The plot of Minecraft: Story Mode will expand for three more episodes. Minecraft story mod, all episodes Overview and walkthrough

- Usually, where I am, there is danger! Jessie

Adventure! came Ivor's voice from afar. - Where did he go, restless! Jessie clutched her head as she set off in pursuit. The Order and Lucas raced after their leader. - We just got back, doesn't Ivor understand that we need to rest?! – remonstrated on the run Lucas. - He's not normal! Remember his reaction to Benedict! - Petra, yes, he is a little different from everyone else, but he is normal! Jessie replied. Beginning to get dark. - Night... It's time to cook my TNT... - Axel! We have no time! We need to catch Ivor! Olivia objected to her friend. - What if you need to clear the way? - Yes, you will throw TNT, and the blast wave will throw us all away. I hope I don't become your landing site. Lucas snapped. - That's right, it will be easier to break through with a sword. Petra said. - So quiet! Better watch both! It's already dark, we must not miss the monsters and Ivor! Jessie stopped talking. A zombie roar was heard in the distance. To the right, the leader of the Order heard the sound of bones. A lightning movement with a drawn sword - and the skeleton's arrow was repulsed. Axel threw TNT at two creepers. Petra destroyed two zombies with one blow. A temple appeared with a portal. Someone ran into him, holding a book and a luminous lighter in his hand. Ivor is there! He entered the temple! Jessie sped up. - Olivia! Throw some arrows! Lucas shouted. - Please! - the engineer threw shells to a friend. The Builder caught the present and fired a bow at the Ender Walker, who was standing in front. The monster hissed and teleported a second before hitting him. He was behind the Order, clearing the way. The friends ran into the Temple and quickly went up to the second floor. There was a burning portal and a Potions master about to travel to another world. - Stop, Ivor! The leader of the Order grabbed his hand. - Jessie! Finally! I stopped waiting, decided to go alone. - Ivor, we just got back, we need a rest! Can't go now. Let's wait a week or two! - What are you talking about? We have an Atlas, we will not enter a dangerous world, especially since there are six of us! What rest? Forward, for adventure! - Ivor! We went around five dozen worlds without a break! And so, without any need, just because you are bored, we have to go on a trip again?! Petra was outraged. - Aren't you bored? We got so many emotions! So much new knowledge - at least about the existence of other worlds! But now we will not wander blindly! We have an Atlas! the potion master took out the book. - Emotions?! Do you think they were all positive?! You probably didn't get those emotions: the feeling of being falsely accused - in the Cassie Rose Mansion, for example - the feeling of enslavement - PAMA was terrible - the feeling of death and rebirth. .. – broke into a cry Lucas. “Do you know how scary it was? I still shudder when I remember this: "To give to the judgment of nature" - it's good that they didn't throw me out of the Mansion then, "Go kill Jessie" - these are PAMA's tricks ... - Lucas, calmly .. Jessie put her hand on her friend's shoulder. - I'm calm ... But you can't just take it and go looking for adventures on your own head! - It won't happen again! After all, we have an Atlas ... - Ivor despaired. - Lucas is right. We've been through a lot. I still have to get my nerve back. And vocal cords. And then I, I remember, kept yelling at Jesse. Petra replied. - Wow. Hear this from PETRA! Ivor, don't spoil the moment, let's go to the Temple of the Order, home! The robber chuckled. “Axel…” the warrior said in a tone that did not bode well. - Guys, calm down! Let's vote - who is for relaxation, and who is for adventure - suggested Olivia. - Correctly! Who's behind... - Jessie began, but suddenly a flash flared from above, from which everyone closed their eyes. And when they opened it, they found Aiden on the floor. - Aiden? Lucas exclaimed in surprise. - What are you doing here? Jessie asked coldly. - Where are we? Is this our world? asked the head of the Fire Rods, rising. - Yes, our... - It... It was horror! I wandered through this terrible Corridor, not knowing which portal to go to! And then something happened ... And everything turned out to be completely in TNT! Ignited! At the last moment, I jumped into the first portal I came across... And guessed it! I'm here! Alive! In your world! Aiden shouted happily. - TNT? The corridor? Axel asked. - Jessie! We have to find out what happened! Ivor said. - Wait. Aiden, are you lying? - Not! Why should I? What was the portal that brought you here? - I don't remember exactly ... There was such a commotion ... I think from some kind of tree ... It seems to be from an acacia ... - Jessie, we really should return. He doesn't lie. Lucas said. - Yes. We are leaving, the head of the Order decided. "But it's dangerous..." Olivia said. Jessie turned around. - Usually, where I am, there is danger! – answered girl and resolutely entered the portal.

What is Minecraft Story Mode? This is a great story told by Telltale Games with the support of Mojang and Microsoft and stretched over 8 episodes. The first episode of Minecraft Story Mod could be downloaded in October 2015, and the last, eighth episode was released in September 2016. This independent game is a kind of mixture of a quest with an RPG, where you will make decisions that will determine the further plot of the game. And here everything is not so simple, sometimes the most correct and logical decision will eventually lead to such terrible and unpredictable consequences that sometimes you start to doubt your actions, which makes it even more interesting. This game has it all: we all love the atmosphere of the cubic world, an interesting and exciting story, similar to good book, but only here its continuation depends on you.

The story begins with our main character Jesse participating with his friends in a building competition for the best building. They want to prove to everyone that they are worth something and are not at all losers, as many people think of them. But as usual, events do not unfold as planned and they have to seek help from the "Order of the Stone", 4 heroes who once defeated the Dragon of the Edge and saved the world from destruction. The plot, in principle, does not shine with originality, but it is played quite interestingly. In Minecraft Story mod you will not only be engaged in the choice of one or another answer to the question. You will be given a variety of, sometimes interesting, sometimes not very, tasks. There will be where to have fun between the dialogues.

Throughout all eight episodes, you will always be kept in suspense. Either you will look for the remaining heroes from the Order of the Stone, or you will find yourself in an ancient tomb, from which it is not so easy to get out. You will visit the Flying City, the mysterious mansion and even the past. Fight a monster that looks like a huge computer and take part in a deadly tournament.

All episodes of Minecraft Story Mod

  • Episode 1: The Order of the Stone - The Order of the Stone—(release 13/10/2015)
  • Episode 2: Assembly Required - Assembly Required-(release 27/10/2015)
  • Episode 3: The Last Place to Look - The Last Place You Look(release 25/11/2015)
  • Episode 4: The Hard Decision - A Block and a Hard Place(release 22/12/2015)
  • Episode 5: Order! — Order Up! —(release 29/03/2016)
  • Episode 6: Portal to Mystery - A Portal to Mystery —(release 07/06/2016)
  • Episode 7: Access Denied - Access Denied-(release 26/07/2016)
  • Episode 8: Is this the end? — A Journey's End? —(release 13/09/2016)

Review and walkthrough

System requirements

  • OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10
  • CPU: 2GHz or higher
  • RAM: 2GB or more
  • Video: ATI or nVidia with 512 MB or more memory
  • HDD: more than 3GB


  • Game release year: 2015
  • Developer: Mojang and Telltale Games
  • Language: Russian and English
  • Voice language: English
  • Activation: free, tablet from Reloaded
  • The size: 4.25 GB.

How to install

  1. Download Minecraft Story mod all episodes via torrent or direct link.
  2. If downloaded via torrent, just run the setup.exe file.
  3. If you downloaded from a direct link, then first unpack the archive, and then also run the setup.exe file and the automatic installer will do everything for you.

Apparently, Telltale's "story Minecraft" turned out to be quite successful, so the developers decided to expand the game for another three episodes. The official Twitter account of the TellTale studio published information about the release date of the fifth episode of Minecraft: Story Mode, and three more additional parts were also announced.

It is reported that the fifth episode will be released on March 29 on consoles and PC, and a little later on mobile platforms. The episode will complete the main story of the protagonist Jesse and his friends. And the next three episodes already seem to be about a different story, but with the same characters. The upcoming three installments of Minecraft: Story Mode will be available for purchase with a special "season pass", which will be available later. Certainly, the episodes can also be purchased separately.

Such a decision by TellTale was quite expected, since Minecraft: Story Mode is almost the most successful game studios. Apparently, all thanks to the huge Minecraft fan base. It is quite possible that this is not the last part of Minecraft: Story Mode - TellTale often releases many games in the same franchise. Recall that Minecraft: Story Mode is a typical game from TellTale with an emphasis on the story, the development of which is controlled by the players themselves.

It came as a surprise to many that A Telltale Games (Specializing in episodic games that look like films, for example, famous game The Walking Dead is their creation) will make Minecraft based on episodes with a plot. But somehow Mojang and Telltail agreed, probably, the purchase of Mojang by Microsoft had a huge impact on this decision. But the game has already been released, or rather, some episodes, and therefore it is easier to omit the idea of ​​​​creating something like this. After all, we are waiting for an exciting plot and gameplay, albeit a dialogue one.

On this page, you can find all episodes of Minecraft: Story Mode 1 and 2 seasons which will be released at regular intervals. And not only the description and release dates, but even download links, naturally pirated free version. So, add the page to your favorites and visit it from time to time to be one of the first to know about the upcoming release of the new episode!

Minecraft: Story Mode Season 1:

Question: How often do episodes come out?
Answer: 1 month approximately between each episode; The first two came out fairly quickly, but the rest will have such a gap.

Question: Is it possible to download the game from your site using torrents?
Answer: Yes! We can download minecraft story mod via torrent.

Question: Do you have accurate information?
Answer: Right. We use only official sources to write this article and update the release data for episodes.

Question: Are there any viruses in the game files, because you are pirates?
Answer: Not! We have never had viruses on our site, we have been supplying players with pirated "real" Minecraft for several years. It's the same with this game.

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 1 - Order of the Stone

Original name: The Order of the Stone
Release date of the first episode: October 13, 2015.

- The story begins!

Our main character, for whom you will play all episodes, is called Jesse (And as in male version, as well as in women). He is not very lucky so far, because no one respects him, and he has not won more than one worthwhile construction competition. But our hero does not lose heart, because he has true friends with whom he is ready to move mountains! And finally, the time has come for a new competition, Jesse and his friends are determined to win, and you will help him in this...

And of course, at this event you can meet the worst enemies who just need to be taught a lesson by doing something better than them! Construction began and everyone rushed to bring their ideas to life, as well as our heroes, who already had interesting thoughts. What they will build is up to you, because at one point you will be given a choice - some monster from Minecraft, for example, Creeper. But something went wrong, suddenly lava appeared out of nowhere, which threatened the building, as well as one of the hero's friends - a pig, which caught fire from the lava and ran into the forest ... You need to decide whether to run headlong to save a friend or extinguish your building... The choice is yours!


Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 2 - Build Needed

Original name: Assembly Required
Second episode release date: October 27, 2015.

The next episode will continue Jesse's journey, along with Olivia. They have to find the remaining members of the Order of the Stone - Ellegaard the Engineer and Magnus the Rogue. Time is very limited, because the darkness will soon engulf the whole world, you need to hurry!

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 3 - The last place to look

Original name: The Last Place You Look
Episode 3 release date: November 25, 2015.

Jesse and his friends have to get out of the terrible tomb of "Ivor", and continue to save the world from destruction, which is threatened by a terrible creature - the Wither.

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 4 - Between the block and the hard place

Original name: A Block and a Hard Place
Fourth episode release date: December 22, 2015.

The Wither is gaining more and more strength, soon he will be able to end this world, Jesse needs to hurry so that what everyone is so afraid of does not happen.

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 5 - Forward Order!

Original name: Order Up!
Episode 5 release date: March 29, 2016.

Jesse and his friends this time will have to make their way through the streets and nooks and crannies in the Flying City, which they got into by coincidence of past episodes.

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 6 - Portal to the Unknown!

Original name: A Portal to Mystery!
Episode 6 release date: June 7, 2016.

Accidentally passing through the portal, you will find yourself in a cemetery, from where you will be transported through a special tombstone to the mansion. There you will find new enemies and adventures, many mysteries and scary dark rooms. Your task is to get out, save your friends and discover all the secrets of the mansion and its owner.

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 7 - Access Denied!

Original name: Access denied!
July 26, 2016.

Adventures can not end so easily, given the new enemy - an unknown computer creature. It looks like a huge screen with backlight in the form of eyes and a mouth. Using various mechanisms, this computer is trying to take over the world by subjugating hordes of evil mobs! You have to destroy this infernal machine and once again save the world!

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 8 - End of the road?

Original name: A Journey's End?
Episode 7 release date: September 13, 2016.

Jesse and his friends have gone through many strong bosses, they will finally have a chance to return home soon. But before that happens, they will have to complete the last task - to deal with the deadly tournament. On which they need to fight on the splif for their lives!

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode Season 2 Ep 1 - Local Hero

Original name: Hero in Residence
Release date of the first episode: July 11, 2017.

Small disagreements between Jesse's old friends lead them to a new dangerous adventure, according to tradition, in which they will have to save the world from various disasters. This time, Jesse and his companions ended up in an underwater kingdom, and all because of a glove that Jesse could not take off. The heroes have to solve a lot of mysteries and go through crowds of enemies, so that a happy ending happens!

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode Season 2 Ep 2 - Giant consequences

Original name: Giant Consequences
Second episode release date: August 15, 2017.

After passing all the tests at sea and finally returning home, Jesse and his friends realize that they have taken an extremely dangerous weapon and attracted the attention of another powerful enemy. They will again have to go on a journey, this time into the icy unknown.

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode Season 2 Ep 3 - Prison Block

Original name: Jailhouse Block
Second episode release date: September 19, 2017.

After the events that happened to the main character in the last episode, he is thrown into a dungeon. The Chief is in charge of the prison, and everyone who turns out to be problematic, according to the Admin, gets there. It turns out that the main character's friends are kept in the same dungeon, and he decides to unite with them. After several unsuccessful attempts, the hero is sent to the level below, where he fights various subordinates of the Admin. But soon a strange event occurs - the escape of one of the most dangerous prisoners. The hero decides to take advantage of this to free his friends and leave this ill-fated place. After a brief search, the team reunites again and makes every effort to escape. The main character will have to make several important choices to save his team members from death. And at the end of the episode, the dangerous criminal who helped the team escape talks about an additional level under the bedrock.

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode Season 2 Ep 4 - Below the bedrock

Original name: Below the Bedrock
Second episode release date: November 7, 2017.

The last episode ended with the main character, along with his associates, learning about the secret level that is under the bedrock. This information was provided to them by a dangerous criminal, who was also kept in a dungeon and was previously an Admin. Not knowing what to do, the guys attempt to penetrate the secret level and find out what is happening there. Their surprise knew no bounds when they saw what was happening under the bedrock. In addition to many monsters, the brave team will have to fight a new dangerous enemy, which is much more terrible than the Admin, because he has unlimited abilities. Main character should not only keep the team intact, but also lead it to victory.

Download Minecraft: Story Mode Episode Season 2 Ep 5 - Above and Beyond

Original name: Above the Beyond
Second episode release date: December 19, 2017.

Are you and the main characters able to defeat the main evil, but this is not the case yet, the forces of the enemy are still strong and they must be stopped. In the last episode, the fate of the whole world will be decided, you must save it!