Training for beginners in the gym. Training program for men - the best recommendations. Gentle approach - circuit training, simulators and physical training

Imagine that you have a chance to find a treasure. The chest with gifts is buried in an unknown place and you have 2 options. The first way: you take a shovel in your hands and rummage through a huge plot of land for an excruciatingly long time. The second way: you study the map and purposefully dig exactly where the treasure is hidden. The treasure in our case will be your ideal physical shape, and the map is a specially designed training program. Without this plan, the effectiveness of your studies is severely limited.

Ready Workout Plans Benefits

So, you definitely know what you want and realize that muscle training should be done on a regular basis. You want to start working on yourself immediately. But before you start training in the gym, decide on a goal. What task do you set for yourself? Weight loss, mass gain, relief? Based on this, a training program in the gym is being developed.

With this plan, you don't have to waste your energy doing ineffective exercises. A reasonable list of tasks allows you to quickly come to the result you need. For example, a gym workout program for girls usually does not include trapezius exercises. For men, on the contrary, this area matters. The training program for men in the gym will be very different from the training plan for girls. In this case, the difference will manifest itself not only in the degree of complexity, but also in the form of load. For both men and women, it is recommended to correctly combine both aerobic and strength training. The lesson plan developed by professionals allows you not to waste time looking for the best exercises, but to follow the most effective path.

Gym Workout Programs: Just Go

Our portal presents ready-made training programs in the gym, which have already proven their effectiveness. Each lesson plan is balanced, effective and aimed at solving a specific problem. You can choose ready-made training programs aimed at solving problems such as:

  • preparation
  • fat burning
  • increase in strength
  • endurance
  • relief
  • keeping fit

The men's gym workout plan allows both the ectomorph and the endromorph to get the desired shape. It is worth noting that along with regular training, it is necessary to follow a proper diet. Each of the training programs has corresponding recommendations. By following this plan, you are guaranteed to succeed.

Training for men is usually based on a single principle: performing basic exercises and increasing muscle volume. For the fair sex, the program is completely different. In training for girls, as a rule, some muscle groups are completely excluded, and the main focus is on the buttocks and hamstrings.

On our site in absolutely free access are programs for any purpose. By following these guidelines, you will quickly and efficiently achieve the desired shape. To achieve the best results, we offer a training program for girls and men from professional trainers. An individual plan will significantly speed up your path to victory. Such a training program in the gym, tailored to your fitness, body type, health status, allows you to achieve perfection quickly and efficiently.

The great bodybuilder Jay Cutler once said:

We know you are a great person! Stay with us and follow your dream.

    In some cases, it makes no sense for an athlete to exert extra effort and complicate the training process too much. If the set of muscle mass is stable, it is quite enough to use simple basic exercises during classes. Sometimes it is even a forced measure. For example, if a person does not have enough time for full-fledged high-intensity workouts, a basic training program will reduce their duration.

    Time is reduced by eliminating isolated movements: only the basic ones remain - just what is needed for muscle growth. At the same time, an athlete performs no more than 4-5 exercises in one training session, creating the maximum prerequisites for muscle growth, but spending a minimum of time and resources on this.

    Today we will look at what a basic training program for gaining muscle mass is and what are its main advantages and disadvantages.

    Purpose of the basic program

    The basic program is suitable for different groups of trainees:

  1. Experienced athletes, subject to the principle of periodization of loads or rest from hard training.
  2. For novice athletes - the base, teaches you how to contract muscles correctly and gradually build up a strength foundation.
  3. Ectomorphs and mesomorphs who want to gain high-quality muscle mass.
  4. Girls who are seriously interested in iron sports and have not fully learned to listen to their body.
  5. Athletes for whom fitness and crossfit are a hobby, but not a way of life or a profession.

Benefits of the basic program

The main advantages of the basic training program:

  1. Performing heavy multi-joint movements stimulates muscle growth and increases strength.
  2. Saving time. You do not spend a lot of time doing isolated exercises, the duration of the workout is reduced by 1.5-2 times.
  3. Increased production of anabolic hormones. It has been proven that performing heavy basic exercises increases the secretion of testosterone and growth hormone, and they directly affect the mechanism of muscle growth.

Program disadvantages

However, the basic weight training program is not without its drawbacks:

  1. Most basic exercises are traumatic. For example, during the bench press, you can damage the elbows and shoulders, and during the squat with a barbell, the knees, during the deadlift or rows in the slope, the spine.
  2. Some athletes have a predisposition to hypertrophy of the oblique abdominal muscles. Constant execution of the base will only exacerbate this. As a result, a wide waist and the risk of an umbilical hernia.
  3. psychological factor. It is difficult to set yourself up for monotonous hard work in multi-joint exercises from day to day: for most athletes and athletes, isolated exercises are much easier - they do not load the central nervous system so much.

A few expert tips:

  1. When doing basic training programs in the gym, pay more attention to rest and recovery. It makes no sense to train every day - your muscles and ligamentous apparatus are simply not ready for this, sooner or later everything will end in injury.
    2. Don't put squats and deadlifts on the same day. This is an excessive load on the lower back and extensors of the spine.
    3. Take a day or two of complete rest after training a priority muscle group. This will help speed up recovery and growth.
    4. Time your rest between sets. Try to rest no more than one and a half minutes, in squats and deadlifts, this time can be increased to 3-4 minutes.
    5. Focus on the technique of the exercise and the sensations of muscle contraction, and not on the working weight. Without technique, weight means nothing.
  2. Adjust your workouts to fit your schedule. For example, if Saturday is your day off, on which you can sleep longer and eat more, and therefore better recover, then it is better to put the hardest workout on Saturday.
  3. Don't forget to optimize the load. Monotonous training always leads to stagnation. If you feel that you have stopped growing and becoming stronger, make adjustments to the training process. Train hard for one week and light for another week, reducing your weight by 30-40% without going to failure. This will give your muscles, joints and ligaments a rest from heavy weights, which will lead to more progress in the future.

Basic program for men

The basic training program for men provides for heavy basic exercises performed in the average range of repetitions (from 6 to 12). This approach will lead to maximum muscle hypertrophy.

5 - to failure
Wednesday (back + biceps)
4 - to failure
Friday (legs)
on straight legs3x8-12

Thus, in three days you will work out all muscle groups. The workouts are relatively short (no more than an hour), but intense. We try to work with decent weights and rest less between sets. If this amount of work seems insufficient to someone, add one more exercise. However, remember that our goal is to improve as much as possible without constantly killing ourselves in training.

Basic program for girls

The basic training program for girls consists of exercises that are performed in the rep range from 10 to 15. With this mode, you will overload the joints and ligaments, but quickly tone the muscles. The emphasis is on hard work on the gluteal muscles and hamstrings.

Monday (Chest + Triceps + Shoulders + Abs)
on an incline bench3x12
French bench press with a dumbbell3x10-12
Rope handle extensions3x12
Wednesday (back + biceps)
Pull-ups in the gravitron with a wide grip4 - to failure
Vertical block pull with a wide grip3x12
Horizontal traction in a block simulator3x12
Bending the arms with a barbell on the Scott bench3x15
Friday (legs)
Leg extension sitting in the simulator3x15
Wide stance leg press4x10-15
Raising legs while sitting in the simulator4x15
Leg curls sitting in the simulator3х12-15
Deadlift with barbell on straight legs3x8-12
Lifting socks while standing in the simulator4х20-30

The bulk of the work falls on the quadriceps, hamstrings, buttocks and adductors of the thigh - exactly those areas that most girls consider "problematic". Work on them is carried out in a high range of repetitions, which guarantees excellent pumping. This is exactly what you need to tighten the shape and remove excess fatty tissue from the thighs. The rest of the muscle groups are worked out in a relatively gentle mode so as not to overload the joints and ligaments and focus all training stress on the target muscle group, then the progress in it will be maximum.

Basic program for beginners

Beginners should gradually gain momentum in the training process. A good start is a basic training program for beginners. So you will form fertile ground for further strength training: gain muscle mass, become stronger and prepare the joints and ligaments for more serious work. Two or three workouts per week will be enough.

If desired, the first two workouts from those given in the table can be combined into one, you get something like a basic two-day split. The main thing is to have time to recover between workouts and constantly increase working weights. By training on a similar program, you will steadily progress in gaining muscle mass without overtraining.

Monday (chest + shoulders + arms)
Bench press lying on a horizontal bench5x5
Wiring dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench3x10
Army barbell bench press4x8
Close Grip Bench Press3x10
Barbell curl for biceps3x12
Wednesday (back + abs)
Wide grip pull-ups5 - to failure
Bent over row3x6-12
Hyperextension with own weight3x15
Hanging leg raise3- to failure
plank3 - 60 seconds
Friday (legs)
leg press3x10
Deadlift on straight legs4x10

We perform the main strength work in basic exercises - bench press and squats. Try to increase your strength with each workout. There is no classic deadlift in the program, since this is too difficult and traumatic exercise to include it in the basic training program for beginners. First you need to create a muscle corset by performing other exercises on the back and legs, and only after that begin to study the deadlift technique with small working weights.

Want to get into strength training but don't know where to start? Here are the basic principles and training rules for beginners in the gym who have just decided to start exercising.

Decided to get in shape? Looking for the right training program for beginners? Not sure what exercises to do and what machines to use? No problem!

I will tell you how to start exercising in the gym correctly and about the main recommendations and rules for those who are just starting to strength training. Whether you're looking to get stronger, lose weight, build muscle, or simply improve your fitness, this article will help you get on the right path to your health and fitness goals.

Strength training will also give remarkable results to those who have tried (and failed) to get in shape with just diet and cardio. Consistent and regular training (more than 2 times a week for 12 weeks) will result in:

  • Increasing the size of muscle fibers
  • Building strength
  • Increasing tendon strength
  • Increasing the strength of the ligaments

All this will help you build a healthy and resilient body, as well as reduce the risk of injury. In the end, you will look just amazing!

Gym for beginners: rules of conduct

  • Always take a towel with you to put it on the machines and apparatus on which you will be exercising.
  • Replace dumbbells, barbells, weight plates and other equipment after use.
  • Do not rest for long periods of time between sets when working on machines while others are waiting in line.
  • Lastly, leave your cell phone in your locker or car so that others don't have to listen in on your conversations.

Common Newbie Mistakes

  • Using too heavy weights in the early stages. Start with small loads, and then gradually increase them. If technique suffers, you swing or use momentum, then this means that you have chosen too much weight. In addition, it increases the risk of injury and reduces the effectiveness of working on target muscle groups.
  • Using too light weight. It always makes sense to play it safe, but if you can do 30 reps with a certain weight, then it's probably better to increase it. Tip: add no more than 5% weight at a time.
  • Too fast reps. Lifting heavy weights at a slow and controlled pace results in more muscle tension and allows more muscle fibers to be broken down, as well as reducing the risk of injury. Remember that joints are only as strong as the muscles that surround them.
  • Insufficient or excessive rest. Both factors have a negative impact on training. Rest between sets is recommended from 30 to 90 seconds.

Training program for beginners

This set of exercises in the gym for beginners is perfect even for those who even came to the gym for the first time. By doing this scheme, you can strengthen the ligaments and joints, as well as prepare the muscles for more complex workouts and exercises.

  1. Running on a treadmill - 5-10 minutes
  2. Leg press - 1 set
  3. Lying leg curl - 1 set
  4. Thrust of the upper block to the chest - 1 set
  5. Reduction of hands in the simulator "butterfly" - 1 set
  6. Extension of arms in a crossover with a rope - 1 set
  7. Curl of arms for biceps in the simulator - 1 set
  8. Press overhead in the simulator - 1 set
  9. Twisting in the simulator - 1 set
  10. "Bike" - 1 set

note! Beginners should not use heavy basic exercises in the first workouts. Such an approach can end in injuries and forever discourage you from exercising in the gym.

Moreover, a smooth entry into the training mode will provide a better start, help avoid injuries and soreness, and make it possible to get results faster.

Beginner Workout Guidelines

This program is designed to improve the fitness of a healthy adult who has never exercised before (or has little experience).

You will notice that most of the exercises are performed in machines. This is by design, as beginners have less joint stability and weaker core muscles. When trying to immediately work with free weights (dumbbells or a barbell), beginners increase the risk of injury.

Using machines provides support for these weak spots and allows you to isolate and strengthen your muscles before moving on to free weights.

  • Do a workout at least 2 times a week to ensure a significant increase in strength.
  • There should be 1 day of rest between each workout.
  • At least 1 set of 8-12 repetitions should significantly tire the muscles. That is, you should choose a weight with which you will not be able to perform 2 sets in a row without a 30-90 second rest break.
  • Performing one repetition in full amplitude in a slow and controlled manner should take 4-5 seconds.
  • Between sets, rest at least 30 and no more than 90 seconds, and between exercises - from 1 to 2 minutes.

Here are some tips to help you get the most out of your workouts:

  • Stay hydrated! Be sure to drink at least 8-10 glasses of water a day. Dehydration can weaken you and reduce the effectiveness of your workouts. Also drink plenty of water during your workouts.
  • Eat a small meal with equal parts lean protein (lean chicken, turkey, beef, or fish) and complex carbohydrates (oatmeal, rice) 30-60 minutes before your workout and within 60 minutes after. This will give the body energy and ensure its recovery.
  • Cardio (to burn fat) only after strength training or at other times of the day
  • Keep a workout diary. Write down the number of sets and repetitions, the size of the working weights, as well as the exercises performed. This will allow you to track progress and progress.
  • On your way to building your body, take regular photos and measure all parts of your body to keep track of your results.
You can always look at how the fire burns, the water flows and the girl crouches
(c) someone from the audience

Yesterday I went to training after a 1.5 month break. I did a full body (completely all the muscles in 1 workout). I remembered that I should write an article about how.

With pumping your body, things are exactly the same as with pumping a site in search engines. There are a lot of different opinions, approaches, theories, myths. Each jock, like a webmaster, has his own personal experience. And, looking back at him, he can assert something. And he can argue endlessly with other jocks (who have their own experience) about what is right and what is not.

Therefore, I declare that this article is not the ultimate truth. Only my experience is described, taking into account physiological data, some initial parameters.

Why did I decide to jump up

It all started, actually a long time ago. In my student years, living in a hostel, my classmates and I, as it sometimes happens with everyone, suddenly decided to move away from drinking a little and pump up. Moreover, the "rocking chair", consisting of one barbell (well, there were a lot of pancakes), a bench for bench press and a dozen dumbbells, was located on the 1st floor of the hostel. The exercises were shown to us by a friend more experienced in these matters. In general, we went for six months. We made all possible mistakes, ignored the advice of others, we ourselves know! At the same time, there was almost no food, but they did not deny themselves beer. What are the results...

Next was the army. Under the demobilization there was time and I wanted to pull up a little fizuha. A samovar bar made from links of a tank caterpillar, 2 dumbbells, a horizontal bar and bars - that's the whole poor set for a soldier. 3 months of such an unplanned "pump" changes in the body have not been made.

And about 2 years ago I wanted to have a press like I used to at the age of 16, when I was skinny and just started to abuse alcohol with chips. Then the press stood out well.

I downloaded Vasily Ulyanov's "Smart Press Training" course. Worked out a little. I liked the fact that in addition to the press, information was given on the development of muscles in general. I realized that just pumping up the press is not the best idea. You need to pump the body.

Then I downloaded the course "3 weeks of killer home workouts" and began to study, because. going to the rocking chair was pissed off. " And how is it, and what’s there, I’ll come, and there are only pitching, they will laugh at me"- familiar? And now, six months later, for the first time, I saw at least some results from the classes. But then there was a move to another city, work, somehow I abandoned everything, it was forgotten.

Somewhere in another six months, I nevertheless decided to go to the gym. I managed to pass only 2 months, and then, quite suddenly for myself, I bought a ticket to Tai and flew to warmer climes.

There were a lot of mistakes at every stage. The main mistakes, in my opinion, were: unplanned exercises, improper technique, ignoring some basic elements (didn’t do the legs and deadlift), the desire to pump one part of the body (arms / chest / abs), nutrition.

And only six months ago I managed to quite effectively walk into the gym. And the results, although not some impressive, but achieved.

Is it possible to pump up at home?

Can! But you will grow many times slower than if you trained in the gym! At home, in any case, you can’t pick up the right weight, it’s hard to progress. Do not be afraid of the hall, no one will laugh no matter how you come there. And you can also stare at the phytonyash completely unrepentantly (sometimes it seems that some of them go after this!), Just put on looser pants:

Is it worth contacting a coach?

If you're a complete beginner, it's worth it. Ask anyone who has started on his own and he will say: "If I had worked with a coach, the results would have been better." It is accessible and will show by example what exercises to do and, most importantly, how to do them correctly! A good trainer will advise you on some kind of set of exercises. Too fat - one program (first, lose weight, you can’t run - a big load on the heart and joints), dry - another program (for weight gain). Engaged in other sports (i.e., muscles in good shape) - you can immediately take heavier weights.

But! Coach coach strife.
During the six months of training in the gym, I saw several guys working out with a trainer. All six months that I was engaged, they also went regularly, every training session with a trainer. It is not known how much they walked before that. I have progress, they have nothing. And everyone pulls small weights, dumbbells of 7 kg each. Damn, sometimes I find it funny.

Some postulates

Captain's notes that you will find everywhere. But they cannot be ignored. I ignored it, thought "Yes, some kind of garbage" - there were no results. Began to follow - appeared.

  • For the first six months, a year and a half, you can do whatever program you want.
    It makes no sense to bother with this, often change, combine. You can just do the so-called base: chest, back, legs. 3 times a week. And you will grow in any case (subject to other postulates, of course).
  • 70% of muscle growth is food and sleep
    Eat. The goal is to gain 2g of protein for every kg of your weight. It is very easy to calculate, there are all sorts of online calculators. You can score on counting calories. Eat fatty food, please. Fat - not deposited in fat. Carbohydrates are stored in fat. If you are overweight - exclude carbohydrates (cereals, sweets, starchy foods, pasta). If not, then I don't care at all. Eat! Protein products: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, cottage cheese (for the night!).
    Sleep at least 8 hours.
    The dream of a lazy man, fuck.
  • At each workout, you should increase either the number of repetitions or the weight compared to the previous workout.
    Without it, there will be no muscle growth. Pulling the same thing from workout to workout, there will be no progress.
  • Keep a workout diary
    Record how many times you reap (e.g., " chest top 1 - 80kg x 7r.; 2 - 80x5"- the first approach for the upper chest shook the 80kg barbell 8 times, in the 2nd approach - the same weight, but 5 times. Personally, it is unrealistic for me to remember such data for all exercises. If you are able - cool.
  • Beware of overtraining
    1.5-2 hours in the hall - yes, it's easy! Who is engaged in less than an hour - goof. I will walk every day!
    The workout should not last longer than 1 hour. No more than 4 times a week.
  • You need to pump the whole body
    "I want to pump up my chest and bitsuha a little" - the desire of 90% of all beginners. And I, too, once came to the student gym for this purpose. I was told - it's impossible! But I didn't listen.
  • Don't forget your legs!
    The deadlift and squat are the hardest exercises for me. I want to breathe after them. And I avoided them for a very long time. Only the last 4 months did regularly. I think this is what brought results. This is the base! You can't replace her with anything. The right technique makes the difference. Pay special attention to this.
  • Warm up is important
    5-10 minutes to warm up. Without this, injury cannot be avoided.
  • Take a two-week break every 3-4 months.

A little more from the theory of swing

There are 2 types of training: mass/strength and endurance. The only difference is the number of repetitions per exercise.

If we swing for a set of muscle mass (namely, this is the goal for the majority) - 6-8 (even 10) repetitions.

For endurance - 12-15 repetitions. This type of training is suitable for drying and for giving relief to the muscles.

I combined these 2 types of training. Those. one week I was swinging for mass, the second - for endurance. This was done because different types of muscle fibers (white and red) are involved. And their recovery period is just 2 weeks. Therefore, while some are being restored, we are downloading others.

2-3 approaches (sets) of each exercise (excluding 1-3 warm-up approaches). For each muscle - 1 exercise! It makes no sense to jerk off, for example, 5 different exercises for biceps. Enough 2-3 sets of one exercise. Everything!

Rest between sets: 1.5-2 minutes.

Rest between different exercises: 3-4 minutes.

There are 3 main muscle groups, base: chest, back and legs. They must be done on different days, not combined with each other. In general, you can not swing your arms, abs, shoulders. Because all of them will be involved in one way or another when executing the base:

  • Front deltas and triceps are included when doing the chest
  • Biceps, middle deltas, trapezius, forearms work when we swing our backs
  • The press works everywhere

You can simply "finish off" with 1 set those muscles that turn on. I did exactly that.

Or, conversely, endure these exercises for another day.

My training program

I came to her after some time. I also constantly changed, tried. In the end, he worked out exactly this for himself. This does not mean that she is faithful.

1. Chest + Finishing: Front Delts + Triceps
2. Middle and rear deltas + biceps + abs
3. Back + finishing: trapezoid
4. Legs

I just had to score 4 days, and it’s more convenient to do it that way, it just fit in 50 minutes. It is quite possible to scatter the exercises for 3 days. Legs always swing separately from all other muscle groups.

I will not give a set of exercises. Here for an amateur. Choose your set, just remember - for 1 muscle - 1 exercise. Do not do two, three or more exercises on the upper chest. I often see how many people suffer from this: they sip the barbell on the chest, then they take dumbbells and do the exercise on the same muscles, and then they go to the simulator and there are 5 more approaches. It's not necessary, yeah

Sports nutrition

Most likely you have a persistent stereotype that sports nutrition is bad. I still can't explain to some. They stupidly do not listen, do not hear and do not want to hear. I, they say, only for natural quality! Sportspit is not anabolics and steroids, from which all these troubles happen, like insufficiency, kidney failure and other things that scare us from the blue screens.

Protein is needed for muscle growth. In English - "protein". This protein is for sale. If you are gaining 2g of protein per kg of weight with regular food, you do not need protein. But personally, I would have to include an additional meal, and these are extra carbohydrates anyway. Protein allows you to get that lack of protein without any hassle.

You can safely put your dick on the rest of the sports nutrition. You don't need it.

Only when drying will most likely be needed: a fat burner and BCAAs (amino acids that give energy and allow you not to “burn” muscles).

List of materials on the topic

Vasily Ulyanov "3 weeks of killer workouts in the gym"- really cool video course, theory + video with exercises.
On this I recommend to stop at the initial stage. Materials on the topic - just a bunch. And the more you dig, the more you go deep, the more you get confused. Let us return again to the fact that the first year can be practiced according to any system. Just take some program into service, following the basics that I gave in the article, and you will grow. But then, when stagnation comes (weights do not grow, there are no results), then dig deeper, change the program, try, experiment.

But if you really want, then below is a list of suitable materials:
Denis Borisov "Bodybuilder's Catechism"- all the basics of bodybuilding in a small book.
Channel on YouTube Denis Borisov
Channel on YouTube YouGiftedBB

Now I want to work out on the book Supertraining by Mike Mentzer. When reading it, a template break may occur and many so-called. the pitching simply will not accept it, they will call it heresy. Therefore, I will not recommend immediately engaging in it - I have not tried it myself. But I highly recommend reading it.

A little bit of linking you know why

books for 2018

Timko Ilya- lord of all site and fitness trainer | more >>

Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999. Trained since 2007. CCM in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and the South of Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar Territory according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the championship of the Krasnodar Territory in t / a. Author of over 700 articles on fitness and amateur athleticism. Author and co-author of 5 books.

Place in : out of competition ()
Date of: 2014-03-13 Views: 691 381 Grade: 4.8

For what articles are given medals:

People often come to me with the question: “Help me compose my workouts.” I have a slightly negative attitude towards such amateur performances, but I understand that it was, is and will be. Since not everyone has money for a coach. And there are also people who basically want to do everything themselves. And there are gyms where there is simply not a single coach. Or there is not a single sensible coach (which is not such a rarity). In general, be that as it may, drawing up your own personal plan is quite within the power of any person who has at least a few months of training experience behind him. But if you are a complete beginner, then it will be much more difficult for you. After all, you don’t even know which muscles this or that exercise trains. Therefore, I recommend such people to use ready-made programs from this site. Well, for everyone else who wants to play the game of "your own coach", let's start slowly. And the first thing you should do:

I. Decide on the main goal of training

In total, training in the gym can pursue 5 main goals:

  • Increase in muscle mass and strength;
  • Slimming;
  • Strength increase (without change in body weight);
  • Relief (without changes in body weight);
  • Maintaining the achieved form.
In each of these areas, you can still highlight or focus on individual parts of the body. But these are already nuances. In general, you should choose for yourself only one goal. Since it will not be possible to pursue several goals at the same time (for example, reduce the legs and increase the arms). You will just chase a few hares and not catch one.

II. Decide on the number of workouts per week

The number of workouts is determined by your goal and your capabilities (availability of free time, money and effort). If you just want to keep fit, then 2 workouts per week is enough. If you want to increase mass and / or strength, then at least 3 workouts is desirable (although I know cases when people grew well with 2 workouts). Well, with weight loss or relief, there should be at least 3 workouts. And ideally 4 - 5. But be that as it may, people, as a rule, are forced to build on the availability of free time. Just don't fool yourself. Soberly assess your capabilities and estimate how often you can visit the gym. After all, if you make yourself a plan for 4 workouts a week, and you only go 2-3 times, then you will have to redo the plan again.

III. Determine the method of doing the exercises

Personally, I highlight 6 methods of doing exercises:

  • (suitable for growth in strength and / or mass);
  • (suitable for weight gain, weight loss and relief);
  • (suitable for weight loss);
  • (suitable for weight loss and relief).
Each method is suitable for one, 2 or even 3 purposes and absolutely not suitable for the rest. But at the same time, there are 2-3 suitable methods for each goal. Let's say you can lose weight with supersets, and using the circular method, and combined workouts. But to grow the mass either by a separate method, or by supersets. And for strength (without mass growth), only the separate method is suitable.

IV. Decide on a set of exercises

Write down all the exercises that you want to do in training. And it is better to immediately sort them into muscle groups. If you do not have enough experience, then this may cause problems due to elementary ignorance of anatomy and biomechanics. Well, as a hint, you can look at the article:. Or use the MENU - EXERCISES. Where they are already sorted by body parts. The number of exercises can vary greatly depending on your goals and the amount of training. Let's say if you train 2 times a week to keep fit with the combined method, then 10 basic exercises (5 per workout) will be enough for you. If you are actively losing weight with supersets of 5 workouts per week, then the number of exercises can be 40 or even more.

V. Scatter Workout Exercises

After you have written out all the exercises, you need to scatter them in training. How to scatter - depends on the goal. - 1 - 3 muscle groups per workout (depending on the number of workouts). Not more. That is, you do not need to try to pump all the muscles at every workout. As a hint, you can read:. weight loss- on the contrary, all muscles are trained in each workout a little. Here your task is to load the whole body and spend as much energy as possible. Relief- it is possible to separate by type, both when gaining mass, and by type, as when losing weight. It depends on the method of performing the workout, on the characteristics of your body and on the direction of your diet. Form support- well, there can be any option. Depending on how you achieved this form: through weight loss or through mass gain.

VI. Determine the order of the exercises

Next, you need to prescribe the order of the exercises, which also plays a big role. Especially when gaining mass. When losing weight - less, but still you should not neglect this stage. When gaining mass and/or strength- you can put exercises in a block of 2 - 3 exercises one after another for one muscle group. Or you can alternate muscles - antagonists (biceps - triceps, chest - back, etc.). In any case, at the end of the workout, you should score as much as possible exactly those muscles that you have outlined for today. weight loss- here the "block" is not needed and even harmful. You just need to alternate top - bottom. You can alternate antagonists. But, in any case, not a block. The load should jump from one muscle to another during the entire workout. Only in this way you can load the whole body. Relief- you can either block or alternate antagonist muscles. In some cases, alternating top-bottom is suitable. But this, in my opinion, is a bit inappropriate for the relief. - any option. Again, it depends on how you arrived at this form.

VII. Determine the number of sets and repetitions

A very important parameter. After all, it directly affects. The more weight and fewer repetitions, the lower the intensity of training and less. I usually distribute sets (including warm-ups) and reps like this: When gaining mass- 3 - 5 sets of 6 - 12 repetitions in basic exercises. And 3 - 4 sets of 10 - 15 repetitions in auxiliary exercises. With increasing strength- 4 - 5 sets of 2 - 6 repetitions in basic exercises. And 3 sets of 8 - 12 repetitions in auxiliary exercises. weight loss- 2 - 4 sets of 12 - 20 repetitions everywhere. Relief- 2 - 4 sets of 12 - 15 repetitions everywhere. Maintaining the achieved form- 3 - 4 approaches. The number of repetitions depends on your previous goal.

VIII. Plan to change the weight of the shells in training

Well, the last stage is to determine how your weights and the number of repetitions will change from workout to workout. In the case of maintaining shape, relief or weight loss, this is not so important (although it also matters). But if you want to increase muscle mass or strength, then this is a very important parameter. And here everything, alas, is so individual and unpredictable that in absentia I cannot advise anything concrete. Read articles: and. There you can understand the basic principles of how it's all done.


Yes, as you yourself saw, drawing up a training plan is a very difficult process with a bunch of nuances and various options. In my life I have compiled over 1000 training programs. Although this is a very approximate figure. But I never make a plan for a person until I personally train him for at least a month without a program. Only after 1 - 2 months I already know more or less exactly what is more suitable for this or that person. You, if you have trained for at least a few months, also have some idea of ​​​​what suits you best and what you want to do with your body next. Therefore, thoughtfully and in the order in which I just told you, draw up the following training program for yourself. Well, for those who do not want to bother, I can make an individual training program.