Depth measurement, determination of the relief and nature of the bottom in the fishing area. Depth map - Rybinsk reservoir, Sheksna river and Beloe lake Depth map of the Sheksna river

Bottom topography (the location of holes and “cool” fishing spots) is a key factor influencing the success of fishing. It has more weight compared to the quality of the gear, the fishing technique, the choice of baits, baits and even experience. Full equipment and expensive ammunition will not give anything when casting in a deaf poor place where the fish are missing or weakly biting. A map of depths, holes and fishing spots gives knowledge of the topography of the bottom of reservoirs. The depth map visualizes the features of the underwater landscape, its key characteristics. The tool helps to predict promising fishing areas that promise a significant catch, read the underwater landscape, helps to calculate the lines of change in depth, potentially catchy points. A fishing card is useful when fishing from the shore and from a boat.

The functionality of the card provides great information for any type of fishing. The map is useful for fishermen, regardless of their experience, thanks to the large list of parameters needed to good fishing. The system is multilevel, based on information from Yandex.Maps. The base includes a compilation of three cartographic resources, which guarantees the accuracy of the calculation results with small errors. The program displays depth indicators in navigable rivers, seas and oceans, calculates potential pits where bites are more frequent, fishing spots for all site participants. You can leave personal "beacons" with good places, on which the catch was impressive, so that if necessary, return to a familiar point next time.

Displayed data: depths, holes (including Navionics data), fishing spots added by users, exact coordinates of the location you are looking for. Fishermen have access to zoom, search options, you can select the desired map layer, calculate the current location. Full screen mode introduced. The interface of the card is intuitive - the functionality is balanced, all the necessary buttons are at hand, nothing more. It is easy to use, regardless of fishing experience - the data on the depths of rivers and reservoirs are exhaustive.

Identification of holes, international depths and fishing spots. When you click on the appropriate buttons, you will see the pits fixed by the program that are available in the reservoir of interest. Natural depressions from 3 m are displayed, the starting value depends on the bottom relief of a given river, sea, ocean and can be reduced. Please note: fishing pits are displayed outside the fairway zone. The service does not determine the length, extent, direction of depressions and other additional characteristics of the landscape. Its functionality is focused solely on calculating the depths of a certain zone and their location. With the help of the presented platform, you can find out the data of rivers, oceans and seas of any region, region.

Visually visualizes the landscape, showing the user the latitude and longitude of the location/point specified by him. After clicking on the desired location, the program provides a detailed geographical summary. The function will help to lay a route even without geographical names, the coordinates calculated by the fishing map are enough. The location determination option is universal - the information can be used in an echo sounder, GPS device, navigator, chart plotter. The program helps you navigate the terrain thanks to a convenient zoom function and accurate calculation of distances between any number of points.

C-MAP electronic charts are navigation software that provides a decent quality of navigation information presented in the database with high resolution details. They are compatible with most models of personal computers, laptops and appliances famous brands. Information is available from official navigation sources and commercial databases. Maps allow you to plot a route from anywhere in the world, creating your own new water areas. The range includes cards for various types of media. All of them differ in functionality and localization.

C-MAP chart formats

The main language of C-MAP charts is English, but the user can switch to another national or local language from the 140 options available in the database. The C-Marina Port Database package is a separate application, it allows you to find out the parameters of harbors, the presence of nearby hotels and restaurants, attractions at the mooring place, as well as other information with contact details. We offer the following types of cards:

C-Map NT+ - basic chartplotter variant suitable for small fleets, localization covers the Mediterranean and Black Sea, Europe, Southeast Asian countries and the Russian Federation;

C-Map MAX is the basic solution for chartplotters with systematic data updates and many additional options;

C-Map 4D - a variety for chartplotters, in which it is possible to enter your own information on the map;

C-Map MAX Pro is an interactive PC-based instrument solution with online adjustments, the Pro+ Coastal series is adapted for river and river-sea vessels;

C-Map Professional and Professional+ series - interactive database in SENC vector format, designed for ECS and ECDIS;

C-Map MAX-N - the newest map format for Lowrance, the N + version gives you a detailed view of the tides and currents, is equipped with a route laying and correction function;

C-Map ENC is a solution that allows you to obtain official information from hydrographic services.

High-resolution bathymetric maps are used to study the underwater relief, equipped with detailed isobaths of the coast and the seabed. The manufacturer releases updates to maps 2-3 times a year, so the interactive information on all types of maps corresponds to the current changes. World collection of databases combined with high quality cart makes navigation as comfortable and safe as possible, and navigation is the most efficient.

Features of C-Map navigational depth charts

Automatic route checking allows you to detect protected areas and obstacles along the route, which increases safety and reduces the risk of human error and errors associated with it. Automatic scanning detects obstacles in a circle in a given trajectory. The depth of the check adapts to the degree of subsidence of the ship. Laid routes, all user changes and settings are recorded on the built-in memory card, so they are available at any time when changing the chartplotter or PC.

Detailed plans of harbors make it possible to moor on unfamiliar terrain, piers, pontoons. Lights and other navigational aids are visible on the computer display online. The user can distinguish them by color, range, visibility and other parameters. Tides and currents are detected with reference to a specific time and date. Information on the maps is available from various angles, which the user sets independently.

C-MAP MAX-N cards are compatible with Lowrance Elite-9 CHIRP, Elite-7,5,4 HDI and CHIRP,

Mark-4 HDI and CHIRP , with Lowrance HDS® Gen2 and HDS® Gen2 Touch series,


Experienced anglers are always attracted by unexplored distances: tempting hard-to-reach lakes and rivers, exotic fish. But you can’t always get to those places and fish - either there is no money, or there is no time. Yes, and sometimes you want to do without any "extreme" and just relax with your families on a calm river, see interesting sights. Very often it happens that the amazing is nearby, not far off.

"When it's summer in your soul, and you're sixteen..."

The cat lay on the couch and looked out the window. An annoying fly was crawling on the glass, persistently buzzing. Outside the window rustled poplars and flashed swifts. There was nothing to do on this hot June day. It's been a week since summer vacation started. Of the friends in the city, only the bosom friend Pacif remained, who received his nickname for his exceptionally peaceful principles. In the morning, Pacif was busy with some household chores and promised to let me know when he would be free. Finally, the long-awaited call came:

What are you doing? - Pacif was in high spirits.

Jogging ..., - the cat yawned listlessly.

Let's go fishing to my country house?

I'm leaving!

When summer is in your soul, and you are only sixteen, it costs nothing to pick up any offer. Moreover, foreshadowing an interesting adventure. The dacha of Pacif's parents was located in the small village of Yedoma, thirty kilometers from the city, right on the banks of the Sheksna. Walking along the highway, friends sang songs and waved to passing cars in the hope of a ride. More than two-thirds of the distance managed to pass on a passing postal "loaf". When the gate creaked with a bolt, Pacif realized that he had forgotten the key to the front doors. I had to climb into the window, having previously unbent the carnations holding the cracked glass. Having rested a little from the road, digging up worms in the garden, taking float rods and picking up a rubber inflatable, friends went to the river. They could be called steady-beginner fishermen. But the main thing, after all, is the romantic spirit that overwhelmed young tanned bodies. The river in this place traced an even silvery straight line. Its turn was visible only in five hundred meters. Red and white buoys stood out in contrast, indicating the ship's passage. In the distance, the black-and-white outline of another passing barge flashed.

Without much fuss, the guys "moored" to the red right-hand buoy and dissolved the float rods, correcting all the fishing canons, because the depth at the buoy was about six meters. The floats swayed sluggishly in the light current. Probably, the Cat still managed to reach the bottom with the nozzle, because a few minutes later, after an instant and decisive bite, slowly turning over the long fishing line with his hands, the Cat pulled out the pike perch. And the Pacifist, apparently, did not set the float to the “necessary” depth. Twenty minutes later, and he was fished with a solid sabrefish, or in the local "mower". Gradually the sun began to hide in the advancing clouds. It is not known where the wind came from, raising a wave. Friends, winding up fishing rods, swam to the shore. The sky darkened. The first, still modest drops fell. When the boat reached the shore, the rain was falling, no longer embarrassed. Having dragged the boat into the coastal grass, the guys hid under a wooden shed, carefully built by one of the local craftsmen. Two plank walls shelter completely protected from the wind. In the center, a stone fire pit was laid out on the ground. While Pacif was running after a pot for the fish soup, the Cat was kindling a fire. The wind was picking up. The waves, scattering splashes, beat against the coastal rocks. An inflatable boat with a motor moored to the shore in a quiet bay near a shed. jumped out of it Old man in a canvas coat and ran under the awning.

"Sit down with us, weary traveler..."

Hello fishermen! I'm not shy? - He cheerfully turned to the Cat and threw off his hood.

Hello. No, sit down by the fire, we’ve started an ear, - somewhat embarrassedly, the Cat nodded at Pacif, scraping a perch with a blunt knife.

The new companion, calling himself Andrey, quickly found a common language with the guys. The fire burned brighter. Onions, bread and potatoes were extracted from the bottomless backpack. A kettle for tea was hung next to the pot. From the cooler bag, Andrey took out a weighty and already cleaned pike.

Wow! The boys raised their eyebrows respectfully. - Where are they caught?

So in Sheksna. Every year I try to get out to these places, I was born here, and that's what pulls me. Traveling along the river on a spinning boat. When with friends, or as now, alone. The river is small. Yes, and it is generally believed that it does not exist ...

Like this? The boys looked at each other in disbelief.

Leafing through an old notebook...

Once upon a time, the Sheksna, flowing out of the White Lake, flowed into the Volga in the Rybinsk region and stretched for 430 km. Some historians believe that its name comes from the name Shokhon or Shekhon - the left tributary. Have you heard of "Poshekhonsky cheese"? So the village of Poshekhonye, ​​in the Yaroslavl region, got its name from the river: that is, these lands to Sheksna - “along Shekhon”. The river was with a temper. When it was shallow that no boat could pass, and when, on the contrary, ice jams flooded the coastal villages. Well, we know that man is the king of nature. Since the fortieth year, the construction of a dam in the city of Rybinsk began. They blocked the Volga and Sheksna. The Rybinsk reservoir began to fill up. And in the sixty-second, they completed the dam in the middle reaches of the Sheksna near the village of the same name. Two dams raised the water level, solved the problem of navigation and ... completely flooded the entire riverbed. Now, in fact, it is the Volga-Baltic Canal. Rather, its part is one hundred and forty kilometers. The sterlet, which lived in the river since ancient times and carried hundreds of pounds to the royal court, has completely disappeared.

Traveler's Notes

Yes, and ordinary fishing has become labor. With a swoop, it is not always possible to understand where the fish are. Tem more interesting riddles unravel. And I still go to these places. The beauty of the Vologda land beckons and attracts. Last year, with a friend, the entire route went from Belozersk to Cherepovets. And this one - only from the village of Sheksna decided. I can't carry the dam alone.

Well, do you know about White Lake? Until now, pike perch from there is famous for its taste. I heard from ichthyologists that the explanation for this is smelt, the main zander food in those places. Where there is a smelt, there is more often pike perch.

So, at the very source of the Sheksna, we often managed to catch pike perches, whose stomachs were literally full of smelt. What is interesting, both in the lake itself and in the upper reaches of the Sheksna, pike perch, in addition to traditional jig baits - twister and foam rubber, is well caught on large, fourth-sixth numbers of poisonous green or brindle turntables. In general, White Lake is shallow. The often rising wind inflates the waves, which, in turn, raise the bottom sand and silt, which is why the water, both in the lake and the source of the river, often turns brown-gray. Maybe that's why the bright green pinwheel is better at attracting zander's attention? I haven't found an answer yet. But very often, catching coastal bays and shallows in the hope of pike hiding in the thickets, you can also catch pike perch. Well, if you can’t sleep on our bright white nights, then with a wobbler of the same tiger color you can successfully hunt on sandy and rocky spits. But the lower you go down the river, the turntables and wobblers attract zander less and less. Here, of course, the jig is beyond competition. We anchor, and even with a quiet drift we catch the edges of the buoys. By the way, the designated ship passage is the flooded channel of the ancient Sheksna.

From the ferry crossing at the source, to Lipin Bor, and to the ferry crossing to Kirillov, there are two interesting places at the mouth of the left tributary, Yumpash. Among the flooded snags, pike perch often comes across, grazing a flock of smelt or bleak at a depth of only about two meters. But, nevertheless, we try to pass wide sections faster. The wind is a frequent visitor in these places, and it becomes uncomfortable from the constant "chatter". Moreover, there are, in my opinion, the most beautiful Sheksna places ahead. Of course, I am talking about the village of Goritsy. In the vicinity of the village there are several large islands. And already from a distance in the gaps between the islands you can see the domes of the Goritsky Resurrection Monastery.

In the canals, the same jig often catches a solid pike. Several of my friends often go there on the ice to catch on vents. Sometimes specimens over 10 kg are found in catches. In the summer we managed to catch a "deserved" pike only once. But there are fish, big fish. And the fact that it is not always caught attracts me even more. The islands are also remarkable in that they provide protection from the wind. No matter which way it blows, there is always a quiet place. In general, we always stay here for an overnight stay, or even for two. In Goritsy there is a pier for large river cruise ships. Often in these places you can meet foreigners. True, so far without fishing rods ... - Andrey fell silent.

The ear is ripe. Pacif ran to the garden for fresh green onions and returned slightly soaked.

The rain still didn't stop. Twilight fell. Tongues of flame illuminated Andrey's thoughtful face with glare. His eyes shone with a mysterious gleam. The real ear invitingly beckoned with aromas. Fleshy chunks of pike and pike-perch were bulging in the pot. The tail of a sabrefish stuck out in a yellow amber oval of fat. Islands of green onions floated on the surface in an archipelago. They ate in silence, only occasionally smacking their lips and mumbling with pleasure. When tea was poured into mugs, the Cat went to the dacha for a guitar. It got noticeably cooler. The melodic string enumeration of "Stairs to Heaven" poured out. Andrey put some dry logs on the fire

Goritsy? Yes, I heard. It is not far from Kirillov. They say the founder of the Kirillo-Belozersky monastery, Kirill, had a vision on Mount Maura - the Cat was quietly plucking the strings.

Exactly, said Andrew. - If you make your way along the forest path from the village to the mountain, you can see the ancient walls of the monastery. And in general, the view of the river from the mountain is simply captivating. As for fishing, from Goritsy to the village of Zvoz, we managed to get “on the seagull” a couple of times. Perch boilers are more common at the mouth of the Sheksna at the confluence with the Rybinsk Reservoir, but it turns out that you can also fish in this place. The cauldron is usually small and transient, although a dozen or two large perches can be caught on a small twister. Rarely, but even asp bites happen. But it is better to try to get it with a long-range oscillator. Below the river, in my opinion, narrows to the greatest degree along its entire course. And in Ivanovo Bor, figuratively speaking, you can stroke the side of a passing ship with your hand, standing right on the shore. More recently, there was a ferry crossing here. But built a few hundred meters below the new road bridge ceased to exist. The place, in my opinion, near Ivanov Bor is very promising for catching the same zander and bersh. Eyebrows are clear, pronounced. Below the bridge, the bottom topography is very contrasting. Here, even a bream or a white bream can bite on a jig. There are a lot of small pike and perch in small bays. And even below the bridge, after seven kilometers, is the village of Topornya. This is a kind of fishing Mecca of Sheksna. Like, for example, Pavlokovo on Rybinka in winter for Cherepovets fishermen. There are many garages along the coast. motor boats. There are more and more trolling fans. In winter, numerous fans of the zherlitsa flock here. From Topornya begins (or ends) the North Dvina Canal. We stopped in those places, and I walked with a spinning rod along the canal for nine kilometers to Lake Siverskoye, which is already in Kirillov itself. In the channel, you can catch a large chub or ide with a turntable of the second or third number, with a small wobbler, or even with a jig. Rotten wooden piles along the banks of the canal provide good hiding places for these interesting predators. But the Siverskoye Lake itself remains a mystery to me until now. The bottom relief is simply amazing. There are depths up to thirty meters. And when I once spoke with a local elderly fisherman, he mentioned a hole and fifty meters. But there are practically no large fish in the lake. In the winter I came across only a kilogram burbot and a pike of the same size in the summer. The lake simply abounds with small perch and roach. The latter, by the way, looks like a kind of endemic. Challenging gray-silver body, pale fins. Sizes up to twenty centimeters. Something like a dace. If I caught ice in February-March, all with caviar. One of the local residents. Like, the lake is fed by several hydrogen sulfide sources. big fish does not linger there. I don't know if it is. And why do these sources not affect the numerous population of perch and roach?

Well, the view from the lake to the Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery, in addition to being simply impressive, also creates some kind of spiritual pacifying atmosphere around. It has long been known that structures of this type were built in special places ... - Andrey fell silent again.

"Leave to return..."

The fire flickered with pale reddish embers. Pacif, leaning on his friend's shoulder, was snoring peacefully. The rain gradually subsided. The sky across the river is grey.

Interestingly, the river seems to be not very clean at first glance, barge-ships swim tirelessly, but there are a lot of frogs. I heard that this is not bad, - the Cat looked inquiringly at the night companion. - In addition, we often catch rudd in the bay behind the village with Pacif. You know, such a beautiful fish.

Well done. Frogs, yes, in bad water they won’t live, but at Sheksna it’s just that the color of the water is so brown-gray because of the clay shores. But, it seems to me, in vain, nevertheless, the river was flooded with dams. Although modern treatment facilities have been installed. By the way, in the city of Cherepovets, I managed to catch minnows on a float several times. This fish certainly will not live in bad water. This pleases, - Andrey got up from the birch chock, replacing the chair for him all this time. - Okay, thank you for the company, today is my last day of vacation, I need to have time to get to the city and get ready. Good you guys! If there is a desire, next year I invite you to go with us from the source to the mouth.

New acquaintances exchanged phone numbers. The cat helped lower Andrey's boat and waved goodbye. The five-horsepower engine gurgled softly. The boat, picking up speed easily, disappeared into the morning mist. The cat stood on the bank and peered into the silvery ribbon of the river. Timid pink reflections played on the surface. The morning freshness of the coastal meadow was intoxicating with smells. A lean stallion roamed nearby and plucked a clover. My heart was ecstatic and calm. The cat approached the sleeping friend and touched him on the shoulder. Pacif flattened one eye.

Do you see the river? The cat whispered loudly into his friend's ear.

Well ..., - Pacif woke up, rubbed his face with his hand. On the opposite bank a bright sun disk rose and was reflected in the water. The cat winked conspiratorially:

And she is not!

fishing box


I’m afraid I’ll look like a doctor from the Golden Calf, who prescribed almost everything to Vasisualy Lokhankin from food! And in general, I am sure that any spinning player will be interested in choosing their own highlights. But still ... Popper makes me especially love, or even passion. First of all, as they say, the clarity of the image. Here on Sheksna and, especially, in its tributaries Sudbitsa, Bozhai, Yagorba, I managed to catch pike, perch, chub, ide. A special pride is the asp, once even on a popper of our own production, when the “tail of a recalcitrant mule” could probably make the bait more elegant.


Travel without category of difficulty. Therefore, you can afford to take three spinning rods - UL, light up to 16 g and medium up to an ounce, and for amateurs even a two-ounce long-range one. It is clear that the coils are needed corresponding to the blanks. For example, Shimano Ultegra 1000, Twin Power 2500, Tica Libra 3500. For UL, it is desirable to have a monofilament spool, for other, more powerful reels, of course, a braided line is better, if possible, with a round section.

Traveler's Notebook


Depending on the desirability of bites of a particular predator. Pike perch, bersh and chub - better in June. Ide - better in July. Asp, pike, perch - August, September. The selection is conditional. Experienced spinners know that the listed predators can be caught at any time. Interestingly, Sheksna abounds in burbot. It has been active since September. But so far I have not caught him spinning in Sheksna. But on donks with a worm or ruff attachment, burbots up to a kilogram are caught well.


The age-old question, whether to put a leash, I decide not always the same way. For jig baits - definitely yes. Large bottom pike is a frequent trophy. But what to do with UL? Still, worms of doubt that the chub and ide scare away the leash, I have. But the kilogram pike does not sleep. In general, I still take risks more often, and I don’t put a leash on small wobblers. Yes, snacking happens. But, firstly, I frankly don’t throw it into a pike ambush, and secondly, I almost always use only floating wobblers, which pop up when the pike spit out the bait. This usually happens within the first five minutes after a snack. If I am on the shore at this time, the gambling rescue of the wobbler with a popper or another wobbler begins. Adrenaline is added for or a receding wind.


First of all, the alloy will not work. Yes, there is a current, but it is very weak and depends on the operation of the locks in the village of Sheksna. Therefore, either mechanical or manual force will be required ... Convenient, of course, on inflatable boat made of PVC with a motor from five to twenty forces. But it is necessary to carry around in the area of ​​​​the Sheksna dam. In any case, we were blown away and hired a small "loaf" in the nearest village for a share. But there are familiar tourists who went along the route in kayaks. There is less comfort, but the savings are very significant.


Anadromous schooling fish of the smelt family, forming lake and lake-river forms. In the White Lake, it grows rapidly and reaches sexual maturity in a year. 6-10 cm long, brownish-green back, silvery stripe on the sides. It feeds on plankton. At one time it was an important object of fishing. Peasants with all families harvested this fish. In recent years, the herd has noticeably thinned out. It is the main food for many river predatory fish.

Our impressions

Fishing - Labor sports. This refers to the test pike perch or trophy pike. Without a doubt, catching carp predators: asp, chub, ide, simply adds to the tremendous sportiness. Well, a pike on duty under a kilo or heels of perches in your ear - you are always welcome.

Fishing pressure - Alas, "many guys are broad-shouldered and strong, many wear t-shirts and caps." Many people have boats. There are many entrances to the river. But there are plenty of places for fishing, it seems to me.

Bloodsuckers - Unfortunately, in recent years, a lot of ticks have appeared in May-June. Therefore, protective equipment is urgently required. Mosquitoes and midges are calm, almost tame, i.e. bearable. You can always find a ventilated open parking lot.

Pond - What to demand from a river that is blocked by dams? But "this is our Motherland, son." The river is navigable, so special care is required when crossing the ship's passage, although this is also spelled out in the rules.

Tourism - If you are traveling with less avid anglers, then they have something to see besides the nature of the Vologda region. Belozersk, Goritsy, Kirillov - places that have rightfully earned world fame.

Cost of travel - Costs are minimal.

), in Belozersky, Vashkinsky, Vytegorsky, Kirillovsky and Sheksninsky districts Vologda region. The reservoir consists of a lake (a section of the river Kovzha Belozerskaya and Beloe Lake) and a river part (the Sheksna river).

Normal retaining level (NSL) 13.0 m. The total volume of the reservoir at the NSL is 6.50 km 3 (including the lake part 5.25 km 3, the river part - 1.25 km 3), useful - 1.90 km 3, the area of ​​the water surface at the FSL is 1665 km 2 (including the lake part 1284 km 2, the river part 381 km 2), the length of the reservoir is 262 km, the maximum width of the lake part is 33 km, the river part is 18 km, the average depth is 3 .9 m, maximum - 20.0 m. Sheksninskoye is the 3rd reservoir in the Vologda Oblast in terms of total (after Verkhnesvirsky and Rybinsk) and 2nd in useful (after Rybinsk) volume.

The reservoir was formed in 1963–1964. The area of ​​flooded lands is 530 km 2 , of which 20 km 2 are surface explored peat bogs .

Carries out seasonal regulation of a runoff; level fluctuations up to 1.2 m.

The catchment area is 19445 km 2 (73% belong to the White Lake, 27% - to the river part). The largest tributaries are the rivers Tumba, Uzhla, Shola, Kema, Unzha, Kunost, Megra, Pidma, Slavyanka, Kovzha (Sheksninskaya), Sizma, Yoma.

The average date of the beginning of freeze-up in the river part of the reservoir is November 20, early - October 26, late - January 6. The first ice formations in the lake part appear on October 25–November 3, and freeze-up is established on November 16–25. The average duration of freeze-up in the lake part is 169 days, the longest - 199, the shortest - 141 days.

In the water balance of the reservoir, 80% is river runoff. Water belongs to the hydrocarbonate class, calcium group. Characterized by low concentrations of dissolved mineral compounds, incl. nitrogen and phosphorus, and a high content of organic matter of humic nature. The main sources of pollution are: discharge of wastewater from industrial enterprises and public utilities, agricultural production, storage of slags from the Cherepovets Metallurgical Plant along the banks of the reservoir, shipping and flooded forests. The priority types of pollution are heavy metals and oil products.

The soils of the lake part of the reservoir are represented by clayey-silty sediments, occupying up to 90% of the area, and sands (in the coastal parts to a depth of 3 m). The river part has sandy and sandy-stony soils with seasonal silt; peaty and peaty silts are found to a limited extent.

Phytoplankton is represented by more than 1150 species, varieties and forms. The composition of plankton communities is dominated by diatoms (in recent decades, the invader from the Caspian Sea has dominated - Actinocyclusnormanii). According to the level of chlorophyll content and phytoplankton biomass, the trophic status of the reservoir is estimated as mesotrophic.

There are more than 120 species of zooplankton in the reservoir. The creation of a reservoir (raising the water level, reducing the degree of overgrowing) has led to an increase in the diversity and general quantitative indicators of the zooplankton complex open water. In recent years, there has been a tendency to reduce the abundance and biomass of zooplankton in the lake section of the reservoir, which means the transition of the reservoir from medium-feeding to low-feeding.

The benthic fauna is very diverse (at least 160 species, of which 35% are chironomids, 25% are molluscs, and 23% are oligochaetes). The main trends in the development of benthic communities are associated with a decrease in species richness, a change in mass species, a narrowing of the dominant complex, as well as a decrease in the abundance and biomass of chironomids. The best state of the zoobenthos is observed in the center of the lake, and the worst is along the periphery, mainly near large settlements and at the mouth of the river. Kovzhi. The average biomass of benthos exceeds 10 g/m 2 , therefore, for benthophagous fish, the reservoir belongs to the group of high-feeding reservoirs.

Higher aquatic vegetation is represented by typical aquatic, coastal aquatic and swamp cenoses and is unevenly distributed over the water area of ​​the reservoir. The degree of overgrowing is weak (2.5% of the water area and 12.2% of the shallow zone with a depth of up to 2 m). In the flora of the reservoir, 220 species of macrophytes were found, while 21 species of vascular plants are protected on the territory of the Vologda Oblast (grass-like chastuha, Siberian lettuce, coastal and false sedge, five-flowered nettle, Tabernemontana reed, rooting warbler, small pemphigus, small egg-pod, pondweed pondweed, hard-leaved mulberry, etc.).

The ichthyofauna of the reservoir includes 24 species of fish. In fish communities until the mid-1990s. zander and smelt dominated. Currently, the main share in the catches is bream (more than 50%). At the end of the XIX and the first half of the XX century. in the river Sheksna and partly Lake. White was inhabited by Russian sturgeon (now disappeared from the territory of the Vologda region) and sterlet. Of the species protected in the region, in the Sheksna reservoir, river lamprey and common sculpin are also occasionally found. Another 11 species (European vendace, smelt, common catfish, white-eye, common asp, common carp, minnow, rudd, tench, mustachioed char, common loach) require zoological supervision in the region.

Part of the reservoir is located within the boundaries of the Russian North National Park and is part of two key ornithological territories of the Vologda Oblast (the Sizma spill of the Sheksna reservoir and the Western coast of Lake Beloe). The reservoir and its shallow waters are home to many rare and protected bird species. For example, regionally rare species (gray goose and whooper swan in migration, gray-cheeked grebe, large bittern, silver gull, little tern, gray crane, great snipe, corncrake, gray heron, common honey buzzard), as well as two species, included in the Red Book Russian Federation– osprey and white-tailed eagle (both nesting).

The Sheksna reservoir is used for navigation (it is part of the Volga-Baltic waterway), fishing, hydropower, water supply, and recreation.

On the banks of the reservoir are the village of Lipin Bor, the city of Belozersk, the urban-type settlement of Sheksna.

The Rybinsk colorful reservoir is the largest artificially created reservoir in the Russian Federation, covering an area of ​​4580 sq. kilometers. It should be noted that the Rybinsk reservoir on the map is located within the Vologda, boundless Yaroslavl and vast Tver regions. Its coastline is spread over a distance of 1724 km, and in the widest part it measures 60 km. This is one of the most famous places in the Russian Federation, where lovers come in winter. It is among the top ten reservoirs with a variety of ichthyofauna.

In this vast reservoir there are such types of fish as sterlet, pike, eel, a huge number of representatives of the carp family. The Rybinsk reservoir on the map has the following ports: Cherepovets - near the Sheksna reservoir, Vesyegonsk - near the Mologa River. Navigation is open approximately 190 days a year, but ships do not interfere with fishermen: the fairway runs far from the coast.

Fishing map of the Rybinsk reservoir

Places with the best bite, the location of camp sites and hunting grounds are reflected in the fishing map of the Rybinsk reservoir. Experts have compiled maps of the reservoir and surrounding rivers at different scales: you can get an idea of ​​both the reservoir as a whole and its individual sections. The fishing map of the Rybinsk Reservoir, in addition, allows you to find out about the depth of the reservoir in different places, the height of its coastline, the rivers surrounding the reservoir, lakes, swamps, nearby camp sites (including the smallest winter roads). Before going on a trip, you should definitely study the maps so as not to make a mistake with choosing the most suitable place.

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