Kettlebell lifting competition push. Girya Dikul. How much does it weigh? Kettlebell lifting competitions. Kettlebell lifting - interesting facts

Bodyboom: Kettlebell lifting: Rules. Regulations: Competition Rules

In this section, only the main provisions of the rules of competitions in kettlebell lifting are disclosed.

Competition rules in kettlebell lifting

Competition program.

Competitions are held with kettlebells weighing 16 kg (boys and juggling), 24 and 32 kg according to the following programs:

1. Classical biathlon - a push of two weights from the chest, a snatch of the weight alternately with the left and right hand.

2. A push of two weights from the chest, followed by lowering to the hanging position after each rise.

3. Kettlebell juggling.


Male athletes are allowed to compete: boys 14-17 years old, juniors 18-20 years old and men over 20 years old.

Each participant is only allowed to compete in one weight class.

The procedure for weighing participants.

1. Weigh-in of the participants of the competition starts 1.5 hours before the start of the performance of athletes of this weight category and lasts one hour.

2. Weighing of the participants is carried out by the judges who referee the competitions in this weight category.

3. During the weigh-in, a lot is drawn for the participants to be called to the platform.

Panel of judges.

1. The panel of judges is completed by the organization conducting the competition.

2. The composition of the panel of judges includes:

a) when holding with the number of participants up to 20 people - the chief judge, chief secretary, doctor, fixing judge, secretary, informing judge and judge with the participants;

b) when holding competitions with more than 20 participants, as well as when holding competitions simultaneously on several platforms, the deputy chief judge is additionally introduced and the number of other judges increases accordingly.

Equipment and inventory.

Competitions are held on a platform (platform) with a size of at least 2x2 m. The deviation from the weight of the kettlebell should not exceed 100 g. The kettlebells should have the following dimensions: height - 280 mm, body diameter - 210 mm, handle diameter - 35 mm. Weights must have a color corresponding to the weight: 32 kg - red, 24 kg - green, 16 kg - yellow.

Exercise rules.

1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercises, the participant is called to the platform. 10 seconds before the start of the exercise, the control time is calculated: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, after which the “Start” command is given.

2. The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The referee-secretary announces the control time every minute. After 10 minutes, the “Stop” command is given, after which the participant must stop the exercise.

3. In case of violation of the requirements of the rules for the technical performance of the exercise, the judge on the platform gives the command “Stop”, “Do not count” or gives a warning.

4. In the event of a third (consecutive) violation of the rules of the competition, the exercise is terminated by the “Stop” command.

The exercise is performed from the chest from the starting position, when the legs and torso are straightened, and the weights lie on the forearms and shoulders. At the same time, the shoulders are pressed to the body. The competitor must push the weights up and fix them in this position. At the moment of fixation, the arms, legs and torso should be straightened and be in the same plane. During push execution, the following is not allowed:

Change the position of the hands and weights at the moment of pushing;

To push or squeeze weights;

Alternately push the weights from the chest;

Lower the weights on the shoulders and push from the shoulders;

Lower the weights from the chest.

The "Stop" command is given when:

Setting the weights (weights) on shoulder joints;

Lowering weights (weights) from the chest.

Jerk with a break in movement, i.e. pushing, pushing;

Alternate push of weights from the chest;

Lack of fixation in the starting position;

Changing the position of the hands, weights during the squat before the push.

"Warning" is given when connecting the hands and laying the arms of the weights on top of each other.

The exercise is performed in one go. The competitor must continuous movement lift the weight up until the arms are fully extended and fix this position. The legs and torso should be straight and in the same plane. After the count of the fixing judge, the participant, in a continuous movement, without touching the shoulder or torso with the kettlebell, must lower it down to complete the next cycle.

The "Stop" command is given when:

Putting the kettlebell on the shoulder;

Putting the kettlebell on the platform.

A warning is given if the athlete during the snatch:

Touches with a free hand or any part of the body of the platform, kettlebell, working arm, legs, torso;

Touches the platform with the kettlebell when swinging.

Classification of errors when performing push and snatch.

1. The “Stop” command is given in case of three violations of the competition rules.

3. A warning is given when the participant speaks during the exercise.

Definition of winners.

In each weight category, the winner is determined by the highest total lifts in two exercises. In the snatch, the sum of the lifts of the kettlebell, consisting of the smaller result raised with one hand, is taken into account.

With the same number of lifts for several athletes, the advantage is given to:

A participant who has a lower body weight before the performance;

A participant who is ahead of the opponent in the draw;

In case of equality of the first two indicators - the participant with the lower body weight after the performance.

A participant who received a zero mark in the clean and jerk is not allowed to the second exercise.

At present, one can observe an increased interest of the strong half of humanity in kettlebell lifting. Many young guys began to go in for this kind of sport, respectively, more sections began to form, the number of competitions, the scale of which is very different, is increasing. It does not require large expenditures; it is not so difficult to pass the standards. Several positive aspects can be identified.

Positive aspects

I. Kettlebell lifting can be practiced individually or in groups.

Of course, it is better to study in some organized groups or specialized sections. But many working people cannot always attend GYM's at a certain time, due to the specifics of the work, they have to be dealt with individually. It's not that hard, because this sport doesn't need a lot of space. BUT training plan you can just take it in gyms.

II. The process of doing the exercises is simple.

All exercises that are included in the list of mandatory to be performed at the competitions are not very difficult. This is a push of two weights, a bench press of one weight, a snatch of one weight. The only thing that changes here is the weight of the kettlebell increases. It is not difficult to master these exercises, since you do not need to do any movements and complex maneuvers, as in other sports. In practice, it is clear that an athlete can master all the techniques and rules for performing exercises within approximately 5-6 months of training. And after eight months, you can easily fulfill the standards of kettlebell lifting.

III. Kettlebell lifting can be called the cheapest.

If we compare this sport with other sports, it is easy to understand that the material support here is not so voluminous. Kettlebells are durable sports equipment. The athlete's uniform is simple: a T-shirt and shorts and any sports shoes. This can be called an important factor compared to other sports, where a lot of money is spent on athletes' clothing. But in order to achieve a certain result in kettlebell lifting, it is necessary not only to lift the kettlebell, but also to do the necessary general development muscle mass sports. This includes simple running and cross-country skiing, as well as various exercises on flexibility, i.e. it will require certain material costs.

IV. There are practically no injuries in this sport and there is no age limit either.

There are no serious injuries, but there are such as breaking the skin on the palms, but these are trifles. The age gap among people involved in this sport is quite large. Kettlebell lifting does not require large physical investments, the standards must be passed to receive a category.

Important qualities of an athlete

Main physical qualities which an athlete involved in kettlebell lifting should possess is, of course, endurance and strength. Although other qualities are important. Since age does not matter much, it is possible to achieve great results and reach certain standards in any age period. Although the kettlebell has quite complex.

In kettlebell lifting, as in any other, there are categories that are approved and for which any athlete can take.

Kettlebell lifting: standards (2014-2017) for men

All exercises are performed in a ten-minute interval. The distribution is by weight category (VC) in kilograms and sports title (SZ). All points are awarded as follows: for one jerk 0.5 points, and for one push 1.0 points.

kettlebell 16 kg

II (u)
kettlebell 16 kg

I (yu)
kettlebell 16 kg

kettlebell 24 kg

kettlebell 24 kg

kettlebell 24 kg

kettlebell 32 kg

kettlebell 32 kg

kettlebell 32 kg

Sports for real men

Sports titles: III (y), II (y), I (y) - youth ranks. I, II, III - general categories. Candidate Master of Sports, Master of Sports, respectively. MSMK - master of sports international class. Kettlebell lifting is very difficult, of course, you can start receiving categories from the age of 16.

Kettlebell lifting competition rules

1. Nature and program of the competition

The nature of the competition

1.1. By the nature of kettlebell lifting competitions are divided into:

a) personal

b) command

c) personal-team

In individual competitions, only the personal result of the participant is counted and, in accordance with this, his place in the competition is determined.
IN team competition the results of the team as a whole are counted and the place of the team is determined in accordance with this.
In individual-team competitions, the result of each participant and the team as a whole is counted separately and, in accordance with this, the personal places of participants and teams are determined. The composition of the team members is submitted to the panel of judges by the representative of the team daily before the start of the competition. Re-registration is carried out daily before the start of the competition.

1.2. The nature of the competition in each individual case is determined by the regulation on the competition.

1.3. Competitions with kettlebells 16, 24 and 32 kg are held according to the program: - clean and jerk of two kettlebells from the chest (short cycle)
- push of two kettlebells from the chest with lowering to the hanging position after each rise (long cycle)
- kettlebell market alternately with one and the other hand
- classic biathlon (jerk and snatch)
- team competitions (relay races)

Competition program

1.4. The competition program is determined by the Regulations and must be drawn up so that an athlete can compete on one day in no more than biathlon or a separate exercise and relay race
Competitions must be organized so that the rest time between exercises is at least 30 minutes.

1.5. The winner is determined in each weight category, both in individual exercises and in classical biathlon by the largest amount of lifts. In the snatch, the average result of the sum of the lifts performed by one and the other hand is taken into account. With the same number of lifts for several athletes, the advantage is gained by the participant who has a lower body weight before the performance
- a participant who has a lower body weight after the performance,
- a participant who is ahead of the opponent in the draw.

1.6. Places in the team championship are determined by the results of the qualifying participants in one of the ways determined by the Regulations (according to the tables of equalizing coefficients, by places in the individual championship).

2. Competitors.
Age of participants

Athletes are allowed to compete:
- boys and girls - up to 16 years old
- older boys and girls - up to 18 years old
– juniors and juniors – up to 20 years
– youth – up to 22 years old
- men and women - 20 years and older
- veterans - 40-44.45-49.50-54.55-59.60-64.65 years and older.
The age of the participant is determined by the year of birth (as of January 1 of the current year).
Note: boys and girls, older boys and girls, juniors and juniors with a high sports training and special permission from a doctor, may perform in an older age group.

Competitors are divided into the following weight categories:

boys: up to 45 kg, up to 50 kg, up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;
older boys: up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, over 80 kg;
men, youth, juniors: up to 60 kg, up to 65 kg, up to 70 kg, up to 75 kg, up to 80 kg, up to 90 kg, over 90 kg;
girls, older girls: up to 55 kg, up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;
women, juniors: up to 60 kg, up to 70 kg, over 70 kg;

Each participant has the right to participate in specific competitions in only one weight category. It is allowed to perform in a different weight category only in team competitions (relay), subject to re-weighing.


Before the start of the competition (a day before), applications for participation in competitions are submitted to the Main Jury (Secretariat), where a mandate commission is held to admit participants and teams to competitions.
During the credentials committee, the final composition of participants in weight categories is determined. The cards of participants are filled in, in which information about the athletes must be indicated: last name, first name, year of birth, sports title, weight category, territory, DSO, department, best results, full name trainer.
The application must be certified by the head of the sports organization and the WFD doctor.

The procedure for weighing participants

2.1. Participants are weighed in 2 hours before the start of the competition and lasts 1 hour. Participants participating in team competitions (relay) are allowed to participate according to the results of weighing in individual competitions.

2.2. Weighing is carried out in a room specially designated for this purpose. Members of the main panel of judges, one official representative from each team, are allowed to be present during the weigh-in.

2.3. Weighing of participants is carried out by the judges who provide refereeing of competitions in this weight category.

2.4. Participants are weighed naked or in swimming trunks. Each participant is weighed once. The participant whose own weight does not correspond to the weight category at the initial weigh-in is allowed to re-weigh. Women and girls are weighed only in the presence of female judges.

2.5. During the passage of the credentials committee, or during the weigh-in, a draw of participants is held to determine the order of entry to the platform, and a technical application is submitted.

2.6. The main panel of judges is allowed to form the final group of the strongest athletes (group "A") and teams (in team competitions) based on the results of performances in recent competitions:
- current year;
- the previous year.

The champion of Russia or the winner of the championships of Russia and the 2nd prize-winners perform on the 3rd and 4th platforms.

Rights and obligations of a participant

2.7. The participant has the right to apply to the main panel of judges on all issues only through the representative of the team or the judge with the participants;

2.8. The participant has the right to prepare weights for the exercise before being called to the platform. The preparation of weights is carried out in a place designated for this purpose. When preparing weights and hands, only magnesia is allowed.

2.9. The participant has the right to be a representative of an enterprise or firm in advertising its products. The participant or team representative must notify the organization conducting the competition, the main panel of judges about this and obtain permission for this.

2.10. The participant is obliged to know the rules of the competition and the regulations on the competition.

2.11. In case of violation of the rules and order of the competition, the participant is given a warning. In case of repeated violation, he may be removed from the competition by the decision of the Main Jury (Jury).

2.12. The participant must strictly observe discipline, be correct in relation to other participants, as well as to spectators and judges. A participant who did not appear at the performance is not allowed to compete. Participants who have won prizes must come to the awards ceremony in full dress uniform. Athletes who do not appear for the awards are removed from the competition, lose their awards and do not bring credit points to the team.

2.13. The participant prepares and performs with weights installed on the platform, on which he must go.

2.14. The participant is forbidden to use any devices that facilitate the lifting of the weight (weights).

2.15. The participant is forbidden to talk during the exercise and to approach the judge on the platform after the exercise.

2.16. A participant who, for health reasons, is withdrawn by a doctor in one of the types of programs, is not allowed to further participate in these competitions.

Athletes uniform

Athletes are required to compete in a uniform that must be clean, smart and meet the following criteria:
- the suit may consist of one or two parts, but must completely cover the body of the athlete;
- sports or cycling shorts, weightlifting leotards should not cover the knee joints;
- T-shirt should be without a collar and not cover the elbow joints;
- it is allowed to use a weightlifting belt, no more than 12 cm wide, bandages no more than 1.5 m long. The width of bandages on the wrist should be no more than 10 cm, on the knees - no more than 25 cm. It is allowed to use knee pads and bandages. The belt cannot be worn under a competitive suit;
- sports shoes can be optional.

Team representatives and captains

2.17. Each organization participating in individual-team and team competitions must have its own representative.

2.18. The representative is the head of the team, bears full responsibility for the organization and discipline of the participants, ensures their timely appearance at the competition and rewarding in sports uniform in accordance with the rules of the competition.

2.19. The representative is present at the weigh-in of the members of his team and the draw, as well as at the meetings of the judiciary, if they are held with representatives.

2.20. Representatives, coaches and participants are prohibited from being in the competition area during the performance of participants. Representatives must be in a place specially designated for representatives or among members of their team.

2.21. The representative is prohibited from interfering with the orders of the judges and persons conducting the competition. The representative has the right to submit statements and protests to the panel of judges concerning only the members of his team.
Protests are submitted before the next change of participants leaves.

2.22. If the members of any team do not have a representative, his duties are performed by the team captain.

3. Equipment and inventory

3.1. Competitions are held on platforms with a size of at least 1.5 x 1.5 m. The distance between the platforms must ensure safety and not interfere with the competitive process.

3.2. The weight of the weights must not deviate from the nominal by more than 100 grams.

3.3. Parameters and color of weights:

– height – 280 mm
– case diameter 210 mm
– handle diameter 35 mm

16 kg - yellow
24 kg - green
32 kg - red

3.4. Referee alarms must be installed for keeping score and information.

3.5. Before the start of the competition, an act must be drawn up for the compliance of equipment and inventory with the rules of the competition.

Warm-up hall

3.6. In order to prepare for the competition, athletes must be provided with a warm-up room located near the competition venue. The warm-up room should have a sufficient number of platforms, weights, chalk, etc. according to the number of participants.
In addition, the warm-up hall must have the following equipment - loudspeakers connected to the speaker's microphone; scoreboard (duplicate protocols) showing the names of the participants in the order of the draw, their own weight and teams; table for the doctor on duty.

4. Panel of judges

4.1. The panel of judges is completed by the organization conducting these competitions.

4.2. The panel of judges includes:
– when holding competitions with up to 20 participants: chief judge, chief secretary, doctor, fixing judge (for each platform), judge on the duplicate protocol, secretary, informing judge, judge with participants, technical controller;
- when holding competitions with a number of participants of 20 people, as well as when holding competitions on several platforms at once, a deputy chief judge is additionally introduced and the number of other judges increases accordingly.

4.3. A kettlebell referee must have a firm knowledge of these rules and be able to
apply them during the competition.
He must be objective and principled in his decisions, being an example of discipline, organization and clarity in work, well aware of the regulations on the competitions.

4.4. Judges must wear a uniform uniform: a dark jacket and black trousers.

4.5. For economic support, the organization conducting the competition allocates at the disposal of the panel of judges the commandant of the competition.

home panel of judges

4.6. The composition of the main judiciary includes the chief judge, his deputy and the chief secretary

4.7. A jury is elected from the composition of the panel of judges, which is headed by the chief referee of the competition.

4.8. The jury consists of the chief judge and up to five jury members with the highest category. The composition of the jury is determined by the main panel of judges.

Rights and obligations of the main panel of judges (jury)

- monitor the correct conduct of the competition in accordance with the rules
and competition rules
- accepts applications and protests and makes decisions on them.
- for the period of analysis of the protest, the competition is suspended. On the All-Russian competitions for objective decision-making on protests, a video recording of the performances of athletes is used.
– removes from work judges who have committed gross errors or committed rudeness
in relation to participants, other judges, representatives, coaches
- makes changes to the competition schedule, if necessary

Note: The main panel of judges (jury) has no right to change the conditions of the competitions established by the regulations.
All decisions are made by the main panel of judges (jury) by a majority vote.

Chief Judge and his deputies

4.9. The chief referee directs the work of the panel of judges and is responsible to the organization conducting the competition for the clear organization, discipline and safety of the competition, the creation of equal conditions for all participants, strict adherence to the current rules, objectivity of refereeing, calculation of results and summing up the competition.

4.10. The Chief Judge must:
– before the start of the competition, hold a meeting of the panel of judges and a seminar with representatives on the rules of the competition, as well as check the availability
related inventory and equipment
– determine the procedure for the work of the judiciary and judging teams
- manage the course of the competition and resolve emerging issues
– exercise control over the work of judges during the competition and in determining
- to accept for discussion by the jury received applications and protests
– submit within 5 days a written report and the necessary documentation to the organization conducting the competition
– appoint and hold meetings of the panel of judges during the competition

4.11. The deputy chief judge is guided by the instructions of the chief judge, in the absence of the latter, performs his duties.

Chief Competition Secretary

4.12. Chief Secretary:
- prepares the necessary technical documentation and is responsible for the correctness of its execution
- draws up minutes of meetings of the panel of judges and draws up orders and decisions of the chief judge
- with the permission of the chief referee, gives information about the competition to the judge-informer, team representatives and correspondents
- draws up acts on setting records
– handles all competition documentation
- presents the necessary materials for the report to the chief judge
- keeps records and fixes decisions on protests

Judge on the platform

4.13. Judge on the platform:
– conducts weighing of participants of the weight category, which he is judging
- monitors appearance and the form of clothing of each participant and has the right not to allow the participant to perform the exercise due to inconsistency in the form of clothing and the use by the participant of means prohibited by the rules of the competition. After the participant eliminates the comments, the judge gives the “Start” command and the participant performs the exercise in the time remaining up to 10 minutes.
- loudly and clearly announces the score of correctly performed lifts
- fixes technically incorrectly performed lifts with the “do not count” command
- loudly announces the final result of the participant in each exercise

Note: At the championships and championships of Russia, all-Russian competitions, two judges are appointed for each platform, one of which is the senior one and keeps the score. His assistant fixes the rises and keeps a record. The final result is determined by the joint decision of the two judges.


4.14. Secretary:
– fills in the cards of participants at the weigh-in (weighing protocol) and the protocol of the competition on the platform of this weight category
- calls the participants to the platform and warns the next participants about the need to prepare

informant judge

4.15. Informant Judge:
- announces decisions, orders of the main panel of judges
- informs spectators and participants about the results of the competition

Judge with participants

4.16. Judge with participants:
- checks the appearance of the participants of the competition according to the lists, as well as the compliance of their costumes with the requirements of the competition rules and informs the chief secretary of the results of the check
- conducts the construction and displays the participants of the competition according to the lot for the performance and exercise
- warns the participants in a timely manner about their call to the platform
- informs the secretary about the absence of a participant or refusal to participate in competitions
– is an intermediary between the participants and the panel of judges

Technical controller

4.17. Technical controller:
- together with the deputy chief referee, weighs the weights and draws up an act on their compliance with the rules of the competition;
— controls the technical condition of weights and equipment;
- monitors the order of preparation of kettlebells and hands;
- is present at the weigh-in and assists the lead secretary of the competition in establishing the identity of the athletes, as well as their first and last names, the weight of the participants, etc.
– checks the competition platforms, scales, electronic judging system, chronometers, warm-up room, the presence of 2 video cameras and other objects at the competitions;
- checks the correctness of the form of judges;
- ensures that while the athletes are on the platforms, no one, including the technical controller, is there (in front of the eyes of the public and television cameras).

Competition Doctor

4.18. The doctor of the competition is a member of the panel of judges as a deputy chief referee for the medical part

4.19. Competition Doctor:
– checks the presence of a doctor’s visa in applications for the admission of participants to competitions
– carries out medical supervision of the participants during weighing and during the competition
– monitors compliance with sanitary and hygienic conditions during competitions, places of residence and meals
- provides medical care in case of injury or illness
participants of the competition, determines the possibility of their further performance
– agrees with the chief judge on the removal of the participant, gives a written opinion on the reasons for his removal
- after the end of the competition, submits a report on health care to the chief judge

Competition Commandant

4.20. The commandant of the competition is responsible for the timely preparation of equipment (platforms, weights, scales, etc. equipment), competition places, places for participants, representatives, judges, and the press.
Provides a parade of participants technical means and paraphernalia, follow the instructions of the chief referee and the representative of the organization conducting the competition.

5. Rules for performing exercises

General provisions

5.1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is invited to the performance. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted down: 5,4,3,2,1 sec. during which the participant is obliged to enter the platform, after which the “Start” command is given. After the “Start” command, the participant must begin to perform the exercises: push or snatch. When the participant lifts the weights (weights) from the platform to the “Start” command, the senior referee gives the command “Stop, put the weights (weight) on the platform and start the exercise.”

5.2. A participant who is late to the platform by the time of the start is not allowed to compete.

5.3. The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The referee-secretary announces the control time every minute. After 9 minutes, the control time is announced after 30 seconds, 50 seconds, the last 5 seconds, every second.

5.4. After 10 minutes, the “Stop” command is given, after which the lifts are not counted, and the participant must stop the exercise.

5.5. Each lift performed correctly is accompanied by the score of the judge on the platform. The referee announces the score as soon as all parts of the athlete's body become motionless.

5.6. In case of violation of the requirements for the technical performance of the exercise, the judge on the platform gives the commands “Do not count”, “Stop”.

5.7. When leaving the platform while performing exercises, i.e. touching any part of the space outside the platform, the “Stop” command is given.

5.8. An athlete who cannot fully extend his elbows due to natural deviations must inform the platform judges and the jury before starting the exercises.


5.9. The push is performed from the starting position: the weights are fixed on the chest, the shoulders are pressed to the body, the legs are straightened.
At the moment of fixing the weights in the upper position, the arms, torso and legs should be straightened. The athlete's hands must be on the frontal plane of the head. Legs and kettlebells should be on the same line parallel to the plane of the body. After fixing in the upper position and the count of the judge, the participant lowers the weights to the starting position in an arbitrary way.
Important note:
Fixation - emphasized, visible stop of the weights and the athlete.

5.10. The stop command is given when:
- lowering weights (weights) from the chest to the hanging position;
- putting weights (weights) on the shoulder joints, with a clear stop for rest

Important note:
Continuous lowering of weights over the shoulders (rolling) is not a mistake.

5.12. A push of 2 kettlebells from the chest with subsequent lowering to the hanging position after each lift (in a long cycle) is carried out according to the same rules, but the “Stop” command is given when placing the kettlebells on the platform.
Note: Stopping the kettlebells during the next swing in the hanging position is not considered a mistake, provided that the kettlebells and hands do not touch the legs and torso.


5.13. The exercise is performed in one go. The participant must continuously lift the weight up to a straight arm and fix it. At the moment of fixing the kettlebell in the upper position, the arm, legs and torso should be straightened. The athlete's hand should be on the frontal plane of the head. It is not allowed to bend and twist the body, bend in hip joint. After fixing at the top, the participant, without touching the kettlebell
trunk and shoulder, lowers it down to perform the next lift.

5.14. The change of hands is made once, in an arbitrary way. When lowering the weight on the shoulder during the snatch, the “Shift” command is given with the first hand.

5.15. The “Stop” command is given when:
- putting the kettlebell on the shoulder when snatching with the second hand;
- putting the kettlebell on the platform.

Note: Accidentally touching the platform while swinging is not considered a fault. Stopping the kettlebell below during the next swing is not considered a mistake, provided that the arm and kettlebell do not touch the legs and torso.

Team competitions (relay races)

5.17. The weight of the kettlebells (kettlebells), the exercise, the time factor, the number of stages is determined by the competition regulations.

5.18. The exercises are carried out according to the general rules.

5.19. Performing exercises in stages begins with light weight categories.

5.20. A competitor is only allowed to compete in one stage

5.21. Relay order:
- before the start of the relay race, the participants line up for the performance by teams, by stages. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted down: 5,4,3,2,1 after which the “Start” command is given to the participants first stage.
- 15 seconds before the start of the next stage, the judge in front of the participants takes the next athletes out.
- 5 seconds before the end of the next stage, the control time is counted: 5,4,3,2,1
- the transfer of the baton is carried out on the command "Change". The participant who finished the stage must put the weights on the platform
- to the participant of the previous stage, who fixed the weights after the “Change” command for the next stage, lifts are not counted
- the account is kept overall with a cumulative total
- the winning team is determined by the largest number of lifts.
- if the number of lifts for two or more teams is equal, the advantage is given to the team with the lower body weight of the participants

6. Registration of records and highest achievements

Russian records and the highest achievements among youths, juniors, youth and veterans are registered only at competitions included in calendar plan sports events VFGS. The panel of judges must include at least 3 judges of the Republican category.

Since in Russia there is only one kettlebell lifting federation that holds competitions on the territory of the Russian Federation and assigns categories - the All-Russian Kettlebell Lifting Federation, its rules for holding competitions will be in this article.

  1. The nature and program of the competition
  2. Competitors
  3. Equipment and inventory
  4. Panel of judges
  5. Exercise rules

1. Nature and program of the competition

The nature of the competition

1.1. By the nature of kettlebell lifting competitions are divided into:
a) personal
b) command,
c) personal-command.
In individual competitions, only the personal result of the participant is counted and, in accordance with this, his place in the competition is determined.
In team competitions, the results of the team as a whole are counted and, in accordance with this, the place of the team is determined.
In individual-team competitions, the result of one participant and the team as a whole is counted separately, and in accordance with this, the personal places of participants and teams are determined.
1.2. The nature of the competition in each individual case is determined
Competition regulations.
1.3. Competitions with kettlebells 16.24 and 32 kg are held according to the program:
– push of two weights from the chest (short cycle),
– push of two weights from the chest with lowering in the hanging position after each rise (long cycle),
- kettlebell snatch alternately with one and the other hand,
– classic biathlon (jerk and snatch)
- team competitions (relay races).

Competition program

1.4. The competition program is determined by the Regulations and must be drawn up so that an athlete can compete in one day in no more than one of the events and the relay.
1.5. The winner is determined in each weight category, both in individual exercises and in classical biathlon by the largest amount of lifts. In the snatch, the average result of the sum of the lifts performed by one and the other hand is taken into account. With the same number of lifts for several athletes, the advantage is gained by:
– a participant who has a lower body weight before the performance,
– a participant who has a lower body weight after the performance,
- a participant who is ahead of the opponent in the draw.
1.6. Places in the team championship are determined by the results of the qualifying participants in one of the ways determined by the Regulations (according to the tables of equalizing coefficients, by places in the individual championship).

2. Competitors

Age of participants

Athletes are allowed to compete:
- boys and girls up to 16 years old,
- boys and girls up to 18 years old,
- juniors and juniors up to 22 years.
- men and women over 22 years old,
The age of the participant is determined by the year of birth (as of January 1 of the current year).
Weight categories
Competitors are divided into the following weight categories:

Youths Senior boys Men, juniors Girls (younger) older girls Women, juniors
up to 48 kg up to 58 kg up to 63 kg up to 48 kg up to 53 kg up to 58 kg
up to 53 kg up to 63 kg up to 68 kg up to 53 kg up to 58 kg up to 63 kg
up to 58 kg up to 68 kg up to 73 kg up to 58 kg up to 63 kg up to 68 kg
up to 63 kg up to 73 kg up to 78 kg St. 58 kg St. 63 kg St. 68 kg
up to 68 kg up to 78 kg up to 85 kg
up to 73 kg up to 85 kg up to 95 kg
St. 73 kg St. 85 kg up to 105 kg
St. 105 kg

Each participant has the right to participate in specific competitions in only one weight category. It is allowed to perform in a different weight category only in team competitions (relay), subject to re-weighing.


Before the start of the competition (a day before), applications for participation in competitions and completed participant cards are submitted to the Main Jury (Secretariat), where a credentials committee is held to admit participants and teams to competitions.
The application must be certified by the head of the sports organization and a doctor.
The procedure for weighing participants
2.1. Weighing of participants is carried out on the eve of the competition and lasts 1 hour. Participants participating in team competitions (relay) are allowed to participate according to the results of weighing in individual competitions.
22. Weighing is carried out in a room specially designated for this purpose. Members of the Main Jury, one official representative from each team, are allowed to be present during the weigh-in.
2.3. Weigh-in of participants is carried out by the judges providing refereeing of competitions.
2.4. Participants are weighed naked or in swimming trunks. If during weighing the weight of an athlete goes beyond the boundaries of the weight category, the athlete has the right to re-weigh within the time limit allotted for weighing athletes of this weight category.
2.4. When passing the credentials committee or during the weigh-in, a draw of participants is carried out to determine the order of entering the platform and a technical application is submitted.
Rights and obligations of a participant
2.7. A participant has the right to apply to the Main Jury on all issues only through a representative of the Team or a judge with the participants.
2.8. The participant has the right to prepare weights for the exercise before being called to the platform. The preparation of weights is carried out in a place designated for this purpose.
When preparing weights and hands, only magnesia is allowed.
2.9. The participant has the right to be a representative of an enterprise or firm for
advertising its products. The participant or team representative must notify the organization conducting the competition about this. Chief Jury Board and obtain permission to do so.
2.10. The participant is obliged to know the rules of the competition and the regulations on the competition.
2.11. In case of violation of the generally accepted rules of conduct or public order during the competition, the participant is warned, in case of repeated violation, by the decision of the jury, he may be suspended from participation in the competition.
2.12. The participant must strictly observe discipline, be correct in relation to other participants, as well as spectators and judges. A participant who did not show up for the performance. Not allowed to compete. Participants who have won prizes must come to the awards ceremony in full dress uniform.
2. 13. The participant prepares and competes with kettlebells placed on the platform, on which he must go.
2.14. The participant is not allowed to use any equipment.
facilitating the lifting of weights (weights).
2.15. The participant is forbidden to talk during the exercise and approach the judge on the platform after the exercise.
2.16. A participant who, for health reasons, is withdrawn by a doctor in one of the types of programs, is not eligible for further participation in these competitions.

Athletes uniform

Athletes are required to compete in a uniform that must be clean, smart, meet the following criteria:
- The suit can consist of one or two parts, cycling shorts, weightlifting tights, T-shirt or T-shirt;
- T-shirt sleeves should not cover the elbow joints;
- it is allowed to use a standard weightlifting belt no more than 12 cm wide, bandages no more than 1.5 m long. The width of the bandages on the wrist should be no more than 10 cm. On the knees no more than 25 cm. It is allowed to use knee pads and bandages. The belt must not be worn under a Competition Suit,
- sports shoes can be optional;
Teams must be in the same uniform.
Team representatives and captains
2.17. An organization participating in individual-team and team competitions must have its own representative.
2.18. The representative is the head of the team, bears full responsibility for the organization and discipline of the participants, is obliged to attend all meetings held by the main panel of judges with representatives, ensure the timely attendance of participants for competitions, opening and closing parades, doping control and awards.
2.19. The representative of the team may be present at the weigh-in and draw of the participants of the team he represents.
2.20. The representative is prohibited from interfering with the actions of the judges and persons conducting the competition. The representative has the right to submit applications and protests to the panel of judges. Concerning only members of their team.
Protests are submitted before the next change of participants leaves.
2.21. If the members of any team do not have a representative, his duties are performed by the team captain.

3. Equipment and inventory

3.1. Competitions are held on platforms with a size of at least 1.5 × 1.5 m.
The distance between the platforms should ensure safety and not interfere with the competitive process.
32. The weight of the weights must not deviate from the nominal by more than 100 grams.
3.3. Parameters and color of weights:

3.4. For keeping score and information, a referee must be installed.
3.5. Before the start of the competition, an act must be drawn up for the compliance of equipment and inventory with the rules of the competition.

Warm-up hall

Z.6. In order to prepare for the competition, athletes must be provided with a warm-up room located near the competition venue. The warm-up room should have a sufficient number of platforms, weights, chalk, etc. according to the number of participants. In addition, the warm-up room must have the following equipment; loudspeakers connected to the speaker's microphone, scoreboards (duplicate protocols) showing the names of the participants in the order of the draw, their own weight and teams; table for the doctor on duty.

4. Panel of judges

4.1. The panel of judges is completed by the organization conducting these competitions.
4.2. The composition of the panel of judges includes: Chief Judge; Chief Secretary; judges on platforms, secretaries on duplicate protocols, judge-informant; judge at the participants, technical controller. When holding competitions with more than 30 participants, the number of judges can be increased by introducing the positions of Deputy Chief Judge, Deputy Chief Secretary to the judging panel, and increasing the number of judges on the platforms.
4.3. A kettlebell referee must know these rules and be able to apply them during the competition. He must be objective and principled in his decisions, being an example of discipline, organization and clarity in work, well aware of the regulations on the competitions.
4.4. Judges of the valley have a uniform uniform - a dark jacket and black trousers.
4.5. For economic support, the organization conducting the competition allocates at the disposal of the panel of judges the commandant of the competition.

Main panel of judges

4.6. The composition of the Main Jury consists of: Chief Judge, Chief Secretary, Deputy Chief Judge, Deputy Chief Secretary.
4.7. Prior to the start of the competition, the chief referee forms a jury of 3 or 5 people. The personal composition of the jury is brought to the attention of the panel of judges at the meeting. The jury includes members of the Presidium of the Board of Judges, or authoritative judges. The work of the jury is headed by the Chairman of the panel of judges, his deputies or the chief judge of the competition.
4.8. The main panel of judges is allowed to form the final group of the strongest athletes (group A) and teams (in team competitions) based on the results of performances in the last competitions:
-current year; previous year

Rights and obligations of the jury

1. The Jury monitors the fulfillment by all participants of the requirements of the Rules and Regulations of the competition. The Jury does not have the right to change the conditions of the competitions established by the Regulations.
2. The Jury accepts protests and decides on them.
3. The jury has the right to propose to the chief referee to remove from work referees who make gross mistakes in refereeing, as well as incorrect actions in relation to the participants of the competition (athletes, coaches, judges, representatives).
4. Make changes to the competition schedule, if necessary.
5. The decision of the jury is made by a majority of votes. The head of the jury has two votes when voting.

Chief Judge and his deputies

4.9. The chief referee directs the work of the panel of judges and is responsible to the organization conducting the competition for the clear organization, discipline and safety of the competition, the creation of equal conditions for all participants, strict adherence to the current rules, objectivity of refereeing, calculation of results and summing up the competition.
4.10. The Chief Judge must:
Before the start of the competition, the chief referee is obliged to: hold a meeting of the panel of judges and a meeting with representatives of the teams. Before the start of the competition, check the venue for the competition, its equipment, inventory and equipment, their compliance with the competition rules and safety requirements;
– to determine the procedure for the work of the judiciary and judiciary teams.
- manage the course of the competition and resolve emerging issues
- to control the work of judges during the competition and during
determining the winners;
– accept for discussion by the jury received applications and protests;
– submit within 5 days a written report and the necessary
documentation to the organization conducting the competition;
– appoint and hold meetings of the Referee Board during the competition.
4.11. The deputy chief judge is guided by the instructions of the chief judge, in the absence of the latter, performs his duties.

Chief Competition Secretary

4.12. Chief Secretary:
- prepares the necessary technical documentation and is responsible for
the correctness of its design;
– draws up minutes of meetings of the panel of judges and draws up
orders and decisions of the chief judge;
- with the permission of the chief referee, gives information about the competition to the referee;
informant, team representatives and correspondents;
- draws up acts on the establishment of records;
– handles all competition documentation;
- presents the necessary materials for the report to the chief judge;
– keeps records and fixes decisions on protests

Judge on the platform

4.13. Judge on the platform:
- loudly and clearly announces the score of correctly performed lifts,
- fixes technically incorrect lifts with the “Do not count” command;
- loudly announces the final result of the participant in each exercise.
NOTE: On international competitions and national championships, two judges are appointed for each platform


4.14. Secretary:
– fills in the cards of participants at the weigh-in (weighing protocol) and the protocol of the competition on the platform;
– calls the participants to the platform and warns of the need
prepare for the next participants.

informant judge

4.15. Informant Judge:
– announces decisions, orders of the Main Jury Board;
- informs spectators and participants about the results of the competition.
Judge with participants
4.16. Judge with participants:
– checks according to the lists the appearance of the participants in the competition, as well as the compliance of their costumes with the requirements of the competition rules;
– conducts the construction and displays the participants of the competition according to
drawing lots for presentation and performance of exercises,
- warns the participants in a timely manner about their call to the platform,
- informs the secretary of information about the non-appearance of the participant or refusal to participate in the competition;
– is an intermediary between the participants and the panel of judges

Technical controller

4.17. Technical controller:
– before the start of the competition, together with the chief referee, checks the compliance with the Competition Rules and safety regulations of the competition venues, places for warm-up and preparation of kettlebells. The presence of scales, platforms, judicial signaling, chronometers, etc.;
- Together with one of the members of the Main Jury before the start of the competition, weighs and measures the parameters of the weights and draws up a certificate of their compliance with the Competition Rules;
– During the competition, controls the technical condition of inventory and equipment and maintains them in a state of compliance with the Competition Rules and technical safety;
– Provides order in the immediate place of the performance of the participants, excludes the presence of any persons in front of and behind the platforms, in the immediate vicinity of the judges, in front of the lenses of video cameras, etc.
- Gives instructions to the commandant of the competition to eliminate the shortcomings in the technical support of the competition identified or arising during the competition;
– In case of emergency, makes proposals to suspend the competition until the cause of it is eliminated.
– In the event of an emergency, takes emergency measures to evacuate participants and spectators from danger zone, reports the incident to the regional emergency center.
Competition Doctor
4. 18. The doctor of the competition is a member of the Judicial Board as a deputy chief referee for the medical part.
4.19. Competition Doctor:
- checks the presence of a doctor's visa in applications for the admission of participants to competitions;
– carries out medical supervision of the participants during weighing and during the competition;
– monitors the observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions during competitions, places of residence and food,
– provides medical assistance in case of injuries or diseases of the participants of the competition, determines the possibility of their further performance,
– agrees with the chief judge on the removal of the participant, gives a written opinion on the reasons for its removal,
- after the end of the competition, submits a report to the chief judge on
health care.
Competition Commandant
4.20. The commandant of the competition is responsible for the timely preparation of equipment (platforms, weights, scales, etc. equipment), competition places, places for participants, representatives, judges, and the press.
Provides the parade of participants with technical equipment and paraphernalia, follows the instructions of the chief judge, technical controller and representative of the organization conducting the competition.

5. Rules for performing exercises

General provisions

5.1. 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is invited to the performance. 5 seconds before the start, the Control time is counted: 5. 4, 3, 2, I sec., during which the participant must go to the platform, after which the “Start” command is given. After the “Start” command, the participant must begin to perform the exercises: push or snatch. When the participant lifts the weights (weights) from the platform to the “Start” command, the senior referee gives the command “Stop, put the weights (weight) on the platform and start the exercise.”
5.2. A participant who is late for the platform by the time of the start is not allowed to compete.
5.3. The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The referee-secretary announces the time limit every minute. After 9 minutes, the control time is announced after 30 seconds, 50 seconds, the last 5 seconds. Every second.
5.4. After 10 minutes, the “Stop” command is given, after which the lifts are not counted, and the participant must stop the exercise.
5.5. Each lift performed correctly is accompanied by the score of the judge on the platform. The referee announces the score as soon as all parts of the athlete's body become motionless.
5.6. In case of violation of the requirements for the technical performance of the exercise, the judge on the platform gives the Commands “Do not count”, “Stop”.
5.7. In the event that a participant touches the floor outside the platform with any part of the body during the exercise, the “Stop” command is given.
5.8. An athlete who cannot fully extend the elbows due to
natural deviations, must inform the judges on the platform and the jury before starting the exercises.


5.9. The push is performed from the starting position: the weights are fixed on the chest, the shoulders are pressed to the body, the legs are straightened.
At the moment of fixing the weights in the upper position, the arms, torso and legs should be straightened. The athlete's hands must be on the frontal plane of the head. Legs and kettlebells should be on the same line parallel to the plane of the body. After fixing in the upper position and the count of the judge, the participant lowers the weights to the starting position in an arbitrary way.
Important note: fixation - the selected, visible stop of the kettlebells and the athlete is accepted.
5.11. The "Stop" command is given:

- lowering weights (weights) from the chest in the hanging position.
5.11. The “Do not count” command is given when:
- pushing. boost;
- lack of fixation in the starting position and in the upper position.
5.12. A push of 2 kettlebells from the chest with subsequent lowering in the hanging position after each lift (in a long cycle) is carried out according to the same rules, but the “Stop” command is given when placing the kettlebells on the platform.


5.13. The exercise is performed in one go. The participant must continuously lift the weight up to a straight arm and fix it. At the moment of fixing the kettlebell in the upper position, the hand. legs and torso should be straight. The athlete's hand should be on the frontal plane of the head.
It is not allowed to bend and twist the torso, flexion in the hip joint. After fixing at the top, the participant does not touch the body and shoulder with the kettlebell. lowers it down to perform the next lift.
5.14. The change of hands is made once. in an arbitrary way. When lowering the weight on the shoulder during the snatch, the “Shift” command is given with the first hand.
5.15. Stop command is given:
– For technical unpreparedness;
- putting the kettlebell on the shoulder when snatching with the second hand;
- placing the kettlebell on the platform.
5.16. The “Do not count” command is given when:
- press the kettlebell;
– lack of fixing in the top position -,
- Touching with the free hand of any part of the body, platform, kettlebell, working hand. legs, torso.

Team competitions (relay races)

5.17. the weight of the kettlebells (kettlebells), the exercise, the time factor, the number of stages are determined by the competition regulations.
5.18. The exercises are carried out according to the general rules.
5.19. Performing exercises in stages begins with light weight categories.
5.20. A competitor is only allowed to compete in one stage.
5.21. Relay order:
- before the start of the relay race, participants line up for a performance
commands, steps. There is a countdown 5 seconds before the start
Control time: after which the command "Start" is given
participants of the first stage,
– 15 seconds before the start of the next stage, the judge in front of the participants displays
following athletes;
- 5 seconds before the end of the next stage, the control time is counted: 5,4,3,2,1.
- the baton is passed on the command "Change". member, law
finished the stage, must put the weights on the platform,
- to the participant of the previous stage, who fixed the weights after the command
"Change" for the next stage, lifts do not count,
- the account is kept general, with a cumulative total;
The winning team is determined by the most
lifts - if the number of lifts is equal for two or more teams
advantage is given to the team with the lower body weight

The rules were approved by order of the Ministry of Sports of Russia dated December 23, 2014


A.1 Nature and program of the competition

A.1.1 The nature and program of the competition is determined by the Competition Regulations.

A.1.2 The competition program includes exercises with kettlebells 16, 24, 32:
- push;
- long cycle push;
- jerk;
- biathlon ("push" and "snatch"), the first exercise is a "push";

A.1.3 The winner in sports disciplines is the athlete who has shown the best technical result;

A.1.4 Points in the "combination" are awarded: 1 push - 1 point, 1 jerk - 0.5 points.

A.1.5 An athlete participating in the biathlon, who received 0 points in the clean and jerk, is not allowed to snatch.

A.1.6 When determining the winner for women in the “snatch” exercise, the number of lifts performed by the left and right hands is summed up.

A.1.7 With the same number of lifts for two or more participants, the advantage is given to:
- a participant with a lower body weight before the performance;
- a participant who has a lower body weight after the performance in the case when the weight of the opponents was the same before the performance;
- a participant who is ahead of the opponent in the draw.

A.2 Competitors

A.2.1 Age groups.
Depending on age, participants are divided into the following groups:
- boys and girls 14 - 16 years old - younger boys;
- boys and girls 17 - 18 years old - older boys;
- juniors and juniors 19 - 22 years old;
- men and women over 22 years old.

A.2.2 The age of the participant is determined by the year of birth (as of January 1 of the current year).

A.2.3 Younger athletes may be allowed to compete in an older age group if the athlete has the appropriate sports classification, special permission of the doctor and the organization conducting the competition.

junior boysSenior boysMen, juniorsyounger girlsolder girlsWomen, juniors
up to 48kgup to 58kgup to 63kgup to 48kgup to 53kgup to 58kg
up to 53kgup to 63kgup to 68kgup to 53kgup to 58kgup to 63kg
up to 58kgup to 68kgup to 73kgup to 58kgup to 63kgup to 68kg
up to 63kgup to 73kgup to 78kgover 58kgover 63kgover 68kg
up to 68kgup to 78kgup to 85kg- - -
up to 73kgup to 85kgup to 95kg- - -
over 73kgover 85kgover 95kg- - -

A.2.4 The participant has the right to compete in specific competitions only in one weight category.
Note: The competition program may include sports disciplines that are not included in the state register, the results of which are considered unofficial (relay races, kettlebells of more than different weights).

A.3 Eligibility of athletes to compete

A.3.1 Commission on admission (credential commission). The admission of athletes to the competitions is carried out by the commission in the following composition: Chief Referee, Deputy Chief Referee, Chief Secretary, competition doctor, representative of the organization conducting the competition.

A.3.2 Requirements for documents. Documents required for submission to the mandate committee of the competition, and mandatory for all athletes participating in the competition:

A.3.3 A document proving the identity of an athlete and confirming his (her) citizenship is a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation. To verify citizenship, registration and date of birth for boys and girls under 14 years old - a birth certificate, a certificate from the place of study with a photograph, certified by the seal of the educational institution, or a certificate from the place of residence, certified by the seal of the ZhEK. In accordance with the rules, on the territory of Russia, each athlete participating in official sports competitions must have an athlete's classification book.

A.3.4 The classification book is submitted to verify that the athlete belongs to the FSO and the department and to confirm the sports qualification.

A.3.5 Applications for participation in competitions, the order of their submission and form, are determined by the regulations on competitions.

A.3.6 An application for participation in Russian competitions is submitted to verify the passage of medical examination by athletes, their belonging to the FSO and department, sports qualifications, certified by a medical and physical education dispensary, the head of regional executive authorities in the field physical culture and sports and the regional branch of the All-Russian Federation. The application remains with the organization conducting the competition.

A.3.7 Compulsory medical insurance policy (in case of hospitalization). Accident insurance policy. (With the exception of military personnel and employees of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

A.3.8 Electronic registration system for Russian competitions. It is allowed to pass the credentials committee in the following order:
- Send the host organization and the Executive Committee of the All-Russian Federation a copy of the team's application with a seal and signature;
- Send participant cards in electronic form;
- Pay the entry fee by transfer to the account of the VFGS;
- Bring the original application to the competition and submit it to the secretariat.

A.3.9 Any participant in competitions held on the territory of the Russian Federation (with the exception of international tournaments) must be a citizen of the Russian Federation. In some cases, an athlete may be admitted with a temporary residence permit or a residence permit of the Russian Federation, which is determined by the competition regulations. Admission to competitions of foreign athletes is determined by the Regulations, by written permission All-Russian Federation kettlebell sport.

A.3.10 An athlete can change his territorial affiliation and/or sports society/department and act as a representative of another territory and/or sports society/department, subject to the official permission of the transfer commission of the All-Russian Federation, which is recorded in the athlete’s classification book.

A.3.11 Parallel offset of results, change of territorial and departmental affiliation is determined by the Regulations of the commission on transitions of the All-Russian Federation.

A.3.12 In all disputes arising during the championships and championships of Russia, other official All-Russian competitions, the final decision remains with the All-Russian Federation.

A.4 Medical control

A.4.1 By decision of the doctor of the competition, the athlete may be suspended from the competition for medical reasons, about which an act is drawn up. The doctor's conclusion is drawn up in writing and submitted to the Chief Secretary.

A.4.2 Doping is control. Doping control can be carried out at any official All-Russian competitions.

A.5 Weighing

A.5.1 Weigh-in of participants is carried out on the eve of the competition, in accordance with the Regulations and the approved regulations of the organizers.

A.5.2 Weighing is carried out in a specially designated room. Scales must be checked on the eve of the competition, about which an act is drawn up. Members of the main panel of judges, judges assigned to the weigh-in and one official representative from the team whose member is undergoing the weigh-in procedure are allowed to be present at the weigh-in.

A.5.3 The weight of the athlete must not exceed the maximum allowable and be below the minimum limit established for the respective weight category.

A.5.4 Competitors weigh in naked or in swimming trunks or cycling shorts. Women may be weighed in swimming trunks and a bra. If the weight of an athlete goes beyond the weight category, he is given the right to re-weigh, within the time limit allotted for weighing.

A.6 Competitor order

A.6.1 Taking into account the preliminary competitions and the technical results of the participants, the panel of judges forms a group of athletes (group "A"), in each weight category, which competes in the final part of the competition.

A.6.2 The rest of the participants are determined by lot in group "B", distributed by streams and start the competition first.

A.7 Rules for performing exercises. General provisions.

A.7.1 2 minutes before the start of the exercise, the participant is invited to prepare weights in the clean and jerk and snatch. To prepare weights for a long cycle, the participant is invited 3 minutes before the start. 5 seconds before the start, the control time is counted down: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 sec. and the “Start” command is given, after which the participant is obliged to proceed with the exercise.

A.7.2 A participant who is late for the performance is not allowed to compete.

A.7.3 When the kettlebell (kettlebell) leaves the platform before the “Start” command, the referee gives the “Stop” command, after which the participant must put the kettlebell (kettlebells) on the platform and start performing the exercise again, after the “Start” command, taking into account the current time.

A.7.4 The participant is given 10 minutes to complete the exercise. The referee-informer after each minute announces the control time. After 9 minutes, the control time is announced after 30, 50 seconds, and the last 5 seconds - every second, after which the “Stop” command is given and further ascents are not counted.

A.7.5 The rest time between the clean and jerk and the snatch must be at least 30 minutes.

A.7.5 In case of violation of the rules for lifting the kettlebell, the judge on the platform gives the commands “Do not count”, “Stop”, “Shift”.

A.7.6 If the participant has left the platform, the “Stop” command is given and the exercise is terminated.

A.7.7 The “Stop” command is given for the technical unpreparedness of the participant (multiple violations of the rules).


A.7.8 The push is performed from the starting (initial) position before the next lift. In this case, the weights are fixed at chest level in a position where the shoulders are pressed to the body, and the legs are straightened.

A.7.9 After lifting the weights, at the moment of fixing the weights above the head, the torso, legs and arms must be straightened, the participant must be facing the judge on the platform, in the frontal plane.

A.7.10 Stop command is given:
- for stopping weights on the shoulders;
- when lowering the kettlebell (weights) from the chest to the hanging position or onto the platform.

-when lifting weights with a break in movement, the presence of the “boost” element.
- in the absence of fixation starting position before the next lifting of weights, as well as the absence of fixation of the completed lifting of weights above the head (visible stoppage of the movement of all parts of the body and weights).
- when changing the position of the hands (separation of the shoulders from the body) during the squat.

DC push (long cycle)

A.7.12 It is performed according to the same rules as the push.

A.7.13 Lowering the weights down, it is allowed to do one swing back, passing them between the legs or through the sides.

A.7.14 It is forbidden to stop kettlebells in the hanging position. In this case, the command "Stop" is given.


A.7.15 The exercise is performed in one go. The participant, having performed a preliminary swing of the kettlebell between the legs back, must continuously lift the kettlebell up with a jerk and fix it on a straight arm. After lifting the kettlebell up, at the moment of fixation, the legs and torso should be straightened and motionless, the free arm should be stopped. It is not allowed to bend and twist the body, bend in the hip joint at the moment of fixing the kettlebell. After fixation, the participant, without touching the body with the kettlebell, lowers it down to swing and perform the next lift.

A.7.16 The change of hands is made once, at the bottom.

A.7.17 One additional swing is allowed during the start and during the change of hands (interception).

A.7.18 Stop command is given:
- when stopping the kettlebell on the shoulder or platform, when performing the second swing on the second hand;
-If the "Shift" command is not executed.

A.7.19 The command "Do not count" is given:
- when “boosting” the kettlebell;
- in the absence of fixation of the lifting of the kettlebell above the head (visible stoppage of the movement of all parts of the body and the kettlebell);
- when touching with a free hand, any part of the body, kettlebell or platform;

A.7.20 The “Shift” command is given when performing the second swing on the first hand.

A.8 Filing a protest

A.8.1 The protest must be drawn up by a representative of the team in writing and submitted to the Chief Judge of the competition and ҐЕ0%qD$E8й С у%U‚%01eE4ҐVДим of the paragraph of the Rules or Regulations, which, in his opinion, were violated.

A.8.2 The procedure and conditions for filing a protest are carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the competition, approved by their organizer.

A.8.3 The chief referee of the competition has the right to accept or reject the protest. At the official All-Russian competitions, the protest is considered by the commission in the following composition: the Chief Judge or Deputy Chief Judge, the Jury of Appeal. At other competitions, the Chief Judge makes a decision on the protest alone.

A.8.4 A protest against the decision of the judge on the platform is considered immediately after the end of the flow of the current weight category of this competition program, before the start of the next shift. Competitions, in this case, for the analysis of the protest, are suspended.

A.8.5 At all official All-Russian competitions, when considering a protest, a video recording of the performance of athletes must be used.

A.8.6 A protest on the results should be submitted after the end of the performance of the athletes before the next shift. In the event of a protest against the decision of the judges in Group A, the awards ceremony will be postponed until the result of the protest is announced.

A.8.7 If the protest is upheld, the result is announced by the decision of the Main Jury. It is considered final and not subject to revision. The final decision based on the results of the consideration of the protest is brought to the attention of the team leaders.


B.1. Panel of judges

B.1.1 The panel of judges is completed by the organization conducting the competition.

B.1.2 The composition of the panel of judges includes: chief judge, chief secretary, judges on platforms, secretary, secretary on duplicate protocol, judge-informer, judge at the participants, technical inspector, doctor and commandant of the competition.

B.1.3 When holding competitions with more than 50 participants, the number of judges increases. The composition of the panel of judges with a different number of participants and the number of competition days is indicated in Appendix No. 1

B.1.4 The rights and obligations of a sports referee in kettlebell lifting are determined by the Regulations approved by the Ministry of Sports of the Russian Federation. Extract from the Regulations:
21. sports referee has the right to:
a) in accordance with their qualifications, judicial specialization and category, judge competitions, wear a judicial badge, as well as a judicial emblem;
b) conduct seminars and briefings on behalf of kettlebell lifting federations (with the exception of a referee of the third category ");
22. The sports referee is obliged:
a) ensure compliance with the rules of kettlebell lifting competitions and regulations (regulations) on sports competitions;
b) know the rules of kettlebell lifting competitions, comply with their requirements, master the refereeing methodology and apply it correctly in practice;
c) carry out refereeing in a qualified and impartial manner, excluding errors that may lead to a distortion of the results of the competition, objectively and timely resolve issues arising during the competition;
d) to be correct, polite and friendly towards all participants of the competitions and spectators, to contribute to the holding of competitions at a qualified level;
e) fight against manifestations of rudeness, indiscipline, violations of the rules of the sport and behavior on the part of participants, coaches, representatives;
f) improve the level of sports refereeing qualifications, transfer knowledge and experience to other referees, work to promote sports, have a regular practice of refereeing sports competitions at various levels;
g) perform sports refereeing duties in a neat referee uniform established by the Rules.

B.1.5 Judges must wear a single uniform: a dark blue jacket, black trousers, a white shirt and a burgundy tie with the WFGS logo.

B.1.6 For economic support, the organization conducting the competition allocates at the disposal of the main panel of judges the commandant of the competition.

B.1.7 Main panel of judges. The composition of the main panel of judges includes the chief judge, the chief secretary and their deputies.

B.1.8 From the composition of the most qualified judges, an appellate jury is formed in the amount of 3 or 5 people, which is headed by the chief judge.

B.1.9 Jury of Appeal:
- monitors compliance with the rules and regulations on competitions - accepts applications, protests, makes decisions on them;
- cancels the decision of the fixing judge in case of a clear violation of the rules of the competition;
- removes from work the judges who have made blunders;
- removes participants from competitions for technical unpreparedness;
- All decisions of the jury are made by majority vote.

B.1.10 Chief referee and his deputy. The chief referee directs the work of the judiciary and is responsible to the organization conducting the competition for a clear conduct, discipline, safety and the creation of equal conditions for all participants.

B.1.11 The Chief Judge must:
- before the start of the competition, hold a briefing-seminar, a meeting of the panel of judges and a meeting with team representatives;
- check the competition venues, their equipment, compliance with competition rules and safety requirements;
- determine the procedure for the work of the panel of judges and referee teams;
- manage the course of the competition and resolve emerging issues;
- to ensure control over the work of judges;
- accept the received applications and protests for discussion by the jury, make decisions on them;
- submit, within the established time limits, to the organization conducting the competition, reporting documentation on the competition;
- appoint and hold meetings of the panel of judges during the competition.

B.1.12 The deputy chief judge is guided by the instructions of the chief judge, in the absence of the latter, performs his duties.

B.1.13 Chief Secretary:
- prepares the necessary technical documentation and is responsible for the correctness of its execution;
- draws up minutes of meetings of the panel of judges, orders and decisions of the chief judge;
- with the permission of the chief referee, gives information about the competition to the judge-informer, team leaders and correspondents;
- draws up acts on the establishment of records;
- handles all competition documentation;
- provides the chief judge with materials for the report;
- keeps records and fixes decisions on protests, comments and suggestions.

B.1.14 Judge on the platform:
- loudly and clearly announces the score of correctly performed lifts;
- fixes technically incorrectly performed lifts with the “do not count” command;
- gives the commands “stop” and “shift”, announces the final result of the participant.

B.1.15 Competition Secretary:
- fills in the cards of participants at the weigh-in and the protocol of the competition;
- calls the participants to the platform in order of priority by a certain draw.

B.1.16 Announcer judge announces the decisions (orders) of the chief referee, transmits the current information of the Organizing Committee to participants and spectators.

B.1.17 Judge with participants:
- prepares participants for going to the platform;
- checks the uniform and aids permitted by the competition rules;
- leads the participants to the performance.

B.1.18 The judge at the participants is an intermediary between the participant and the main panel of judges in case of questions, conflicts and unforeseen situations.

B.1.19 Technical inspector:
- before the start of the competition, together with the commandant, checks the availability of inventory and equipment, the weight of the weights, the operation of the scales, office equipment, the radio unit;
- during the competition controls their serviceability;
- controls the order in the competition area, warm-up room, locker rooms and shower rooms;
- Ensures safety and order during the competition.

B.1.20 The technical inspector instructs the commandant of the competition to eliminate the identified shortcomings in the process of holding the competition. In an emergency, takes emergency measures to evacuate participants and spectators from the danger zone, reports the incident to the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

B.1.21 Competition doctor He is a member of the main panel of judges as a deputy chief judge for the medical part.

B.1.22 Competition Doctor:
- checks the presence of a doctor's visa and a stamp in the application for admission of participants to the competition;
- carries out medical supervision of the participants during weighing and during the competition;
- monitors the observance of sanitary and hygienic conditions during the competition, places of residence and meals for participants;
- provides medical assistance in case of injuries or diseases of the participant, determines the possibility of his further performance;
- decides on the removal of the participant from the competition for medical reasons, gives a written opinion on the reason for his withdrawal;
- at the end of the competition, submits a report on medical and sanitary services to the chief judge.

B.1.23 Commandant of the competition:
- is responsible for the timely preparation of inventory and equipment, competition venues, warm-up room, locker rooms and shower rooms, sportsmen's rest rooms, rooms for judges, representatives, press;
- provides the ceremonial opening and closing of the competition with technical equipment and paraphernalia;
- fulfills the instructions of the chief referee, technical inspector and representative of the organization conducting the competition in matters of technical support for the competition.

B.2 Rights and obligations of participants

B.2.1 A participant has the right to apply to the main panel of judges only through a representative of the team or a judge with the participants.

B.2.2 The participant is given time (2 minutes) to prepare the weights in the place designated for this purpose.

B.2.3 The participant uses only those weights, the numbers of which correspond to the number of the platform to which he is called.

B.2.4 When preparing weights and hands, only magnesia is allowed.

B.2.5 The participant has the right to be a representative of an enterprise or firm in advertising its products. He must notify the Chief Jury of this in writing and obtain permission.

B.2.6 The participant must know the rules and regulations of the competition and strictly follow them.

B.2.7 The participant is obliged to observe discipline, be correct and polite towards other participants, judges and spectators.

B.2.8 The participant must be in clean, neat clothing.

B.2.9 A participant arriving at the competition must have a medical insurance policy and a document proving his identity.

B.2.10 The participant is obliged to go to the performance, participate in the parade of the grand opening and closing of the competition, the awarding procedure.

B.2.11 The participant is forbidden to use any device that facilitates the lifting of the kettlebell.

B.2.12 The participant is forbidden to talk while lifting weights.

B.2.13 The participant is prohibited from throwing kettlebells on the platform.

B.2.14 A participant who violates clauses B.2.6 - B.2.13 is given a reprimand or a warning. By decision of the main judging panel, he may be removed from the competition.

B.3 Representatives, coaches and team captains

B.3.1 Each team participating in the competition must have its own representative.

B.3.2 The representative is responsible for the discipline of the members of his team and the appearance at the competition.

B.3.3 The representative is obliged to know well the rules of the competition and the regulations on the competitions.

B.3.4 The representative is present at the weigh-in of the members of his team and the draw, as well as at the meeting of the main panel of judges with representatives.

B.3.5 Representatives and coaches are prohibited from being in the competition area during the performance of participants. There are special places for them.

B.3.6 Representatives and coaches are prohibited from interfering with the orders of judges and persons conducting competitions. The representative has the right to submit an application or protest to the main panel of judges regarding the violation of the Rules, which directly or indirectly concerns the members of his team.

B.3.7 If the team does not have a representative, his duties are performed by the coach or team captain, as indicated in the application when passing the credentials committee.

B.3.8 A representative of a team who has violated paragraphs B.3.1 - B.3.6 of these rules shall be subject to the penalties specified in paragraph B.2.14.


B.1 Platform, balance

B.1.1 All kettlebell lifts in competition exercises must be performed on the competition platform. Competitions are held on six platforms with a size of at least 1.5 x 1.5 m. The distance between the platforms should ensure safety and not interfere with the competitive process of participants in one stream. The platform should not rise more than 10 cm from the stage or floor. The platform surface must be flat, firm and level.

B.1.2 Scales for weighing athletes must be electronic, digital and show weight with two decimal places after the decimal point. They must have a measurement limit of at least 180 kg. The balance must have a certificate (certificate) with a verification date within one year before the date of the competition.

B.2 Specification of weights

B.2.1 The weight of the weights must not deviate by more than 100 grams.

B.2.2 At the All-Russian competitions, weights with the certificate of the All-Russian Federation must be used.

B.2.3 Competitive kettlebells must have a digital marking corresponding to the numbers of the platforms on which the participants compete.

B.3 Referee electronic equipment and video recording

B.3.1 At the All-Russian sports competitions, judicial electronic equipment of the system for counting kettlebell lifts and controlling the time of performing an exercise with a second-by-second countdown from 10 minutes to 0 seconds must be used.

B.3.2 In order to objectively control the quality of fixation of kettlebell lifts, at the All-Russian sports competitions, video recording of the performance of athletes of all streams should be used.

B.4 Athlete training facilities

B.4.1 To prepare for the competition, the participants must be provided with a warm-up room that meets the following requirements:
- the presence of an appropriate number of platforms, kettlebells of different weights, magnesia and other means of preparation;
- a place for rest and recovery of participants;
- duplicating protocol and means of radio communication;
- installation of a video image (at all-Russian competitions).

B.4.2 Locker rooms, toilet and shower rooms, a medical office should be prepared for participants. For the judiciary - rooms for the secretariat, meetings of judges and representatives.

B.4.3 Before the start of the competition, an act is drawn up and signed by representatives of the organization conducting the competition and the owner sports base on the availability of equipment and inventory corresponding to the rules of the competition and the security measures taken by participants and spectators.

B.5 Competitive dress code

B.5.1 Athletes' clothing includes sports shoes (weightlifters), cycling shorts, weightlifting leotards, a T-shirt or T-shirt. The form should not cover the elbow and knee joints of the participant:
- it is allowed to use a weightlifting belt no more than 12 cm wide and no more than 0.8 cm thick, the belt should not have additional soft pads, fasteners or supports made of any other material outside or inside the belt
- it is allowed to use knee pads, bandage and elastic bandages no more than 1.5 m long;
- the width of the bandage on the wrist - no more than 12 cm, on the knees - no more than 25 cm.

B.5.2 You are only allowed to perform in sports shoes(weightlifter's boots or sneakers).

B.5.3 The uniform can be of any color, monophonic or multi-colored, a distinctive sign, emblem, federation (association) can be applied to the costume. The athlete's name may appear on the suit or any other item of personal equipment.

B.6 Dress code for officials

B.6.1 Judges must have a single uniform - a dark blue jacket and black trousers, distinctive judicial insignia in accordance with their position and qualifications.

B.6.2 The uniform, depending on climatic and other conditions, is determined by the Chief Judge of the competition.

Terminology in kettlebell lifting:

1. Push (classic)- Lifting two weights from the chest overhead, followed by lowering to the chest after each lift.

2. Long cycle push (LC)- lifting two kettlebells from the chest above the head, followed by lowering down, (in two steps), first to the chest, and then to the hanging position, after each rise.

3. Snatch- lifting one kettlebell overhead, on a straight arm, with the subsequent lowering of the kettlebell to the hanging position, after each rise.

4. Combined - competitive discipline in kettlebell lifting, consisting of two types of exercises: "push" and "snatch".

5. Fixation- full stop of kettlebells (kettlebells) and all parts of the athlete's body in the starting position (except for the snatch) and the final part of each lift.

6. Flow- the next change of participants, called to the platform for performance.

7. final group - a group of athletes with the best technical result in the preliminary competitions, formed by the panel of judges in each weight category.

8. Starting position- the main stance (the position of all parts of the body) of the participant and the position of the weights (kettlebells) before the start of the exercise.

9. Kettlebellsports equipment with which the participant performs the exercise.

10. Platform- the platform on which the participant performs the exercise.

11. Competition area- the place where the participants perform, the weights are being prepared, the panel of judges and the jury of appeal are located.

12. Referee signaling– electronic judicial equipment for counting weight lifting and timing.

13. "Boost"- lack of lifting on a straightened arm (arms).

14. Shoulder stop- setting weights for rest on the shoulder joints.

15. "Stop"- stopping the athlete in case of gross violation of the rules of the competition.

17. Checkout time– countdown of time (in seconds) until the stopwatch is turned on and the kettlebell lifting starts.