Bending the arms with dumbbells on the bench. Lifting dumbbells for biceps on an incline bench. Features and typical mistakes

Our respects, ladies and gentlemen! Today we, as usual, will explain the technical points in the exercise and talk about one of them - lifting dumbbells for biceps. In the course of the note, we will learn all about the muscle atlas, the benefits and features of performing manual lifts. Also in conclusion, we will find out which version of the exercise is the most preferable in terms of maximum impact on the muscles.

So, sit down pliz, we start broadcasting.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps. What, why and why?

I won’t tell you for all of Odessa, but according to my observations, in our gym, lifting dumbbells for biceps is one of the most popular exercises. It is performed by both old and young, both the male population and the fair sex. However, popularity does not guarantee correct execution, and it should be noted that everyone performs these lifts in their own way. I would say that every performer has their own zest, but this is simply not the right technique. How to actually (and I know :)?) perform dumbbell curls for biceps, we will consider further in the text.


For better assimilation of the material, all further narration will be divided into subchapters.

Muscular atlas

Free weight exercises, which are dumbbells, are a lot of the best option for the development of muscle groups than isolated work on the simulator. Biceps curls are a basic exercise for the biceps brachii, which not only stimulates the biceps, but also indirectly affects the muscles of the forearms.

The muscle ensemble includes:

  • target muscle - biceps;
  • synergists - brachilis (brachial) and brachiradialis (brachial);
  • stabilizers - anterior delta, upper/mid trapezium, levator scapula, wrist flexors.

In the picture version, complete muscle atlas is the following picture:


By performing dumbbell curls for biceps, you will get the following benefits:

  • isolated study of the biceps muscle of the shoulder;
  • general development of the volume of hands;
  • increase in mass and strength of the biceps;
  • creating a bicep peak (with a certain execution technique);
  • elimination of muscular imbalance in the development of the biceps of the right / left hands;
  • great variability.

Execution technique

It may seem to many that the exercise belongs to the ground-air lightness class, but this is not so, there are some nuances, and we will consider them further in the step-by-step guide.

Step #0.

Stand up straight with a dumbbell in each hand with a hammer grip (palms pointing inward). Keep your elbows close to your body, bend your arms slightly. Tighten your abdominal muscles, look forward. This is your starting position.

Step #1.

Breathe in. As you exhale, by contracting the muscles of the biceps, begin to lift the dumbbell up, slightly turning it clockwise. Having reached the upper point (shoulder level), slightly turn the brush towards you, thereby performing supination. Hold this contracted position for 1-2 bills by squeezing the biceps. Slowly lower the dumbbells down while inhaling. Repeat the specified number of times.

In the picture version, lifting dumbbells for biceps looks like this:

In move…


This exercise has a bunch of variations, so in addition to the classics, you can also perform:

  • alternate / simultaneous lifting of dumbbells sitting / standing;
  • lying on a bench at an angle down;
  • from a stretched position sitting on a bench at an upward angle;
  • on the Scott bench with one hand fixed.

Secrets and subtleties of execution

To get the most out of the exercise, follow these tips:

  • keep tension in the biceps throughout the entire path of the projectile;
  • do not throw up (using) and do not throw down a dumbbell;
  • do not lean towards the working hand and do not use momentum;
  • keep your elbows close to your body;
  • do not unbend the arm completely, maintaining constant tension;
  • at the top point of the trajectory, supinate the hand;
  • recommended number of sets 3-4 , repetitions - 8-12 ;
  • Stretch your biceps after each set.

Actually, according to the theory, this is all, now we will highlight some practical points.

Dumbbell curls for biceps: sitting or standing. What's better?

Standing dumbbell curls are classics of the genre, and this variation is most often found in the halls. However, not many people know that the use of an incline bench (at an angle 45 degrees up) allows you to load the biceps much better. This fact is confirmed by the results scientific research by measuring the electrical activity of muscles during exercise.

The data suggest that the "sitting" position induces more electrical activity in the biceps muscle than the standing one. Perhaps this is due to the fact that sitting at an angle upwards, the biceps is in a more stretched position, and therefore it is better loaded. In any case, the optimal strategy for training the biceps brachii is to use different angles and types of projectile.

Supination of the hand when lifting dumbbells for biceps. Is it necessary and what does it give?

Standard dumbbell lifts accentuate only the muscle fibers of the lateral part of the long head of the biceps. Supination in the upper position also allows you to “capture” the muscle fibers of the medial part of the biceps. Moreover, during supination (turn in the upper position of the brush towards yourself) there is an inclusion in the work of the brachialis shoulder muscle. The latter lies under the biceps of the shoulder, and such a twist allows you to increase the peak of the biceps (it is pushed up).

Conclusion - at the top of the movement, try to perform some rotation of the forearms so that the palms look at the ceiling, this will develop your biceps more fully.


Today we got acquainted with the exercise lifting dumbbells for biceps, which means that in your manual arsenal it has become 1 tool to change yourself loved more. In order for this tool not to gather dust, but to give a result, you need to try it out in practice, so we rush to the hall and fulfill the order. Everyone drove!

PS. Do you use this exercise in your PT? Answers-comments to the judge!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it in the status of your social network- a plus 100 points to karma, guaranteed :).

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Dumbbell curl exercise for biceps incline bench, is considered insulating. In this position, you will not be able to use the body for rocking, so only the muscles of the biceps will work. A positive factor here will be the stretching of the entire biceps, which is necessary for gaining mass.

As with all exercises in bodybuilding, here you need to observe the correct execution. Efficiency depends on this, so it is unnecessary to neglect it. Let's take a look at the detailed technique.


  1. Place the bench with a 45-degree backrest. Sit tight against your back. Use neutral grip, take both dumbbells in your hands, palms facing you. Keep your elbows to the body. This is the starting position;
  2. After inhaling, hold your breath, then start alternately lifting the dumbbells. It will be inconvenient to lift both at once. Elbows are motionless when performing;
  3. At the level of the hips, make a turn in the brush so that the palms look up;
  4. In the upper position, do not stop and start the reverse movement with a simultaneous turn in the hand, palms towards you;
  5. Do not straighten your elbows completely, keep them slightly bent. Do the next repetition.

Use this exercise periodically to stretch your biceps, stretching muscle fibers contributes to their volume.

Now we emphasize and add to correct execution exercises lifting dumbbells for biceps on an incline bench, some details.

  1. When lifting dumbbells, be sure to turn your hands palms up, this will increase the impact on the biceps;
  2. Do not use heavy weight, otherwise the forearms, while turning the hand, will quickly run out of steam and lifting the dumbbells will be ineffective;
  3. Keep your elbows stationary, only in this way all the work will go to the muscles of the biceps;
  4. In the lower position, do not fully straighten your arms, otherwise the lift will have to start with a jerk, and this will lead to injuries to the ligaments of the biceps.

The exercise is very simple, so there should be no problems with the implementation.

Who, when and how much

To whom

Exercise should be done by everyone, beginners and experienced athletes.


Rock your biceps on an incline bench in the middle part of your workout. Before it, do , and after.


Do 8-12 reps for each of 3-4 sets.

Be sure to use this exercise in your training. It will definitely contribute to muscle growth, stretching and contraction is the main principle of muscle development in bodybuilding.

Masses to you and relief!

Lifting dumbbells for biceps with rotation of the hand (supination) is one of the most popular basic exercises for the development of the muscles of the hands. Traditionally, it is one of the favorites in men's training programs. Girls love the exercise, because when using small weights, it can significantly improve the shape of the hands and tone the muscles.

Working muscles

Bending the arms with dumbbells with supination loads the muscles of the front of the shoulder, namely:

  • Biceps (target muscles). Lifts help to increase the strength and volume of the biceps muscles, help to work out the peak of the biceps.
  • Brachialis or shoulder muscles. These muscles are located under the biceps, they help to bend the arm at the elbow joint. When training the brachialis, the biceps naturally “squeeze out” upwards. The combination of the development of these two muscles gives the hands the desired volume.
  • Additionally, the brachioradialis muscles are involved (pass along external parties forearms) and round pronators. Front deltas act as stabilizers.
Working muscles.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps is effective for athletes of all levels of training. With the same technique, the working weight, as well as the number of repetitions and approaches, varies depending on your goals.
Supination is the turning of the hand outward.

The exercise can be performed in the following variations (they will be discussed below):

  • lifting dumbbells for biceps while standing;
  • bending arms with dumbbells sitting on a horizontal bench;
  • lifting the dumbbell with one hand with the elbow resting on the thigh;
  • lifting in a sitting position on an incline bench.

Exercise technique

The correct technique for lifting the biceps is easiest to show by the example of performing an exercise while standing.
Most often, the exercise is performed in a standing position.

  1. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms with dumbbells along the body. The hands are turned towards the body, the elbows are slightly bent. It is not necessary to fully extend the arms at the elbow joint. Firstly, when working with large weights, it is traumatic. And secondly, when you do not unbend your elbows, the muscles are in tension all the time, which means that training brings a greater effect.
  2. Fix the position of the elbows, pressing them to the body, tighten the press.
  3. Slowly bend your elbows. When the forearms are parallel to the floor, begin to turn the hands outward, that is, upward with the wrists. This movement is called supination.
  4. Raise the dumbbells until your wrists almost touch your shoulders. It is not necessary to press your hands to your shoulders, as this partially relieves the load on the muscles. That is, at the top of the exercise, a few centimeters should remain between your wrists and shoulders.
  5. Hold at the top for 1-2 seconds and slowly lower your arms.

When working with large weights or with asymmetry of the muscles of the right and left hands, you can alternate with dumbbells.

Option to perform sitting on a bench.

Important points:

  • When doing bicep curls with dumbbells, jerking and using momentum should be avoided. If the last reps are too hard, reduce the weight or shorten the set. Correct technique is of decisive importance.
  • Do not sway or lift your elbows off your body.

When lifting dumbbells, do not rotate your hands until the angle at the elbow joint is 90 degrees. This is fraught with injury. Also, do not turn your wrists back at the bottom point.

Exercise variations

Biceps curls, as already mentioned, can be performed standing or sitting. The technique is the same in both cases. Separately, it is worth considering lifting dumbbells for biceps while sitting with an emphasis on the thigh and lifting while lying on an incline bench.

Sitting with emphasis on the hip

With this exercise, you can work with more weight due to the fact that the elbow is securely fixed.
The elbow is fixed with an emphasis on the thigh, which allows you to take a little more weight.

  • Sit on a bench with your feet wide apart and your feet planted firmly on the floor.
  • Take a dumbbell in your hand, lean forward slightly with a straight back and rest your elbow on inner part hips. AT starting position the elbow is slightly bent. Place your other hand on the thigh or knee of the other leg.
  • Raise the dumbbell to your shoulder, linger in this position for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position. Do not bend your back and wrist.
  • Do the required number of repetitions and transfer the dumbbell to the other hand.

Lying on an incline bench

Lifting dumbbells for biceps on an incline bench is good because in the initial position the target muscle is in a stretched state.
Performing on an incline bench.

  • Raise the back of the bench at a 45 degree angle. Take dumbbells in your hands and sit on the bench. Hands with dumbbells should hang down to the sides of the body. The palms are turned to the body, the elbows are slightly bent. Fixing your elbows while lying on a bench is more difficult, since you have nothing to rest them on. However, this should be done at the expense of the musculature.
  • Raise the dumbbells slowly and under control. When a right angle is reached at the elbows, begin supination of the hand.
  • At the top point, the wrists are directed back, as in the standard exercise.
  • Return to starting position.

Inclusion in the training program

If your goal is to maximize the volume of the biceps, supination alone will not be enough. Also use a barbell lift reverse grip. It's heavy powerful exercise. The bar does not allow rotation of the hand, so the exercise captures fewer muscles, but you can work with more weight and achieve maximum tension.

Girls and athletes entry level preparation it is recommended to use medium and not big weight. After you have perfectly worked out the technique of lifting with such a load, the weight can be increased.

The optimal weight training is 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

To improve blood circulation in the muscles and, accordingly, increase the effectiveness of training, do after each set.

When training for fat loss, it makes sense to perform curls with dumbbells with light weights at an above-average pace. The number of repetitions in the approach in this case also increases.

There are many options for curling arms for biceps with dumbbells, each of them has its own peculiarity and technique. The options are in position: standing, sitting and even lying down at a 45 degree angle. First of all, we will consider the technique of classical lifts, which are performed both simultaneously with two hands, and alternately.

Standing dumbbell curls for biceps work brachioradial and shoulder muscle at the beginning of the movement when bending the elbows, and after supination, included in the work biceps shoulder (biceps), contracting as much as possible at the top point. Dumbbell lifts for biceps in a sitting position are also performed, while the technique does not change, the only thing is that the body on a vertical bench will be fixed and will not allow the body to sway. Both options can be performed with two hands or alternately.

Technique: lifting dumbbells for biceps

  1. Standing or sitting, legs are shoulder-width apart. We hold dumbbells in our hands, placing them on the sides near the hips.
  2. Exhale: bend one arm at the elbow, working at the expense of the biceps.
  3. Inhale: extend the elbow three times slower than in flexion, smoothly performing the movement.

Do the same number of times for each hand. Optimal to do 3-4 sets, depending on the level physical training and working weight 8-12 reps.

Incline Dumbbell Curl

A great alternative to classic lifts, which is performed lying on a bench at an angle of 45 degrees. With this option, the biceps receives an isolated load at the top point during supination of the hands. And also work brachial and brachioradial.

In this option, it is impossible to perform cheating - rocking the body, and perform bending by inertia.

  1. Set the bench at an angle of 45 degrees, hold dumbbells in your hands and sit on the bench, lower yourself onto your back.
  2. Hands in a hanging position under the bench.
  3. Keep your head up while watching the movement of your hands. For pain in shoulder joints, perform a variation on a bench sitting at an angle of 90 degrees.
  4. Exhale: first, bend with one hand, in the middle of the movement, turn the hand to the shoulder, contracting the biceps as much as possible in the upper phase.
  5. Inhale: Slowly lower your arm without dropping down, leaving your elbow slightly bent to prevent sprains.
  6. After full extension, repeat the same movement with the other hand.

For each side, do 8-12 times alternately, and also 3-4 sets.

Concentrated curls with dumbbells

Another great exercise for isolated study of the biceps. In a sitting position, first bending with one hand with dumbbells is performed, then it changes to the other. Its essence is that the elbow is pressed against inner surface shoulder, and it will be impossible to perform a snatch. In this case, a large dumbbell weight is not needed.

Lifting dumbbells for biceps, on the Scott bench

Bending the arms with dumbbells "Hammer"

The hammer grip can be performed both standing and sitting. The technique excludes supination, hands and forearms do not turn, which increases the load on the brachioradialis muscle. Therefore, this technique is also used for working out. "Hammer" can be performed both simultaneously with two hands, and alternately.

Recommendations: how to raise dumbbells for biceps

A huge variety of techniques and options for biceps exercises allows you to choose your own technique for high-quality biceps work without injury, taking into account the individual characteristics of the joints. But don't get hung up on one option, change sets of exercises, changing grips, equipment, adding the number of exercises to eliminate stagnation in progress. Important, movement for effort, when lifting dumbbells, must be performed on exhalation. Moreover, the movement should be quite fast, but not jerky. And the relaxation phase should last three times longer, and must be performed on inspiration. Between sets withstand 1-2 minutes to recover, do not overload your muscles otherwise you will get the opposite effect.

Biceps exercises with dumbbells in video format