Sale of goods for sports and recreation in Ukraine. The best snowboarders in the world Famous snowboarders

In October, the most famous snowboarder in the world brought his new film "Depth Perception" to Moscow. Other athletes who starred in the film also came with him. After the autograph session, Travis met with the correspondent and told how he lives outside of sports and how he achieved success.

About childhood

It's interesting that when you're a child, you don't think about how your childhood goes, you just don't appreciate it until you're older. As a child, I spent a lot of time outdoors, fishing and walking in the summer, playing hockey in the winter. I liked this sport, but I stopped doing it when I got acquainted with snowboarding.

My father was a lifeguard ski resort Jackson Hole (Wyoming, USA - approx. ""), but I taught myself how to snowboard at the age of 13. It's pretty late now compared to today's kids who get on the board much earlier.

Getting up on the board was very difficult. I remember the first two days of my skiing. It was strange: I was not good at it, but then something happened. Just at one point, I suddenly felt the board and was able to make several turns without falling. That's when I fell ill with this sport.

About success

I think that the main sponsors of my success are the support of relatives and friends and healthy lifestyle life. The thing is, I really enjoyed riding, it was never a job. This is the meaning of my life, this is fun and leisure.

Sometimes it happens that after a few successful years, professionals blow their minds: they begin to perform risky stunts without preparation, climb rocks. I think what distinguishes me is that I have always been able to think sensibly, not to rush into the pool with my head. I have never had serious injuries and operations, it is thanks to this that I am still here - thanks to the right and balanced decisions.

Also my intuition helped me. She guides me through life, I always feel when it is worth taking a risk, and when it is necessary to stop. Sometimes it's hard to say "no" to yourself, it's easier and more seductive to mutter something like "hell, I'll do it" - and go all out.

If there was no snowboarding in my life, I would go to the moon. Seriously, I would be an astronaut! Or I would work with animals in the wild, become a scientist. Or become an architect, or work in a foundation for children. I don't know, no one knows what would have happened to me if I hadn't known snowboarding. There are so many interesting things in the world!

About the new movie

Depth Perception is fundamentally different from all my previous films. Firstly, the fact that we filmed it for only six weeks. What we wanted to do with this tape is completely different from other snowboard films. We went to just one location and tried to look deeper into things that we usually look at superficially.

We have taken a fresh look at the relationship between flora and fauna - how climate, geography and the behavior of living things work together. The name of the film is translated as "Depth of Perception", it embodies the whole meaning of the film. For me it means looking at the world with both eyes, being able to see how close and how far things are at the same time.

Difficult to explain, but Everyday life we look at the world as if with one eye - superficially. And we give viewers the opportunity to look deeper into everyday things. Imagine: you are in the forest, you look at a tree and you think: “I know what it is. This is a tree". You don't need to look deeper. And this is how my brain works: you understand that this is a tree, but you have no idea what it really is. There is so much going on in it - a million intricacies and processes. For me, it's almost magic.

As children we enter society, we grow up, we go to school, we learn, we learn, we learn, and we think we know everything. But when you decide to look deeper into familiar things, you have to forget about everything that you knew before and start from the very beginning. See the world through the eyes of a child who knows nothing.

It was very risky to make this film. My colleagues worked on a Russian translation especially for your country. I think it came out great. I hope so, because it is difficult for me to evaluate the result, because I do not know the language.

About life plans

I have many plans, but I try not to think of anything. I don't even know what I'm going to do this winter. And it's very cool! Now I don't look beyond tonight.

Snowboard jacket, pants, hat, gloves, Quiksilver mask and backpack, Lib Tech snowboard, Union bindings.

And in general, I plan to develop the Supernatural snowboard contest (a unique backcountry freestyle contest for which Rice built a special "natural" snowpark - approx. ""), and this may be the future sports competitions. I will continue to work on this project. I think some places in Russia could be part of this project. Kamchatka is good, but it is very far away. Sochi can be a cool option.

About love

At the age of six, I had a friend with whom we grew up together. He had elder sister, very pretty. I knew her, but we did not communicate. girls in adolescence they usually think: “Big guys are cool”, and those who are younger are not paid attention. Then she moved, and we didn't see each other for many years.

And then they met by chance, and ... away we go. We've been together for over ten years. She is fantastic. Working on an amazing project to support women and their rights in all areas. There are so many people in the world who need help. My girlfriend's team deals with everything from social issues to mental and physical health.

I travel a lot around the world, and I see that women want to be on an equal footing with men. I think it's great. For thousands of years, women have been under commercial and physical oppression, and it's great that now they have begun to dominate. I would like to see a world run by women.

Now there are many strong women in power in Europe and the USA. I am proud of my bride - she is strong, I love her.

Snowboarder Robin van Jean, who was in my film, rides on par with the men. Moreover, with technical point she skates better than the rest of us. Her qualifications are higher.

About music

I love music that suits the right moment in life. Basically, I'm a music lover. When I drive down a country road in Wyoming, I listen to country music. At the same time, I admit that there is a lot of lame country.

By the way, I am proud that 60 percent of the music for the film "Depth Perception" was written especially for us. We used two artists: Hanna Hobrak and her band Shel and musician Kishi Bashi, plus we used tracks that we love ourselves.

I didn't listen to music when I was filming, but when I ride for fun, I usually listen to something live, moving.

About fears

Fear is an interesting subject to discuss. This is both an unpleasant feeling and at the same time an amazing tool that helps a person save life and health.

It's bad when fear becomes irrational when you stop controlling it. And there are stupid fears: almost everyone is afraid of appearing ridiculous, stupid or ugly in public.

For many years I have tried to face my irrational fears and try to get rid of them. At the same time, I really want to build healthy relationships with the fears that keep me alive.

About life outside of sports

I study a lot. I am interested in biology, new technologies, quantum physics, soil science. I know how groundwater and soil work. And quantum physics is generally insanely exciting, albeit difficult. This science allows us to completely rethink the world around us. For so many years of the existence of life on Earth, we have become accustomed to looking at the world around us in a certain way: with the help of science, mathematics and literature. And now quantum physicists are telling us, “Wait, no! Actually, that's not what's really going on!"

I am sure that it is quantum physics that will help discover the secrets and move into a new era of human potential. I think the changes will happen very soon, and we will have time to become their witnesses.

Snowboarding is one of the most exciting sports. And its popularity is growing by leaps and bounds, which is greatly facilitated by The Ticket to Ride (TTR) community, created in 2002 and bringing together beginners and professionals.

The TTR World Rankings takes into account the points earned from participation in the most significant competitions in the world of snowboarding. Today we present to your attention, which includes the Top 10 top athletes planets.

10. Darcy Sharp (Sharpe, Darcy), Canada

The Canadian athlete grew up in the mountains and got on a snowboard for the first time at the age of 5. With a board or skis, one way or another, the professions of all members of the Sharp family are connected. Given that Darcy is only 16 years old, the main achievements of the athlete are yet to come.

9. Yuki Kadono (Kadono, Yuki), Japan

Another 16-year-old athlete in the men's ranking of the best snowboarders in the world. Among the recent achievements of the snowboarder is the victory on international competitions freestyle at Air + Style Beijing 2012 in Beijing last December.

8. Mark McMorris (McMorris, Mark), Canada

The 19-year-old was the first in the world to complete the difficult Backside Triple Cork 1440 trick in 2011. Mark is a Gold Medalist at X Games Aspen 2012 in Slopestyle and Big Air.

7. Sven Thorgren (Thorgren, Sven), Sweden

Eighteen-year-old Sven finished sixth at the 2012 Snowboard World Championships in Oslo. Thorgren has been snowboarding since the age of seven. Today, the athlete has more than a dozen prizes won at international level competitions.

6. Derek Livingston (Livingston, Derek), Canada

An experienced 22-year-old snowboarder began to practice quite late - at the age of 8. Today Derek is the pride of Canadian snowboarding and the recognized master of the halfpipe.

5. Sandbech, Stale, Norway

At the age of 19, he has been participating in international competitions since the age of fourteen, and at 16 he was awarded the title of “Norwegian Snowboarder of the Year”. Among Sandbek's recent accomplishments is third place at Air + Style Beijing 2012.

4. Benji Farrow (Farrow, Benji), USA.

The 20-year-old athlete has devoted more than 14 years to snowboarding. To date, Farrow is the best American snowboarder to compete in the world championships and has shown an exceptionally positive track record of success.

3. Antoine Truchon (Truchon, Antoine), Canada

Trushon closes the top three leading world snowboarder rating (men's). The 22-year-old athlete in February 2012 became the first in the competition for the FIS World Cup in Quebec.

2. Michael Ciccarelli (Ciccarelli, Mikey), Canada

Michael has gold at the 2012 Winter Youth Olympics in slopestyle snowboarding. 16-year-old Michael got on the board at the age of seven. Today, Michael (Miki) Ciccarelli is the best among Canadian athletes in the men's ranking.

1. Rup Tonteri (Tonteri, Roope), Finland

Tonteri leads men's world snowboarder rankings far ahead of the competition. In 2010, Roop became the first athlete in the world to win the WSF World Rookie Champion for the second time. And in early 2012, Roop won the TTR Burn River Jump.

Europe is a paradise for skiers. Here are the best ski resorts in the world with excellent slopes, excellent infrastructure and very good snow cover. In addition, Europe is also a paradise for snowboarders. Which direction to choose for a quality winter holiday? We offer to consider the best resorts in Europe for snowboarders.

1. Avorija, France

This is the mecca of snowboarding in Europe. It is no coincidence that the famous snowboarder Johan Baisami decided to open his own snowboard school here.

Avorija was originally built as a resort. Before that, there was a desert plateau that served as a pasture for livestock. The first fans of skiing were able to visit here in 1966. The nearest airport to the resort is in Geneva. It will take a couple of hours to get there by bus or car.

2. St. Anton, Austria

The resort is famous for its beautiful Austrian landscapes. This is the best ski resort for snowboarding in Austria. There is access to the most beautiful slopes of the region with exceptional snow quality and the richest infrastructure at the top. In addition, St. Anton is known for its après-ski parties and nightclubs.

The nearest airport is Innsbruck, located about a hundred kilometers away. St. Anton can be easily reached by train. The fact is that right at the resort there is a railway station.

3. Gudauri, Georgia

If you want to discover a new place for snowboarding, go to Georgia. Gudauri is located just an hour and a half drive from the country's capital, Tbilisi. About twenty percent of the tracks are designed for skiing professionals, and about sixty - for the "average". Advantages of Gudauri: breathtaking views of the Caucasus Mountains, as well as exceptional snow quality guaranteed in winter.

The resort offers very affordable prices for all services and accommodation.

4. Laax, Switzerland

The resort offers excellent slopes for experienced and not so experienced snowboarders. Everything has been done here so that you do not have to stand in queues for several hours. Laksa lifts are considered the best in Europe. Most of the trails here are located above 1800 meters above sea level. The highest point of the region is 3018 m.

The nearest airport is in Zurich. You can order a transfer from him, which takes about 2.5 hours.

5. Verbier, Switzerland

Excellent slope maintenance, wide infrastructure, modern lifts - all this makes winter holidays in this resort comfortable and enjoyable. If snowboarding is your passion then chances are you've heard the name because Verbier is known the world over as one of the world's best ski resorts.

The resort is located in the Bagnes Valley, thanks to which athletes can enjoy the picturesque panorama of the Alpine massifs and Mont Blanc.

6. Les Arcs, France

This is one of the most famous mountain resorts in the country, located in Savoie. It includes four villages, which are connected by a road. Below is a French town connected to one of the villages by a funicular.

The place is famous for its very good bars, ideal for nightlife. In addition, you can go freeriding here, and in summer time- Ride a mountain bike.

7. Val Thorens, France

He has been ranked first in various ratings for many years. This is the most favorite and famous ski resort among users social networks. A place that leaves no one indifferent and attracts skiers and snowboarders from all over the world every year. No other resort invests so much in the development of its infrastructure to make tourists' stay here unforgettable. Val Thorens is the ideal resort for experienced and beginner athletes, families, those looking for adventure, relaxation and shopping.

8. Tignes, France

This ski resort is suitable for everyone without exception. Do you like skiing or snowboarding? Do you want to relax with your family or friends? Looking for shopping or thrills? You definitely need it here.

The resort occupies a large area, so athletes can be advised to book hotels for a long time in order to have time to enjoy most of its infrastructure and slopes. It is worth noting that this place was one of the first to offer tracks for snowboarders.

9. Chamonix-Mont-Blanc, France

Every year since 2008, the Freeride World Tour brings together the best snowboarders from all over the world. This is all due to the fact that the resort is known for its exceptional snow quality, excellent pistes and quality infrastructure. And it was here that the first winters took place Olympic Games in history. It happened in 1921.

Here is one of the highest cable cars in the world. It is worth noting that the resort is considered quite expensive.

10. Saalbach-Hinterglemm

The most popular ski resort in the Alps. More than 270 kilometers of slopes await lovers winter sports both beginners and professionals. Everyone can enjoy thrills. The fabulous splendor of the Alpine winter will enchant anyone, and cozy hotels and many cafes and restaurants, whose employees are invariably hospitable, will help you relax after an active day. The best way to get to the place - order at the hotel where the room is booked, a transfer from Salzburg airport.

11. Mayrhofen, Austria

Located close to Innsbruck, another Austrian city famous for its ski resort as well as the beauty of the Christmas market, Mayrhofen is a snowboarder's paradise. Its slopes cover a total of 159 kilometers. The resort is open daily throughout the year, so you can enjoy your favorite sport at any time. This place can guarantee not only amazing skiing or snowboarding, but also a premium level of comfort.

12. Val Gardena, Italy

The beauty of the local landscapes conquers. Situated in the Dolomites region, Val Gardena is one of the most beautiful ski resorts in Europe and one of the best for snowboarders. A wide infrastructure is offered here. Every vacationer will be able to enjoy the charm of three real mountain villages. All of them are interconnected by a whole network of slopes and lifts.

13. Ruka, Finland

Finland, although known for its good level and quality of snow, is still quite a "flat" country. But Ruka and the region in which this resort is located are an exception. Here the terrain is more hilly, as well as very beautiful scenery and excellent trails for those who are looking for something new. The resort is perfect for beginner snowboarders. But professionals will not be bored here either.

14. Saas-Fee, Switzerland

Snowboarders from all over the world have been coming here for many years. This Swiss ski resort was one of the first to provide special facilities for snowboarders. It is perfect for them both in summer and winter. In winter, by the way, it is especially crowded here.

15. Montgenevre, France

Every snowboarder was once a beginner. There is nothing better than starting your journey in this sport in this resort. Every year, training courses of varying degrees of complexity are offered here. Instructors will teach you how to ride on all types of snow, do jumps and other tricks.

16. Risoul, France

Here travelers are waiting for more than 180 kilometers ski slopes. Quality infrastructure makes it easy to move from one point to another and enjoy the best slopes. This is a great resort for snowboarders.

10 Kings of Snowboarding by Red Bull

It's time to talk about women's snowboarding. Let's start with one of the most stylish snowboarders in the world - Annie Rukajärvi.

Snowboarders of few words are often said to speak louder than words, and Annie is a bright representative of this category of athletes. Being the owner of a typical Finnish character, she prefers to observe the conversation rather than be an active participant in it. However, this shyness is removed like a hand when Annie gets on the board: her unusual, very dynamic style is known all over the world and has brought her victory more than once.

Annie comes from the Finnish town of Rukajärvi (whose name became her last name) near Kuusamo, which is located in the Arctic Circle. This quiet and peaceful place is known for its ski resort "Ruka". Those who have skied in Finland know that the "ice track" in this country is very different from the "ice track" in any other European ski resort. The snow here is much harder than anywhere else. This circumstance plays into the hands of Finnish riders. After all, wherever they go to the competition, the conditions there will in any case be milder than in their native country. Finnish snowboarders are somewhat reminiscent of cats - they also always land on their "paws". This kind of protective reaction helps them protect themselves from possible severe injuries. The tracks in Ruka are well lit and short, thanks to which the athletes quickly pass all the parks. It's simple perfect place to improve your snowboarding skills.

Annie graduated sports school Sotkamo, from which such snowboarding stars as Pietu Piironen, Roope Tonteri, Markus Malin and Saku Tilikainen have come out. With such a solid training base and such famous fellow students, Annie simply had no other choice but to become another pride of the school. Annie began winning major competitions in 2009-2010. In one season, she won the Horsefeathers Pleasure Jam and then the Roxy Chicken Jam. The day after the Roxy Chicken Jam, Annie not only competed in the Burton European Pipe, but also took first place in slopestyle. Three days and two first places - few people can boast of such a thing! However, our heroine did not even think to rest on her laurels! After all, after that she won the Canadian Open championship in the slopestyle category and became the absolute champion in 2009-2010. by overall TTR rating. Since then, Annie has shown excellent results more than once, and is currently ranked fifth in the world rankings in slopestyle and second in the overall world rankings in snowboarding (World Snowboard Tour).

This season Annie introduced herself unique opportunity direct his own film "Ennitime" for Red Bull. In this series of mini videos you can watch her performances at the World Championships and for the first time get the opportunity to learn more about the various aspects of her skating - street, park and much more. When viewing these recordings, it becomes clear that Annie could very well become a first-class director after the end of her sports career.

Travis Rice is one of the most popular snowboarders in the world. If someone is fond of snowboarding, he probably watches his films about skiing in different parts of the world - from Patagonia to Kamchatka. Travis, along with Brian Fox and Austin Sweetin - Quiksilver teammates and part-time protagonists of his new project - flew to Moscow to present their new film Depth Perception. The autograph session with the snowboarders lasted four hours - the flow of fans of Travis Rice's work did not weaken.

Travis Rice / Photo: Artem Vindrievsky

- We do not believe that you have not been to the Lenin Mausoleum! - snowboarders laugh at the Moscow journalists who gathered for an interview, who, as it turned out, had never visited one of the main attractions of the capital. - It's unusual! And Red Square is cool, like a fairy tale, such bright colors in this gloomy weather!

By the way, the interview with Travis began a little later than the appointed time. “Hmm, well, with whom it doesn’t happen, the guys in Moscow came off, probably, everything can be understood,” a thought flashed through. But this is not about Rice. Travis was supposed to drop in for the final sound check before the premiere at the Cinema House for literally 10 minutes, but he left there only an hour later, when he was convinced that the sound was really set up as it should be, that people would hear exactly what he planned. Professionalism and attention to every detail - this is about Travis.

Austin Sweetin, Brian Fox and Travis Rice on Red Square / Photo: © Kirill Umrikhin

Brian and Austin laughed off the question of how they work with such a perfectionist. But in all seriousness, both said that such attention to detail is an opportunity for them to improve and work on themselves, as well as safety in those extreme conditions where filming is taking place.

– What does the title of your film – Depth Perception mean? What idea would you like to show?

– Depth perception is the ability of a person to adapt vision and perceive reality in three dimensions. When you close one eye, it’s hard to imagine how far objects are from you, says Travis Rice. “But the meaning of the film's title, Depth Perception, is an open-minded and deep look at anything. For us - a deeper look at the symbiosis of nature in a small part of the Earth, which is called Galena and is located in the Canadian province of British Columbia. We wanted to show that you don't have to be obsessed with how we imagine the world. See events and places through the eyes of a child. An adult sees a tree and says: "Pf, this is a tree, I know it, I'm not interested." And the child learns the world, he sees magic. The adult limits his vision. There is only one way to stay young - do not limit yourself. Because age is about setting barriers and saying “I know it”.

How did you choose the location for filming? Why Canada and its province of British Columbia?

“I once rode there for two days three or four years ago and thought, 'It would be cool to come back here. This is a special place!” I tried to convince this place to let us shoot there. It is in the middle of nowhere. You can't get there on foot or by car. Only a helicopter can get there. We chose British Columbia because it's a fast-paced mix of really weird downhills, a bit like Alaska... but you know, it's like Sochi, where you have a lot of options to ski. And we wanted to make a movie about all these types of snowboarding. Not only about one.

How long did the shooting take? You filmed the last film Phase Four for almost four years…

- Just a month and a half, and it's very fast. But we had a "focused" idea. And I'm very proud of what we've been able to create.

Frame from the film Depth Perception / Photo: © Quiksilver press service

What was the most interesting moment on the set of this film?

“We did research for a few months before filming. We learned that there is an ancient forest there. This is a forest where avalanches do not descend and where there are no fires, and also there are no people for tens of millennia. And one of the places where we had to shoot was this ancient forest. We were going to go snowboarding there. Because of the weather, we only had one day. And we saw trees that are 1800 years old. It was something special. We specifically conducted a study, and it turns out that trees, mushrooms, their connection with each other is a neural network, it’s like a natural Internet, like nervous system in a person. They bond and care for each other. It was good to know about it.

Frame from the film Depth Perception / Photo: © Quiksilver press service

- Tell us about funny case on the set.

- We were constantly fooling around, because Brian and Austin are noble pranksters. But I'd rather talk about the most entertaining moment. This was not included in the film, but somehow we went out to explore the territory and found the dens of grizzly bears. With the help of radio telemetry at a distance, we found places on the mountain where bears slept in dens. Of course we didn't disturb them. It was high up in the mountains, about the same heights we snowboarded at. It was amazing and funny. The device, made according to the technology of the 50s of the last century, began to squeak when we aimed it at a bear den.

Travis Rice signing autographs in Moscow / Photo: © Artem Vindrievsky

- What period in your career do you consider the most important?

– This is happening right now. The present moment is always the most important. When I was younger and with all the roads ahead of me, I thought the highlight of my career was when I arrived as a 18-year-old rookie at the Snowboarder Superpark competition and did really well. difficult jump on a high springboard - backside rodeo. I was young and took a sabbatical for a year at the university, became the MVP of these competitions. This is probably the most important, turning point in my career, after that there were victories at X-Games, shooting films ...

- Then, in 2001, you surprised everyone ...

“Then I surprised myself.

Travis Rice and his young admirer in Moscow / Photo: © Nikita Klyukvin

- It is believed that in order to do such tricks or ride in such places, one must be fearless. Even in the snowboarding community, they say that Travis Rice won because he wasn't afraid when others were afraid. What do you think of it?

“I'm not fearless, and I'm very happy about it. Because if I didn't have fear, we wouldn't be talking right now. Fear kept me alive, thanks to it I am healthy. I think I've developed a good relationship with fear. I spent many years dividing fear into two types. One is fear for your life and health. This is when you come to a cliff, look down, and your stomach cramps. This is a healthy fear. One must be able to be friends with him, he must be respected. Other fears arise in our social interactions. They prevent you from being who you are. All people, including me, are afraid of different things that limit, do not allow to open up. They are unreal. And the moment I was able to separate these two types of fear and face these non-existent fears, I was able to free myself and move on. When I find myself in an uncomfortable situation (for me, this is learning unpleasant things about myself), I force myself to face these invented restrictions, and this helps to come to terms with myself. We can give more, we can be more open without these fears. But often we hide in order not to show our possible defenselessness.

Travis Rice's autograph line in Moscow / Photo: © Kirill Umrikhin

- How does the experience of a snowboarder help you in everyday life?

“It allows me to appreciate nature more, it allows me to understand relationships and people. Understand how groups of people, such as the government, interact. Unfortunately, often money influences decision making. And such alternative sports as snowboarding, skateboarding, surfing free the mind. They give people the opportunity to appreciate more things like our home, our little planet. Being a snowboarder means spending a lot of time on outdoors in a very beautiful places. For me, it is not only understanding and respect for the place where we live, but also for other people. I think that first you need to work on yourself before you go and become a fighter for someone's rights. First you need to look in the mirror and find peace and harmony there. And only then can you help someone. And snowboarding helps me achieve this.

Brian, Travis and Austin at the premiere of Depth Perception in Moscow / Photo: © Artem Vindrievsky

- Freedom. What does this mean for you?

- Full responsibility. This is a strange definition for a person born in the USA. It's funny, but in America there is an opinion that a place like Las Vegas symbolizes freedom. You can go to such a city and do whatever you want. You won't tell anyone about what you did there. People think it's freedom not to be responsible for your actions. I think that freedom is the exact opposite of that opinion. Freedom is full responsibility for one's actions. Freedom is also the right not to be a victim. You can't be free if other people can do something to you. Trample what you believe, what you feel. And, in my opinion, it is necessary to broadcast this point of view to the world.

- Imagine that you are 64 years old, as in the song of The Beatles. What would you like to do? Where would you like to be? What would be the most important thing for you?

- I think it would not matter for me where I would be on our planet, what I would have - money, a house, any material things ... I hope that I will feel happiness and have a fresh head to interact with the world. I think that's my main goal - to be myself and be happy.

Katerina Manina,