Strong muscular. The strongest muscle in the human body. By chewing food thoroughly, you help society

What is the most strong muscle in the human body?

muscle strength depends on number muscle fibers, on the area of ​​its cross section, the size of the surface of the bone to which it is attached, the angle of attachment and the frequency of nerve impulses. All these factors have been identified by special studies.

The strength of a person's muscles is determined by what load he can lift. Muscles outside the body develop strength several times greater than that which is manifested in human movements.

The working qualities of a muscle are associated with its ability to suddenly change its elasticity. Muscle protein becomes very elastic during contraction. After muscle contraction, it again acquires its original state. Becoming elastic, the muscle holds the load, this is where muscle strength is manifested. A human muscle develops a force of up to 156.8 N for every square centimeter of section.

The strongest human muscle is not the tongue, as many claim. The tongue is a muscle that consists of 16 muscles, and it is called the strongest, most likely, implying the power of the word.

The strongest in terms of force generatedmuscle in the human body is chewing muscle , on the molars of a person, which develops a force of up to 72 kg. It is located at the back of the jaw. The chewing muscle is part of a group of muscles that provide movement of the lower jaw during chewing. The chewing muscles include 4 muscles: the chewing proper (starts from the zygomatic arch and temporal fascia; attaches externally to the angle of the lower jaw), temporal (starts from the temporal bone and temporal fascia; attaches to the coronoid process of the lower jaw) and the deeper external and internal pterygoid muscles (start from the main bone of the skull and are attached first to the neck of the articular process of the lower jaw, the second - to inner surface mandibular angle).

The chewing muscle, in addition to chewing movements, takes part, together with the facial muscles, in the articulation of speech, facial expressions and yawning. Some muscles of the neck also participate in chewing - geniohyoid, maxillohyoid, digastric. Thanks to the chewing muscles, the chewing process is carried out as a result of the displacement of the lower jaw during their contraction.

The chewing muscle raises the lower jaw. It has the shape of an irregular rectangle and consists of a superficial part and a deep part. The starting point of the superficial part is the anterior and middle sections of the zygomatic arch, and the deep part is the middle and posterior sections of the zygomatic arch. Both parts of the muscle are attached on the lateral side of the lower jaw branch along its entire length and to the angle of the jaw.

The temporalis muscle lifts the lower jaw, while the posterior bundles of the muscle take it back, and the anterior ones forward and upward. The muscle begins on the temporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the squamous part of the temporal bone, and is attached to the apex and medial surface of the coronoid process of the mandible.

Lateral pterygoid muscle performs two functions: with bilateral contraction (simultaneous contraction of both muscles), it pushes the lower jaw forward, and with unilateral contraction, it shifts it to the side, in the opposite direction (in the direction opposite to the contracting muscle). It is located in the inferior temporal fossa. The starting point is the temporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone, the lateral plate of the pterygoid process and the infratemporal crest, and the point of attachment is the medial surface of the articular capsule of the temporomandibular joint, the articular process of the mandible and the articular disc.

The medial pterygoid muscle, as well as the lateral one, with bilateral contraction pushes the lower jaw forward, simultaneously lifting it, and with unilateral contraction it shifts in the opposite direction. The muscle begins in the pterygoid fossa of the sphenoid bone and is attached to the inner surface of the lower jaw.

Strongest tensile muscle- this is calf muscle , it is able to hold a weight of 130 kg. Every healthy person is able to "stand on tiptoe" on one leg and even lift an additional load. This load falls mainly on the calf muscle.

The calf muscle is biceps on the back of the human leg. It is located above the soleus muscle, together with which it is attached to the heel through the thick Achilles tendon. Functional activities include primarily the movement of the foot in the sagittal plane and the stabilization of the body during movement (walking and running).

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Our body is a complex device. It consists of the smallest cells from which bones, skin, internal organs and tissues, blood and, of course, muscles are built. Muscles perform important functions - they help us move, speak, breathe, see, and they are also help internal organs. In other words, everything that is set in motion in our body, in particular, the most important - blood supply and respiration, is carried out with the help of muscles.

In total, there are a huge number of muscles in our body - up to 850 (counting methods are different). When thinking about what function this or that muscle performs, sometimes you wonder - which of them is the strongest? Most likely - the largest - the biceps of the thigh, for example, or the quadriceps, or the back muscles, which are very wide and often voluminous ... But if you look at the answer to the question which the strongest muscle in the human body- from the point of view of medicine, for many it will be somewhat unexpected. It's pretty hard to figure this out on your own.

In general, the largest in our body are buttock muscles, and the smallest ones are attached to small bones that are located in the ear. How is the strength of a muscle determined? Naturally, the way she can lift weight. Those muscles that are located outside the body can lift much more weight than those that are inside it.

So, the list of the strongest muscles in the human body

  • by what force is created - chewing muscle;
  • by the force that is applied to the point of attachment to the skeleton - this is the quadriceps muscle in the thigh (gluteus maximus);
  • according to the force that is applied for stretching - the calf muscle;
  • in terms of endurance, the heart muscle leads (it works all 24 hours a day).

Thus, the strongest muscle in the truest sense of the word, i.e. according to the level of effort, is the masticatory muscle. But if you do not know about it in advance, it is quite difficult to guess about this fact.

Many people have heard that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. However, this statement is not actually true.

The tongue is not the strongest muscle, because it is not a single muscle, but a whole structure consisting of eight separate fibers. As for its unique characteristics, they are due to the nature of the interaction of the fibers, as well as the strength of their weave.

Features of human language

Due to its unique structure and developmental features, the tongue has increased flexibility and endurance. Only this organ human body can be bent in any direction, wrapped in a tube, quickly change position.

With the help of the tongue we eat and talk, and he almost never gets tired. However, all this does not mean that it is the strongest muscle in the body.

According to experts studying this issue, a person simply does not fully use many of his muscles. But the language works with maximum load, which is why many people think that he is the strongest muscle in the body.

However, since the muscles that form it are not attached to the bone, they do not grow. It's just that as a person grows older, the structure of these muscles becomes denser, and they are more tightly intertwined.

How to measure muscle strength

But if the tongue is not the strongest muscle in the human body, which one does it belong to? high rank? Scientists argue that the unequivocal answer depends on the chosen method of measurement.

For example, if you use the brute force method, then special attention will be given to gluteal muscles and quadriceps located in front of the thigh. They work with maximum load in Everyday life person. Moreover, the bones to which these muscles are attached act as levers.

However, practice shows that very often, speaking of strength, we mean endurance. This is where language really comes into play. Although it is a mistake to consider it the strongest muscle in the body - this is a whole system. In addition, the human heart is an extremely hardy muscle. After all, it works without interruption throughout life.

Is it necessary to develop and strengthen the tongue if it is not the strongest muscle in a person? Modern scientists claim that for some people it is very useful. This practice helps patients who have recently had a stroke, as well as those who are familiar with swallowing problems firsthand.

In addition, strengthening the language is necessary for people suffering from speech pathologies and those who want to improve their diction. Therefore, if you really want to, you can make sure that the tongue is the strongest muscle.

To improve the efficiency of the language, it is recommended to train on special program. In addition, a very simple exercise will help you. You need to fill your mouth with small smooth pebbles and read aloud.

The pebbles will become a kind of "weight" for your tongue, and therefore the exercise will help strengthen it and improve diction. Moreover, it can be performed at any time and in any circumstances - it will take only a few minutes.

If you are still wondering why the tongue is the strongest muscle, remember that this is not the right question. Examine your entire body and find out which is the strongest muscle in the human body specifically in your case.

The strongest muscle in the human body
The strongest muscle in the human body

Strong human muscles

The strength of a person's muscles is determined by what load he can lift.
The working qualities of a muscle are associated with its ability to suddenly change its elasticity.
Becoming elastic, the muscle holds the load, this is where muscle strength is manifested.
A human muscle develops a force of up to 156.8 N for every square centimeter of section.

The strongest muscle in the human body

The strongest muscle in terms of force generated in the human body, the masticatory muscle is considered to be on the molars of a person, which develops a force of up to 72 kg and is located in the back of the jaw.
The chewing muscle is part of a group of muscles that provide movement of the lower jaw during chewing.

The chewing muscle, in addition to chewing movements, takes part, together with the facial muscles, in the articulation of speech, facial expressions and yawning.
Some muscles of the neck are also involved in chewing:

  • chin-hyoid,
  • maxillofacial,
  • digastric.

Thanks to the chewing muscles, the chewing process is carried out as a result of the displacement of the lower jaw during their contraction.

The strongest muscle in man

Chewing muscle raises the lower jaw.
It has the shape of an irregular rectangle and consists of a superficial part and a deep part.
The starting point of the superficial part is the anterior and middle sections of the zygomatic arch, and the deep part is the middle and posterior sections of the zygomatic arch.
Both parts of the muscle are attached on the lateral side of the lower jaw branch along its entire length and to the angle of the jaw.

temporalis muscle raises the lower jaw, while the posterior muscle bundles take it back, and the anterior - forward and upward.
The muscle begins on the temporal surface of the greater wing of the sphenoid bone and the squamous part of the temporal bone, and is attached to the apex and medial surface of the coronoid process of the mandible.

Lateral pterygoid muscle performs two functions: with bilateral contraction (simultaneous contraction of both muscles), it pushes the lower jaw forward, and with unilateral contraction, it shifts it to the side, in the opposite direction (in the direction opposite to the contracting muscle).
It is located in the lower temporal fossa, the beginning is the temporal surface of the large wing of the sphenoid bone, the lateral plate of the pterygoid process and the infratemporal crest, and the attachment site is the medial surface of the articular capsule of the temporomandibular joint, the articular process of the mandible and the articular disc.

medial pterygoid muscle, as well as the lateral one, with a bilateral contraction pushes the lower jaw forward, simultaneously raising it, and with a unilateral contraction it shifts in the opposite direction. The muscle begins in the pterygoid fossa of the sphenoid bone and is attached to the inner surface of the lower jaw.

The strongest muscle in the human body

Strongest tensile muscle- This is the calf muscle, it is able to hold a weight of 130 kg.
Every healthy person is able to "stand on tiptoe" on one leg and even lift an additional load. This load falls mainly on the calf muscle.

The gastrocnemius is a biceps muscle on the back of the human lower leg.
It is located above the soleus muscle, together with which it is attached to the heel through the thick Achilles tendon. Functional activities include primarily the movement of the foot in the sagittal plane and the stabilization of the body during movement (walking and running).

What is the strongest muscle in human body? Some people say that these are our buttocks. Others believe that it is the jaw. Still others are sure that this is our language. The muscle that wins this battle depends on your definition of the word "strongest", but you can definitely tell which one is losing. The tongue is not the strongest muscle in the human body. To begin with, this is not even one muscle, but a whole group.

Not everyone will be able to pronounce this tongue twister "Buy a bale of peak, buy a bale of fluff"

The tongue can be perceived as one huge muscle, but in fact it is a group of muscles. And while the vast majority of the muscles in your body are attached to bones, many of the muscles in your tongue are simply attached to each other. They form the so-called muscular hydrostat, the same as the leg of an octopus or the trunk of an elephant.

The four muscles of the tongue that are not attached to anything are called internal. Each of them moves freely in different directions, which helps your tongue perform such impressive gymnastics as, for example, curling up into a tube or licking your gums. Four more muscles attach it to the head: one - to the base of the skull, the second - to the throat, the third - to the lower jaw, and the fourth stretches to the sky. Each of these muscles is bilateral, which means they are partly separated by a central line that helps them work on both sides of your mouth.

Muscle battle

Now you know that the tongue is not one muscle, but a whole system. But is it the strongest in the body? You can actually measure your tongue strength or at least your endurance with the Iowa oral performance instrument. All you have to do is stick a tube with a small plate on the tip into your mouth and press it down with your tongue as hard as you can. After the signal, your result will be displayed on the scoreboard.

But tongue strength is nothing compared to the biggest muscles in your body, like your quads and glutes. Your chewing muscle can also compete for the title of the strongest, if only because it can produce more power with less energy. This is because it is attached to a shorter arm (i.e. your jaw). The bicep, on the other hand, needs to lift your forearm, which is a relatively long lever that requires more energy to move.


So yes, your tongue is made up of eight muscles that have more in common with an octopus tentacle than a trapezius muscle. Perhaps this muscle of the human body is hardly the strongest, but it can take first place in the title of "the strangest muscle in the human body."