of fashion magazines. But this was not enough for Baron Cohen, he was constantly looking for a place in life, he tried to keep a weather forecast on a cable channel.

In 1995, Channel 4 announced a competition for the position of presenter. Sasha sent a film to the TV people, on which he acted as a correspondent from Albania, Kristo. The producers approved the guy's candidacy - for the next few years, Baron Cohen worked on this channel, participated in several projects and starred in commercials.

After graduating from college, Baron Cohen got a job at a comedy club owned by Sasha's brother. The guy was attracted to political satire. In 1998, Sasha filmed a two-minute video in which he posed as a gay fashion show host.

However, popularity came to him later, when he created the image of Ali G. Fictional character began to appear frequently on Channel 4, and in 2000 he had his own show. The sharp satirical program was a success with the audience. On the wave of popularity, Sacha Baron Cohen moved to America - where the artist's show was constantly aired on one of the channels.


World recognition came to the actor in 2002, when the film "Ali G in Parliament" was released. The comedian himself called this work an easy warm-up, because he played a hero whom he himself invented and with whose image he had already become related.

In 2006, the audience saw the comedy "Borat", in which Sasha appeared in the image of Borat Sagdiev, a journalist from Kazakhstan, familiar to fans of the actor's work. The provocative film outraged the people of Kazakhstan and was banned from showing. But the scandals around the project only played into the hands of the actor.

However, in 2012, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kazakhstan thanked Sacha Baron Cohen for helping to develop tourism in the country.

In 2006, the picture "Borat" became the leader in the box office, and Sasha was named the best actor of the year by the Association of American Film Critics. Early the following year, he received a Golden Globe for Best Actor and an MTV Award for Best Comedy.

In 2007, Sasha appeared in the musical film Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street. The famous and became the artist's colleagues on the site.

The next television project with Sasha's participation was the comedy Ricky Bobby: King of the Road. And three years later, in 2009, the audience saw the film "Bruno", which harshly ridiculed modern society. The picture became the highest grossing in America, Canada, England, Australia. Interestingly, during the filming, calls to the police were received 91 times.

In the same 2009, the artist arrived at the MTV VIDEO MUSIC AWARDS ceremony. Sasha appeared in the form of Bruno. According to the scenario of the event, Baron Cohen was supposed to go down to the stage on a cable in the clothes of an angel. However, he landed on the fifth point almost on the face of the famous rapper. He was very angry with the trick of the actor.

In the film The Dictator, which began filming in 2011, Sacha Baron Cohen departed from the old standards. He played two main roles at once - the ruler and his double, but he did it in such a way that the motives and actions of the characters were understandable to the audience. In 2012, the Dictator project was released internationally and received rave reviews from critics. The film grossed over $60 million in its first week of release.

In 2010, Sasha was supposed to play in a biopic, but due to disagreements with the musicians, the plan. Among other projects of the actor are the films "Les Misérables", "The Keeper of Time", "The Brothers from Grimsby", "Through the Looking Glass".

In addition, he worked on a project called Curley Oxide and Vic Trill.

In 2013, Sacha Baron Cohen was invited to the Britannia Awards. When the comedian was called on stage to receive the name prize, which is awarded for outstanding comedic achievements, they announced that the award would be given by a woman - an actress who played in the film with Chaplin and survived to this day.

After the artist handed over the cherished cane of Charlie Chaplin, Sasha thanked the actress and leaned on the support. And then the cane broke. Baron Cohen fell awkwardly on top of a woman and threw her off wheelchair from the stage.

The audience was horrified. Someone even went to call a doctor. But when Sacha Baron Cohen continued his speech as if nothing had happened, the audience realized that they had become victims of a prepared prank.

Personal life

Sacha Baron Cohen is married to an actress from Canada. They officially legalized the relationship in 2010, although before that they had met for 8 years. For three years, Cohen's beloved woman studied Judaism, then accepted this faith so that her husband's parents would bless the marriage.

In the fall of 2007, Isla gave birth to a daughter, Olive. In the summer of 2010, the couple had a second daughter, who was named Elula.

In March 2015, Isla gave her husband an heir, who was given the name Montgomery Moses Brian Baron Cohen.

The artist leads an officially verified " Instagram under the combined name of four of its characters. He shares funny photos and videos with subscribers.

Sacha Baron Cohen now

At the end of 2017, six Czech tourists were arrested in Astana. They walked around the city in the costumes of the character Borat. As a result, the guys were given a hefty fine. Sacha Baron Cohen, having learned about the incident, decided to help the fans. He undertook to pay the sums presented to the fans of the Kazakh journalist.

AT this moment Sasha is preparing the "Untitled Project of Sacha Baron Cohen", the details of which are not advertised.

In April 2018, it became known that the artist's selected filmography would be replenished with the six-episode mini-series Spy. Baron Cohen will play Israeli spy Eli Cohen. He is known for the fact that in the 60s of the XX century, thanks to the ability to reincarnate, he penetrated circles close to the Syrian government.

The intelligence officer was discovered in 1965. Then they were sentenced to death.


  • 2000-2004 - The Ali G Show
  • 2002 - "Ali G in Parliament"
  • 2006 - Ricky Bobby: King of the Road
  • 2006 - "Borat: Cultural Studies of America for the Benefit of the Glorious State of Kazakhstan"
  • 2007 - Sweeney Todd, The Demon Barber of Fleet Street
  • 2009 - "Bruno"
  • 2011 - "Time Keeper"
  • 2012 - "The Dictator"
  • 2012 - Les Misérables
  • 2013 - Anchorman 2: Hello Again
  • 2016 - Grimsby Brothers
  • 2016 - Alice Through the Looking Glass

Sasha Cohen. Biography

Alexandra (Sasha) Pauline Cohen is an American figure skating star in the singles category. A life Sasha Cohen began in Westwood, California on 10/26/1984. From infancy, Sasha devoted her time to professional pursuits. rhythmic gymnastics. And only at the age of seven she ventured to master the so-called ice dancing. A conscious and final decision was made only four years later, when the athlete was eleven years old.

Since then, the real sports career. As soon as the period of serious and hard work began, it became clear to everyone that Sasha is an insanely talented and purposeful skater, a real fighter.

Sasha Cohen received her first recognition in 2000 at the championship of her country. She has just crossed a very important milestone and began to compete in adult competitions. But she could not keep the gold award in her hands. After she rolled free program, Sasha climbed to the second, no less honorable step of the podium. But she earned the right to play for the national team.

In 2001, due to a serious back injury, Sasha Cohen was unable to skate the program at the US Championships. But the athlete was not going to give up, stubbornly walked up the career ladder and in 2002 won silver at the championship, thereby paving the way for the 2002 Olympics. In this big competition, which was held in Salt Lake City, Sasha Cohen managed to stop close to the podium, in fourth place. She also takes fourth place at the World Cup.

The following season, 2002-2003, Sasha Cohen began training with Russian mentor Tatyana Tarasova. Under her strict guidance, the skater begins to win high-profile victories at the stages of the Grand Prix. The US Championship gives Sasha a bronze medal, and at the World Championships, the athlete takes fourth place.

After the long-awaited silver medal won at the 2006 Olympics, Cohen retires from big sport. She tours a lot and performs in various ice shows, tries her hand at television, in filming movies.

In 2008, Sasha Cohen makes an attempt to return to the roots and decorate the 2009 World Championship with her performance. But, unfortunately, Sasha Cohen fails to make this breakthrough.

A photo. Sasha Cohen

Video. Sasha Cohen

Video: Sasha Cohen. Olympic Games, 2006 Short program.

Video: Sasha Cohen. IMPROV-ICE 2011

Video: Sasha Cohen. 2005 video

Place of Birth: Westwood (suburb of Los Angeles), California, USA

Activity: figure skater, model

The weight: 45 kg

Growth: 158 cm

Zodiac sign: Scorpion

Biography of Sasha Cohen

Sasha Cohen is a bright figure skater and a bright girl. In the life of this talented American woman, there was a huge-many-various victories, titles and medals. That is why at that moment, someday this extraordinary athlete comes out on the ice, in her direction, a huge, multitude of admiring glances instantly rush. But what is so unique about this miniature beauty? When did her sports career begin, and what moments in it deserve special mention? We will all try to understand today.

Early years, childhood - and the family of figure skater Sasha Cohen

Sasha Cohen appeared to the light in small town Westwood, California October 26, 1984 Her father, Roger Cohen, was a fairly successful Los Angeles lawyer and business consultant. No less successful person was the mother of our today's heroine - Ukrainian Galina-Feldman - who, for a long time, was professionally engaged in gymnastics and ballet.

Figure skater Sasha Cohen has achieved great success

Perhaps, all the same, the example of a mother made Sasha Cohen think about a sports career for the first time. From childhood, our today's heroine attended classes in gymnastics, yet at the age of seven she suddenly decided to switch to figure skating. And I didn't guess! For a long time she alternated classes in various sports schools, all the same, at the age of eleven, she decided to go in for sports in a real way. Already in the teenage years, steona began to appear in various competitions on a city and federal scale. The bright performances of the young figure skater attracted the attention of prominent American coaches to her person, and very soon our today's heroine was invited - on-champion-t USA in figure skating. In 2000, for the first time in her career, she came out on the ice in the framework of such prestigious sports competitions and almost instantly became a real darling of America. Competing with adult athletes, a sixteen-year-old girl showed on-site such miracles that the region soon became the main favorite of the competition. However, due to lack of experience, to win that Ra-z Sasha Cohen failed, stopping only a step away from the coveted award. Figure skater Sasha Cohen The silver medal of the champion opened the way for the young skater to the US national team. Soon she appeared at the international junior championship, and already in 2001 she again received permission to compete at the US figure skating champion. However, at that time she didn’t get to the champion of America. The reason for this was the tra-vma of the back. Organically combining studies with training, in 2002, the young beauty graduated from Futures High School and, having received a diploma, was able to fully concentrate on- sports classes.

Further sports career - Sasha Cohen

In 2002, our today's heroine reappeared at the US Champion, and as a result, she will again regain the silver medal. This success provided Sasha Cohen with a ticket to the Olympic Games in Salt Lake City, in which the young American beauty took a high fourth place. The same girl achieved a similar result on the debut of the world champion in Nagano, Japan. However, to consider 2 fourth places a success - our today's heroine was not even going to. In 2003, she broke up with her former coach John Nixo and began training under the guidance of Tatyana Tara-so-vo-th. Cooperation with Russian coach allowed her to win a few Grand Prix stages (“Skate Canada”, “Trophée Lalique”), and also provide herself with second place in Russian eta-ne competitions - "Cup of Russia". These achievements gave our today's heroine a place in the Grand Prix final, which she successfully won. Sasha Cohen and Todd Eldredge After that, in the career of the figure skater, there was a bronze of the US champion and another fourth place at the champion of the world in Washington. Sasha Cohen achieved the greatest success in her career in the 2003-2004 season. During this period, she became a winner on-tournament's"Skate Canada", "Skate America", "Trophée Lalique", finished second in the Grand Prix Final. Some time later, our today's heroine changed her coach - and began to study under the guidance of an American specialist - Robin-Wagner-. Together with him, she won silver medals at the US champion and became the second world championship. Despite all the successes, the very next season, Sasha Cohen again resumed cooperation with her former mentor John Nixo. Due to new back pains, the athlete refused to compete in the Grand Prix, but after a while, she still managed to perform at the US champion and the world championship, which was held in Moscow that year. At both competitions, the girl took second place. In the 2005-2006 season, our today's heroine won the champion of the United States of America for the first time in her career. This was followed by a bright performance on- Olympic Games's, in the framework of which Sasha again became the second.

Sasha Cohen's life outside of sports

After an enchanting performance at the Olympics, a talented American woman announced that she was leaving the sport. In the same year, the girl began to perform frequently in the USA with various show programs, and also often appear on television. Soon she also tried herself as a model and was very soon included among the most beautiful athletes in America.

Figure skater Sasha Cohen returned to professional sports

Some time later, the girl also starred in the films “Victory Flax”, “Blade of Glory” and the comedy “Brother”. Thus, Sasha Cohen showed the whole world that not only on ice, but also in the world of American cinema. It was only in 2009 that our today's heroine announced that she wanted to return to professional sports again. After that, the girl was included in the number of participants in the Grand Prix series in France and the USA. But due to problems with health at both tournaments, the girl did not appear. In 2010, she took part in the US champion, but in the end she took only fourth place.

Athlete Date of birth October 26 (Scorpio) 1984 (34) Place of birth Westwood Instagram @sashacohennyc

Sasha Cohen is a famous American figure skater. Speaks Russian. It is considered one of the most musical and artistically expressive athletes. Performed exclusively in single skating from 2000 to 2006. She became the first in the Grand Prix in 2003, the second at the 2006 Olympics. US Champion 2006. She left the sport in the prime of her career after another serious injury.

Biography of Sasha Cohen

Alexandra was born in the isolated town of Westwood, California. The mother of the athlete, a former Odessa resident, emigrated to America when she was sixteen. In the past, she was a gymnast, so she tried to instill in her daughters, Natasha and Alexandra, a love of sports. The girls' father, lawyer Roger Cohen, fully supported his wife's aspirations.

The sisters did gymnastics with early years, but Natalya preferred music to sports, and Alexandra became interested in figure skating. By the age of eleven, she already showed serious promise.

Fame came to Sasha in 2000, when she won silver at the US Championships. The athlete could not stay on the top step of the podium, because she had just transferred to the category of adults. Silver allowed her to enter the national team. A ticket to the World Championship could only be obtained on the condition that Alexandra took one of the three medals at another junior championship. The too young figure skater did not have enough experience - the girl became the sixth.

In 2001, while training, Cohen was injured and was unable to compete at the national championship. She managed to return her silver only in 2002. This medal became a pass to the 2002 Olympics. The girl was again fourth. All this time she was coached by John Nix.

The athlete was deeply upset by the defeat. Having skated the season, the girl changed her coach. Alexandra began to work under the leadership of Tarasova. The collaboration paid off: after winning the Skate Canada, the girl secured the result at the Trophee Lalique. Sasha Cohen earned silver at the Cup of Russia. These results allowed her to reach the Grand Prix final, where she became the first.

At the 2003 World Championships in Washington, Cohen was awarded fourth place.

Her best season was in the period 2003-2004. Then she took gold (Skate America), set a world record in the short program (Skate Canada), won silver at the Grand Prix.

At the end of December 2003, Sasha changed trainers and started working with Robin Wagner in Hackensack, New Jersey. She was given second place at the 2004 US and World Championships. In the 2004–2005 season, Cohen was withdrawn from the Grand Prix due to a back injury.

At the end of December 2004, Cohen resumed her collaboration with John Nix. She managed to take second place at the 2005 US Championships in Portland and take silver at the 2005 World Championships in Moscow.

At the 2006 Olympic Games in Turin, Cohen became the second, losing only 0.3 points to Irina Slutskaya. A month later, at the 2006 World Championships in Calgary, Sasha took first place in the short program.

Personal life of Sasha Cohen

Alexandra always had a lot of admirers, but the figure skater gave all her strength and love only to sports. The girl ventured into a serious relationship after she announced her retirement from the sport. Sasha met her future husband Tom May at one of the parties. After several months of a serious relationship, the couple announced their engagement. “I am engaged to the most incredible person,” wrote a happy Alexandra on Instagram.

In the summer of 2015, Tom and Sasha got married. The couple has no children yet.

Alexandra (Sasha) Pauline Cohen(Eng. Alexandra (Sasha) Pauline Cohen; October 26, 1984, Westwood, California) is an American former figure skater who competed in singles. Silver medalist at the 2006 Winter Olympics, three-time World Championships medalist, winner of the 2002-2003 Grand Prix Final and 2006 US Champion.

Personal life

Sasha Cohen was born in Westwood, California, a suburb of Los Angeles. Her mother Galina (nee Feldman) is from Odessa, she is a former gymnast and ballerina, at the age of 16 she emigrated to the United States with her parents. Her father, Roger Cohen, is a business consultant and lawyer. And her younger sister Natasha is a pianist.

Sasha graduated in 2002 high school Futures High School, located in Mission Wiehow, California. Her sister Natalya entered Barnard College in August 2006.



From early childhood, Sasha was engaged in gymnastics, but at the age of 7 she decided to switch to figure skating. This finally happened when, at the age of 11, she went in for sports for real.

Sasha rose to prominence among figure skaters in 2000 at the U.S. Figure Skating Championships. figure skating. She only moved to the adult category and therefore did not stay in first place, taken after short program, becoming the second after the free program, and was selected for the national team. Too young to compete at the adult championship, Sasha, however, had a chance to go there if she won a medal at the junior world championship. She did not succeed, so she did not get to the World Cup that time.

Further development and successes

Due to a back injury, Cohen did not compete at the 2001 US Championships, but regained her silver medal at the 2002 Championships, securing a trip to the 2002 Olympics. Sasha competed in the 2002 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City, Utah and placed fourth. She also finished fourth at the World Championships held in Nagano.

The following season, Cohen changed her coach: instead of John Nicks, Tatyana Tarasova began to train her. Under her leadership, Sasha began to win at the stages of the Grand Prix. First she won the Skate Canada, and then repeated her success at the Trophe Lalique. At the Cup of Russia stage, Sasha Cohen took second place. These achievements secured her a place in the Grand Prix Final, which she also won. At the US Championships, Sasha won a bronze medal, and at the World Championships held in Washington, she took fourth place, repeating her previous achievement.

The 2003-2004 season was the best in Sasha Cohen's career: she won the Skate America, Skate Canada and Trophe Lalique stages, and then came second in the Grand Prix final. In the middle of the season, she changed coaches from Tatyana Tarasova to Robin Wagner, and won silver medals at the national championship and the world championship.

The following season, Cohen decided to return to her former coach John Nix. Due to a repeated back injury, she withdrew from the Grand Prix. At the US Championships, held in Portland, and at the World Championships, held in Moscow, Sasha again won silver medals.

Olympic season

After winning a silver medal at the 2006 Olympics, Sasha left amateur sports. She toured a lot in various shows, made a career on television. She also tried herself in cinema, starring in such films as "The Winner", "Blade of Glory" and "Bratz". In 2008, Cohen returned to training and spoke about her desire to participate in the 2009 World Championships.

In 2009, during the pre-Olympic season, Sasha Cohen announced her return and her intention to compete for a place on the US Olympic team. Initially, she was announced for two stages of the 2009-2010 Grand Prix series: in France and in the USA. However, two weeks before the start of the series, she announced her withdrawal from the tournament in Paris due to inflammation of the tendon on her right leg. Tournament in Lake Placid. Later, she refused to participate in the Skate America stage as well. At the 2010 US Championships, she took only fourth place and could not qualify for the Olympic Games.