Elements on the pylon entry level. Dictionary of Pole Dance Elements for Beginners. I want to pole dance! Everything a beginner needs to know

An interesting article about why you should choose pole dance classes, where to start learning and how to get a quick result.

In the modern world, the realities are such that women have to withstand very strong competition. Marriage or a permanent relationship is no longer a guarantee that a woman will always be under the protection of her man. Therefore, she must constantly improve herself and make every effort to be attractive for as long as possible.

Cult beautiful body today this is no joke, the modern lady is not only smart and charming, but also maintains her external beauty for as long as possible. And it is not possible without good physical shape. Pole dance for beginners helps to improve the figure. Next, we will discuss the nuances of pole acrobatics.

What is useful pole dance

Poledance builds fast beautiful shapes body. It seems on the screen that the girls fly around the pylon easily and naturally, in fact, only constant exhausting trainings allow them to achieve professionalism in dance. When performing tricks on a pole, a huge number of muscles are involved, muscles work most of all shoulder girdle, press and legs.

In addition, dance develops a sense of balance, flexibility, sensual perception of music and oneself in it. A woman becomes more confident, appears beautiful posture, glitter in the eyes, graceful gait. The impact of dance cannot be hidden.

It's wonderful not only to feel the music, but also to be able to express your feelings through movements. Also poledance training gives quite thrill: fast spins, upside down stunts, false falls, exercises that seem to defy the laws of physics will not leave anyone indifferent.

Pole dance - a dance on a pole (pylon) combining acrobatics, choreography and elements gymnastics

How to start pole dancing

It is important to evaluate the convenience of the dance hall. Are the pylons far enough apart? It must be understood that rotations around the pole require a lot of space, and it is important for the students not to hurt each other. It is also worth checking if you can see yourself in the mirror from each dance seat, since latecomers usually do not get the most advantageous seats, and it is very important to evaluate your movements in the mirror.

If there is a place in the apartment and a financial opportunity, it is better to buy a pylon for working out the elements of the house. This will greatly speed up the results and help to “purely” work out the technique. It is not necessary to buy a new pylon, you can choose a used one.

Clothing for classes should be as comfortable as possible, not pull anywhere, not interfere with movements. It is important that the areas under the knees, elbows, belly and ankles are exposed as they will help to get as close to the pole as possible. In addition, you will need alcohol wipes for processing the pole and magnesia - a special powder that helps prevent parts of the body from sliding along the pole.

Do not forget that pole dancing is a lot of work. Initially, it will not be possible to avoid chafing and bruising. In addition to attending classes, to achieve good results, it is necessary to devote time to stretching every day, because without it it will not be possible to perform movements smoothly and bewitchingly.

Since pole exercises require strong muscles, it is important to do strengthening workouts: do various crunches, push-ups, pull-ups, handstands and deadlifts. But the result is worth it! Indeed, at the exit, a beautiful toned figure and the ability to dance sensually and incendiary await a woman.

- pole and dance - dance) - a spectacular dance at the intersection of choreography, gymnastics and aerial acrobatics. Since the 2000s, Pole dance has been actively developed as a form of acrobatics, sports and fitness, with an emphasis on demonstrating the dancer's choreographic skills and technique. We will discuss the prospects for this direction below.

Features of Pole Dance

Pole dance is not possible without a special projectile - a pole (aka a pylon), around which everything is built dance elements collected in a holistic dance. Movements are carried out with the support ofa pylon that requires a certain level physical training, strength, flexibility and endurance.

Pilon and his role in Pole Dance

The projectile for pole dance, for all its simplicity, requires separate words. The pylon is a hollow polished tube with a diameter of 40 mm or more, which must provide the necessary glide and, at the same time, good grip in direct contact with the skin to fix the position of the dancer.

I am a half-dancer, my legs are stretched - a string.
Like a pylon, I am thin, graceful, slender.
It's not a problem to hang me upside down
Or, having made a flyby, go into a power trick.
© Igor Bolshakov.

By the way, bare areas of the body in a floor dance are necessary just for better adhesion to the surface of the pylon, and not only and not so much for attractiveness.

Modern technologies make it possible to install pylons in any premises, even in private apartments. Pylons differ in the method of attachment (fixation) to the support, they are static and rotating. Rotating poles provide greater dynamism and spectacular movements. At the upper level of the pylon (2 meters or more), acrobatic stunts are performed, at the middle level (up to one and a half meters) - rotations and various dynamic movements (twists, flights, etc.), the lower level (parterre) involves performing plastic and acrobatics elements on the floor .

Pole dance: a bit of history

Historically, in Western civilization Pole Dance is associated with erotic performances for men. For the foreseeable past, the dance is of American-Canadian origin, but its roots go further east and deeper into Chinese circus acrobatics and the ancient Indian practice of mallakhamb training. In Asian circuses, you can still see performances with a pole, but it differs significantly from what is used in pole dance. As a sports dance, acrobatic and fitness direction, Pole Dance is just going through the stage of formation and is experiencing a boom in popularity.

Since 2003, the pole dance has officially emerged from the twilight of nightclubs.: competitions and championships began to be held in the discipline. Moreover, a certain code has already been formed - the organizers clearly distinguished between the concepts of strip plastic and pole dance: any revealing outfits, gestures, etc. are prohibited at performances. Even strips are prohibited in Pole Sport: all attention must be focused ONLY on the athleticism of a dancer who needs to be able to "purely" perform the elements of the program and make interesting connections between them. World Championships are initiated by World Pole Sport & Fitness and International Federation sport on the pylon.

Since 2008, Pole Dance competitions have been held in Russia as well.. For the first time the competition was held in St. Petersburg, and a Ukrainian woman with a wonderful national name Vardanush Martirosyan took the victory. Pole dance continues to develop: children's pole dance classes are opening, impromptu performances can be seen on outdoors, there was even an underwater version of the pole dance.

My life without half-dance is sad and dull.
I would give anything in the world for a pylon.
The blood boils - it boils excitement in it,
My goal is to get the championship in Pole Art.
© Igor Bolshakov.

Types of Pole Dance

There are four types of pole dance:

  • Pole Sport- the most “serious” direction of pole dance: sport on the pylon belongs to air power athletics, discipline competitions are held on sports grounds, and are evaluated by certified teams of judges according to approved rules. Each performance contains a mandatory set of gymnastic elements, connections and transitions. Competitors perform in tracksuits to musical accompaniment on two types of poles, alternating them during the performance of the program to demonstrate different skills.
  • Pole Art- artistic dance with a pole and a choreographic program that includes certain elements. Competitions are held in discipline, where the quality of performance, directing, as well as acting skills and the suitability of the costume to the chosen image of the speaker are evaluated. To better understand the difference between Art and Sports, you can compare them to ice dancing and figure skating.
  • Exotic Pole Dance- the dance contains less acrobatic component, but more erotic plasticity, has a pronounced entertaining character.
  • Pole Fitness- an amateur direction of pole dance, which is taught in widely specialized fitness centers.
Since it is Pole Fitness that is a public type of pole dance, then we will talk about it further.

How Pole Fitness Workouts Work

Fitness centers offer pylon dance as a job for stretch marks and working out the muscles of the legs, arms, body, general weight loss and a comprehensive improvement in physical condition. The benefits are discussed in more detail below. What is a Pole Fitness workout:

  • The first 5-10 minutes are devoted to warm-up, which is needed to warm up the main muscle groups and joints involved in Pole Fitness.
  • next 10 minutes are given to power balance exercises on a pole.
  • The main part of the lesson lasts 40-45 minutes. and at this time the girls work out various acrobatic and choreographic elements: twists (twists), various trick combinations.
  • Next 5-10 minutes are assigned to improvisation using the studied elements with musical accompaniment.
  • Stretching completes the workout, which is given 20-30 minutes of training time. Stretching is necessary for a half-dancer to master the splits and other acrobatic elements of the dance.
Pole Fitness classes typically last about 1.5 hours.

The group is selected small, and strictly according to the number of shells in the hall. In a self-respecting institution, more than one student per pole is not allowed. During the development of acrobatic elements on a pole, the teacher provides insurance for beginner dancers, plus shock-absorbing mats are used. Training takes place barefoot or in special lightweight high-heeled strip shoes (more advanced level). Fitness centers and dance studios guarantee an individual approach to everyone involved, regardless of age or fitness level. Moreover, many schools promise their students a real opportunity to take part in Pole Dance competitions.

Pole Fitness Benefits

Regularly doing Paul Fitness, you can achieve:
  • Endurance and good coordination. Many dynamic movements of the pole dance develop dexterity, train the vestibular apparatus and a sense of balance.
  • Strong muscles and tone for the whole body. Holding your own weight in various positions contributes to the development and strengthening of muscles.
  • Flexibility and mobility of the articular-ligamentous apparatus. You finally sit down leg-split :)
  • Perseverance, strength of character and the ability to overcome difficulties.
  • Increase self-esteem, self-confidence and just a good mood.

Pole Fitness: disadvantages

A significant disadvantage pol dance can be called high subscription price compared to other types of group training. (But it’s better to choose a specialized studio with professional choreographers and “overpay” than to stand in line for the pole: this also happens).

Hyperhidrosis(increased sweating) - a physiological feature that can be an unpleasant surprise when practicing with a pole. Simply put, if your palms sweat a lot, then it will be difficult to perform grips with your hands - your hands will slip. To solve this problem, it is enough to use sports magnesia.

Fear is a frequent companion for beginners. Fear of injury, fear of heights, fear of an unusual body position (for example, when hanging upside down). This is a natural emotion caused by the instinct of self-preservation, which passes as the sporting experience increases.

Get ready for the bruises: they will for sure, all successful pole dancers have gone through this. If you can't imagine your life without a miniskirt or bruises on your skin for a long time, then this can be a small problem. Stock up on patience and ointments that promote the resorption of hematomas (badyaga, troxevasin, etc.).

Pole dance: contraindications

Contraindications to pole dance classes are epilepsy, frequent dizziness, tinnitus, various vascular disorders, inflammatory diseases of the joints, hernia of the cervical and lumbosacral spine, postoperative period, various ophthalmic diseases. In addition, people with significant overweight. Unfortunately, this is a fact - the lighter the young lady, the safer (!) The classes will be and the easier it will be for the pylon to submit. If a excess weight“obvious”, but it’s very pulling on the pylon, we advise you to lose weight first. The materials are collected in a separate section, plus, you can sit on diet(only reasonable!). Most of the girls who came to Pole Dance, no matter what, they remain in it for a long time or “fall ill” with dance forever.

Here's what they say about their passion for pole dancing
(reviews from irecom):

And men, for example, consider pole dance the best sport for girl! Still, is there such a representative of the stronger sex who would not dream of a perfect stretch for his half?

Pole dance: motivation.
Video of the best performances

We have something special in store for the finale: the most “delicious” videos from the performances of professional pole dancers. Watch and enjoy:)

It's good that you are sitting.
Hold on tight to your chair, because this video with Polina Volchek is just SOMETHING!

Stock up on validol, because your heart will need something to calm it down.
Pair performance. Fabulous.

The men are not far behind either.
Christian Lebedev as a Spartan. Strongly.

Come on, who's to say now that Pole Dance is just ... or vulgar? Pole dance is a real art of strong and handsome men and women. And yet, we cannot deceive the expectations of those who were waiting for a "peppercorn": we guarantee you have never seen such Hannibal Lecter:

Pole dance is a type of fitness based on pole exercises with elements of gymnastics and pole acrobatics. This type of fitness is designed to strengthen all muscle groups, increase the level of choreography and plasticity.

Pole dance is a kind sports dance on a pole, which is a pole for carrying out various elements of choreography and acrobatics. In this type of fitness, special emphasis is placed on musicality and plasticity.

There are several pole dance schools that are based on sports orientation, pole acrobatics and complex performance of elements.

Pole dance for beginners includes simple elements of plasticity and acrobatics with a pole on the floor. At the intermediate level of skill, spins around the pylon and other dynamic elements are performed. On the high level acrobatic stunts are performed on a pylon with a height of more than 2-3 meters.

An important feature of pole dance is the purity of tricks and the plasticity of transitions from one element to another.

When performing pole dance elements, it is necessary to keep straight knees and elongated socks, and also to work out all the accents and details in the movements. An important criterion for this fitness is the correspondence of movements to musical accompaniment.

Pole dance classes require endurance, good coordination, agility and flexibility. Dancers must be high muscle tone, good stretch and grace.

Almost all pole dance classes are based on aerobic exercises, before which special warm-up to warm up the muscles. Basically, during the performance of the pole dance elements, the muscles of the upper body, back and abs are involved.

Paul dance for beginners is carried out in a sparing mode with a long warm-up and enhanced stretching exercises. In the first lessons, you need to learn how to control your body, feel the pylon and be able to keep your balance.

Pole dance elements

Currently, pole dance is a popular type of dance fitness. Since 2003, many countries have been international competitions by pole dance. In competitions, the main emphasis is on artistry and athleticism, as well as the purity and accuracy of the execution of the elements.

Pole dance elements can be divided into two main styles: artistic and sporty. Sports elements are designed for endurance and high physical fitness, while artistic elements must be original, bright and spectacular.

Training in this area of ​​fitness is carried out in various clubs and schools. International pole dance schools are divided into several categories according to the types of elements and the content of the acrobatic program.

The main pole dance schools include dancing and sports. Dance schools train dancers with aesthetic choreographic programs. AT sports schools classes are held on individual and general acrobatic programs aimed at improving physical fitness, increasing muscle mass and athleticism.

Pole dance benefits

The main advantages of pole dance are:

  • the possibility of strengthening the muscles;
  • increased flexibility and plasticity of the body;
  • skin tightening and slowing down aging;
  • improved coordination;
  • weight loss;
  • prevention of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and bone structure;
  • maintaining correct posture.

Also, the aesthetic side of training plays an important role in pole dance, which allows dancers to become more feminine, attractive, graceful, relaxed and self-confident.

People's opinions about what pole dance is are polar different.

Older generations often believe that this is a vulgarity that is inextricably linked with striptease; young people are happy to sign up for courses and participate in pole dance competitions.

So what is it - vulgarity, art, sport or just a kind of dance?

Is it worth it, and will it be difficult for an absolute beginner? Let's figure it out.

The history of the formation of pole dance

The controversy surrounding pole dance (from the English pole dance - pole dance) has not subsided for many years.

In the minds of many people, the pole is an integral part of the striptease show, and pole dancing automatically falls into the same category.

Meanwhile, pole dance has a very rich history, originating from the cultures of various peoples from all over the globe.

The use of a pole in the process or ritual dances is mentioned in the monuments of the Sumerian culture, the myths of Ancient Egypt and the Roman Empire, as well as many other civilizations.

Some of the earliest references to pole dancing are found in African cultures.

Passionate and symbolic ritual dances of African women often included poles, which were used as supports for bright acrobatic steps.

We destroy persistent stereotypes about pole dance

The main task of such dances in ancient times was to attract partners, and the wooden pylon served not only as a dance device, but also as a phallic symbol.

Around the 12th century, India had its own direction of pole dance: Mallakhamb.

The pole, originally used in the training of wrestlers, began to be used to perform acrobatic tricks and asanas /

Like most Indian practices, Mallakhamb combined both the physical and the .

In Europe and East Asia, around the same 12th century, festivals with dancing around a pole called the Maypole were widespread.

It was decorated with ribbons and also served as an analogue of the masculine principle.

Around the Maypole, mostly mass dances were held without contact with the pole itself, but its mandatory presence and symbolism were unchanged.

The tradition of such festivities disappeared with the spread of Christianity: Maypoles, bright pagan symbols were banned and forgotten.

Indian practice Mallakhamb

Over the next few centuries, pole dance in Europe practically ceased to exist, remaining and developing only ... behind the scenes of the circus.

Touring all over the world, stunt performers have collected techniques from different cultures, melting them into their own art of acrobatic performances, inventing new tricks and steps.

It was here that pole dance moved away from its original symbolism and became more focused on creating a spectacular and flamboyant show.

It was the circus that at the beginning of the 20th century brought pole dances across the sea - to America, where in the 1950s pole dance spread like wildfire in the then insanely popular burlesque shows.

From the USA, pole dances migrated to Canada, where they began to be danced in nightclubs and brothels - and then such an “improved” and colorful version of the dance returned to the states again.

This was the origin of the striptease direction pole dance.

For many decades, a kind of "halo" of eroticism and seduction was attached to the dance.

The surge in popularity and spread around the world of modern pole dance is largely due to the Canadian Fawnya Mondey.

In the 1990s, she became interested in pole dancing and began to compete, but more importantly, she released an educational DVD introducing ordinary people to pole dancing.

Today, pole dancing is still perceived by many as sensual and erotic, and is still actively used in strip clubs.

But this is far from the only and no longer its main significance.

Modern pole dance can be divided into four main areas:

  1. Entertaining dance show (exotic pole dance)
  2. Artistic gymnastics with elements of choreography
  3. Kind of amateur fitness
  4. Professional sports on the pylon

In addition, pole dance today is something that both women and men are equally involved in.

Myths and reality about pole dancing

Among people who are not familiar with pole dance, there are a lot of rumors about this activity.

Some are generated by stereotypes, others - that prevent you from getting to know pole dance better.

Pole dance gained notoriety in the 60s of the last century

I asked my friends different ages, rummaged through the net - and collected the TOP 5 myths about pole dancing that have nothing to do with reality.

Paul dance - it's gone

From the history of the formation of pole dance, it becomes clear where the legs of this delusion grow from.

After reading the first part of the article, you should understand that vulgar striptease and pole fitness are very different things.

Modern pole dance is an art that unites rhythmic gymnastics, choreography and, and there is nothing vulgar in it.

Pole dancing is necessarily associated with revealing outfits

Pole training really requires minimalist clothing, not for the sake of seduction - but for the sake of providing the right grip with the pole.

The fabrics strongly slide on the steel of the pole and do not allow the elements to be performed.

But truly revealing half-dance clothes are not only unnecessary, but also interfere: if you constantly correct your chest that is falling out of the neckline, it will not work out very well to concentrate on the dance.

Today, both men and women are engaged in this direction.

Tip: the best clothes for pole dance are a short top or sports bra and mini shorts.

The same applies to the legend about the need for shoes with ultra-high heels and wedges.

These can be worn demonstration performance or competitions, but special shoes are not needed in the classroom: most prefer to comprehend the science of pole dance in socks or even barefoot.

By the way, even in those rare cases when a high heel is appropriate, it will not cause discomfort - even if you do not know how to walk in stilettos at all.

The right shoes for pole dance, like any dance shoes, are designed to be comfortable to dance in.

Paul dance is very hard

Contrary to another common myth, pole dance does not require special training.

Yes, gymnastic skills or natural flexibility will be a plus, and if you have them, the first successes in pole dance will come very quickly.

Modern pole dance is art

Pole dance is a sport, and any sports activities provide for the gradual development of skills.

In the classroom, in addition to directly dancing on the pylon, they do exercises on and endurance.

Careful study of all the muscles of the body allows you to gradually achieve the desired physical shape to perform even the most difficult tricks.

It is completely wrong to think that only people with a gymnastic past can do it.

On the other hand, you should not tune in to the fact that since the lesson does not require physical preparation, it means that it will be given to you right away.

Faithful companions of pole dance are aching limbs and bruises of various shapes and sizes.

This will be the first few weeks or months - it all depends on the sensitivity of your skin. When she gets used to the intense contact with the pole, bruising will stop appearing.

Pole dance pumping hands

Watching the performances of half dancers, you might think that they have the maximum body weight during the performance of tricks. This assumption is logical ... but completely wrong.

As I said in the discussion of the previous myth, pole dancing engages and gradually develops the muscles of the whole body.

You can not be afraid of a sharp “swelling” of exactly the arms and shoulders: after all, pole dance is not power view sports.

On the contrary, floor dance is, and he develops the body accordingly, for the most part pulling up the figure, making it more lean and sculpted.

Pole dance is a sport

Pilon - only for…

... young / slender / tall / without complexes - emphasize the necessary.

No no and one more time no! Only the state of health can serve as a limitation for pole dancing.

There is a clear list of contraindications for pole dance:

  1. Body mass index over 32
  2. Diseases of cardio-vascular system
  3. Hypertension
  4. Problems with the vestibular apparatus
  5. Problems of the musculoskeletal system

It is not a fact that your living space will allow you to install a pylon at home

Some history of trauma can also affect your ability to pole dance.

A consultation with a doctor or trainer will help determine whether pole dancing is right for you.

However, neither height, nor age, nor figure imperfections (which ladies often tend to exaggerate) are obstacles to pole dancing.

It's all about your own complexes - from which, by the way, pole dance effectively helps to get rid of.

I hope these common myths have helped you understand what pole dancing really is.

And if you've ever thought about signing up for classes, but one of the factors stopped you - it's time to say goodbye to stereotypes, prejudices and insecurities and finally give it a try!

I want to pole dance! Everything a beginner needs to know

Pole dance is not only beautiful, but also useful.

Only the state of health can serve as a restriction for pole dancing

If you are still lacking a bit of motivation to get into this sport, I suggest you find out how the exercises will affect your body and mind:

  1. The muscles will develop evenly (but not excessively). You will get a toned figure, a flat stomach, a strong sculpted back, slender legs and hands and forever forget about cellulite.
  2. Posture will even out and remain smooth and beautiful for life. Your gait and all your movements will become smoother and more harmonious.
  3. You will learn how to breathe correctly. Deep breathing, in turn, will increase the supply of oxygen to all tissues and organs - from which well-being and appearance will only win.
  4. Cardiovascular training will develop your stamina and reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other similar problems in the future.
  5. The metabolism will speed up which will contribute to the active burning of excess calories.
  6. Stress, fatigue and emotional tension effectively disperse, the mood improves after each workout. And in general, you will notice a significant improvement in your emotional state and become less responsive to external stimuli.
  7. Significantly improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs, which eliminates painful menstruation and regulates the cycle. In addition, training the appropriate muscles will ensure an easier and less painful childbirth in the future.
The result of the training will be an excellent physical shape

Of course, all this is true only if the classes are regular.

This does not mean that you will have to go to the pole every day: for noticeable results and to maintain progress, three times a week is enough.

Approximately in this rhythm, most of the fitness clubs and pole dance courses work.

Choice of the form of education

There are many pole dance tutorials online and offline.

Starting from the rare disc of the pioneer of the industry Fonya Munday, ending with the variety of modern editions of numerous trainers.

However, there is one problem with home schooling: it is unlikely that your apartment or house has the pole necessary for classes :).

And if it can still be installed in a private house, then in an ordinary apartment it will be problematic in many respects.

Today, almost every fitness club or dance studio offers group pole classes.

As a rule, they are distinguished by an affordable price and a well-developed program.

Among the minuses, it can be noted that the group should move at about the same pace, and if you need more time to work out one or another element, you can not keep up with the rest.

If you are ready to pay a fairly substantial amount for classes, you can take individual lessons.

So you can study at your own pace and work out the links and elements for exactly as long as you need.

Tip: the best form of training, especially for beginners, is still group classes. On them you will be sufficiently motivated, as well as get the opportunity to communicate with like-minded people and actively exchange experiences already in the process of studying.

What you need for the first lesson

Starting "equipment" is extremely simple.

To start pole dancing, you will need comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement: short shorts and a top with an open stomach and arms.

Professional shoes are not required for a beginner, so you can take care of this later.

The first time you can practice without problems in socks or even barefoot - if the cleanliness in the hall allows.

You will need clothing that retains body heat.

In order not to take two different sets, it is best to bring leg warmers and a long-sleeved sweater, which can be removed during the main part of the lesson.

You have already signed up for trial lesson?

A great help for the first time will be special fingerless gloves for pole dancers, which will save your hands from serious calluses.

You can find them in specialized dance stores - google or ask the coach.

What to Expect in Your First Lesson

The structure of pole dance classes differs little from other dance and fitness classes.

Most often, the lesson is divided into four stages:

  1. Muscle warm-up and stretching
  2. Learning dance moves and chords on the pole
  3. Exercises aimed at developing different muscle groups
  4. Stretching to soothe muscles after a workout

The basic level of pole exercises teaches the "feeling" of the pole and control own weight, the correct technique of movements - so that there are no sprains and injuries.

When the movements become more or less confident, the coach allows the dancers to perform the first twists on the top of the pole.

Tip: don't worry if, after the first successes, the skills suddenly regress, and even what you already did with confidence ceases to work out. This is a normal learning process, and after a session or two, progress will be restored. Remember: pole dance is difficult, but there is nothing incomprehensible in the classes.

Only too much can become a contraindication to classes. big weight

Beginning pole dancers should remember a few good tips:

  1. Prepare mentally for the fact that for the first two or three weeks of training every muscle in the body will hurt, and bruises will become your best friends. All because of the new, unusual load - the body will take a little time to adapt to it.
  2. Don't think about being embarrassed in front of other group members. Everyone comes to pole dance for new skills and experience, and not to consider and discuss others. Believe me, the rest can, in the same way, in the depths of their souls, have complexes because of their real or far-fetched shortcomings, but this does not stop them - so let it not bother you either.
  3. Remember: the coach is your best friend. Trust him, do not be afraid to ask and consult.
  4. Put the most effort into every workout. Do not look for easy ways, and perseverance will be rewarded with quick and noticeable results.
  5. Listen to as much of the music you dance to as possible. Studying the tracks, their structure, rhythmic pattern, accents will help you make the movements more “musical” and better navigate while performing the number.
  6. Be attentive to yourself. Excessive discomfort or pain where it should not be can be a "wake-up call" from the body - do not leave it unattended. Analyze your condition, consult a trainer, visit a doctor if necessary.

What can you do after a while

Over time (specific dates depend on the program of your studio and the coach personally), you will learn how to perform dance elements and tricks at all levels of the pylon:

  1. Gymnastics and acrobatics at a height of two meters
  2. Rotations, "falls" and plastic elements in the middle, at a height of one and a half meters
  3. Choreographic and plastic steps at the lowest level of the pole and the floor
High heels more the exception than the rule

Spins, handstands, hangs and grips, flags and holds - the pole is full of great, spectacular and exciting elements, it's impossible to list them all.

To get inspired and finally make sure that pole dance is cool, I suggest watching a video with a performance on the pylon.

With due diligence, you can create a number no worse - isn't that already a reason to start?

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

One of the areas of fitness, which has recently come to Russia, but is rapidly gaining momentum, is pylon lessons(pole dance, pole dance). Correction of posture, improvement of the contours of the figure, weight loss - exercises on the pylon, which include elements sports acrobatics and dance.

Pole-dance as an alternative to aerobic exercise

Strict adherence to all kinds of diets guarantees only weight within the normal range. And for the beautiful tightened contours of the figure, the muscles are responsible, which can and should be forced to work, providing them with regular physical activity.

Pylon lessons will constantly keep literally all the muscles in good shape, and the ability to comprehend new acrobatic elements to incendiary music guarantees that you will not be bored.

Canada is considered the birthplace of pole dancing as a sport. This direction began to quickly gain popularity: first conquered the United States, then Australia, Europe and China. And this is not surprising, because pole training is a very dynamic sport, each training session is a discovery!

Fans of this growing fitness trend become not only the owners of a slender, toned figure. They are also distinguished by a beautiful posture, special plasticity and precise coordination of movements, self-confidence and artistry. Due to the fact that pole exercises combine a whole range of loads (cardio, strength plus choreographic component), changes in your appearance will become noticeable very soon. There are no strict restrictions on food - in one workout you will burn about 900 calories.

Pole lessons for beginners

It is a mistake to think that pole-dance is the destiny of only people in excellent physical form. Engage on the pylon is within the power of even people without special physical training. BUT toned muscles and the ability to control your body will come with time, the main thing is to continue training and not give up.

If the main purpose of coming to pole dance- this is weight correction, then it is better to start classes with a personal instructor. With it, the workout will be built in a cardio-strength key with an emphasis on burning calories. It makes sense to connect the choreographer a little later.

Strong muscles (actively involved during training) calf muscles, muscles of the back and shoulder girdle) will allow you to easily and naturally wear shoes with heels, while maintaining a proud posture.

Group pole lessons are also possible. it great way loosen up and get rid of shyness. Only one nuance must be taken into account - it is unlikely that the instructor will be able to distribute his attention equally to all members of the group. The optimal number of workouts is three times a week. A standard session consists of stretching (15-20 minutes) and general strength training.

Dress assumes the presence of several sets:

For stretching - a T-shirt, long sweatpants and socks (clothing that retains body heat helps to quickly warm up the muscles);

To work on the pole - short tight shorts, a tight-fitting top, socks, leggings or Czechs.

To work on choreography - tight-fitting clothing (for example, leggings and a T-shirt); Clothing should emphasize the silhouette of the figure.

It should be noted that pole training is a rather traumatic sport. Therefore, you should not try to master complex tricks on your own. Even training with an experienced instructor does not promise that everything will go smoothly right away. The result of successful classes will be a spectacular dance, which includes elements such as twists, tricks and choreography around the pole.

Basic elements of pole-dance for beginners

In the first lessons, beginners are taught to feel the weight of their body and control it.

high chair- the first element for beginners to master. Just hold on to the pole with your hands, catching it with one foot.

Slingshot- hanging head down with legs wide apart. base element for subsequent tricks upside down.

Hang under the knee

half lotes– hang in vertical position. The pole is clasped with one leg bent at the knee.

Superman- hanging in a horizontal position. The body on the pylon is held by the legs and one hand. This trick can be used both in bundles and as an independent element.

plank- an element similar to "superman", only face up.

Embryo- holding the pylon with your feet, you roll around it in a pose reflected in the very name of the element.

Each simple element is a kind of base for reaching more complex elements.

There are several international organizations that unite all lovers of pole dancing. The main tasks of these associations are the development of pole-dance and the organization of competitions. The number of fans and those wishing to try themselves in this direction is steadily growing. Its worldwide popularity is already evidenced by the fact that Pole-dance is being seriously considered for inclusion in the list. Olympic sports sports.