The most beautiful places for cycling. Cycling: pros and cons. Benefits of cycling

Cycling: detailed information about cycling around the world. Popular routes, types of cycling, photos, reviews of tourists about cycling on the "Subtleties of Tourism".

Cycling only for an ignorant person seems like a cakewalk. Like, you turn your pedals, look around, study the area and enjoy life. In fact, any danger can arise on the path of a cyclist - a car, fallen trees, stones. Angry dogs, finally. Not to mention the bad weather, when rain whips in your face or snow crawls up your collar.

Why, in this case, every year everything more people choose this type of holiday? Probably because it gives a feeling of freedom - movement, communication. You take responsibility for your own destiny. Here you are the road, you and the bike. Forward, and it is not known what awaits around the corner.

Types of cycling

Another one important information for beginners: there are several types of cycling tourism. All of them are inherently similar - overcoming obstacles with the help of a bicycle. But there are significant differences.

For example, civilized cycling is the usual walks in the area, which is best suited for this type of transport. No adventures along the way. Only fresh air and beautiful landscapes. For beginners, that's it.

Sports cycling tourism, which, however, is declining, makes people set records. You need to overcome the required distance in a certain amount of time. For example, a ride from Moscow to Vladivostok in 2 months.

Race cycling tourism is when travelers do not pay attention to the sights, but exclusively ride, ride, ride. For them, the main thing is to overcome a given distance. They "swallow" the space, like a schoolboy rushing to the lesson, who chews a cutlet on the go.

Expeditionary is chosen by people who like to overcome obstacles. It can be mountains, ice fields, frozen lakes, etc. For such travelers, the best reward is the route traveled. After that, they are happy to build themselves a new, more complex one.

Biker tourism allows you to test the power of your transport. The traveler chooses a track suitable for his two-wheeled friend and squeezes the maximum out of it. This is how bikers or street racers compete with each other, showing off their equipment in front of each other.

Winter cycling, judging by the name, corresponds to one season. Yes, there are people who are only interested in riding in bad weather, in snow, in slush or on ice. They think that in winter everything around looks much more beautiful. That is why they are in a hurry to see as many interesting places as possible in 3 months.

Bicycle selection

From right choice It all depends on the bike - whether you will be able to travel or not. If you make a mistake, then the bike will immediately turn into hiking.

For beginners, it is better to seek help from specialists. These can be consultants in cycling clubs or sellers in special equipment stores. They will tell you which bike is suitable for a particular route, what to take with you on the road, etc.

The best type of bike is the regular touring bike, with a solid road profile frame, curved handlebars and 622mm wheels.

Mountain biking is also good. It has a smaller wheel diameter and a straight steering wheel, components and parts of increased strength. These bikes are suitable for aggressive riding style and not particularly suitable for long bike trips.

In addition, there are hybrids of mountain and touring bikes. However, their meaning is still unclear to specialists. Because often such models combine the shortcomings of both directions. It turns out neither.

Bike Tour in Europe

Bike tours in Russia

In Russia, there is a fairly extensive geography of cycling tourism. You can easily ride from Kaliningrad to the Urals. There are also the best routes, during which you can see many of the sights of the country.

Golden ring

This route will bring a lot of impressions. Along the way, there are picturesque places: fields, pine forests, birch groves. Add to this the architecture of the ancient Russian cities of Suzdal, Vladimir, Kostroma, Yaroslavl, Uglich. On average, a trip along the Golden Ring takes 10 days.

Pushkin mountains

A good tour from Pushkinskiye Gory to Pskov via Izborsk. During this trip, you can get acquainted with the history of Russian architecture, as well as see the places where one of the most famous world poets, A. S. Pushkin, worked.

Central Russia

AT middle lane Russia has developed routes to the sources of the Volga, around Ladoga and along the Karelian Isthmus. You can visit the natural park "Valaam" to see the sketes, the Transfiguration Cathedral.

Bike tours around the world

There are hundreds of fascinating routes for cyclists in the world. It is unlikely that you will be able to try everything, but this top ten is worth mastering. These are the best bike routes on the planet Earth.

Isle of Wight, England

This island is put in the first place by almost all cyclists. Traveling here is not one, but two, three, four ... in general, you can get a lot of pleasure in this English place.

There is a rather diverse relief here - streets, hills, green ravines. The island also hosts festivals from time to time. You can witness something like that.

Provence, France

Provence is sunny and full of vineyards. And also well-groomed gardens, rocky slopes and ancient villages. The main destination is Mount Ventoux. Until you visit it, you can not leave Provence.

Tasmania, Australia

On the West Coast of Tasmania, cycling is not easy, the landscape is special. But you can get a lot of pleasant impressions from meeting with coastal towns, mountains, lakes and waterfalls.

San Juan Islands, USA

You drive along San Juan and admire the bays and coastline. Each island has its own differences. First, they have different names - Orcas, Lopez and San Juan. Secondly, there are different animals here. Somewhere you come across a decay, somewhere an otter or a killer whale. Here is the sea lion. Eagles fly over the islands, deer sit in the forest. Idyll.

National Highway No. 1, Vietnam

Vietnam has beautiful nature, to say the least. The most popular cycling route is along National Highway 1. Be warned: it is long but scenic because it runs along the coast of the country.

County Clare, Ireland

And this route was chosen by fans of sandy beaches and huge rocks. Cyclists, getting to Ireland, get infected with local traditions and go to the pub. We drank a couple of mugs - and in the hotel. The road will wait until tomorrow.

La Farola, Cuba

Cuba has an amazing spectacular descent from Mount Baracoa to the south coast. It stretches for 9 kilometers along the La Farola highway. Along it are rocks with tropical vegetation. With every meter you are getting closer and closer to the ocean. In general, have time to slow down in time.

Cuba by bike

Cape Breton Island, Canada

Beautiful coastlines, cliffs, pristine lake Brass D'or, Cape Breton ranges - sounds like music. For cyclists, this route is just a song. Along the way, there are fishing villages, and in the forest you can meet elks, deer and beavers. This area in Canada is full of everything that a great cycling route can be proud of.

Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy

The Friuli-Venezia Giulia region allows you to plunge into the unhurried, measured life of Italian farmers who cultivate the land, tend gardens and drink wine in the shade of trees.

Otago Peninsula, New Zealand

A serpentine of turns stretches along the ocean coast. Steep climbs, fast descents and annoying birds await each tourist on the way. It is not clear whether to feed them or not - suddenly they will become even more attached.

Every year they are gaining momentum. People are increasingly switching from cars to comfortable and light bikes, especially since modern bikes are constantly being improved and modernized to suit the needs of a particular bike trip.

Cycling tourism has won the hearts of many travelers who are ready to explore the world. And all thanks to the obvious advantages: hiking does not make it possible to travel long distances at high speed, and the car is noticeably behind in cross-country ability, and in material terms, traveling by car requires more expenses than by bicycle.

What can be cycling

Benefits of cycling

First of all, cycling is pleasure, health and good mood. Walking quickly becomes commonplace. Building muscle in the gym is a good option, only cardio load involves an increase in heart rate, which provokes increased blood oxygen saturation, and so, the most effective saturation occurs only in the fresh air.

That is why cycling has a second name - aerotherapy. Aerotherapy not only heals, but also invigorates, maintains muscle tone, restores and strengthens the immune system, and stimulates appetite. Being engaged in cycling tourism, you do not need to think about which coach to choose and when to find a minute to sign up for a collective sports group. Scientific studies have shown that people engaged in cycling have a 5-fold increase in intelligence.

Advantages of cycling:

  • Improving blood circulation and uninterrupted work of the heart with.
  • Training the muscles of the buttocks and legs while cycling, toned body.
  • Getting rid of extra pounds.
  • The pleasure of easy, unobtrusive cycling.
  • Prevention varicose veins veins.
  • Unloading the brain after stress and a working day, improving psychological health.
  • Sound sleep after a tiring bike ride.
  • Confidence in your strengths and abilities.

Cycling - invigorates, strengthens the immune system, muscles and stimulates appetite

Varieties of bike trips

If you are already on fire with the idea of ​​​​joining the ranks of cyclists, it remains to determine what kind of cycling vacation you prefer. If you want to make overcoming kilometers on a two-wheeled vehicle as comfortable as possible, then special bicycle tours offered by travel agencies are suitable. Professional cycling tracks equipped in a special way are in great demand, but there are large-scale tracks only abroad, for example, in Nepal, Tibet, Israel and Finland, Peru.

Sports cycling is within the power of experienced amateurs. Those who cannot imagine life without a bicycle are happy to experiment in racing form, off-road you will not find here, and the trunk is lightened to the maximum, and the length of the distances is really amazing - 200 km and more. What operates the daredevils? Overcoming your own capabilities, in this case, the sights do not matter. Those who are interested are familiar with the well-known routes Peter - Vladivostok, Arkhangelsk - Odessa.

Robust and reliable technology also allows even the most inexperienced bikers to get carried away with cycling trips. Such cycling tourism is called expeditionary, it is distinguished by a well-thought-out route, as well as interesting and picturesque places. Expeditionary groups are not for the sake of awards and titles, but for getting unforgettable impressions during cycling tourism.

Even in winter, fans of cycling do not leave the idea to ride with the breeze on their favorite bike, only ordinary routes can turn into impassable and all because of the icing of uncleaned tracks and lakes. If you choose cycling trips in winter, then February - March will do, when the weather becomes moderately cool.

The aggressive style of cycling will appeal to extreme people who enjoy adrenaline and overcoming mountain peaks. Aggressive riding implies a fast pace of movement, a good physical condition of the tourist, a special bicycle for cycling tourism and the absence of additional overall devices on it, for example, a trunk.

How to prepare for a bike ride

Going on a bike for the first time

The very first trip on a bicycle can either completely turn away from cycling tourism, or, conversely, win the heart of a new admirer. To make your vacation comfortable, you need to think through everything in advance to the smallest detail: provide for routes, buy equipment, evaluate ways out of possible force majeure circumstances. Overcoming long distances in cycling requires the right emotional state - there will be no time for doubts on the road.

How to properly set yourself up in a good way, psychologists and those who have been involved in cycling for a long time advise:

The traveler will add self-confidence good physical training. It has been established that a cyclist, pressing the pedals, gives off 99% of his energy, but at the same time covers a distance 3 times more than what a pedestrian passes during the same time. The average speed of movement is from 15 to 25 km / h, just a few months of training and a distance of 100 km will be on the shoulder.

Bicycle Selection Criteria

When all doubts are over, it's time to go to the store for the main purchase for the upcoming cycling tourism. A good bike will be an indispensable assistant in overcoming long distances, which is why it is important to learn how to choose it correctly. To do this, once again remember the route and the area along which you are going to travel by bike. If it's a dirt road, look at a highway vehicle.

More often, the group goes on a trip through the mountains, because it is here that you can contemplate the unforgettable beauty of pristine nature. A bicycle for cycling tourism in hills and mountains implies a large cross-country ability, it is better to choose a mountain model that provides comfort of movement in a variety of conditions.

It is easy to distinguish a mountain bike from other types of vehicle by the main features:

  • special geometry of the frame;
  • the design of the bike allows you to install the trunk;
  • A suspension fork is mounted on the front of the bike.

Unfortunately, a mountain bike can hardly be called light - an unusual device makes it heavier, which can complicate riding long distances. If the movement mainly involves an asphalt road, give preference to a touring, hybrid, cyclocross.

Complex structures also lose ground in maneuverability, if such vehicle broke down on the road, only a professional can fix it.

How to choose a bike route

Cycling tourism has nothing to do with the chaotic movement of the type of "food, where my eyes look." Each group, going on a bicycle trip, sets the final goal of the route in advance and lays out the most convenient paths or interesting places on the map.

Think of key points that can brighten up the cycling route: where you will spend the night, where you can get clean drinking water and other supplies, where you can stop and ask for help if your bike breaks down.

Required Equipment

Useful bike gear

Useful devices for a civilized and comfortable cycling trip, according to experienced cyclists, will be the following:

  1. Bicycle backpack - involves the transfer and uniform distribution of the weight of luggage on the vehicle. For a backpack, you should purchase a special cover - it will protect it from rain and dirt.
  2. Cycling tourism designed for a long journey is hard to imagine without a trunk mounted on a bicycle + for tourism. So that the trunk is not massive and heavy, choose an aluminum product, if in doubt about the strength, take a closer look at the steel one. The trunk is bolted on, so it doesn’t hurt to bring additional clamps with you.
  3. A handlebar bag is bought by those who are planning a multi-day bike ride. The most necessary things are put in it to save time, so that you do not have to make a halt often.
  4. To protect the bike from water, dirt and stones, fenders are offered in stores. If you have a bike backpack, just attach one fender to the front.
  5. Bicycle computer - a modern accessory that displays on the screen average speed, with which the cycling trip takes place, travel time, mileage traveled.
  6. AT dark time days, a headlight is put on the handlebars of a bicycle. The flasher at the back will always indicate your location on the roadway.
  7. If there are back problems, stock up on horns mounted to the handlebars on a bicycle and allowing you to lean and relax your spine in moments of fatigue.
  8. Bicycle lock - will protect against theft of a bicycle.
  9. Contact pedals - allow you to more securely fix the foot, which means that there is no need to apply a lot of effort to the rotation of the pedals. It is convenient to use bicycle contact devices with cycling shoes.

How to choose clothes for travel

If possible, to avoid unnecessary expenses, use high-quality sneakers that will not fall apart on the first 50 km of the bike ride. Without a helmet, a tourist has nothing to do on a bike trip, because this purchase saves in any emergency. To prevent the helmet from rubbing the scalp and to protect against dirt, a balaclava is used.

If you don't want to get wet in the rain while cycling, then put a rain coat in your backpack. You may have to drive on the road for more than one day, special gloves will fit, protecting your hands from blisters and mechanical damage. Do not neglect also glasses, they should fit well and protect your eyes from exposure to sunlight.

If it rains, you can protect your shoes with ordinary shoe covers. In addition to a hat, underwear, socks and a T-shirt, take a warm fleece jacket with you - it is comfortable in everyday use and warms well in bad weather.

What else is useful in a bike trip

If travelers on bicycles are going to spend the night in the open air, you need to take a light weight tent with you and with good protection against moisture. To prevent the tent from getting wet and spoiled during transportation, manufacturers who manufacture products to make cycling comfortable offer awnings made of fabric and polyethylene.

A sleeping bag will keep the cyclist warm in autumn or spring. Modern models of sleeping bags are made from a material through which air penetrates, which means that even on a warm night, the tourist will not be hot. Karemat is another useful acquisition with which cycling will turn into a pleasant pastime. Its purpose is to protect from the cold and dampness of the earth, to provide softness.

In case of unforeseen circumstances, a first-aid kit can come in handy during cycling trips, where all the necessary medications and medicines, dressings and first aid supplies are stored. A repair kit will become indispensable on a bike trip, with it you can always feel confident. In order not to get lost on a bike, take a map with key points of the route, GPS is a handy thing, but the navigator is not able to work everywhere.

Going on a bike trip, be sure to learn how to use a compass from the experts. Those who have long been conquered by cycling are advised to purchase a fluid model that reacts to a change in direction almost instantly.

It is not known what peaks you have to overcome and what situations you will have to deal with while traveling on a bicycle, so pick up reliable cords and carabiners, they are also good because you can use them to attach various accessories to a bicycle backpack.

From the accessories of the camp kitchen, the following will come in handy: a bowler hat, a knife, a mug, a 2 in 1 spoon-fork, an aluminum bowl. A gas burner will not leave you without food; a gas cylinder is attached to it at the rate of 60–70 grams of gas per tourist per day. Grab matches, paper, dry alcohol, a container for water, a can opener.

How to check the readiness of equipment

The day before departure, each member of the group must stock up on a sufficient amount of clean water. A cycling trip, calculated from 3 days, involves eggplants of 5 liters, they are easy to fit in a backpack. You can donate a large amount of water if springs or more civilized sources of drinking are expected during the route.

And also check the condition of the tent - lay it out at home and make sure the integrity of the material, seams and zipper performance. If you notice shortcomings - immediately start correcting them, any flaws will become apparent during the bike trip and you can forget about comfort.

To make sure you don't forget anything, make a list of the things you need to take on your bike trip. Do not rush to pack them, first fold them in one corner and think about how to make sure that you put all your things in the most convenient way. Without what it is difficult to live in nature, it is without toothpaste, brushes and, of course, toilet paper. When folding a backpack for cycling, make it a rule to take the most necessary, then the weight of the backpack will not cause doubts in the process of cycling.

Finally, charge the batteries of your electrically powered accessories.


Now you are armed with knowledge and can easily choose the cycling tourism that you like. When going on a bike trip, it is important not to get into trouble and foresee a lot to make a bike trip an entertaining and exciting journey, but you already know how.

Everyone has their own idea of ​​cycling, but for everyone it comes down to a simple, generally accepted concept: hiking with a bike. Today, the definition of tourism is probably familiar to any Ukrainian who has traveled at least once, seen the corresponding programs on TV or, perhaps, read about it in the press. Cycling tourism in Ukraine is not as widespread as in other European countries, but in recent years it has been rapidly gaining popularity.

For the uninitiated person, cycling seems to be something like an easy walk. Like pedaling and looking around - all that is enough for a bike trip. However, do not relax. The above "journey" can be no more than 20 kilometers and last a maximum of a day. Yes, and it is not called a bike ride, but a walk.

The smallest and easiest route for beginners, by the standards of ardent cyclists or professionals, is about 100 km without large elevation changes, and in time no more than 24 hours. But the implementation of even this “smallness” is far from being possible for everyone, especially on the first try.

To go on a real hike with a bike, no matter how short the route is (and very often short means dizzying ascents and breathtaking descents), it is worth having a good physical preparation.

Depending on the complexity and length of the routes, the speed and conditions of their passage, there are several styles and types of cycling that require different training.

Cycling styles

Beginners who are interested in cycling for the first time should be aware that there are several styles of cycling tourism. Of course, they all have one thing in common - overcoming obstacles with the help of a bicycle. And the barriers are different. And each style has its own differences. Therefore, we need to consider them in more detail.

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  1. civilized tourism. The simplest thing you can think of. And perhaps the most boring. An ordinary bike ride in the fresh air over a relatively long distance. There are no adventures on the road. For beginners, that's it. But lovers of unforgettable experiences may not like it. Although people are different, perhaps for someone such a walk is a whole adventure.
  2. Expedition cycling. Invented and put into practice by people for whom the primary goals are to overcome obstacles. However, they also do not forget about the surrounding landscapes and sights. the best award for such travelers is the route traveled. And the harder it was, the better.
  3. Biker tourism. Somewhat similar to the previous one, but the tests in this case concern a two-wheeled comrade. Such a bike trip first of all checks the possibilities of the transport itself. And requires the driver excellent technique. Therefore, this species has a small number of fans.
  4. Sports cycling. It involves achieving and setting records. This style is practiced only by athletes who basically have one goal - to overcome the chosen distance as quickly as possible. They are not interested in landscapes, or monuments, or UFOs that have stopped in the middle of the field ... The tasks of cyclists are to “absorb space” in a minimum period of time.
  5. Winter cycling. A special view, because it is admired by desperate lovers to breathe frosty air. Imagine that there are people who like to ride in unstable, cold, windy, wet weather. Snowfalls, ice, slush - the ideal atmosphere for cyclists in this direction. During the three months of permafrost, they try to visit and see as many interesting places as possible.

Varieties of cycling

In addition to styles, there are also varieties that determine the duration of a bike trip:

  1. One day bike ride. The name speaks for itself - a walk for one day without spending the night. As a rule, they leave early in the morning to drive more, and return in the evening of the same day. For those interested who are going to go for the first time, this is the best option.
  2. Weekend hike. This is a one night trip. As the name implies, it is carried out on weekends. Departure on Saturday morning and return on Sunday evening.
  3. Multi-day bike ride. This is a broad concept that includes many nuances, although such trips have one thing in common - the trip takes more than one day. The duration can reach from several days to tens or even hundreds of days. Therefore, it is worth preparing for such a trip in advance and with all responsibility.

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Hiking Bicycle So you've decided to find yourself a bicycle. You may already have one. And if you are not sure if it will withstand a trip of 20 kilometers, then it is better not to risk it and find a more reliable option. I advise you right away - do not buy a thing just for one thing! Unless, of course, you are an athlete whose whole life is rides, or a businessman who can afford to buy for every occasion separate view two-wheeled.

If not by 100, then by 90% we can confidently say that you will want to just ride it, go to visit your parents or get out with friends into nature. Therefore, the main feature of your two-wheeled horse is convenience.

The bike should be comfortable in landing, in pedaling, in doing tricks, in anything. After riding 10 kilometers, you should not be bothered by your back, arms or neck, except in situations where these parts of the body were involved in pumping muscles, or were injured in a fall.

This is about your feelings regarding the chosen transport. And now about the requirements that a two-wheeled comrade must meet in order not to turn a bike trip into a foot trip:

  1. Durability and reliability. To create the least problems for yourself on a bike trip, it is better to choose not the cheapest model. Chinese analogues of real engineering works of art are not able to withstand large and prolonged loads. These so-called city bikes are only suitable for a trip to get bread. Not more.
  2. The weight. It would seem, what difference does it make how much the bike will weigh. The main thing is to drive. But you are not a robot - the heavier the transport, the more difficult it is to manage and move, given that this is only possible thanks to your efforts. Therefore, do not forget to pay attention to the packaging of the goods. Transport should be weighed only with the most necessary. The best solution to reduce weight would be to purchase a carbon frame - in terms of strength and weight, conventional aluminum counterparts are significantly inferior. And also for the price. In this case, you can choose something among analogues that will not have unnecessary details, such as a shock absorber. For beginners in cycling, it is definitely not needed.
  3. Driving qualities. Speed ​​in cycling is not an end in itself, but on a bike with excellent coasting, it is much easier to twist. No matter how simple the path is, it will necessarily consist of ups and downs. Therefore, it is important that each slide does not force you to get up and climb on foot, wasting valuable time. With the ability to change gears, you can choose a lighter one and slowly pedal yourself.

The choice of a bicycle depends on your skills, opportunities, including financial ones, wishes and requirements that you have identified for yourself. If you are an amateur, you have been riding for a long time, but you have not gone hiking, it is better to find a tourist transport that is close to your style of riding. Or go on your own, if you have one. When choosing, rely on your own feelings, taking into account psychological ones.

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Bicycle maintenance. Repair kit

Indeed, the first thing to think about before a bike trip is a repair kit. After you've got the bike itself, of course. You're not going to come home after every puncture, are you? And believe me, there may be a lot of them.

If your frame is intact, the steering wheel is not bent into a donut, the chain is not torn into festive confetti and the wheels are not shaped like any other figure except for a circle, the problem can be solved on the spot. Although, even the last malfunction of the listed ones, some craftsmen manage to eliminate without the intervention of bike masters.

To solve such problems, you may need a special tool, which you just arm yourself with. But do not take with you a whole garage of keys and hexagons. It is enough to find those that fit your bike, given that one wrench can unscrew more than one nut, and more than one place.

Let's take a closer look at the necessary repair kit for a bike trip:

  • hexagons. Usually sold in sets;
  • pump;
  • rubber patches with glue. They are sold together, but it is better to buy special glue for rubber separately - it holds stronger;
  • spare camera;
  • multikey;
  • pliers;
  • screwdriver;
  • oil. You can use a machine, but there is also a special bike;
  • key for knitting needles;
  • a set of spare knitting needles;
  • cables of brakes and switches;
  • blades for boarding. If you know how to board with your hands, you can not take it;
  • spare nuts and nipples.

This is a list of the required minimum. Of course, it can be adjusted depending on your needs, the length and complexity of the route, the capabilities of your bike, and more.

The main way to minimize repairs while traveling is to arrange a technical inspection of your vehicle before traveling.

Cycling equipment

Depending on the distance and duration of the bike trip, the necessary things are collected accordingly. If this is a one-night trip, you are unlikely to need a frying pan - one or two days you can get by with sandwiches and bars. And if your bike trip drags on for more than a month, then you should grab something else on the road. The repair kit is already assembled, so one less problem.

Cycling equipment is divided into two types: group and personal. If you are going to conquer huge distances alone, then you will have to carry everything that is on the group dialing list yourself. But usually, such things are evenly distributed among all participants in the trip. So, the group equipment includes:

  • maps to track the route and search for alternatives;
  • compass. Can be replaced by modern devices that have GPS;
  • tents. No need to take many singles. It is better to take one, but large, for several people - it will be warmer to sleep;
  • group first aid kit;
  • repair kit for bike bags, which includes a thread and a needle;
  • frying pan. Should be small and light;
  • cauldron Depending on the number of people, you can take several;
  • heat resistant gloves. May be needed to take a hot cauldron from the fire;
  • group cable. Tie bikes. So, just in case;
  • common kitchen items: cutting board, ladle, long wooden spoon;
  • hatchet Should be small and not heavy;
  • tourist saw;
  • scapula. Should be small and light;
  • reflective vests. Recommended for the whole group. Or at least for the leader and for the closing one;
  • itinerary book. If the trip is registered with the IWC.

And you need to take the following with you:

  • bike. To facilitate the transfer of things, transport can be equipped with trunks and bicycle backpacks;
  • cycling equipment: helmet, gloves, clothes, bike bag, headlights, reflective elements (optional but recommended), repair kit and spare parts. This includes all the necessary bike elements, so if there is another list of useful things - take it, but know when to stop;
  • the documents. Passport, for example. Suddenly you want to cross the border, and they won’t even be able to identify you. You should also put a piece of paper with the phone numbers of mom, dad and rescuers to it;
  • money. You may not need it, but you should take it just in case. Everything happens in life;
  • tourist things: KLMN (mug, spoon, bowl, knife), sleeping bag, mat, storm and warm clothes, comfortable shoes;
  • hygiene products. Each list varies, but usually it is a toothbrush, paste, toilet paper, towel, sun cream and the like;
  • personal first aid kit. The most important means for you;
  • rubber rope. For tying things and backpacks to transport;
  • torch;
  • matches;
  • mobile phone.

You can also take with you (although if the problem is with the place, then you can do without):

  • camera;
  • tourist seat;
  • bike uniform and bike computer;
  • rubber slippers;
  • bike glasses;
  • a spare hook that holds the perekidka.

The list can be adjusted depending on your needs, but try to keep them as short as possible. If on the first day it may still seem that the backpacks are not so heavy, then on the last day of the bike trip you will curse yourself for taking so much rubbish that it is a pity to throw it away.

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Cycling routes in Ukraine

Each bike trip is classified by difficulty. Below are examples of categorical cycle routes with the indicated level of category of difficulty:

  • in Transcarpathia. Start in the city of Volovets, then follow Mezhhirya - Khust - Korolevo - Vinogradov - Berehove and the end point - Mukachevo. The distance reaches 150 km, and the duration is 3 days.
  • Karpaty-1. Castles and fortresses of the Carpathians. It starts from the city of Krivin, Ostrog, then Novomalin - Dubno - - Kremenets - Pochaev - Olesko - Zolochiv - Lviv. The length of the journey is 340 km. Duration 6 days. Anyone can take part.
  • Karpaty-2. Uzhgorod - Mukachevo - Khust (valley of daffodils + mountain historical village of Velyatino) - - Lopushnoye - - Bolekhiv - Stryi - Truskavets. The route is 360 km. Duration 7 days. Anyone can take part.
  • Apostolovo - Kakhovka - - Kherson - Nikolaev - Olvia - Ochakov - Odessa. Length - 600 km. The passage time is 10 days. The group accepts participants with experience of the 1st category of complexity.
  • Belgorod-Dnestrovsky - Odessa - Ochakov - - Aleshkovsky Sands - Kherson. The route is 650 km. The travel time is two weeks. The group accepts participants with experience of the 1st category of complexity.
  • Kyiv - Ukrainka - Tripoli - Rzhishchev - Kaharlyk - Mironovka - Boguslav - Savarka - Olshanitsa - Bila Tserkva - Skvira - Popelnya - Brusilov - Radomyshl - Chernyakhiv - Novograd-Volynsky - Gorodnitsa - Korets - Slavuta - Ostrog - Kremenets - Pochaev - Brody - Radekhov - Lvov.
  • Drohobych - Borislav - Skhodnitsa - Turk - Uzhok - Rostock - Volovets - Mezhhirya - Synevyr - Lake Synevyr - Kolochava - Dragovo - Tyachiv - Rakhiv - Yasinya - - Kremenets - Verkhovyna - Kosov - Kuty - Vizhnitsa - Beregomet - Storozhinets - Chernivtsi. The hike is more than 900 km, lasting about a month.

You can order a ready bike tour with an instructor in several Ukrainian travel companies. Just immediately negotiate and determine what is included in the cost of the trip. Usually this:

  • instructor support;
  • food;
  • overnight stay;
  • often includes an excursion;
  • sometimes rent a bike.

The tourist gets to the starting point of the bike trip at his own expense. The price depends on the number of people in the group. Bicycle route schedules appear closer to the opening of the tour season. Usually it is May and the summer months.

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There are several life hacks for those who have only recently become interested in cycling. It would seem that they are obvious, but few people remember them in time:

  1. First of all, prepare mentally for a bike trip - not everyone can withstand round-the-clock screwing. Either way, it's best to be prepared for the worst, but hope for the best.
  2. When choosing a bike, it is best to turn to a friend who understands this matter, and if there is none, start one. Most often they turn to specialists who work in bike shops. But be careful - some individuals are more interested in selling a product than helping you. Therefore, it is still better to make such acquaintances on neutral territory.
  3. For a pleasant cycling trip, it is important to train not only the legs - from long sitting buttocks hurt less. Therefore, in addition to light running, it does not hurt to also include a short bike ride in your workout. Preferably, for 20 minutes. And even better - for 40. So gradually the fifth point will get used to the shape of your saddle and will not remind you of yourself with a feeling of discomfort on the road.

If you have never been on a bike trip before and don’t get a real buzz from pedaling, think three times whether this is your area, it’s better not to burden yourself with unnecessary troubles in the form of a bicycle and go on a hike on foot.

However, if you are still sure for two hundred that this is yours, be prepared to learn a lot of information so that your bike ride is successful and leaves an unforgettable pleasant impression about yourself.

For a modern inhabitant, a bicycle is a real gift: it is the most reliable vehicle ever invented by man. By only increasing the weight of a person’s body by only 20-25%, it allows you to increase the speed of movement at least twice at the same calm pace.

The bike allows you to support physical form, it is mobile and, on occasion, the bike can be carried manually through streams, it can be put in an inflatable rubber boat and transport across the river, and then put the boat in a backpack and travel overland again. In addition, you can even put a bike on your back and overcome a steep slope and scree. All these advantages have contributed to the fact that cycling tourism has become not only a means of recreation, but for some it has become a way of life.

Bicycle tourism is such a democratic type of healthy pastime that you can choose both a family weekend route in the city park, and a real multi-day hike, after passing which you can get a real category.

What is cycling

Russian Federation in many ways inferior to economically developed countries. But what it has no equal in the whole world is the beauty of natural resources, which are concentrated on one seventh of the entire land. In Russia, at the same time there can be a hot day under palm trees and magnolias and at the same time - a snowy night blizzard beyond the Arctic Circle. Therefore, such a phenomenon as cycling tourism should be given special attention, since there are different types this hobby.

It's best to start with. This, as a rule, is a leisurely trip in a friendly company somewhere out of town, to nature, to barbecues by the fire, with tents, as a rule, for 2-3 days, no more. You can safely consider such a route as a double or triple weekend hike with an overnight stay in nature.

The devil is not as scary as he is painted. The word "extreme" here is used in the sense of "visiting places that are not too hackneyed." For such advanced touring, mountain bikes such as Merida and GT can be used. Sometimes the goal of such an activity is to fight against obstacles, and, after getting pretty dirty in the mud, having spent a lot of effort, but very satisfied, extreme bikers calmly stop for the night in a comfortable hotel. The second part of the tourists wants to completely "merge" with nature, in this case, the place to stay for the night is usually very similar to the most beautiful and desired desktop wallpapers.

This type of tourism is good because you can easily invite the girl you like to participate in it. As you know, most girls with not very great enthusiasm learn that they will have to do without a shower on a hike, unless they meet a river along the way. With civilized tourism, overnight breaks are planned in hotels, and the average mileage per day does not exceed 50-60 km.

The advantages are obvious: you do not need to carry a tent, a hatchet or a hacksaw to prepare firewood, a pot, a rug. The load is significantly reduced. The supply of food is also not very large. In addition, every evening - a fresh bed, a good dinner, which in a "civilized place" seems even tastier.

The downsides are the constant uncertainty about the availability of free rooms in the hotel with the development of a “fallback option”, and sometimes two, and, of course, a high cost compared to “Spartan conditions” when sleeping in a tent.

Serious tourism: conquering the "categories of complexity"

For those who have decided that cycling is serious, there are no barriers either. Modern system categorization of cycle routes is quite flexible and democratic. There are 6 categories of difficulty, which are subdivided by daily and total mileage, climb per day, the number of days of travel, as well as by overcoming special obstacles: water barriers, scree, windbreak areas and others.

To pass the route of the first category of complexity, no special permits are required: everyone can attend. Bicycles for tourism are also not regulated in any way: ride whatever you want. To complete the route, it is enough to do 50 km a day for one week, perhaps even along the highway without any obstacles. One day (usually in the middle of the week) is given for rest and for making radial routes by everyone.

As for the higher categories of difficulty, you need to gain at least 800 km of run for a hike, but the number of kilometers per day is even less: 40. Another thing is that out of this amount, 500 km should be laid through difficult terrain, where a hard path is a great success.

How to choose a bike for tourism

Choosing a bicycle for tourism is not at all easy. If someone recommends a road bike, then you need to keep in mind that in this case you will have to breathe exhaust on the sides of the highway, for the reason that road bikes are made for riding with a straight back and no weight distribution on the arms. This means that off gravel roads and on rough terrain when driving downhill, it is vulnerable. In addition, as a rule, precisely because a road bike is used for walking in the park and for a trip to the country for milk, it either does not have gears at all, or has an insufficient number of them, as is the case with Auchan bikes.

A bicycle for cycling must have the following qualities:

  • To be reliable, when servicing units, a universal tool should be suitable, the steel that goes for nuts and bolts should be real, tool, hard, not Chinese, soft. Otherwise, you can find yourself in a situation in the middle of nature when the steering wheel sticks out not “horns up”, but “horns down”. And it is impossible to fix it in the bracket, since the hexagon nut has turned into a cylinder. Before choosing bicycles for tourism for yourself and your friends, look for reviews on the manufacturer's websites.
  • Have a strong and light frame, preferably aluminum, perfect option- with a lifetime warranty, like GT bikes, which allows you to lift enough weight, except for the owner of the bike.
  • It is impossible to say for sure what it should be. best bike. It is clear that it must have a significant carrying capacity and have room for a voluminous bicycle backpack, preferably according to the classical layout scheme, in which maximum weight located behind and below. It can reach 20 - 25 kg.
  • Such a bike should have a strong front fork with air and hydraulic shock absorbers.

There is the concept of "expedition bike". It's a hybrid between a road bike and a mountain bike., which has wider tires, carrying capacity, and at the same time good cross-country ability mountain bike. It is almost impossible to choose a bike of this class in our country. They are produced mainly in Europe and the USA in small batches.

Required minimum equipment and equipment

All touring bikes can lift as many things as their owners can carry. After all, the source of the bike is the muscular strength of the cyclist. Classic equipment for cycling tourism (it assumes a complete autonomous overnight stay in an open area when moving alone) includes a set of the following items:

It is the presence of a tent that gives confidence at dusk: after all, your home is always nearby. Try to get a light, waterproof and firmly attached tent.

Several square meters of polyethylene fabric with corners hemmed with "pockets". In case of heavy rain, you can cover the tent from above by placing stones in the corners so that the makeshift awning does not blow away. If you bought a light tent, then this must be done. She can get wet faster.

sleeping bag. A good sleeping bag necessarily has a lower temperature marking, which differs for men and women due to the different structure of the reproductive system.

Foam, or karemat. It is a soft polyurethane foam mat that retains heat. It is used as a mattress under a sleeping bag. But some people really like to carry light inflatable mattress where you can sleep comfortably. Also, if your cycling tent is set up in a low area by mistake, sleeping on an elevated inflatable mat can help you wake up dry if the tent gets wet.

Sealed bag. In it you need to store a stove, money, documents, means of communication and a change of warm linen, as well as matches.

In the event that you have climbed very far, then always have a paper map of the area, a compass and a mechanical or quartz watch. In this case it is much easier to find right direction, and cycling provides the best high-speed opportunities.

First aid kit. It should always contain nitroglycerin to relieve heart pain, diarrhea remedies, a sterile bandage and antiseptics for injuries, a tourniquet, flu and fever medicines. You can add drops of albucid (conjunctivitis when dust gets into the eyes), jodantipyrine with a tick bite (a means of preventing encephalitis), antispasmodics (No-Shpa).

It is important to have allergy remedies (Suprastin, Diazolin), a tubular bandage and sterile wipes. You can have a hemostatic hemostatic sponge, as well as streptocide powder for powdering wounds. Cycling is sometimes fraught with falls.

No need for packaging activated carbon in case of poisoning, as well as packaging of rehydron (in case of loss of electrolytes during the development of vomiting and diarrhea in case of poisoning). To top it off, you can put a nasal spray to relieve a runny nose, as well as sucking lozenges for a sore throat. Of the hygiene products, baby powder or talc for scuffs, sun cream, and hygienic lipstick are very necessary. You can have wet wipes for washing and liquid shampoo.

This list does not include the mandatory pump, camera, repair kit (mounters, bicycle first-aid kit, keys, chain lubricator and other “little things”) that are always carried with you without fail.

Standing apart is the LED headlamp, a primitive cell phone with no bells and whistles that holds a charge for at least a week. Good devices become useless if there is no access to the outlet for three days. In the event that you are lucky enough to put a dynamo wheel, the charging source will always be on your steering wheel in the form of a USB connector. Such bicycles for tourism are not sold, but they can be modified.

You also need toilet paper and a roll of trash bags. We must remember that people are not pigs.

Clothing and footwear

Bicycles for tourism, in addition to the above, as a rule, carry a supply of clothing. Clothes and shoes, depending on the season, the following is planned:

  • Sneakers, better genuine leather, flip flops, woolen socks and two pairs of cotton.
  • and balaclava are welcomed by lovers of rather aggressive driving, as well as in the presence of long descents on rough terrain. As a rule, a helmet and a balaclava are not required for sedate and elderly cyclists. Touring bikes in this age group are generally not designed for jumping.
  • Cycling gloves with gel inserts are highly desirable.
  • Pair of thermal underwear, raincoat. Cycling in its raw form is not a very pleasant experience.
  • good to have light knitted hat- "meningitis". Even in summer, early in the morning in the mountains, ears can freeze, and during long descents, you can “drive” to otitis media and even meningitis.
  • Jacket. Home clothes. Choose a jacket that absorbs sweat well, is light, warm and highly visible to drivers. It is good to sew a pattern of reflective tape on it.

From kitchen utensils, always have KLMN: a mug, a spoon, a bowl, a knife. It is better to have a knife in a case, and take a mug with double walls for convenience. They retain heat well.

If you are traveling in a group, a gas burner may be required as campfires are not allowed everywhere. In Russia it is better to have a hacksaw or hatchet, a bowler hat and matches. Matches must be dipped in melted paraffin, and they will never become damp. For fidelity to a good ignition, you can take a few tablets of dry fuel.

A coil of aluminum wire. It can be needed anywhere, but most often - for hanging a bowler hat over a fire.

Don't forget the water container (5 liter plastic bottle), as well as a hot pot grip and a can opener.

In the event that open tin cans remain, then before burying them, you need to throw them into the fire. The tin layer burns out, this helps the banks to decompose very quickly in the ground.

We have covered in this review almost all the necessary things that a touring bike should carry, except for the bikers themselves.

Traveling by car, you do not have time to see beautiful buildings, walking can be too tiring, and you won’t get far on your own two feet, but bicycles are a completely different matter! In addition, now in all countries of the world an active social policy is being pursued to develop a cycling culture, so the number of cities ideal for cycling tourists will only grow from year to year.

We decided to recall several points on the map, which already now bear the proud title of bike-friendly.

No other city on the planet could open this list: the undisputed cycling capital of the world is Amsterdam. It is as if created in order to move around it on two wheels. It's incredible, but 40% of all city traffic here is made up of cyclists, for whom all the necessary conditions have been created in the capital of the Netherlands: dedicated traffic lanes, traffic lights, special guarded parking lots, sheds to protect iron horses from bad weather and, of course, the most picturesque routes along numerous embankments.

Nearly half of Copenhagen's residents commute to work or school by bike. There are more bicycles registered in this city than the number of people living here. In addition, there is a Bicycle Embassy in Denmark. Do you need more arguments in favor of the fact that Copenhagen deserves the right to be called one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world? And they are - every year the kingdom spends from 20 to 30 million dollars on the development of cycling infrastructure - new paths, parking lots, traffic lights. In addition, tourists in Copenhagen can borrow public bicycles absolutely free of charge, for this you just need to leave a deposit, which will be returned to you after the end of the bike ride.

Another city worth exploring while cycling is San Francisco. In one of the most densely populated cities in California, traffic congestion is growing at an incredible pace, so switching to bicycles was a great way out of this situation. Local authorities are actively supporting proposals that make life easier for cyclists: San Francisco has more and more scenic routes, and buses are equipped with special bike racks and platforms.

In Berlin about 13% local residents call the bicycle their main means of transportation. Compared to the Netherlands and Denmark, these figures seem modest, but the growth rate is impressive - in 10 years, the number of bicycle owners has doubled. Considering that Germany has rather cold and long winters and the cycling season is open only in the warm season, this is good news. As well as wide streets, dedicated lanes and parking areas, and the BBBike mobile phone app that helps you find the best bike route in the city from point A to point B.

In 2007, the Barcelona City Council launched a cycling culture, and over the years it has achieved remarkable results. The main achievement was the construction of more than 100 bicycle stations throughout the city: you can take a bike to any of them, and return it too. The council works tirelessly, expanding the network cycle paths and building underground parking lots. In addition, in September there is a car-free day in Barcelona, ​​when all residents change to two-wheeled transport, and in May a whole Bike Week is organized!

Basel is a quiet and picturesque Swiss town surrounded by the most beautiful fields, vineyards and cattle pastures. Here, cyclists do not so much get to their destination by their transport, but admire the scenery, slowly maneuvering through the streets. But at the same time, all the conditions for riders are naturally created here - dedicated lanes, traffic lights, maps of the most impressive routes and many other options that are pleasant to the heart of any cyclist.

North American cities cannot boast of a developed system of support for cycling, so Montreal especially stands out from their background. bike lanes they began to build here in the mid-1980s, and by today they have already enveloped the entire city and the surrounding area with a dense web. The cycling season here, unlike most European cities, is not year-round, but when the weather permits, walks turn into an exciting journey. According to opinion polls, almost half of the locals pedal at least once a week.

It may seem strange to be included in the rankings of this dynamic metropolis with a multi-million population and an overloaded transport system, but there is nothing surprising here: in the central regions of Tokyo, life is much more measured than in business districts and is ideal for lovers of cycling. Here, riders are not lycra-clad, like the cyclists from London or New York, and are not looking to burn as many calories as possible by pedaling their newfangled machine. The Japanese prefer to drive calmly, without rushing anywhere, and their vehicles are often decorated with charming grocery baskets.