Pioneerball rules. Pioneerball - a game sport with a ball How does pioneerball differ from volleyball

Recently, very good friend invited to shoot a friendly volleyball match. It became really interesting to me, since I have not taken dynamic photos yet. All nature, forests, fields, meadows, cities and countries. And here is the real action! It is a pity that there was a small hall and there was absolutely nowhere to turn around. This is not my first time at volleyball competitions, and I have always been surprised at how dynamic this sport is. And in terms of energy costs, it will give odds to many sports.

Since the sport is interesting, and we know little about it, I will tell you some interesting facts.

Volleyball is one of the most massive sports games, which almost a billion people around the world are fond of at the household level. And the interest of spectators in professional volleyball matches in general is extremely high.

In 1984, the ball was first performed by Brazilian athletes in a jump. Thanks to such a serve, the force of hitting the ball has increased significantly, as a result of which it has become much more difficult to receive the serve. On the this moment it is the main serve in world volleyball.

The longest volleyball match took place in Kingston, USA. Its duration was 75 hours and 30 minutes.

The longest game in the history of volleyball was played in 2002 in the Italian Championship. The final score was 54:52 and it lasted 48 minutes. The fact is that, as in many sports, in order to win the game, the team must win two draws in a row, that is, win by two points.

In the movie Cast Away, where the famous Hollywood actor Tom Hanks played, a volleyball was used. Subsequently, it was sold at an online auction at a price of eighteen thousand four hundred dollars.

The fastest serve in an official match was performed by the Bulgarian Matej Kaziyski. Its feed speed was 132 km/h.

The record number of spectators at a volleyball match was registered in 1983 at a friendly match between the national teams of the USSR and Brazil. The game was played on football stadium"Maracana" (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). More than 100 thousand spectators attended.

In general, physics and dynamics during the game is simply mesmerizing.

There are many varieties of volleyball, branching off from the main sport. It's mini volleyball Beach volleyball, park volleyball, kertnball, pionerball. In kertball, unlike regular volleyball, the net is replaced by a solid fabric, which reduces the visibility of the opponent.

Volleyball is believed to have been played for the first time in a Young Christian Association college. February 9, 1895 teacher of physical education, William J. Morgan, invited his students to compete in throwing the camera of a basketball over a tennis net. The net was installed at a height of 197 cm. Morgan did not limit the number of his wards in each team. Thus, William Morgan is the founder of volleyball.

The ball flies here at about 90 km / h and this is not a pro.

Coaches pay special attention to the jumping ability of athletes. For example, the average result of the youth team is 79 cm. This result can serve as a standard for the development of jumping ability among young volleyball players.

Volleyball is distinguished from other games by the fact that the goal of the game is to prevent the ball from falling onto the court. In addition, it is one of the few "artificial" games. The principle of the game of volleyball is not a game for time, but for the result.

Like these ones Interesting Facts, about a very popular and dynamic sport, enjoy watching.
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Pioneerball- this is sport game with the ball, in which teams compete on a court divided by a net.

The game appeared in the 30s of the last century as a backyard version of volleyball, and its name comes from the word " pioneer"- a member of the children's communist organization of the USSR.

Game history

The game appeared in 1930s during the Soviet era. A game for children that was played, often not on special sites and sometimes even without a net, simply marked the boundaries of the field with something. Now it is played mainly on a volleyball field, with a volleyball or basketball. The rest of the rules remain the same.

There are several varieties of pioneer ball, for example, a pioneer ball with two balls. In this variant, after the start of the game, the goal of the players is to prevent both balls from being in their half of the court. Pioneerball for the blind is also known. The game has retained almost its original appearance from Soviet times.

2. The rules of the game of pioneer ball and the organization of the lesson

Scoring Rules:

  • A team is awarded points if the ball touches the court in the opponent's half. Moreover, it does not matter if the opponents could not catch the ball after the serve or dropped it during the pass.
  • If the ball after the opponent's serve went out of bounds without touching the players of the receiving team. Otherwise, the opponent earns a point.
  • If, after an opponent's serve, the ball flew under the net or hit the net and remained in the opponent's half. If the ball touched the net, but flew over to the side of the receiving team, by prior agreement between the teams there may be such options: re-serve, transfer of service or accrual of a winning point to the receiving team.
  • If a team has made more than the number of passes allowed by the rules, then a point is awarded to the opposing team.
  • If the player in possession of the ball has taken more than three steps on the court, a point is also awarded to the opponents.
  • In addition, points are awarded to the opposing team if: the player catches the ball thrown by him (makes a candle”), touches the ball with his feet, touches the net.

Submission transition rules:

This rule until recently existed in volleyball. It has now been cancelled. The meaning of the rule is that the serving team, in case of any mistake made, loses only the right to serve.

No points are awarded to the opponent. Those. points can only be awarded to the serving team. It must be borne in mind that this rule significantly increases the duration of each game.

Pioneerball - a game from the Soviet past, an uncomplicated variation of volleyball. This entertainment was popular in pioneer camps of the times of the USSR, hence the name.

For the game you only need grid(in its absence, a long rope or rope is suitable), several players and a volleyball.

Pioneerball rules

  • A mesh is stretched across the platform or hall, in its absence rope.
  • Children are divided into two teams, the number of team members can be and three and eight- There are no hard and fast rules.
  • Each team has a captain, he arranges the participants in zones - each child is responsible for his own.
  • Ball flying from opponents must be repulsed by the player in whose direction it is directed.
  • The ball has fallen or is not fully rebounded - The opposing team scores a point.
  • The serve can be done with one hand or two, hit the ball in any way, even with the head.
  • It is allowed not to hit the ball, but to catch it, then do two to three steps and throw it to the opponent's side.
  • When the ball touches the net while serving, it is not counted. If, when trying to return, the ball flew over the net, touching the obstacle, the transfer is considered completed.
  • To win, you need either 10 points or 15 - by agreement.
  • First serve right may be played like in volleyball.
  • If a team wins twice, she is awarded the absolute win.
  • After the end of the game, the opponents change places: Move to the other side of the field.

History of origin: who invented the game

The game appeared in the USSR around the thirties, after the emergence of the first pioneer camps: "Artek" and "Eaglet".

It was in these legendary camps that children first began to play this simple form of volleyball.

Returning home, the children brought with them not only health and sunburn, but also new games - this is how pioneer ball spread throughout the USSR and became one of the most popular outdoor games.

Pioneerball has many interesting features.

Lack of official, only true rules

Since the game originated among children, and it is mainly played by schoolchildren in the yards, There are no general, absolute rules.

The number of players can be any, children can move clockwise after successfully hitting the ball, or stand the whole game on one part of the field.

Attention! In some cases, you can do two steps or jump before throwing the ball over the net, and sometimes the opponents agree that the projectile can only be hit from the spot and touch it one player can once.

Pioneerball does not have strict rules, they are kept on the basis that the opponents agreed on before the start of the match. The only general rule is: a ball that falls on the opponent's side earns a point for the opposing team.

The most popular yard outdoor game

During the Soviet era, up to until the end of the eighties, pioneerball was played everywhere - the game was one of the most popular due to the fact that it did not require equipment and everyone knew the rules.

Often, spontaneously, it arose on the beaches, and in forest clearings, and in wastelands - wherever there were schoolchildren and a ball for the game. In the absence of a net or rope children could draw a line on the ground- she became a visual barrier between the teams.

Two-ball version

Here the main thing is not to allow both balls to be on the same side at the same time grids. As soon as the balls appeared in the hands of the players of one team or fell to one side, the opposing team receives a point.

This variety is interesting when the players on each side more than five, and is not so much a game to win, but a fun running around the field with balls.

Entertainment leading up to volleyball

Today, pioneer ball is played mainly by children on sports grounds considering the game to be a simple variation of volleyball. Having learned to serve the ball well, to hit it high and high quality through the net with one or two hands, having trained the reaction and speed, schoolchildren can start playing directly in volleyball itself, where the rules are tougher.

Photo 1. Playing pioneer ball during a lesson at school. Thanks to this, students can prepare for volleyball.

beach variety

Most of the kids aged 8-12 years prefer to run around the field with the ball, rather than sunbathing on a towel next to their parents. Therefore, along with traditional volleyball, pioneer ball is often played on the beach. Rules beach game little different from the standard. If there is no classic platform with a net, then right on the water's edge, the boundaries of the field and the line dividing it into two parts are outlined.

The main thing is that there should be at least two players on each side. The rules are the same: lost the ball, could not hit it, threw it over the line, the opposing team counts a point for itself.

School time: summer, yard and friends - this is how childhood memories pop up. With them, school fun comes to mind - pioneer ball.

Today it is not difficult to teach a child such a team game, because the rules of pioneer ball have remained the same. It is played both in physical education classes and just with friends in the yard.

The game got its name from the wide popularity in the once widespread pioneer camps - today health facilities for children.

In order for the pioneer ball to pass correctly, it is necessary to prepare the scene: a platform with a net stretched in the middle. The goal is to beat off blows flying from rivals over the net by any means.

Consider briefly the rules of pioneerball for schoolchildren:

  1. Pioneerball is played by two teams on opposite sides of the net. One team can have from 3 to 8 players, the most suitable number of participants is 14 people.
  2. The playground should be spacious and allow the guys to move freely around the field.
  3. If there is no volleyball net, then for the yard option you can pull on an ordinary clothesline, which will become a separator between rivals.
  4. The placement of players takes place at the command of the captain - he preliminarily plans which participant will be responsible for the front, back and middle zone. Pionerball in the yard often involves an arbitrary arrangement.
  5. When a kick flies from behind the net from opponents, the player must return it to the side of the opponent. Repeating the same action is allowed no more than 2 times.
  6. If the participant could not repel the blow, while allowing the ball to touch the body above the waist, the opponents count a point.
  7. It is allowed to serve with one or two hands.
  8. Like volleyball, touching the net is not allowed when serving, however, when hitting a shot, this option is possible.
  9. When one of the teams wins, the participants must change their positions in a clockwise direction.
  10. The winner is the team that scored from 10 to 15 points, while not having a difference with the opponent by less than 2 points.
  11. The right of the first serve is chosen by agreement or by lottery.
  12. 2 games won in a row bring an absolute win to the team.
  13. After the end of the initial game, the opponents change places.

Pioneerball has no fundamental rules - they can be modified according to the agreement of the opponents. The main provisions described above are considered basic - it is with them that the pioneer ball begins.

Additional Pioneerball Rules

In addition to the classic version, there is a kind of pioneer ball with two balls. Then the rules change a little: at the start of the game, each team is given a ball.

With the referee's whistle, the opponents try to throw him over the net - into the opponent's field of action. A minus point is assigned to the team that has two balls on the court at once.

If he touched the player or just hit the ground, a minus point is still counted. Provided that the balls collided in flight, the referee announces the start of a new game.

Note! Previously, there was a rule that the serving team loses the right to serve if the participants make a mistake.

Now not all pioneer ball lovers use this rule, so it’s worthwhile to specify the situation with the pitch in advance.

Often this game is used in physical education classes, the teacher himself acts as a referee. He explains the rules to the students in detail, carries out the arrangement and announces the start.

So that students do not get confused in the rules, it is worth considering them in more detail:

Innings Ball touch Block or hit
The first player goes out of bounds and throws towards the field of the opposing team You can not touch the game element twice in a row It is allowed to beat off a blow in the air with your hands, or by catching, and then throwing the ball towards the opponents
The ball is not allowed to touch the net All participants of one team have the right to touch on their side no more than 3 times All throws must be taken over the net
The serve is played if the ball touches the floor If the ball touches the ceiling during the game, it can be continued The player who catches the hit can pass it to a partner or independently throw it over the net
The team is deprived of the right to serve if the player touches the net If the game element touches the opponent's court, the team is awarded a point The participant holding the ball in his hands has the right to take no more than 3 steps along the field
If the ball flew over the boundaries of the playing field when serving, the team loses If, after serving, the ball does not touch the opponent's field, points are awarded to the opponent The one who owns the ball does not have the right to perform the "candle" technique.
The player is not allowed to cross the middle line Points will be given to opponents if the player touches the game element with their feet or the net If the ball touches objects out of bounds, the squad loses the ball

Simplified version of the game for the little ones

Even young children can play pioneer ball - this fun is suitable for kids from 5 years old.

In order not to get confused in the rules, a simplified version is offered for the guys, which involves the following actions:

  1. The main task is to throw the element over the grid.
  2. The serve is the same as in volleyball.
  3. It is allowed to touch the ball to the ground, in addition, it can also be caught from the ground.
  4. It is allowed to pass the ball no more than 3 times to other players of your team.
  5. It is allowed not to reflect the blow, but simply to catch it and throw it over the net.
  6. The participant who catches the ball has the right to take 3 steps before taking the next action.

By playing pioneer ball, young children develop the ability to communicate in a team. As a judge, you can invite the parents of one of the children.

The game significantly develops the muscles of the arms and back, contributing to the plasticity of the body.

Important! Pioneer ball is suitable entertainment for girls in the yard or in physical education.

Unlike volleyball, where you only need to return blows, this game considered more loyal.

Pionerball improves coordination, trains the eyes, develops a fighting team spirit. Having taught the child to play, he will return to it with friends all the time.

Useful video

Pioneerball is a sports team game with a ball, which is interesting primarily for school-age children. Good for competition or active rest in a summer camp or at school in a physical education lesson, in an extended day group.

Pioneerball rules are very similar to volleyball rules. The main difference is that when playing pioneer ball, the ball can be caught.

The game is played on a volleyball court with a volleyball.

There are a lot of basic rules and options for playing pioneer ball. Therefore, it is far from necessary to strictly follow all the points. It is enough to choose those rules that are of primary interest to you. In addition, a lot depends on the level of training and age of the players.

Basic rules of the game:

Players are divided into two equal teams of 2 to 10 people each (optimally 6-7 players per team) and take places on the court on opposite sides of the grid.

The players of each team are evenly distributed in their own half.

The lot determines which team gets the ball.

The serving player of the team (located in the far right corner of the court) takes the ball and throws it to the half of the opposing team.

All shots in the game are held over the net.

The task of the players of the opposing team is to catch the ball and prevent it from falling to the ground. The player who catches the ball throws it to the half of the other team or passes to his teammate.

It is allowed to make no more than three passes per ball rally (As mentioned above, the rules of the game can be changed by prior agreement on this before the start of the game. You can, for example, cancel the passes altogether, reduce their number to one or increase to five, etc. .).

The player in possession of the ball may take no more than three steps on the court.

The player with the ball has no right to toss the ball and catch it himself. A pass to a partner or a serve to the opponent's half is obligatory.

After each serve won (a point earned by a team), the players of that team change places, moving clockwise around the court. Including changing the serving player of the team.

Each game of pioneer ball goes up to a certain number of points scored by one of the teams. Usually it is 10, 15 or 25 points. Moreover, the advantage of the winning team over the opponent must be at least two points. If the difference in the score is less, then the game continues until one of the teams achieves a difference of two points.

A match in pioneer ball is played up to one, two or three victories of one of the teams in the games.

There are no draw results in pioneerball.

After each winning game, the teams change sides, the right of the first serve passes to the opposite team.

Scoring Rules:

A team is awarded points if the ball touches the court in the opponent's half. Moreover, it does not matter if the opponents could not catch the ball after the serve or dropped it during the pass.

If the ball after the opponent's serve went out of bounds without touching the players of the receiving team. Otherwise, the opponent earns a point.

If, after an opponent's serve, the ball flew under the net or hit the net and remained in the opponent's half. If the ball touched the net, but flew over to the side of the receiving team, by prior agreement between the teams there may be such options: re-serve, transfer of service or accrual of a winning point to the receiving team.

If a team has made more than the number of passes allowed by the rules, then a point is awarded to the opposing team.

If the player in possession of the ball has taken more than three steps on the court, a point is also awarded to the opponents.

In addition, points are awarded to the opposing team if: the player catches the ball thrown by him (makes a “candle”), touches the ball with his feet, touches the net.

Submission transition rules:

This rule until recently existed in volleyball. It has now been cancelled. The meaning of the rule is that the serving team, in case of any mistake made, loses only the right to serve. No points are awarded to the opponent. That is, points can only be awarded to the serving team. It must be borne in mind that this rule significantly increases the duration of each game.